Programs & Examples On #Gem

A Gem refers to a bundled piece of code managed with RubyGems. Gem is also the name of the command line tool used to manage RubyGems.

Embed ruby within URL : Middleman Blog

<%= link_to "" + article_url(article, :text => article.title), :class => "btn btn-primary" do %>   <i class="fa fa-facebook">     Facebook Share    </i> <%end%> 

I am assuming that current_article_url is

Why won't bundler install JSON gem?

$ bundle update json
$ bundle install

Uninstall old versions of Ruby gems

Way to clean out any old versions of gems.

sudo gem cleanup

If you just want to see a list of what would be removed you can use:

sudo gem cleanup -d

You can also cleanup just a specific gem by specifying its name:

sudo gem cleanup gemname

for remove specific version like 1.1.9 only

gem uninstall gemname --version 1.1.9

If you still facing some exception to install gem, like:

invalid gem: package is corrupt, exception while verifying: undefined method `size' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) in /home/rails/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1@project/cache/nokogiri-

the, you can remove it from cache:

rm /home/rails/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1@project/cache/nokogiri-

For more detail:

Installing PG gem on OS X - failure to build native extension

I spent a day on this and here's how I got it fixed:

I found that global value of was set to: /opt/local/lib/postgresql91/bin/pg_config and that was not where postgres was installed.

I fixed it with replacing the value of to: bundle config --with-pg-config=/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.4.4/bin/pg_config which is where my postgresql installation is.

How to install a specific version of a ruby gem?

for Ruby 1.9+ use colon.

gem install sinatra:1.4.4 prawn:0.13.0

How to upgrade rubygems

For me it sufficed to simply run

gem update

Could not locate Gemfile

Is very simple. when it says 'Could not locate Gemfile' it means in the folder you are currently in or a directory you are in, there is No a file named GemFile. Therefore in your command prompt give an explicit or full path of the there folder where such file name "Gemfile" is e.g cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\RubyProject\demo.

It will definitely be solved in a minute.

"Could not find a valid gem in any repository" (rubygame and others)

You don't have an Internet connection to

This happens sometimes if the site is down or blocked.

This command can show you if your connection has a way to reach


Unable to install gem - Failed to build gem native extension - cannot load such file -- mkmf (LoadError)

  1. Make sure ruby-dev is installed
  2. Make sure make is installed
  3. If you still get the error, look for suggested packages. If you are trying to install something like gem install pg you will also need to install the lib libpq-dev (sudo apt-get install libpq-dev).

Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files, git stash doesn't work. Don't want to commit

git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/master
git pull


  • Fetch will download everything from another repository, in this case, the one marked as "origin".
  • Reset will discard changes and revert to the mentioned branch, "master" in repository "origin".
  • Pull will just get everything from a remote repository and integrate.

See documentation at

Free Rest API to retrieve current datetime as string (timezone irrelevant)

If you're using Rails, you can just make an empty file in the public folder and use ajax to get that. Then parse the headers for the Date header. Files in the Public folder bypass the Rails stack, and so have lower latency.

How do you convert a JavaScript date to UTC?

date = '2012-07-28'; stringdate = new Date(date).toISOString();

ought to work in most newer browsers. it returns 2012-07-28T00:00:00.000Z on Firefox 6.0

Flask-SQLalchemy update a row's information

Retrieve an object using the tutorial shown in the Flask-SQLAlchemy documentation. Once you have the entity that you want to change, change the entity itself. Then, db.session.commit().

For example:

admin = User.query.filter_by(username='admin').first() = '[email protected]'

user = User.query.get(5) = 'New Name'

Flask-SQLAlchemy is based on SQLAlchemy, so be sure to check out the SQLAlchemy Docs as well.

how to delete default values in text field using selenium?

clear() didn't work for me. But this did:

input.sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL, Keys.chord("a")); //select all text in textbox
input.sendKeys(Keys.BACK_SPACE); //delete it
input.sendKeys("new text"); //enter new text

Add space between two particular <td>s

td:nth-of-type(n) { padding-right: 10px;}

it will adjust auto space between all td

OPENSSL file_get_contents(): Failed to enable crypto

Had same problem - it was somewhere in the ca certificate, so I used the ca bundle used for curl, and it worked. You can download the curl ca bundle here:

For encryption and security issues see this helpful article:

Here is the example:

    $url = '';
    $cn_match = '';

    $data = array (     
        'apikey' => '[example api key here]',               
        'limit' => intval($limit),
        'offset' => intval($offset)

    // use key 'http' even if you send the request to https://...
    $options = array(
        'http' => array(
            'header'  => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
            'method'  => 'POST',                
            'content' => http_build_query($data)                
        , 'ssl' => array(
            'verify_peer' => true,
            'cafile' => [path to file] . "cacert.pem",
            'ciphers' => 'HIGH:TLSv1.2:TLSv1.1:TLSv1.0:!SSLv3:!SSLv2',
            'CN_match' => $cn_match,
            'disable_compression' => true,

    $context  = stream_context_create($options);
    $response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);

Hope that helps

Flutter - Wrap text on overflow, like insert ellipsis or fade

I think the parent Container needs to be given a maxWidth of the proper size. It looks like the Text box will fill whatever space it is given above.

How can I use tabs for indentation in IntelliJ IDEA?

My Intellij version is 13.4.1

Intellij IDEA->Perference->Code Style(Project Setting)

Iterating over JSON object in C#

dynamic dynJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
foreach (var item in dynJson)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}\n",, item.displayName, 
        item.slug, item.imageUrl);


var list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<MyItem>>(json);

public class MyItem
    public string id;
    public string displayName;
    public string name;
    public string slug;
    public string imageUrl;

execute shell command from android

You should grab the standard input of the su process just launched and write down the command there, otherwise you are running the commands with the current UID.

Try something like this:

    Process su = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
    DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(su.getOutputStream());

    outputStream.writeBytes("screenrecord --time-limit 10 /sdcard/MyVideo.mp4\n");

}catch(IOException e){
    throw new Exception(e);
}catch(InterruptedException e){
    throw new Exception(e);

jQuery.getJSON - Access-Control-Allow-Origin Issue

It's simple, use $.getJSON() function and in your URL just include


as a parameter. That will convert the call to JSONP which is necessary to make cross-domain calls. More info:

Axios Delete request with body and headers?

I tried all of the above which did not work for me. I ended up just going with PUT (inspiration found here) and just changed my server side logic to perform a delete on this url call. (django rest framework function override).


.put(``, bayst)
      .then((response) =>
      .catch((error) => { throw; });

Appending items to a list of lists in python

import csv
cols = [' V1', ' I1'] # define your columns here, check the spaces!
data = [[] for col in cols] # this creates a list of **different** lists, not a list of pointers to the same list like you did in [[]]*len(positions) 
with open('data.csv', 'r') as f:
    for rec in csv.DictReader(f):
        for l, col in zip(data, cols):
print data

# [[3.0, 3.0], [0.01, 0.01]]

Token based authentication in Web API without any user interface

I think there is some confusion about the difference between MVC and Web Api. In short, for MVC you can use a login form and create a session using cookies. For Web Api there is no session. That's why you want to use the token.

You do not need a login form. The Token endpoint is all you need. Like Win described you'll send the credentials to the token endpoint where it is handled.

Here's some client side C# code to get a token:

    //using System;
    //using System.Collections.Generic;
    //using System.Net;
    //using System.Net.Http;
    //string token = GetToken("https://localhost:<port>/", userName, password);

    static string GetToken(string url, string userName, string password) {
        var pairs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
                        new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "grant_type", "password" ), 
                        new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "username", userName ), 
                        new KeyValuePair<string, string> ( "Password", password )
        var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(pairs);
        ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;
        using (var client = new HttpClient()) {
            var response = client.PostAsync(url + "Token", content).Result;
            return response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

In order to use the token add it to the header of the request:

    //using System;
    //using System.Collections.Generic;
    //using System.Net;
    //using System.Net.Http;
    //var result = CallApi("https://localhost:<port>/something", token);

    static string CallApi(string url, string token) {
        ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;
        using (var client = new HttpClient()) {
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token)) {
                var t = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Token>(token);

                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + t.access_token);
            var response = client.GetAsync(url).Result;
            return response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

Where Token is:

//using Newtonsoft.Json;

class Token
    public string access_token { get; set; }
    public string token_type { get; set; }
    public int expires_in { get; set; }
    public string userName { get; set; }
    public string issued { get; set; }
    public string expires { get; set; }

Now for the server side:

In Startup.Auth.cs

        var oAuthOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions
            TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/Token"),
            Provider = new ApplicationOAuthProvider("self"),
            AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(14),
            // https
            AllowInsecureHttp = false
        // Enable the application to use bearer tokens to authenticate users

And in ApplicationOAuthProvider.cs the code that actually grants or denies access:

//using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin;
//using Microsoft.Owin.Security;
//using Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth;
//using System;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Security.Claims;
//using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class ApplicationOAuthProvider : OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider
    private readonly string _publicClientId;

    public ApplicationOAuthProvider(string publicClientId)
        if (publicClientId == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("publicClientId");

        _publicClientId = publicClientId;

    public override async Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
        var userManager = context.OwinContext.GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();

        var user = await userManager.FindAsync(context.UserName, context.Password);
        if (user == null)
            context.SetError("invalid_grant", "The user name or password is incorrect.");

        ClaimsIdentity oAuthIdentity = await user.GenerateUserIdentityAsync(userManager);
        var propertyDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "userName", user.UserName } };
        var properties = new AuthenticationProperties(propertyDictionary);

        AuthenticationTicket ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(oAuthIdentity, properties);
        // Token is validated.

    public override Task TokenEndpoint(OAuthTokenEndpointContext context)
        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> property in context.Properties.Dictionary)
            context.AdditionalResponseParameters.Add(property.Key, property.Value);
        return Task.FromResult<object>(null);

    public override Task ValidateClientAuthentication(OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext context)
        // Resource owner password credentials does not provide a client ID.
        if (context.ClientId == null)

        return Task.FromResult<object>(null);

    public override Task ValidateClientRedirectUri(OAuthValidateClientRedirectUriContext context)
        if (context.ClientId == _publicClientId)
            var expectedRootUri = new Uri(context.Request.Uri, "/");

            if (expectedRootUri.AbsoluteUri == context.RedirectUri)
        return Task.FromResult<object>(null);


As you can see there is no controller involved in retrieving the token. In fact, you can remove all MVC references if you want a Web Api only. I have simplified the server side code to make it more readable. You can add code to upgrade the security.

Make sure you use SSL only. Implement the RequireHttpsAttribute to force this.

You can use the Authorize / AllowAnonymous attributes to secure your Web Api. Additionally you can add filters (like RequireHttpsAttribute) to make your Web Api more secure. I hope this helps.

VirtualBox error "Failed to open a session for the virtual machine"

For windows users ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

I had the same issue, and this trick works for me

  1. Goto control panel
  2. Open Uninstall program
  3. Click on turn windows features on or off
  4. Scroll down and find the hyper-V folder.
  5. Uncheck the Hyper-V.
  6. Apply changes and restart your system.
  7. Now here you go... Open your virtual box and start the os you want.

Hope this helps..

Cloudfront custom-origin distribution returns 502 "ERROR The request could not be satisfied." for some URLs

In my case, I use nginx as reverse-proxy for an API Gateway URL. I got same error.

I resolved the issue when I added the following two lines to the Nginx config:

proxy_set_header Host "";
proxy_ssl_server_name on;

Source is here: Setting up proxy_pass on nginx to make API calls to API Gateway

Bootstrap 3 hidden-xs makes row narrower

.row {
    margin-right: 15px;

throw this in your CSS

Can I get div's background-image url?

I have slightly improved answer, which handles extended CSS definitions like:

background-image: url(, -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgb(81, 127, 164), rgb(48, 96, 136))

JavaScript code:

var bg = $("div").css("background-image")
bg = bg.replace(/.*\s?url\([\'\"]?/, '').replace(/[\'\"]?\).*/, '')


"" Connection refused

I had same problem and the problem was that I was not closing socket object.After using socket.close(); problem solved. This code works for me.

public class ClientDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException,
            IOException {
        Socket socket = new Socket("", 55286);
        OutputStreamWriter os = new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream());
        os.write("Santosh Karna");


public class ServerDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        System.out.println("server is started");
        ServerSocket serverSocket= new ServerSocket(55286);
        System.out.println("server is waiting");
        Socket socket=serverSocket.accept();
        System.out.println("Client connected");
        BufferedReader reader=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
        String str=reader.readLine();
        System.out.println("Client data: "+str);


Going through a text file line by line in C

To read a line from a file, you should use the fgets function: It reads a string from the specified file up to either a newline character or EOF.

The use of sscanf in your code would not work at all, as you use filename as your format string for reading from line into a constant string literal %s.

The reason for SEGV is that you write into the non-allocated memory pointed to by line.

Reminder - \r\n or \n\r?

If you are using C# you should use Environment.NewLine, which accordingly to MSDN it is:

A string containing "\r\n" for non-Unix platforms, or a string containing "\n" for Unix platforms.

Xcode is not currently available from the Software Update server

I just got the same error after I upgraded to 10.14 Mojave and had to reinstall command line tools (I don't use the full Xcode IDE and wanted command line tools a la carte).

My xcode-select -p path was right, per Basav's answer, so that wasn't the issue.

I also ran sudo softwareupdate --clear-catalog per Lambda W's answer and that reset to Apple Production, but did not make a difference.

What worked was User 92's answer to visit

From there I was able to download a .dmg file that had a GUI installer wizard for command line tools :)

I installed that, then I restarted terminal and everything was back to normal.

Check whether variable is number or string in JavaScript

XOR operation can be used to detect number or string. number ^ 0 will always give the number as output and string ^ 0 will give 0 as output.

   1)  2 ^ 0 = 2
   2)  '2' ^ 0  = 2
   3)  'Str' ^ 0 = 0

best way to create object

Or you can use a data file to put many person objects in to a list or array. You do need to use the System.IO for this. And you need a data file which contains all the information about the objects.

A method for it would look something like this:

static void ReadFile()
    using(StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(@"Data.csv"))
        string line = null;
        line = reader.ReadLine();
        while(null!= (line = reader.ReadLine())
                    string[] values = line.Split(',');
                    string name = values[0];
                    int age = int.Parse(values[1]);
        Person person = new Person(name, age);

is there a function in lodash to replace matched item

If the insertion point of the new object does not need to match the previous object's index then the simplest way to do this with lodash is by using _.reject and then pushing new values in to the array:

var arr = [
  { id: 1, name: "Person 1" }, 
  { id: 2, name: "Person 2" }

arr = _.reject(arr, { id: 1 });
arr.push({ id: 1, name: "New Val" });

// result will be: [{ id: 2, name: "Person 2" }, { id: 1, name: "New Val" }]

If you have multiple values that you want to replace in one pass, you can do the following (written in non-ES6 format):

var arr = [
  { id: 1, name: "Person 1" }, 
  { id: 2, name: "Person 2" }, 
  { id: 3, name: "Person 3" }

idsToReplace = [2, 3];
arr = _.reject(arr, function(o) { return idsToReplace.indexOf( > -1; });
arr.push({ id: 3, name: "New Person 3" });
arr.push({ id: 2, name: "New Person 2" });

// result will be: [{ id: 1, name: "Person 1" }, { id: 3, name: "New Person 3" }, { id: 2, name: "New Person 2" }]

How to concatenate characters in java?



String s = char1+""+char2+char3;

How to Use Multiple Columns in Partition By And Ensure No Duplicate Row is Returned

I'd create a cte and do an inner join. It's not efficient but it's convenient

with table as (

select *

from table t
join select(
max(Row_Num) as Row_Num
from table 
group by date, status, title) t2  
on t2.Row_Num = t.Row_Num and t2
and =
and t2.title = t.title

What is the Python equivalent of Matlab's tic and toc functions?

The absolute best analog of tic and toc would be to simply define them in python.

def tic():
    #Homemade version of matlab tic and toc functions
    import time
    global startTime_for_tictoc
    startTime_for_tictoc = time.time()

def toc():
    import time
    if 'startTime_for_tictoc' in globals():
        print "Elapsed time is " + str(time.time() - startTime_for_tictoc) + " seconds."
        print "Toc: start time not set"

Then you can use them as:

# do stuff

Is there a difference between x++ and ++x in java?

There is a huge difference.

As most of the answers have already pointed out the theory, I would like to point out an easy example:

int x = 1;
//would print 1 as first statement will x = x and then x will increase
int x = x++;

Now let's see ++x:

int x = 1;
//would print 2 as first statement will increment x and then x will be stored
int x = ++x;

Named capturing groups in JavaScript regex?

You can use XRegExp, an augmented, extensible, cross-browser implementation of regular expressions, including support for additional syntax, flags, and methods:

  • Adds new regex and replacement text syntax, including comprehensive support for named capture.
  • Adds two new regex flags: s, to make dot match all characters (aka dotall or singleline mode), and x, for free-spacing and comments (aka extended mode).
  • Provides a suite of functions and methods that make complex regex processing a breeze.
  • Automagically fixes the most commonly encountered cross-browser inconsistencies in regex behavior and syntax.
  • Lets you easily create and use plugins that add new syntax and flags to XRegExp's regular expression language.

JavaScript query string

Function I wrote for a requirement similar to this with pure javascript string manipulation


function queryize(sampleurl){
    var tokens = url.split('?')[1].split('&');
    var result = {};

    for(var i=0; i<tokens.length; i++){
        result[tokens[i].split('=')[0]] = tokens[i].split('=')[1];

    return result;


queryize(window.location.href)['Name'] //returns John
queryize(window.location.href)['Age'] //returns 20
queryize(window.location.href)['Gender'] //returns Male

Multiline TextBox multiple newline

You need to set the textbox to be multiline, this can be done two ways:

In the control:

<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="MyBox" TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="10" />

Code Behind:

MyBox.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
MyBox.Rows = 10;

This will render as a <textarea>

Align items in a stack panel?

Yo can set FlowDirection of Stack panel to RightToLeft, and then all items will be aligned to the right side.

How to delete SQLite database from Android programmatically

It's easy just type from your shell:

adb shell
cd /data/data
cd <>
cd databases
su rm <your db name>.db

iPhone is not available. Please reconnect the device

If you are on iOS 13.5 and Xcode 11.5, removing the device and adding it again fixed it for me.

Why are my PowerShell scripts not running?

You need to run Set-ExecutionPolicy:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted <-- Will not allow any powershell scripts to run.  Only individual commands may be run.

Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned <-- Will allow signed powershell scripts to run.

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned <-- Allows unsigned local script and signed remote powershell scripts to run.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted <-- Will allow unsigned powershell scripts to run.  Warns before running downloaded scripts.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass <-- Nothing is blocked and there are no warnings or prompts.

How to set default values in Rails?

If you are referring to ActiveRecord objects, you have (more than) two ways of doing this:

1. Use a :default parameter in the DB


class AddSsl < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    add_column :accounts, :ssl_enabled, :boolean, :default => true

  def self.down
    remove_column :accounts, :ssl_enabled

More info here:

2. Use a callback

E.G. before_validation_on_create

More info here:

how to use a like with a join in sql?

If this is something you'll need to do often...then you may want to denormalize the relationship between tables A and B.

For example, on insert to table B, you could write zero or more entries to a juncion table mapping B to A based on partial mapping. Similarly, changes to either table could update this association.

This all depends on how frequently tables A and B are modified. If they are fairly static, then taking a hit on INSERT is less painful then repeated hits on SELECT.

How to check if a String contains only ASCII?

It was possible. Pretty problem.

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;

public class EncodingTest {

    static CharsetEncoder asciiEncoder = Charset.forName("US-ASCII")

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String testStr = "¤EÀsÆW°ê»Ú®i¶T¤¤¤ß3¼Ó®i¶TÆU2~~KITEC 3/F Rotunda 2";
        String[] strArr = testStr.split("~~", 2);
        int count = 0;
        boolean encodeFlag = false;

        do {
            encodeFlag = asciiEncoderTest(strArr[count]);
        } while (count < strArr.length);

    public static boolean asciiEncoderTest(String test) {
        boolean encodeFlag = false;
        try {
            encodeFlag = asciiEncoder.canEncode(new String(test
                    .getBytes("ISO8859_1"), "BIG5"));
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        return encodeFlag;

Checking if a variable exists in javascript

If you want to check if a variable (say v) has been defined and is not null:

if (typeof v !== 'undefined' && v !== null) {
    // Do some operation  

If you want to check for all falsy values such as: undefined, null, '', 0, false:

if (v) {
   // Do some operation

How to dynamically create CSS class in JavaScript and apply?

function createCSSClass(selector, style, hoverstyle) 
    if (!document.styleSheets) 

    if (document.getElementsByTagName("head").length == 0) 

    var stylesheet;
    var mediaType;
    if (document.styleSheets.length > 0) 
        for (i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) 
            if (document.styleSheets[i].disabled) 
            var media = document.styleSheets[i].media;
            mediaType = typeof media;

            if (mediaType == "string") 
                if (media == "" || (media.indexOf("screen") != -1)) 
                    styleSheet = document.styleSheets[i];
            else if (mediaType == "object") 
                if (media.mediaText == "" || (media.mediaText.indexOf("screen") != -1)) 
                    styleSheet = document.styleSheets[i];

            if (typeof styleSheet != "undefined") 

    if (typeof styleSheet == "undefined") {
        var styleSheetElement = document.createElement("style");
        styleSheetElement.type = "text/css";
        for (i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
            if (document.styleSheets[i].disabled) {
            styleSheet = document.styleSheets[i];

        var media =;
        mediaType = typeof media;

    if (mediaType == "string") {
        for (i = 0; i < styleSheet.rules.length; i++) 
            if (styleSheet.rules[i].selectorText.toLowerCase() == selector.toLowerCase()) 
                styleSheet.rules[i].style.cssText = style;

        styleSheet.addRule(selector, style);
    else if (mediaType == "object") 
        for (i = 0; i < styleSheet.cssRules.length; i++) 
            if (styleSheet.cssRules[i].selectorText.toLowerCase() == selector.toLowerCase()) 
                styleSheet.cssRules[i].style.cssText = style;

        if (hoverstyle != null) 
            styleSheet.insertRule(selector + "{" + style + "}", 0);
            styleSheet.insertRule(selector + ":hover{" + hoverstyle + "}", 1);
            styleSheet.insertRule(selector + "{" + style + "}", 0);

createCSSClass(".modalPopup  .header",
                                 " background-color: " + lightest + ";" +
                                  "height: 10%;" +
                                  "color: White;" +
                                  "line-height: 30px;" +
                                  "text-align: center;" +
                                  " width: 100%;" +
                                  "font-weight: bold; ", null);

drop down list value in

Say you have a drop down called ddlMonths:

ddlMonths.Items.Insert(0,new ListItem("Select a month","-1");

The opposite of Intersect()

I'm not 100% sure what your NonIntersect method is supposed to do (regarding set theory) - is it
B \ A (everything from B that does not occur in A)?
If yes, then you should be able to use the Except operation (B.Except(A)).

How to make Firefox headless programmatically in Selenium with Python?

To the OP or anyone currently interested, here's the section of code that's worked for me with firefox currently:

opt = webdriver.FirefoxOptions()
ffox_driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path='\path\to\geckodriver', options=opt)

WARNING: Can't verify CSRF token authenticity rails

The top voted answers here are correct but will not work if you are performing cross-domain requests because the session will not be available unless you explicitly tell jQuery to pass the session cookie. Here's how to do that:

  url: url,
  type: 'POST',
  beforeSend: function(xhr) {
    xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content'))
  xhrFields: {
    withCredentials: true

How to obtain image size using standard Python class (without using external library)?

Here's a python 3 script that returns a tuple containing an image height and width for .png, .gif and .jpeg without using any external libraries (ie what Kurt McKee referenced above). Should be relatively easy to transfer it to Python 2.

import struct
import imghdr

def get_image_size(fname):
    '''Determine the image type of fhandle and return its size.
    from draco'''
    with open(fname, 'rb') as fhandle:
        head =
        if len(head) != 24:
        if imghdr.what(fname) == 'png':
            check = struct.unpack('>i', head[4:8])[0]
            if check != 0x0d0a1a0a:
            width, height = struct.unpack('>ii', head[16:24])
        elif imghdr.what(fname) == 'gif':
            width, height = struct.unpack('<HH', head[6:10])
        elif imghdr.what(fname) == 'jpeg':
       # Read 0xff next
                size = 2
                ftype = 0
                while not 0xc0 <= ftype <= 0xcf:
          , 1)
                    byte =
                    while ord(byte) == 0xff:
                        byte =
                    ftype = ord(byte)
                    size = struct.unpack('>H',[0] - 2
                # We are at a SOFn block
      , 1)  # Skip `precision' byte.
                height, width = struct.unpack('>HH',
            except Exception: #IGNORE:W0703
        return width, height

Validating parameters to a Bash script

You can validate point a and b compactly by doing something like the following:

MYVAL=$(echo ${1} | awk '/^[0-9]+$/')
MYVAL=${MYVAL:?"Usage - testparms <number>"}
echo ${MYVAL}

Which gives us ...

$ ./ 
Usage - testparms <number>

$ ./ 1234

$ ./ abcd
Usage - testparms <number>

This method should work fine in sh.

Get all Attributes from a HTML element with Javascript/jQuery


var element = $("span[name='test']");
$(element[0].attributes).each(function() {

How to redirect stderr and stdout to different files in the same line in script?

Multiple commands' output can be redirected. This works for either the command line or most usefully in a bash script. The -s directs the password prompt to the screen.

Hereblock cmds stdout/stderr are sent to seperate files and nothing to display.

sudo -s -u username <<'EOF' 2>err 1>out
ls; pwd;

Hereblock cmds stdout/stderr are sent to a single file and display.

sudo -s -u username <<'EOF' 2>&1 | tee out
ls; pwd;

Hereblock cmds stdout/stderr are sent to separate files and stdout to display.

sudo -s -u username <<'EOF' 2>err | tee out
ls; pwd;

Depending on who you are(whoami) and username a password may or may not be required.

Site does not exist error for a2ensite

In my case with Ubuntu 14.04.3 and Apache 2.4.7, the problem was that I copied site1.conf to make site2.conf available, and by copying, something happend and I could not a2ensite site2.conf with the error described in thread.

The solution for me, was to rename site2.conf to site2 and then again rename site2 to site2.conf. After that I was able to a2ensite site2.conf.

Update a column value, replacing part of a string

Try using the REPLACE function:

mysql> SELECT REPLACE('', 'w', 'Ww');
        -> ''

Note that it is case sensitive.

Spark - repartition() vs coalesce()

Justin's answer is awesome and this response goes into more depth.

The repartition algorithm does a full shuffle and creates new partitions with data that's distributed evenly. Let's create a DataFrame with the numbers from 1 to 12.

val x = (1 to 12).toList
val numbersDf = x.toDF("number")

numbersDf contains 4 partitions on my machine.

numbersDf.rdd.partitions.size // => 4

Here is how the data is divided on the partitions:

Partition 00000: 1, 2, 3
Partition 00001: 4, 5, 6
Partition 00002: 7, 8, 9
Partition 00003: 10, 11, 12

Let's do a full-shuffle with the repartition method and get this data on two nodes.

val numbersDfR = numbersDf.repartition(2)

Here is how the numbersDfR data is partitioned on my machine:

Partition A: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12
Partition B: 2, 5, 8, 11

The repartition method makes new partitions and evenly distributes the data in the new partitions (the data distribution is more even for larger data sets).

Difference between coalesce and repartition

coalesce uses existing partitions to minimize the amount of data that's shuffled. repartition creates new partitions and does a full shuffle. coalesce results in partitions with different amounts of data (sometimes partitions that have much different sizes) and repartition results in roughly equal sized partitions.

Is coalesce or repartition faster?

coalesce may run faster than repartition, but unequal sized partitions are generally slower to work with than equal sized partitions. You'll usually need to repartition datasets after filtering a large data set. I've found repartition to be faster overall because Spark is built to work with equal sized partitions.

N.B. I've curiously observed that repartition can increase the size of data on disk. Make sure to run tests when you're using repartition / coalesce on large datasets.

Read this blog post if you'd like even more details.

When you'll use coalesce & repartition in practice

Regular Expression with wildcards to match any character

The following should work:

ABC: *\([a-zA-Z]+\) *(.+)


ABC:            # match literal characters 'ABC:'
 *              # zero or more spaces
\([a-zA-Z]+\)   # one or more letters inside of parentheses
 *              # zero or more spaces
(.+)            # capture one or more of any character (except newlines)

To get your desired grouping based on the comments below, you can use the following:

(ABC:) *(\([a-zA-Z]+\).+)

How to get file_get_contents() to work with HTTPS?

use the following code:

$homepage = file_get_contents("",false,
                                'ssl'  => [
                                    'verify_peer'      => false,
                                    'verify_peer_name' => false,
 echo $homepage;

Understanding INADDR_ANY for socket programming

To bind socket with localhost, before you invoke the bind function, sin_addr.s_addr field of the sockaddr_in structure should be set properly. The proper value can be obtained either by

my_sockaddress.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("")

or by


load external URL into modal jquery ui dialog

I did it this way, where 'struts2ActionName' is the struts2 action in my case. You may use any url instead.

var urlAdditionCert =${pageContext.request.contextPath}/struts2ActionName";
$("#dialogId").load( urlAdditionCert).dialog({
    modal: true,
    height: $("#body").height(),
    width: $("#body").width()*.8

Limit length of characters in a regular expression?


This expression takes the number of length 2,4 and 5. Valid Inputs are 12 1234 12345

how to make jni.h be found?

Use the following code:

make -I/usr/lib/jvm/jdk*/include

where jdk* is the directory name of your jdk installation (e.g. jdk1.7.0).

And there wouldn't be a system-wide solution since the directory name would be different with different builds of JDK downloaded and installed. If you desire an automated solution, please include all commands in a single script and run the said script in Terminal.

Read file As String

You can use is, Charset chs) to do that.


IOUtils.toString(context.getResources().openRawResource(<your_resource_id>), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)

For adding the correct library:

Add the following to your app/build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    compile ''

or for the Maven repo see -> this link

For direct jar download see->

Connect different Windows User in SQL Server Management Studio (2005 or later)

A bit of powershell magic will do the trick:

cmdkey /add:"SERVER:1433" /user:"DOMAIN\USERNAME" /pass:"PASSWORD"

Then just select windows authentication

When is the finalize() method called in Java?

Since there is an uncertainity in calling of finalize() method by JVM (not sure whether finalize() which is overridden would be executed or not), for study purposes the better way to observe what happens when finalize() is called, is to force the JVM to call garbage collection by command System.gc().

Specifically, finalize() is called when an object is no longer in use. But when we try to call it by creating new objects there is no certainty of its call. So for certainty we create a null object c which obviously has no future use, hence we see the object c's finalize call.


class Car {

    int maxspeed;

    Car() {
        maxspeed = 70;

    protected void finalize() {

    // Originally finalize method does nothing, but here we override finalize() saying it to print some stmt
    // Calling of finalize is uncertain. Difficult to observe so we force JVM to call it by System.gc(); GarbageCollection

        System.out.println("Called finalize method in class Car...");

class Bike {

    int maxspeed;

    Bike() {
        maxspeed = 50;

    protected void finalize() {
        System.out.println("Called finalize method in class Bike...");

class Example {

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Car c = new Car();
        c = null;    // if c weren`t null JVM wouldn't be certain it's cleared or not, null means has no future use or no longer in use hence clears it
        Bike b = new Bike();
        System.gc();    // should clear c, but not b
        for (b.maxspeed = 1; b.maxspeed <= 70; b.maxspeed++) {
            System.out.print("\t" + b.maxspeed);
            if (b.maxspeed > 50) {
                System.out.println("Over Speed. Pls slow down.");


    Called finalize method in class Car...
            1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9
    10      11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19
    20      21      22      23      24      25      26      27      28      29
    30      31      32      33      34      35      36      37      38      39
    40      41      42      43      44      45      46      47      48      49
    50      51Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            52Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            53Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            54Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            55Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            56Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            57Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            58Over Speed. Pls slow down. 
            59Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            60Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            61Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            62Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            63Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            64Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            65Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            66Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            67Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            68Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            69Over Speed. Pls slow down.
            70Over Speed. Pls slow down.

Note - Even after printing upto 70 and after which object b is not being used in the program, there is uncertainty that b is cleared or not by JVM since "Called finalize method in class Bike..." is not printed.

Convert HTML to NSAttributedString in iOS

The above solution is correct.

[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithData:[htmlString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] 
                                 options:@{NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType,
                                           NSCharacterEncodingDocumentAttribute: @(NSUTF8StringEncoding)} 
                      documentAttributes:nil error:nil];

But the app wioll crash if you are running it on ios 8.1,2 or 3.

To avoid the crash what you can do is : run this in a queue. So that it always be on main thread.

Best way to write to the console in PowerShell

The middle one writes to the pipeline. Write-Host and Out-Host writes to the console. 'echo' is an alias for Write-Output which writes to the pipeline as well. The best way to write to the console would be using the Write-Host cmdlet.

When an object is written to the pipeline it can be consumed by other commands in the chain. For example:

"hello world" | Do-Something

but this won't work since Write-Host writes to the console, not to the pipeline (Do-Something will not get the string):

Write-Host "hello world" | Do-Something

Cleanest way to build an SQL string in Java

One technology you should consider is SQLJ - a way to embed SQL statements directly in Java. As a simple example, you might have the following in a file called TestQueries.sqlj:

public class TestQueries
    public String getUsername(int id)
        String username;
            select username into :username
            from users
            where pkey = :id
        return username;

There is an additional precompile step which takes your .sqlj files and translates them into pure Java - in short, it looks for the special blocks delimited with


and turns them into JDBC calls. There are several key benefits to using SQLJ:

  • completely abstracts away the JDBC layer - programmers only need to think about Java and SQL
  • the translator can be made to check your queries for syntax etc. against the database at compile time
  • ability to directly bind Java variables in queries using the ":" prefix

There are implementations of the translator around for most of the major database vendors, so you should be able to find everything you need easily.

Install GD library and freetype on Linux

Things are pretty much simpler unless they are made confusing.

To Install GD library in Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install php5-gd

To Install Freetype in Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev:i386

Create comma separated strings C#?

If you're using .Net 4 you can use the overload for string.Join that takes an IEnumerable if you have them in a List, too:

string.Join(", ", strings);

How to import Swagger APIs into Postman?

You can do that: Postman -> Import -> Link -> {root_url}/v2/api-docs

How to pass a file path which is in assets folder to File(String path)?

AFAIK, you can't create a File from an assets file because these are stored in the apk, that means there is no path to an assets folder.

But, you can try to create that File using a buffer and the AssetManager (it provides access to an application's raw asset files).

Try to do something like:

AssetManager am = getAssets();
InputStream inputStream ="myfoldername/myfilename");
File file = createFileFromInputStream(inputStream);

private File createFileFromInputStream(InputStream inputStream) {

      File f = new File(my_file_name);
      OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(f);
      byte buffer[] = new byte[1024];
      int length = 0;

      while(( > 0) {


      return f;
   }catch (IOException e) {
         //Logging exception

   return null;

Let me know about your progress.

ALTER TABLE on dependent column

If your constraint is on a user type, then don't forget to see if there is a Default Constraint, usually something like DF__TableName__ColumnName__6BAEFA67, if so then you will need to drop the Default Constraint, like this:

ALTER TABLE TableName DROP CONSTRAINT [DF__TableName__ColumnName__6BAEFA67]

For more info see the comments by the brilliant Aaron Bertrand on this answer.

How to overload __init__ method based on argument type?

OK, great. I just tossed together this example with a tuple, not a filename, but that's easy. Thanks all.

class MyData:
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.myList = []
        if isinstance(data, tuple):
            for i in data:
            self.myList = data

    def GetData(self):
        print self.myList

a = [1,2]

b = (2,3)

c = MyData(a)

d = MyData(b)



[1, 2]

[2, 3]

How to change the default background color white to something else in twitter bootstrap

Add your own .css file & put in it:

    background: navy;

Important: While including css files in html, first include the cdn bootstrap css, then only include your own .css file. This way stylings in your own css file overrides the default behaviour from bootstrap css.

Free c# QR-Code generator

Take a look QRCoder - pure C# open source QR code generator. Can be used in three lines of code

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeGenerator.QRCode qrCode = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(textBoxQRCode.Text, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
pictureBoxQRCode.BackgroundImage = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

C# function to return array

You should return the variable withouth the brackets

Return Labels

Python Serial: How to use the read or readline function to read more than 1 character at a time

I use this small method to read Arduino serial monitor with Python

import serial
ser = serial.Serial("COM11", 9600)
while True:

How can I make SQL case sensitive string comparison on MySQL?

The default character set and collation are latin1 and latin1_swedish_ci, so nonbinary string comparisons are case insensitive by default. This means that if you search with col_name LIKE 'a%', you get all column values that start with A or a. To make this search case sensitive, make sure that one of the operands has a case sensitive or binary collation. For example, if you are comparing a column and a string that both have the latin1 character set, you can use the COLLATE operator to cause either operand to have the latin1_general_cs or latin1_bin collation:

col_name COLLATE latin1_general_cs LIKE 'a%'
col_name LIKE 'a%' COLLATE latin1_general_cs
col_name COLLATE latin1_bin LIKE 'a%'
col_name LIKE 'a%' COLLATE latin1_bin

If you want a column always to be treated in case-sensitive fashion, declare it with a case sensitive or binary collation.

psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"

I found that I had to install an identity server, that listens on port 113.

sudo apt-get install pidentd
sudo service postgresql restart

And then ident worked.

Javascript - How to extract filename from a file input control

Very simple

let file = $("#fileupload")[0].files[0];

Check if a number is odd or even in python

It shouldn't matter if the word has an even or odd amount fo letters:

def is_palindrome(word):
    if word == word[::-1]:
        return True
        return False

Why do you need ./ (dot-slash) before executable or script name to run it in bash?

Rationale for the / POSIX PATH rule

The rule was mentioned at: Why do you need ./ (dot-slash) before executable or script name to run it in bash? but I would like to explain why I think that is a good design in more detail.

First, an explicit full version of the rule is:

  • if the path contains / (e.g. ./someprog, /bin/someprog, ./bin/someprog): CWD is used and PATH isn't
  • if the path does not contain / (e.g. someprog): PATH is used and CWD isn't

Now, suppose that running:


would search:

  • relative to CWD first
  • relative to PATH after

Then, if you wanted to run /bin/someprog from your distro, and you did:


it would sometimes work, but others it would fail, because you might be in a directory that contains another unrelated someprog program.

Therefore, you would soon learn that this is not reliable, and you would end up always using absolute paths when you want to use PATH, therefore defeating the purpose of PATH.

This is also why having relative paths in your PATH is a really bad idea. I'm looking at you, node_modules/bin.

Conversely, suppose that running:


Would search:

  • relative to PATH first
  • relative to CWD after

Then, if you just downloaded a script someprog from a git repository and wanted to run it from CWD, you would never be sure that this is the actual program that would run, because maybe your distro has a:


which is in you PATH from some package you installed after drinking too much after Christmas last year.

Therefore, once again, you would be forced to always run local scripts relative to CWD with full paths to know what you are running:


which would be extremely annoying as well.

Another rule that you might be tempted to come up with would be:

relative paths use only PATH, absolute paths only CWD

but once again this forces users to always use absolute paths for non-PATH scripts with "$(pwd)/someprog".

The / path search rule offers a simple to remember solution to the about problem:

  • slash: don't use PATH
  • no slash: only use PATH

which makes it super easy to always know what you are running, by relying on the fact that files in the current directory can be expressed either as ./somefile or somefile, and so it gives special meaning to one of them.

Sometimes, is slightly annoying that you cannot search for some/prog relative to PATH, but I don't see a saner solution to this.

How to find the nearest parent of a Git branch?

I have a solution to your overall problem (determine if feature is descended from the tip of develop), but it doesn't work using the method you outlined.

You can use git branch --contains to list all the branches descended from the tip of develop, then use grep to make sure feature is among them.

git branch --contains develop | grep "^ *feature$"

If it is among them, it will print " feature" to standard output and have a return code of 0. Otherwise, it will print nothing and have a return code of 1.

Regex: Specify "space or start of string" and "space or end of string"

You can use any of the following:

\b      #A word break and will work for both spaces and end of lines.
(^|\s)  #the | means or. () is a capturing group. 


Also, if you don't want to include the space in your match, you can use lookbehind/aheads.

(?<=\s|^)         #to look behind the match
(stackoverflow)   #the string you want. () optional
(?=\s|$)          #to look ahead.

How to clear a data grid view

DataGrid.DataSource = null;

Find indices of elements equal to zero in a NumPy array

There is np.argwhere,

import numpy as np
arr = np.array([[1,2,3], [0, 1, 0], [7, 0, 2]])
np.argwhere(arr == 0)

which returns all found indices as rows:

array([[1, 0],    # Indices of the first zero
       [1, 2],    # Indices of the second zero
       [2, 1]],   # Indices of the third zero

535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted

I had the same problem. Now its working fine after doing below changes.

You should change the "Access for less secure apps" to Enabled (it was enabled, I changed to disabled and than back to enabled). After a while I could send email.

How to put comments in Django templates

As answer by Miles, {% comment %}...{% endcomment %} is used for multi-line comments, but you can also comment out text on the same line like this:

{# some text #}

How to undo a git merge with conflicts

Assuming you are using the latest git,

git merge --abort

Is there a Java equivalent or methodology for the typedef keyword in C++?

Typedef allows items to be implicitly assigned to types they are not. Some people try to get around this with extensions; read here at IBM for an explanation of why this is a bad idea.

Edit: While strong type inference is a useful thing, I don't think (and hope we won't) see typedef rearing it's ugly head in managed languages (ever?).

Edit 2: In C#, you can use a using statement like this at the top of a source file. It's used so you don't have to do the second item shown. The only time you see the name change is when a scope introduces a name collision between two types. The renaming is limited to one file, outside of which every variable/parameter type which used it is known by its full name.

using Path = System.IO.Path;
using System.IO;

What is best tool to compare two SQL Server databases (schema and data)?

We are using an inhouse developed solution that is basicly a procedure with arguments of what you want included in the comparision (SP's, Full SP code, table structure, defaults, indices, triggers.. etc)

Depending on your needs and budget, it might be a good way to go for you as well.

It is quite easily developed as well, then we just redirect output of procedure to textfiles and do text comparisions between the files.

One good thing about it is that its possible to save the output in source control.


Is it possible to print a variable's type in standard C++?

As mentioned, typeid().name() may return a mangled name. In GCC (and some other compilers) you can work around it with the following code:

#include <cxxabi.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <cstdlib>

namespace some_namespace { namespace another_namespace {

  class my_class { };

} }

int main() {
  typedef some_namespace::another_namespace::my_class my_type;
  // mangled
  std::cout << typeid(my_type).name() << std::endl;

  // unmangled
  int status = 0;
  char* demangled = abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid(my_type).name(), 0, 0, &status);

  switch (status) {
    case -1: {
      // could not allocate memory
      std::cout << "Could not allocate memory" << std::endl;
      return -1;
    } break;
    case -2: {
      // invalid name under the C++ ABI mangling rules
      std::cout << "Invalid name" << std::endl;
      return -1;
    } break;
    case -3: {
      // invalid argument
      std::cout << "Invalid argument to demangle()" << std::endl;
      return -1;
    } break;
 std::cout << demangled << std::endl;


 return 0;


Accessing all items in the JToken

You can cast your JToken to a JObject and then use the Properties() method to get a list of the object properties. From there, you can get the names rather easily.

Something like this:

string json =

                ""1"":""United States""
            ""name"":""Floor Number"",
            ""name"":""Address Map""

JToken outer = JToken.Parse(json);
JObject inner = outer["ADDRESS_MAP"].Value<JObject>();

List<string> keys = inner.Properties().Select(p => p.Name).ToList();

foreach (string k in keys)



Git Clone from GitHub over https with two-factor authentication

1st: Get personal access token.
2nd: Put account & the token. Example is here:

$ git push
Username for '':            # Put your GitHub account name
Password for 'https://{USERNAME}': # Put your Personal access token

Link on how to create a personal access token:

What is a loop invariant?

It should be noted that a Loop Invariant can help in the design of iterative algorithms when considered an assertion that expresses important relationships among the variables that must be true at the start of every iteration and when the loop terminates. If this holds, the computation is on the road to effectiveness. If false, then the algorithm has failed.

Difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT SEMI JOIN

Suppose there are 2 tables TableA and TableB with only 2 columns (Id, Data) and following data:


| Id |  Data   |
|  1 | DataA11 |
|  1 | DataA12 |
|  1 | DataA13 |
|  2 | DataA21 |
|  3 | DataA31 |


| Id |  Data   |
|  1 | DataB11 |
|  2 | DataB21 |
|  2 | DataB22 |
|  2 | DataB23 |
|  4 | DataB41 |

Inner Join on column Id will return columns from both the tables and only the matching records:

| Id |  Data   | Id |  Data   |
|  1 | DataA11 |  1 | DataB11 |
|  1 | DataA12 |  1 | DataB11 |
|  1 | DataA13 |  1 | DataB11 |
|  2 | DataA21 |  2 | DataB21 |
|  2 | DataA21 |  2 | DataB22 |
|  2 | DataA21 |  2 | DataB23 |

Left Join (or Left Outer join) on column Id will return columns from both the tables and matching records with records from left table (Null values from right table):

| Id |  Data   | Id |  Data   |
|  1 | DataA11 |  1 | DataB11 |
|  1 | DataA12 |  1 | DataB11 |
|  1 | DataA13 |  1 | DataB11 |
|  2 | DataA21 |  2 | DataB21 |
|  2 | DataA21 |  2 | DataB22 |
|  2 | DataA21 |  2 | DataB23 |
|  3 | DataA31 |    |         |

Right Join (or Right Outer join) on column Id will return columns from both the tables and matching records with records from right table (Null values from left table):

¦ Id ¦  Data   ¦ Id ¦  Data   ¦
¦  1 ¦ DataA11 ¦  1 ¦ DataB11 ¦
¦  1 ¦ DataA12 ¦  1 ¦ DataB11 ¦
¦  1 ¦ DataA13 ¦  1 ¦ DataB11 ¦
¦  2 ¦ DataA21 ¦  2 ¦ DataB21 ¦
¦  2 ¦ DataA21 ¦  2 ¦ DataB22 ¦
¦  2 ¦ DataA21 ¦  2 ¦ DataB23 ¦
¦    ¦         ¦  4 ¦ DataB41 ¦

Full Outer Join on column Id will return columns from both the tables and matching records with records from left table (Null values from right table) and records from right table (Null values from left table):

¦ Id ¦  Data   ¦ Id ¦  Data   ¦
¦  - ¦         ¦    ¦         ¦
¦  1 ¦ DataA11 ¦  1 ¦ DataB11 ¦
¦  1 ¦ DataA12 ¦  1 ¦ DataB11 ¦
¦  1 ¦ DataA13 ¦  1 ¦ DataB11 ¦
¦  2 ¦ DataA21 ¦  2 ¦ DataB21 ¦
¦  2 ¦ DataA21 ¦  2 ¦ DataB22 ¦
¦  2 ¦ DataA21 ¦  2 ¦ DataB23 ¦
¦  3 ¦ DataA31 ¦    ¦         ¦
¦    ¦         ¦  4 ¦ DataB41 ¦

Left Semi Join on column Id will return columns only from left table and matching records only from left table:

¦ Id ¦  Data   ¦
¦  1 ¦ DataA11 ¦
¦  1 ¦ DataA12 ¦
¦  1 ¦ DataA13 ¦
¦  2 ¦ DataA21 ¦

The program can't start because libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is missing

In Eclipse, you will find it under the project properties > C/C++ Build > Settings > MinGW C++ Linker > Misc

You must add it to the "linker flags" at the top; nowhere else. Then just rebuild.

Eclipse properties screenshot

I have found that linking those statically explodes the size up to 1,400kb even with optimizations. It's 277kb larger compared to just copying over the shared DLLs. It's 388kb larger as well after UPXing everything. Very lose/lose here. Just include the DLLs as the end-user can decide to delete them or not if they have them installed elsewhere.

cordova run with ios error .. Error code 65 for command: xcodebuild with args:

You need a development provisioning profile on your build machine. Apps can run on the simulator without a profile, but they are required to run on an actual device.

If you open the project in Xcode, it may automatically set up provisioning for you. Otherwise you will have to create go to the iOS Dev Center and create a profile.

Error : No resource found that matches the given name (at 'icon' with value '@drawable/icon')

I also encountered this error. I have a Cordova application and the problem was that in config.xml I had a duplicated element <icon src="icon.png">, one pointing to an non-existing path.

How to Kill A Session or Session ID (ASP.NET/C#)


This marks the session as Abandoned, but the session won't actually be Abandoned at that moment, the request has to complete first.

Java client certificates over HTTPS/SSL

Using below code


System.setProperty("", pathToKeyStore);

is not at all required. Also there is no need to create your own custom SSL factory.

I also encountered the same issue, in my case there was a issue that complete certificate chain was not imported into truststores. Import certificates using keytool utility right fom root certificate, also you can open cacerts file in notepad and see if the complete certificate chain is imported or not. Check against the alias name you have provided while importing certificates, open the certificates and see how many does it contains, same number of certificates should be there in cacerts file.

Also cacerts file should be configured in the server you are running your application, the two servers will authenticate each other with public/private keys.

I can pass a variable from a JSP scriptlet to JSTL but not from JSTL to a JSP scriptlet without an error

Scripts are raw java embedded in the page code, and if you declare variables in your scripts, then they become local variables embedded in the page.

In contrast, JSTL works entirely with scoped attributes, either at page, request or session scope. You need to rework your scriptlet to fish test out as an attribute:

<c:set var="test" value="test1"/>
  String resp = "abc";
  String test = pageContext.getAttribute("test");
  resp = resp + test;
  pageContext.setAttribute("resp", resp);
<c:out value="${resp}"/>

If you look at the docs for <c:set>, you'll see you can specify scope as page, request or session, and it defaults to page.

Better yet, don't use scriptlets at all: they make the baby jesus cry.

How do you make a HTTP request with C++?

Here is my minimal wrapper around cURL to be able just to fetch a webpage as a string. This is useful, for example, for unit testing. It is basically a RAII wrapper around the C code.

Install "libcurl" on your machine yum install libcurl libcurl-devel or equivalent.

Usage example:

CURLplusplus client;
string x = client.Get("");
string y = client.Get("");

Class implementation:

#include <curl/curl.h>

class CURLplusplus
    CURL* curl;
    stringstream ss;
    long http_code;
            : curl(curl_easy_init())
    , http_code(0)

        if (curl) curl_easy_cleanup(curl);
    std::string Get(const std::string& url)
        CURLcode res;
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_data);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, this);

        http_code = 0;
        res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
        if (res != CURLE_OK)
            throw std::runtime_error(curl_easy_strerror(res));
        curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_code);
        return ss.str();
    long GetHttpCode()
        return http_code;
    static size_t write_data(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp)
        return static_cast<CURLplusplus*>(userp)->Write(buffer,size,nmemb);
    size_t Write(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb)
        ss.write((const char*)buffer,size*nmemb);
        return size*nmemb;

Count of "Defined" Array Elements

Loop and count in all browsers:

var cnt = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if (arr[i] !== undefined) {

In modern browsers:

var cnt = 0;
arr.foreach(function(val) {
    if (val !== undefined) { ++cnt; }

Creating random numbers with no duplicates

Generating all the indices of a sequence is generally a bad idea, as it might take a lot of time, especially if the ratio of the numbers to be chosen to MAX is low (the complexity becomes dominated by O(MAX)). This gets worse if the ratio of the numbers to be chosen to MAX approaches one, as then removing the chosen indices from the sequence of all also becomes expensive (we approach O(MAX^2/2)). But for small numbers, this generally works well and is not particularly error-prone.

Filtering the generated indices by using a collection is also a bad idea, as some time is spent in inserting the indices into the sequence, and progress is not guaranteed as the same random number can be drawn several times (but for large enough MAX it is unlikely). This could be close to complexity
O(k n log^2(n)/2), ignoring the duplicates and assuming the collection uses a tree for efficient lookup (but with a significant constant cost k of allocating the tree nodes and possibly having to rebalance).

Another option is to generate the random values uniquely from the beginning, guaranteeing progress is being made. That means in the first round, a random index in [0, MAX] is generated:

items i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 (total 7 items)
idx 0       ^^             (index 2)

In the second round, only [0, MAX - 1] is generated (as one item was already selected):

items i0 i1    i3 i4 i5 i6 (total 6 items)
idx 1          ^^          (index 2 out of these 6, but 3 out of the original 7)

The values of the indices then need to be adjusted: if the second index falls in the second half of the sequence (after the first index), it needs to be incremented to account for the gap. We can implement this as a loop, allowing us to select arbitrary number of unique items.

For short sequences, this is quite fast O(n^2/2) algorithm:

void RandomUniqueSequence(std::vector<int> &rand_num,
    const size_t n_select_num, const size_t n_item_num)
    assert(n_select_num <= n_item_num);

    rand_num.clear(); // !!

    // b1: 3187.000 msec (the fastest)
    // b2: 3734.000 msec
    for(size_t i = 0; i < n_select_num; ++ i) {
        int n = n_Rand(n_item_num - i - 1);
        // get a random number

        size_t n_where = i;
        for(size_t j = 0; j < i; ++ j) {
            if(n + j < rand_num[j]) {
                n_where = j;
        // see where it should be inserted

        rand_num.insert(rand_num.begin() + n_where, 1, n + n_where);
        // insert it in the list, maintain a sorted sequence
    // tier 1 - use comparison with offset instead of increment

Where n_select_num is your 5 and n_number_num is your MAX. The n_Rand(x) returns random integers in [0, x] (inclusive). This can be made a bit faster if selecting a lot of items (e.g. not 5 but 500) by using binary search to find the insertion point. To do that, we need to make sure that we meet the requirements.

We will do binary search with the comparison n + j < rand_num[j] which is the same as
n < rand_num[j] - j. We need to show that rand_num[j] - j is still a sorted sequence for a sorted sequence rand_num[j]. This is fortunately easily shown, as the lowest distance between two elements of the original rand_num is one (the generated numbers are unique, so there is always difference of at least 1). At the same time, if we subtract the indices j from all the elements
rand_num[j], the differences in index are exactly 1. So in the "worst" case, we get a constant sequence - but never decreasing. The binary search can therefore be used, yielding O(n log(n)) algorithm:

struct TNeedle { // in the comparison operator we need to make clear which argument is the needle and which is already in the list; we do that using the type system.
    int n;

    TNeedle(int _n)

class CCompareWithOffset { // custom comparison "n < rand_num[j] - j"
    std::vector<int>::iterator m_p_begin_it;

    CCompareWithOffset(std::vector<int>::iterator p_begin_it)

    bool operator ()(const int &r_value, TNeedle n) const
        size_t n_index = &r_value - &*m_p_begin_it;
        // calculate index in the array

        return r_value < n.n + n_index; // or r_value - n_index < n.n

    bool operator ()(TNeedle n, const int &r_value) const
        size_t n_index = &r_value - &*m_p_begin_it;
        // calculate index in the array

        return n.n + n_index < r_value; // or n.n < r_value - n_index

And finally:

void RandomUniqueSequence(std::vector<int> &rand_num,
    const size_t n_select_num, const size_t n_item_num)
    assert(n_select_num <= n_item_num);

    rand_num.clear(); // !!

    // b1: 3578.000 msec
    // b2: 1703.000 msec (the fastest)
    for(size_t i = 0; i < n_select_num; ++ i) {
        int n = n_Rand(n_item_num - i - 1);
        // get a random number

        std::vector<int>::iterator p_where_it = std::upper_bound(rand_num.begin(), rand_num.end(),
            TNeedle(n), CCompareWithOffset(rand_num.begin()));
        // see where it should be inserted

        rand_num.insert(p_where_it, 1, n + p_where_it - rand_num.begin());
        // insert it in the list, maintain a sorted sequence
    // tier 4 - use binary search

I have tested this on three benchmarks. First, 3 numbers were chosen out of 7 items, and a histogram of the items chosen was accumulated over 10,000 runs:

4265 4229 4351 4267 4267 4364 4257

This shows that each of the 7 items was chosen approximately the same number of times, and there is no apparent bias caused by the algorithm. All the sequences were also checked for correctness (uniqueness of contents).

The second benchmark involved choosing 7 numbers out of 5000 items. The time of several versions of the algorithm was accumulated over 10,000,000 runs. The results are denoted in comments in the code as b1. The simple version of the algorithm is slightly faster.

The third benchmark involved choosing 700 numbers out of 5000 items. The time of several versions of the algorithm was again accumulated, this time over 10,000 runs. The results are denoted in comments in the code as b2. The binary search version of the algorithm is now more than two times faster than the simple one.

The second method starts being faster for choosing more than cca 75 items on my machine (note that the complexity of either algorithm does not depend on the number of items, MAX).

It is worth mentioning that the above algorithms generate the random numbers in ascending order. But it would be simple to add another array to which the numbers would be saved in the order in which they were generated, and returning that instead (at negligible additional cost O(n)). It is not necessary to shuffle the output: that would be much slower.

Note that the sources are in C++, I don't have Java on my machine, but the concept should be clear.


For amusement, I have also implemented the approach that generates a list with all the indices
0 .. MAX, chooses them randomly and removes them from the list to guarantee uniqueness. Since I've chosen quite high MAX (5000), the performance is catastrophic:

// b1: 519515.000 msec
// b2: 20312.000 msec
std::vector<int> all_numbers(n_item_num);
std::iota(all_numbers.begin(), all_numbers.end(), 0);
// generate all the numbers

for(size_t i = 0; i < n_number_num; ++ i) {
    assert(all_numbers.size() == n_item_num - i);
    int n = n_Rand(n_item_num - i - 1);
    // get a random number

    rand_num.push_back(all_numbers[n]); // put it in the output list
    all_numbers.erase(all_numbers.begin() + n); // erase it from the input
// generate random numbers

I have also implemented the approach with a set (a C++ collection), which actually comes second on benchmark b2, being only about 50% slower than the approach with the binary search. That is understandable, as the set uses a binary tree, where the insertion cost is similar to binary search. The only difference is the chance of getting duplicate items, which slows down the progress.

// b1: 20250.000 msec
// b2: 2296.000 msec
std::set<int> numbers;
while(numbers.size() < n_number_num)
    numbers.insert(n_Rand(n_item_num - 1)); // might have duplicates here
// generate unique random numbers

std::copy(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), rand_num.begin());
// copy the numbers from a set to a vector

Full source code is here.

adb not finding my device / phone (MacOS X)

Another tricky thing with modern Android is you set the device behavior by selecting "Use for" of the device.

If it is set as "Use for" charging for example the device won't be detected by ADB. switching to PTP/MTP other behavior which is more 'active' will auto-magically make your device detectable.

How to copy and paste code without rich text formatting?

Nice find with your PureText. I had build, before I change keyboard, a key that was running a macro that was copying-pasting-copying in notepad for this task! I'll give a try to your software since I do not have any macro key now :(

How to change the session timeout in PHP?

You can override values in php.ini from your PHP code using ini_set().

How to convert java.util.Date to java.sql.Date?

try with this

public static String toMysqlDateStr(Date date) {
    String dateForMySql = "";
    if (date == null) {
        dateForMySql = null;
    } else {
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
        dateForMySql = sdf.format(date);

    return dateForMySql;

How to check if a process id (PID) exists

By pid:

pgrep [pid] >/dev/null

By name:

pgrep -u [user] -x [name] >/dev/null

"-x" means "exact match".

MVC ajax json post to controller action method

Below is how I got this working.

The Key point was: I needed to use the ViewModel associated with the view in order for the runtime to be able to resolve the object in the request.

[I know that that there is a way to bind an object other than the default ViewModel object but ended up simply populating the necessary properties for my needs as I could not get it to work]

  public ActionResult GetDataForInvoiceNumber(MyViewModel myViewModel)  
     var invoiceNumberQueryResult = _viewModelBuilder.HydrateMyViewModelGivenInvoiceDetail(myViewModel.InvoiceNumber, myViewModel.SelectedCompanyCode);
     return Json(invoiceNumberQueryResult, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet);

The JQuery script used to call this action method:

var requestData = {
         InvoiceNumber: $.trim(this.value),
         SelectedCompanyCode: $.trim($('#SelectedCompanyCode').val())

         url: '/en/myController/GetDataForInvoiceNumber',
         type: 'POST',
         data: JSON.stringify(requestData),
         dataType: 'json',
         contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
         error: function (xhr) {
            alert('Error: ' + xhr.statusText);
         success: function (result) {
         async: true,
         processData: false

Oracle - Why does the leading zero of a number disappear when converting it TO_CHAR

Try this to avoid to_char limitations:

FROM (SELECT -0.89 n,RTrim(1/2,5) s FROM dual);

How to make a variable accessible outside a function?

Your variable declarations and their scope are correct. The problem you are facing is that the first AJAX request may take a little bit time to finish. Therefore, the second URL will be filled with the value of sID before the its content has been set. You have to remember that AJAX request are normally asynchronous, i.e. the code execution goes on while the data is being fetched in the background.

You have to nest the requests:

$.getJSON(""+input+"?api_key=API_KEY_HERE"  , function(name){   obj = name;   // sID is only now available!   sID =;   console.log(sID); }); 

Clean up your code!

  • Put the second request into a function
  • and let it accept sID as a parameter, so you don't have to declare it globally anymore! (Global variables are almost always evil!)
  • Remove sID and obj variables - is sufficient unless you really need the other variables outside the function.

$.getJSON(""+input+"?api_key=API_KEY_HERE"  , function(name){   // We don't need sID or obj here - is sufficient   console.log(;    doSecondRequest(; });  /// TODO Choose a better name function doSecondRequest(sID) {   $.getJSON("" + sID + "/summary?api_key=API_KEY_HERE", function(stats){         console.log(stats);   }); } 

Hapy New Year :)

What is the difference between a database and a data warehouse?

Data Warehouse vs Database: A data warehouse is specially designed for data analytics, which involves reading large amounts of data to understand relationships and trends across the data. A database is used to capture and store data, such as recording details of a transaction.

Data Warehouse: Suitable workloads - Analytics, reporting, big data. Data source - Data collected and normalized from many sources. Data capture - Bulk write operations typically on a predetermined batch schedule. Data normalization - Denormalized schemas, such as the Star schema or Snowflake schema. Data storage - Optimized for simplicity of access and high-speed query. performance using columnar storage. Data access - Optimized to minimize I/O and maximize data throughput.

Transactional Database: Suitable workloads - Transaction processing. Data source - Data captured as-is from a single source, such as a transactional system. Data capture - Optimized for continuous write operations as new data is available to maximize transaction throughput. Data normalization - Highly normalized, static schemas. Data storage - Optimized for high throughout write operations to a single row-oriented physical block. Data access - High volumes of small read operations.

Selenium C# WebDriver: Wait until element is present

WebDriverWait won't take effect.

var driver = new FirefoxDriver(
    new FirefoxOptions().PageLoadStrategy = PageLoadStrategy.Eager
new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60))
    .Until(d => d.FindElement(By.Id("xxx"))); // A tag that close to the end

This would immediately throw an exception once the page was "interactive". I don't know why, but the timeout acts as if it does not exist.

Perhaps SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers works, but I didn't try. It's official, but it was split out into another NuGet package. You can refer to C# Selenium 'ExpectedConditions is obsolete'.

I use FindElements and check Count == 0. If true, use await Task.Delay. It's really not quite efficient.

How to loop through files matching wildcard in batch file

Assuming you have two programs that process the two files, process_in.exe and process_out.exe:

for %%f in (*.in) do (
    echo %%~nf
    process_in ""
    process_out "%%~nf.out"

%%~nf is a substitution modifier, that expands %f to a file name only. See other modifiers in (midway down the page) or just in the next answer.

How to calculate the time interval between two time strings

Concise if you are just interested in the time elapsed that is under 24 hours. You can format the output as needed in the return statement :

import datetime
def elapsed_interval(start,end):
    elapsed = end - start
    min,secs=divmod(elapsed.days * 86400 + elapsed.seconds, 60)
    hour, minutes = divmod(min, 60)
    return '%.2d:%.2d:%.2d' % (hour,minutes,secs)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    """ do your process """

How to get second-highest salary employees in a table

try this simple way

select name,salary from employee where salary =
(select max(salary) from employee where salary < (select max(salary) from employee ))

Catch multiple exceptions in one line (except block)

From Python documentation -> 8.3 Handling Exceptions:

A try statement may have more than one except clause, to specify handlers for different exceptions. At most one handler will be executed. Handlers only handle exceptions that occur in the corresponding try clause, not in other handlers of the same try statement. An except clause may name multiple exceptions as a parenthesized tuple, for example:

except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError):

Note that the parentheses around this tuple are required, because except ValueError, e: was the syntax used for what is normally written as except ValueError as e: in modern Python (described below). The old syntax is still supported for backwards compatibility. This means except RuntimeError, TypeError is not equivalent to except (RuntimeError, TypeError): but to except RuntimeError as TypeError: which is not what you want.

How to make custom error pages work in ASP.NET MVC 4

Here is my solution. Use [ExportModelStateToTempData] / [ImportModelStateFromTempData] is uncomfortable in my opinion.


    ViewBag.Title = "Error";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";


<div style="min-height: 400px;">


    <br />
    <br />

    <button onclick="Error_goBack()" class="k-button">Go Back</button>
        function Error_goBack() {



public class HomeController : BaseController
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

    public ActionResult Error()
        return this.View();



public class BaseController : Controller
    public BaseController() { }

    protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
        if (filterContext.Result is ViewResult)
            if (filterContext.Controller.TempData.ContainsKey("Error"))
                var modelState = filterContext.Controller.TempData["Error"] as ModelState;
                filterContext.Controller.ViewData.ModelState.Merge(new ModelStateDictionary() { new KeyValuePair<string, ModelState>("Error", modelState) });
        if ((filterContext.Result is RedirectResult) || (filterContext.Result is RedirectToRouteResult))
            if (filterContext.Controller.ViewData.ModelState.ContainsKey("Error"))
                filterContext.Controller.TempData["Error"] = filterContext.Controller.ViewData.ModelState["Error"];



public class MyController : BaseController
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

    public ActionResult Details(int id)
        if (id != 5)
            ModelState.AddModelError("Error", "Specified row does not exist.");
            return RedirectToAction("Error", "Home");
            return View("Specified row exists.");

I wish you successful projects ;-)

How do I convert a column of text URLs into active hyperlinks in Excel?

For anyone landing here with Excel 2016, you can simply highlight the column, then click the Hyperlink tab located on the Home ribbon in the Styles box.

enter image description here

Edit: Unfortunately, this only updates the cell style, not the function.

Restoring Nuget References?

Just in case it helps someone - In my scenario, I have some shared libraries (Which have their own TFS projects/solutions) all combined into one solution.

Nuget would restore projects successfully, but the DLL would be missing.

The underlying issue was that, whilst your solution has its own packages folder and has restored them correctly to that folder, the project file (e.g. .csproj) is referencing a different project which may not have the package downloaded. Open the file in a text editor to see where your references are coming from.

This can occur when managing packages on different interlinked shared solutions - since you probably want to make sure all DLLs are on the same level you might set this at the top level. This means it that sometimes it will be looking in a completely different solution for a referenced DLL and so if you don't have all projects/solutions downloaded and up-to-date then you may get the above problem.

How to fix a header on scroll

I have modified the Coop's answer. Please check the example FIDDLE Here's my edits:

  if ($(window).scrollTop() >= 330) {
   else {

Reloading module giving NameError: name 'reload' is not defined

If you don't want to use external libs, then one solution is to recreate the reload method from python 2 for python 3 as below. Use this in the top of the module (assumes python 3.4+).

import sys
    def reload(MODULE):        
        import importlib

BTW reload is very much required if you use python files as config files and want to avoid restarts of the application.....

What's the regular expression that matches a square bracket?

How about using backslash \ in front of the square bracket. Normally square brackets match a character class.

How to make a div center align in HTML

how about something along these lines

<style type="text/css">
  #container {
    margin: 0 auto;
    text-align: center; /* for IE */

  #yourdiv {
    width: 400px;
    border: 1px solid #000;


<div id="container">
  <div id="yourdiv">

Excel- compare two cell from different sheet, if true copy value from other cell

In your destination field you want to use VLOOKUP like so:


VLOOKUP Arguments:

  1. The set fields you want to lookup.
  2. The table range you want to lookup up your value against. The first column of your defined table should be the column you want compared against your lookup field. The table range should also contain the value you want to display (Column F).
  3. This defines what field you want to display upon a match.
  4. FALSE tells VLOOKUP to do an exact match.

Java - checking if parseInt throws exception

public static boolean isParsable(String input) {
    try {
        return true;
    } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
        return false;

What process is listening on a certain port on Solaris?

This is sort of an indirect approach, but you could see if a website loads on your web browser of choice from whatever is running on port 80. Or you could telnet to port 80 and see if you get a response that gives you a clue as to what is running on that port and you can go shut it down. Since port 80 is the default port for http traffic chances are there is some sort of http server running there by default, but there's no guarantee.

PersistenceContext EntityManager injection NullPointerException

If you have any NamedQueries in your entity classes, then check the stack trace for compilation errors. A malformed query which cannot be compiled can cause failure to load the persistence context.

What type of hash does WordPress use?

MD5 worked for me changing my database manually. See: Resetting Your Password

How to simulate a touch event in Android?

You should give the new monkeyrunner a go. Maybe this can solve your problems. You put keycodes in it for testing, maybe touch events are also possible.

PHP remove all characters before specific string

You can use substring and strpos to accomplish this goal.

You could also use a regular expression to pattern match only what you want. Your mileage may vary on which of these approaches makes more sense.

Read from file or stdin

Note that what you want is to know if stdin is connected to a terminal or not, not if it exists. It always exists but when you use the shell to pipe something into it or read a file, it is not connected to a terminal.

You can check that a file descriptor is connected to a terminal via the termios.h functions:

#include <termios.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

bool stdin_is_a_pipe(void)
    struct termios t;
    return (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &t) < 0);

This will try to fetch the terminal attributes of stdin. If it is not connected to a pipe, it is attached to a tty and the tcgetattr function call will succeed. In order to detect a pipe, we check for tcgetattr failure.

Get current value selected in dropdown using jQuery

try this...

$("#yourdropdownid option:selected").val();

Express.js req.body undefined

This is also one possibility: Make Sure that you should write this code before the route in your app.js(or index.js) file.

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));

Append text to textarea with javascript

Tray to add text with html value to textarea but it wil not works

value :

$(document).on('click', '.edit_targets_btn', function() {
            $('#targets_modal_title').text('Doel bijwerken');


                selector: '#targets_content',
                setup: function (editor) {
                    editor.on('change', function () {
                browser_spellcheck : true,
                plugins: ['advlist autolink lists image charmap print preview anchor', 'searchreplace visualblocks code fullscreen', 'insertdatetime media table paste code help wordcount', 'autoresize'],
                toolbar: 'undo redo | formatselect | ' + ' bold italic backcolor | alignleft aligncenter ' + ' alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent |' + ' removeformat | image | help',
                relative_urls : false,
                remove_script_host : false,
                image_list: [<?php $stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM images WHERE users_id = ' . $get_user_users_id); foreach ($stmt as $row) { ?>{title: '<?=$row['name']?>', value: '<?=$imgurl?>/image_uploads/<?=$row['src']?>'},<?php } ?>],
                min_height: 250,
                branding: false

Jquery to change form action

Please, see this answer:

Quoting Tamlyn:

jQuery (1.4.2) gets confused if you have any form elements named "action". You can get around this by using the DOM attribute methods or simply avoid having form elements named "action".

<form action="foo">
  <button name="action" value="bar">Go</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
  $('form').attr('action', 'baz'); //this fails silently
  $('form').get(0).setAttribute('action', 'baz'); //this works

Check if a number is a perfect square

a=int(input('enter any number'))
for i in range(1,a):
    if a==i*i:
        print(a,'is perfect square number')
if flag==1:
    print(a,'is not perfect square number')

What are SP (stack) and LR in ARM?

LR is link register used to hold the return address for a function call.

SP is stack pointer. The stack is generally used to hold "automatic" variables and context/parameters across function calls. Conceptually you can think of the "stack" as a place where you "pile" your data. You keep "stacking" one piece of data over the other and the stack pointer tells you how "high" your "stack" of data is. You can remove data from the "top" of the "stack" and make it shorter.

From the ARM architecture reference:

SP, the Stack Pointer

Register R13 is used as a pointer to the active stack.

In Thumb code, most instructions cannot access SP. The only instructions that can access SP are those designed to use SP as a stack pointer. The use of SP for any purpose other than as a stack pointer is deprecated. Note Using SP for any purpose other than as a stack pointer is likely to break the requirements of operating systems, debuggers, and other software systems, causing them to malfunction.

LR, the Link Register

Register R14 is used to store the return address from a subroutine. At other times, LR can be used for other purposes.

When a BL or BLX instruction performs a subroutine call, LR is set to the subroutine return address. To perform a subroutine return, copy LR back to the program counter. This is typically done in one of two ways, after entering the subroutine with a BL or BLX instruction:

• Return with a BX LR instruction.

• On subroutine entry, store LR to the stack with an instruction of the form: PUSH {,LR} and use a matching instruction to return: POP {,PC} ...

This link gives an example of a trivial subroutine.

Here is an example of how registers are saved on the stack prior to a call and then popped back to restore their content.

How can I search Git branches for a file or directory?

Although ididak's response is pretty cool, and Handyman5 provides a script to use it, I found it a little restricted to use that approach.

Sometimes you need to search for something that can appear/disappear over time, so why not search against all commits? Besides that, sometimes you need a verbose response, and other times only commit matches. Here are two versions of those options. Put these scripts on your path:


for branch in $(git rev-list --all)
  if (git ls-tree -r --name-only $branch | grep --quiet "$1")
     echo $branch


for branch in $(git rev-list --all)
  git ls-tree -r --name-only $branch | grep "$1" | sed 's/^/'$branch': /'

Now you can do

$ git find-file <regex>

$ git find-file-verbose <regex>
sha1: path/to/<regex>/searched
sha1: path/to/another/<regex>/in/same/sha
sha2: path/to/other/<regex>/in/other/sha

See that using getopt you can modify that script to alternate searching all commits, refs, refs/heads, been verbose, etc.

$ git find-file <regex>
$ git find-file --verbose <regex>
$ git find-file --verbose --decorated --color <regex>

Checkout for a possible implementation.

jQuery - determine if input element is textbox or select list

You could do this:

if( ctrl[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' ) {
    // it was an input

or this, which is slower, but shorter and cleaner:

if('input') ) {
    // it was an input

If you want to be more specific, you can test the type:

if('input:text') ) {
    // it was an input

What is the fastest factorial function in JavaScript?

You should use a loop.

Here are two versions benchmarked by calculating the factorial of 100 for 10.000 times.


function rFact(num)
    if (num === 0)
      { return 1; }
      { return num * rFact( num - 1 ); }


function sFact(num)
    var rval=1;
    for (var i = 2; i <= num; i++)
        rval = rval * i;
    return rval;

Live at :

My results show:
- Recursive ~ 150 milliseconds
- Iterative ~ 5 milliseconds..

Setting paper size in FPDF

They say it right there in the documentation for the FPDF constructor:

FPDF([string orientation [, string unit [, mixed size]]])

This is the class constructor. It allows to set up the page size, the orientation and the unit of measure used in all methods (except for font sizes). Parameters ...


The size used for pages. It can be either one of the following values (case insensitive):

A3 A4 A5 Letter Legal

or an array containing the width and the height (expressed in the unit given by unit).

They even give an example with custom size:

Example with a custom 100x150 mm page size:

$pdf = new FPDF('P','mm',array(100,150));

How to upload folders on GitHub

I've just gone through that process again. Always end up cloning the repo locally, upload the folder I want to have in that repo to that cloned location, commit the changes and then push it.

Note that if you're dealing with large files, you'll need to consider using something like Git LFS.

Linking to an external URL in Javadoc?

Hard to find a clear answer from the Oracle site. The following is from

 * See {@link <a href="">HTTP/1.1 documentation</a>}.
public static final String ACCEPT = "Accept";

 * See {@link <a href="">HTTP/1.1 documentation</a>}.
public static final String ACCEPT_CHARSET = "Accept-Charset";

Contain form within a bootstrap popover?

Either replace double quotes around type="text" with single quotes, Like

"<form><input type='text'/></form>"


replace double quotes wrapping data-content with singe quotes, Like

data-content='<form><input type="text"/></form>'

In Python try until no error

Here is a short piece of code I use to capture the error as a string. Will retry till it succeeds. This catches all exceptions but you can change this as you wish.

start = 0
str_error = "Not executed yet."
while str_error:
        # replace line below with your logic , i.e. time out, max attempts
        start = raw_input("enter a number, 0 for fail, last was {0}: ".format(start))
        new_val = 5/int(start)
    except Exception as str_error:

WARNING: This code will be stuck in a forever loop until no exception occurs. This is just a simple example and MIGHT require you to break out of the loop sooner or sleep between retries.

Why is "using namespace std;" considered bad practice?

This is a bad practice, often known as global namespace pollution. Problems may occur when more than one namespace has the same function name with signature, then it will be ambiguous for the compiler to decide which one to call and this all can be avoided when you are specifying the namespace with your function call like std::cout . Hope this helps. :)

How can I properly use a PDO object for a parameterized SELECT query

A litle bit complete answer is here with all ready for use:

    $sql = "SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = :id";
    $q = $dbh->prepare($sql);
    $q->execute(array(':id' => "4"));
    $done= $q->fetch();

 echo $done[0];

Here $dbh is PDO db connecter, and based on id from table users we've get the username using fetch();

I hope this help someone, Enjoy!


You have to use the equal sign in the formula box

=GOOGLEFINANCE("GOOG", "price", DATE(2014,1,1), DATE(2014,12,31), "DAILY")

How to install SQL Server Management Studio 2012 (SSMS) Express?

You can download the 32bit or 64bit version of "Express With Tools" or "SQL Server Management Studio Express" (SSMSE tools only) from:

This link is for SQL Server 2012 Express Service Pack 1 released 11/09/2012 (11.0.3000.00) The original RTM release was 11.0.2100.60 from March or May of 2012.

enter image description here

How do I pass a value from a child back to the parent form?

When you use the ShowDialog() or Show() method, and then close the form, the form object does not get completely destroyed (closing != destruction). It will remain alive, only it's in a "closed" state, and you can still do things to it.

Encode a FileStream to base64 with c#

A simple Stream extension method would do the job:

public static class StreamExtensions
    public static string ConvertToBase64(this Stream stream)
        var bytes = new Byte[(int)stream.Length];

        stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        stream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)stream.Length);

        return Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);

The methods for Read (and also Write) and optimized for the respective class (whether is file stream, memory stream, etc.) and will do the work for you. For simple task like this, there is no need of readers, and etc.

The only drawback is that the stream is copied into byte array, but that is how the conversion to base64 via Convert.ToBase64String works unfortunately.

How to print out more than 20 items (documents) in MongoDB's shell?

I suggest you to have a ~/.mongorc.js file so you do not have to set the default size everytime.

 # execute in your terminal
 touch ~/.mongorc.js
 echo 'DBQuery.shellBatchSize = 100;' > ~/.mongorc.js
 # add one more line to always prettyprint the ouput
 echo 'DBQuery.prototype._prettyShell = true; ' >> ~/.mongorc.js

To know more about what else you can do, I suggest you to look at this article:

how to use getSharedPreferences in android

After reading around alot, only this worked: In class to set Shared preferences:

 SharedPreferences userDetails = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("test", MODE_PRIVATE);
                    SharedPreferences.Editor edit = userDetails.edit();
                    edit.putString("test1", "1");
                    edit.putString("test2", "2");

In AlarmReciever:

SharedPreferences userDetails = context.getSharedPreferences("test", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
    String test1 = userDetails.getString("test1", "");
    String test2 = userDetails.getString("test2", "");

Nested JSON: How to add (push) new items to an object?

library is an object, not an array. You push things onto arrays. Unlike PHP, Javascript makes a distinction.

Your code tries to make a string that looks like the source code for a key-value pair, and then "push" it onto the object. That's not even close to how it works.

What you want to do is add a new key-value pair to the object, where the key is the title and the value is another object. That looks like this:

library[title] = {"foregrounds" : foregrounds, "backgrounds" : backgrounds};

"JSON object" is a vague term. You must be careful to distinguish between an actual object in memory in your program, and a fragment of text that is in JSON format.

How does "FOR" work in cmd batch file?

It works for me, try it.

for /f "tokens=* delims=;" %g in ('echo %PATH%') do echo %g%

Error :- java runtime environment JRE or java development kit must be available in order to run eclipse

I got the same error after a Java version update. I just edited the line after "-vm" in the eclipse.ini file, which was pointing to the older and no more existing jre path, and everything worked fine.

How to find the lowest common ancestor of two nodes in any binary tree?

The code in Php. I've assumed the tree is an Array binary tree. Therefore, you don't even require the tree to calculate the LCA. input: index of two nodes output: index of LCA

 global $Ps;

function parents($l,$Ps)

    if($l % 2 ==0)
        $p = ($l-2)/2;
        $p = ($l-1)/2;

    if($p !=0)

    return $Ps; 
function lca($n,$m)
    $LCA = 0;
    $arr1 = array();
    $arr2 = array();
$Ps = array_fill(0,1,0);
    $arr1 = parents($n,$arr1);
$Ps = array_fill(0,1,0);
    $arr2 = parents($m,$arr2);

    if(count($arr1) > count($arr2))
        $limit = count($arr2);
        $limit = count($arr1);

    for($i =0;$i<$limit;$i++)
        if($arr1[$i] == $arr2[$i])
            $LCA = $arr1[$i];
    return $LCA;//this is the index of the element in the tree



Do tell me if there are any shortcomings.

How to send data with angularjs $http.delete() request?

$http.delete method doesn't accept request body. You can try this workaround :

$http( angular.merge({}, config || {}, {
    method  : 'delete',
    url     : _url,
    data    : _data

where in config you can pass config data like headers etc.

How do I negate a test with regular expressions in a bash script?

Yes you can negate the test as SiegeX has already pointed out.

However you shouldn't use regular expressions for this - it can fail if your path contains special characters. Try this instead:

[[ ":$PATH:" != *":$1:"* ]]


Configure Log4Net in web application

You need to call the Configurefunction of the XmlConfigurator


Either call before your first loggin call or in your Global.asax like this:

protected void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) {

Uninstall Django completely

open the CMD and use this command :


pip uninstall django


it will easy uninstalled .

Always pass weak reference of self into block in ARC?

This is how you can use the self inside the block:

//calling of the block

 NSString *returnedText= checkIfOutsideMethodIsCalled(self);

NSString* (^checkIfOutsideMethodIsCalled)(*)=^NSString*(id obj)
             [obj MethodNameYouWantToCall]; // this is how it will call the object 
            return @"Called";


Changing route doesn't scroll to top in the new page

Here is my (seemingly) robust, complete and (fairly) concise solution. It uses the minification compatible style (and the angular.module(NAME) access to your module).

angular.module('yourModuleName').run(["$rootScope", "$anchorScroll" , function ($rootScope, $anchorScroll) {
    $rootScope.$on("$locationChangeSuccess", function() {

PS I found that the autoscroll thing had no effect whether set to true or false.

Expected initializer before function name

Try adding a semi colon to the end of your structure:

 struct sotrudnik {
    string name;
    string speciality;
    string razread;
    int zarplata;
} //Semi colon here

Procedure expects parameter which was not supplied

If Template is not set (i.e. ==null), this error will be raised, too.

More comments:

If you know the parameter value by the time you add parameters, you can also use AddWithValue

The EXEC is not required. You can reference the @template parameter in the SELECT directly.

How to display my location on Google Maps for Android API v2

From android 6.0 you need to check for user permission, if you want to use GoogleMap.setMyLocationEnabled(true) you will get Call requires permission which may be rejected by user error

if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION)
            == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
} else {
// Show rationale and request permission.

if you want to read more, check google map docs

How to calculate rolling / moving average using NumPy / SciPy?

I use either the accepted answer's solution, slightly modified to have same length for output as input, or pandas' version as mentioned in a comment of another answer. I summarize both here with a reproducible example for future reference:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def moving_average(a, n):
    ret = np.cumsum(a, dtype=float)
    ret[n:] = ret[n:] - ret[:-n]
    return ret / n

def moving_average_centered(a, n):
    return pd.Series(a).rolling(window=n, center=True).mean().to_numpy()

A = [0, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 4]
print(moving_average(A, 3))    
# [0.         0.         0.33333333 1.         2.33333333 3.66666667 4.33333333]
print(moving_average_centered(A, 3))
# [nan        0.33333333 1.         2.33333333 3.66666667 4.33333333 nan       ]

How I add Headers to http.get or in Typescript and angular 2?

I have used below code in Angular 9. note that it is using http class instead of normal httpClient.

  1. so import Headers from the module, otherwise Headers will be mistaken by typescript headers interface and gives error

    import {Http, Headers, RequestOptionsArgs } from "@angular/http";

  2. and in your method use following sample code and it is breaked down for easier understanding.

    let customHeaders = new Headers({ Authorization: "Bearer " + localStorage.getItem("token")});
    const requestOptions: RequestOptionsArgs = { headers: customHeaders };
    return this.http.get("/api/orders", requestOptions);

MySQL Orderby a number, Nulls last

Something like

SELECT * FROM tablename where visible=1 ORDER BY COALESCE(position, 999999999) ASC, id DESC

Replace 999999999 with what ever the max value for the field is

How can I join on a stored procedure?

Your stored procedure could easily be used as a view instead. Then you can join it on to anything else you need.


CREATE VIEW vwTenantBalance

 SELECT tenant.ID AS TenantID, SUM(ISNULL(trans.Amount,0)) AS TenantBalance 
 FROM tblTenant tenant
 LEFT JOIN tblTransaction trans
 ON tenant.ID = trans.TenantID
 GROUP BY tenant.ID

The you can do any statement like:

SELECT t.TenantName, t.CarPlateNumber, t.CarColor, t.Sex, t.SSNO, t.Phone, 
    t.Memo, u.UnitNumber, p.PropertyName, TenantBalance
FROM tblTenant t
LEFT JOIN tblRentalUnit u
 ON t.UnitID = u.ID
LEFT JOIN tblProperty p
 ON u.PropertyID = p.ID
LEFT JOIN vwTenantBalance v 
 ON t.ID = v.tenantID
ORDER BY p.PropertyName, t.CarPlateNumber

Save and load MemoryStream to/from a file

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

namespace ImageWriterUtil
    public class ImageWaterMarkBuilder
        //private ImageWaterMarkBuilder()
        Stream imageStream;
        string watermarkText = "©8Bytes.Technology";
        Font font = new System.Drawing.Font("Brush Script MT", 30, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
        Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
        Point position;
        public ImageWaterMarkBuilder AddStream(Stream imageStream)
            this.imageStream = imageStream;
            return this;
        public ImageWaterMarkBuilder AddWaterMark(string watermarkText)
            this.watermarkText = watermarkText;
            return this;
        public ImageWaterMarkBuilder AddFont(Font font)
            this.font = font;
            return this;

        public ImageWaterMarkBuilder AddFontColour(Color color)
            this.brush = new SolidBrush(color);
            return this;
        public ImageWaterMarkBuilder AddPosition(Point position)
            this.position = position;
            return this;

        public void CompileAndSave(string filePath)

            //Read the File into a Bitmap.
            using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(this.imageStream, false))
                using (Graphics grp = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))

                    //Determine the size of the Watermark text.
                    SizeF textSize = new SizeF();
                    textSize = grp.MeasureString(watermarkText, font);

                    //Position the text and draw it on the image.
                    if (position == null)
                        position = new Point((bmp.Width - ((int)textSize.Width + 10)), (bmp.Height - ((int)textSize.Height + 10)));
                    grp.DrawString(watermarkText, font, brush, position);

                    using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                        //Save the Watermarked image to the MemoryStream.
                        bmp.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Png);
                        memoryStream.Position = 0;
                       // string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
                        // outPuthFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath), fileName + "_outputh.png");
                        using (FileStream file = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write))
                            byte[] bytes = new byte[memoryStream.Length];
                            memoryStream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)memoryStream.Length);
                            file.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);


Usage :-


Break a previous commit into multiple commits

Easiest thing to do without an interactive rebase is (probably) to make a new branch starting at the commit before the one you want to split, cherry-pick -n the commit, reset, stash, commit the file move, reapply the stash and commit the changes, and then either merge with the former branch or cherry-pick the commits that followed. (Then switch the former branch name to the current head.) (It's probably better to follow MBOs advice and do an interactive rebase.)

Custom pagination view in Laravel 5

I am using Laravel 5.8. Task was to make pagination like next http://some-url/page-N instead of http://some-url?page=N. It cannot be accomplished by editing /resources/views/vendor/pagination/blade-name-here.blade.php template (it could be generated by php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-pagination command). Here I had to extend core classes.

My model used paginate method of DB instance, like next:

        $essays = DB::table($this->table)
        ->select('essays.*', '', ' as category_id')
        ->join('categories', '', '=', 'essays.category_id')
        ->where('category_id', $categoryId)
        ->where('is_published', $isPublished)
        ->paginate( // here I need to extend this method

Let's get started. paginate() method placed inside of \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder and returns Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator object. LengthAwarePaginator extends Illuminate\Pagination\AbstractPaginator, which has public function url($page) method, which need to be extended:

 * Get the URL for a given page number.
 * @param  int  $page
 * @return string
public function url($page)
    if ($page <= 0) {
        $page = 1;

    // If we have any extra query string key / value pairs that need to be added
    // onto the URL, we will put them in query string form and then attach it
    // to the URL. This allows for extra information like sortings storage.
    $parameters = [$this->pageName => $page];

    if (count($this->query) > 0) {
        $parameters = array_merge($this->query, $parameters);

    // this part should be overwrited
    return $this->path 
        . (Str::contains($this->path, '?') ? '&' : '?')
        . Arr::query($parameters)
        . $this->buildFragment();

Step by step guide (part of information I took from this nice article):

  1. Create Extended folder in app directory.
  2. In Extended folder create 3 files CustomConnection.php, CustomLengthAwarePaginator.php, CustomQueryBuilder.php:

2.1 CustomConnection.php file:

namespace App\Extended;

use \Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection;

 * Class CustomConnection
 * @package App\Extended
class CustomConnection extends MySqlConnection {
     * Get a new query builder instance.
     * @return \App\Extended\CustomQueryBuilder
    public function query() {
        // Here core QueryBuilder is overwrited by CustomQueryBuilder
        return new CustomQueryBuilder(

2.2 CustomLengthAwarePaginator.php file - this file contains main part of information which need to be overwrited:

namespace App\Extended;

use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;

 * Class CustomLengthAwarePaginator
 * @package App\Extended
class CustomLengthAwarePaginator extends LengthAwarePaginator
     * Get the URL for a given page number.
     * Overwrited parent class method
     * @param  int  $page
     * @return string
    public function url($page)
        if ($page <= 0) {
            $page = 1;

        // here the MAIN overwrited part of code BEGIN
        $parameters = [];

        if (count($this->query) > 0) {
            $parameters = array_merge($this->query, $parameters);

        $path =  $this->path . "/{$this->pageName}-$page";
        // here the MAIN overwrited part of code END

        if($parameters) {
            $path .= (Str::contains($this->path, '?') ? '&' : '?') . Arr::query($parameters);

        $path .= $this->buildFragment();

        return $path;

2.3 CustomQueryBuilder.php file:

namespace App\Extended;

use Illuminate\Container\Container;
use \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder;

 * Class CustomQueryBuilder
 * @package App\Extended
class CustomQueryBuilder extends Builder
     * Create a new length-aware paginator instance.
     * Overwrite paginator's class, which will be used for pagination
     * @param  \Illuminate\Support\Collection  $items
     * @param  int  $total
     * @param  int  $perPage
     * @param  int  $currentPage
     * @param  array  $options
     * @return \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator
    protected function paginator($items, $total, $perPage, $currentPage, $options)
        // here changed
        // CustomLengthAwarePaginator instead of LengthAwarePaginator
        return Container::getInstance()->makeWith(CustomLengthAwarePaginator::class, compact(
            'items', 'total', 'perPage', 'currentPage', 'options'
  1. In /config/app.php need to change db provider:

    'providers' => [
    // comment this line        
    // illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider::class,
    // and add instead:
  2. In your controller (or other place where you receive paginated data from db) you need to change pagination's settings:

    // here are paginated results
    $essaysPaginated = $essaysModel->getEssaysByCategoryIdPaginated($id, config('custom.essaysPerPage'), $page);
    // init your current page url (without pagination part)
    // like http://your-site-url/your-current-page-url
    $customUrl = "/my-current-url-here";
    // set url part to paginated results before showing to avoid 
    // pagination like http://your-site-url/your-current-page-url/page-2/page-3 in pagination buttons
  3. Add pagination links in your view (/resources/views/your-controller/your-blade-file.blade.php), like next:


ENJOY! :) Your custom pagination should work now

Quickest way to find missing number in an array of numbers

========Simplest Solution for sorted Array===========

public int getMissingNumber(int[] sortedArray)
            int missingNumber = 0;
            int missingNumberIndex=0;
            for (int i = 0; i < sortedArray.length; i++)
                if (sortedArray[i] == 0)
                    missingNumber = (sortedArray[i + 1]) - 1;
                    System.out.println("missingNumberIndex: "+missingNumberIndex);
            return missingNumber;

android: how to align image in the horizontal center of an imageview?

Using "fill_parent" alone for the layout_width will do the trick:

    android:src="@drawable/icon1" />

'ssh' is not recognized as an internal or external command

For Windows, first install the git base from here:

Next, set the environment variable:

  1. Press Windows+R and type sysdm.cpl
  2. Select advance -> Environment variable
  3. Select path-> edit the path and paste the below line:
C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe

To test it, open the command window: press Windows+R, type cmd and then type ssh.

Ansible Ignore errors in tasks and fail at end of the playbook if any tasks had errors

Use Fail module.

  1. Use ignore_errors with every task that you need to ignore in case of errors.
  2. Set a flag (say, result = false) whenever there is a failure in any task execution
  3. At the end of the playbook, check if flag is set, and depending on that, fail the execution
- fail: msg="The execution has failed because of errors."
  when: flag == "failed"


Use register to store the result of a task like you have shown in your example. Then, use a task like this:

- name: Set flag
  set_fact: flag = failed
  when: "'FAILED' in command_result.stderr"

Dynamically access object property using variable

const something = { bar: "Foobar!" };
const foo = 'bar';


How to overwrite files with Copy-Item in PowerShell

Robocopy is designed for reliable copying with many copy options, file selection restart, etc.

/xf to excludes files and /e for subdirectories:

robocopy $copyAdmin $AdminPath /e /xf "web.config" "Deploy"

Set value of hidden field in a form using jQuery's ".val()" doesn't work

.val didnt work for me, because i'm grabbing the value attribute server side and the value wasn't always updated. so i used :

var counter = 0;

   $('#myInput').attr('value', counter);

Hope it helps someone.

add new element in laravel collection object

I have solved this if you are using array called for 2 tables. Example you have, $tableA['yellow'] and $tableA['blue'] . You are getting these 2 values and you want to add another element inside them to separate them by their type.

foreach ($tableA['yellow'] as $value) {
    $value->type = 'YELLOW';  //you are adding new element named 'type'

foreach ($tableA['blue'] as $value) {
    $value->type = 'BLUE';  //you are adding new element named 'type'

So, both of the tables value will have new element called type.

How to fill a Javascript object literal with many static key/value pairs efficiently?

Give this a try:

var map = {"aaa": "rrr", "bbb": "ppp"};

M_PI works with math.h but not with cmath in Visual Studio

This is still an issue in VS Community 2015 and 2017 when building either console or windows apps. If the project is created with precompiled headers, the precompiled headers are apparently loaded before any of the #includes, so even if the #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES is the first line, it won't compile. #including math.h instead of cmath does not make a difference.

The only solutions I can find are either to start from an empty project (for simple console or embedded system apps) or to add /Y- to the command line arguments, which turns off the loading of precompiled headers.

For information on disabling precompiled headers, see for example

It would be nice if MS would change/fix this. I teach introductory programming courses at a large university, and explaining this to newbies never sinks in until they've made the mistake and struggled with it for an afternoon or so.

Get RETURN value from stored procedure in SQL

The accepted answer is invalid with the double EXEC (only need the first EXEC):

DECLARE @returnvalue int;
EXEC @returnvalue = SP_SomeProc
PRINT @returnvalue

And you still need to call PRINT (at least in Visual Studio).

Printing column separated by comma using Awk command line


awk -F',' '{print $3}' myfile.txt

Here in -F you are saying to awk that use "," as field separator.

Java String array: is there a size of method?

There is a difference between length of String and array to clarify:

int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
String s = "1234";

a.length //gives the length of the array

s.length() //gives the length of the string

How do I export html table data as .csv file?

If it's an infrequent need, try one of several firefox addons which facilitate copying HTML table data to the clipboard (e.g., For example, for the 'table2clipboard' add-on:

  1. install the add-on in firefox
  2. open the web-page (with the table) in firefox
  3. right-click anywhere in the table and select 'copy whole table'
  4. start up a spreadsheet application such as LibreOffice Calc
  5. paste into the spreadsheet (select appropriate separator character as needed)
  6. save/export the spreadsheet as CSV.

Disable webkit's spin buttons on input type="number"?

I discovered that there is a second portion of the answer to this.

The first portion helped me, but I still had a space to the right of my type=number input. I had zeroed out the margin on the input, but apparently I had to zero out the margin on the spinner as well.

This fixed it:

input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
    -webkit-appearance: none;
    margin: 0;

Responsive font size in CSS

I am afraid there isn't any easy solution with regards to font resizing. You can change the font size using a media query, but technically it will not resize smoothly. For an example, if you use:

@media only screen and (max-width: 320px){font-size: 3em;}

your font-size will be 3em both for a 300 pixels and 200 pixels width. But you need lower font-size for 200px width to make perfect responsive.

So, what is the real solution? There is only one way. You have to create a PNG image (with a transparent background) containing your text. After that you can easily make your image responsive (for example: width:35%; height:28px). By this way your text will be fully responsive with all devices.

How do I login and authenticate to Postgresql after a fresh install?

If your database client connects with TCP/IP and you have ident auth configured in your pg_hba.conf check that you have an identd installed and running. This is mandatory even if you have only local clients connecting to "localhost".

Also beware that nowadays the identd may have to be IPv6 enabled for Postgresql to welcome clients which connect to localhost.

Predicate in Java

I'm assuming you're talking about<T> from Guava.

From the API:

Determines a true or false value for a given input. For example, a RegexPredicate might implement Predicate<String>, and return true for any string that matches its given regular expression.

This is essentially an OOP abstraction for a boolean test.

For example, you may have a helper method like this:

static boolean isEven(int num) {
   return (num % 2) == 0; // simple

Now, given a List<Integer>, you can process only the even numbers like this:

    List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
    for (int number : numbers) {
        if (isEven(number)) {

With Predicate, the if test is abstracted out as a type. This allows it to interoperate with the rest of the API, such as Iterables, which have many utility methods that takes Predicate.

Thus, you can now write something like this:

    Predicate<Integer> isEven = new Predicate<Integer>() {
        @Override public boolean apply(Integer number) {
            return (number % 2) == 0;
    Iterable<Integer> evenNumbers = Iterables.filter(numbers, isEven);

    for (int number : evenNumbers) {

Note that now the for-each loop is much simpler without the if test. We've reached a higher level of abtraction by defining Iterable<Integer> evenNumbers, by filter-ing using a Predicate.

API links

On higher-order function

Predicate allows Iterables.filter to serve as what is called a higher-order function. On its own, this offers many advantages. Take the List<Integer> numbers example above. Suppose we want to test if all numbers are positive. We can write something like this:

static boolean isAllPositive(Iterable<Integer> numbers) {
    for (Integer number : numbers) {
        if (number < 0) {
            return false;
    return true;

if (isAllPositive(numbers)) {

With a Predicate, and interoperating with the rest of the libraries, we can instead write this:

Predicate<Integer> isPositive = new Predicate<Integer>() {
    @Override public boolean apply(Integer number) {
        return number > 0;

if (Iterables.all(numbers, isPositive)) {

Hopefully you can now see the value in higher abstractions for routines like "filter all elements by the given predicate", "check if all elements satisfy the given predicate", etc make for better code.

Unfortunately Java doesn't have first-class methods: you can't pass methods around to Iterables.filter and Iterables.all. You can, of course, pass around objects in Java. Thus, the Predicate type is defined, and you pass objects implementing this interface instead.

See also

Apache won't start in wamp

Invalid Command '80HostnameLookups' , perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
I got this error when I debug the issue (wamp server was not going online) by the procedure defined by @RiggsFolly. Just comment the line 80HostnameLookups Off by changing it to #80HostnameLookups Off. This solution worked for me and apache starts running.
Note:80HostnameLookups Off can be found on line 222 of httpd.conf file located in C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf

Indentation shortcuts in Visual Studio

If you would like nicely auto-formatted code. Try CTRL + A + K + F. While holding down CTRL hit a, then k, then f.

Calling a function within a Class method?

To call any method of an object instantiated from a class (with statement new), you need to "point" to it. From the outside you just use the resource created by the new statement. Inside any object PHP created by new, saves the same resource into the $this variable. So, inside a class you MUST point to the method by $this. In your class, to call smallTest from inside the class, you must tell PHP which of all the objects created by the new statement you want to execute, just write:


Undoing a git rebase

I actually put a backup tag on the branch before I do any nontrivial operation (most rebases are trivial, but I'd do that if it looks anywhere complex).

Then, restoring is as easy as git reset --hard BACKUP.

Read/write to file using jQuery

Yes it is possible.

The technique is described below