While the solution provided by @jmfenoll works, it updates to the latest packages. In my case, having installed beta2 (prerelease) it updated all of the libs to RC1 (which had a bug). Thus the above solution does only half of the job.
If you are in the same situation as I am and you would like to synchronize your project with the exact version of the NuGet packages you have/or specified in your packages.config
, then, then this script might help you. Simply copy&paste it into your Package Manager Console
function Sync-References([string]$PackageId) {
get-project -all | %{
$proj = $_ ;
Write-Host $proj.name;
get-package -project $proj.name | ? { $_.id -match $PackageId } | % {
Write-Host $_.id;
uninstall-package -projectname $proj.name -id $_.id -version $_.version -RemoveDependencies -force ;
install-package -projectname $proj.name -id $_.id -version $_.version
And then execute it either with a sepific package name like
Sync-References AutoMapper
or for all packages like
Credits go to Dan Haywood and his blog post.