[sql-server] How to install SQL Server Management Studio 2012 (SSMS) Express?

Easiest way to install MSSQL 2012 MS SQL INSTALLATION

Here i am showing the easiest way to install ms sql 2012.

My opinion is the installation will be easier with windows 8.1 rather than windows 7.

This is my personnal opinion only.

We can install in windows 7 as well.

The steps to be followed:

Download any one of the link using the following URL





Right click on .exe file and run it

We should leave everything default while installing.

During installation, there will be 2 options:

1)If you are New user,then click on new sql-server stand alone application.

2)If you have already MS SQL application then you can upgrade by using the other option.

Then accept the Licence terms and click Next.

Now you will move on to Product Updates and press next then Setup support rules.

After this Feature selection.According to me we can check all the boxes except localdb.

Next it will take you to Instance Configuration where you should select Named Instance as


Then go to Server Configuration and press next.

Now Database engine configuration:

Authentication Mode:we can click on any one that is windows authentication mode or mixed.

Windows authentication mode (default for windows).

Mixed authentication mode:then should create username and password.

Then move on Error reporting,we can move further by clicking next to install process.

Finally we can see the Complete windows by showing the products added .

We can close and run the MSSQL server.

I hope it's useful.



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