Inspired by this thread, a pod, and Erica Sadun's ObjC example in iOS Gourmet Cookbook p.80, I wrote an extension on String
and on NSAttributedString
to go back and forth between HTML plain-strings and NSAttributedStrings and vice versa -- on GitHub here, which I have found helpful.
The signatures are (again, full code in a Gist, link above):
extension NSAttributedString {
func encodedString(ext: DocEXT) -> String?
static func fromEncodedString(_ eString: String, ext: DocEXT) -> NSAttributedString?
static func fromHTML(_ html: String) -> NSAttributedString? // same as above, where ext = .html
extension String {
func attributedString(ext: DocEXT) -> NSAttributedString?
enum DocEXT: String { case rtfd, rtf, htm, html, txt }