[python] Flask-SQLalchemy update a row's information

Models.py define the serializers

def default(o):
   if isinstance(o, (date, datetime)):
      return o.isoformat()

class User(db.Model):
   id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)

    def serializers(self):
       return json.loads(json.dumps(dict_val,default=default))

In RestApi, We can update the record dynamically by passing the json data into update query:

class UpdateUserDetails(Resource):
   def post(self):
      json_data = request.get_json()
      user_id = current_user.id
         instance = User.query.filter(User.id==user_id)
         msg={"msg":"User details updated successfully","data":updateddata.serializers()}
      except Exception as e:
         msg = {"msg": "Failed to update the userdetails! please contact your administartor."}
      return msg

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