Programs & Examples On #Unmarshalling

Unmarshalling is the process of transforming the storage or transmission representation of an object back into its original memory representation. It is the inverse of marshalling.

javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element. Expected elements are (none)

In our case we were getting UnmarshalException because a wrong Java package was specified in the following. The issue was resolved once the right package was in place:

public Unmarshaller tmsUnmarshaller() {
    final Jaxb2Marshaller jaxb2Marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
    return jaxb2Marshaller;

Is it possible to send an array with the Postman Chrome extension?

Set Body as raw and form the array as follows:

enter image description here

.rar, .zip files MIME Type

As extension might contain more or less that three characters the following will test for an extension regardless of the length of it.

Try this:

$allowedExtensions = array( 'mkv', 'mp3', 'flac' );

$temp = explode(".", $_FILES[$file]["name"]);
$extension = strtolower(end($temp));

if( in_array( $extension, $allowedExtensions ) ) { ///

to check for all characters after the last '.'

How to add a recyclerView inside another recyclerView

you can use LayoutInflater to inflate your dynamic data as a layout file.

UPDATE : first create a LinearLayout inside your CardView's layout and assign an ID for it. after that create a layout file that you want to inflate. at last in your onBindViewHolder method in your "RAdaper" class. write these codes :

  mInflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);

  view = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.my_list_custom_row, parent, false);

after that you can initialize data and ClickListeners with your RAdapter Data. hope it helps.

this and this may useful :)

In MySQL, how to copy the content of one table to another table within the same database?


EDIT: or if the tables have different structures you can also:


EDIT: to constrain this..

INSERT INTO TARGET_TABLE (`col1_`,`col2_`) SELECT `col1`,`col2` FROM SOURCE_TABLE WHERE `foo`=1

How to view UTF-8 Characters in VIM or Gvim

On Microsoft Windows, gvim wouldn't allow you to select non-monospaced fonts. Unfortunately Latha is a non-monospaced font.

There is a hack way to make it happen: Using FontForge (you can download Windows binary from to edit the Latha.ttf and mark it as a monospaced font. Doing like this:

  1. Load fontforge, select latha.ttf.
  2. Menu: Element -> Font Info
  3. Select "OS/2" from left-hand list on Font Info dialog
  4. Select "Panose" tab
  5. Set Proportion = Monospaced
  6. Save new TTF version of this font, try it out!

Good luck!

@Cacheable key on multiple method arguments

Use this

@Cacheable(value="bookCache", key="#isbn + '_' + #checkWarehouse + '_' + #includeUsed")

Simplest way to detect keypresses in javascript

With plain Javascript, the simplest is:

document.onkeypress = function (e) {
    e = e || window.event;
    // use e.keyCode

But with this, you can only bind one handler for the event.

In addition, you could use the following to be able to potentially bind multiple handlers to the same event:

addEvent(document, "keypress", function (e) {
    e = e || window.event;
    // use e.keyCode

function addEvent(element, eventName, callback) {
    if (element.addEventListener) {
        element.addEventListener(eventName, callback, false);
    } else if (element.attachEvent) {
        element.attachEvent("on" + eventName, callback);
    } else {
        element["on" + eventName] = callback;

In either case, keyCode isn't consistent across browsers, so there's more to check for and figure out. Notice the e = e || window.event - that's a normal problem with Internet Explorer, putting the event in window.event instead of passing it to the callback.


With jQuery:

$(document).on("keypress", function (e) {
    // use e.which


Other than jQuery being a "large" library, jQuery really helps with inconsistencies between browsers, especially with window events...and that can't be denied. Hopefully it's obvious that the jQuery code I provided for your example is much more elegant and shorter, yet accomplishes what you want in a consistent way. You should be able to trust that e (the event) and e.which (the key code, for knowing which key was pressed) are accurate. In plain Javascript, it's a little harder to know unless you do everything that the jQuery library internally does.

Note there is a keydown event, that is different than keypress. You can learn more about them here: onKeyPress Vs. onKeyUp and onKeyDown

As for suggesting what to use, I would definitely suggest using jQuery if you're up for learning the framework. At the same time, I would say that you should learn Javascript's syntax, methods, features, and how to interact with the DOM. Once you understand how it works and what's happening, you should be more comfortable working with jQuery. To me, jQuery makes things more consistent and is more concise. In the end, it's Javascript, and wraps the language.

Another example of jQuery being very useful is with AJAX. Browsers are inconsistent with how AJAX requests are handled, so jQuery abstracts that so you don't have to worry.

Here's something that might help decide:

How can I combine two commits into one commit?

You want to git rebase -i to perform an interactive rebase.

If you're currently on your "commit 1", and the commit you want to merge, "commit 2", is the previous commit, you can run git rebase -i HEAD~2, which will spawn an editor listing all the commits the rebase will traverse. You should see two lines starting with "pick". To proceed with squashing, change the first word of the second line from "pick" to "squash". Then save your file, and quit. Git will squash your first commit into your second last commit.

Note that this process rewrites the history of your branch. If you are pushing your code somewhere, you'll have to git push -f and anybody sharing your code will have to jump through some hoops to pull your changes.

Note that if the two commits in question aren't the last two commits on the branch, the process will be slightly different.

Java: Getting a substring from a string starting after a particular character

A very simple implementation with String.split():

String path = "/abc/def/ghfj.doc";
// Split path into segments
String segments[] = path.split("/");
// Grab the last segment
String document = segments[segments.length - 1];

Can I set up HTML/Email Templates with ASP.NET?

Here is a simple way using the WebClient class:

public static string GetHTMLBody(string url)
    string htmlBody;

    using (WebClient client = new WebClient ())
        htmlBody = client.DownloadString(url);

    return htmlBody;

Then just call it like this:

string url = "";
message.Body = GetHTMLBody(url);

Of course, your CSS will need to be in-lined in order to show the styles of the webpage in the most email clients (such as Outlook). If your e-mail displays dynamic content (ex. Customer Name), then I would recommend using QueryStrings on your website to populate the data. (ex.

ES6 Map in Typescript

How do I declare an ES6 Map type in typescript?

You need to target --module es6. This is misfortunate and you can raise your concern here :

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/core/JsonFactory

You have to add one jar : jackson-annotations-2.1.2.jar You can download it from here and add it to the class path If you are using the gradle then add the following dependency.

compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-json-provider:2.5.2'

How to iterate over the keys and values with ng-repeat in AngularJS?

If you would like to edit the property value with two way binding:

<tr ng-repeat="(key, value) in data">
    <td>{{key}}<input type="text" ng-model="data[key]"></td>

MVC4 input field placeholder

An alternative to using a plugin is using an editor template. What you need to do is to create a template file in Shared\EditorTemplates folder and call it String.cshtml. Then put this in that file:

    new { placeholder = ViewData.ModelMetadata.Watermark })

Then use it in your view like this:


The downside, this works for properties of type string, and you will have to create a template for each type that you want support for a watermark.

Java LinkedHashMap get first or last entry

For first element use entrySet().iterator().next() and stop iterating after 1 iteration. For last one the easiest way is to preserve the key in a variable whenever you do a map.put.

Which is the correct C# infinite loop, for (;;) or while (true)?

I personally prefer the for (;;) idiom (coming from a C/C++ point of view). While I agree that the while (true) is more readable in a sense (and it's what I used way back when even in C/C++), I've turned to using the for idiom because:

  • it stands out

I think the fact that a loop doesn't terminate (in a normal fashion) is worth 'calling out', and I think that the for (;;) does this a bit more.

What is the difference between MOV and LEA?

The difference is subtle but important. The MOV instruction is a 'MOVe' effectively a copy of the address that the TABLE-ADDR label stands for. The LEA instruction is a 'Load Effective Address' which is an indirected instruction, which means that TABLE-ADDR points to a memory location at which the address to load is found.

Effectively using LEA is equivalent to using pointers in languages such as C, as such it is a powerful instruction.

How to set my default shell on Mac?

When in the terminal, open the terminal preferences using Command+,.

On the Setting Tab, select one of the themes, and choose the shell tab on the right.

You can set the autostart command fish.


Why are LEFT/RIGHT and LEFT OUTER/RIGHT OUTER the same? Let's explain why this vocabulary. Understand that LEFT and RIGHT joins are specific cases of the OUTER join, and therefore couldn't be anything else than OUTER LEFT/OUTER RIGHT. The OUTER join is also called FULL OUTER as opposed to LEFT and RIGHT joins that are PARTIAL results of the OUTER join. Indeed:

Table A | Table B     Table A | Table B      Table A | Table B      Table A | Table B
   1    |   5            1    |   1             1    |   1             1    |   1
   2    |   1            2    |   2             2    |   2             2    |   2
   3    |   6            3    |  null           3    |  null           -    |   -
   4    |   2            4    |  null           4    |  null           -    |   -
                        null  |   5             -    |   -            null  |   5
                        null  |   6             -    |   -            null  |   6

                      OUTER JOIN (FULL)     LEFT OUTER (partial)   RIGHT OUTER (partial)

It is now clear why those operations have aliases, as well as it is clear only 3 cases exist: INNER, OUTER, CROSS. With two sub-cases for the OUTER. The vocabulary, the way teachers explain this, as well as some answers above, often make it looks like there are lots of different types of join. But it's actually very simple.

Local and global temporary tables in SQL Server

I find this explanation quite clear (it's pure copy from Technet):

There are two types of temporary tables: local and global. Local temporary tables are visible only to their creators during the same connection to an instance of SQL Server as when the tables were first created or referenced. Local temporary tables are deleted after the user disconnects from the instance of SQL Server. Global temporary tables are visible to any user and any connection after they are created, and are deleted when all users that are referencing the table disconnect from the instance of SQL Server.

How to copy a row from one SQL Server table to another

Jarrett's answer creates a new table.

Scott's answer inserts into an existing table with the same structure.

You can also insert into a table with different structure:

(columnX, columnY)
SELECT column1, column2 FROM Table1
WHERE [Conditions]

Matplotlib: "Unknown projection '3d'" error

Try this:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d



How do I set a variable to the output of a command in Bash?

When setting a variable make sure you have no spaces before and/or after the = sign. I literally spent an hour trying to figure this out, trying all kinds of solutions! This is not cool.


WTFF=`echo "stuff"`
echo "Example: $WTFF"

Will Fail with error "stuff: not found" or similar

WTFF= `echo "stuff"`
echo "Example: $WTFF"

How to get the current location latitude and longitude in android

Before couple of months, I created GPSTracker library to help me to get GPS locations. In case you need to view GPSTracker > getLocation



<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    TextView textview;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // check if GPS enabled
        GPSTracker gpsTracker = new GPSTracker(this);

        if (gpsTracker.getIsGPSTrackingEnabled())
            String stringLatitude = String.valueOf(gpsTracker.latitude);
            textview = (TextView)findViewById(;

            String stringLongitude = String.valueOf(gpsTracker.longitude);
            textview = (TextView)findViewById(;

            String country = gpsTracker.getCountryName(this);
            textview = (TextView)findViewById(;

            String city = gpsTracker.getLocality(this);
            textview = (TextView)findViewById(;

            String postalCode = gpsTracker.getPostalCode(this);
            textview = (TextView)findViewById(;

            String addressLine = gpsTracker.getAddressLine(this);
            textview = (TextView)findViewById(;
            // can't get location
            // GPS or Network is not enabled
            // Ask user to enable GPS/network in settings

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
        return true;

GPS Tracker

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.location.Address;
import android.location.Geocoder;
import android.location.Location;
import android.location.LocationListener;
import android.location.LocationManager;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.util.Log;

 * Create this Class from tutorial : 
 * For Geocoder read this :

public class GPSTracker extends Service implements LocationListener {

    // Get Class Name
    private static String TAG = GPSTracker.class.getName();

    private final Context mContext;

    // flag for GPS Status
    boolean isGPSEnabled = false;

    // flag for network status
    boolean isNetworkEnabled = false;

    // flag for GPS Tracking is enabled 
    boolean isGPSTrackingEnabled = false;

    Location location;
    double latitude;
    double longitude;

    // How many Geocoder should return our GPSTracker
    int geocoderMaxResults = 1;

    // The minimum distance to change updates in meters
    private static final long MIN_DISTANCE_CHANGE_FOR_UPDATES = 10; // 10 meters

    // The minimum time between updates in milliseconds
    private static final long MIN_TIME_BW_UPDATES = 1000 * 60 * 1; // 1 minute

    // Declaring a Location Manager
    protected LocationManager locationManager;

    // Store LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER or LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER information
    private String provider_info;

    public GPSTracker(Context context) {
        this.mContext = context;

     * Try to get my current location by GPS or Network Provider
    public void getLocation() {

        try {
            locationManager = (LocationManager) mContext.getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE);

            //getting GPS status
            isGPSEnabled = locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);

            //getting network status
            isNetworkEnabled = locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);

            // Try to get location if you GPS Service is enabled
            if (isGPSEnabled) {
                this.isGPSTrackingEnabled = true;

                Log.d(TAG, "Application use GPS Service");

                 * This provider determines location using
                 * satellites. Depending on conditions, this provider may take a while to return
                 * a location fix.

                provider_info = LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER;

            } else if (isNetworkEnabled) { // Try to get location if you Network Service is enabled
                this.isGPSTrackingEnabled = true;

                Log.d(TAG, "Application use Network State to get GPS coordinates");

                 * This provider determines location based on
                 * availability of cell tower and WiFi access points. Results are retrieved
                 * by means of a network lookup.
                provider_info = LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER;


            // Application can use GPS or Network Provider
            if (!provider_info.isEmpty()) {

                if (locationManager != null) {
                    location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider_info);
        catch (Exception e)
            Log.e(TAG, "Impossible to connect to LocationManager", e);

     * Update GPSTracker latitude and longitude
    public void updateGPSCoordinates() {
        if (location != null) {
            latitude = location.getLatitude();
            longitude = location.getLongitude();

     * GPSTracker latitude getter and setter
     * @return latitude
    public double getLatitude() {
        if (location != null) {
            latitude = location.getLatitude();

        return latitude;

     * GPSTracker longitude getter and setter
     * @return
    public double getLongitude() {
        if (location != null) {
            longitude = location.getLongitude();

        return longitude;

     * GPSTracker isGPSTrackingEnabled getter.
     * Check GPS/wifi is enabled
    public boolean getIsGPSTrackingEnabled() {

        return this.isGPSTrackingEnabled;

     * Stop using GPS listener
     * Calling this method will stop using GPS in your app
    public void stopUsingGPS() {
        if (locationManager != null) {

     * Function to show settings alert dialog
    public void showSettingsAlert() {
        AlertDialog.Builder alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(mContext);

        //Setting Dialog Title

        //Setting Dialog Message

        //On Pressing Setting button
        alertDialog.setPositiveButton(R.string.action_settings, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) 
                Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS);

        //On pressing cancel button
        alertDialog.setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) 

     * Get list of address by latitude and longitude
     * @return null or List<Address>
    public List<Address> getGeocoderAddress(Context context) {
        if (location != null) {

            Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(context, Locale.ENGLISH);

            try {
                 * Geocoder.getFromLocation - Returns an array of Addresses 
                 * that are known to describe the area immediately surrounding the given latitude and longitude.
                List<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(latitude, longitude, this.geocoderMaxResults);

                return addresses;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Impossible to connect to Geocoder", e);

        return null;

     * Try to get AddressLine
     * @return null or addressLine
    public String getAddressLine(Context context) {
        List<Address> addresses = getGeocoderAddress(context);

        if (addresses != null && addresses.size() > 0) {
            Address address = addresses.get(0);
            String addressLine = address.getAddressLine(0);

            return addressLine;
        } else {
            return null;

     * Try to get Locality
     * @return null or locality
    public String getLocality(Context context) {
        List<Address> addresses = getGeocoderAddress(context);

        if (addresses != null && addresses.size() > 0) {
            Address address = addresses.get(0);
            String locality = address.getLocality();

            return locality;
        else {
            return null;

     * Try to get Postal Code
     * @return null or postalCode
    public String getPostalCode(Context context) {
        List<Address> addresses = getGeocoderAddress(context);

        if (addresses != null && addresses.size() > 0) {
            Address address = addresses.get(0);
            String postalCode = address.getPostalCode();

            return postalCode;
        } else {
            return null;

     * Try to get CountryName
     * @return null or postalCode
    public String getCountryName(Context context) {
        List<Address> addresses = getGeocoderAddress(context);
        if (addresses != null && addresses.size() > 0) {
            Address address = addresses.get(0);
            String countryName = address.getCountryName();

            return countryName;
        } else {
            return null;

    public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {

    public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {

    public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {

    public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return null;


If the method / answer doesn't work. You need to use the official Google Provider: FusedLocationProviderApi.

Article: Getting the Last Known Location

Inserting a text where cursor is using Javascript/jquery

you can only focus required textbox an insert the text there. there is no way to find out where focus is AFAIK (maybe interating over all DOM nodes?).

check this stackoverflow - it has a solution for you: How do I find out which DOM element has the focus?

CronJob not running

I experienced same problem where crons are not running. We fixed by changing permissions and owner by Crons made root owner as we had mentioned in crontab AND Cronjobs 644 permission given

Select all from table with Laravel and Eloquent

There are 3 ways that one can do that.


$entireTable = TableModelName::all();


$posts = Posts::get(); 
  1. put this line before the class in the controller

    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; // this will import the DB facade into your controller class

Now in the class

$posts = DB::table('posts')->get(); // it will get the entire table
  1. put this line before the class in the controller

    Same import the DB facade like method 2

Now in the controller

$posts = DB::select('SELECT * FROM posts');

How do I initialize Kotlin's MutableList to empty MutableList?

You can simply write:

val mutableList = mutableListOf<Kolory>()

This is the most idiomatic way.

Alternative ways are

val mutableList : MutableList<Kolory> = arrayListOf()


val mutableList : MutableList<Kolory> = ArrayList()

This is exploiting the fact that java types like ArrayList are implicitly implementing the type MutableList via a compiler trick.

How can I check if char* variable points to empty string?

Check if the first character is '\0'. You should also probably check if your pointer is NULL.

char *c = "";
if ((c != NULL) && (c[0] == '\0')) {
   printf("c is empty\n");

You could put both of those checks in a function to make it convenient and easy to reuse.

Edit: In the if statement can be read like this, "If c is not zero and the first character of character array 'c' is not '\0' or zero, then...".

The && simply combines the two conditions. It is basically like saying this:

if (c != NULL) { /* AND (or &&) */
    if (c[0] == '\0') {
        printf("c is empty\n");

You may want to get a good C programming book if that is not clear to you. I could recommend a book called "The C Programming Language".

The shortest version equivalent to the above would be:

if (c && !c[0]) {
  printf("c is empty\n");

Create a List that contain each Line of a File

f.readlines() returns a list that contains each line as an item in the list

if you want eachline to be split(",") you can use list comprehensions

[ list.split(",") for line in file ]

What does localhost:8080 mean?

the localhost:8080 means your explicitly targeting port 8080.

How to get the width and height of an android.widget.ImageView?

My answer on this question might help you:

int finalHeight, finalWidth;
final ImageView iv = (ImageView)findViewById(;
final TextView tv = (TextView)findViewById(;
ViewTreeObserver vto = iv.getViewTreeObserver();
vto.addOnPreDrawListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() {
    public boolean onPreDraw() {
        finalHeight = iv.getMeasuredHeight();
        finalWidth = iv.getMeasuredWidth();
        tv.setText("Height: " + finalHeight + " Width: " + finalWidth);
        return true;

You can then add your image scaling work from within the onPreDraw() method.

How to Join to first row

I know this question was answered a while ago, but when dealing with large data sets, nested queries can be costly. Here is a different solution where the nested query will only be ran once, instead of for each row returned.

      Max(LineItem.LineItemID) AS LineItemID
      Orders INNER JOIN LineItems
      ON Orders.OrderNumber = LineItems.OrderNumber
    GROUP BY Orders.OrderNumber
  ) AS Items ON Orders.OrderNumber = Items.OrderNumber
  INNER JOIN LineItems 
  ON Items.LineItemID = LineItems.LineItemID

How to add an extra row to a pandas dataframe

Upcoming pandas 0.13 version will allow to add rows through loc on non existing index data. However, be aware that under the hood, this creates a copy of the entire DataFrame so it is not an efficient operation.

Description is here and this new feature is called Setting With Enlargement.

Get the element with the highest occurrence in an array

I came up with a shorter solution, but it's using lodash. Works with any data, not just strings. For objects can be used:

const mostFrequent = _.maxBy(Object.values(_.groupBy(inputArr, el => el.someUniqueProp)), arr => arr.length)[0];

This is for strings:

const mostFrequent = _.maxBy(Object.values(_.groupBy(inputArr, el => el)), arr => arr.length)[0];

Just grouping data under a certain criteria, then finding the largest group.

Using a .php file to generate a MySQL dump

None of the above codes worked for me. I am using windows. Below Code worked for me...

$sql = "SELECT * FROM  $tableName WHERE yourclause";
$result = $conn->query($sql);


        if ($result->num_rows > 0) {

            $myfile = fopen("daily_events_$district.sql", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");

            while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {  

                $rowToString = implode("','",$row);
                $writeToFile = "INSERT INTO $tableName VALUES('$rowToString');". PHP_EOL;
            echo "File saved successfully";
    } else {
        echo "No result found";

This will save file in your project folder according to your query whatever data you want.

How to import multiple csv files in a single load?

Using Spark 2.0+, we can load multiple CSV files from different directories using df =['directory_1','directory_2','directory_3'.....], header=True). For more information, refer the documentation here

How to convert wstring into string?

There are two issues with the code:

  1. The conversion in const std::string s( ws.begin(), ws.end() ); is not required to correctly map the wide characters to their narrow counterpart. Most likely, each wide character will just be typecast to char.
    The resolution to this problem is already given in the answer by kem and involves the narrow function of the locale's ctype facet.

  2. You are writing output to both std::cout and std::wcout in the same program. Both cout and wcout are associated with the same stream (stdout) and the results of using the same stream both as a byte-oriented stream (as cout does) and a wide-oriented stream (as wcout does) are not defined.
    The best option is to avoid mixing narrow and wide output to the same (underlying) stream. For stdout/cout/wcout, you can try switching the orientation of stdout when switching between wide and narrow output (or vice versa):

    #include <iostream>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <wchar.h>
    int main() {
        std::cout << "narrow" << std::endl;
        fwide(stdout, 1); // switch to wide
        std::wcout << L"wide" << std::endl;
        fwide(stdout, -1); // switch to narrow
        std::cout << "narrow" << std::endl;
        fwide(stdout, 1); // switch to wide
        std::wcout << L"wide" << std::endl;

Nested JSON: How to add (push) new items to an object?

push is an Array method, for json object you may need to define it

this should do it:

library[title] = {"foregrounds" : foregrounds,"backgrounds" : backgrounds};

How does Content Security Policy (CSP) work?

Apache 2 mod_headers

You could also enable Apache 2 mod_headers. On Fedora it's already enabled by default. If you use Ubuntu/Debian, enable it like this:

# First enable headers module for Apache 2,
# and then restart the Apache2 service
a2enmod headers
apache2 -k graceful

On Ubuntu/Debian you can configure headers in the file /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/security.conf

# Setting this header will prevent MSIE from interpreting files as something
# else than declared by the content type in the HTTP headers.
# Requires mod_headers to be enabled.
#Header set X-Content-Type-Options: "nosniff"

# Setting this header will prevent other sites from embedding pages from this
# site as frames. This defends against clickjacking attacks.
# Requires mod_headers to be enabled.
Header always set X-Frame-Options: "sameorigin"
Header always set X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
Header always set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
Header always set X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies "master-only"
Header always set Cache-Control "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
Header always set Pragma "no-cache"
Header always set Expires "-1"
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: "default-src 'none';"
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: "script-src 'self';"
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: "style-src 'self';"

Note: This is the bottom part of the file. Only the last three entries are CSP settings.

The first parameter is the directive, the second is the sources to be white-listed. I've added Google analytics and an adserver, which you might have. Furthermore, I found that if you have aliases, e.g, and configured in Apache 2 you should add them to the white-list as well.

Inline code is considered harmful, and you should avoid it. Copy all the JavaScript code and CSS to separate files and add them to the white-list.

While you're at it you could take a look at the other header settings and install mod_security

Further reading:

What does the error "JSX element type '...' does not have any construct or call signatures" mean?

If you are using material-ui, go to type definition of the component, which is being underlined by TypeScript. Most likely you will see something like this

export { default } from './ComponentName';

You have 2 options to resolve the error:

1.Add .default when using the component in JSX:

import ComponentName from './ComponentName'

const Component = () => <ComponentName.default />

2.Rename the component, which is being exported as "default", when importing:

import { default as ComponentName } from './ComponentName'

const Component = () => <ComponentName />

This way you don't need to specify .default every time you use the component.

How to initialize an array in Kotlin with values?

intialize array in this way : val paramValueList : Array<String?> = arrayOfNulls<String>(5)

How do I make the text box bigger in HTML/CSS?

Try this:

#signin input {
    height: 1.5em;
    /* or */
    line-height: 1.5em;

How to list all databases in the mongo shell?

I have found one solution, where admin()/others didn't worked.

const { promisify } = require('util');
const exec = promisify(require('child_process').exec)
async function test() {
  var res = await exec('mongo  --eval "db.adminCommand( { listDatabases: 1 }         
)" --quiet')
  return { res }

  .then(resp => {
    console.log('All dbs', JSON.parse(resp.res.stdout).databases)

Constants in Objective-C

A slight modification of the suggestion of @Krizz, so that it works properly if the constants header file is to be included in the PCH, which is rather normal. Since the original is imported into the PCH, it won't reload it into the .m file and thus you get no symbols and the linker is unhappy.

However, the following modification allows it to work. It's a bit convoluted, but it works.

You'll need 3 files, .h file which has the constant definitions, the .h file and the .m file, I'll use ConstantList.h, Constants.h and Constants.m, respectively. the contents of Constants.h are simply:

// Constants.h
#define STR_CONST(name, value) extern NSString* const name
#include "ConstantList.h"

and the Constants.m file looks like:

// Constants.m
#ifdef STR_CONST
    #undef STR_CONST
#define STR_CONST(name, value) NSString* const name = @ value
#include "ConstantList.h"

Finally, the ConstantList.h file has the actual declarations in it and that is all:

// ConstantList.h
STR_CONST(kMyConstant, "Value");

A couple of things to note:

  1. I had to redefine the macro in the .m file after #undefing it for the macro to be used.

  2. I also had to use #include instead of #import for this to work properly and avoid the compiler seeing the previously precompiled values.

  3. This will require a recompile of your PCH (and probably the entire project) whenever any values are changed, which is not the case if they are separated (and duplicated) as normal.

Hope that is helpful for someone.

Replace line break characters with <br /> in ASP.NET MVC Razor view

I needed to break some text into paragraphs ("p" tags), so I created a simple helper using some of the recommendations in previous answers (thank you guys).

public static MvcHtmlString ToParagraphs(this HtmlHelper html, string value) 
        value = html.Encode(value).Replace("\r", String.Empty);
        var arr = value.Split('\n').Where(a => a.Trim() != string.Empty);
        var htmlStr = "<p>" + String.Join("</p><p>", arr) + "</p>";
        return MvcHtmlString.Create(htmlStr);



make arrayList.toArray() return more specific types

It doesn't really need to return Object[], for example:-

    List<Custom> list = new ArrayList<Custom>();
    list.add(new Custom(1));
    list.add(new Custom(2));

    Custom[] customs = new Custom[list.size()];

    for (Custom custom : customs) {

Here's my Custom class:-

public class Custom {
    private int i;

    public Custom(int i) {
        this.i = i;

    public String toString() {
        return String.valueOf(i);

How to find the unclosed div tag

If you use Dreamweaver you could easily note to unclosed div. In the left pane of the code view you can see there <> highlight invalid code button, click this button and you will notice the unclosed div highlighted and then close your unclosed div. Press F5 to refresh the page to see that any other unclosed div are there.

You can also validate your page in Dreamweaver too. File>Check Page>Browser Compatibility, then task-pane will appear Click on Validation, on the left side there you'll see ? button click this to validate.


Common HTTPclient and proxy

For httpclient 4.1.x you can set the proxy like this (taken from this example):

    HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost("", 8080, "http");

    DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    try {
        httpclient.getParams().setParameter(ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY, proxy);

        HttpHost target = new HttpHost("", 443, "https");
        HttpGet req = new HttpGet("/");

        System.out.println("executing request to " + target + " via " + proxy);
        HttpResponse rsp = httpclient.execute(target, req);
    } finally {
        // When HttpClient instance is no longer needed,
        // shut down the connection manager to ensure
        // immediate deallocation of all system resources

Error 6 (net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): The files c or directory could not be found

Big one I see that causes this is filename. If you have a SPACE then any number such as 'Site 2' the file path with look like something/Site%202/index.html This is because spaces or rendered as %20, and if another number is immediately following that it will try to read it as %202. Fix is you never use spaces in your filenames.

Creating Threads in python

I tried to add another join(), and it seems worked. Here is code

from threading import Thread
from time import sleep

def function01(arg,name):
    for i in range(arg):
        print (name,"arg---->",arg,'\n')

def test01():
    thread1 = Thread(target = function01, args = (10,'thread1', ))
    thread2 = Thread(target = function01, args = (10,'thread2', ))
    print ("thread finished...exiting")


oracle diff: how to compare two tables?

You may try dbForge Data Compare for Oracle, a **free GUI tool for data comparison and synchronization, that can do these actions over all database or partially.

alt text

Mail not sending with PHPMailer over SSL using SMTP

$mail->Host = "";
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl";
$mail->Username = "[email protected]";
$mail->Password = "**********";
$mail->Port = "465";

That is a working configuration.

try to replace what you have

"RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" Why?

You first need to understand Call Stack. Understanding Call stack will also give you clarity to how "function hierarchy and execution order" works in JavaScript Engine.

The call stack is primarily used for function invocation (call). Since there is only one call stack. Hence, all function(s) execution get pushed and popped one at a time, from top to bottom.

It means the call stack is synchronous. When you enter a function, an entry for that function is pushed onto the Call stack and when you exit from the function, that same entry is popped from the Call Stack. So, basically if everything is running smooth, then at the very beginning and at the end, Call Stack will be found empty.

Here is the illustration of Call Stack: enter image description here

Now, if you provide too many arguments or caught inside any unhandled recursive call. You will encounter

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

which is quite obvious as explained by others. enter image description here enter image description here

Hope this helps !

Waiting till the async task finish its work

wait until this call is finish its executing

You will need to call AsyncTask.get() method for getting result back and make wait until doInBackground execution is not complete. but this will freeze Main UI thread if you not call get method inside a Thread.

To get result back in UI Thread start AsyncTask as :

String str_result= new RunInBackGround().execute().get();

JavaScript check if variable exists (is defined/initialized)

The highest answer is correct, use typeof.

However, what I wanted to point out was that in JavaScript undefined is mutable (for some ungodly reason). So simply doing a check for varName !== undefined has the potential to not always return as you expect it to, because other libs could have changed undefined. A few answers (@skalee's, for one), seem to prefer not using typeof, and that could get one into trouble.

The "old" way to handle this was declaring undefined as a var to offset any potential muting/over-riding of undefined. However, the best way is still to use typeof because it will ignore any overriding of undefined from other code. Especially if you are writing code for use in the wild where who knows what else could be running on the page...

On Duplicate Key Update same as insert

I know it's late, but i hope someone will be helped of this answer

INSERT INTO t1 (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6)

You can read the tutorial below here :

Need to find a max of three numbers in java

You should know more about java.lang.Math.max:

  1. java.lang.Math.max(arg1,arg2) only accepts 2 arguments but you are writing 3 arguments in your code.
  2. The 2 arguments should be double,int,long and float but your are writing String arguments in Math.max function. You need to parse them in the required type.

You code will produce compile time error because of above mismatches.

Try following updated code, that will solve your purpose:

import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class max {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("Please input 3 integers: ");
        int x = Integer.parseInt(keyboard.nextLine());
        int y = Integer.parseInt(keyboard.nextLine());
        int z = Integer.parseInt(keyboard.nextLine());
        int max = Math.max(x,y);
        if(max>y){ //suppose x is max then compare x with z to find max number
            max = Math.max(x,z);    
        else{ //if y is max then compare y with z to find max number
            max = Math.max(y,z);    
        System.out.println("The max of three is: " + max);

How to initialize an array in Java?

data[10] = {10,20,30,40,50,60,71,80,90,91};

The above is not correct (syntax error). It means you are assigning an array to data[10] which can hold just an element.

If you want to initialize an array, try using Array Initializer:

int[] data = {10,20,30,40,50,60,71,80,90,91};

// or

int[] data;
data = new int[] {10,20,30,40,50,60,71,80,90,91};

Notice the difference between the two declarations. When assigning a new array to a declared variable, new must be used.

Even if you correct the syntax, accessing data[10] is still incorrect (You can only access data[0] to data[9] because index of arrays in Java is 0-based). Accessing data[10] will throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

Get access to parent control from user control - C#

A generic way to get a parent of a control that I have used is:

public static T GetParentOfType<T>(this Control control)
    const int loopLimit = 100; // could have outside method
    var current = control;
    var i = 0;

        current = current.Parent;

        if (current == null) throw new Exception("Could not find parent of specified type");
        if (i++ > loopLimit) throw new Exception("Exceeded loop limit");

    } while (current.GetType() != typeof(T));

    return (T)Convert.ChangeType(current, typeof(T));

It needs a bit of work (e.g. returning null if not found or error) ... but hopefully could help someone.


var parent = currentControl.GetParentOfType<TypeWanted>();


How do you wait for input on the same Console.WriteLine() line?

As Matt has said, use Console.Write. I would also recommend explicitly flushing the output, however - I believe WriteLine does this automatically, but I'd seen oddities when just using Console.Write and then waiting. So Matt's code becomes:

Console.Write("What is your name? ");
var name = Console.ReadLine();

disable all form elements inside div

For jquery 1.6+, use .prop() instead of .attr(),

$("#parent-selector :input").prop("disabled", true);


$("#parent-selector :input").attr("disabled", "disabled");

How do I fill arrays in Java?


in java

int arrnum[] ={5,6,9,2,10};
for(int i=0;i<arrnum.length;i++){
  System.out.println(arrnum[i]+" ");
for(int i=0;i<arrnum.length;i++){
  System.out.println(arrnum[i]+" ");


5 6 9 2 10
0 0 0 0 0

How to get every first element in 2 dimensional list

You could use this:

a = ((4.0, 4, 4.0), (3.0, 3, 3.6), (3.5, 6, 4.8))
a = np.array(a)
returns >>> array([4. , 3. , 3.5])

Parse JSON response using jQuery

Original question was to parse a list of topics, however starting with the original example to have a function return a single value may also useful. To that end, here is an example of (one way) to do that:

<script type='text/javascript'>
    function getSingleValueUsingJQuery() {
      var value = "";
      var url = "rest/endpointName/" + document.getElementById('someJSPFieldName').value;
        type: 'GET',
        url: url,
        async: false,
        contentType: "application/json",
        dataType: 'json',
        success: function(json) {
          console.log(json.value);   // needs to match the payload (i.e. json must have {value: "foo"}
          value = json.value;
        error: function(e) {
          console.log("jQuery error message = "+e.message);
      return value;

What's the point of 'meta viewport user-scalable=no' in the Google Maps API

On many devices (such as the iPhone), it prevents the user from using the browser's zoom. If you have a map and the browser does the zooming, then the user will see a big ol' pixelated image with huge pixelated labels. The idea is that the user should use the zooming provided by Google Maps. Not sure about any interaction with your plugin, but that's what it's there for.

More recently, as @ehfeng notes in his answer, Chrome for Android (and perhaps others) have taken advantage of the fact that there's no native browser zooming on pages with a viewport tag set like that. This allows them to get rid of the dreaded 300ms delay on touch events that the browser takes to wait and see if your single touch will end up being a double touch. (Think "single click" and "double click".) However, when this question was originally asked (in 2011), this wasn't true in any mobile browser. It's just added awesomeness that fortuitously arose more recently.

Pass a simple string from controller to a view MVC3

To pass a string to the view as the Model, you can do:

public ActionResult Index()
    string myString = "This is my string";
    return View((object)myString);

You must cast it to an object so that MVC doesn't try to load the string as the view name, but instead pass it as the model. You could also write:

return View("Index", myString);

.. which is a bit more verbose.

Then in your view, just type it as a string:

@model string

<p>Value: @Model</p>

Then you can manipulate Model how you want.

For accessing it from a Layout page, it might be better to create an HtmlExtension for this:

public static string GetThemePath(this HtmlHelper helper)
    return "/path-to-theme";

Then inside your layout page:

<p>Value: @Html.GetThemePath()</p>

Hopefully you can apply this to your own scenario.

Edit: explicit HtmlHelper code:

namespace <root app namespace>
    public static class Helpers
        public static string GetThemePath(this HtmlHelper helper)
            return System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~") + "/path-to-theme";

Then in your view:

    var path = Html.GetThemePath();
    // .. do stuff

Or: <p>Path: @Html.GetThemePath()</p>

Edit 2:

As discussed, the Helper will work if you add a @using statement to the top of your view, with the namespace pointing to the one that your helper is in.

How do I ignore ampersands in a SQL script running from SQL Plus?

This may work for you:

set define off

Otherwise the ampersand needs to be at the end of a string,

'StackOverflow &' || ' you'

EDIT: I was click-happy when saving... This was referenced from a blog.

How do I convert the date from one format to another date object in another format without using any deprecated classes?

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

             String fromDateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy";
             String fromdate = 15/03/2018; //Take any date

             String CheckFormat = "dd MMM yyyy";//take another format like dd/MMM/yyyy
             String dateStringFrom;

             Date DF = new Date();

                 //DateFormatdf = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
                 DateFormat FromDF = new SimpleDateFormat(fromDateFormat);
                 FromDF.setLenient(false);  // this is important!
                 Date FromDate = FromDF.parse(fromdate);
                 dateStringFrom = new 
                 DateFormat FromDF1 = new SimpleDateFormat(CheckFormat);
              catch(Exception ex)

                  System.out.println("Date error");


output:- 15/03/2018
         15 Mar 2018

C# testing to see if a string is an integer?

This function will tell you if your string contains ONLY the characters 0123456789.

private bool IsInt(string sVal)
    foreach (char c in sVal)
         int iN = (int)c;
         if ((iN > 57) || (iN < 48))
            return false;
    return true;

This is different from int.TryParse() which will tell you if your string COULD BE an integer.
eg. " 123\r\n" will return TRUE from int.TryParse() but FALSE from the above function.

...Just depends on the question you need to answer.

How can I get the current page name in WordPress?

We just need to use the "post" global variable:

global $post;
echo $post->post_title;

This will echo the current page/post title.

What is the difference between CHARACTER VARYING and VARCHAR in PostgreSQL?

Both are the same thing but many of the databases are not providing the varying char mainly postgreSQL is providing. So for the multi database like Oracle Postgre and DB2 it is good to use the Varchar

Sending HTML email using Python

Here's a working example to send plain text and HTML emails from Python using smtplib along with the CC and BCC options.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

def send_mail(params, type_):
      email_subject = params['email_subject']
      email_from = "[email protected]"
      email_to = params['email_to']
      email_cc = params.get('email_cc')
      email_bcc = params.get('email_bcc')
      email_body = params['email_body']

      msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
      msg['To'] = email_to
      msg['CC'] = email_cc
      msg['Subject'] = email_subject
      mt_html = MIMEText(email_body, type_)

      server = smtplib.SMTP('YOUR_MAIL_SERVER.DOMAIN.COM')
      toaddrs = [email_to] + [email_cc] + [email_bcc]
      server.sendmail(email_from, toaddrs, msg.as_string())

# Calling the mailer functions
params = {
    'email_to': '[email protected]',
    'email_cc': '[email protected]',
    'email_bcc': '[email protected]',
    'email_subject': 'Test message from python library',
    'email_body': '<h1>Hello World</h1>'
for t in ['plain', 'html']:
    send_mail(params, t)

What is the largest Safe UDP Packet Size on the Internet

This article describes maximum transmission unit (MTU) It states that IP hosts must be able to process 576 bytes for an IP packet. However, it notes the minumum is 68. RFC 791: "Every internet module must be able to forward a datagram of 68 octets without further fragmentation. This is because an internet header may be up to 60 octets, and the minimum fragment is 8 octets."

Thus, safe packet size of 508 = 576 - 60 (IP header) - 8 (udp header) is reasonable.

As mentioned by user607811, fragmentation by other network layers must be reassembled. 3.3.2 Reassembly The IP layer MUST implement reassembly of IP datagrams. We designate the largest datagram size that can be reassembled by EMTU_R ("Effective MTU to receive"); this is sometimes called the "reassembly buffer size". EMTU_R MUST be greater than or equal to 576

Linker Command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation), Xcode 8, Swift 3

For me, the gem lock file was specifying an older version of cocoapods than the one I had installed. I had to re-branch and run bundle exec pod install instead of pod install

How can I schedule a daily backup with SQL Server Express?

We have used the combination of:

  1. Cobian Backup for scheduling/maintenance

  2. ExpressMaint for backup

Both of these are free. The process is to script ExpressMaint to take a backup as a Cobian "before Backup" event. I usually let this overwrite the previous backup file. Cobian then takes a zip/7zip out of this and archives these to the backup folder. In Cobian you can specify the number of full copies to keep, make multiple backup cycles etc.

ExpressMaint command syntax example:

expressmaint -S HOST\SQLEXPRESS -D ALL_USER -T DB -R logpath -RU WEEKS -RV 1 -B backuppath -BU HOURS -BV 3 

Code for a simple JavaScript countdown timer?

// Javascript Countdown_x000D_
// Version 1.01 6/7/07 (1/20/2000)_x000D_
// by TDavid at
var now = new Date();_x000D_
var theevent = new Date("Sep 29 2007 00:00:01");_x000D_
var seconds = (theevent - now) / 1000;_x000D_
var minutes = seconds / 60;_x000D_
var hours = minutes / 60;_x000D_
var days = hours / 24;_x000D_
ID = window.setTimeout("update();", 1000);_x000D_
function update() {_x000D_
  now = new Date();_x000D_
  seconds = (theevent - now) / 1000;_x000D_
  seconds = Math.round(seconds);_x000D_
  minutes = seconds / 60;_x000D_
  minutes = Math.round(minutes);_x000D_
  hours = minutes / 60;_x000D_
  hours = Math.round(hours);_x000D_
  days = hours / 24;_x000D_
  days = Math.round(days);_x000D_
  document.form1.days.value = days;_x000D_
  document.form1.hours.value = hours;_x000D_
  document.form1.minutes.value = minutes;_x000D_
  document.form1.seconds.value = seconds;_x000D_
  ID = window.setTimeout("update();", 1000);_x000D_
<p><font face="Arial" size="3">Countdown To January 31, 2000, at 12:00: </font>_x000D_
<form name="form1">_x000D_
    <input type="text" name="days" value="0" size="3">Hours_x000D_
    <input type="text" name="hours" value="0" size="4">Minutes_x000D_
    <input type="text" name="minutes" value="0" size="7">Seconds_x000D_
    <input type="text" name="seconds" value="0" size="7">_x000D_

Disable PHP in directory (including all sub-directories) with .htaccess

If you're using mod_php, you could put (either in a .htaccess in /USERS or in your httpd.conf for the USERS directory)

RemoveHandler .php


RemoveType .php

(depending on whether PHP is enabled using AddHandler or AddType)

PHP files run from another directory will be still able to include files in /USERS (assuming that there is no open_basedir restriction), because this does not go through Apache. If a php file is accessed using apache it will be serverd as plain text.


Lance Rushing's solution of just denying access to the files is probably better

"Eliminate render-blocking CSS in above-the-fold content"

Consider using a package to automatically generate inline styles from your css files. A good one is Grunt Critical or Critical css for Laravel.

How to get just the parent directory name of a specific file

Use below,

File file = new File("file/path");
String parentPath = file.getAbsoluteFile().getParent();

Resolve Git merge conflicts in favor of their changes during a pull

You can use the recursive "theirs" strategy option:

git merge --strategy-option theirs

From the man:

    This option forces conflicting hunks to be auto-resolved cleanly by 
    favoring our version. Changes from the other tree that do not 
    conflict with our side are reflected to the merge result.

    This should not be confused with the ours merge strategy, which does 
    not even look at what the other tree contains at all. It discards 
    everything the other tree did, declaring our history contains all that
    happened in it.

    This is opposite of ours.

Note: as the man page says, the "ours" merge strategy-option is very different from the "ours" merge strategy.

Should Gemfile.lock be included in .gitignore?

No Gemfile.lock means:

  • new contributors cannot run tests because weird things fail, so they won't contribute or get failing PRs ... bad first experience.
  • you cannot go back to a x year old project and fix a bug without having to update/rewrite the project if you lost your local Gemfile.lock

-> Always check in Gemfile.lock, make travis delete it if you want to be extra thorough

How To Create Table with Identity Column

This has already been answered, but I think the simplest syntax is:

    ID int primary key IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    . . .

The more complicated constraint index is useful when you actually want to change the options.

By the way, I prefer to name such a column HistoryId, so it matches the names of the columns in foreign key relationships.

How do I convert from int to String?

use Integer.toString(tmpInt).trim();

Installing jdk8 on ubuntu- "unable to locate package" update doesn't fix

Command Line option - Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update

Then in terminal

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

When there are multiple Java installations on your System, the Java version to use as default can be chosen. To do this, execute the following command.

sudo update-alternatives --config java
sudo update-alternatives --config javac
sudo update-alternatives --config javaws

Edit - Manual Java Installation

Download oracle jdk

Extract zip into desired folder

 e.g  /usr/local/  after extract /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_65


sudo update-alternatives --install  /usr/bin/java java /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/java 1
sudo update-alternatives --install  /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/javac 1
sudo update-alternatives --install  /usr/bin/javaws javaws /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/javaws 1

sudo update-alternatives --set  java /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/java
sudo update-alternatives --set  javac /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/javac
sudo update-alternatives --set  javaws /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_65/bin/javaws

Edit /etc/environment set JAVA_HOME path for external applications like Eclipse and Idea

Check if an excel cell exists on another worksheet in a column - and return the contents of a different column

You can use following formulas.

For Excel 2007 or later:


For Excel 2003:

=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(D3,List!A:A, 0)), "No Match", VLOOKUP(D3,List!A:C,3,FALSE))

Note, that

  • I'm using List!A:C in VLOOKUP and returns value from column ? 3
  • I'm using 4th argument for VLOOKUP equals to FALSE, in that case VLOOKUP will only find an exact match, and the values in the first column of List!A:C do not need to be sorted (opposite to case when you're using TRUE).

Open link in new tab or window

You can simply do that by setting target="_blank", w3schools has an example.

Adding/removing items from a JavaScript object with jQuery

Adding an object in a json array

var arrList = [];
var arr = {};   
arr['worker_id'] = worker_id;
arr['worker_nm'] = worker_nm;

Removing an object from a json

It worker for me.

  arrList = $.grep(arrList, function (e) { 

        if(e.worker_id == worker_id) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

It returns an array without that object.

Hope it helps.

How Do I Get the Query Builder to Output Its Raw SQL Query as a String?


$data = DB::select('select * from users where id = :id', ['id' => 1]);

Output will like below:

Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [name] => parisa [last] => naderi [username] => png [password] => 2132 [role] => 0 ) )

error C4996: 'scanf': This function or variable may be unsafe in c programming

It sounds like it's just a compiler warning.

Usage of scanf_s prevents possible buffer overflow.

Good explanation as to why scanf can be dangerous: Disadvantages of scanf

So as suggested, you can try replacing scanf with scanf_s or disable the compiler warning.

How to see PL/SQL Stored Function body in Oracle

If is a package then you can get the source for that with:

    select text from all_source where name = 'PADCAMPAIGN' 
    and type = 'PACKAGE BODY'
    order by line;

Oracle doesn't store the source for a sub-program separately, so you need to look through the package source for it.

Note: I've assumed you didn't use double-quotes when creating that package, but if you did , then use

    select text from all_source where name = 'pAdCampaign' 
    and type = 'PACKAGE BODY'
    order by line;

JSON string to JS object

Some modern browsers have support for parsing JSON into a native object:

var var1 = '{"cols": [{"i" ....... 66}]}';
var result = JSON.parse(var1);

For the browsers that don't support it, you can download json2.js from for safe parsing of a JSON object. The script will check for native JSON support and if it doesn't exist, provide the JSON global object instead. If the faster, native object is available it will just exit the script leaving it intact. You must, however, provide valid JSON or it will throw an error — you can check the validity of your JSON with or

Are SSL certificates bound to the servers ip address?

SSL certificates are bound to a 'common name', which is usually a fully qualified domain name but can be a wildcard name (eg. * or even an IP address, but it usually isn't.

In your case, you are accessing your LDAP server by a hostname and it sounds like your two LDAP servers have different SSL certificates installed. Are you able to view (or download and view) the details of the SSL certificate? Each SSL certificate will have a unique serial numbers and fingerprint which will need to match. I assume the certificate is being rejected as these details don't match with what's in your certificate store.

Your solution will be to ensure that both LDAP servers have the same SSL certificate installed.

BTW - you can normally override DNS entries on your workstation by editing a local 'hosts' file, but I wouldn't recommend this.

Color theme for VS Code integrated terminal

In case you are color picky, use this code to customize every segment.

Step 1: Windows: Open user settings (ctrl + ,) Mac: Command + Shift + P

Step 2: Search for "workbench: color customizations" and select Edit in settings.json. Page the following code inside existing {} and customize as you like.

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {

What is the difference between compare() and compareTo()?

compareTo(T object)

comes from the java.lang.Comparable interface, implemented to compare this object with another to give a negative int value for this object being less than, 0 for equals, or positive value for greater than the other. This is the more convenient compare method, but must be implemented in every class you want to compare.

compare(T obj1, T obj2)

comes from the java.util.Comparator interface, implemented in a separate class that compares another class's objects to give a negative int value for the first object being less than, 0 for equals, or positive value for greater than the second object. It is needed when you cannot make a class implement compareTo() because it is not modifiable. It is also used when you want different ways to compare objects, not just one (such as by name or age).

What is phtml, and when should I use a .phtml extension rather than .php?

.phtml was the standard file extension for PHP 2 programs. .php3 took over for PHP 3. When PHP 4 came out they switched to a straight .php.

The older file extensions are still sometimes used, but aren't so common.

How to read/write a boolean when implementing the Parcelable interface?

I normally have them in an array and call writeBooleanArray and readBooleanArray

If it's a single boolean you need to pack, you could do this:

parcel.writeBooleanArray(new boolean[] {myBool});

Excel telling me my blank cells aren't blank

The most simple solution for me has been to:

1)Select the Range and copy it (ctrl+c)

2)Create a new text file (anywhere, it will be deleted soon), open the text file and then paste in the excel information (ctrl+v)

3)Now that the information in Excel is in the text file, perform a select all in the text file (ctrl+a), and then copy (ctrl+c)

4)Go to the beginning of the original range in step 1, and paste over that old information from the copy in step 3.

DONE! No more false blanks! (you can now delete the temp text file)

jQuery $.ajax(), pass success data into separate function

You can use this keyword to access custom data, passed to $.ajax() function:

        // ... // --> put ajax configuration parameters here
        yourCustomData: {param1: 'any value', time: '1h24'},  // put your custom key/value pair here
        success: successHandler

    function successHandler(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
        alert(this.yourCustomData.param1);  // shows "any value"

Percentage width in a RelativeLayout

This does not quite answer the original question, which was for a 70/30 split, but in the special case of a 50/50 split between the components there is a way: place an invisible strut at the center and use it to position the two components of interest.

    <View android:id="@+id/strut"

As this is a pretty common case, this solution is more than a curiosity. It is a bit of a hack but an efficient one because the empty, zero-sized strut should cost very little.

In general, though, it's best not to expect too much from the stock Android layouts...

Getting last month's date in php

if you want to get just previous month, then you can use as like following

$prevmonth = date('M Y', strtotime('-1 months'));

if you want to get same days of previous month, Then you can use as like following ..

$prevmonth = date('M Y d', strtotime('-1 months'));

if you want to get last date of previous month , Then you can use as like following ...

$prevmonth = date('M Y t', strtotime('-1 months'));

if you want to get first date of previous month , Then you can use as like following ...

$prevmonth = date('M Y 1', strtotime('-1 months'));

Deserializing a JSON into a JavaScript object

The whole point of JSON is that JSON strings can be converted to native objects without doing anything. Check this link

You can use either eval(string) or JSON.parse(string).

However, eval is risky. From

The eval function is very fast. However, it can compile and execute any JavaScript program, so there can be security issues. The use of eval is indicated when the source is trusted and competent. It is much safer to use a JSON parser. In web applications over XMLHttpRequest, communication is permitted only to the same origin that provide that page, so it is trusted. But it might not be competent. If the server is not rigorous in its JSON encoding, or if it does not scrupulously validate all of its inputs, then it could deliver invalid JSON text that could be carrying dangerous script. The eval function would execute the script, unleashing its malice.

gradlew command not found?

Running this bash command works for me by running chmod 755 gradlew as sometimes file properties changed upon moving from one OS to another (Windows, Linux and Mac).

How can I rename a project folder from within Visual Studio?

In andersjanmyr's answer it's easier to rename the project first.

  1. Rename the project.
  2. Close the solution (save it).
  3. Rename the folders outside Visual Studio.
  4. Open the solution, ignoring the warnings.
  5. Go through all unavailable projects and set the property 'File Path' to the new location of your project file, i.e. someproject.csproj.
  6. Reload the project.

Also, after those steps are carried out, you might want to rename other references to your old project name.

In project properties, update the Assembly Name and Default Namespace.

This will update the following in the project file...


...and will get rid of the error "Namespace does not correspond to file location, should be: 'SomeProjectName'"

Rename your root namespace (if you have ReSharper right click the Namespace and go Refactor -> Rename).

Change all occurrences of your old project name in AssemblyInfo.cs.

How to encode URL to avoid special characters in Java?

URL construction is tricky because different parts of the URL have different rules for what characters are allowed: for example, the plus sign is reserved in the query component of a URL because it represents a space, but in the path component of the URL, a plus sign has no special meaning and spaces are encoded as "%20".

RFC 2396 explains (in section 2.4.2) that a complete URL is always in its encoded form: you take the strings for the individual components (scheme, authority, path, etc.), encode each according to its own rules, and then combine them into the complete URL string. Trying to build a complete unencoded URL string and then encode it separately leads to subtle bugs, like spaces in the path being incorrectly changed to plus signs (which an RFC-compliant server will interpret as real plus signs, not encoded spaces).

In Java, the correct way to build a URL is with the URI class. Use one of the multi-argument constructors that takes the URL components as separate strings, and it'll escape each component correctly according to that component's rules. The toASCIIString() method gives you a properly-escaped and encoded string that you can send to a server. To decode a URL, construct a URI object using the single-string constructor and then use the accessor methods (such as getPath()) to retrieve the decoded components.

Don't use the URLEncoder class! Despite the name, that class actually does HTML form encoding, not URL encoding. It's not correct to concatenate unencoded strings to make an "unencoded" URL and then pass it through a URLEncoder. Doing so will result in problems (particularly the aforementioned one regarding spaces and plus signs in the path).

Dump a NumPy array into a csv file

In Python we use csv.writer() module to write data into csv files. This module is similar to the csv.reader() module.

import csv

person = [['SN', 'Person', 'DOB'],
['1', 'John', '18/1/1997'],
['2', 'Marie','19/2/1998'],
['3', 'Simon','20/3/1999'],
['4', 'Erik', '21/4/2000'],
['5', 'Ana', '22/5/2001']]

delimiter = '|',

with open('dob.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f, dialect='myDialect')
    for row in person:


A delimiter is a string used to separate fields. The default value is comma(,).

Save child objects automatically using JPA Hibernate

Following program describe how bidirectional relation work in hibernate.

When parent will save its list of child object will be auto save.

On Parent side:

    public class Clients implements Serializable  {

         @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)     
         @OneToMany(mappedBy="clients", cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
          List<SmsNumbers> smsNumbers;

And put the following annotation on the child side:

  public class SmsNumbers implements Serializable {

     @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
     int id;
     String number;
     String status;
     Date reg_date;
     @JoinColumn(name = "client_id")
     private Clients clients;

    // and getter setter.


Main class:

 public static void main(String arr[])
    Session session = HibernateUtil.openSession();
      //getting transaction object from session object

    Clients cl=new Clients("Murali", "1010101010");
    SmsNumbers sms1=new SmsNumbers("99999", "Active", cl);
    SmsNumbers sms2=new SmsNumbers("88888", "InActive", cl);
    SmsNumbers sms3=new SmsNumbers("77777", "Active", cl);
    List<SmsNumbers> lstSmsNumbers=new ArrayList<SmsNumbers>();


How to check if a value exists in an array in Ruby

If you're trying to do this in a MiniTest unit test, you can use assert_includes. Example:

pets = ['Cat', 'Dog', 'Bird']
assert_includes(pets, 'Dog')      # -> passes
assert_includes(pets, 'Zebra')    # -> fails 

How to run stored procedures in Entity Framework Core?

I'm using Entity Framework Core with my ASP.Net Core 3.x WebAPI. I wanted one of my end points just to execute a particular Stored Procedure, and this is the code I needed:

namespace MikesBank.Controllers
    public class ResetController : ControllerBase
        private readonly MikesBankContext _context;

        public ResetController(MikesBankContext context)
            _context = context;

        public async Task<ActionResult> Get()
                using (DbConnection conn = _context.Database.GetDbConnection())
                    if (conn.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                    var cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                    cmd.CommandText = "Reset_Data";
                    await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                return new OkObjectResult(1);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new BadRequestObjectResult(ex.Message);

Notice how I need to get my DbContext which has been injected, but I also need to Open() this connection.

List of All Locales and Their Short Codes?

Here's a pretty exhaustive list of Culture Codes. As far as I can tell, they don't vary between programming languages since it's an RFC standard. As for English, I think if you support either the generic en or possibly the en-US then you should be just fine.

Make a number a percentage

Well, if you have a number like 0.123456 that is the result of a division to give a percentage, multiply it by 100 and then either round it or use toFixed like in your example.

Math.round(0.123456 * 100) //12

Here is a jQuery plugin to do that:

    percentage: function(a, b) {
        return Math.round((a / b) * 100);


alert($.percentage(6, 10));

How to select top n rows from a datatable/dataview in ASP.NET

You could modify the query. If you are using SQL Server at the back, you can use Select top n query for such need. The current implements fetch the whole data from database. Selecting only the required number of rows will give you a performance boost as well.

getElementById returns null?

Also be careful how you execute the js on the page. For example if you do something like this:

(function(window, document, undefined){

  var foo = document.getElementById("foo");


})(window, document, undefined); 

This will return null because you'd be calling the document before it was loaded.

Better option..

(function(window, document, undefined){

// code that should be taken care of right away

window.onload = init;

  function init(){
    // the code to be called when the dom has loaded
    // #document has its nodes

})(window, document, undefined);

filemtime "warning stat failed for"

For me the filename involved was appended with a querystring, which this function didn't like.

$path = 'path/to/my/file.js?v=2'

Solution was to chop that off first:

$path = preg_replace('/\?v=[\d]+$/', '', $path);
$fileTime = filemtime($path);

Loop through an array in JavaScript

There's a method to iterate over only own object properties, not including prototype's ones:

for (var i in array) if (array.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
    // Do something with array[i]

but it still will iterate over custom-defined properties.

In JavaScript any custom property could be assigned to any object, including an array.

If one wants to iterate over sparsed array, for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) if (i in array) or array.forEach with es5shim should be used.

PHP salt and hash SHA256 for login password

According to the Salt option has been deprecated as of PHP 7.0.0, so you should use the salt that is generated by default and is far more simpler

Example for store the password:

$hashPassword = password_hash("password", PASSWORD_BCRYPT);

Example to verify the password:

$passwordCorrect = password_verify("password", $hashPassword);

How can I build a recursive function in python?

Let's say you want to build: u(n+1)=f(u(n)) with u(0)=u0

One solution is to define a simple recursive function:

u0 = ...

def f(x):

def u(n):
  if n==0: return u0
  return f(u(n-1))

Unfortunately, if you want to calculate high values of u, you will run into a stack overflow error.

Another solution is a simple loop:

def u(n):
  ux = u0
  for i in xrange(n):
  return ux

But if you want multiple values of u for different values of n, this is suboptimal. You could cache all values in an array, but you may run into an out of memory error. You may want to use generators instead:

def u(n):
  ux = u0
  for i in xrange(n):
  yield ux

for val in u(1000):
  print val

There are many other options, but I guess these are the main ones.

SQL Server® 2016, 2017 and 2019 Express full download

When you can't apply Juki's answer then after selecting the desired version of media you can use Fiddler to determine where the files are located.

SQL Server 2019 Express Edition (English):

SQL Server 2017 Express Edition (English):

SQL Server 2016 with SP2 Express Edition (English):

SQL Server 2016 with SP1 Express Edition (English):

And here is how to use Fiddler.

CSS Auto hide elements after 5 seconds

based from the answer of @SW4, you could also add a little animation at the end.

body > div{_x000D_
    border:1px solid grey;_x000D_
html, body, #container {_x000D_
#container {_x000D_
#hideMe {_x000D_
    -webkit-animation: cssAnimation 5s forwards; _x000D_
    animation: cssAnimation 5s forwards;_x000D_
@keyframes cssAnimation {_x000D_
    0%   {opacity: 1;}_x000D_
    90%  {opacity: 1;}_x000D_
    100% {opacity: 0;}_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes cssAnimation {_x000D_
    0%   {opacity: 1;}_x000D_
    90%  {opacity: 1;}_x000D_
    100% {opacity: 0;}_x000D_
<div id='container'>_x000D_
    <div id='hideMe'>Wait for it...</div>_x000D_

Making the remaining 0.5 seconds to animate the opacity attribute. Just make sure to do the math if you're changing the length, in this case, 90% of 5 seconds leaves us 0.5 seconds to animate the opacity.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null

add your script tag on the bottom of the body tag. so that script loads after html content then you won't get such error and add=

Is it possible to declare a variable in Gradle usable in Java?

You can create build config field overridable via system environment variables during build:

Fallback is used while developing, but you can override the variable when you run the build on Jenkins or another tool.

In your app build.gradle:

buildTypes {
        def serverUrl =  '\"' + (System.getenv("SERVER_URL")?: "")+'\"'
            buildConfigField "String", "SERVER_URL", serverUrl
        release {
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
            buildConfigField "String", "SERVER_URL", serverUrl

The variable will be available as BuildConfig.SERVER_URL.

How to discard all changes made to a branch?

git checkout -f

This is suffice for your question. Only thing is, once its done, its done. There is no undo.

C++ create string of text and variables

In C++11 you can use std::to_string:

std::string var = "sometext" + std::to_string(somevar) + "sometext" + std::to_string(somevar);  

Test for non-zero length string in Bash: [ -n "$var" ] or [ "$var" ]

Use case/esac to test:

case "$var" in
  "") echo "zero length";;

How to get array keys in Javascript?

Seems to work.

var widthRange = new Array();
widthRange[46] = { sel:46, min:0,  max:52 };
widthRange[66] = { sel:66, min:52, max:70 };
widthRange[90] = { sel:90, min:70, max:94 };

for (var key in widthRange)
    document.write(widthRange[key].sel + "<br />");
    document.write(widthRange[key].min + "<br />");
    document.write(widthRange[key].max + "<br />");

Register comdlg32.dll gets Regsvr32: DllRegisterServer entry point was not found

comdlg32.dll is not a COM DLL and cannot be registered.

One way to confirm this for yourself is to run this command:

dumpbin /exports comdlg32.dll

You'll see that comdlg32.dll doesn't contain a DllRegisterServer method. Hence RegSvr32.exe won't work.

That's your answer.

ComDlg32.dll is a a system component. (exists in both c:\windows\system32 and c:\windows\syswow64) Trying to replace it or override any registration with an older version could corrupt the rest of Windows.

I can help more, but I need to know what MSComDlg.CommonDialog is. What does it do and how is it supposed to work? And what version of ComDlg32.dll are you trying to register (and where did you get it)?

Remove whitespaces inside a string in javascript

Probably because you forgot to implement the solution in the accepted answer. That's the code that makes trim() work.


This answer only applies to older browsers. Newer browsers apparently support trim() natively.

Maven version with a property

If you have a parent project you can set the version in the parent pom and in the children you can reference sibling libs with the ${project.version} or ${version} properties.

If you want to avoid to repeat the version of the parent in each children: you can do this:



And then in your children pom you have to do:





How to set JFrame to appear centered, regardless of monitor resolution?

If you use NetBeans, simply click on the frame on the design view, then the code tab on its properties. Next, check 'Generate Center'. That will get the job done.

Python module for converting PDF to text

PDFminer gave me perhaps one line [page 1 of 7...] on every page of a pdf file I tried with it.

The best answer I have so far is pdftoipe, or the c++ code it's based on Xpdf.

see my question for what the output of pdftoipe looks like.

Search File And Find Exact Match And Print Line?

It's very easy:

numb = raw_input('Input Line: ')
fiIn = open('file.txt').readlines()
for lines in fiIn:
   if numb == lines[0]:
      print lines

collapse cell in jupyter notebook

Create custom.js file inside ~/.jupyter/custom/ with following contents:

$("<style type='text/css'> .cell.code_cell.collapse { max-height:30px; overflow:hidden;} </style>").appendTo("head");
$('.prompt.input_prompt').on('click', function(event) {
    console.log("CLICKED", arguments)   
    var c = $('.cell.code_cell'))
    if(c.hasClass('collapse')) {
    } else {

After saving, restart the server and refresh the notebook. You can collapse any cell by clicking on the input label (In[]).

Remove Identity from a column in a table

Bellow code working as fine, when we don't know identity column name.

Need to copy data into new temp table like Invoice_DELETED. and next time we using:

insert into Invoice_DELETED select * from Invoice where ...

FROM Invoice t1
LEFT JOIN Invoice ON 1 = 0
--WHERE t1.InvoiceID = @InvoiceID

For more explanation see:

What is the difference between attribute and property?

Often an attribute is used to describe the mechanism or real-world thing.

A property is used to describe the model.

For instance, a document (sitting on your desk) may have the attribute that it is a draft.

The class that models documents has a property to indicate whether or not it's a draft. In this case the property captures the state.

App.Config Transformation for projects which are not Web Projects in Visual Studio?

You can use a separate config file per configuration, e.g. app.Debug.config, app.Release.config and then use the configuration variable in your project file:


This will then create the correct ProjectName.exe.config file depending on the configuration you are building in.

How to catch exception correctly from http.request()?

Perhaps you can try adding this in your imports:

import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch';

You can also do:

return this.http.request(request)
  .map(res => res.json())
    data => console.log(data),
    err => console.log(err),
    () => console.log('yay')

Per comments:

EXCEPTION: TypeError: Observable_1.Observable.throw is not a function

Similarly, for that, you can use:

import 'rxjs/add/observable/throw';

Correct MIME Type for favicon.ico?

I think the root for this confusion is well explained in this wikipedia article.

While the IANA-registered MIME type for ICO files is image/, it was submitted to IANA in 2003 by a third party and is not recognised by Microsoft software, which uses image/x-icon instead.

If even the inventor of the ICO format does not use the official MIME type, I will use image/x-icon, too.

C Programming: How to read the whole file contents into a buffer

Portability between Linux and Windows is a big headache, since Linux is a POSIX-conformant system with - generally - a proper, high quality toolchain for C, whereas Windows doesn't even provide a lot of functions in the C standard library.

However, if you want to stick to the standard, you can write something like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

FILE *f = fopen("textfile.txt", "rb");
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
long fsize = ftell(f);
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);  /* same as rewind(f); */

char *string = malloc(fsize + 1);
fread(string, 1, fsize, f);

string[fsize] = 0;

Here string will contain the contents of the text file as a properly 0-terminated C string. This code is just standard C, it's not POSIX-specific (although that it doesn't guarantee it will work/compile on Windows...)

Adding Access-Control-Allow-Origin header response in Laravel 5.3 Passport

Create A Cors.php File in App/Http/Middleware and paste this in it. ☑


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;

class Cors {    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
        $headers = [
            'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' => 'POST,GET,OPTIONS,PUT,DELETE',
            'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' => 'Content-Type, X-Auth-Token, Origin, Authorization',
        if ($request->getMethod() == "OPTIONS"){
            //The client-side application can set only headers allowed in Access-Control-Allow-Headers
            return response()->json('OK',200,$headers);
        $response = $next($request);
        foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
            $response->header($key, $value);
        return $response;

    } }

And Add This Line In Your Kernel.php after the "Trust Proxies::Class" Line.


Thats It You have Allowed All Cors Header. ☑

Convert float to string with precision & number of decimal digits specified?

Here I am providing a negative example where your want to avoid when converting floating number to strings.

float num=99.463;
float tmp1=round(num*1000);
float tmp2=tmp1/1000;
cout << tmp1 << " " << tmp2 << " " << to_string(tmp2) << endl;

You get

99463 99.463 99.462997

Note: the num variable can be any value close to 99.463, you will get the same print out. The point is to avoid the convenient c++11 "to_string" function. It took me a while to get out this trap. The best way is the stringstream and sprintf methods (C language). C++11 or newer should provided a second parameter as the number of digits after the floating point to show. Right now the default is 6. I am positing this so that others won't wast time on this subject.

I wrote my first version, please let me know if you find any bug that needs to be fixed. You can control the exact behavior with the iomanipulator. My function is for showing the number of digits after the decimal point.

string ftos(float f, int nd) {
   ostringstream ostr;
   int tens = stoi("1" + string(nd, '0'));
   ostr << round(f*tens)/tens;
   return ostr.str();

How to check whether input value is integer or float?

How about this. using the modulo operator

    System.out.println("b is a factor of a. i.e. the result of a/b is going to be an integer");
    System.out.println("b is NOT a factor of a");

private constructor

One common use is for template-typedef workaround classes like following:

template <class TObj>
class MyLibrariesSmartPointer
    typedef smart_ptr<TObj> type;

Obviously a public non-implemented constructor would work aswell, but a private construtor raises a compile time error instead of a link time error, if anyone tries to instatiate MyLibrariesSmartPointer<SomeType> instead of MyLibrariesSmartPointer<SomeType>::type, which is desireable.

Using Java 8 to convert a list of objects into a string obtained from the toString() method

List<String> list = Arrays.asList("One", "Two", "Three");
            .reduce("", org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils::join);


List<String> list = Arrays.asList("One", "Two", "Three");
                .reduce("", (s1,s2)->s1+s2);

This approach allows you also build a string result from a list of objects Example

List<Wrapper> list = Arrays.asList(w1, w2, w2);
                .reduce("", org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils::join);

Here the reduce function allows you to have some initial value to which you want to append new string Example:

 List<String> errors = Arrays.asList("er1", "er2", "er3");
                    .reduce("Found next errors:", (s1,s2)->s1+s2);

jQuery.getJSON - Access-Control-Allow-Origin Issue

It's simple, use $.getJSON() function and in your URL just include


as a parameter. That will convert the call to JSONP which is necessary to make cross-domain calls. More info:


I have a lib what use what use but I have a custom CA included in my /etc/ssl/certs.

So I solved my problem like this:

# Your TLS certificates directory (Debian like)
export SSL_CERT_DIR=/etc/ssl/certs
# CA bundle PATH (Debian like again)
export CA_BUNDLE_PATH="${SSL_CERT_DIR}/ca-certificates.crt"
# If you have a virtualenv:
. ./.venv/bin/activate
# Get the current certifi CA bundle
CERTFI_PATH=`python -c 'import certifi; print(certifi.where())'`


Et voilà !

Laravel 5.5 ajax call 419 (unknown status)

I had SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE set to true so my dev environment didn't work when logging in, so I added SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE=false to my dev .env file and all works fine my mistake was changing the session.php file instead of adding the variable to the .env file.

How can I count the number of matches for a regex?

matcher.find() does not find all matches, only the next match.

Solution for Java 9+

long matches = matcher.results().count();

Solution for Java 8 and older

You'll have to do the following. (Starting from Java 9, there is a nicer solution)

int count = 0;
while (matcher.find())

Btw, matcher.groupCount() is something completely different.

Complete example:

import java.util.regex.*;

class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String hello = "HelloxxxHelloxxxHello";
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("Hello");
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(hello);

        int count = 0;
        while (matcher.find())

        System.out.println(count);    // prints 3

Handling overlapping matches

When counting matches of aa in aaaa the above snippet will give you 2.


To get 3 matches, i.e. this behavior:


You have to search for a match at index <start of last match> + 1 as follows:

String hello = "aaaa";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("aa");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(hello);

int count = 0;
int i = 0;
while (matcher.find(i)) {
    i = matcher.start() + 1;

System.out.println(count);    // prints 3

How to call stopservice() method of Service class from the calling activity class

In Kotlin you can do this...


class MyService : Service() {
    init {
        instance = this

    companion object {
        lateinit var instance: MyService

        fun terminateService() {

In your activity (or anywhere in your app for that matter):

btn_terminate_service.setOnClickListener {

Note: If you have any pending intents showing a notification in Android's status bar, you may want to terminate that as well.

What character represents a new line in a text area

Talking specifically about textareas in web forms, for all textareas, on all platforms, \r\n will work.

If you use anything else you will cause issues with cut and paste on Windows platforms.

The line breaks will be canonicalised by windows browsers when the form is submitted, but if you send the form down to the browser with \n linebreaks, you will find that the text will not copy and paste correctly between for example notepad and the textarea.

Interestingly, in spite of the Unix line end convention being \n, the standard in most text-based network protocols including HTTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, and so on is still \r\n. Yes, it may not make a lot of sense, but that's history and evolving standards for you!

get list of pandas dataframe columns based on data type

If you want a list of only the object columns you could do:

non_numerics = [x for x in df.columns \
                if not (df[x].dtype == np.float64 \
                        or df[x].dtype == np.int64)]

and then if you want to get another list of only the numerics:

numerics = [x for x in df.columns if x not in non_numerics]

Dynamically create an array of strings with malloc

Given that your strings are all fixed-length (presumably at compile-time?), you can do the following:

char (*orderedIds)[ID_LEN+1]
    = malloc(variableNumberOfElements * sizeof(*orderedIds));

// Clear-up

A more cumbersome, but more general, solution, is to assign an array of pointers, and psuedo-initialising them to point at elements of a raw backing array:

char *raw = malloc(variableNumberOfElements * (ID_LEN + 1));
char **orderedIds = malloc(sizeof(*orderedIds) * variableNumberOfElements);

// Set each pointer to the start of its corresponding section of the raw buffer.
for (i = 0; i < variableNumberOfElements; i++)
    orderedIds[i] = &raw[i * (ID_LEN+1)];


// Clear-up pointer array
// Clear-up raw array

How to remove a row from JTable?

If you need a simple working solution, try using DefaultTableModel.

If you have created your own table model, that extends AbstractTableModel, then you should also implement removeRow() method. The exact implementation depends on the underlying structure, that you have used to store data.

For example, if you have used Vector, then it may be something like this:

public class SimpleTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {
    private Vector<String> columnNames = new Vector<String>();
    // Each value in the vector is a row; String[] - row data;
    private Vector<String[]> data = new Vector<String[]>();


    public String getValueAt(int row, int col) {
        return data.get(row)[col];


    public void removeRow(int row) {

If you have used List, then it would be very much alike:

// Each item in the list is a row; String[] - row data;
List<String[]> arr = new ArrayList<String[]>();

public void removeRow(int row) {


//Integer - row number; String[] - row data;
HashMap<Integer, String[]> data = new HashMap<Integer, String[]>();

public void removeRow(Integer row) {

And if you are using arrays like this one

String[][] data = { { "a", "b" }, { "c", "d" } };

then you're out of luck, because there is no way to dynamically remove elements from arrays. You may try to use arrays by storing separately some flags notifying which rows are deleted and which are not, or by some other devious way, but I would advise against it... That would introduce unnecessary complexity, and would in fact just be solving a problem by creating another. That's a sure-fire way to end up here. Try one of the above ways to store your table data instead.

For better understanding of how this works, and what to do to make your own model work properly, I strongly advise you to refer to Java Tutorial, DefaultTableModel API and it's source code.

Standard Android Button with a different color

The DroidUX component library has a ColorButton widget whose color can be changed easily, both via xml definition and programmatically at run time, so you can even let the user to set the button's color/theme if your app allows it.

Can angularjs routes have optional parameter values?

Like @g-eorge mention, you can make it like this:

module.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
  when('/users/:userId?', {templateUrl: 'template.tpl.html', controller: myCtrl})

You can also make as much as u need optional parameters.

JQuery wait for page to finish loading before starting the slideshow?

The $(document).ready mechanism is meant to fire after the DOM has been loaded successfully but makes no guarantees as to the state of the images referenced by the page.

When in doubt, fall back on the good ol' window.onload event:

window.onload = function()
  //your code here

Now, this is obviously slower than the jQuery approach. However, you can compromise somewhere in between:

    var img = document.getElementById("myImage");

    var intervalId = setInterval(
                            //now we can start rotating the header

To explain a bit:

  1. we grab the DOM element of the image whose image we want completely loaded

  2. we then set an interval to fire every 50 milliseconds.

  3. if, during one of these intervals, the complete attribute of this image is set to true, the interval is cleared and the rotate operation is safe to start.

Android: why setVisibility(View.GONE); or setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); do not work

You can think it as a CSS style visibility & display.

<div style="visibility:visible; display:block">
    This is View.VISIBLE : Content is displayed normally.

<div style="visibility:hidden; display:block">
    This is View.INVISIBLE : Content is not displayed, but div still takes up place, but empty.

<div style="display:none">
    This is View.GONE : Container div is not shown, you can say the content is not displayed.

Mysql: Select all data between two dates

Do you have a table that has all dates? If not, you might want to consider implementing a calendar table and left joining your data onto the calendar table.

How to get the cursor to change to the hand when hovering a <button> tag


so you need to add: cursor:pointer;

In your case use:

#more {
  font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;

This will apply the curser to the element with the ID "more" (can be only used once). So in your HTML use

<input type="button" id="more" />

If you want to apply this to more than one button then you have more than one possibility:

using CLASS

.more {
  font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;

and in your HTML use

<input type="button" class="more" value="first" />
<input type="button" class="more" value="second" />

or apply to a html context:

input[type=button] {
  font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;

and in your HTML use

<input type="button" value="first" />
<input type="button" value="second" />

Executing a stored procedure within a stored procedure

T-SQL is not asynchronous, so you really have no choice but to wait until SP2 ends. Luckily, that's what you want.

   PRINT 'Done'

How to Split Image Into Multiple Pieces in Python

Here is a concise, pure-python solution that works in both python 3 and 2:

from PIL import Image

infile = '20190206-135938.1273.Easy8thRunnersHopefully.jpg'
chopsize = 300

img =
width, height = img.size

# Save Chops of original image
for x0 in range(0, width, chopsize):
   for y0 in range(0, height, chopsize):
      box = (x0, y0,
             x0+chopsize if x0+chopsize <  width else  width - 1,
             y0+chopsize if y0+chopsize < height else height - 1)
      print('%s %s' % (infile, box))
      img.crop(box).save('zchop.%s.x%03d.y%03d.jpg' % (infile.replace('.jpg',''), x0, y0))


  • The crops that go over the right and bottom of the original image are adjusted to the original image limit and contain only the original pixels.
  • It's easy to choose a different chopsize for w and h by using two chopsize vars and replacing chopsize as appropriate in the code above.

  • Efficiently counting the number of lines of a text file. (200mb+)

    For just counting the lines use:

    $handle = fopen("file","r");
    static $b = 0;
    while($a = fgets($handle)) {
    echo $b;

    How to get the python.exe location programmatically?

    This works in Linux & Windows:

    Python 3.x

    >>> import sys
    >>> print(sys.executable)

    Python 2.x

    >>> import sys
    >>> print sys.executable

    Format a JavaScript string using placeholders and an object of substitutions?

    Currently there is still no native solution in Javascript for this behavior. Tagged templates are something related, but don't solve it.

    Here there is a refactor of alex's solution with an object for replacements.

    The solution uses arrow functions and a similar syntax for the placeholders as the native Javascript interpolation in template literals ({} instead of %%). Also there is no need to include delimiters (%) in the names of the replacements.

    There are two flavors (three with the update): descriptive, reduced, elegant reduced with groups.

    Descriptive solution:

    const stringWithPlaceholders = 'My Name is {name} and my age is {age}.';
    const replacements = {
      name: 'Mike',
      age: '26',
    const string = stringWithPlaceholders.replace(
      placeholderWithDelimiters => {
        const placeholderWithoutDelimiters = placeholderWithDelimiters.substring(
          placeholderWithDelimiters.length - 1,
        const stringReplacement = replacements[placeholderWithoutDelimiters] || placeholderWithDelimiters;
        return stringReplacement;

    Reduced solution:

    const stringWithPlaceholders = 'My Name is {name} and my age is {age}.';
    const replacements = {
      name: 'Mike',
      age: '26',
    const string = stringWithPlaceholders.replace(/{\w+}/g, placeholder =>
      replacements[placeholder.substring(1, placeholder.length - 1)] || placeholder

    UPDATE 2020-12-10

    Elegant reduced solution with groups, as suggested by @Kade in the comments:

    const stringWithPlaceholders = 'My Name is {name} and my age is {age}.';
    const replacements = {
      name: 'Mike',
      age: '26',
    const string = stringWithPlaceholders.replace(
      (placeholderWithDelimiters, placeholderWithoutDelimiters) =>
        replacements[placeholderWithoutDelimiters] || placeholderWithDelimiters

    UPDATE 2021-01-21

    Support empty string as a replacement, as suggested by @Jesper in the comments:

    const stringWithPlaceholders = 'My Name is {name} and my age is {age}.';
    const replacements = {
      name: 'Mike',
      age: '',
    const string = stringWithPlaceholders.replace(
      (placeholderWithDelimiters, placeholderWithoutDelimiters) =>
      replacements.hasOwnProperty(placeholderWithoutDelimiters) ? 
        replacements[placeholderWithoutDelimiters] : placeholderWithDelimiters

    How to download a Nuget package without nuget.exe or Visual Studio extension?

    1. Go to
    2. Search for desired package. For example: Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb
    3. Download the package by clicking the Download link on the left.
    4. Do step 3 for the dependencies which are not already installed. Nuget download page
    5. Store all downloaded packages in a custom folder. The default is c:\Package source.
    6. Open Nuget Package Manager in Visual Studio and make sure you have an "Available package source" that points to the specified address in step 5; If not, simply add one by providing a custom name and address. Click OK. Tools->Manage NuGet Packages->Package Manager Settings NuGet Package Manager Options Window
    7. At this point you should be able to install the package exactly the same way you would install an online package through the interface. You probably won't be able to install the package using NuGet console.

    Python Pandas User Warning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned

    jezrael's answer is good, but did not answer a question I had: Will getting the "sort" flag wrong mess up my data in any way? The answer is apparently "no", you are fine either way.

    from pandas import DataFrame, concat
    a = DataFrame([{'a':1,      'c':2,'d':3      }])
    b = DataFrame([{'a':4,'b':5,      'd':6,'e':7}])
    >>> concat([a,b],sort=False)
       a    c  d    b    e
    0  1  2.0  3  NaN  NaN
    0  4  NaN  6  5.0  7.0
    >>> concat([a,b],sort=True)
       a    b    c  d    e
    0  1  NaN  2.0  3  NaN
    0  4  5.0  NaN  6  7.0

    How can I make a program wait for a variable change in javascript?

    You can use properties:

    Object.defineProperty MDN documentation


    function def(varName, onChange) {
        var _value;
        Object.defineProperty(this, varName, {
            get: function() {
                return _value;
            set: function(value) {
                if (onChange)
                    onChange(_value, value);
                _value = value;
        return this[varName];
    def('myVar', function (oldValue, newValue) {
        alert('Old value: ' + oldValue + '\nNew value: ' + newValue);
    myVar = 1; // alert: Old value: undefined | New value: 1
    myVar = 2; // alert: Old value: 1 | New value: 2

    How to pass prepareForSegue: an object

    Just use this function.

     override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
        let index = CategorytableView.indexPathForSelectedRow
        let indexNumber = index?.row
        let VC = segue.destination as! DestinationViewController
       VC.value =

    React native text going off my screen, refusing to wrap. What to do?

    <SafeAreaView style={{flex:1}}>
            <View style={{alignItems:'center'}}>
                <Text style={{ textAlign:'center' }}>
                        This code will make your text centered even when there is a line-break

    Why is this rsync connection unexpectedly closed on Windows?

    The trick for me was I had ssh conflict.

    I have Git installed on my Windows path, which includes ssh. cwrsync also installs ssh.

    The trick is to have make a batch file to set the correct paths:


    @echo off
    SET CWRSYNCHOME=c:\commands\cwrsync
    SET HOME=c:\Users\Petah\
    %~dp0\cwrsync\bin\rsync.exe %*

    On Windows you can type where ssh to check if this is an issue. You will get something like this:

    where ssh
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\ssh.exe
    C:\Program Files\cwRsync\ssh.exe

    Difference between static class and singleton pattern?

    Singleton's are instantiated, it's just there's only one instance ever instantiated, hence the single in Singleton.

    A static class can't be instantiated by anything other than itself.

    Postgresql : syntax error at or near "-"

    i was trying trying to GRANT read-only privileges to a particular table to a user called walters-ro. So when i ran the sql command # GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO walters-ro; --- i got the following error..`syntax error at or near “-”

    The solution to this was basically putting the user_name into double quotes since there is a dash(-) between the name.

    # GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO "walters-ro";

    That solved the problem.

    How to markdown nested list items in Bitbucket?

    Use 4 spaces.

    # Unordered list
    * Item 1
    * Item 2
    * Item 3
        * Item 3a
        * Item 3b
        * Item 3c
    # Ordered list
    1. Step 1
    2. Step 2
    3. Step 3
        1. Step 3.1
        2. Step 3.2
        3. Step 3.3
    # List in list
    1. Step 1
    2. Step 2
    3. Step 3
        * Item 3a
        * Item 3b
        * Item 3c

    Here's a screenshot from that updated repo:


    Thanks @Waylan, your comment was exactly right.

    How to append output to the end of a text file

    I would use printf instead of echo because it's more reliable and processes formatting such as new line \n properly.

    This example produces an output similar to echo in previous examples:

    printf "hello world"  >> read.txt   
    cat read.txt
    hello world

    However if you were to replace printf with echo in this example, echo would treat \n as a string, thus ignoring the intent

    printf "hello\nworld"  >> read.txt   
    cat read.txt

    Unit tests vs Functional tests

    The way I think of it is like this: A unit test establishes that the code does what you intended the code to do (e.g. you wanted to add parameter a and b, you in fact add them, and don't subtract them), functional tests test that all of the code works together to get a correct result, so that what you intended the code to do in fact gets the right result in the system.

    How to center content in a bootstrap column?

    col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-8 col-11 mx-auto

     1. col-lg-4 = 1200px (popular 1366, 1600, 1920+)
     2. col-md-6 = 970px (popular 1024, 1200)
     3. col-sm-8 = 768px (popular 800, 768)
     4. col-11 set default smaller devices for gutter (popular 600,480,414,375,360,312)
     5. mx-auto = always block center

    Trouble setting up git with my GitHub Account error: could not lock config file

    In Windows: Right click on "Git Bash" icon -> Run as Administrator. it helped me.

    Git tries to create a config file on disk C:/ but it has no permission to do that.

    In android app Toolbar.setTitle method has no effect – application name is shown as title

    For anyone who needs to set up the title through the Toolbar some time after setting the SupportActionBar (@sorianiv) AND your Toolbar is inside a CollapsingToolbarLayout, read this:

    mToolbarLayout = (CollapsingToolbarLayout) findViewById(;
    Toolbar toolbar = findViewById(;
    //toolbar.setTitle(""); // no need to do this
    //mToolbarLayout.setTitle("Title"); // if you need an initial title, do this instead

    Then later,

    mToolbarLayout.setTitle("New Title");

    Responsive bootstrap 3 timepicker?

    This is a slightly modified version of which supports bootstrap 3. You can check it out here. Let me know if it does not work and I will try to find an alternative.

    Update. Here is another one based off of the same version, but modified for bootstrap 3.

    Update 2. Here is yet another one.

    Sending data back to the Main Activity in Android

    Another way of achieving the desired result which may be better depending on your situation is to create a listener interface.

    By making the parent activity listen to an interface that get triggered by the child activity while passing the required data as a parameter can create a similar set of circumstance

    How to add data via $.ajax ( serialize() + extra data ) like this

    Personally, I'd append the element to the form instead of hacking the serialized data, e.g.

    moredata = 'your custom data here';
    // do what you like with the input
    $input = $('<input type="text" name="moredata"/>').val(morevalue);
    // append to the form
    // then..
    data: $('#myForm').serialize()

    That way, you don't have to worry about ? or &

    Adding a favicon to a static HTML page

    If you add the favicon into the root/images folder with the name favicon.ico browser will automatically understand and get it as favicon.I tested and worked. your link must be

    For more information look this answer:

    Do you have to include <link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />?

    Why rgb and not cmy?

    This is nothing to do with hardware nor software. Simply that RGB are the 3 primary colours which can be combined in various ways to produce every other colour. It is more about the human convention/perception of colours which carried over.

    You may find this article interesting.

    How to have a drop down <select> field in a rails form?

    <%= :email_provider, ["gmail","yahoo","msn"]%>

    How do I merge dictionaries together in Python?

    You can use the .update() method if you don't need the original d2 any more:

    Update the dictionary with the key/value pairs from other, overwriting existing keys. Return None.


    >>> d1 = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} 
    >>> d2 = {'b': 1, 'c': 3}
    >>> d2.update(d1)
    >>> d2
    {'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2}


    Of course you can copy the dictionary first in order to create a new merged one. This might or might not be necessary. In case you have compound objects (objects that contain other objects, like lists or class instances) in your dictionary, copy.deepcopy should also be considered.

    package javax.mail and javax.mail.internet do not exist

    1. Download the Java mail jars.

    2. Extract the downloaded file.

    3. Copy the ".jar" file and paste it into ProjectName\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib folder

    4. Right click on the Project and go to Properties

    5. Select Java Build Path and then select Libraries

    6. Add JARs...

    7. Select the .jar file from ProjectName\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib and click OK

      that's all

    Best way to test for a variable's existence in PHP; isset() is clearly broken

    Object properties can be checked for existence by property_exists

    Example from a unit test:

    function testPropertiesExist()
        $sl =& $this->system_log;
        $props = array('log_id',
        foreach($props as $prop) {
            $this->assertTrue(property_exists($sl, $prop),
                               "Property <{$prop}> exists");

    Convert seconds into days, hours, minutes and seconds

    Here's some code that I like to use for the purpose of getting the duration between two dates. It accepts two dates and gives you a nice sentence structured reply.

    This is a slightly modified version of the code found here.

    function dateDiff($time1, $time2, $precision = 6, $offset = false) {
        // If not numeric then convert texts to unix timestamps
        if (!is_int($time1)) {
                $time1 = strtotime($time1);
        if (!is_int($time2)) {
                if (!$offset) {
                        $time2 = strtotime($time2);
                else {
                        $time2 = strtotime($time2) - $offset;
        // If time1 is bigger than time2
        // Then swap time1 and time2
        if ($time1 > $time2) {
                $ttime = $time1;
                $time1 = $time2;
                $time2 = $ttime;
        // Set up intervals and diffs arrays
        $intervals = array(
        $diffs = array();
        // Loop thru all intervals
        foreach($intervals as $interval) {
                // Create temp time from time1 and interval
                $ttime = strtotime('+1 ' . $interval, $time1);
                // Set initial values
                $add = 1;
                $looped = 0;
                // Loop until temp time is smaller than time2
                while ($time2 >= $ttime) {
                        // Create new temp time from time1 and interval
                        $ttime = strtotime("+" . $add . " " . $interval, $time1);
                $time1 = strtotime("+" . $looped . " " . $interval, $time1);
                $diffs[$interval] = $looped;
        $count = 0;
        $times = array();
        // Loop thru all diffs
        foreach($diffs as $interval => $value) {
                // Break if we have needed precission
                if ($count >= $precision) {
                // Add value and interval
                // if value is bigger than 0
                if ($value > 0) {
                        // Add s if value is not 1
                        if ($value != 1) {
                                $interval.= "s";
                        // Add value and interval to times array
                        $times[] = $value . " " . $interval;
        if (!empty($times)) {
                // Return string with times
                return implode(", ", $times);
        else {
                // Return 0 Seconds
        return '0 Seconds';


    Highlight text similar to grep, but don't filter out text

    If you want to print "all" lines, there is a simple working solution:

    grep "test" -A 9999999 -B 9999999
    • A => After
    • B => Before

    What is unit testing and how do you do it?

    On the "How to do it" part:

    I think the introduction to ScalaTest does good job of illustrating different styles of unit tests.

    On the "When to do it" part:

    Unit testing is not only for testing. By doing unit testing you also force the design of the software into something that is unit testable. Many people are of the opinion that this design is for the most part Good Design(TM) regardless of other benefits from testing.

    So one reason to do unit test is to force your design into something that hopefully will be easier to maintain that what it would be had you not designed it for unit testing.

    standard_init_linux.go:190: exec user process caused "no such file or directory" - Docker

    I'm unable to comment due to my rep, but I just wanted to add: for VSCode users, you can change CRLF line endings to LF by clicking on CRLF in the status bar, then select LF and save the file.

    I had the same issue, and this resolved it. Steps to follow for VSCode

    SQL Server Profiler - How to filter trace to only display events from one database?

    In SQL 2005, you first need to show the Database Name column in your trace. The easiest thing to do is to pick the Tuning template, which has that column added already.

    Assuming you have the Tuning template selected, to filter:

    • Click the "Events Selection" tab
    • Click the "Column Filters" button
    • Check Show all Columns (Right Side Down)
    • Select "DatabaseName", click the plus next to Like in the right-hand pane, and type your database name.

    I always save the trace to a table too so I can do LIKE queries on the trace data after the fact.

    How to properly import a selfsigned certificate into Java keystore that is available to all Java applications by default?

    If you are using a certificate signed by a Certificate Authority that is not included in the Java cacerts file by default, you need to complete the following configuration for HTTPS connections. To import certificates into cacerts:

    1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the cacerts file, which is located in the jre\lib\security subfolder where AX Core Client is installed. The default location is C:\Program Files\ACL Software\AX Core Client\jre\lib\security
    2. Create a backup copy of the file before making any changes.
    3. Depending on the certificates you receive from the Certificate Authority you are using, you may need to import an intermediate certificate and/or root certificate into the cacerts file. Use the following syntax to import certificates: keytool -import -alias -keystore -trustcacerts -file
    4. If you are importing both certificates the alias specified for each certificate should be unique.
    5. Type the password for the keystore at the “Password” prompt and press Enter. The default Java password for the cacerts file is “changeit”. Type ‘y’ at the “Trust this certificate?” prompt and press Enter.

    Generating Random Passwords

    I created this method similar to the available in the membership provider. This is usefull if you don't want to add the web reference in some applications.

    It works great.

    public static string GeneratePassword(int Length, int NonAlphaNumericChars)
            string allowedChars = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
            string allowedNonAlphaNum = "!@#$%^&*()_-+=[{]};:<>|./?";
            Random rd = new Random();
            if (NonAlphaNumericChars > Length || Length <= 0 || NonAlphaNumericChars < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
                char[] pass = new char[Length];
                int[] pos = new int[Length];
                int i = 0, j = 0, temp = 0;
                bool flag = false;
                //Random the position values of the pos array for the string Pass
                while (i < Length - 1)
                    j = 0;
                    flag = false;
                    temp = rd.Next(0, Length);
                    for (j = 0; j < Length; j++)
                        if (temp == pos[j])
                            flag = true;
                            j = Length;
                    if (!flag)
                        pos[i] = temp;
                //Random the AlphaNumericChars
                for (i = 0; i < Length - NonAlphaNumericChars; i++)
                    pass[i] = allowedChars[rd.Next(0, allowedChars.Length)];
                //Random the NonAlphaNumericChars
                for (i = Length - NonAlphaNumericChars; i < Length; i++)
                    pass[i] = allowedNonAlphaNum[rd.Next(0, allowedNonAlphaNum.Length)];
                //Set the sorted array values by the pos array for the rigth posistion
                char[] sorted = new char[Length];
                for (i = 0; i < Length; i++)
                    sorted[i] = pass[pos[i]];
                string Pass = new String(sorted);
                return Pass;

    What is wrong with my SQL here? #1089 - Incorrect prefix key

    It works for me:

    CREATE TABLE `users`(
        `user_id` INT(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        `username` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
        `password` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)
    ) ENGINE = MyISAM;       

    How can I change the app display name build with Flutter?

    You can change it in iOS without opening Xcode by editing file *project/ios/Runner/info.plist. Set <key>CFBundleDisplayName</key> to the string that you want as your name.

    For Android, change the app name from the Android folder, in the AndroidManifest.xml file, android/app/src/main. Let the android label refer to the name you prefer, for example,

    <manifest xmlns:android=""
            // The rest of the code

    How to upgrade Angular CLI to the latest version

    To update Angular CLI to a new version, you must update both the global package and your project's local package.

    Global package:

    npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
    npm cache clean
    # if npm version is > 5 then use `npm cache verify` to avoid errors (or to avoid using --force)
    npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

    Local project package:

    rm -rf node_modules dist # use rmdir /S/Q node_modules dist in Windows Command Prompt; use rm -r -fo node_modules,dist in Windows PowerShell
    npm install --save-dev @angular/cli@latest
    npm install

    Source: Github

    How to extract closed caption transcript from YouTube video?

    Choose Open Transcript from the ... dropdown to the right of the vote up/down and share links.

    This will open a Transcript scrolling div on the right side.

    You can then use Copy. Note that you cannot use Select All but need to click the top line, then scroll to the bottom using the scroll thumb, and then shift-click on the last line.

    Note that you can also search within this text using the normal web page search.