[google-chrome] Is it possible to send an array with the Postman Chrome extension?

I've been using Postman Chrome extension to test out my API and would like to send an array of IDs via post. Is there a way to send something list this as a parameter in Postman?

  user_ids: ["1234", "5678"]

This question is related to google-chrome rest post

The answer is

Go to Header and select Content-Type = application/json then go to body and select raw and then pass an array.enter image description here

in headers set

content-type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded

In body select option


and insert data as json array

user_ids : ["1234", "5678"]

Choose either form-data or urlencoded and use the same key "user_ids". The server should receive it as an array.

This also works for lists within the object:


the equivalent JSON would be:

    "Id": 37,
    "IdParent": 26,
    "Name": "Poplet",
    "Values": [
            "Id": 1349,
            "Name": "SomeName"
            "Id": 1350,
            "Name": "AnotherName"

    "data" : [  
            "key1" : "value1",
            "key2" : "value2"   
            "key01" : "value01",
            "key02" : "value02"             
            "key10" : "value10",
            "key20" : "value20"   

You can pass like this. Hope this will help someone.

I tried all solution here and in other posts, but nothing helped.

The only answer helped me:
Adding [FromBody] attribute before decleration of parameter in function signature:

public string MyFunc([FromBody] string[] obj)

Set Body as raw and form the array as follows:

enter image description here

If you want an array of dicts, try this: enter image description here

As mentioned by @pinouchon you can pass it with the help of array index

my_array[0] value
my_array[1] value

In addition to this, to pass list of hashes, you can follow something like:

my_array[0][key1] value1

my_array[0][key2] value2


To pass param1=[{name:test_name, value:test_value}, {...}]

param1[0][name] test_name

param1[0][value] test_value

In form-data,

   key              value

 user_ids[]         1234
 user_ids[]         5678

Here is my solution:

use form-data and edit as below:

Key       Value 
box[]      a
box[n1]    b
box[n2][]  c
box[n2][]  d

and you will get an array like this:


this worked for me. to pass an array of Item object {ItemID,ColorID,SizeID,Quntity}

Postman data

I also had that problem, and solved it by doing the following:

1 - Going to the request header configuration and added the following:

Accept : application/json, text/plain, */*
Content-Type : application/json;charset=UTF-8

2 - To send the json array, I went to raw json format and set the user_ids to array:

user_ids: ["bbbbbbbbbb","aaaaaaaaaa","987654321","123456789"]

It is important to know, that the VALUE box is only allowed to contain a numeral value (no specifiers).

If you want to send e.g. an array of "messages" with Postman, each having a list of key/value pairs, enter e.g. messages[][reason] into the KEY box and the value of reason into the VALUE box:

enter image description here

The server will receive:

{"messages"=>[{"reason"=>"scrolled", "tabid"=>"2"}, {"reason"=>"reload", "tabid"=>"1"}], "endpoint"=>{}}

For me did not work with array[0], array1, .. or array[], array[], ... . It works more simply: enter image description here

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