The 2019 optimal solution for this is HTTP/2 Server Push.
You do not need any hacky javascript solutions or inline styles. However, you do need a server that supports HTTP 2.0 (any modern server version will), which itself requires your server to run SSL. However, with Let's Encrypt there's no reason not to be using SSL anyway.
My site has a 100/100 score for both mobile and desktop.
The reason for these errors is that the browser gets the HTML, then has to wait for the CSS to be downloaded before the page can be rendered. Using HTTP2 you can send both the HTML and the CSS at the same time.
You can use HTTP/2 push by setting the Link header.
Apache example (.htaccess):
Header add Link "</style.css>; as=style; rel=preload, </font.css>; as=style; rel=preload"
For NGINX you can add the header to your location tag in the server configuration:
location = / {
add_header Link "</style.css>; as=style; rel=preload, </font.css>; as=style; rel=preload";
With this header set, the browser receives the HTML and CSS at the same time which stops the CSS from blocking rendering.
You will want to tweak it so that the CSS is only sent on the first request, but the Link header is the most complete and least hacky solution to "Eliminate Render Blocking Javascript and CSS"
For a detailed discussion, take a look at my post here: Eliminate Render Blocking CSS using HTTP/2 Push