[javascript] Deserializing a JSON into a JavaScript object

I have a string in a Java server application that is accessed using AJAX. It looks something like the following:

var json = [{
    "adjacencies": [
          "nodeTo": "graphnode2",
          "nodeFrom": "graphnode1",
          "data": {
            "$color": "#557EAA"
    "data": {
      "$color": "#EBB056",
      "$type": "triangle",
      "$dim": 9
    "id": "graphnode1",
    "name": "graphnode1"
    "adjacencies": [],
    "data": {
      "$color": "#EBB056",
      "$type": "triangle",
      "$dim": 9
    "id": "graphnode2",
    "name": "graphnode2"

When the string gets pulled from the server, is there an easy way to turn this into a living JavaScript object (or array)? Or do I have to manually split the string and build my object manually?

This question is related to javascript json deserialization

The answer is

I think this should help:

Also documentations also prove that you can use require() for json files: https://www.bennadel.com/blog/2908-you-can-use-require-to-load-json-javascript-object-notation-files-in-node-js.htm

var jsonfile = require("./path/to/jsonfile.json");
node = jsonfile.adjacencies.nodeTo;
node2 = jsonfile.adjacencies.nodeFrom;
node3 = jsonfile.adjacencies.data.$color;
//other things.

TO collect all item of an array and return a json object

collectData: function (arrayElements) {

        var main = [];

        for (var i = 0; i < arrayElements.length; i++) {
            var data = {};
            this.e = arrayElements[i];            
            data.text = arrayElements[i].text;
            data.val = arrayElements[i].value;
            main[i] = data;
        return main;

TO parse the same data we go through like this

dummyParse: function (json) {       
        var o = JSON.parse(json); //conerted the string into JSON object        
        $.each(o, function () {
            inner = this;
            $.each(inner, function (index) {


You could also use eval() but JSON.parse() is safer and easier way, so why would you?

good and works

var yourJsonObject = JSON.parse(json_as_text);

I don't see any reason why would you prefer to use eval. It only puts your application at risk.

That said - this is also possible.

bad - but also works

var yourJsonObject = eval(json_as_text);

Why is eval a bad idea?

Consider the following example.

Some third party or user provided JSON string data.

var json = `
    "adjacencies": [
          "nodeTo": function(){
            return "delete server files - you have been hacked!";
          "nodeFrom": "graphnode1",
          "data": {
            "$color": "#557EAA"
    "data": {
      "$color": "#EBB056",
      "$type": "triangle",
      "$dim": 9
    "id": "graphnode1",
    "name": "graphnode1"
    "adjacencies": [],
    "data": {
      "$color": "#EBB056",
      "$type": "triangle",
      "$dim": 9
    "id": "graphnode2",
    "name": "graphnode2"

Your server-side script processes that data.

Using JSON.parse:

window.onload = function(){
  var placeholder = document.getElementById('placeholder1');
  placeholder.innerHTML = JSON.parse(json)[0].adjacencies[0].nodeTo;

will throw:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position X. 

Function will not get executed.

You are safe.

Using eval():

window.onload = function(){
  var placeholder = document.getElementById('placeholder1');
  placeholder.innerHTML = eval(json)[0].adjacencies[0].nodeTo;

will execute the function and return the text.

If I replace that harmless function with one that removes files from your website folder you have been hacked. No errors/warnings will get thrown in this example.

You are NOT safe.

I was able to manipulate a JSON text string so it acts as a function which will execute on the server.

eval(JSON)[0].adjacencies[0].nodeTo expects to process a JSON string but, in reality, we just executed a function on our server.

This could also be prevented if we server-side check all user-provided data before passing it to an eval() function but why not just use the built-in tool for parsing JSON and avoid all this trouble and danger?

If you paste the string in server-side into the html don't need to do nothing:

For plain java in jsp:

var jsonObj=<%=jsonStringInJavaServlet%>;

For jsp width struts:

var jsonObj=<s:property value="jsonStringInJavaServlet" escape="false" escapeHtml="false"/>;

Do like jQuery does! (the essence)

function parseJSON(data) {
    return window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ? window.JSON.parse( data ) : (new Function("return " + data))(); 
// testing
obj = parseJSON('{"name":"John"}');

This way you don't need any external library and it still works on old browsers.

And if you also want the deserialised object to have functions, you could use my small tool: https://github.com/khayll/jsmix

//first you'll need to define your model
var GraphNode = function() {};
GraphNode.prototype.getType = function() {
   return this.$type;

var Adjacency = function() {};
Adjacency.prototype.getData =n function() {
    return this.data;

//then you could say:
var result = JSMix(jsonData)
    .withObject(GraphNode.prototype, "*")
    .withObject(Adjacency.prototype, "*.adjacencies")

//and use them

The whole point of JSON is that JSON strings can be converted to native objects without doing anything. Check this link

You can use either eval(string) or JSON.parse(string).

However, eval is risky. From json.org:

The eval function is very fast. However, it can compile and execute any JavaScript program, so there can be security issues. The use of eval is indicated when the source is trusted and competent. It is much safer to use a JSON parser. In web applications over XMLHttpRequest, communication is permitted only to the same origin that provide that page, so it is trusted. But it might not be competent. If the server is not rigorous in its JSON encoding, or if it does not scrupulously validate all of its inputs, then it could deliver invalid JSON text that could be carrying dangerous script. The eval function would execute the script, unleashing its malice.

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