Programs & Examples On #System.web.routing

IIs Error: Application Codebehind=“Global.asax.cs” Inherits=“nadeem.MvcApplication”

Problem could occur if you have changed the namespace of your project.

Change the Namespace from Project Properties and also replace all old Namespace with new ones. Renaming to correct namespace might fix the issue.


Could not load file or assembly System.Web.Http.WebHost after published to Azure web site

In the case if "Copy Local" is already True, I find it sometimes to work if you remove the files where it has been published to and publish again.

For example if you're using IIS, remove the websites and the contents of the directory to which they are published to, and publish again.

There might be older versions of files at the destination, so to ensure you aren't using older versions, delete everything before publishing again.

The type initializer for 'System.Data.Entity.Internal.AppConfig' threw an exception

actual error thrown Message=Unrecognized element 'providers' in web.config so from the web.config file remove the providers section

"An exception occurred while processing your request. Additionally, another exception occurred while executing the custom error page..."

If you add this to your web.config transformation file, you can also set certain publish options to have debugging enabled or disabled:

    <customErrors mode="Off" defaultRedirect="~/Error.aspx" xdt:Transform="Replace"/>

Error :Request header field Content-Type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers

As hinted at by this post Error in chrome: Content-Type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers just add the additional header to your web.config like so...

    <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
    <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept" />

The type or namespace name does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web.Mvc'

I downloaded an mvc 5 project and the offending issue pointing at

<add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Ajax" />  

With this error message:

CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Ajax' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web.Mvc' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

-- > in which I came to this webpage and tried a clean and a few things above etc...

What worked for me was just to

Manage Nuget and Update all the packages.  Then it worked fine.

MVC 4 @Scripts "does not exist"

Import System.Web.Optimization on top of your razor view as follows:

@using System.Web.Optimization

HTTP 404 Page Not Found in Web Api hosted in IIS 7.5

For me the solution was removing the following lines from my web.config file:

    <assemblyIdentity name="System.Net.Http" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
    <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

I noticed that VS had added them automatically, not sure why

The 'packages' element is not declared

Taken from this answer.

  1. Close your packages.config file.
  2. Build
  3. Warning is gone!

This is the first time I see ignoring a problem actually makes it go away...

Edit in 2020: if you are viewing this warning, consider upgrading to PackageReference if you can

ASP MVC in IIS 7 results in: HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden

I'm using: Win Server 2012 R2 / IIS 8.5 / MVC4 / .Net 4.5

If none of the above worked then try this:

Uncheck "Precompile during Publishing"

This kicked my butt for a few days.

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Mvc'

Had the same issue and added all the assembly that they said but still got the same error.

turns out you need to make the "Specific Version" = False.

Specific version should be false.

Change GitHub Account username

Yes, this is an old question. But it's misleading, as this was the first result in my search, and both the answers aren't correct anymore.

You can change your Github account name at any time.

To do this, click your profile picture > Settings > Account Settings > Change Username.

Links to your repositories will redirect to the new URLs, but they should be updated on other sites because someone who chooses your abandoned username can override the links. Links to your profile page will be 404'd.

For more information, see the official help page.

And furthermore, if you want to change your username to something else, but that specific username is being taken up by someone else who has been completely inactive for the entire time their account has existed, you can report their account for name squatting.

How do I change Bootstrap 3's glyphicons to white?

You can just create your own .white class and add it to the glyphicon element.

.white, .white a {
  color: #fff;
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-home white"></i>

How to remove all of the data in a table using Django

If you want to remove all the data from all your tables, you might want to try the command python flush. This will delete all of the data in your tables, but the tables themselves will still exist.

See more here:

Equivalent to AssemblyInfo in dotnet core/csproj

I do the following for my .NET Standard 2.0 projects.

Create a Directory.Build.props file (e.g. in the root of your repo) and move the properties to be shared from the .csproj file to this file.

MSBuild will pick it up automatically and apply them to the autogenerated AssemblyInfo.cs.

They also get applied to the nuget package when building one with dotnet pack or via the UI in Visual Studio 2017.



        <Company>Some company</Company>
        <Copyright>Copyright © 2020</Copyright>
        <!-- ... -->

SSRS - Checking whether the data is null

try like this

= IIF( MAX( iif( IsNothing(Fields!.Reading.Value ), -1, Fields!.Reading.Value ) ) = -1, "",  FormatNumber(  MAX( iif( IsNothing(Fields!.Reading.Value ), -1, Fields!.Reading.Value ), "CellReading_Reading"),3)) )

python "TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer"

for j in range(N[i]/2):

N[i]/2 will be a float64 but range() expects an integer. Just cast the call to

for j in range(int(N[i]/2)):

How do I delete virtual interface in Linux?

You can use sudo ip link delete to remove the interface.

How to determine programmatically the current active profile using Spring boot

It doesn't matter is your app Boot or just raw Spring. There is just enough to inject org.springframework.core.env.Environment to your bean.

private Environment environment;


Using multiple property files (via PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer) in multiple projects/modules

I know that this is an old question, but the ignore-unresolvable property was not working for me and I didn't know why.

The problem was that I needed an external resource (something like location="file:${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/") and the ignore-unresolvable="true" does not do the job in this case.

What one needs to do for ignoring a missing external resource is:


Just in case anyone else bumps into this.

A process crashed in windows .. Crash dump location

The location is in the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps


HTTP Error 500.19 and error code : 0x80070021

In our case, we struggled with this error for quite some days. It turns out that in control panel, programs, turn windows features on or off.

We selected Internet Information Services, world wide web services, Application development features and there we check the set of features associated with our development environment. For example: ASP.NET 4.6. .NET Extensibility 4.6, etc.

It works!

Eliminating NAs from a ggplot

Just an update to the answer of @rafa.pereira. Since ggplot2 is part of tidyverse, it makes sense to use the convenient tidyverse functions to get rid of NAs.

airquality %>% 
        drop_na(Ozone) %>%
        ggplot(aes(x = Ozone))+

Note that you can also use drop_na() without columns specification; then all the rows with NAs in any column will be removed.

Using the rJava package on Win7 64 bit with R

This is a follow-up to Update (July 2018). I am on 64 bit Windows 10 but am set up to build r packages from source for both 32 and 64 bit with Rtools. My 64 bit jdk is jdk-11.0.2. When I can, I do everything in RStudio. As of March 2019, rjava is tested with <=jdk11, see github issue #157.

  • Install jdks to their default location per Update (July 2018) by @Jeroen.
  • In R studio, set JAVA_HOME to the 64 bit jdk

Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME="C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-11.0.2")

  • Optionally check your environmental variable


  • Install the package per the github page recommendation


FYI, the rstudio scripting console doesn't like the double commas... but it works!

.map() a Javascript ES6 Map? = function(callback) {
  const output = new Map()
  this.forEach((element, key)=>{
    output.set(key, callback(element, key))
  return output

const myMap = new Map([["thing1", 1], ["thing2", 2], ["thing3", 3]])
// no longer wishful thinking
const newMap =, key) => value + 1), newMap)

Depends on your religious fervor in avoiding editing prototypes, but, I find this lets me keep it intuitive.

How to validate Google reCAPTCHA v3 on server side?

Easy and best solution is the following.

<form action="submit.php" method="POST">
   <input type="text" name="name" value="" />
   <input type="text" name="email" value="" />
   <textarea type="text" name="message"></textarea>
   <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="Insert Your Site Key"></div>
   <input type="submit" name="submit" value="SUBMIT">


if(isset($_POST['submit']) && !empty($_POST['submit'])){
  if(isset($_POST['g-recaptcha-response']) && !empty($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])){
    //your site secret key
    $secret = 'InsertSiteSecretKey';
    //get verify response data
    $verifyResponse = file_get_contents(''.$secret.'&response='.$_POST['g-recaptcha-response']);
    $responseData = json_decode($verifyResponse);
        //contact form submission code goes here

        $succMsg = 'Your contact request have submitted successfully.';
        $errMsg = 'Robot verification failed, please try again.';
    $errMsg = 'Please click on the reCAPTCHA box.';

I have found this reference and full tutorial from here - Using new Google reCAPTCHA with PHP

Replace negative values in an numpy array

Try numpy.clip:

>>> import numpy
>>> a = numpy.arange(-10, 10)
>>> a
array([-10,  -9,  -8,  -7,  -6,  -5,  -4,  -3,  -2,  -1,   0,   1,   2,
         3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9])
>>> a.clip(0, 10)
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

You can clip only the bottom half with clip(0).

>>> a = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, -4, 5])
>>> a.clip(0)
array([1, 2, 3, 0, 5])

You can clip only the top half with clip(max=n). (This is much better than my previous suggestion, which involved passing NaN to the first parameter and using out to coerce the type.):

>>> a.clip(max=2)
array([ 1,  2,  2, -4,  2])

Another interesting approach is to use where:

>>> numpy.where(a <= 2, a, 2)
array([ 1,  2,  2, -4,  2])

Finally, consider aix's answer. I prefer clip for simple operations because it's self-documenting, but his answer is preferable for more complex operations.

how to convert 2d list to 2d numpy array?

np.array() is even more powerful than what unutbu said above. You also could use it to convert a list of np arrays to a higher dimention array, the following is a simple example:



aList=[aArray, bArray]


xArray's shape is (2,3), it's a standard np array. This operation avoids a loop programming.

Setting active profile and config location from command line in spring boot

When setting the profile via the Maven plugin you must do it via run.jvmArguments

mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments=""

With debug option:

mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005"

I've seen this trip a lot of people up..hope it helps

how to check and set max_allowed_packet mysql variable

max_allowed_packet is set in mysql config, not on php side


You can see it's curent value in mysql like this:

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'max_allowed_packet';

You can try to change it like this, but it's unlikely this will work on shared hosting:

SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet=16777216;

You can read about it here


The [mysqld] is necessary to make the max_allowed_packet working since at least mysql version 5.5.

Recently setup an instance on AWS EC2 with Drupal and Solr Search Engine, which required 32M max_allowed_packet. It you set the value under [mysqld_safe] (which is default settings came with the mysql installation) mode in /etc/my.cnf, it did no work. I did not dig into the problem. But after I change it to [mysqld] and restarted the mysqld, it worked.

Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check

In PHP you can add the headers:

header ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
header ("Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Content-Length, X-JSON");
header ("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS");
header ("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *");

How to display a list using ViewBag

Use as variable to cast the Viewbag data to your desired class in view.


IEnumerable<WebApplication1.Models.Person> personlist = as
// You may need to write WebApplication.Models.Person where WebApplication.Models is
  the namespace name where the Person class is defined. It is required so that view 
  can know about the class Person. 

In view write this


MySQL DELETE FROM with subquery as condition

For others that find this question looking to delete while using a subquery, I leave you this example for outsmarting MySQL (even if some people seem to think it cannot be done):

FROM tableE e
             FROM tableE
             WHERE arg = 1 AND foo = 'bar');

will give you an error:

ERROR 1093 (HY000): You can't specify target table 'e' for update in FROM clause

However this query:

FROM tableE e
             FROM (SELECT id
                   FROM tableE
                   WHERE arg = 1 AND foo = 'bar') x);

will work just fine:

Query OK, 1 row affected (3.91 sec)

Wrap your subquery up in an additional subquery (here named x) and MySQL will happily do what you ask.

How can I iterate over files in a given directory?

You can use glob for referring the directory and the list :

import glob
import os

#to get the current working directory name
cwd = os.getcwd()
#Load the images from images folder.
for f in glob.glob('images\*.jpg'):   
    dir_name = get_dir_name(f)
    image_file_name = dir_name + '.jpg'
    #To print the file name with path (path will be in string)
    print (image_file_name)

To get the list of all directory in array you can use os :


JavaScript/jQuery - How to check if a string contain specific words

If you are looking for exact words and don't want it to match things like "nightmare" (which is probably what you need), you can use a regex:


\b = word boundary
g = global
i = case insensitive (if needed)

If you just want to find the characters "are", then use indexOf.

If you want to match arbitrary words, you have to programatically construct a RegExp (regular expression) object itself based on the word string and use test.

PHP using Gettext inside <<<EOF string

As far as I can see, you just added heredoc by mistake
No need to use ugly heredoc syntax here.
Just remove it and everything will work:

<p><?= _("World"); ?></p>

Which @NotNull Java annotation should I use?

JSR305 and FindBugs are authored by the same person. Both are poorly maintained but are as standard as it gets and are supported by all major IDEs. The good news is that they work well as-is.

Here is how to apply @Nonnull to all classes, methods and fields by default. See and

  1. Define @NotNullByDefault
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.meta.TypeQualifierDefault;

     * This annotation can be applied to a package, class or method to indicate that the class fields,
     * method return types and parameters in that element are not null by default unless there is: <ul>
     * <li>An explicit nullness annotation <li>The method overrides a method in a superclass (in which
     * case the annotation of the corresponding parameter in the superclass applies) <li> there is a
     * default parameter annotation applied to a more tightly nested element. </ul>
     * <p/>
     * @see
    public @interface NotNullByDefault

2. Add the annotation to each package:


UPDATE: As of December 12th, 2012 JSR 305 is listed as "Dormant". According to the documentation:

A JSR that was voted as "dormant" by the Executive Committee, or one that has reached the end of its natural lifespan.

It looks like JSR 308 is making it into JDK 8 and although the JSR does not define @NotNull, the accompanying Checkers Framework does. At the time of this writing, the Maven plugin is unusable due to this bug:

Is it possible to convert char[] to char* in C?

It sounds like you're confused between pointers and arrays. Pointers and arrays (in this case char * and char []) are not the same thing.

  • An array char a[SIZE] says that the value at the location of a is an array of length SIZE
  • A pointer char *a; says that the value at the location of a is a pointer to a char. This can be combined with pointer arithmetic to behave like an array (eg, a[10] is 10 entries past wherever a points)

In memory, it looks like this (example taken from the FAQ):

 char a[] = "hello";  // array

a: | h | e | l | l | o |\0 |

 char *p = "world"; // pointer

   +-----+     +---+---+---+---+---+---+
p: |  *======> | w | o | r | l | d |\0 |
   +-----+     +---+---+---+---+---+---+

It's easy to be confused about the difference between pointers and arrays, because in many cases, an array reference "decays" to a pointer to it's first element. This means that in many cases (such as when passed to a function call) arrays become pointers. If you'd like to know more, this section of the C FAQ describes the differences in detail.

One major practical difference is that the compiler knows how long an array is. Using the examples above:

char a[] = "hello";  
char *p =  "world";  

sizeof(a); // 6 - one byte for each character in the string,
           // one for the '\0' terminator
sizeof(p); // whatever the size of the pointer is
           // probably 4 or 8 on most machines (depending on whether it's a 
           // 32 or 64 bit machine)

Without seeing your code, it's hard to recommend the best course of action, but I suspect changing to use pointers everywhere will solve the problems you're currently having. Take note that now:

  • You will need to initialise memory wherever the arrays used to be. Eg, char a[10]; will become char *a = malloc(10 * sizeof(char));, followed by a check that a != NULL. Note that you don't actually need to say sizeof(char) in this case, because sizeof(char) is defined to be 1. I left it in for completeness.

  • Anywhere you previously had sizeof(a) for array length will need to be replaced by the length of the memory you allocated (if you're using strings, you could use strlen(), which counts up to the '\0').

  • You will need a make a corresponding call to free() for each call to malloc(). This tells the computer you are done using the memory you asked for with malloc(). If your pointer is a, just write free(a); at a point in the code where you know you no longer need whatever a points to.

As another answer pointed out, if you want to get the address of the start of an array, you can use:

char* p = &a[0] 

You can read this as "char pointer p becomes the address of element [0] of a".

Set Encoding of File to UTF8 With BOM in Sublime Text 3

Into Preferences > Settings - Users
File : Preferences.sublime-settings

Write this :

"show_encoding" : true,

It's explain on the release note date 17 December 2013. Build 3059. Official site Sublime Text 3

Git 'fatal: Unable to write new index file'

It happened to me that the file .git/index was in use by another process (my local development web server). I shut down the process and then it worked.

Java "?" Operator for checking null - What is it? (Not Ternary!)

It is possible to define util methods which solves this in an almost pretty way with Java 8 lambda.

This is a variation of H-MANs solution but it uses overloaded methods with multiple arguments to handle multiple steps instead of catching NullPointerException.

Even if I think this solution is kind of cool I think I prefer Helder Pereira's seconds one since that doesn't require any util methods.

void example() {
    Entry entry = new Entry();
    // This is the same as H-MANs solution 
    Person person = getNullsafe(entry, e -> e.getPerson());    
    // Get object in several steps
    String givenName = getNullsafe(entry, e -> e.getPerson(), p -> p.getName(), n -> n.getGivenName());
    // Call void methods
    doNullsafe(entry, e -> e.getPerson(), p -> p.getName(), n -> n.nameIt());        

/** Return result of call to f1 with o1 if it is non-null, otherwise return null. */
public static <R, T1> R getNullsafe(T1 o1, Function<T1, R> f1) {
    if (o1 != null) return f1.apply(o1);
    return null; 

public static <R, T0, T1> R getNullsafe(T0 o0, Function<T0, T1> f1, Function<T1, R> f2) {
    return getNullsafe(getNullsafe(o0, f1), f2);

public static <R, T0, T1, T2> R getNullsafe(T0 o0, Function<T0, T1> f1, Function<T1, T2> f2, Function<T2, R> f3) {
    return getNullsafe(getNullsafe(o0, f1, f2), f3);

/** Call consumer f1 with o1 if it is non-null, otherwise do nothing. */
public static <T1> void doNullsafe(T1 o1, Consumer<T1> f1) {
    if (o1 != null) f1.accept(o1);

public static <T0, T1> void doNullsafe(T0 o0, Function<T0, T1> f1, Consumer<T1> f2) {
    doNullsafe(getNullsafe(o0, f1), f2);

public static <T0, T1, T2> void doNullsafe(T0 o0, Function<T0, T1> f1, Function<T1, T2> f2, Consumer<T2> f3) {
    doNullsafe(getNullsafe(o0, f1, f2), f3);

class Entry {
    Person getPerson() { return null; }

class Person {
    Name getName() { return null; }

class Name {
    void nameIt() {}
    String getGivenName() { return null; }

How to show a dialog to confirm that the user wishes to exit an Android Activity?

in China, most App will confirm the exit by "click twice":

boolean doubleBackToExitPressedOnce = false;

public void onBackPressed() {
    if (doubleBackToExitPressedOnce) {

    this.doubleBackToExitPressedOnce = true;
    Toast.makeText(this, "Please click BACK again to exit", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
    }, 2000);

How to call Stored Procedure in a View?

exec sp_addlinkedserver 
        @server = 'local',
        @srvproduct = '',
        @datasrc = @@SERVERNAME

create view ViewTest
select * from openquery(local, 'sp_who')

select * from ViewTest

Sort divs in jQuery based on attribute 'data-sort'?

Answered the same question here:

To repost:

After searching through many solutions I decided to blog about how to sort in jquery. In summary, steps to sort jquery "array-like" objects by data attribute...

  1. select all object via jquery selector
  2. convert to actual array (not array-like jquery object)
  3. sort the array of objects
  4. convert back to jquery object with the array of dom objects


<div class="item" data-order="2">2</div>
<div class="item" data-order="1">1</div>
<div class="item" data-order="4">4</div>
<div class="item" data-order="3">3</div>

Plain jquery selector

[<div class="item" data-order="2">2</div>,
 <div class="item" data-order="1">1</div>,
 <div class="item" data-order="4">4</div>,
 <div class="item" data-order="3">3</div>

Lets sort this by data-order

function getSorted(selector, attrName) {
    return $($(selector).toArray().sort(function(a, b){
        var aVal = parseInt(a.getAttribute(attrName)),
            bVal = parseInt(b.getAttribute(attrName));
        return aVal - bVal;
> getSorted('.item', 'data-order')
[<div class="item" data-order="1">1</div>,
 <div class="item" data-order="2">2</div>,
 <div class="item" data-order="3">3</div>,
 <div class="item" data-order="4">4</div>

See how getSorted() works.

Hope this helps!

How to execute a JavaScript function when I have its name as a string

All the answers assume that the functions can be accessed through global scope (window). However, the OP did not make this assumption.

If the functions live in a local scope (aka closure) and are not referenced by some other local object, bad luck: You have to use eval() AFAIK, see dynamically call local function in javascript

Uploading Images to Server android

Try this method for uploading Image file from camera

package com.example.imageupload;


import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader;

public class MultipartEntity implements HttpEntity {

private String boundary = null;

ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
boolean isSetLast = false;
boolean isSetFirst = false;

public MultipartEntity() {
    this.boundary = System.currentTimeMillis() + "";

public void writeFirstBoundaryIfNeeds() {
    if (!isSetFirst) {
        try {
            out.write(("--" + boundary + "\r\n").getBytes());
        } catch (final IOException e) {

    isSetFirst = true;

public void writeLastBoundaryIfNeeds() {
    if (isSetLast) {
    try {
        out.write(("\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n").getBytes());
    } catch (final IOException e) {

    isSetLast = true;

public void addPart(final String key, final String value) {
    try {
        out.write(("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + key + "\"\r\n")
        out.write("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n".getBytes());
        out.write("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n\r\n".getBytes());
        out.write(("\r\n--" + boundary + "\r\n").getBytes());
    } catch (final IOException e) {


public void addPart(final String key, final String fileName,
        final InputStream fin) {
    addPart(key, fileName, fin, "application/octet-stream");

public void addPart(final String key, final String fileName,
        final InputStream fin, String type) {
    try {
        type = "Content-Type: " + type + "\r\n";
        out.write(("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + key
                + "\"; filename=\"" + fileName + "\"\r\n").getBytes());
        out.write("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n\r\n".getBytes());

        final byte[] tmp = new byte[4096];
        int l = 0;
        while ((l = != -1) {
            out.write(tmp, 0, l);
    } catch (final IOException e) {

    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (final IOException e) {


public void addPart(final String key, final File value) {
    try {
        addPart(key, value.getName(), new FileInputStream(value));
    } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {


public long getContentLength() {
    return out.toByteArray().length;

public Header getContentType() {
    return new BasicHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary="
            + boundary);

public boolean isChunked() {
    return false;

public boolean isRepeatable() {
    return false;

public boolean isStreaming() {
    return false;

public void writeTo(final OutputStream outstream) throws IOException {

public Header getContentEncoding() {
    return null;

public void consumeContent() throws IOException,
        UnsupportedOperationException {
    if (isStreaming()) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Streaming entity does not implement #consumeContent()");

public InputStream getContent() throws IOException,
        UnsupportedOperationException {
    return new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());


Use of class for uploading

private void doFileUpload(File file_path) {

    Log.d("Uri", "Do file path" + file_path);

    try {

        HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
        //use your server path of php file
        HttpPost post = new HttpPost(ServerUploadPath);

        Log.d("ServerPath", "Path" + ServerUploadPath);

        FileBody bin1 = new FileBody(file_path);
        Log.d("Enter", "Filebody complete " + bin1);

        MultipartEntity reqEntity = new MultipartEntity();
        reqEntity.addPart("uploaded_file", bin1);
        reqEntity.addPart("email", new StringBody(useremail));

        Log.d("Enter", "Image send complete");

        HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);
        resEntity = response.getEntity();
        Log.d("Enter", "Get Response");
        try {

            final String response_str = EntityUtils.toString(resEntity);
            if (resEntity != null) {
                Log.i("RESPONSE", response_str);
                JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(response_str);
                result = jobj.getString("ResponseCode");
                Log.e("Result", "...." + result);

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Log.e("Debug", "error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e("Upload Exception", "");

Service for uploading

$image_name = $_FILES["uploaded_file"]["name"]; 
$tmp_arr = explode(".",$image_name);
$img_extn = end($tmp_arr);
$new_image_name = 'image_'. uniqid() .'.'.$img_extn;    

if (file_exists("Images/".$new_image_name))
           $msg=$new_image_name . " already exists."
           header('Content-type: application/json');        
           echo json_encode(array("ResponseCode"=>"2","ResponseMsg"=>$msg));        
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["uploaded_file"]["tmp_name"],"Images/". $new_image_name);
                   $flag = 1;

if($flag == 1){                    
            require 'db.php';   
            $static_url =$new_image_name;
            $conn=mysql_connect($db_host,$db_username,$db_password) or die("unable to connect localhost".mysql_error());
            $db=mysql_select_db($db_database,$conn) or die("unable to select message_app"); 
            $email = "";
                     $email = $_REQUEST['email'];

    $sql ="insert into alert(images) values('$static_url')";


    echo json_encode(array("ResponseCode"=>"1","ResponseMsg"=> "Insert data successfully.","Result"=>"True","ImageName"=>$static_url,"email"=>$email));
       } else

         echo json_encode(array("ResponseCode"=>"2","ResponseMsg"=> "Could not insert data.","Result"=>"False","email"=>$email));
    echo json_encode(array("ResponseCode"=>"2","ResponseMsg"=> "Erroe While Inserting Image.","Result"=>"False"));

Convert HH:MM:SS string to seconds only in javascript

This function handels "HH:MM:SS" as well as "MM:SS" or "SS".

function hmsToSecondsOnly(str) {
    var p = str.split(':'),
        s = 0, m = 1;

    while (p.length > 0) {
        s += m * parseInt(p.pop(), 10);
        m *= 60;

    return s;

Reading PDF content with itextsharp dll in VB.NET or C#

using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser;
using System.IO;

public string ReadPdfFile(string fileName)
    StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();

    if (File.Exists(fileName))
        PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(fileName);

        for (int page = 1; page <= pdfReader.NumberOfPages; page++)
            ITextExtractionStrategy strategy = new SimpleTextExtractionStrategy();
            string currentText = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(pdfReader, page, strategy);

            currentText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ASCIIEncoding.Convert(Encoding.Default, Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(currentText)));
    return text.ToString();

Convert a hexadecimal string to an integer efficiently in C?

This currently only works with lower case but its super easy to make it work with both.

cout << "\nEnter a hexadecimal number: ";
cin >> hexNumber;
orighex = hexNumber;

strlength = hexNumber.length();

for (i=0;i<strlength;i++)
    hexa = hexNumber.substr(i,1);
    if ((hexa>="0") && (hexa<="9"))
        //cout << "This is a numerical value.\n";
        //cout << "This is a alpabetical value.\n";
        if (hexa=="a"){hexa="10";}
        else if (hexa=="b"){hexa="11";}
        else if (hexa=="c"){hexa="12";}
        else if (hexa=="d"){hexa="13";}
        else if (hexa=="e"){hexa="14";}
        else if (hexa=="f"){hexa="15";}
        else{cout << "INVALID ENTRY! ANSWER WONT BE CORRECT\n";}
    //convert from string to integer

    hx = atoi(hexa.c_str());
    finalhex = finalhex + (hx*pow(16.0,strlength-i-1));
cout << "The hexadecimal number: " << orighex << " is " << finalhex << " in decimal.\n";

Is there a limit on how much JSON can hold?

Surely everyone's missed a trick here. The current file size limit of a json file is 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 characters or if you prefer bytes, or even 2^64 bytes if you're looking at 64 bit infrastructures at least.

For all intents, and purposes we can assume it's unlimited as you'll probably have a hard time hitting this issue...

Touch move getting stuck Ignored attempt to cancel a touchmove

Please remove e.preventDefault(), because event.cancelable of touchmove is false. So you can't call this method.

how to implement Pagination in reactJs

Here is a way to create your Custom Pagination Component from react-bootstrap lib and this component you can use Throughout your project enter image description here

Your Pagination Component (pagination.jsx or js)

import React, { Component } from "react"; 
import { Pagination } from "react-bootstrap"; 
import PropTypes from "prop-types";

export default class PaginationHandler extends Component {  

   constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      paging: {
        offset: 0,
        limit: 10
      active: 0

  pagingHandler = () => {
    let offset = parseInt(;
      active: offset
    this.props.pageHandler( - 1);   };

  nextHandler = () => {
    let active =;
      active: active + 1
    this.props.pageHandler(active + 1);   };

  backHandler = () => {
    let active =;
      active: active - 1
    this.props.pageHandler(active - 1);   };

  renderPageNumbers = (pageNumbers, totalPages) => {
    let { active } = this.state;
    return (
        <Pagination.Prev disabled={active < 5} onClick={ active >5 && this.backHandler} />

        { => {
              if (
                number >= parseInt(active) - 3 &&
                number <= parseInt(active) + 3 
              ) {
                return (
                    active={number == active}
              } else {
                return null;
        <Pagination.Next onClick={ active <= totalPages -4 && this.nextHandler} />
    );   };

  buildComponent = (props, state) => {
    const { totalPages } = props;
    const pageNumbers = [];
    for (let i = 1; i <= totalPages; i++) {
    return (
      <div className="pull-right">
      {this.renderPageNumbers(pageNumbers ,totalPages)}

  render() {
    return this.buildComponent(this.props, this.state);

   PaginationHandler.propTypes = 
    paging: PropTypes.object,
    pageHandler: PropTypes.func,
    totalPages: PropTypes.object 

Use of Above Component in your Component

import Pagination from "../pagination";

pageHandler = (offset) =>{
      this.setState(({ paging }) => ({
        paging: { ...paging, offset: offset }
   render() {
    return (
          paging = {paging}
          pageHandler = {this.pageHandler}
          totalPages = {totalPages}>

How to grep for contents after pattern?

grep 'potato:' file.txt | sed 's/^.*: //'

grep looks for any line that contains the string potato:, then, for each of these lines, sed replaces (s/// - substitute) any character (.*) from the beginning of the line (^) until the last occurrence of the sequence : (colon followed by space) with the empty string (s/...// - substitute the first part with the second part, which is empty).


grep 'potato:' file.txt | cut -d\   -f2

For each line that contains potato:, cut will split the line into multiple fields delimited by space (-d\ - d = delimiter, \ = escaped space character, something like -d" " would have also worked) and print the second field of each such line (-f2).


grep 'potato:' file.txt | awk '{print $2}'

For each line that contains potato:, awk will print the second field (print $2) which is delimited by default by spaces.


grep 'potato:' file.txt | perl -e 'for(<>){s/^.*: //;print}'

All lines that contain potato: are sent to an inline (-e) Perl script that takes all lines from stdin, then, for each of these lines, does the same substitution as in the first example above, then prints it.


awk '{if(/potato:/) print $2}' < file.txt

The file is sent via stdin (< file.txt sends the contents of the file via stdin to the command on the left) to an awk script that, for each line that contains potato: (if(/potato:/) returns true if the regular expression /potato:/ matches the current line), prints the second field, as described above.


perl -e 'for(<>){/potato:/ && s/^.*: // && print}' < file.txt

The file is sent via stdin (< file.txt, see above) to a Perl script that works similarly to the one above, but this time it also makes sure each line contains the string potato: (/potato:/ is a regular expression that matches if the current line contains potato:, and, if it does (&&), then proceeds to apply the regular expression described above and prints the result).

Line Break in XML formatting?

Here is what I use when I don't have access to the source string, e.g. for downloaded HTML:

// replace newlines with <br>
public static String replaceNewlinesWithBreaks(String source) {
    return source != null ? source.replaceAll("(?:\n|\r\n)","<br>") : "";

For XML you should probably edit that to replace with <br/> instead.

Example of its use in a function (additional calls removed for clarity):

// remove HTML tags but preserve supported HTML text styling (if there is any)
public static CharSequence getStyledTextFromHtml(String source) {
    return android.text.Html.fromHtml(replaceNewlinesWithBreaks(source));

...and a further example:


How to fill a datatable with List<T>

I also had to come up with an alternate solution, as none of the options listed here worked in my case. I was using an IEnumerable and the underlying data was a IEnumerable and the properties couldn't be enumerated. This did the trick:

// remove "this" if not on C# 3.0 / .NET 3.5
public static DataTable ConvertToDataTable<T>(this IEnumerable<T> data)
    List<IDataRecord> list = data.Cast<IDataRecord>().ToList();

    PropertyDescriptorCollection props = null;
    DataTable table = new DataTable();
    if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
        props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(list[0]);
        for (int i = 0; i < props.Count; i++)
            PropertyDescriptor prop = props[i];
            table.Columns.Add(prop.Name, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(prop.PropertyType) ?? prop.PropertyType);
    if (props != null)
        object[] values = new object[props.Count];
        foreach (T item in data)
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                values[i] = props[i].GetValue(item) ?? DBNull.Value;
    return table;

How to get the day name from a selected date?


at the place of Eval("date"),you can use any date...get name of day

How to troubleshoot an "AttributeError: __exit__" in multiproccesing in Python?

The error also happens when trying to use the

with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool:
   # ...

with a Python version that is too old (like Python 2.X) and does not support using with together with multiprocessing pools.

(See this answer to another question for more details)

Creating Roles in Identity MVC 5

As an improvement on Peters code above you can use this:

   var roleManager = new RoleManager<Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework.IdentityRole>(new RoleStore<IdentityRole>(new ApplicationDbContext()));

   if (!roleManager.RoleExists("Member"))
            roleManager.Create(new IdentityRole("Member"));

Angular 2 Sibling Component Communication

I have been passing down setter methods from the parent to one of its children through a binding, calling that method with the data from the child component, meaning that the parent component is updated and can then update its second child component with the new data. It does require binding 'this' or using an arrow function though.

This has the benefit that the children aren't so coupled to each other as they don't need a specific shared service.

I am not entirely sure that this is best practice, would be interesting to hear others views on this.

Clear form fields with jQuery

I use this :

$(".reset").click(function() {

And here is my button:

<a href="#" class="reset">
  <i class="fa fa-close"></i>

How to push to History in React Router v4?

Create a custom Router with its own browserHistory:

import React from 'react';
import { Router } from 'react-router-dom';
import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history';

export const history = createBrowserHistory();

const ExtBrowserRouter = ({children}) => (
  <Router history={history} >
  { children }

export default ExtBrowserRouter

Next, on your Root where you define your Router, use the following:

import React from 'react';       
import { /*BrowserRouter,*/ Route, Switch, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';

//Use 'ExtBrowserRouter' instead of 'BrowserRouter'
import ExtBrowserRouter from './ExtBrowserRouter'; 

export default class Root extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <Provider store={store}>
            <Route path="/login" component={Login}  />

Finally, import history where you need it and use it:

import { history } from '../routers/ExtBrowserRouter';

export function logout(){
  history.push('/login'); //WORKS AS EXPECTED!
  return Promise.reject('Refresh token has expired');

How to use bootstrap datepicker

man you can use the basic Bootstrap Datepicker this way:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<head runat="server">
<title>Test Zone</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Css/datepicker.css" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="../Js/bootstrap-datepicker.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
            format: "dd/mm/yyyy"

and inside body:

<div id="testDIV">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="hero-unit">
            <input  type="text" placeholder="click to show datepicker"  id="pickyDate"/>

datepicker.css and bootstrap-datepicker.js you can download from here on the Download button below "About" on the left side. Hope this help someone, greetings.

Why does PEP-8 specify a maximum line length of 79 characters?

Printing a monospaced font at default sizes is (on A4 paper) 80 columns by 66 lines.

std::string to float or double

The Standard Library (C++11) offers the desired functionality with std::stod :

std::string  s  = "0.6"
std::wstring ws = "0.7"
double d  = std::stod(s);
double dw = std::stod(ws);

Generally for most other basic types, see <string>. There are some new features for C strings, too. See <stdlib.h>

Best way to work with transactions in MS SQL Server Management Studio

The easisest thing to do is to wrap your code in a transaction, and then execute each batch of T-SQL code line by line.

For example,

Begin Transaction

         -Do some T-SQL queries here.

Rollback transaction -- OR commit transaction

If you want to incorporate error handling you can do so by using a TRY...CATCH BLOCK. Should an error occur you can then rollback the tranasction within the catch block.

For example:

USE AdventureWorks;

    -- Generate a constraint violation error.
    DELETE FROM Production.Product
    WHERE ProductID = 980;
        ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber
        ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity
        ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState
        ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure
        ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine
        ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage;

    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0


See the following link for more details.

Hope this helps but please let me know if you need more details.

jQuery vs. javascript?

  • Does jQuery heavily rely on browser sniffing? Could be that potential problem in future? Why?

No - there is the $.browser method, but it's deprecated and isn't used in the core.

  • I found plenty JS-selector engines, are there any AJAX and FX libraries?

Loads. jQuery is often chosen because it does AJAX and animations well, and is easily extensible. jQuery doesn't use it's own selector engine, it uses Sizzle, an incredibly fast selector engine.

  • Is there any reason (besides browser sniffing and personal "hate" against John Resig) why jQuery is wrong?

No - it's quick, relatively small and easy to extend.

For me personally it's nice to know that as browsers include more stuff (classlist API for example) that jQuery will update to include it, meaning that my code runs as fast as possible all the time.

Read through the source if you are interested, - you'll see that features are added based on the best case first, and gradually backported to legacy browsers - for example, a section of the parseJSON method from 1.4.3:

return window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ?
    window.JSON.parse( data ) :
    (new Function("return " + data))();

As you can see, if window.JSON exists, the browser uses the native JSON parser, if not, then it avoids using eval (because otherwise minfiers won't minify this bit) and sets up a function that returns the data. This idea of assuming modern techniques first, then degrading to older methods is used throughout meaning that new browsers get to use all the whizz bang features without sacrificing legacy compatibility.

C - reading command line parameters

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int i, parameter = 0;
  if (argc >= 2) {
    /* there is 1 parameter (or more) in the command line used */
    /* argv[0] may point to the program name */
    /* argv[1] points to the 1st parameter */
    /* argv[argc] is NULL */
    parameter = atoi(argv[1]); /* better to use strtol */
    if (parameter > 0) {
      for (i = 0; i < parameter; i++) printf("%d ", i);
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr, "Please use a positive integer.\n");
  return 0;

Getting "project" nuget configuration is invalid error

NOTE: This is mentioned in the question but restarting Visual Studio fixes the issue in most cases.

Updating Visual Studio to 'Update 2' got it working again.

Tools -> Extensions and Updates ->Visual Studio Update 2

As mentioned in the question and the link i posted therein, I'd already updated NuGet Package Manager to 3.4.4 prior to this and restarted to no avail, so I don't know if the combination of both these actions worked.

Mysql: Setup the format of DATETIME to 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS' when creating a table

Dim x as date 

x = dr("appdate")
appdate = x.tostring("dd/MM/yyyy")

dr is the variable of datareader

How to close activity and go back to previous activity in android

You have to use this in your MainActivity

 Intent intent = new Intent(context , yourActivity);

            intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK |Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK);

The flag will start multiple tasks that will keep your MainActivity, when you call finish it will kill the other activity and get you back to the MainActivity

LDAP server which is my base dn

The base dn is dc=example,dc=com.

I don't know about openca, but I will try this answer since you got very little traffic so far.

A base dn is the point from where a server will search for users. So I would try to simply use admin as a login name.

If openca behaves like most ldap aware applications, this is what is going to happen :

  1. An ldap search for the user admin will be done by the server starting at the base dn (dc=example,dc=com).
  2. When the user is found, the full dn (cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com) will be used to bind with the supplied password.
  3. The ldap server will hash the password and compare with the stored hash value. If it matches, you're in.

Getting step 1 right is the hardest part, but mostly because we don't get to do it often. Things you have to look out for in your configuraiton file are :

  • The dn your application will use to bind to the ldap server. This happens at application startup, before any user comes to authenticate. You will have to supply a full dn, maybe something like cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com.
  • The authentication method. It is usually a "simple bind".
  • The user search filter. Look at the attribute named objectClass for your admin user. It will be either inetOrgPerson or user. There will be others like top, you can ignore them. In your openca configuration, there should be a string like (objectClass=inetOrgPerson). Whatever it is, make sure it matches your admin user's object Class. You can specify two object class with this search filter (|(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(objectClass=user)).

Download an LDAP Browser, such as Apache's Directory Studio. Connect using your application's credentials, so you will see what your application sees.

How to set top position using jquery

And with Prototype:

$('yourDivId').setStyle({top: '100px', left:'80px'});

Git push rejected "non-fast-forward"

Write lock on shared local repository

I had this problem and none of above advises helped me. I was able to fetch everything correctly. But push always failed. It was a local repository located on windows directory with several clients working with it through VMWare shared folder driver. It appeared that one of the systems locked Git repository for writing. After stopping relevant VMWare system, which caused the lock everything repaired immediately. It was almost impossible to figure out, which system causes the error, so I had to stop them one by one until succeeded.

Pretty-Printing JSON with PHP

best way to format JSON data is like this!

header('Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8');

Replace $response with your Data which is required to be converted to JSON

How to use filter, map, and reduce in Python 3

You can read about the changes in What's New In Python 3.0. You should read it thoroughly when you move from 2.x to 3.x since a lot has been changed.

The whole answer here are quotes from the documentation.

Views And Iterators Instead Of Lists

Some well-known APIs no longer return lists:

  • [...]
  • map() and filter() return iterators. If you really need a list, a quick fix is e.g. list(map(...)), but a better fix is often to use a list comprehension (especially when the original code uses lambda), or rewriting the code so it doesn’t need a list at all. Particularly tricky is map() invoked for the side effects of the function; the correct transformation is to use a regular for loop (since creating a list would just be wasteful).
  • [...]


  • [...]
  • Removed reduce(). Use functools.reduce() if you really need it; however, 99 percent of the time an explicit for loop is more readable.
  • [...]

How does one convert a HashMap to a List in Java?

If you wanna maintain the same order in your list, say: your Map looks like:

map.put(1, "msg1")
map.put(2, "msg2")
map.put(3, "msg3")

and you want your list looks like

["msg1", "msg2", "msg3"]   // same order as the map

you will have to iterate through the Map:

// sort your map based on key, otherwise you will get IndexOutofBoundException
Map<String, String> treeMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(map)

List<String> list = new List<String>();
for (treeMap.Entry<Integer, String> entry : treeMap.entrySet()) {
    list.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

JList add/remove Item

The best and easiest way to clear a JLIST is:

myJlist.setListData(new String[0]);

Draw an X in CSS

single element solution:enter image description here

    box-shadow:2px 2px 4px 0 white;_x000D_
    box-shadow:0 0 2px 0 #ccc;_x000D_


Wrap the "set" statement to mean "set if not set" and put it naked above the while loop.

You are correct, the language does not provide what you're looking for in exactly that syntax, but that's because there are programming paradigms like the one I just suggested so you don't need the syntax you are proposing.

Background service with location listener in android

I know I am posting this answer little late, but I felt it is worth using Google's fuse location provider service to get the current location.

Main features of this api are :

1.Simple APIs: Lets you choose your accuracy level as well as power consumption.

2.Immediately available: Gives your apps immediate access to the best, most recent location.

3.Power-efficiency: It chooses the most efficient way to get the location with less power consumptions

4.Versatility: Meets a wide range of needs, from foreground uses that need highly accurate location to background uses that need periodic location updates with negligible power impact.

It is flexible in while updating in location also. If you want current location only when your app starts then you can use getLastLocation(GoogleApiClient) method.

If you want to update your location continuously then you can use requestLocationUpdates(GoogleApiClient,LocationRequest, LocationListener)

You can find a very nice blog about fuse location here and google doc for fuse location also can be found here.


According to developer docs starting from Android O they have added new limits on background location.

If your app is running in the background, the location system service computes a new location for your app only a few times each hour. This is the case even when your app is requesting more frequent location updates. However if your app is running in the foreground, there is no change in location sampling rates compared to Android 7.1.1 (API level 25).

Cannot open include file: 'unistd.h': No such file or directory

The "uni" in unistd stands for "UNIX" - you won't find it on a Windows system.

Most widely used, portable libraries should offer alternative builds or detect the platform and only try to use headers/functions that will be provided, so it's worth checking documentation to see if you've missed some build step - e.g. perhaps running "make" instead of loading a ".sln" Visual C++ solution file.

If you need to fix it yourself, remove the include and see which functions are actually needed, then try to find a Windows equivalent.

Drawing a dot on HTML5 canvas

This should do the job

//get a reference to the canvas
var ctx = $('#canvas')[0].getContext("2d");

//draw a dot
ctx.arc(20, 20, 10, 0, Math.PI*2, true);

Regex for Mobile Number Validation

This regex is very short and sweet for working.


Ex: +910123456789 or 0123456789

-> /^ and $/ is for starting and ending
-> The ? mark is used for conditional formatting where before question mark is available or not it will work
-> ([+]\d{2}) this indicates that the + sign with two digits '\d{2}' here you can place digit as per country
-> after the ? mark '\d{10}' this says that the digits must be 10 of length change as per your country mobile number length

This is how this regex for mobile number is working.
+ sign is used for world wide matching of number.

if you want to add the space between than you can use the

[ ]

here the square bracket represents the character sequence and a space is character for searching in regex.
for the space separated digit you can use this regex

/^([+]\d{2}[ ])?\d{10}$/

Ex: +91 0123456789

Thanks ask any question if you have.

Gradients in Internet Explorer 9

Looks like I'm a little late to the party, but here's an example for some of the top browsers:

/* IE10 */ 
background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #444444 0%, #999999 100%);

/* Mozilla Firefox */ 
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #444444 0%, #999999 100%);

/* Opera */ 
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #444444 0%, #999999 100%);

/* Webkit (Safari/Chrome 10) */ 
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #444444), color-stop(1, #999999));

/* Webkit (Chrome 11+) */ 
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #444444 0%, #999999 100%);

/* Proposed W3C Markup */ 
background-image: linear-gradient(top, #444444 0%, #999999 100%);


Note: all of these browsers also support rgb/rgba in place of hexadecimal notation.

String Array object in Java

public static void main(String[] args) {

        public String[] name = {"Art", "Dan", "Jen"};
        public String[] country = {"Canada", "Germant", "USA"};
        // initialize your performance array here too.

        //Your constructor takes arrays as an argument so you need to be sure to pass in the arrays and not just objects.
        Athlete art = new Athlete(name, country, performance);   


std::queue iteration

If you need to iterate a queue ... queue isn't the container you need.
Why did you pick a queue?
Why don't you take a container that you can iterate over?

1.if you pick a queue then you say you want to wrap a container into a 'queue' interface: - front - back - push - pop - ...

if you also want to iterate, a queue has an incorrect interface. A queue is an adaptor that provides a restricted subset of the original container

2.The definition of a queue is a FIFO and by definition a FIFO is not iterable

how to extract only the year from the date in sql server 2008?

Simply use


It will return the portion of a DATETIME type that corresponds to the option you specify. SO DATEPART(YEAR, GETDATE()) would return the current year.

Can pass other time formatters instead of YEAR like

  • DAY
  • ...etc.

Ionic android build Error - Failed to find 'ANDROID_HOME' environment variable

Setup for Linux/Ubuntu/Mint

  1. download Android Studio or SDK only
  2. install
  3. set PATH

3.1) Open terminal and edit ~/.bashrc

sudo su
vim ~/.bashrc

3.2) Export ANDROID_HOME and add folders with binaries to your PATH

Common default install folders:

  • /root/Android/Sdk
  • ~/Android/Sdk

Example .bashrc

export ANDROID_HOME=/root/Android/Sdk

3.3) Refresh your PATH

source ~/.bashrc

4) Install correct SDK

When ionic build android still fails it could be because of wrong sdk version. To install correct versions and images run android from command line. Since it is now in your PATH you should be able to run it from anywhere.

Force SSL/https using .htaccess and mod_rewrite

I found a mod_rewrite solution that works well for both proxied and unproxied servers.

If you are using CloudFlare, AWS Elastic Load Balancing, Heroku, OpenShift or any other Cloud/PaaS solution and you are experiencing redirect loops with normal HTTPS redirects, try the following snippet instead.

RewriteEngine On

# If we receive a forwarded http request from a proxy...
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} =http [OR]

# ...or just a plain old http request directly from the client
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} =""
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on

# Redirect to https version
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

Open file in a relative location in Python

Python just passes the filename you give it to the operating system, which opens it. If your operating system supports relative paths like main/2091/data.txt (hint: it does), then that will work fine.

You may find that the easiest way to answer a question like this is to try it and see what happens.

PHP check if date between two dates

The above methods are useful but they are not full-proof because it will give error if time is between 12:00 AM/PM and 01:00 AM/PM . It will return the "No Go" in-spite of being in between the timing . Here is the code for the same:

$time = '2019-03-27 12:00 PM';

$date_one = $time; 
$date_one = strtotime($date_one);
$date_one = strtotime("+60 minutes", $date_one);
$date_one =  date('Y-m-d h:i A', $date_one);

$date_ten = strtotime($time); 
$date_ten = strtotime("-12 minutes", $date_ten); 
$date_ten = date('Y-m-d h:i A', $date_ten);

$paymentDate='2019-03-27 12:45 AM';

$contractDateBegin = date('Y-m-d h:i A', strtotime($date_ten)); 
$contractDateEnd = date('Y-m-d h:i A', strtotime($date_one));

echo $paymentDate; 
echo "---------------"; 
echo $contractDateBegin; 
echo "---------------"; 
echo $contractDateEnd; 
echo "---------------";

$contractDateEnd='2019-03-27 01:45 AM';

if($paymentDate > $contractDateBegin && $paymentDate < $contractDateEnd)  
 echo "is between";
  echo "NO GO!";  

Here you will get output "NO Go" because 12:45 > 01:45.

To get proper output date in between, make sure that for "AM" values from 01:00 AM to 12:00 AM will get converted to the 24-hour format. This little trick helped me.

How to set max_connections in MySQL Programmatically

You can set max connections using:

set global max_connections = '1 < your number > 100000';

This will set your number of mysql connection unti (Requires SUPER privileges).

Hide separator line on one UITableViewCell

I couldn't hide the separator on a specific cell except using the following workaround

- (void)layoutSubviews {
    [super layoutSubviews];
    [self hideCellSeparator];
// workaround
- (void)hideCellSeparator {
    for (UIView *view in  self.subviews) {
        if (![view isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]]) {
            [view removeFromSuperview];

What is the Linux equivalent to DOS pause?

I use these ways a lot that are very short, and they are like @theunamedguy and @Jim solutions, but with timeout and silent mode in addition.

I especially love the last case and use it in a lot of scripts that run in a loop until the user presses Enter.


  • Enter solution

    read -rsp $'Press enter to continue...\n'
  • Escape solution (with -d $'\e')

    read -rsp $'Press escape to continue...\n' -d $'\e'
  • Any key solution (with -n 1)

    read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n 1 key
    # echo $key
  • Question with preselected choice (with -ei $'Y')

    read -rp $'Are you sure (Y/n) : ' -ei $'Y' key;
    # echo $key
  • Timeout solution (with -t 5)

    read -rsp $'Press any key or wait 5 seconds to continue...\n' -n 1 -t 5;
  • Sleep enhanced alias

    read -rst 0.5; timeout=$?
    # echo $timeout


-r specifies raw mode, which don't allow combined characters like "\" or "^".

-s specifies silent mode, and because we don't need keyboard output.

-p $'prompt' specifies the prompt, which need to be between $' and ' to let spaces and escaped characters. Be careful, you must put between single quotes with dollars symbol to benefit escaped characters, otherwise you can use simple quotes.

-d $'\e' specifies escappe as delimiter charater, so as a final character for current entry, this is possible to put any character but be careful to put a character that the user can type.

-n 1 specifies that it only needs a single character.

-e specifies readline mode.

-i $'Y' specifies Y as initial text in readline mode.

-t 5 specifies a timeout of 5 seconds

key serve in case you need to know the input, in -n1 case, the key that has been pressed.

$? serve to know the exit code of the last program, for read, 142 in case of timeout, 0 correct input. Put $? in a variable as soon as possible if you need to test it after somes commands, because all commands would rewrite $?

How do I create directory if it doesn't exist to create a file?

To Create

(new FileInfo(filePath)).Directory.Create() Before writing to the file.

....Or, If it exists, then create (else do nothing)

System.IO.FileInfo file = new System.IO.FileInfo(filePath);
file.Directory.Create(); // If the directory already exists, this method does nothing.
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(file.FullName, content);

Git - Undo pushed commits

Another way to do this without revert (traces of undo):

Don't do it if someone else has pushed other commits

Create a backup of your branch, being in your branch my-branch. So in case something goes wrong, you can restart the process without losing any work done.

git checkout -b my-branch-temp

Go back to your branch.

git checkout my-branch

Reset, to discard your last commit (to undo it):

git reset --hard HEAD^

Remove the branch on remote (ex. origin remote).

git push origin :my-branch

Repush your branch (without the unwanted commit) to the remote.

git push origin my-branch


I hope that helps! ;)

Popup window in PHP?

if (isset($_POST['Register']))
        $ErrorArrays = array (); //Empty array for input errors 

        $Input_Username = $_POST['Username'];
        $Input_Password = $_POST['Password'];
        $Input_Confirm = $_POST['ConfirmPass'];
        $Input_Email = $_POST['Email'];

        if (empty($Input_Username))
            $ErrorArrays[] = "Username Is Empty";
        if (empty($Input_Password))
            $ErrorArrays[] = "Password Is Empty";
        if ($Input_Password !== $Input_Confirm)
            $ErrorArrays[] = "Passwords Do Not Match!";
        if (!filter_var($Input_Email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
            $ErrorArrays[] = "Incorrect Email Formatting";

        if (count($ErrorArrays) == 0)
            // No Errors
            foreach ($ErrorArrays AS $Errors)
                echo "<font color='red'><b>".$Errors."</font></b><br>";


    <form method="POST"> 
        Username: <input type='text' name='Username'> <br>
        Password: <input type='password' name='Password'><br>
        Confirm Password: <input type='password' name='ConfirmPass'><br>
        Email: <input type='text' name='Email'> <br><br>

        <input type='submit' name='Register' value='Register'>


This is a very basic PHP Form validation. This could be put in a try block, but for basic reference, I see this fit following our conversation in the comment box.

What this script will do, is process each of the post elements, and act accordingly, for example:

    if (!filter_var($Input_Email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
            $ErrorArrays[] = "Incorrect Email Formatting";

This will check:

if $Input_Email is not a valid email. If this is not a valid E-mail, then a message will get added to a empty array.

Further down the script, you will see:

    if (count($ErrorArrays) == 0)
        // No Errors
        foreach ($ErrorArrays AS $Errors)
            echo "<font color='red'><b>".$Errors."</font></b><br>";

Basically. if the array count is not 0, errors have been found. Then the script will print out the errors.

Remember, this is a reference based on our conversation in the comment box, and should be used as such.

How to convert a Java 8 Stream to an Array?

You can convert a java 8 stream to an array using this simple code block:

 String[] myNewArray3 = myNewStream.toArray(String[]::new);

But let's explain things more, first, let's Create a list of string filled with three values:

String[] stringList = {"Bachiri","Taoufiq","Abderrahman"};

Create a stream from the given Array :

Stream<String> stringStream =;

we can now perform some operations on this stream Ex:

Stream<String> myNewStream = -> s.toUpperCase());

and finally convert it to a java 8 Array using these methods:

1-Classic method (Functional interface)

IntFunction<String[]> intFunction = new IntFunction<String[]>() {
    public String[] apply(int value) {
        return new String[value];

String[] myNewArray = myNewStream.toArray(intFunction);

2 -Lambda expression

 String[] myNewArray2 = myNewStream.toArray(value -> new String[value]);

3- Method reference

String[] myNewArray3 = myNewStream.toArray(String[]::new);

Method reference Explanation:

It's another way of writing a lambda expression that it's strictly equivalent to the other.

How to redirect output of systemd service to a file

Assume logs are already put to stdout/stderr, and have systemd unit's log in /var/log/syslog

journalctl -u unitxxx.service

Jun 30 13:51:46 host unitxxx[1437]: time="2018-06-30T11:51:46Z" level=info msg="
Jun 30 15:02:15 host unitxxx[1437]: time="2018-06-30T13:02:15Z" level=info msg="
Jun 30 15:33:02 host unitxxx[1437]: time="2018-06-30T13:33:02Z" level=info msg="
Jun 30 15:56:31 host unitxxx[1437]: time="2018-06-30T13:56:31Z" level=info msg="

Config rsyslog (System Logging Service)

# Create directory for log file
mkdir /var/log/unitxxx

# Then add config file /etc/rsyslog.d/unitxxx.conf

if $programname == 'unitxxx' then /var/log/unitxxx/unitxxx.log
& stop

Restart rsyslog

systemctl restart rsyslog.service

How to get the difference between two arrays in JavaScript?

There's a lot of problems with the answers I'm reading here that make them of limited value in practical programming applications.

First and foremost, you're going to want to have a way to control what it means for two items in the array to be "equal". The === comparison is not going to cut it if you're trying to figure out whether to update an array of objects based on an ID or something like that, which frankly is probably one of the most likely scenarios in which you will want a diff function. It also limits you to arrays of things that can be compared with the === operator, i.e. strings, ints, etc, and that's pretty much unacceptable for grown-ups.

Secondly, there are three state outcomes of a diff operation:

  1. elements that are in the first array but not in the second
  2. elements that are common to both arrays
  3. elements that are in the second array but not in the first

I think this means you need no less than 2 loops, but am open to dirty tricks if anybody knows a way to reduce it to one.

Here's something I cobbled together, and I want to stress that I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT CARE that it doesn't work in old versions of Microshaft browsers. If you work in an inferior coding environment like IE, it's up to you to modify it to work within the unsatisfactory limitations you're stuck with.

Array.defaultValueComparison = function(a, b) {
    return (a === b);

Array.prototype.diff = function(arr, fnCompare) {

    // validate params

    if (!(arr instanceof Array))
        arr = [arr];

    fnCompare = fnCompare || Array.defaultValueComparison;

    var original = this, exists, storage, 
        result = { common: [], removed: [], inserted: [] };

    original.forEach(function(existingItem) {

        // Finds common elements and elements that 
        // do not exist in the original array

        exists = arr.some(function(newItem) {
            return fnCompare(existingItem, newItem);

        storage = (exists) ? result.common : result.removed;


    arr.forEach(function(newItem) {

        exists = original.some(function(existingItem) {
            return fnCompare(existingItem, newItem);

        if (!exists)


    return result;


How to make a PHP SOAP call using the SoapClient class

First initialize webservices:

$client = new SoapClient("");

Then set and pass the parameters:

$params = array (
    "arg0" => $contactid,
    "arg1" => $desc,
    "arg2" => $contactname

$response = $client->__soapCall('methodname', array($params));

Note that the method name is available in WSDL as operation name, e.g.:

<operation name="methodname">

no target device found android studio 2.1.1

If you are using 32-bit ubuntu (my case) then it is most likely that Android Studio has downloaded 64-bit version of adb and fastboot inside your sdk/platform-tools folder. I think you already have installed adb (and fastboot). If you haven't then run these commands in terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot

This will install 32-bit version of adb and fastboot. Now just replace the 64-bit adb and fastboot executable files in sdk/platform-tools with the installed 32-bit versions:

cp /usr/bin/adb <path-to-your-adt-sdk-package>/sdk/platform-tools/adb
cp /usr/bin/fastboot <path-to-your-adt-sdk-package>/sdk/platformtools/fastboot

Now your android studio should be able to run your App in your device.

Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference, But it is NOT a null reference

This error happens when you have a ViewBag Non-Existent in your razor code calling a method.


public ActionResult Accept(int id)
    return View();


<div class="form-group">
      @Html.LabelFor(model => model.ToId, "To", htmlAttributes: new { @class = "control-label col-md-2" })
     <div class="col-md-10">
<div class="form-group">
     <div class="col-md-10">
          <input value="@ViewBag.MaximounAmount.ToString()" />@* HERE is the error *@ 

For some reason, the .net aren't able to show the error in the correct line.

Normally this causes a lot of wasted time.

How to Run the Procedure?

In SQL Plus:

EXEC gokul_proc(1,'GOKUL', :rc);
print rc

Select rows of a matrix that meet a condition

If the dataset is called data, then all the rows meeting a condition where value of column 'pm2.5' > 300 can be received by -

data[data['pm2.5'] >300,]

How to concatenate and minify multiple CSS and JavaScript files with Grunt.js (0.3.x)

I agree with above answer. But here is another way of CSS compression.

You can concat your CSS by using YUI compressor:

module.exports = function(grunt) {
  var exec = require('child_process').exec;
   grunt.registerTask('cssmin', function() {
    var cmd = 'java -jar -Xss2048k '
      + __dirname + '/../yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar --type css '
      + grunt.template.process('/css/style.css') + ' -o '
      + grunt.template.process('/css/style.min.css')
    exec(cmd, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
      if(err) throw err;

Remove duplicates from a dataframe in PySpark

if you have a data frame and want to remove all duplicates -- with reference to duplicates in a specific column (called 'colName'):

count before dedupe:


do the de-dupe (convert the column you are de-duping to string type):

from pyspark.sql.functions import col
df = df.withColumn('colName',col('colName').cast('string'))


can use a sorted groupby to check to see that duplicates have been removed:


Is there a JavaScript / jQuery DOM change listener?

For a long time, DOM3 mutation events were the best available solution, but they have been deprecated for performance reasons. DOM4 Mutation Observers are the replacement for deprecated DOM3 mutation events. They are currently implemented in modern browsers as MutationObserver (or as the vendor-prefixed WebKitMutationObserver in old versions of Chrome):

MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver;

var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer) {
    // fired when a mutation occurs
    console.log(mutations, observer);
    // ...

// define what element should be observed by the observer
// and what types of mutations trigger the callback
observer.observe(document, {
  subtree: true,
  attributes: true

This example listens for DOM changes on document and its entire subtree, and it will fire on changes to element attributes as well as structural changes. The draft spec has a full list of valid mutation listener properties:


  • Set to true if mutations to target's children are to be observed.


  • Set to true if mutations to target's attributes are to be observed.


  • Set to true if mutations to target's data are to be observed.


  • Set to true if mutations to not just target, but also target's descendants are to be observed.


  • Set to true if attributes is set to true and target's attribute value before the mutation needs to be recorded.


  • Set to true if characterData is set to true and target's data before the mutation needs to be recorded.


  • Set to a list of attribute local names (without namespace) if not all attribute mutations need to be observed.

(This list is current as of April 2014; you may check the specification for any changes.)

Removing character in list of strings

Here's a short one-liner using regular expressions:

print [re.compile(r"8").sub("", m) for m in mylist]

If we separate the regex operations and improve the namings:

pattern = re.compile(r"8") # Create the regular expression to match
res = [pattern.sub("", match) for match in mylist] # Remove match on each element
print res

Assigning strings to arrays of characters

What I would use is

char *s = "abcd";

req.query and req.param in ExpressJS

req.query will return a JS object after the query string is parsed.

/user?name=tom&age=55 - req.query would yield {name:"tom", age: "55"}

req.params will return parameters in the matched route. If your route is /user/:id and you make a request to /user/5 - req.params would yield {id: "5"}

req.param is a function that peels parameters out of the request. All of this can be found here.


If the verb is a POST and you are using bodyParser, then you should be able to get the form body in you function with req.body. That will be the parsed JS version of the POSTed form.

Java heap terminology: young, old and permanent generations?

The Heap is divided into young and old generations as follows :

Young Generation : It is place where lived for short period and divided into two spaces:

  • Eden Space : When object created using new keyword memory allocated on this space.
  • Survivor Space : This is the pool which contains objects which have survived after java garbage collection from Eden space.

Old Generation : This pool basically contains tenured and virtual (reserved) space and will be holding those objects which survived after garbage collection from Young Generation.

  • Tenured Space: This memory pool contains objects which survived after multiple garbage collection means object which survived after garbage collection from Survivor space.

Permanent Generation : This memory pool as name also says contain permanent class metadata and descriptors information so PermGen space always reserved for classes and those that is tied to the classes for example static members.

Java8 Update: PermGen is replaced with Metaspace which is very similar.
Main difference is that Metaspace re-sizes dynamically i.e., It can expand at runtime.
Java Metaspace space: unbounded (default)

Code Cache (Virtual or reserved) : If you are using HotSpot Java VM this includes code cache area that containing memory which will be used for compilation and storage of native code.

enter image description here


What does "publicPath" in Webpack do?

filename specifies the name of file into which all your bundled code is going to get accumulated after going through build step.

path specifies the output directory where the app.js(filename) is going to get saved in the disk. If there is no output directory, webpack is going to create that directory for you. for example:

module.exports = {
  output: {
    path: path.resolve("./examples/dist"),
    filename: "app.js"

This will create a directory myproject/examples/dist and under that directory it creates app.js, /myproject/examples/dist/app.js. After building, you can browse to myproject/examples/dist/app.js to see the bundled code

publicPath: "What should I put here?"

publicPath specifies the virtual directory in web server from where bundled file, app.js is going to get served up from. Keep in mind, the word server when using publicPath can be either webpack-dev-server or express server or other server that you can use with webpack.

for example

module.exports = {
  output: {
    path: path.resolve("./examples/dist"),
    filename: "app.js",
    publicPath: path.resolve("/public/assets/js")   

this configuration tells webpack to bundle all your js files into examples/dist/app.js and write into that file.

publicPath tells webpack-dev-server or express server to serve this bundled file ie examples/dist/app.js from specified virtual location in server ie /public/assets/js. So in your html file, you have to reference this file as

<script src="public/assets/js/app.js"></script>

So in summary, publicPath is like mapping between virtual directory in your server and output directory specified by output.path configuration, Whenever request for file public/assets/js/app.js comes, /examples/dist/app.js file will be served

How can I export a GridView.DataSource to a datatable or dataset?


I was having the same issue as you, and this is the code I used to figure it out. Although, I don't use the footer row section for my purposes, I did include it in this code.

    DataTable dt = new DataTable();

    // add the columns to the datatable            
    if (GridView1.HeaderRow != null)

        for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.HeaderRow.Cells.Count; i++)

    //  add each of the data rows to the table
    foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView1.Rows)
        DataRow dr;
        dr = dt.NewRow();

        for (int i = 0; i < row.Cells.Count; i++)
            dr[i] = row.Cells[i].Text.Replace("&nbsp;","");

    //  add the footer row to the table
    if (GridView1.FooterRow != null)
        DataRow dr;
        dr = dt.NewRow();

        for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.FooterRow.Cells.Count; i++)
            dr[i] = GridView1.FooterRow.Cells[i].Text.Replace("&nbsp;","");

How to convert C++ Code to C

It handles some code, but will fail for more complex implementations as it hasn't been fully updated for some of the modern C++ conventions. So try compiling your code frequently until you get a feel for what's allowed.

Usage sytax from the command line is as follows for version 9.0.1:

clang -c CPPtoC.cpp -o CPPtoC.bc -emit-llvm
clang -march=c  CPPtoC.bc -o CPPtoC.c

For older versions (unsure of transition version), use the following syntax:

llvm-g++ -c CPPtoC.cpp -o CPPtoC.bc -emit-llvm
llc -march=c  CPPtoC.bc -o CPPtoC.c

Note that it creates a GNU flavor of C and not true ANSI C. You will want to test that this is useful for you before you invest too heavily in your code. For example, some embedded systems only accept ANSI C.

Also note that it generates functional but fairly unreadable code. I recommend commenting and maintain your C++ code and not worrying about the final C code.

EDIT : although official support of this functionality was removed, but users can still use this unofficial support from Julia language devs, to achieve mentioned above functionality.

How to add Web API to an existing ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application project?

The above solution works perfectly. I prefer to choose Web API option while selecting the project template as shown in the picture below

Note: The solution works with Visual Studio 2013 or higher. The original question was asked in 2012 and it is 2016, therefore adding a solution Visual Studio 2013 or higher.

Project template showing web API option

Why do I get "a label can only be part of a statement and a declaration is not a statement" if I have a variable that is initialized after a label?

The language standard simply doesn't allow for it. Labels can only be followed by statements, and declarations do not count as statements in C. The easiest way to get around this is by inserting an empty statement after your label, which relieves you from keeping track of the scope the way you would need to inside a block.

#include <stdio.h>
int main () 
    printf("Hello ");
    goto Cleanup;
Cleanup: ; //This is an empty statement.
    char *str = "World\n";
    printf("%s\n", str);

How can I implement rate limiting with Apache? (requests per second)

Sadly, mod_evasive won't work as expected when used in non-prefork configurations (recent apache setups are mainly MPM)

How to copy only a single worksheet to another workbook using vba

The much longer example below combines some of the useful snippets above:

  • You can specify any number of sheets you want to copy across
  • You can copy entire sheets, i.e. like dragging the tab across, or you can copy over the contents of cells as values-only but preserving formatting.

It could still do with a lot of work to make it better (better error-handling, general cleaning up), but it hopefully provides a good start.

Note that not all formatting is carried across because the new sheet uses its own theme's fonts and colours. I can't work out how to copy those across when pasting as values only.

 Option Explicit

Sub copyDataToNewFile()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    ' Allow different ways of copying data:
    ' sheet = copy the entire sheet
    ' valuesWithFormatting = create a new sheet with the same name as the
    '                        original, copy values from the cells only, then
    '                        apply original formatting. Formatting is only as
    '                        good as the Paste Special > Formats command - theme
    '                        colours and fonts are not preserved.
    Dim copyMethod As String
    copyMethod = "valuesWithFormatting"

    Dim newFilename As String           ' Name (+optionally path) of new file
    Dim themeTempFilePath As String     ' To temporarily save the source file's theme

    Dim sourceWorkbook As Workbook      ' This file
    Set sourceWorkbook = ThisWorkbook

    Dim newWorkbook As Workbook         ' New file

    Dim sht As Worksheet                ' To iterate through sheets later on.
    Dim sheetFriendlyName As String     ' To store friendly sheet name
    Dim sheetCount As Long              ' To avoid having to count multiple times

    ' Sheets to copy over, using internal code names as more reliable.
    Dim colSheetObjectsToCopy As New Collection
    colSheetObjectsToCopy.Add Sheet1
    colSheetObjectsToCopy.Add Sheet2

    ' Get filename of new file from user.
        newFilename = InputBox("Please Specify the name of your new workbook." & vbCr & vbCr & "Either enter a full path or just a filename, in which case the file will be saved in the same location (" & sourceWorkbook.Path & "). Don't use the name of a workbook that is already open, otherwise this script will break.", "New Copy")
        If newFilename = "" Then MsgBox "You must enter something.", vbExclamation, "Filename needed"
    Loop Until newFilename > ""

    ' If they didn't supply a path, assume same location as the source workbook.
    ' Not perfect - simply assumes a path has been supplied if a path separator
    ' exists somewhere. Could still be a badly-formed path. And, no check is done
    ' to see if the path actually exists.
    If InStr(1, newFilename, Application.PathSeparator, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
        newFilename = sourceWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & newFilename
    End If

    ' Create a new workbook and save as the user requested.
    ' NB This fails if the filename is the same as a workbook that's
    ' already open - it should check for this.
    Set newWorkbook = Application.Workbooks.Add(xlWBATWorksheet)
    newWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=newFilename, _

    ' Theme fonts and colours don't get copied over with most paste-special operations.
    ' This saves the theme of the source workbook and then loads it into the new workbook.
    ' BUG: Doesn't work!
    'themeTempFilePath = Environ("temp") & Application.PathSeparator & sourceWorkbook.Name & " - Theme.xml"
    'sourceWorkbook.Theme.ThemeFontScheme.Save themeTempFilePath
    'sourceWorkbook.Theme.ThemeColorScheme.Save themeTempFilePath
    'newWorkbook.Theme.ThemeFontScheme.Load themeTempFilePath
    'newWorkbook.Theme.ThemeColorScheme.Load themeTempFilePath
    'On Error Resume Next
    'Kill themeTempFilePath  ' kill = delete in VBA-speak
    'On Error GoTo 0

    ' getWorksheetNameFromObject returns null if the worksheet object doens't
    ' exist
    For Each sht In colSheetObjectsToCopy
        sheetFriendlyName = getWorksheetNameFromObject(sourceWorkbook, sht)
        Application.StatusBar = "VBL Copying " & sheetFriendlyName
        If Not IsNull(sheetFriendlyName) Then
            Select Case copyMethod
                Case "sheet"
                    sourceWorkbook.Sheets(sheetFriendlyName).Copy _
                Case "valuesWithFormatting"
                    newWorkbook.Sheets.Add After:=newWorkbook.Sheets(newWorkbook.Sheets.count), _
                    sheetCount = newWorkbook.Sheets.count
                    newWorkbook.Sheets(sheetCount).Name = sheetFriendlyName
                    ' Copy all cells in current source sheet to the clipboard. Could copy straight
                    ' to the new workbook by specifying the Destination parameter but in this case
                    ' we want to do a paste special as values only and the Copy method doens't allow that.
                    sourceWorkbook.Sheets(sheetFriendlyName).Cells.Copy ' Destination:=newWorkbook.Sheets(newWorkbook.Sheets.Count).[A1]
                    newWorkbook.Sheets(sheetCount).[A1].PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues
                    newWorkbook.Sheets(sheetCount).[A1].PasteSpecial Paste:=xlFormats
                    newWorkbook.Sheets(sheetCount).Tab.Color = sourceWorkbook.Sheets(sheetFriendlyName).Tab.Color
                    Application.CutCopyMode = False
            End Select
        End If
    Next sht

    Application.StatusBar = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

How can I delete using INNER JOIN with SQL Server?

 DELETE a FROM WorkRecord2 a 
       INNER JOIN Employee b 
       ON a.EmployeeRun = b.EmployeeNo 
       Where a.Company = '1' 
       AND a.Date = '2013-05-06'

How do you convert between 12 hour time and 24 hour time in PHP?

// 24-hour time to 12-hour time 
$time_in_12_hour_format  = date("g:i a", strtotime("13:30"));

// 12-hour time to 24-hour time 
$time_in_24_hour_format  = date("H:i", strtotime("1:30 PM"));

Android java.exe finished with non-zero exit value 1

There's many reason that leads to org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin\java.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

If you are not hitting the dex limit but you are getting error similar to this name already added: string{"a"}

Try disable proguard, if it manage to compile without issue then you will need to figure out which library caused it and add it to file

In my case this issue occur when I updated compile '' to compile ''

One of the workaround is I added this to file

## Google AdMob specific rules ##
## ##

-keep public class** {
   public *;

Android Studio

Solve Cross Origin Resource Sharing with Flask

It worked like a champ, after bit modification to your code

# initialization
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy   dog'
app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type'

cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/foo": {"origins": "http://localhost:port"}})

@app.route('/foo', methods=['POST'])
@cross_origin(origin='localhost',headers=['Content- Type','Authorization'])
def foo():
    return request.json['inputVar']

if __name__ == '__main__':

I replaced * by localhost. Since as I read in many blogs and posts, you should allow access for specific domain

How to provide password to a command that prompts for one in bash?

Simply use :

echo "password" | sudo -S mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/usb/;
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo -e '[ ok ] Usb key mounted'
    echo -e '[warn] The USB key is not mounted'

This code is working for me, and its in /etc/init.d/

Converting string to byte array in C#

This question has been answered sufficiently many times, but with C# 7.2 and the introduction of the Span type, there is a faster way to do this in unsafe code:

public static class StringSupport
    private static readonly int _charSize = sizeof(char);

    public static unsafe byte[] GetBytes(string str)
        if (str == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(str));
        if (str.Length == 0) return new byte[0];

        fixed (char* p = str)
            return new Span<byte>(p, str.Length * _charSize).ToArray();

    public static unsafe string GetString(byte[] bytes)
        if (bytes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bytes));
        if (bytes.Length % _charSize != 0) throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid {nameof(bytes)} length");
        if (bytes.Length == 0) return string.Empty;

        fixed (byte* p = bytes)
            return new string(new Span<char>(p, bytes.Length / _charSize));

Keep in mind that the bytes represent a UTF-16 encoded string (called "Unicode" in C# land).

Some quick benchmarking shows that the above methods are roughly 5x faster than their Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(...)/GetString(...) implementations for medium sized strings (30-50 chars), and even faster for larger strings. These methods also seem to be faster than using pointers with Marshal.Copy(..) or Buffer.MemoryCopy(...).

Generating a SHA-256 hash from the Linux command line

echo produces a trailing newline character which is hashed too. Try:

/bin/echo -n foobar | sha256sum 

How to write log base(2) in c/c++

Improved version of what Ustaman Sangat did

static inline uint64_t
log2(uint64_t n)
    uint64_t val;
    for (val = 0; n > 1; val++, n >>= 1);

    return val;

Set Background color programmatically

If you save color code in the colors.xml which is under the values folder,then you should call the following:


name means you declare in the <color/> tag.

How to append output to the end of a text file

I'd suggest you do two things:

  1. Use >> in your shell script to append contents to particular file. The filename can be fixed or using some pattern.
  2. Setup a hourly cronjob to trigger the shell script

How to trust a apt repository : Debian apt-get update error public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY <id>

I had the same problem of "gpg: keyserver timed out" with a couple of different servers. Finally, it turned out that I didn't need to do that manually at all. On a Debian system, the simple solution which fixed it was just (as root or precede with sudo):

aptitude install debian-archive-keyring

In case it is some other keyring you need, check out

apt-cache search keyring | grep debian

My squeeze system shows all these:

debian-archive-keyring       - GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive
debian-edu-archive-keyring   - GnuPG archive keys of the Debian Edu archive
debian-keyring               - GnuPG keys of Debian Developers
debian-ports-archive-keyring - GnuPG archive keys of the debian-ports archive
emdebian-archive-keyring     - GnuPG archive keys for the emdebian repository

Python to print out status bar and percentage

Building on some of the answers here and elsewhere, I've written this simple function which displays a progress bar and elapsed/estimated remaining time. Should work on most unix-based machines.

import time
import sys

percent = 50.0
start = time.time()
draw_progress_bar(percent, start)

def draw_progress_bar(percent, start, barLen=20):
progress = ""
for i in range(barLen):
    if i < int(barLen * percent):
        progress += "="
        progress += " "

elapsedTime = time.time() - start;
estimatedRemaining = int(elapsedTime * (1.0/percent) - elapsedTime)

if (percent == 1.0):
    sys.stdout.write("[ %s ] %.1f%% Elapsed: %im %02is ETA: Done!\n" % 
        (progress, percent * 100, int(elapsedTime)/60, int(elapsedTime)%60))
    sys.stdout.write("[ %s ] %.1f%% Elapsed: %im %02is ETA: %im%02is " % 
        (progress, percent * 100, int(elapsedTime)/60, int(elapsedTime)%60,
         estimatedRemaining/60, estimatedRemaining%60))

Byte[] to InputStream or OutputStream

There is no conversion between InputStream/OutputStream and the bytes they are working with. They are made for binary data, and just read (or write) the bytes one by one as is.

A conversion needs to happen when you want to go from byte to char. Then you need to convert using a character set. This happens when you make String or Reader from bytes, which are made for character data.

Skipping every other element after the first

Using the for-loop like you have, one way is this:

def altElement(a):
    b = []
    j = False
    for i in a:
        j = not j
        if j:

    print b

j just keeps switching between 0 and 1 to keep track of when to append an element to b.

R - Concatenate two dataframes?

You want "rbind".

b$b <- NA
new <- rbind(a, b)

rbind requires the data frames to have the same columns.

The first line adds column b to data frame b.


> a <- data.frame(a=c(0,1,2), b=c(3,4,5), c=c(6,7,8))
> a
  a b c
1 0 3 6
2 1 4 7
3 2 5 8
> b <- data.frame(a=c(9,10,11), c=c(12,13,14))
> b
   a  c
1  9 12
2 10 13
3 11 14
> b$b <- NA
> b
   a  c  b
1  9 12 NA
2 10 13 NA
3 11 14 NA
> new <- rbind(a,b)
> new
   a  b  c
1  0  3  6
2  1  4  7
3  2  5  8
4  9 NA 12
5 10 NA 13
6 11 NA 14

PHP PDO with foreach and fetch

This is because you are reading a cursor, not an array. This means that you are reading sequentially through the results and when you get to the end you would need to reset the cursor to the beginning of the results to read them again.

If you did want to read over the results multiple times, you could use fetchAll to read the results into a true array and then it would work as you are expecting.

What is the difference between URL parameters and query strings?

Parameters are key-value pairs that can appear inside URL path, and start with a semicolon character (;).

Query string appears after the path (if any) and starts with a question mark character (?).

Both parameters and query string contain key-value pairs.

In a GET request, parameters appear in the URL itself:


In a POST request, parameters can appear in the URL itself, but also in the datastream (as known as content).

Query string is always a part of the URL.

Parameters can be buried in form-data datastream when using POST method so they may not appear in the URL. Yes a POST request can define parameters as form data and in the URL, and this is not inconsistent because parameters can have several values.

I've found no explaination for this behavior so far. I guess it might be useful sometimes to "unhide" parameters from a POST request, or even let the code handling a GET request share some parts with the code handling a POST. Of course this can work only with server code supporting parameters in a URL.

Until you get better insights, I suggest you to use parameters only in form-data datastream of POST requests.


What Every Developer Should Know About URLs

RFC 3986

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string in SQL SERVER 2008


SET @FromDate =  'Jan 10 2016 12:00AM'

SET @ToDate = 'Jan 10 2017 12:00AM'

DECLARE @Dynamic_Qry nvarchar(Max) =''

SET @Dynamic_Qry='SELECT

     CASE WHEN (  ''IssueDate''   =''IssueDate'') THEN 
          WHEN (''IssueDate'' =''ExpiryDate'' ) THEN       
          CHEKDATE ), 101)  


AND  (
        CASE WHEN (  ''IssueDate''   =''IssueDate'') THEN
             WHEN (''IssueDate'' =''ExpiryDate'' ) THEN EMP_DOCUMENT.EXPIRY_DATE 
             CHEKDATE ), 101)  
) BETWEEN  '''+ CONVERT(CHAR(10), @FromDate, 126) +'''  AND '''+CONVERT(CHAR(10),  @ToDate , 126

print @Dynamic_Qry


Update Eclipse with Android development tools v. 23

It works for me :)

If for some reason you installed an ADT preview and need to revert back to the current stable, you can't use the dialog to install "new" software since what you want is actually an older one. Instead do this:

  • Open Help > About Eclipse... on Windows or Linux. On Mac, use the app's menu > About...
  • Click the "Installation Details" button.
  • Select the "Installation History" tab.
  • Select one of the previous configurations.
  • Click the "Revert" button at the bottom.

enter image description here

On localhost, how do I pick a free port number?

You can listen on whatever port you want; generally, user applications should listen to ports 1024 and above (through 65535). The main thing if you have a variable number of listeners is to allocate a range to your app - say 20000-21000, and CATCH EXCEPTIONS. That is how you will know if a port is unusable (used by another process, in other words) on your computer.

However, in your case, you shouldn't have a problem using a single hard-coded port for your listener, as long as you print an error message if the bind fails.

Note also that most of your sockets (for the slaves) do not need to be explicitly bound to specific port numbers - only sockets that wait for incoming connections (like your master here) will need to be made a listener and bound to a port. If a port is not specified for a socket before it is used, the OS will assign a useable port to the socket. When the master wants to respond to a slave that sends it data, the address of the sender is accessible when the listener receives data.

I presume you will be using UDP for this?

Creating a REST API using PHP

In your example, it’s fine as it is: it’s simple and works. The only things I’d suggest are:

  1. validating the data POSTed
  2. make sure your API is sending the Content-Type header to tell the client to expect a JSON response:

    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode($response);

Other than that, an API is something that takes an input and provides an output. It’s possible to “over-engineer” things, in that you make things more complicated that need be.

If you wanted to go down the route of controllers and models, then read up on the MVC pattern and work out how your domain objects fit into it. Looking at the above example, I can see maybe a MathController with an add() action/method.

There are a few starting point projects for RESTful APIs on GitHub that are worth a look.

Android ListView with onClick items

listview.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener(){

//setting onclick to items in the listview.

public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?>adapter,View v, int position){
Intent intent;

// case 0 is the first item in the listView.

  case 0:
    intent = new Intent(Activity.this,firstActivity.class);
//case 1 is the second item in the listView.

  case 1:
    intent = new Intent(Activity.this,secondActivity.class);
 case 2:
    intent = new Intent(Activity.this,thirdActivity.class);
//add more if you have more items in listView


Laravel migration: unique key is too long, even if specified

If you're on or updated to Laravel 5.4 and latest version it works;
Just 1 change in AppServiceProvider.php

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

public function boot()

How to install mechanize for Python 2.7?

You need to follow the installation instructions and not just download the files into your Python27 directory. It has to be installed in the site-packages directory properly, which the directions tell you how to do.

Copy directory to another directory using ADD command

You can use COPY. You need to specify the directory explicitly. It won't be created by itself

COPY go /usr/local/go

Reference: Docker CP reference

How do I force git pull to overwrite everything on every pull?

You could try this:

git reset --hard HEAD
git pull

(from How do I force "git pull" to overwrite local files?)

Another idea would be to delete the entire git and make a new clone.

Command line input in Python

Start your script with the following line. The script will first run and then you will get the python command prompt. At this point all variables and functions will be available for interactive use and invocations.

#!/usr/bin/env python -i

Create an enum with string values

TypeScript 2.4

Now has string enums so your code just works:

enum E {
    hello = "hello",
    world = "world"

TypeScript 1.8

Since TypeScript 1.8 you can use string literal types to provide a reliable and safe experience for named string values (which is partially what enums are used for).

type Options = "hello" | "world";
var foo: Options;
foo = "hello"; // Okay 
foo = "asdf"; // Error!

More :

Legacy Support

Enums in TypeScript are number based.

You can use a class with static members though:

class E
    static hello = "hello";
    static world = "world"; 

You could go plain as well:

var E = {
    hello: "hello",
    world: "world"

Update: Based on the requirement to be able to do something like var test:E = E.hello; the following satisfies this:

class E
    // boilerplate 
    constructor(public value:string){    

        return this.value;

    // values 
    static hello = new E("hello");
    static world = new E("world");

// Sample usage: 
var first:E = E.hello;
var second:E =;
var third:E = E.hello;

console.log("First value is: "+ first);

How to use SQL LIKE condition with multiple values in PostgreSQL?

You might be able to use IN, if you don't actually need wildcards.

SELECT * from table WHERE column IN ('AAA', 'BBB', 'CCC')

Replacing instances of a character in a string

You cannot simply assign value to a character in the string. Use this method to replace value of a particular character:

name = "India"
result=name .replace("d",'*')

Output: In*ia

Also, if you want to replace say * for all the occurrences of the first character except the first character, eg. string = babble output = ba**le


name = "babble"
front= name [0:1]
fromSecondCharacter = name [1:]
return front+back

Hibernate Group by Criteria Object

GroupBy using in Hibernate

This is the resulting code

public Map getStateCounts(final Collection ids) {
    HibernateSession hibernateSession = new HibernateSession();
    Session session = hibernateSession.getSession();
    Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(DownloadRequestEntity.class)
            .add("id", ids));
    ProjectionList projectionList = Projections.projectionList();
    List results = criteria.list();
    Map stateMap = new HashMap();
    for (Object[] obj : results) {
        DownloadState downloadState = (DownloadState) obj[0];
        stateMap.put(downloadState.getDescription().toLowerCase() (Integer) obj[1]);
    return stateMap;

use Lodash to sort array of object by value

This method orderBy does not change the input array, you have to assign the result to your array :

var chars = this.state.characters;

chars = _.orderBy(chars, ['name'],['asc']); // Use Lodash to sort array by 'name'

 this.setState({characters: chars})

How to parse/format dates with LocalDateTime? (Java 8)

You can also use LocalDate.parse() or LocalDateTime.parse() on a String without providing it with a pattern, if the String is in ISO-8601 format.

for example,

String strDate = "2015-08-04";
LocalDate aLD = LocalDate.parse(strDate);
System.out.println("Date: " + aLD);

String strDatewithTime = "2015-08-04T10:11:30";
LocalDateTime aLDT = LocalDateTime.parse(strDatewithTime);
System.out.println("Date with Time: " + aLDT);


Date: 2015-08-04
Date with Time: 2015-08-04T10:11:30

and use DateTimeFormatter only if you have to deal with other date patterns.

For instance, in the following example, dd MMM uuuu represents the day of the month (two digits), three letters of the name of the month (Jan, Feb, Mar,...), and a four-digit year:

DateTimeFormatter dTF = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd MMM uuuu");
String anotherDate = "04 Aug 2015";
LocalDate lds = LocalDate.parse(anotherDate, dTF);
System.out.println(anotherDate + " parses to " + lds);


04 Aug 2015 parses to 2015-08-04

also remember that the DateTimeFormatter object is bidirectional; it can both parse input and format output.

String strDate = "2015-08-04";
LocalDate aLD = LocalDate.parse(strDate);
DateTimeFormatter dTF = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd MMM uuuu");
System.out.println(aLD + " formats as " + dTF.format(aLD));


2015-08-04 formats as 04 Aug 2015

(see complete list of Patterns for Formatting and Parsing DateFormatter)

  Symbol  Meaning                     Presentation      Examples
  ------  -------                     ------------      -------
   G       era                         text              AD; Anno Domini; A
   u       year                        year              2004; 04
   y       year-of-era                 year              2004; 04
   D       day-of-year                 number            189
   M/L     month-of-year               number/text       7; 07; Jul; July; J
   d       day-of-month                number            10

   Q/q     quarter-of-year             number/text       3; 03; Q3; 3rd quarter
   Y       week-based-year             year              1996; 96
   w       week-of-week-based-year     number            27
   W       week-of-month               number            4
   E       day-of-week                 text              Tue; Tuesday; T
   e/c     localized day-of-week       number/text       2; 02; Tue; Tuesday; T
   F       week-of-month               number            3

   a       am-pm-of-day                text              PM
   h       clock-hour-of-am-pm (1-12)  number            12
   K       hour-of-am-pm (0-11)        number            0
   k       clock-hour-of-am-pm (1-24)  number            0

   H       hour-of-day (0-23)          number            0
   m       minute-of-hour              number            30
   s       second-of-minute            number            55
   S       fraction-of-second          fraction          978
   A       milli-of-day                number            1234
   n       nano-of-second              number            987654321
   N       nano-of-day                 number            1234000000

   V       time-zone ID                zone-id           America/Los_Angeles; Z; -08:30
   z       time-zone name              zone-name         Pacific Standard Time; PST
   O       localized zone-offset       offset-O          GMT+8; GMT+08:00; UTC-08:00;
   X       zone-offset 'Z' for zero    offset-X          Z; -08; -0830; -08:30; -083015; -08:30:15;
   x       zone-offset                 offset-x          +0000; -08; -0830; -08:30; -083015; -08:30:15;
   Z       zone-offset                 offset-Z          +0000; -0800; -08:00;

   p       pad next                    pad modifier      1

   '       escape for text             delimiter
   ''      single quote                literal           '
   [       optional section start
   ]       optional section end
   #       reserved for future use
   {       reserved for future use
   }       reserved for future use

ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'db'

Most Developers log-in to server(I assume you r having user-name and password for mysql database) then from Bash they switch to mysql> prompt then use the command below(which doesn’t work

mysql -h localhost -u root -p

What needs to be done is use the above command in the bash prompt--> on doing so it will ask for password if given it will take directly to mysql prompt and

then database, table can be created one by one

I faced similar deadlock so sharing the experience

What is The difference between ListBox and ListView

Listview derives from listbox control. One most important difference is listview uses the extended selection mode by default . listview also adds a property called view which enables you to customize the view in a richer way than a custom itemspanel. One real life example of listview with gridview is file explorer's details view. Listview with grid view is a less powerful data grid. After the introduction of datagrid control listview lost its importance.

Getting TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'on_delete' when trying to add parent table after child table with entries

Since Django 2.0 the ForeignKey field requires two positional arguments:

  1. the model to map to
  2. the on_delete argument
categorie = models.ForeignKey('Categorie', on_delete=models.PROTECT)

Here are some methods can used in on_delete


Cascade deletes. Django emulates the behavior of the SQL constraint ON DELETE CASCADE and also deletes the object containing the ForeignKey


Prevent deletion of the referenced object by raising ProtectedError, a subclass of django.db.IntegrityError.


Take no action. If your database backend enforces referential integrity, this will cause an IntegrityError unless you manually add an SQL ON DELETE constraint to the database field.

you can find more about on_delete by reading the documentation.

openpyxl - adjust column width size

You could estimate (or use a mono width font) to achieve this. Let's assume data is a nested array like [['a1','a2'],['b1','b2']]

We can get the max characters in each column. Then set the width to that. Width is exactly the width of a monospace font (if not changing other styles at least). Even if you use a variable width font it is a decent estimation. This will not work with formulas.

from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter

column_widths = []
for row in data:
    for i, cell in enumerate(row):
        if len(column_widths) > i:
            if len(cell) > column_widths[i]:
                column_widths[i] = len(cell)
            column_widths += [len(cell)]

for i, column_width in enumerate(column_widths):
    worksheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(i+1)].width = column_width

A bit of a hack but your reports will be more readable.

How to store a byte array in Javascript

var array = new Uint8Array(100);    
array[10] = 256;
array[10] === 0 // true

I verified in firefox and chrome, its really an array of bytes :

var array = new Uint8Array(1024*1024*50);  // allocates 50MBytes

Validate that text field is numeric usiung jQuery

This should work. I would trim the whitespace from the input field first of all:

if($('#Field').val() != "") {
    var value = $('#Field').val().replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
    var intRegex = /^\d+$/;
    if(!intRegex.test(value)) {
        errors += "Field must be numeric.<br/>";
        success = false;
} else {
    errors += "Field is blank.</br />";
    success = false;

Laravel Check If Related Model Exists

Not sure if this has changed in Laravel 5, but the accepted answer using count($data->$relation) didn't work for me, as the very act of accessing the relation property caused it to be loaded.

In the end, a straightforward isset($data->$relation) did the trick for me.

How do I resolve a TesseractNotFoundError?

One simple thing that actually worked for me in Jupyter Notebook, was using double backslash instead of a single backslash in the pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd path:

pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Tesseract-OCR\\tesseract.exe'

Changing directory in Google colab (breaking out of the python interpreter)

If you want to use the cd or ls functions , you need proper identifiers before the function names ( % and ! respectively) use %cd and !ls to navigate


!ls    # to find the directory you're in ,
%cd ./samplefolder  #if you wanna go into a folder (say samplefolder)

or if you wanna go out of the current folder

%cd ../      

and then navigate to the required folder/file accordingly

Using {% url ??? %} in django templates

Judging from your example, shouldn't it be {% url myproject.login.views.login_view %} and end of story? (replace myproject with your actual project name)

GCC dump preprocessor defines

A portable approach that works equally well on Linux or Windows (where there is no /dev/null):

echo | gcc -dM -E -

For c++ you may use (replace c++11 with whatever version you use):

echo | gcc -x c++ -std=c++11 -dM -E -

It works by telling gcc to preprocess stdin (which is produced by echo) and print all preprocessor defines (search for -dletters). If you want to know what defines are added when you include a header file you can use -dD option which is similar to -dM but does not include predefined macros:

echo "#include <stdlib.h>" | gcc -x c++ -std=c++11 -dD -E -

Note, however, that empty input still produces lots of defines with -dD option.

Can't push to GitHub because of large file which I already deleted

I got the same problem and none of the answers work for me. I solved by the following steps:

1. Find which commit(s) contains the large file

git log --all -- 'large_file`

The bottom commit is the oldest commit in the result list.

2. Find the one just before the oldest.

git log

Suppose you got:

commit 3f7dd04a6e6dbdf1fff92df1f6344a06119d5d32

3. Git rebase

git rebase -i 3f7dd04a6e6dbdf1fff92df1f6344a06119d5d32


  1. List item
  2. I just choose drop for the commits contains the large file.
  3. You may meet conflicts during rebase fix them and use git rebase --continue to continue until you finish it.
  4. If anything went wrong during rebase use git rebase --abort to cancel it.

How to auto resize and adjust Form controls with change in resolution

float widthRatio = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 1280;
float heightRatio = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 800f;
SizeF scale = new SizeF(widthRatio, heightRatio);
foreach (Control control in this.Controls)
control.Font = new Font("Verdana", control.Font.SizeInPoints * heightRatio * widthRatio);

How to use ArrayList's get() method

ArrayList get(int index) method is used for fetching an element from the list. We need to specify the index while calling get method and it returns the value present at the specified index.

public Element get(int index)

Example : In below example we are getting few elements of an arraylist by using get method.

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class GetMethodExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       ArrayList<String> al = new ArrayList<String>();
       al.add("white board");

       System.out.println("First element of the ArrayList: "+al.get(0));
       System.out.println("Third element of the ArrayList: "+al.get(2));
       System.out.println("Sixth element of the ArrayList: "+al.get(5));
       System.out.println("Fourth element of the ArrayList: "+al.get(3));


First element of the ArrayList: pen
Third element of the ArrayList: ink
Sixth element of the ArrayList: books
Fourth element of the ArrayList: notebook

alternatives to REPLACE on a text or ntext datatype

IF your data won't overflow 4000 characters AND you're on SQL Server 2000 or compatibility level of 8 or SQL Server 2000:

UPDATE [CMS_DB_test].[dbo].[cms_HtmlText] 
SET Content = CAST(REPLACE(CAST(Content as NVarchar(4000)),'ABC','DEF') AS NText)
WHERE Content LIKE '%ABC%' 

For SQL Server 2005+:

UPDATE [CMS_DB_test].[dbo].[cms_HtmlText] 
SET Content = CAST(REPLACE(CAST(Content as NVarchar(MAX)),'ABC','DEF') AS NText)
WHERE Content LIKE '%ABC%' 

6 digits regular expression

You could try


it should work.

Get the first element of an array

current($array) can get you the first element of an array, according to the PHP manual.

Every array has an internal pointer to its "current" element, which is initialized to the first element inserted into the array.

So it works until you have re-positioned the array pointer, and otherwise you'll have to reset the array using reset()

What are the obj and bin folders (created by Visual Studio) used for?

Be careful with setup projects if you're using them; Visual Studio setup projects Primary Output pulls from the obj folder rather than the bin.

I was releasing applications I thought were obfuscated and signed in msi setups for quite a while before I discovered that the deployed application files were actually neither obfuscated nor signed as I as performing the post-build procedure on the bin folder assemblies and should have been targeting the obj folder assemblies instead.

This is far from intuitive imho, but the general setup approach is to use the Primary Output of the project and this is the obj folder. I'd love it if someone could shed some light on this btw.

where is gacutil.exe?

You can use the version in Windows SDK but sometimes it might not be the same version of the .NET Framework your using, getting you the following error:

Microsoft (R) .NET Global Assembly Cache Utility. Version 3.5.21022.8 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Failure adding assembly to the cache: This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded.

In .NET 4.0 you'll need to search inside Microsoft SDK v8.0A, e.g.: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.0A\bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools (in my case I only have the 32 bit version installed by Visual Studio 2012).

Create Directory if it doesn't exist with Ruby

How about just Dir.mkdir('dir') rescue nil ?

Using Alert in Response.Write Function in ASP.NET


Response.Write("<script language=javascript>alert('ERROR');</script>);


Response.Write("<script language=javascript>alert('ERROR');</script>");

In other words, you're missing a closing " at the end of the Response.Write statement.

It's worth mentioning that the code shown in the screenshot appears to correctly contain a closing double quote, however your best bet overall would be to use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterScriptBlock method:

var clientScript = Page.ClientScript;
clientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "AlertScript", "alert('ERROR')'", true);

This will take care of wrapping the script with <script> tags and writing the script into the page for you.


If the database is InnoDB then it might be a better idea to use foreign keys and cascade on delete, this would do what you want and also result in no redundant data being stored.

For this example however I don't think you need the first s:

FROM spawnlist AS s 
INNER JOIN npc AS n ON s.npc_templateid = n.idTemplate 
WHERE n.type = "monster";

It might be a better idea to select the rows before deleting so you are sure your deleting what you wish to:

SELECT * FROM spawnlist
INNER JOIN npc ON spawnlist.npc_templateid = npc.idTemplate
WHERE npc.type = "monster";

You can also check the MySQL delete syntax here:

Best way to find os name and version in Unix/Linux platform

My own take at @kvivek's script, with more easily machine parsable output:

# Outputs OS Name, Version & misc. info in a machine-readable way.
# See also NeoFetch for a more professional and elaborate bash script:


print_help() {

    echo "`basename $0` - Outputs OS Name, Version & misc. info"
    echo "in a machine-readable way."
    echo "Usage:"
    echo "    `basename $0` [OPTIONS]"
    echo "Options:"
    echo "    -h, --help           print this help message"
    echo "    -n, --names          print a header line, naming the fields"
    echo "    -s, --separator SEP  overrides the default field-separator ('$SEP') with the supplied one"

# parse command-line args
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
    shift # past switch

    case "${arg}" in
            exit 0
            shift # past value
        *) # non-/unknown option
            echo "Unknown switch '$arg'" >&2

OS=`uname -s`
REV=`uname -r`
MACH=`uname -m`

    VERSION=`cat $1 | tr "\n" ' ' | sed s/.*VERSION.*=\ // `

if [ "${OS}" = "SunOS" ] ; then
    DIST_VER=`uname -v`
    # also: cat /etc/release
elif [ "${OS}" = "AIX" ] ; then
    DIST_VER=`oslevel -r`
elif [ "${OS}" = "Linux" ] ; then
    if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] ; then
        PSUEDONAME=`sed -e 's/.*\(//' -e 's/\)//' /etc/redhat-release `
        DIST_VER=`sed -e 's/.*release\ //' -e 's/\ .*//' /etc/redhat-release `
    elif [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ] ; then
        DIST=`cat /etc/SuSE-release | tr "\n" ' '| sed s/VERSION.*//`
        DIST_VER=`cat /etc/SuSE-release | tr "\n" ' ' | sed s/.*=\ //`
    elif [ -f /etc/mandrake-release ] ; then
        PSUEDONAME=`sed -e 's/.*\(//' -e 's/\)//' /etc/mandrake-release`
        DIST_VER=`sed -e 's/.*release\ //' -e 's/\ .*//' /etc/mandrake-release`
    elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ] ; then
        DIST_VER=`cat /etc/debian_version`
    PSUEDONAME=`lsb_release -a 2> /dev/null | grep '^Codename:' | sed -e 's/.*[[:space:]]//'`
    #elif [ -f /etc/gentoo-release ] ; then
    #elif [ -f /etc/slackware-version ] ; then
    elif [ -f /etc/issue ] ; then
        # We use this indirection because /etc/issue may look like
    # "Debian GNU/Linux 10 \n \l"
        ISSUE=`cat /etc/issue`
        ISSUE=`echo -e "${ISSUE}" | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]\+$//'`
        DIST=`echo -e "${ISSUE}" | sed -e 's/[[:space:]].*//'`
        DIST_VER=`echo -e "${ISSUE}" | sed -e 's/.*[[:space:]]//'`
    if [ -f /etc/UnitedLinux-release ] ; then
        DIST="${DIST}[`cat /etc/UnitedLinux-release | tr "\n" ' ' | sed s/VERSION.*//`]"
    # NOTE `sed -e 's/.*(//' -e 's/).*//' /proc/version`
    #      is an option that worked ~ 2010 and earlier

    echo "OS${SEP}Distribution${SEP}Distribution-Version${SEP}Pseudo-Name${SEP}Kernel-Revision${SEP}Machine-Architecture"

NOTE: Only tested on Debian 11

Example Runs

No args




Header with names and custom separator

osInfo --names -s "\t| "


OS  | Distribution  | Distribution-Version  | Pseudo-Name   | Kernel-Revision   | Machine-Architecture
Linux   | Debian    | 10.0  | buster    | 4.19.0-5-amd64    | x86_64

Filtered output

osInfo | awk -e 'BEGIN { FS=","; } { print $2 " " $3 " (" $4 ")" }'


Debian 10.0 (buster)

How to read multiple Integer values from a single line of input in Java?

Here is how you would use the Scanner to process as many integers as the user would like to input and put all values into an array. However, you should only use this if you do not know how many integers the user will input. If you do know, you should simply use Scanner.nextInt() the number of times you would like to get an integer.

import java.util.Scanner; // imports class so we can use Scanner object

public class Test
    public static void main( String[] args )
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner( );
        System.out.print("Enter numbers: ");

        // This inputs the numbers and stores as one whole string value
        // (e.g. if user entered 1 2 3, input = "1 2 3").
        String input = keyboard.nextLine();

        // This splits up the string every at every space and stores these
        // values in an array called numbersStr. (e.g. if the input variable is 
        // "1 2 3", numbersStr would be {"1", "2", "3"} )
        String[] numbersStr = input.split(" ");

        // This makes an int[] array the same length as our string array
        // called numbers. This is how we will store each number as an integer 
        // instead of a string when we have the values.
        int[] numbers = new int[ numbersStr.length ];

        // Starts a for loop which iterates through the whole array of the
        // numbers as strings.
        for ( int i = 0; i < numbersStr.length; i++ )
            // Turns every value in the numbersStr array into an integer 
            // and puts it into the numbers array.
            numbers[i] = Integer.parseInt( numbersStr[i] );
            // OPTIONAL: Prints out each value in the numbers array.
            System.out.print( numbers[i] + ", " );

How to assign a heredoc value to a variable in Bash?

You can avoid a useless use of cat and handle mismatched quotes better with this:

$ read -r -d '' VAR <<'EOF'

If you don't quote the variable when you echo it, newlines are lost. Quoting it preserves them:

$ echo "$VAR"

If you want to use indentation for readability in the source code, use a dash after the less-thans. The indentation must be done using only tabs (no spaces).

$ read -r -d '' VAR <<-'EOF'
$ echo "$VAR"

If, instead, you want to preserve the tabs in the contents of the resulting variable, you need to remove tab from IFS. The terminal marker for the here doc (EOF) must not be indented.

$ IFS='' read -r -d '' VAR <<'EOF'
$ echo "$VAR"

Tabs can be inserted at the command line by pressing Ctrl-V Tab. If you are using an editor, depending on which one, that may also work or you may have to turn off the feature that automatically converts tabs to spaces.

Google Maps: how to get country, state/province/region, city given a lat/long value?

@Szkíta Had a great solution by creating a function that gets the address parts in a named array. Here is a compiled solution for those who want to use plain JavaScript.

Function to convert results to the named array:

function getAddressParts(obj) {

    var address = [];

    obj.address_components.forEach( function(el) {
        address[el.types[0]] = el.short_name;

    return address;

} //getAddressParts()

Geocode the LAT/LNG values:

geocoder.geocode( { 'location' : latlng }, function(results, status) {

    if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
        var addressParts =  getAddressParts(results[0]);

        // the city
        var city = addressParts.locality;

        // the state
        var state = addressParts.administrative_area_level_1;


Box shadow for bottom side only

-webkit-box-shadow: 0 3px 5px -3px #000;
-moz-box-shadow: 0 3px 5px -3px #000;
box-shadow: 0 3px 5px -3px #000;

Indentation shortcuts in Visual Studio

Tab and Shift+Tab will do that.

Another cool trick is holding down ALT when you select text, it will allow you to make a square selection. Starting with VS2010, you can start typing and it will replace the contents of your square selection with what you type. Absolutely awesome for changing a bunch of lines at once.

Exception: "URI formats are not supported"

I solved the same error with the Path.Combine(MapPath()) to get the physical file path instead of the http:/// www one.

Hibernate Query By Example and Projections

The real problem here is that there is a bug in hibernate where it uses select-list aliases in the where-clause:

Just in case someone lands here looking for answers, go look at the ticket. It took 5 years to fix but in theory it'll be in one of the next releases and then I suspect your issue will go away.

How do I add files and folders into GitHub repos?

You need to checkout the repository onto your local machine. Then you can change that folder on your local machine.

git commit -am "added files"

That command will commit all files to the repo.

git push origin master

that will push all changes in your master branch (which I assume is the one you're using) to the remote repository origin (in this case github)

In JPA 2, using a CriteriaQuery, how to count results

I've sorted this out using the cb.createQuery() (without the result type parameter):

public class Blah() {

    CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery();
    Root<Entity> root;
    Predicate whereClause;
    EntityManager entityManager;
    Class<Entity> domainClass;

    ... Methods to create where clause ...

    public Blah(EntityManager entityManager, Class<Entity> domainClass) {
        this.entityManager = entityManager;
        this.domainClass = domainClass;
        criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
        query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery();
        whereClause = criteriaBuilder.equal(criteriaBuilder.literal(1), 1);
        root = query.from(domainClass);

    public CriteriaQuery<Entity> getQuery() {;
        return query;

    public CriteriaQuery<Long> getQueryForCount() {;
        return query;

    public List<Entity> list() {
        TypedQuery<Entity> q = this.entityManager.createQuery(this.getQuery());
        return q.getResultList();

    public Long count() {
        TypedQuery<Long> q = this.entityManager.createQuery(this.getQueryForCount());
        return q.getSingleResult();

Hope it helps :)

How to remove stop words using nltk or python

There's a very simple light-weight python package stop-words just for this sake.

Fist install the package using: pip install stop-words

Then you can remove your words in one line using list comprehension:

from stop_words import get_stop_words

filtered_words = [word for word in dataset if word not in get_stop_words('english')]

This package is very light-weight to download (unlike nltk), works for both Python 2 and Python 3 ,and it has stop words for many other languages like:


How to remove border of drop down list : CSS

You could simply use:

select {
    border: none;
    outline: none;
    scroll-behavior: smooth;

As the drop down list border is non editable you can not do anything with that but surely this will fix your initial outlook.

Why doesn't [01-12] range work as expected?

The []s in a regex denote a character class. If no ranges are specified, it implicitly ors every character within it together. Thus, [abcde] is the same as (a|b|c|d|e), except that it doesn't capture anything; it will match any one of a, b, c, d, or e. All a range indicates is a set of characters; [ac-eg] says "match any one of: a; any character between c and e; or g". Thus, your match says "match any one of: 0; any character between 1 and 1 (i.e., just 1); or 2.

Your goal is evidently to specify a number range: any number between 01 and 12 written with two digits. In this specific case, you can match it with 0[1-9]|1[0-2]: either a 0 followed by any digit between 1 and 9, or a 1 followed by any digit between 0 and 2. In general, you can transform any number range into a valid regex in a similar manner. There may be a better option than regular expressions, however, or an existing function or module which can construct the regex for you. It depends on your language.

How do I get the opposite (negation) of a Boolean in Python?

The not operator (logical negation)

Probably the best way is using the operator not:

>>> value = True
>>> not value

>>> value = False
>>> not value

So instead of your code:

if bool == True:
    return False
    return True

You could use:

return not bool

The logical negation as function

There are also two functions in the operator module operator.not_ and it's alias operator.__not__ in case you need it as function instead of as operator:

>>> import operator
>>> operator.not_(False)
>>> operator.not_(True)

These can be useful if you want to use a function that requires a predicate-function or a callback.

For example map or filter:

>>> lst = [True, False, True, False]
>>> list(map(operator.not_, lst))
[False, True, False, True]

>>> lst = [True, False, True, False]
>>> list(filter(operator.not_, lst))
[False, False]

Of course the same could also be achieved with an equivalent lambda function:

>>> my_not_function = lambda item: not item

>>> list(map(my_not_function, lst))
[False, True, False, True]

Do not use the bitwise invert operator ~ on booleans

One might be tempted to use the bitwise invert operator ~ or the equivalent operator function operator.inv (or one of the other 3 aliases there). But because bool is a subclass of int the result could be unexpected because it doesn't return the "inverse boolean", it returns the "inverse integer":

>>> ~True
>>> ~False

That's because True is equivalent to 1 and False to 0 and bitwise inversion operates on the bitwise representation of the integers 1 and 0.

So these cannot be used to "negate" a bool.

Negation with NumPy arrays (and subclasses)

If you're dealing with NumPy arrays (or subclasses like pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame) containing booleans you can actually use the bitwise inverse operator (~) to negate all booleans in an array:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> arr = np.array([True, False, True, False])
>>> ~arr
array([False,  True, False,  True])

Or the equivalent NumPy function:

>>> np.bitwise_not(arr)
array([False,  True, False,  True])

You cannot use the not operator or the operator.not function on NumPy arrays because these require that these return a single bool (not an array of booleans), however NumPy also contains a logical not function that works element-wise:

>>> np.logical_not(arr)
array([False,  True, False,  True])

That can also be applied to non-boolean arrays:

>>> arr = np.array([0, 1, 2, 0])
>>> np.logical_not(arr)
array([ True, False, False,  True])

Customizing your own classes

not works by calling bool on the value and negate the result. In the simplest case the truth value will just call __bool__ on the object.

So by implementing __bool__ (or __nonzero__ in Python 2) you can customize the truth value and thus the result of not:

class Test(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self._value = value

    def __bool__(self):
        print('__bool__ called on {!r}'.format(self))
        return bool(self._value)

    __nonzero__ = __bool__  # Python 2 compatibility

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{self.__class__.__name__}({self._value!r})'.format(self=self)

I added a print statement so you can verify that it really calls the method:

>>> a = Test(10)
>>> not a
__bool__ called on Test(10)

Likewise you could implement the __invert__ method to implement the behavior when ~ is applied:

class Test(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self._value = value

    def __invert__(self):
        print('__invert__ called on {!r}'.format(self))
        return not self._value

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{self.__class__.__name__}({self._value!r})'.format(self=self)

Again with a print call to see that it is actually called:

>>> a = Test(True)
>>> ~a
__invert__ called on Test(True)

>>> a = Test(False)
>>> ~a
__invert__ called on Test(False)

However implementing __invert__ like that could be confusing because it's behavior is different from "normal" Python behavior. If you ever do that clearly document it and make sure that it has a pretty good (and common) use-case.

pandas: find percentile stats of a given column

assume series s

s = pd.Series(np.arange(100))

Get quantiles for [.1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9]

s.quantile(np.linspace(.1, 1, 9, 0))

0.1     9.9
0.2    19.8
0.3    29.7
0.4    39.6
0.5    49.5
0.6    59.4
0.7    69.3
0.8    79.2
0.9    89.1
dtype: float64


s.quantile(np.linspace(.1, 1, 9, 0), 'lower')

0.1     9
0.2    19
0.3    29
0.4    39
0.5    49
0.6    59
0.7    69
0.8    79
0.9    89
dtype: int32

How to delete multiple pandas (python) dataframes from memory to save RAM?

In python automatic garbage collection deallocates the variable (pandas DataFrame are also just another object in terms of python). There are different garbage collection strategies that can be tweaked (requires significant learning).

You can manually trigger the garbage collection using

import gc

But frequent calls to garbage collection is discouraged as it is a costly operation and may affect performance.


Substitute multiple whitespace with single whitespace in Python

A regular expression can be used to offer more control over the whitespace characters that are combined.

To match unicode whitespace:

import re

_RE_COMBINE_WHITESPACE = re.compile(r"\s+")

my_str = _RE_COMBINE_WHITESPACE.sub(" ", my_str).strip()

To match ASCII whitespace only:

import re

_RE_COMBINE_WHITESPACE = re.compile(r"(?a:\s+)")
_RE_STRIP_WHITESPACE = re.compile(r"(?a:^\s+|\s+$)")

my_str = _RE_COMBINE_WHITESPACE.sub(" ", my_str)
my_str = _RE_STRIP_WHITESPACE.sub("", my_str)

Matching only ASCII whitespace is sometimes essential for keeping control characters such as x0b, x0c, x1c, x1d, x1e, x1f.


About \s:

For Unicode (str) patterns: Matches Unicode whitespace characters (which includes [ \t\n\r\f\v], and also many other characters, for example the non-breaking spaces mandated by typography rules in many languages). If the ASCII flag is used, only [ \t\n\r\f\v] is matched.

About re.ASCII:

Make \w, \W, \b, \B, \d, \D, \s and \S perform ASCII-only matching instead of full Unicode matching. This is only meaningful for Unicode patterns, and is ignored for byte patterns. Corresponds to the inline flag (?a).

strip() will remote any leading and trailing whitespaces.

Disable HttpClient logging

Simple way Log4j and HttpCLient (v3.1 in this case, should work for higher, could require minor changes)

Make sure all the dependencies are correct, and MD5 your downloads!!!!

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;  
import org.apache.log4j.Level;  
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;  



HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

Changing java platform on which netbeans runs

on Fedora it is currently impossible to set a new jdk-HOME to some sdk. They designed it such that it will always break. Try --jdkhome [whatever] but in all likelihood it will break and show some cryptic nonsensical error message as usual.

Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute in ArrayList

One way is to add the item(s) to be deleted to a new list. Then go through and delete those items.

Differences Between vbLf, vbCrLf & vbCr Constants

The three constants have similar functions nowadays, but different historical origins, and very occasionally you may be required to use one or the other.

You need to think back to the days of old manual typewriters to get the origins of this. There are two distinct actions needed to start a new line of text:

  1. move the typing head back to the left. In practice in a typewriter this is done by moving the roll which carries the paper (the "carriage") all the way back to the right -- the typing head is fixed. This is a carriage return.
  2. move the paper up by the width of one line. This is a line feed.

In computers, these two actions are represented by two different characters - carriage return is CR, ASCII character 13, vbCr; line feed is LF, ASCII character 10, vbLf. In the old days of teletypes and line printers, the printer needed to be sent these two characters -- traditionally in the sequence CRLF -- to start a new line, and so the CRLF combination -- vbCrLf -- became a traditional line ending sequence, in some computing environments.

The problem was, of course, that it made just as much sense to only use one character to mark the line ending, and have the terminal or printer perform both the carriage return and line feed actions automatically. And so before you knew it, we had 3 different valid line endings: LF alone (used in Unix and Macintoshes), CR alone (apparently used in older Mac OSes) and the CRLF combination (used in DOS, and hence in Windows). This in turn led to the complications of DOS / Windows programs having the option of opening files in text mode, where any CRLF pair read from the file was converted to a single CR (and vice versa when writing).

So - to cut a (much too) long story short - there are historical reasons for the existence of the three separate line separators, which are now often irrelevant: and perhaps the best course of action in .NET is to use Environment.NewLine which means someone else has decided for you which to use, and future portability issues should be reduced.

How to pad a string with leading zeros in Python 3

Since python 3.6 you can use fstring :

>>> length = 1
>>> print(f'length = {length:03}')
length = 001

java.util.Date and getYear()

Yup, this is in fact what's happening. See also the Javadoc:

   the year represented by this date, minus 1900.

The getYear method is deprecated for this reason. So, don't use it.

Note also that getMonth returns a number between 0 and 11. Therefore, returns 1 for February, instead of 2. While java.util.Calendar doesn't add 1900 to all years, it does suffer from the off-by-one-month problem.

You're much better off using JodaTime.

Removing path and extension from filename in PowerShell

The command below will store in a variable all the file in your folder, matchting the extension ".txt":

$allfiles=Get-ChildItem -Path C:\temp\*" -Include *.txt
foreach ($file in $allfiles) {
    Write-Host $file
    Write-Host $
    Write-Host $file.basename

$file gives the file with path, name and extension: c:\temp\myfile.txt

$ gives file name & extension: myfile.txt

$file.basename gives only filename: myfile

Best way to find if an item is in a JavaScript array?

[ ].has(obj)

assuming .indexOf() is implemented

Object.defineProperty( Array.prototype,'has',
    value:function(o, flag){
    if (flag === undefined) {
        return this.indexOf(o) !== -1;
    } else {   // only for raw js object
        for(var v in this) {
            if( JSON.stringify(this[v]) === JSON.stringify(o)) return true;
        return false;                       
    // writable:false,
    // enumerable:false

!!! do not make Array.prototype.has=function(){... because you'll add an enumerable element in every array and js is broken.

//use like          
[22 ,'a', {prop:'x'}].has(12) // false
["a","b"].has("a") //  true

[1,{a:1}].has({a:1},1) // true
[1,{a:1}].has({a:1}) // false

the use of 2nd arg (flag) forces comparation by value instead of reference

comparing raw objects

[o1].has(o2,true) // true if every level value is same

calling parent class method from child class object in java

NOTE calling parent method via super will only work on parent class, If your parent is interface, and wants to call the default methods then need to add interfaceName before super like IfscName.super.method();

interface Vehicle {
    //Non abstract method
    public default void printVehicleTypeName() { //default keyword can be used only in interface.

class FordFigo extends FordImpl implements Vehicle, Ford {
    public void printVehicleTypeName() { 

Interface name is needed because same default methods can be available in multiple interface name that this class extends. So explicit call to a method is required.

How to load an external webpage into a div of a html page

Using simple html,

    <object type="text/html" data="" width="800px" height="600px" style="overflow:auto;border:5px ridge blue">

Or jquery,

            .html('<object data="http://your-website-domain"/>');


Try-catch block in Jenkins pipeline script

You're using the declarative style of specifying your pipeline, so you must not use try/catch blocks (which are for Scripted Pipelines), but the post section. See:

Multiple Errors Installing Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition

I did.

1) Stopped Avast Internet security.

2) uninstall all Microsoft C++ 2015 Redistributables.

3) install vs-2015 community.

installation finished.


How can I check for existence of element in std::vector, in one line?

Try std::find

vector<int>::iterator it = std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), 123);


    std::cout<<"Element not found";

How to printf a 64-bit integer as hex?

Edit: Use printf("val = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", val); instead.

Try printf("val = 0x%llx\n", val);. See the printf manpage:

ll (ell-ell). A following integer conversion corresponds to a long long int or unsigned long long int argument, or a following n conversion corresponds to a pointer to a long long int argument.

Edit: Even better is what @M_Oehm wrote: There is a specific macro for that, because unit64_t is not always a unsigned long long: PRIx64 see also this stackoverflow answer

Merging two images with PHP

ImageArtist is a pure gd wrapper authored by me, this enables you to do complex image manipulations insanely easy, for your question solution can be done using very few steps using this powerful library.

here is a sample code.

$img1 = new Image("./cover.jpg");
$img2 = new Image("./box.png");

This is how my result looks like.

enter image description here