[xml] Line Break in XML formatting?

when editing a String in XML I need to add line breaks. And I wanted to ask what is the RIGHT form when programming for android? Because <br> works but ECLIPSE marks the area as problematic. If I check out suggestions Eclipse tells me that I shall add a end tag </br> - IF I add that the line break dissapears...

So the one works but is marked as problematic, the other works not but Eclipse tells me its ok..

What form shall I use?

This question is related to xml android line break

The answer is

Here is what I use when I don't have access to the source string, e.g. for downloaded HTML:

// replace newlines with <br>
public static String replaceNewlinesWithBreaks(String source) {
    return source != null ? source.replaceAll("(?:\n|\r\n)","<br>") : "";

For XML you should probably edit that to replace with <br/> instead.

Example of its use in a function (additional calls removed for clarity):

// remove HTML tags but preserve supported HTML text styling (if there is any)
public static CharSequence getStyledTextFromHtml(String source) {
    return android.text.Html.fromHtml(replaceNewlinesWithBreaks(source));

...and a further example:


Take note: I have seen other posts that say &#xA; will give you a paragraph break, which oddly enough works in the Android xml String.xml file, but will NOT show up in a device when testing (no breaks at all show up). Therefore, the \n shows up on both.

Also you can add <br> instead of \n.

And then you can add text to TexView:


If you are refering to res strings, use CDATA with \n.

<string name="about">
 Author: Sergio Abreu\n

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