Similar situation. It was working. Then, I started to include pytables. At first view, no reason to errors. I decided to use another function, that has a domain constraint (elipse) and received the following error:
TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not iterable
The crazy thing: the previous function I was using, no code changed, started to return the same error. My intermediary function, already used was:
def MinMax(x, mini=0, maxi=1)
return max(min(x,mini), maxi)
The solution was avoid numpy
or math
def MinMax(x, mini=0, maxi=1)
x = [x_aux if x_aux > mini else mini for x_aux in x]
x = [x_aux if x_aux < maxi else maxi for x_aux in x]
return max(min(x,mini), maxi)
Then, everything calm again. It was like one library possessed max
and min