Programs & Examples On #Pushviewcontroller

Use this tag for questions related to pushing a view controller.

Programmatically navigate to another view controller/scene

I Give you my code to make a transition. In this example the action is connecting to an UIButton. So don't forget to set it. Don't forget to set the name of your ViewController in the transition method.

Don't forget to set your storyboard too. Your need to have one view per viewController. Connect each ViewController to each view in storyBoard. You can see on the screenshoot bellow

enter image description here enter image description here

class PresentationViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {

         var playButton   = UIButton.buttonWithType(UIButtonType.System) as UIButton

         let image = UIImage(named: "YourPlayButton") as UIImage?

         playButton.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100) = CGPointMake(self.view.frame.width/2, self.view.frame.height/2)
         playButton.addTarget(self, action: "transition:", forControlEvents:  UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)
         playButton.setBackgroundImage(image, forState: UIControlState.Normal)


func transition(sender:UIButton!)
    let secondViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("YourSecondViewController") as UIViewController

    let window = UIApplication.sharedApplication().windows[0] as UIWindow
        toView: secondViewController.view,
        duration: 0.65,
        options: .TransitionCrossDissolve,
        completion: {
            finished in window.rootViewController = secondViewController

How to Navigate from one View Controller to another using Swift

let storyBoard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let home = storyBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "HOMEVC") as! HOMEVC
navigationController?.pushViewController(home, animated: true);

Navigation Controller Push View Controller

For Swift use the below code:

 func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: NSDictionary?) -> Bool {
    self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds)
    self.window!.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()

    // Create a nav/vc pair using the custom ViewController class

    let nav = UINavigationController()
    let vc = NextViewController(nibName: "NextViewController", bundle: nil)

    // Push the vc onto the nav
    nav.pushViewController(vc, animated: false)

    // Set the window’s root view controller
    self.window!.rootViewController = nav

    // Present the window
    return true



 @IBAction func Next(sender : AnyObject)
    let nextViewController = DurationDel(nibName: "DurationDel", bundle: nil)

    self.navigationController.pushViewController(nextViewController, animated: true)

Xcode error - Thread 1: signal SIGABRT

SIGABRT is, as stated in other answers, a general uncaught exception. You should definitely learn a little bit more about Objective-C. The problem is probably in your UITableViewDelegate method didSelectRowAtIndexPath.

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

I can't tell you much more until you show us something of the code where you handle the table data source and delegate methods.

presentViewController and displaying navigation bar

If you didn't set the modalPresentationStyle property (like to UIModalPresentationFormSheet), the navigation bar will be displayed always. To ensure, always do

[[self.navigationController topViewController] presentViewController:vieController 

This will show the navigation bar always.

Storyboard doesn't contain a view controller with identifier

While entering the identifier u have not selected proper view controller, just check once if done repeat the procedure once more.

How do I get the RootViewController from a pushed controller?

This worked for me:

When my root view controller is embedded in a navigation controller:

UINavigationController * navigationController = (UINavigationController *)[[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows] firstObject] rootViewController];
RootViewController * rootVC = (RootViewController *)[[navigationController viewControllers] firstObject];

Remember that keyWindow is deprecated.

How to cast an object in Objective-C

((SelectionListViewController *)myEditController).list

More examples:

int i = (int)19.5f; // (precision is lost)
id someObject = [NSMutableArray new]; // you don't need to cast id explicitly

Excel VBA If cell.Value =... then

I think it would make more sense to use "Find" function in Excel instead of For Each loop. It works much much faster and it's designed for such actions. Try this:

 Sub FindSomeCells(strSearchQuery As String)   

    Set SearchRange = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A100")
    FindWhat = strSearchQuery
    Set FoundCells = FindAll(SearchRange:=SearchRange, _
                            FindWhat:=FindWhat, _
                            LookIn:=xlValues, _
                            LookAt:=xlWhole, _
                            SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
                            MatchCase:=False, _
                            BeginsWith:=vbNullString, _
                            EndsWith:=vbNullString, _
    If FoundCells Is Nothing Then
        Debug.Print "Value Not Found"
        For Each FoundCell In FoundCells
            FoundCell.Interior.Color = XlRgbColor.rgbLightGreen
        Next FoundCell
    End If

End Sub

That subroutine searches for some string and returns a collections of cells fullfilling your search criteria. Then you can do whatever you want with the cells in that collection. Forgot to add the FindAll function definition:

Function FindAll(SearchRange As Range, _
                FindWhat As Variant, _
               Optional LookIn As XlFindLookIn = xlValues, _
                Optional LookAt As XlLookAt = xlWhole, _
                Optional SearchOrder As XlSearchOrder = xlByRows, _
                Optional MatchCase As Boolean = False, _
                Optional BeginsWith As String = vbNullString, _
                Optional EndsWith As String = vbNullString, _
                Optional BeginEndCompare As VbCompareMethod = vbTextCompare) As Range
' FindAll
' This searches the range specified by SearchRange and returns a Range object
' that contains all the cells in which FindWhat was found. The search parameters to
' this function have the same meaning and effect as they do with the
' Range.Find method. If the value was not found, the function return Nothing. If
' BeginsWith is not an empty string, only those cells that begin with BeginWith
' are included in the result. If EndsWith is not an empty string, only those cells
' that end with EndsWith are included in the result. Note that if a cell contains
' a single word that matches either BeginsWith or EndsWith, it is included in the
' result.  If BeginsWith or EndsWith is not an empty string, the LookAt parameter
' is automatically changed to xlPart. The tests for BeginsWith and EndsWith may be
' case-sensitive by setting BeginEndCompare to vbBinaryCompare. For case-insensitive
' comparisons, set BeginEndCompare to vbTextCompare. If this parameter is omitted,
' it defaults to vbTextCompare. The comparisons for BeginsWith and EndsWith are
' in an OR relationship. That is, if both BeginsWith and EndsWith are provided,
' a match if found if the text begins with BeginsWith OR the text ends with EndsWith.

Dim FoundCell As Range
Dim FirstFound As Range
Dim LastCell As Range
Dim ResultRange As Range
Dim XLookAt As XlLookAt
Dim Include As Boolean
Dim CompMode As VbCompareMethod
Dim Area As Range
Dim MaxRow As Long
Dim MaxCol As Long
Dim BeginB As Boolean
Dim EndB As Boolean
CompMode = BeginEndCompare
If BeginsWith <> vbNullString Or EndsWith <> vbNullString Then
    XLookAt = xlPart
    XLookAt = LookAt
End If
' this loop in Areas is to find the last cell
' of all the areas. That is, the cell whose row
' and column are greater than or equal to any cell
' in any Area.

For Each Area In SearchRange.Areas
    With Area
        If .Cells(.Cells.Count).Row > MaxRow Then
            MaxRow = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Row
        End If
        If .Cells(.Cells.Count).Column > MaxCol Then
            MaxCol = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Column
        End If
    End With
Next Area
Set LastCell = SearchRange.Worksheet.Cells(MaxRow, MaxCol)
On Error GoTo 0
Set FoundCell = SearchRange.Find(what:=FindWhat, _
        after:=LastCell, _
        LookIn:=LookIn, _
        LookAt:=XLookAt, _
        SearchOrder:=SearchOrder, _
If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then
    Set FirstFound = FoundCell
    Do Until False ' Loop forever. We'll "Exit Do" when necessary.
        Include = False
        If BeginsWith = vbNullString And EndsWith = vbNullString Then
            Include = True
            If BeginsWith <> vbNullString Then
                If StrComp(Left(FoundCell.Text, Len(BeginsWith)), BeginsWith, BeginEndCompare) = 0 Then
                    Include = True
                End If
            End If
            If EndsWith <> vbNullString Then
                If StrComp(Right(FoundCell.Text, Len(EndsWith)), EndsWith, BeginEndCompare) = 0 Then
                    Include = True
                End If
            End If
        End If
        If Include = True Then
            If ResultRange Is Nothing Then
                Set ResultRange = FoundCell
                Set ResultRange = Application.Union(ResultRange, FoundCell)
            End If
        End If
        Set FoundCell = SearchRange.FindNext(after:=FoundCell)
        If (FoundCell Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        If (FoundCell.Address = FirstFound.Address) Then
            Exit Do
        End If
End If
Set FindAll = ResultRange
End Function

Setting mime type for excel document

For .xls use the following content-type


For Excel 2007 version and above .xlsx files format


UITableView with fixed section headers

Change your TableView Style:

self.tableview = [[UITableView alloc] initwithFrame:frame style:UITableViewStyleGrouped];

As per apple documentation for UITableView:

UITableViewStylePlain- A plain table view. Any section headers or footers are displayed as inline separators and float when the table view is scrolled.

UITableViewStyleGrouped- A table view whose sections present distinct groups of rows. The section headers and footers do not float.

Hope this small change will help you ..

Eclipse copy/paste entire line keyboard shortcut

Another shortcut way to do this is press Ctrl+Shift+L and select which command you want to perform and hit enter enter image description here

its best practice for beginner.

How to add conditional attribute in Angular 2?

you can use this.

<span [attr.checked]="val? true : false"> </span>

How to run a SQL query on an Excel table?

I might be misunderstanding me, but isn't this exactly what a pivot table does? Do you have the data in a table or just a filtered list? If its not a table make it one (ctrl+l) if it is, then simply activate any cell in the table and insert a pivot table on another sheet. Then Add the columns lastname, firstname, phonenumber to the rows section. Then Add Phone number to the filter section and filter out the null values. Now Sort like normal.

How to search for a string in an arraylist

The Best Order I've seen :

// SearchList is your List  
// TEXT is your Search Text
// SubList is your result

                    ArrayList<String> TempList = new ArrayList<String>(
                    int temp = 0;
                    int num = 0;
                    ArrayList<String> SubList = new ArrayList<String>();
                    while (temp > -1) {
                        temp = TempList.indexOf(new Object() {
                            public boolean equals(Object obj) {
                                return obj.toString().startsWith(TEXT);
                        if (temp > -1) {
                         SubList.add(SearchList.get(temp + num++));

Why is Java Vector (and Stack) class considered obsolete or deprecated?

Besides the already stated answers about using Vector, Vector also has a bunch of methods around enumeration and element retrieval which are different than the List interface, and developers (especially those who learned Java before 1.2) can tend to use them if they are in the code. Although Enumerations are faster, they don't check if the collection was modified during iteration, which can cause issues, and given that Vector might be chosen for its syncronization - with the attendant access from multiple threads, this makes it a particularly pernicious problem. Usage of these methods also couples a lot of code to Vector, such that it won't be easy to replace it with a different List implementation.

Python - abs vs fabs

math.fabs() always returns float, while abs() may return integer.

Bootstrap trying to load map file. How to disable it? Do I need to do it?

I had also warnings in Google Dev-Tools and I added only file in the same folder, where bootstrap.min.css is.

I have now no warnings more and You can find more Explanation here:

I hope, I answered your Question.

Writing to an Excel spreadsheet

CSV stands for comma separated values. CSV is like a text file and can be created simply by adding the .CSV extension

for example write this code:

f = open('example.csv','w')
f.write("display,variable x")

you can open this file with excel.

Export query result to .csv file in SQL Server 2008

INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','Text;Database=D:\;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited','SELECT * FROM [FileName.csv]')
SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM DatabaseName

as @Slogmeister Extraordinaire Quoted is correct.

One need to have 1> File already present with columns 2> One need to have Office installed

Errors faced


Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)"."

64 bit

32 bit


Msg 15281, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 SQL Server blocked access to STATEMENT 'OpenRowset/OpenDatasource' of component 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server. A system administrator can enable the use of 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' by using sp_configure. For more information about enabling 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', search for 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' in SQL Server Books Online.

EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
EXEC sp_configure 'ad hoc distributed queries', 0

Convert string to number and add one

$('.load_more').live("click",function() { //When user clicks
          var newcurrentpageTemp = parseInt($(this).attr("id")) + 1
          dosomething(newcurrentpageTemp );

Why use Select Top 100 Percent?

No reason but indifference, I'd guess.

Such query strings are usually generated by a graphical query tool. The user joins a few tables, adds a filter, a sort order, and tests the results. Since the user may want to save the query as a view, the tool adds a TOP 100 PERCENT. In this case, though, the user copies the SQL into his code, parameterized the WHERE clause, and hides everything in a data access layer. Out of mind, out of sight.

Regular Expression: Allow letters, numbers, and spaces (with at least one letter or number)

You simply need to specify your current RE, followed by a letter/number followed by your current RE again:

^[A-Z0-9 _]*[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9 _]*$

Since you've now stated they're Javascript REs, there's a useful site here where you can test the RE against input data.

If you want lowercase letters as well:

^[A-Za-z0-9 _]*[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9 _]*$

WCF error: The caller was not authenticated by the service

If you use basicHttpBinding, configure the endpoint security to "None" and transport clientCredintialType to "None."

        <binding name="MyBasicHttpBinding">
            <security mode="None">
                <transport clientCredentialType="None" />
    <service behaviorConfiguration="MyServiceBehavior" name="MyService">

Also, make sure the directory Authentication Methods in IIS to Enable Anonymous access

How to deploy a war file in JBoss AS 7?

Just copy war file to standalone/deployments/ folder, it should deploy it automatically. It'll also create your_app_name.deployed file, when your application is deployed. Also be sure that you start server with bin/ script.

How to use an array list in Java?

A List is an ordered Collection of elements. You can add them with the add method, and retrieve them with the get(int index) method. You can also iterate over a List, remove elements, etc. Here are some basic examples of using a List:

List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(3); // 3 because we expect the list 
    // to have 3 entries.  If we didn't know how many entries we expected, we
    // could leave this empty or use a LinkedList instead
System.out.println(names.get(2)); // prints "Charlie"
System.out.println(names); // prints the whole list
for (String name: names) {
    System.out.println(name);  // prints the names in turn.

How to make child process die after parent exits?

Some posters have already mentioned pipes and kqueue. In fact you can also create a pair of connected Unix domain sockets by the socketpair() call. The socket type should be SOCK_STREAM.

Let us suppose you have the two socket file descriptors fd1, fd2. Now fork() to create the child process, which will inherit the fds. In the parent you close fd2 and in the child you close fd1. Now each process can poll() the remaining open fd on its own end for the POLLIN event. As long as each side doesn't explicitly close() its fd during normal lifetime, you can be fairly sure that a POLLHUP flag should indicate the other's termination (no matter clean or not). Upon notified of this event, the child can decide what to do (e.g. to die).

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    int sv[2];        /* sv[0] for parent, sv[1] for child */
    socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sv);

    pid_t pid = fork();

    if ( pid > 0 ) {  /* parent */
        fprintf(stderr, "parent: pid = %d\n", getpid());

    } else {          /* child */
        fprintf(stderr, "child: pid = %d\n", getpid());

        struct pollfd mon;
        mon.fd = sv[1]; = POLLIN;

        poll(&mon, 1, -1);
        if ( mon.revents & POLLHUP )
            fprintf(stderr, "child: parent hung up\n");

You can try compiling the above proof-of-concept code, and run it in a terminal like ./a.out &. You have roughly 100 seconds to experiment with killing the parent PID by various signals, or it will simply exit. In either case, you should see the message "child: parent hung up".

Compared with the method using SIGPIPE handler, this method doesn't require trying the write() call.

This method is also symmetric, i.e. the processes can use the same channel to monitor each other's existence.

This solution calls only the POSIX functions. I tried this in Linux and FreeBSD. I think it should work on other Unixes but I haven't really tested.

See also:

  • unix(7) of Linux man pages, unix(4) for FreeBSD, poll(2), socketpair(2), socket(7) on Linux.

MongoDb shuts down with Code 100

This exit code will also be given if you are changing MongoDB versions and the data directory is incompatible, such as with a downgrade. Move the old directory elsewhere, and create a new directory (as per the instructions given in other answers).

Which one is the best PDF-API for PHP?

From the mpdf site: "mPDF is a PHP class which generates PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML. It is based on FPDF and HTML2FPDF, with a number of enhancements."

mpdf is superior to FPDF for language handling and UTF-8 support. For CJK support it not only supports font embedding, but font subsetting (so your CJK PDFs are not oversized). TCPDF and FPDF have nothing on the UTF-8 and Font support of mpdf. It even comes with some open source fonts as of version 5.0.

Find object by id in an array of JavaScript objects

Recently, I have to face the same thing in which I need to search the string from a huge array.

After some search I found It'll be easy to handle with simple code:


var items = mydata.filter(function(item){
    return item.word.toLowerCase().startsWith( 'gk );


Serach from 20k strings

Maven: How to include jars, which are not available in reps into a J2EE project?

None of the solutions work if you are using Jenkins build!! When pom is run inside Jenkins build server.. these solutions will fail, as Jenkins run pom will try to download these files from enterprise repository.

Copy jars under src/main/resources/lib (create lib folder). These will be part of your project and go all the way to deployment server. In deployment server, make sure your startup scripts contain src/main/resources/lib/* in classpath. Viola.

#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

If you arrived here because you can't log into your phpMyAdmin, then try the root password from your Mysql instead of the password you put during phpMyAdmin installation.

Launch iOS simulator from Xcode and getting a black screen, followed by Xcode hanging and unable to stop tasks

To make sure it's a simulator issue, see if you can connect to the simulator with a brand new project without changing any code. Try the tab bar template.

If you think it's a simulator issue, press the iOS Simulator menu. Select "Reset Content and Settings...". Press "Reset."

I can't see your XIB and what @properties you have connected in Interface Builder, but it could also be that you're not loading your window, or that your window is not loading your view controller.

MySQL trigger if condition exists

I think you mean to update it back to the OLD password, when the NEW one is not supplied.



      IF (NEW.password IS NULL OR NEW.password = '') THEN
            SET NEW.password = OLD.password;
            SET NEW.password = Password(NEW.Password);
      END IF;


However, this means a user can never blank out a password.

If the password field (already encrypted) is being sent back in the update to mySQL, then it will not be null or blank, and MySQL will attempt to redo the Password() function on it. To detect this, use this code instead


      IF (NEW.password IS NULL OR NEW.password = '' OR NEW.password = OLD.password) THEN
            SET NEW.password = OLD.password;
            SET NEW.password = Password(NEW.Password);
      END IF;


Android Left to Right slide animation

Also, you can do this:

FirstClass.this.overridePendingTransition(android.R.anim.slide_in_left, android.R.anim.slide_out_right);

And you don't need to add any animation xml

lodash: mapping array to object

This seems like a job for Object.assign:

const output = Object.assign({}, => ({[]: p.input})));

Edited to wrap as a function similar to OP's, this would be:

const toHash = (array, keyName, valueName) => 
    Object.assign({}, => ({[o[keyName]]: o[valueName]})));

(Thanks to Ben Steward, good thinking...)

How to include a font .ttf using CSS?

Did you try format?

@font-face {
  font-family: 'The name of the Font Family Here';
  src: URL('font.ttf') format('truetype');

Read this article:

Also, might depend on browser as well.

What is the proper way to test if a parameter is empty in a batch file?

You can use

if defined (variable) echo That's defined!
if not defined (variable) echo Nope. Undefined.

How to define global variable in Google Apps Script

In GAS global variables are not what they are in other languages. They are not constants nor variables available in all routines.

I thought I could use global variables for consistency amongst functions and efficiency as well. But I was wrong as pointed out by some people here at SO.

Global variable will be evaluated at each execution of a script, so not just once every time you run your application.
Global variables CAN be changed in a script (so they are not constants that cannot be changed by accident), but will be reinitialized when another script will be invoked.
There is also a speed penalty on using global variables. If within a function you use the same global variable two or more times, it will be faster to assign a local variable and use that instead.

If you want to preserve variables between all functions in your application, it might be using a cacheService will be best. I found out that looping through all files and folders on a drive takes a LOT of time. But you can store info about files and folders within cache (or even properties) and speed up at least 100 times.

The only way I use global variables now is for some prefixes and for naming widgets.

Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread

AsyncTask is designed to perform not more than few seconds operation to be done in background (not recommended for megabytes of file downloading from server or compute cpu intensive task such as file IO operations ). If you need to execute a long running operation, you have been strongly advised to use java native threads. Java gives you various thread related classes to do what you need. Use Handler to update the UI Thread.

Command not found error in Bash variable assignment

You cannot have spaces around the = sign.

When you write:

STR = "foo"

bash tries to run a command named STR with 2 arguments (the strings = and foo)

When you write:

STR =foo

bash tries to run a command named STR with 1 argument (the string =foo)

When you write:

STR= foo

bash tries to run the command foo with STR set to the empty string in its environment.

I'm not sure if this helps to clarify or if it is mere obfuscation, but note that:

  1. the first command is exactly equivalent to: STR "=" "foo",
  2. the second is the same as STR "=foo",
  3. and the last is equivalent to STR="" foo.

The relevant section of the sh language spec, section 2.9.1 states:

A "simple command" is a sequence of optional variable assignments and redirections, in any sequence, optionally followed by words and redirections, terminated by a control operator.

In that context, a word is the command that bash is going to run. Any string containing = (in any position other than at the beginning of the string) which is not a redirection and in which the portion of the string before the = is a valid variable name is a variable assignment, while any string that is not a redirection or a variable assignment is a command. In STR = "foo", STR is not a variable assignment.

Run a single migration file

Method 1 :

rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20080906120000

Method 2:

In Rails Console 1. Copy paste the migration class in console (say add_name_to_user.rb) 2. Then in console, type the following


It is done!!

Vue.js - How to properly watch for nested data

My problem with the accepted answer of using deep: true, is that when deep-watching an array, I can't easily identify which element of the array contains the change. The only clear solution I've found is this answer, which explains how to make a component so you can watch each array element individually.

How to fix "no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application" in Xcode 4.3?

Before deleting and regenerating AppIDs/Profiles, make sure your Library and Device have the same (and correct) profiles installed.

I started seeing this error after migrating to a new computer. Push had been working correctly prior to the migration.

The problem was (duh) that I hadn't imported the profiles to the Xcode library on the new machine (in Organizer/Devices under Library->Provisioning Profiles).

The confusing part was that the DEVICE already had the right profiles and they showed up as expected in build settings, so everything looked correct there, but the XCode LIBRARY didn't have them, so it was signing the app with...???

Is it possible to GROUP BY multiple columns using MySQL?

Yes, but what does grouping by more two columns mean? Well, it's the same as grouping by each unique pair per row. The order you list the columns changes the way the rows are sorted.

In your example, you would write

GROUP BY fV.tier_id, f.form_template_id

Meanwhile, the code

GROUP BY f.form_template_id, fV.tier_id

would give similar results, but sorted differently.

Find unique rows in numpy.array

import numpy as np
original = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                     [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
                     [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
                     [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                     [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]])
# create a view that the subarray as tuple and return unique indeies.
_, unique_index = np.unique(original.view(original.dtype.descr * original.shape[1]),
# get unique set

Execute Insert command and return inserted Id in Sql

The following solution will work with sql server 2005 and above. You can use output to get the required field. inplace of id you can write your key that you want to return. do it like this

FOR SQL SERVER 2005 and above

    using(SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Mem_Basic(Mem_Na,Mem_Occ) output INSERTED.ID VALUES(@na,@occ)",con))
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@na", Mem_NA);
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@occ", Mem_Occ);

        int modified =(int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

        if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) 

        return modified;

FOR previous versions

    using(SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Mem_Basic(Mem_Na,Mem_Occ)  VALUES(@na,@occ);SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();",con))
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@na", Mem_NA);
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@occ", Mem_Occ);

        int modified = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

        if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) con.Close();
            return modified;

Programmatically get the version number of a DLL

While the original question may not have been specific to a web service, here is a complete testWebService you can add to display a web service non-cached response plus the file version. We use file version instead of assembly version because we want to know a version, but with all assembly versions, the web site can be easily patched (signing and demand link still active!). Replace @Class@ with the name of the web api controller this service is embedded in. It's good for a go/nogo on a web service plus a quick version check.

  public HttpResponseMessage TestWebService()
      HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
      string loc = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(@Class@)).Location;
      FileVersionInfo versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(loc);
      responseMessage.Content = new StringContent($"<h2>The XXXXX web service GET test succeeded.</h2>{DateTime.Now}<br/><br/>File Version: {versionInfo.FileVersion}");
      responseMessage.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/html");
      return responseMessage;

I found it also necessary to add the following to web.config under configuration to make it truly anonymous

<location path="api/testwebservice">
            <allow users="*" />

console.log timestamps in Chrome?

I originally added this as a comment, but I wanted to add a screenshot as at least one person could not find the option (or maybe it was not available in their particular version for some reason).

On Chrome 68.0.3440.106 (and now checked in 72.0.3626.121) I had to

  • open dev tools (F12)
  • click the three-dot menu in the top right
  • click settings
  • select Preferences in the left menu
  • check show timestamps in the Console section of the settings screen

Settings > Preferences > Console > Show timestamps

Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the render method of `ListView`

Change your code from:

render() {
    return (
        { => (


render() {
    return (
        { => (
          <li key={}>{result.text}</li>

Then solved.

Using PHP to upload file and add the path to MySQL database

mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()) ;
mysql_select_db("altabotanikk") or die(mysql_error()) ;

These are deprecated use the following..

 // Connects to your Database
            $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "");

and to insert data use the following

 $sql = "INSERT INTO  Table-Name (Column-Name)
VALUES ('$filename')" ;

Split a string into array in Perl

I found this one to be very simple!

my $line = "file1.gz file2.gz file3.gz";

my @abc =  ($line =~ /(\w+[.]\w+)/g);

print $abc[0],"\n";
print $abc[1],"\n";
print $abc[2],"\n";



Here take a look at this tutorial to find more on Perl regular expression and scroll down to More matching section.

POST unchecked HTML checkboxes

function SubmitCheckBox(obj) {
     obj.value   = obj.checked ? "on" : "off";
     obj.checked = true;
     return obj.form.submit();

<input type=checkbox name="foo" onChange="return SubmitCheckBox(this);">

How to perform mouseover function in Selenium WebDriver using Java?

None of these answers work when trying to do the following:

  1. Hover over a menu item.
  2. Find the hidden element that is ONLY available after the hover.
  3. Click the sub-menu item.

If you insert a 'perform' command after the moveToElement, it moves to the element, and the sub-menu item shows for a brief period, but that is not a hover. The hidden element immediately disappears before it can be found resulting in a ElementNotFoundException. I tried two things:

Actions builder = new Actions(driver);

This did not work for me. The following worked for me:

Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
By locator ="clickElementID");;

Using the Actions to hover and the standard WebDriver click, I could hover and then click.

How to set index.html as root file in Nginx?

For me, the try_files directive in the (currently most voted) answer led to rewrite cycles,

*173 rewrite or internal redirection cycle while internally redirecting

I had better luck with the index directive. Note that I used a forward slash before the name, which might or might not be what you want.

server {
  listen 443 ssl;

  root /home/dclo/example;
  index /index.html;
  error_page 404 /index.html;

  # ... ssl configuration

In this case, I wanted all paths to lead to /index.html, including when returning a 404.

Convert all first letter to upper case, rest lower for each word

I don't know if the solution below is more or less efficient than jspcal's answer, but I'm pretty sure it requires less object creation than Jamie's and George's.

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s.Length);
bool capitalize = true;
foreach (char c in s) {
    sb.Append(capitalize ? Char.ToUpper(c) : Char.ToLower(c));
    capitalize = !Char.IsLetter(c);
return sb.ToString();

fe_sendauth: no password supplied

Do not use passwords. Use peer authentication instead:


How to crop a CvMat in OpenCV?

To create a copy of the crop we want, we can do the following,

// Read img
cv::Mat img = cv::imread("imgFileName");
cv::Mat croppedImg;

// This line picks out the rectangle from the image
// and copies to a new Mat

// Display diff
cv::imshow( "Original Image",  img );
cv::imshow( "Cropped Image",  croppedImg);

Is there a performance difference between i++ and ++i in C?

I always prefer pre-increment, however ...

I wanted to point out that even in the case of calling the operator++ function, the compiler will be able to optimize away the temporary if the function gets inlined. Since the operator++ is usually short and often implemented in the header, it is likely to get inlined.

So, for practical purposes, there likely isn't much of a difference between the performance of the two forms. However, I always prefer pre-increment since it seems better to directly express what I"m trying to say, rather than relying on the optimizer to figure it out.

Also, giving the optmizer less to do likely means the compiler runs faster.

How to disable HTML button using JavaScript?

It's still an attribute. Setting it to:

<input type="button" name=myButton value="disable" disabled="disabled">

... is valid.

How to convert HH:mm:ss.SSS to milliseconds?

You can use SimpleDateFormat to do it. You just have to know 2 things.

  1. All dates are internally represented in UTC
  2. .getTime() returns the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
package se.wederbrand.milliseconds;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;

public class Main {        
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");

        String inputString = "00:01:30.500";

        Date date = sdf.parse("1970-01-01 " + inputString);
        System.out.println("in milliseconds: " + date.getTime());        

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 service fails to start

While that error message is on the screen (before the rollback begins) go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services and see if the service is actually installed. Also check what account it is using to run as. If it's not using Local System, then double and triple check that the account it's using has rights to the program directory where MS SQL installed to.

PHP If Statement with Multiple Conditions

An elegant way is building an array on the fly and using in_array():

if (in_array($var, array("abc", "def", "ghi")))

The switch statement is also an alternative:

switch ($var) {
case "abc":
case "def":
case "hij":
    echo "yes";
    echo "no";

Does Django scale?

I was at the EuroDjangoCon conference the other week, and this was the subject of a couple of talks - including from the founders of what was the largest Django-based site, Pownce (slides from one talk here). The main message is that it's not Django you have to worry about, but things like proper caching, load balancing, database optimisation, etc.

Django actually has hooks for most of those things - caching, in particular, is made very easy.

Laravel 5 Carbon format datetime

Just use the date() and strtotime() function and save your time

$suborder['payment_date'] = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($item['created_at']));

Don't stress!!!

How do I convert this list of dictionaries to a csv file?

In python 3 things are a little different, but way simpler and less error prone. It's a good idea to tell the CSV your file should be opened with utf8 encoding, as it makes that data more portable to others (assuming you aren't using a more restrictive encoding, like latin1)

import csv
toCSV = [{'name':'bob','age':25,'weight':200},
with open('people.csv', 'w', encoding='utf8', newline='') as output_file:
    fc = csv.DictWriter(output_file, 

  • Note that csv in python 3 needs the newline='' parameter, otherwise you get blank lines in your CSV when opening in excel/opencalc.

Alternatively: I prefer use to the csv handler in the pandas module. I find it is more tolerant of encoding issues, and pandas will automatically convert string numbers in CSVs into the correct type (int,float,etc) when loading the file.

import pandas
dataframe = pandas.read_csv(filepath)
list_of_dictionaries = dataframe.to_dict('records')


  • pandas will take care of opening the file for you if you give it a path, and will default to utf8 in python3, and figure out headers too.
  • a dataframe is not the same structure as what CSV gives you, so you add one line upon loading to get the same thing: dataframe.to_dict('records')
  • pandas also makes it much easier to control the order of columns in your csv file. By default, they're alphabetical, but you can specify the column order. With vanilla csv module, you need to feed it an OrderedDict or they'll appear in a random order (if working in python < 3.5). See: Preserving column order in Python Pandas DataFrame for more.

How to get complete current url for Cakephp

You can do either

From a view file:

<?php echo $this->request->here() ?>">

Which will give you the absolute url from the hostname i.e. /controller/action/params


<?php echo Router::url(null, true) ?> 

which should give you the full url with the hostname.

Vim multiline editing like in sublimetext?

There are several ways to accomplish that in Vim. I don't know which are most similar to Sublime Text's though.

The first one would be via multiline insert mode. Put your cursor to the second "a" in the first line, press Ctrl-V, select all lines, then press I, and put in a doublequote. Pressing <esc> will repeat the operation on every line.

The second one is via macros. Put the cursor on the first character, and start recording a macro with qa. Go the your right with llll, enter insert mode with a, put down a doublequote, exit insert mode, and go back to the beginning of your row with <home> (or equivalent). Press j to move down one row. Stop recording with q. And then replay the macro with @a. Several times.

Does any of the above approaches work for you?

How to check db2 version

I used


from tyranitar and that worked on Z/OS. Here's what I got:

DB2 v9.7.0.6

I'd vote up if I could! Thanks!!

Why and how to fix? IIS Express "The specified port is in use"

For me it was an orphaned VBCSCompiler task from a previous run, that didn't shut down and was somehow interfering. Killing that task solved it.

make *** no targets specified and no makefile found. stop

If you create Makefile in the VSCode, your makefile doesnt run. I don't know the cause of this issue. Maybe the configuration of the file is not added to system. But I solved this way. delete created makefile, then go to project directory and right click mouse later create a file and named Makefile. After fill the Makefile and run it. It will work.

Javascript search inside a JSON object

If you are doing this in more than one place in your application it would make sense to use a client-side JSON database because creating custom search functions that get called by array.filter() is messy and less maintainable than the alternative.

Check out ForerunnerDB which provides you with a very powerful client-side JSON database system and includes a very simple query language to help you do exactly what you are looking for:

// Create a new instance of ForerunnerDB and then ask for a database
var fdb = new ForerunnerDB(),
    db = fdb.db('myTestDatabase'),

// Create our new collection (like a MySQL table) and change the default
// primary key from "_id" to "id"
coll = db.collection('myCollection', {primaryKey: 'id'});

// Insert our records into the collection
    {"name":"my Name","id":12,"type":"car owner"},
    {"name":"my Name2","id":13,"type":"car owner2"},
    {"name":"my Name4","id":14,"type":"car owner3"},
    {"name":"my Name4","id":15,"type":"car owner5"}

// Search the collection for the string "my nam" as a case insensitive
// regular expression - this search will match all records because every
// name field has the text "my Nam" in it
var searchResultArray = coll.find({
    name: /my nam/i


/* Outputs
    {"name":"my Name","id":12,"type":"car owner"},
    {"name":"my Name2","id":13,"type":"car owner2"},
    {"name":"my Name4","id":14,"type":"car owner3"},
    {"name":"my Name4","id":15,"type":"car owner5"}

Disclaimer: I am the developer of ForerunnerDB.

How to copy a folder via cmd?

xcopy  e:\source_folder f:\destination_folder /e /i /h

The /h is just in case there are hidden files. The /i creates a destination folder if there are muliple source files.

jQuery .val change doesn't change input value

Use attr instead.
$('#link').attr('value', 'new value');


How do I disable a jquery-ui draggable?

It took me a little while to figure out how to disable draggable on drop—use ui.draggable to reference the object being dragged from inside the drop function:

    drop: function(event, ui) {
        ui.draggable.draggable("disable", 1); // *not* ui.draggable("disable", 1);

HTH someone

Calculating the area under a curve given a set of coordinates, without knowing the function

You can use Simpsons rule or the Trapezium rule to calculate the area under a graph given a table of y-values at a regular interval.

Python script that calculates Simpsons rule:

def integrate(y_vals, h):
    i = 1
    total = y_vals[0] + y_vals[-1]
    for y in y_vals[1:-1]:
        if i % 2 == 0:
            total += 2 * y
            total += 4 * y
        i += 1
    return total * (h / 3.0)

h is the offset (or gap) between y values, and y_vals is an array of well, y values.

Example (In same file as above function):

y_values = [13, 45.3, 12, 1, 476, 0]
interval = 1.2
area = integrate(y_values, interval)
print("The area is", area)

Clear the cache in JavaScript

Here's a snippet of what I'm using for my latest project.

From the controller:

if ( IS_DEV ) {
    $this->view->cacheBust = microtime(true);
} else {
    $this->view->cacheBust = file_exists($versionFile) 
        // The version file exists, encode it
        ? urlencode( file_get_contents($versionFile) )
        // Use today's year and week number to still have caching and busting 
        : date("YW");

From the view:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascript/somefile.js?v=<?= $this->cacheBust; ?>"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/layout.css?v=<?= $this->cacheBust; ?>">

Our publishing process generates a file with the revision number of the current build. This works by URL encoding that file and using that as a cache buster. As a fail-over, if that file doesn't exist, the year and week number are used so that caching still works, and it will be refreshed at least once a week.

Also, this provides cache busting for every page load while in the development environment so that developers don't have to worry with clearing the cache for any resources (javascript, css, ajax calls, etc).

Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name available as request attribute

the first time when you are returning your form make sure you pass the model attribute the form requires which can be done by adding the below code

@RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String login(Login login)
    return "test";

By default the model attribute name is taken as Bean class's name with first lowercase letter

By doing this the form which expects a backing object naming "login" will be made available to it

after the form is submitted you can do the validation by passing your bean object and bindingresult as the method parameters as shown below

@RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String login(    @ModelAttribute("login") Login login,
                        BindingResult result) 

Visual Studio move project to a different folder

I wanted the changes in Git to be shown as moves/renames instead of delete & adds. So I did a combo of the above and this post.

mkdir subdirectory
git mv -k ./* ./subdirectory
# check to make sure everything moved (see below)
git commit

And adjust the paths of the projects and of the assemblies from the nuget Pkg's in the sln file via a text editor.

MySQL table is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed

Try running the following query:

repair table <table_name>;

I had the same issue and it solved me the problem.

Ping all addresses in network, windows




ARP -a

ECHO %0 > ipaddresses.txt
DATE /T >> ipaddresses.txt
TIME /T >> ipaddresses.txt
FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,254) DO ping -a -n 2 192.168.%SUBNET%.%%i | FIND /i "TTL="  >> ipaddresses.txt

set /a n=0
set /a n+=1
ECHO 192.168.%SUBNET%.%n%
START CMD.exe /c call ipaddress.bat 192.168.%SUBNET%.%n% 
IF %n% lss 254 GOTO FASTLOOP

ECHO %0 > ipaddresses.txt
DATE /T >> ipaddresses.txt
TIME /T >> ipaddresses.txt
FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,254) DO TYPE ip192.168.%SUBNET%.%%i.txt | FIND /i "TTL=" >> ipaddresses.txt
FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,254) DO DEL ip192.168.%SUBNET%.%%i.txt
type ipaddresses.txt

ARP -a >> ipaddresses.txt
type ipaddresses.txt


Share cookie between subdomain and domain

In both cases yes it can, and this is the default behaviour for both IE and Edge.

The other answers add valuable insight but chiefly describe the behaviour in Chrome. it's important to note that the behaviour is completely different in IE. CMBuckley's very helpful test script demonstrates that in (say) Chrome, the cookies are not shared between root and subdomains when no domain is specified. However the same test in IE shows that they are shared. This IE case is closer to the take-home description in CMBuckley's www-or-not-www link. I know this to be the case because we have a system that used different servicestack cookies on both the root and subdomain. It all worked fine until someone accessed it in IE and the two systems fought over whose session cookie would win until we blew up the cache.

Convert double to Int, rounded down

Another option either using Double or double is use Double.valueOf(double d).intValue();. Simple and clean

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name

you need to add jar file in your build path..


or any version of that..!!!!

ADDED : also make sure you have commons-pool-1.1.jar too in your build path.

ADDED: sorry saw complete list of jar late... may be version clashes might be there.. better check out..!!! just an assumption.

How to use filter, map, and reduce in Python 3

Here are the examples of Filter, map and reduce functions.

numbers = [10,11,12,22,34,43,54,34,67,87,88,98,99,87,44,66]


oddNumbers = list(filter(lambda x: x%2 != 0, numbers))



multiplyOf2 = list(map(lambda x: x*2, numbers))



The reduce function, since it is not commonly used, was removed from the built-in functions in Python 3. It is still available in the functools module, so you can do:

from functools import reduce

sumOfNumbers = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, numbers)


Replace Line Breaks in a String C#

Don't forget that replace doesn't do the replacement in the string, but returns a new string with the characters replaced. The following will remove line breaks (not replace them). I'd use @Brian R. Bondy's method if replacing them with something else, perhaps wrapped as an extension method. Remember to check for null values first before calling Replace or the extension methods provided.

string line = ...

line = line.Replace( "\r", "").Replace( "\n", "" );

As extension methods:

public static class StringExtensions
   public static string RemoveLineBreaks( this string lines )
      return lines.Replace( "\r", "").Replace( "\n", "" );

   public static string ReplaceLineBreaks( this string lines, string replacement )
      return lines.Replace( "\r\n", replacement )
                  .Replace( "\r", replacement )
                  .Replace( "\n", replacement );

Distinct pair of values SQL

if you want to filter the tuples you can use on this way:

select distinct (case a > b then (a,b) else (b,a) end) from pairs

the good stuff is you don't have to use group by.

Is it possible to import a whole directory in sass using @import?

You can generate SASS file which imports everything automatically, I use this Gulp task:

concatFilenames = require('gulp-concat-filenames')

let concatFilenamesOptions = {
    root: './',
    prepend: "@import '",
    append: "'"
gulp.task('sass-import', () => {
        .pipe(concatFilenames('app.sass', concatFilenamesOptions))

You can also control importing order by ordering the folders like this:

path_src_sass = [
    './style/**/*.sass', // mixins, variables - import first
    './components/**/*.sass', // singule components
    './pages/**/*.sass' // higher-level templates that could override components settings if necessary

Why do we need the "finally" clause in Python?

Run these Python3 codes to watch the need of finally:


count = 0
while True:
    count += 1
    if count > 3:
            x = int(input("Enter your lock number here: "))

            if x == 586:
                print("Your lock has unlocked :)")

                print("Try again!!")


            print("Invalid entry!!")
            print("Your Attempts: {}".format(count))


count = 0

while True:
    count += 1
    if count > 3:
            x = int(input("Enter your lock number here: "))

            if x == 586:
                print("Your lock has unlocked :)")

                print("Try again!!")


            print("Invalid entry!!")

        print("Your Attempts: {}".format(count))

Try the following inputs each time:

  1. random integers
  2. correct code which is 586(Try this and you will get your answer)
  3. random strings

** At a very early stage of learning Python.

How to know if an object has an attribute in Python

EDIT:This approach has serious limitation. It should work if the object is an iterable one. Please check the comments below.

If you are using Python 3.6 or higher like me there is a convenient alternative to check whether an object has a particular attribute:

if 'attr1' in obj1:
    print("attr1 = {}".format(obj1["attr1"]))

However, I'm not sure which is the best approach right now. using hasattr(), using getattr() or using in. Comments are welcome.

How to check if a DateTime field is not null or empty?

DateTime is not standard nullable type. If you want assign null to DateTime type of variable, you have to use DateTime? type which supports null value.

If you only want test your variable to be set (e.g. variable holds other than default value), you can use keyword "default" like in following code:

if (dateTimeVariable == default(DateTime))
    //do work for dateTimeVariable == null situation

Setting width/height as percentage minus pixels

Thanks, i solved mine with your help, tweaking it a little since i want a div 100% width 100% heigth (less height of a bottom bar) and no scroll on body (without hack / hiding scroll bars).

For CSS:



<div class="adjusted">
 // My elements that go on dynamic size area
 <div class="the_bottom_bar">
  // My elements that goes on bottom bar (fixed heigh of 31 pixels)

That did the trick, oh yes i put a value little greatter on div.adjusted for bottom than for bottom bar height, else the vertical scrollbar appears, i adjusted to be the nearest value.

That difference is because one of the elements on dynamic area is adding an extra bottom hole that i do not know how to get rid of... it is a video tag (HTML5), please note i put that video tag with this css (so there is no reason for it to make a bottom hole, but it does):


The objetive: Have a video that takes the 100% of the brower (and resizes dynamically when browser is resized, but without altering the aspect ratio) less a bottom space that i use for a div with some texts, buttons, etc (and validators w3c & css of course).

EDIT: I found the reason, video tag is like text, not a block element, so i fixed it with this css:


Note the display:block; on video tag.

Android: How to enable/disable option menu item on button click?

How to update the current menu in order to enable or disable the items when an AsyncTask is done.

In my use case I needed to disable my menu while my AsyncTask was loading data, then after loading all the data, I needed to enable all the menu again in order to let the user use it.

This prevented the app to let users click on menu items while data was loading.

First, I declare a state variable , if the variable is 0 the menu is shown, if that variable is 1 the menu is hidden.

private mMenuState = 1; //I initialize it on 1 since I need all elements to be hidden when my activity starts loading.

Then in my onCreateOptionsMenu() I check for this variable , if it's 1 I disable all my items, if not, I just show them all

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);

            for (int i = 0; i < menu.size(); i++) {
             for (int i = 0; i < menu.size(); i++) {

        return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);

Now, when my Activity starts, onCreateOptionsMenu() will be called just once, and all my items will be gone because I set up the state for them at the start.

Then I create an AsyncTask Where I set that state variable to 0 in my onPostExecute()

This step is very important!

When you call invalidateOptionsMenu(); it will relaunch onCreateOptionsMenu();

So, after setting up my state to 0, I just redraw all the menu but this time with my variable on 0 , that said, all the menu will be shown after all the asynchronous process is done, and then my user can use the menu.

 public class LoadMyGroups extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {

        protected void onPreExecute() {
            mMenuState = 1; //you can set here the state of the menu too if you dont want to initialize it at global declaration. 


        protected Void doInBackground(Void... voids) {
           //Background work

            return null;

        protected void onPostExecute(Void aVoid) {

            mMenuState=0; //We change the state and relaunch onCreateOptionsMenu
            invalidateOptionsMenu(); //Relaunch onCreateOptionsMenu



enter image description here

SimpleXML - I/O warning : failed to load external entity

You can also load the content with cURL, if file_get_contents insn't enabled on your server.


$ch = curl_init();  


$output = curl_exec($ch);


$items = simplexml_load_string($output);

copy all files and folders from one drive to another drive using DOS (command prompt)

This worked for me On Windows 10,

xcopy /s {source drive..i.e. C:} {destination drive..i.e. D:} This will copy all the files and folders plus the folder contents.


The WITH clause for Common Table Expressions go at the top.

Wrapping every insert in a CTE has the benefit of visually segregating the query logic from the column mapping.

Spot the mistake:

    [BatchID]      = blah
   ,[APartyNo]     = blahblah
   ,[SourceRowID]  = blahblahblah
  FROM Table1 AS t1
      ([BatchID], [SourceRowID], [APartyNo])
SELECT [BatchID], [APartyNo], [SourceRowID]   

Same mistake:

INSERT Table2 (
  [BatchID]      = blah
 ,[APartyNo]     = blahblah
 ,[SourceRowID]  = blahblahblah
FROM Table1 AS t1

A few lines of boilerplate make it extremely easy to verify the code inserts the right number of columns in the right order, even with a very large number of columns. Your future self will thank you later.

Getting permission denied (public key) on gitlab

I added my ~/.ssh/ to the list of known SSH Keys in my GitLab settings That solved the problem for me. :-)

jQuery UI dialog box not positioned center screen

This issue is often related to opening the dialog via an anchor tag (<a href='#' id='openButton'>Open</a>) and not preventing the default browser behaviour in the handler e.g.

$('#openButton').click(function(event) {
   //open dialog code...

This usually removes the need for any positioning / scrolling plugins.

The Role Manager feature has not been enabled

If you are using ASP.NET Identity UserManager you can get it like this as well:

var userManager = Request.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();

var roles = userManager.GetRoles(User.Identity.GetUserId());

If you have changed key for user from Guid to Int for example use this code:

var roles = userManager.GetRoles(User.Identity.GetUserId<int>());

How to programmatically round corners and set random background colors

As the question has already been answered. But I have a little tweak

GradientDrawable drawable = (GradientDrawable) ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.YOUR_DRAWABLE).mutate();

you can change corner radius with:


Change color with:


A mutable drawable is guaranteed to not share its state with any other drawable. So if you change radius without using mutate(), you are likely to change others state too. It is best suitable for specific views.

At last don't forget to set the drawable.


How to map a composite key with JPA and Hibernate?

To map a composite key, you can use the EmbeddedId or the IdClass annotations. I know this question is not strictly about JPA but the rules defined by the specification also applies. So here they are:

2.1.4 Primary Keys and Entity Identity


A composite primary key must correspond to either a single persistent field or property or to a set of such fields or properties as described below. A primary key class must be defined to represent a composite primary key. Composite primary keys typically arise when mapping from legacy databases when the database key is comprised of several columns. The EmbeddedId and IdClass annotations are used to denote composite primary keys. See sections 9.1.14 and 9.1.15.


The following rules apply for composite primary keys:

  • The primary key class must be public and must have a public no-arg constructor.
  • If property-based access is used, the properties of the primary key class must be public or protected.
  • The primary key class must be serializable.
  • The primary key class must define equals and hashCode methods. The semantics of value equality for these methods must be consistent with the database equality for the database types to which the key is mapped.
  • A composite primary key must either be represented and mapped as an embeddable class (see Section 9.1.14, “EmbeddedId Annotation”) or must be represented and mapped to multiple fields or properties of the entity class (see Section 9.1.15, “IdClass Annotation”).
  • If the composite primary key class is mapped to multiple fields or properties of the entity class, the names of primary key fields or properties in the primary key class and those of the entity class must correspond and their types must be the same.

With an IdClass

The class for the composite primary key could look like (could be a static inner class):

public class TimePK implements Serializable {
    protected Integer levelStation;
    protected Integer confPathID;

    public TimePK() {}

    public TimePK(Integer levelStation, Integer confPathID) {
        this.levelStation = levelStation;
        this.confPathID = confPathID;
    // equals, hashCode

And the entity:

class Time implements Serializable {
    private Integer levelStation;
    private Integer confPathID;

    private String src;
    private String dst;
    private Integer distance;
    private Integer price;

    // getters, setters

The IdClass annotation maps multiple fields to the table PK.

With EmbeddedId

The class for the composite primary key could look like (could be a static inner class):

public class TimePK implements Serializable {
    protected Integer levelStation;
    protected Integer confPathID;

    public TimePK() {}

    public TimePK(Integer levelStation, Integer confPathID) {
        this.levelStation = levelStation;
        this.confPathID = confPathID;
    // equals, hashCode

And the entity:

class Time implements Serializable {
    private TimePK timePK;

    private String src;
    private String dst;
    private Integer distance;
    private Integer price;


The @EmbeddedId annotation maps a PK class to table PK.


  • From the physical model point of view, there are no differences
  • @EmbeddedId somehow communicates more clearly that the key is a composite key and IMO makes sense when the combined pk is either a meaningful entity itself or it reused in your code.
  • @IdClass is useful to specify that some combination of fields is unique but these do not have a special meaning.

They also affect the way you write queries (making them more or less verbose):

  • with IdClass

    select t.levelStation from Time t
  • with EmbeddedId

    select t.timePK.levelStation from Time t


  • JPA 1.0 specification
    • Section 2.1.4 "Primary Keys and Entity Identity"
    • Section 9.1.14 "EmbeddedId Annotation"
    • Section 9.1.15 "IdClass Annotation"

Can the Twitter Bootstrap Carousel plugin fade in and out on slide transition

Yes. Although I use the following code.

    opacity: 1;

        -moz-transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;
        -o-transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;
        -webkit-transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;
        transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;
        left: 0 !important;
        opacity: 0;
        width: 100%;
        display:block !important;

            opacity: 1;
            -moz-transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;
            -o-transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;
            -webkit-transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;
            transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;

Then change the class on the carousel from "carousel slide" to "carousel fade". This works in safari, chrome, firefox, and IE 10. It will correctly downgrade in IE 9, however, the nice face effect doesn't happen.

Edit: Since this answer has gotten so popular I've added the following which rewritten as pure CSS instead of the above which was LESS:

.carousel.fade {
  opacity: 1;
.carousel.fade .item {
  -moz-transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;
  -o-transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;
  -webkit-transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;
  transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;
  left: 0 !important;
  opacity: 0;
  width: 100%;
  display:block !important;
.carousel.fade .item:first-child {
.carousel.fade {
  opacity: 1;
  -moz-transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;
  -o-transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;
  -webkit-transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;
  transition: opacity ease-in-out .7s;

gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found

I had a similar issue.

The command I used was as follows:

wget -qO |  apt-key add -

I forgot a hyphen between the flags and the URL, which is why wget threw an error.

This is the command that finally worked for me:

wget -qO - |  apt-key add -

Parse strings to double with comma and point

To treat both , and . as decimal point you must not only replace one with the other, but also make sure the Culture used parsing interprets it as a decimal point.

text = text.Replace(',', '.');
return double.TryParse(text, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out value);

Compare two folders which has many files inside contents

Diff command in Unix is used to find the differences between files(all types). Since directory is also a type of file, the differences between two directories can easily be figure out by using diff commands. For more option use man diff on your unix box.

 -b              Ignores trailing blanks  (spaces  and  tabs)
                 and   treats  other  strings  of  blanks  as

 -i              Ignores the case of  letters.  For  example,
                 `A' will compare equal to `a'.
 -t              Expands <TAB> characters  in  output  lines.
                 Normal or -c output adds character(s) to the
                 front of each line that may adversely affect
                 the indentation of the original source lines
                 and  make  the  output  lines  difficult  to
                 interpret.  This  option  will  preserve the
                 original source's indentation.

 -w              Ignores all blanks (<SPACE> and <TAB>  char-
                 acters)  and  treats  all  other  strings of
                 blanks   as   equivalent.    For    example,
                 `if ( a == b )'   will   compare   equal  to

and there are many more.

How do I remove the old history from a git repository?

  1. remove git data, rm .git
  2. git init
  3. add a git remote
  4. force push

Easiest way to ignore blank lines when reading a file in Python

You could use list comprehension:

with open("names", "r") as f:
    names_list = [line.strip() for line in f if line.strip()]

Updated: Removed unnecessary readlines().

To avoid calling line.strip() twice, you can use a generator:

names_list = [l for l in (line.strip() for line in f) if l]

Declare a variable as Decimal

You can't declare a variable as Decimal - you have to use Variant (you can use CDec to populate it with a Decimal type though).

Convert between UIImage and Base64 string

Swift 3.0 and Xcode 8.0

let imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(imageView.image!, 1)

    let base64String = (imageData! as Data).base64EncodedString(options: NSData.Base64EncodingOptions(rawValue: 0))

Deleting all files from a folder using PHP?

Another solution: This Class delete all files, subdirectories and files in the sub directories.

class Your_Class_Name {
     * @see
     * @see 
     * @see
     * @see
     * @param string $path
    public function delete($path) {
        if (is_dir($path)) {
            array_map(function($value) {
            },glob($path . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR));
            array_map('unlink', glob($path."/*"));

Maven compile with multiple src directories

This can be done in two steps:

  • For each source directory you should create own module.
  • In all modules you should specify the same build directory: ${}

If you work with started Jetty (jetty:run), then recompilation of any class in any module (with Maven, IDEA or Eclipse) will lead to Jetty's restart. The same behavior you'll get for modified resources.

How to add a constant column in a Spark DataFrame?

Spark 2.2+

Spark 2.2 introduces typedLit to support Seq, Map, and Tuples (SPARK-19254) and following calls should be supported (Scala):

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.typedLit

df.withColumn("some_array", typedLit(Seq(1, 2, 3)))
df.withColumn("some_struct", typedLit(("foo", 1, 0.3)))
df.withColumn("some_map", typedLit(Map("key1" -> 1, "key2" -> 2)))

Spark 1.3+ (lit), 1.4+ (array, struct), 2.0+ (map):

The second argument for DataFrame.withColumn should be a Column so you have to use a literal:

from pyspark.sql.functions import lit

df.withColumn('new_column', lit(10))

If you need complex columns you can build these using blocks like array:

from pyspark.sql.functions import array, create_map, struct

df.withColumn("some_array", array(lit(1), lit(2), lit(3)))
df.withColumn("some_struct", struct(lit("foo"), lit(1), lit(.3)))
df.withColumn("some_map", create_map(lit("key1"), lit(1), lit("key2"), lit(2)))

Exactly the same methods can be used in Scala.

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{array, lit, map, struct}

df.withColumn("new_column", lit(10))
df.withColumn("map", map(lit("key1"), lit(1), lit("key2"), lit(2)))

To provide names for structs use either alias on each field:

    struct(lit("foo").alias("x"), lit(1).alias("y"), lit(0.3).alias("z"))

or cast on the whole object

    struct(lit("foo"), lit(1), lit(0.3)).cast("struct<x: string, y: integer, z: double>")

It is also possible, although slower, to use an UDF.


The same constructs can be used to pass constant arguments to UDFs or SQL functions.

Android Recyclerview vs ListView with Viewholder

I used a ListView with Glide image loader, having memory growth. Then I replaced the ListView with a RecyclerView. It is not only more difficult in coding, but also leads to a more memory usage than a ListView. At least, in my project.

In another activity I used a complex list with EditText's. In some of them an input method may vary, also a TextWatcher can be applied. If I used a ViewHolder, how could I replace a TextWatcher during scrolling? So, I used a ListView without a ViewHolder, and it works.

Converting date between DD/MM/YYYY and YYYY-MM-DD?

Does anyone else else think it's a waste to convert these strings to date/time objects for what is, in the end, a simple text transformation? If you're certain the incoming dates will be valid, you can just use:

>>> ddmmyyyy = "21/12/2008"
>>> yyyymmdd = ddmmyyyy[6:] + "-" + ddmmyyyy[3:5] + "-" + ddmmyyyy[:2]
>>> yyyymmdd

This will almost certainly be faster than the conversion to and from a date.

How to search all loaded scripts in Chrome Developer Tools?

Open a new Search pane in Developer Tools by:

  • pressing Ctrl+Shift+F (Cmd+Option+I on mac)
  • clicking the overflow menu (?) in DevTools, DevTools overflow menu
  • clicking the overflow menu in the Console (?) and choosing the Search option

You can search across all your scripts with support for regular expressions and case sensitivity.

Click any match to load that file/section in the scripts panel.

Search all files - results

Make sure 'Search in anonymous and content scripts' is checked in the DevTools Preferences (F1). This will return results from within iframes and HTML inline scripts:

Search in anonymous and content scripts DevTools Settings Preferences

Clear Application's Data Programmatically

If you want a less verbose hack:

void deleteDirectory(String path) {
  Runtime.getRuntime().exec(String.format("rm -rf %s", path));

Upload files with FTP using PowerShell

I'm not gonna claim that this is more elegant than the highest-voted solution...but this is cool (well, at least in my mind LOL) in its own way:

$server = ""
$filelist = "file1.txt file2.txt"   

"open $server
user $user $password
cd $dir     
" +
($filelist.split(' ') | %{ "put ""$_""`n" }) | ftp -i -in

As you can see, it uses that dinky built-in windows FTP client. Much shorter and straightforward, too. Yes, I've actually used this and it works!

Firebase: how to generate a unique numeric ID for key?

As explained above, you can use the Firebase default push id.

If you want something numeric you can do something based on the timestamp to avoid collisions

f.e. something based on date,hour,second,ms, and some random int at the end


Which translates to:

016-12-06 13:53:13:679 9031

It all depends on the precision you need (social security numbers do the same with some random characters at the end of the date). Like how many transactions will be expected during the day, hour or second. You may want to lower precision to favor ease of typing.

You can also do a transaction that increments the number id, and on success you will have a unique consecutive number for that user. These can be done on the client or server side.


How to load a resource bundle from a file resource in Java?

This worked for me very well. And it doesn't reload the bundle everytime. I tried to take some stats to load and reload the bundle from external file location.

File file = new File("C:\\temp");
URL[] urls = {file.toURI().toURL()};
ClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(urls);
ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("myResource", Locale.getDefault(), loader);

where "c:\temp" is the external folder (NOT on the classpath) holding the property files, and "myResource" relates to,, etc.

Note: If you have the same bundle name on your classpath then it will be picked up by default using this constructor of URLClassLoader.

Credit to

Find some of the stats below, all time in ms. I am not worried about the initial load time as that could be something with my workspace or code that I am trying to figure out but what I am trying to show is the reload took way lesser telling me its coming from memory.

Here some of the stats:

  • Initial Locale_1 load took 3486
  • Reload Locale_1 took 24
  • Reload Locale_1 took 23
  • Reload Locale_1 took 22
  • Reload Locale_1 took 15
  • Initial Locale_2 load took 870
  • Reload Locale_2 took 22
  • Reload Locale_2 took 18
  • Initial Locale_3 load took 2298
  • Reload Locale_3 took 8
  • Reload Locale_3 took 4

Spring,Request method 'POST' not supported

For information i removed the action attribute and i got this error when i call an ajax post..Even though my action attribute in the form looks like this action="javascript://;"

I thought I had it from the ajax call and serializing the form but I added the dummy action attribute to the form back again and it worked.

Directory-tree listing in Python

import os

for filename in os.listdir("C:\\temp"):
    print  filename

How to loop through file names returned by find?

(Updated to include @Socowi's execellent speed improvement)

With any $SHELL that supports it (dash/zsh/bash...):

find . -name "*.txt" -exec $SHELL -c '
    for i in "$@" ; do
        echo "$i"
' {} +


Original answer (shorter, but slower):

find . -name "*.txt" -exec $SHELL -c '
    echo "$0"
' {} \;

Validation for 10 digit mobile number and focus input field on invalid

Use jquery validator in your script tag DEMO

<script src="js/jquery.validate.min.js"></script> 

and validate your element by like this

   <form name="enquiry_form" method="post" id="enquiry_form">

    Full Name *
    <input class="input-style" name="name"  id="name" type="text"/>
    Email *
    <input class="input-style" name="email"  id="email" type="email"><br>
    Phone * 
        <input id="mobile" name="mobile"  id="mobile"></input><br>

    <input type="submit" value="SUBMIT"  id="enq_submit">


      name:"Please enter your username..!",
      email:"Please enter your email..!",
          mobile:"Enter your mobile no"

      submitHandler: function(form) {
      //write your success code here  

Matplotlib: Specify format of floats for tick labels

In matplotlib 3.1, you can also use ticklabel_format. To prevents scientific notation without offsets:

plt.gca().ticklabel_format(axis='both', style='plain', useOffset=False)

Where is the itoa function in Linux?

If you are calling it a lot, the advice of "just use snprintf" can be annoying. So here's what you probably want:

const char *my_itoa_buf(char *buf, size_t len, int num)
  static char loc_buf[sizeof(int) * CHAR_BITS]; /* not thread safe */

  if (!buf)
    buf = loc_buf;
    len = sizeof(loc_buf);

  if (snprintf(buf, len, "%d", num) == -1)
    return ""; /* or whatever */

  return buf;

const char *my_itoa(int num)
{ return my_itoa_buf(NULL, 0, num); }

Getting "cannot find Symbol" in Java project in Intellij

I'm seeing a lot of answers proposing a build or a re-build but just in case this don't fix your problem just notice that IDEA can detect a method but it will not compile in case you have a new before as it will be expecting the instance.

enter image description here

How do you create vectors with specific intervals in R?

Use the code

x = seq(0,100,5) #this means (starting number, ending number, interval)

the output will be

[1]   0   5  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45  50  55  60  65  70  75
[17]  80  85  90  95 100

How do I create my own URL protocol? (e.g. so://...)

It's called the protocol. The only thing that prevents you from making your own protocol is you have to:

  1. Write a browser or user agent of some kinds that understands that protocol, both in its URL form and in the actual data format
  2. Write a server that understands that protocol
  3. Preferably, have a specification for the protocol so that browser and server can continue to work together.

Windows makes #1 really easy, an in many cases this is all you actually need. Viz:

Registering an Application to a URL Protocol

All ASP.NET Web API controllers return 404

I have dozens of installations of my app with different clients which all worked fine and then this one just always returned 404 on all api calls. It turns out that when I created the application pool in IIS for this client it defaulted to .net framework 2.0 instead of 4.0 and I missed it. This caused the 404 error. Seems to me this should have been a 500 error. Very misleading Microsoft!

Powershell send-mailmessage - email to multiple recipients

Just creating a Powershell array will do the trick

$recipients = @("Marcel <[email protected]>", "Marcelt <[email protected]>")

The same approach can be used for attachments

$attachments = @("$PSScriptRoot\image003.png", "$PSScriptRoot\image004.jpg")

How to find topmost view controller on iOS

Getting top most view controller for Swift using extensions


extension UIViewController {
    @objc func topMostViewController() -> UIViewController {
        // Handling Modal views
        if let presentedViewController = self.presentedViewController {
            return presentedViewController.topMostViewController()
        // Handling UIViewController's added as subviews to some other views.
        else {
            for view in self.view.subviews
                // Key property which most of us are unaware of / rarely use.
                if let subViewController = {
                    if subViewController is UIViewController {
                        let viewController = subViewController as! UIViewController
                        return viewController.topMostViewController()
            return self

extension UITabBarController {
    override func topMostViewController() -> UIViewController {
        return self.selectedViewController!.topMostViewController()

extension UINavigationController {
    override func topMostViewController() -> UIViewController {
        return self.visibleViewController!.topMostViewController()



Test if a vector contains a given element

Both the match() (returns the first appearance) and %in% (returns a Boolean) functions are designed for this.

v <- c('a','b','c','e')

'b' %in% v
## returns TRUE

## returns the first location of 'b', in this case: 2

What is the easiest way to parse an INI file in Java?

I personally prefer Confucious.

It is nice, as it doesn't require any external dependencies, it's tiny - only 16K, and automatically loads your ini file on initialization. E.g.

Configurable config = Configuration.getInstance();  
String host = config.getStringValue("host");   
int port = config.getIntValue("port"); 
new Connection(host, port);

Multi-select dropdown list in ASP.NET

I've used the open source control at and been very happy with it. My addition was to allow a list of checked files to use just file names instead of full paths if the 'selected' caption gets too long. My addition is called instead of UpdateSelection in your postback handler:

// Update the caption assuming that the items are files<br/> 
// If the caption is too long, eliminate paths from file names<br/> 
public void UpdateSelectionFiles(int maxChars) {
  StringBuilder full = new StringBuilder(); 
  StringBuilder shorter = new StringBuilder();
  foreach (ListItem item in Items) { 
    if (item.Selected) { 
      full.AppendFormat("{0}; ", item.Text);
      shorter.AppendFormat("{0}; ", new FileInfo(item.Text).Name);
  if (full.Length == 0) Texts.SelectBoxCaption = "Select...";
  else if (full.Length <= maxChars) Texts.SelectBoxCaption = full.ToString(); 
  else Texts.SelectBoxCaption = shorter.ToString();

@Directive vs @Component in Angular


Components are the most basic UI building block of an Angular app. An Angular app contains a tree of Angular components. Our application in Angular is built on a component tree. Every component should have its template, styling, life cycle, selector, etc. So, every component has its structure You can treat them as an apart standalone small web application with own template and logic and a possibility to communicate and be used together with other components.

Sample .ts file for Component:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

    // component attributes
    selector: 'app-training',
    templateUrl: './app-training.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./app-training.component.less']

export class AppTrainingComponent {
    title = 'my-app-training';

and its ./app.component.html template view:

Hello {{title}}

Then you can render AppTrainingComponent template with its logic in other components (after adding it into module)


and the result will be


as AppTrainingComponent was rendered here

See more about Components


Directive changes the appearance or behavior of an existing DOM element. For example [ngStyle] is a directive. Directives can extend components (can be used inside them) but they don't build a whole application. Let's say they just support components. They don't have its own template (but of course, you can manipulate template with them).

Sample directive:

  selector: '[appHighlight]'
export class HighlightDirective {

  constructor(private el: ElementRef) { }

  @Input('appHighlight') highlightColor: string;

  @HostListener('mouseenter') onMouseEnter() {
    this.highlight(this.highlightColor || 'red');

  private highlight(color: string) { = color;

And its usage:

<p [appHighlight]="color" [otherPar]="someValue">Highlight me!</p>

See more about directives

Check if AJAX response data is empty/blank/null/undefined/0

The following correct answer was provided in the comment section of the question by Felix Kling:

if (!$.trim(data)){   
    alert("What follows is blank: " + data);
    alert("What follows is not blank: " + data);

C++ Convert string (or char*) to wstring (or wchar_t*)

using Boost.Locale:

ws = boost::locale::conv::utf_to_utf<wchar_t>(s);

send mail to multiple receiver with HTML mailto

"There are no safe means of assigning multiple recipients to a single mailto: link via HTML. There are safe, non-HTML, ways of assigning multiple recipients from a mailto: link."

For a quick fix to your problem, change your ; to a comma , and eliminate the spaces between email addresses

<a href='mailto:[email protected],[email protected]'>Email Us</a>

How to debug heap corruption errors?

Application Verifier combined with Debugging Tools for Windows is an amazing setup. You can get both as a part of the Windows Driver Kit or the lighter Windows SDK. (Found out about Application Verifier when researching an earlier question about a heap corruption issue.) I've used BoundsChecker and Insure++ (mentioned in other answers) in the past too, although I was surprised how much functionality was in Application Verifier.

Electric Fence (aka "efence"), dmalloc, valgrind, and so forth are all worth mentioning, but most of these are much easier to get running under *nix than Windows. Valgrind is ridiculously flexible: I've debugged large server software with many heap issues using it.

When all else fails, you can provide your own global operator new/delete and malloc/calloc/realloc overloads -- how to do so will vary a bit depending on compiler and platform -- and this will be a bit of an investment -- but it may pay off over the long run. The desirable feature list should look familiar from dmalloc and electricfence, and the surprisingly excellent book Writing Solid Code:

  • sentry values: allow a little more space before and after each alloc, respecting maximum alignment requirement; fill with magic numbers (helps catch buffer overflows and underflows, and the occasional "wild" pointer)
  • alloc fill: fill new allocations with a magic non-0 value -- Visual C++ will already do this for you in Debug builds (helps catch use of uninitialized vars)
  • free fill: fill in freed memory with a magic non-0 value, designed to trigger a segfault if it's dereferenced in most cases (helps catch dangling pointers)
  • delayed free: don't return freed memory to the heap for a while, keep it free filled but not available (helps catch more dangling pointers, catches proximate double-frees)
  • tracking: being able to record where an allocation was made can sometimes be useful

Note that in our local homebrew system (for an embedded target) we keep the tracking separate from most of the other stuff, because the run-time overhead is much higher.

If you're interested in more reasons to overload these allocation functions/operators, take a look at my answer to "Any reason to overload global operator new and delete?"; shameless self-promotion aside, it lists other techniques that are helpful in tracking heap corruption errors, as well as other applicable tools.

Because I keep finding my own answer here when searching for alloc/free/fence values MS uses, here's another answer that covers Microsoft dbgheap fill values.

Tools to get a pictorial function call graph of code

Dynamic analysis methods

Here I describe a few dynamic analysis methods.

Dynamic methods actually run the program to determine the call graph.

The opposite of dynamic methods are static methods, which try to determine it from the source alone without running the program.

Advantages of dynamic methods:

  • catches function pointers and virtual C++ calls. These are present in large numbers in any non-trivial software.

Disadvantages of dynamic methods:

  • you have to run the program, which might be slow, or require a setup that you don't have, e.g. cross-compilation
  • only functions that were actually called will show. E.g., some functions could be called or not depending on the command line arguments.


Test program:

int f2(int i) { return i + 2; }
int f1(int i) { return f2(2) + i + 1; }
int f0(int i) { return f1(1) + f2(2); }
int pointed(int i) { return i; }
int not_called(int i) { return 0; }

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int (*f)(int);
    f = pointed;
    if (argc == 1)
    if (argc == 2)
    return 0;


sudo apt-get install -y kcachegrind valgrind

# Compile the program as usual, no special flags.
gcc -ggdb3 -O0 -o main -std=c99 main.c

# Generate a callgrind.out.<PID> file.
valgrind --tool=callgrind ./main

# Open a GUI tool to visualize callgrind data.
kcachegrind callgrind.out.1234

You are now left inside an awesome GUI program that contains a lot of interesting performance data.

On the bottom right, select the "Call graph" tab. This shows an interactive call graph that correlates to performance metrics in other windows as you click the functions.

To export the graph, right click it and select "Export Graph". The exported PNG looks like this:

From that we can see that:

  • the root node is _start, which is the actual ELF entry point, and contains glibc initialization boilerplate
  • f0, f1 and f2 are called as expected from one another
  • pointed is also shown, even though we called it with a function pointer. It might not have been called if we had passed a command line argument.
  • not_called is not shown because it didn't get called in the run, because we didn't pass an extra command line argument.

The cool thing about valgrind is that it does not require any special compilation options.

Therefore, you could use it even if you don't have the source code, only the executable.

valgrind manages to do that by running your code through a lightweight "virtual machine". This also makes execution extremely slow compared to native execution.

As can be seen on the graph, timing information about each function call is also obtained, and this can be used to profile the program, which is likely the original use case of this setup, not just to see call graphs: How can I profile C++ code running on Linux?

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.

gcc -finstrument-functions + etrace

-finstrument-functions adds callbacks, etrace parses the ELF file and implements all callbacks.

I couldn't get it working however unfortunately: Why doesn't `-finstrument-functions` work for me?

Claimed output is of format:

\-- main
|   \-- Crumble_make_apple_crumble
|   |   \-- Crumble_buy_stuff
|   |   |   \-- Crumble_buy
|   |   |   \-- Crumble_buy
|   |   |   \-- Crumble_buy
|   |   |   \-- Crumble_buy
|   |   |   \-- Crumble_buy
|   |   \-- Crumble_prepare_apples
|   |   |   \-- Crumble_skin_and_dice
|   |   \-- Crumble_mix
|   |   \-- Crumble_finalize
|   |   |   \-- Crumble_put
|   |   |   \-- Crumble_put
|   |   \-- Crumble_cook
|   |   |   \-- Crumble_put
|   |   |   \-- Crumble_bake

Likely the most efficient method besides specific hardware tracing support, but has the downside that you have to recompile the code.

jQuery: Test if checkbox is NOT checked

if($("#checkbox1").prop('checked') == false){
    alert('checkbox is not checked');
    //do something
    alert('checkbox is checked');

unresolved external symbol __imp__fprintf and __imp____iob_func, SDL2

This can happen when you link to msvcrt.dll instead of msvcr10.dll (or similar), which is a good plan. Because it will free you up to redistribute your Visual Studio's runtime library inside your final software package.

That workaround helps me (at Visual Studio 2008):

#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
#undef stdin
#undef stdout
#undef stderr
extern "C" _CRTIMP extern FILE _iob[];
#define stdin   _iob
#define stdout  (_iob+1)
#define stderr  (_iob+2)

This snippet is not needed for Visual Studio 6 and its compiler. Therefore the #ifdef.

How to change the output color of echo in Linux

Inspired by @nachoparker's answer, I have this in my .bashrc:

#### colours

### tput foreground
export tpfn=$'\e[0m' # normal
export tpfb=$(tput bold)

## normal colours
export tpf0=$(tput setaf 0) # black
export tpf1=$(tput setaf 1) # red
export tpf2=$(tput setaf 2) # green
export tpf3=$(tput setaf 3) # yellow
export tpf4=$(tput setaf 4) # blue
export tpf5=$(tput setaf 5) # magenta
export tpf6=$(tput setaf 6) # cyan
export tpf7=$(tput setaf 7) # white
# echo "${tpf0}black ${tpf1}red ${tpf2}green ${tpf3}yellow ${tpf4}blue ${tpf5}magenta ${tpf6}cyan ${tpf7}white${tpfn}"

## bold colours
export tpf0b="$tpfb$tpf0" # bold black
export tpf1b="$tpfb$tpf1" # bold red
export tpf2b="$tpfb$tpf2" # bold green
export tpf3b="$tpfb$tpf3" # bold yellow
export tpf4b="$tpfb$tpf4" # bold blue
export tpf5b="$tpfb$tpf5" # bold magenta
export tpf6b="$tpfb$tpf6" # bold cyan
export tpf7b="$tpfb$tpf7" # bold white
# echo "${tpf0b}black ${tpf1b}red ${tpf2b}green ${tpf3b}yellow ${tpf4b}blue ${tpf5b}magenta ${tpf6b}cyan ${tpf7b}white${tpfn}"

The export allows me to use those tpf.. in Bash scripts.

Forbidden: You don't have permission to access / on this server, WAMP Error

This could be one solution.

public class RegisterActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private static final String TAG = "RegisterActivity";
    private static final String URL_FOR_REGISTRATION = "";
    ProgressDialog progressDialog;

    private EditText signupInputName, signupInputEmail, signupInputPassword, signupInputAge;
    private Button btnSignUp;
    private Button btnLinkLogin;
    private RadioGroup genderRadioGroup;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // Progress dialog
        progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(this);

        signupInputName = (EditText) findViewById(;
        signupInputEmail = (EditText) findViewById(;
        signupInputPassword = (EditText) findViewById(;
        signupInputAge = (EditText) findViewById(;

        btnSignUp = (Button) findViewById(;
        btnLinkLogin = (Button) findViewById(;

        genderRadioGroup = (RadioGroup) findViewById(;
        btnSignUp.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {
        btnLinkLogin.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {

                Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(),MainActivity.class);

    private void submitForm() {

        int selectedId = genderRadioGroup.getCheckedRadioButtonId();
        String gender;
        if(selectedId ==
            gender = "Female";
            gender = "Male";


    private void registerUser(final String name,  final String email, final String password,
                              final String gender, final String dob) {
        // Tag used to cancel the request
        String cancel_req_tag = "register";

        progressDialog.setMessage("Adding you ...");

        StringRequest strReq = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST,
                URL_FOR_REGISTRATION, new Response.Listener<String>() {

            public void onResponse(String response) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Register Response: " + response.toString());

                try {
                    JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(response);
                    boolean error = jObj.getBoolean("error");

                    if (!error) {
                        String user = jObj.getJSONObject("user").getString("name");
                        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Hi " + user +", You are successfully Added!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

                        // Launch login activity
                        Intent intent = new Intent(
                    } else {

                        String errorMsg = jObj.getString("error_msg");
                                errorMsg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
                } catch (JSONException e) {

        }, new Response.ErrorListener() {

            public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Registration Error: " + error.getMessage());
                        error.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        }) {
            protected Map<String, String> getParams() {
                // Posting params to register url
                Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
                params.put("name", name);
                params.put("email", email);
                params.put("password", password);
                params.put("gender", gender);
                params.put("age", dob);
                return params;
        // Adding request to request queue
        AppSingleton.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).addToRequestQueue(strReq, cancel_req_tag);

    private void showDialog() {
        if (!progressDialog.isShowing())

    private void hideDialog() {
        if (progressDialog.isShowing())

PHP - Indirect modification of overloaded property

I was receiving this notice for doing this:

$var = reset($myClass->my_magic_property);

This fixed it:

$tmp = $myClass->my_magic_property;
$var = reset($tmp);

How to convert string to boolean php

The answer by @GordonM is good. But it would fail if the $string is already true (ie, the string isn't a string but boolean TRUE)...which seems illogical.

Extending his answer, I'd use:

$test_mode_mail = ($string === 'true' OR $string === true));

Using PHP with

How about this ? PHPSocketio ?? It is a php server side alternative. The event loop is based on pecl event extension. Though haven't tried it myself till now.

How to make a boolean variable switch between true and false every time a method is invoked?

Just toggle each time it is called

this.boolValue = !this.boolValue;

Creating a list of dictionaries results in a list of copies of the same dictionary

You have misunderstood the Python list object. It is similar to a C pointer-array. It does not actually "copy" the object which you append to it. Instead, it just store a "pointer" to that object.

Try the following code:

>>> d={}
>>> dlist=[]
>>> for i in xrange(0,3):

{'data': 0}
{'data': 1}
{'data': 2}
>>> print(dlist)
[{'data': 2}, {'data': 2}, {'data': 2}]

So why is print(dlist) not the same as print(d)?

The following code shows you the reason:

>>> for i in dlist:
    print "the list item point to object:", id(i)

the list item point to object: 47472232
the list item point to object: 47472232
the list item point to object: 47472232

So you can see all the items in the dlist is actually pointing to the same dict object.

The real answer to this question will be to append the "copy" of the target item, by using d.copy().

>>> dlist=[]
>>> for i in xrange(0,3):

{'data': 0}
{'data': 1}
{'data': 2}
>>> print dlist
[{'data': 0}, {'data': 1}, {'data': 2}]

Try the id() trick, you can see the list items actually point to completely different objects.

>>> for i in dlist:
    print "the list item points to object:", id(i)

the list item points to object: 33861576
the list item points to object: 47472520
the list item points to object: 47458120

Datatable date sorting dd/mm/yyyy issue

This solution is completely wrong. You can't convert a date to a number just adding each component of the date. If you try this logic for example with the following dates, you'll see it won't match correctly:

20/01/2014 = 2035 15/02/2014 = 2031

Witch date comes first, ascending? 20 of january? Not according to this logic :P

The correct way of doing the parsedate method is to convert the string to a valid datetime, and them use the getTime function to properly order the table.

var day = a.split('/')[0]
var month = a.split('/')[1]
var year = a.split('/')[2]

var date = new Date(month + "/" + day + "/" + year)
return date.getTime()

How do we check if a pointer is NULL pointer?

The actual representation of a null pointer is irrelevant here. An integer literal with value zero (including 0 and any valid definition of NULL) can be converted to any pointer type, giving a null pointer, whatever the actual representation. So p != NULL, p != 0 and p are all valid tests for a non-null pointer.

You might run into problems with non-zero representations of the null pointer if you wrote something twisted like p != reinterpret_cast<void*>(0), so don't do that.

Although I've just noticed that your question is tagged C as well as C++. My answer refers to C++, and other languages may be different. Which language are you using?

sql query with multiple where statements

Can we see the structure of your table? If I am understanding this, then the assumption made by the query is that a record can be only meta_key - 'lat' or meta_key = 'long' not both because each row only has one meta_key column and can only contain 1 corresponding value, not 2. That would explain why you don't get results when you connect the with an AND; it's impossible.

What is the difference between Serialization and Marshaling?

Marshalling is the rule to tell compiler how the data will be represented on another environment/system; For example;

[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 260)]
public string cFileName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 14)]
public string cAlternateFileName;

as you can see two different string values represented as different value types.

Serialization will only convert object content, not representation (will stay same) and obey rules of serialization, (what to export or no). For example, private values will not be serialized, public values yes and object structure will stay same.

Does C have a "foreach" loop construct?

There is no foreach in C.

You can use a for loop to loop through the data but the length needs to be know or the data needs to be terminated by a know value (eg. null).

char* nullTerm;
nullTerm = "Loop through my characters";

for(;nullTerm != NULL;nullTerm++)
    //nullTerm will now point to the next character.

How do I reflect over the members of dynamic object?

If the IDynamicMetaObjectProvider can provide the dynamic member names, you can get them. See GetMemberNames implementation in the apache licensed PCL library Dynamitey (which can be found in nuget), it works for ExpandoObjects and DynamicObjects that implement GetDynamicMemberNames and any other IDynamicMetaObjectProvider who provides a meta object with an implementation of GetDynamicMemberNames without custom testing beyond is IDynamicMetaObjectProvider.

After getting the member names it's a little more work to get the value the right way, but Impromptu does this but it's harder to point to just the interesting bits and have it make sense. Here's the documentation and it is equal or faster than reflection, however, unlikely to be faster than a dictionary lookup for expando, but it works for any object, expando, dynamic or original - you name it.

The action or event has been blocked by Disabled Mode

I solved this with Access options.

Go to the Office Button --> Access Options --> Trust Center --> Trust Center Settings Button --> Message Bar

In the right hand pane I selected the radio button "Show the message bar in all applications when content has been blocked."

Closed Access, reopened the database and got the warning for blocked content again.

Converting from a string to boolean in Python?

If you know that your input will be either "True" or "False" then why not use:

def bool_convert(s):
    return s == "True"

'Conda' is not recognized as internal or external command

If you don't want to add Anaconda to env. path and you are using Windows try this:

  • Open cmd;
  • Type path to your folder instalation. It's something like: C:\Users\your_home folder\Anaconda3\Scripts
  • Test Anaconda, for exemple type conda --version.
  • Update Anaconda: conda update conda or conda update --all or conda update anaconda.

Update Spyder:

  • conda update qt pyqt
  • conda update spyder

Sending emails through SMTP with PHPMailer

Yes, you need OpenSSL to work correctly. My backup testing site worked, my live server didn't. Difference? Live server didn't have OpenSSL within PHP configuration.

Capitalize first letter. MySQL

UPDATE tb_Company SET CompanyIndustry = UCASE(LEFT(CompanyIndustry, 1)) + 
SUBSTRING(CompanyIndustry, 2, LEN(CompanyIndustry))

How to use DbContext.Database.SqlQuery<TElement>(sql, params) with stored procedure? EF Code First CTP5

I use this method:

var results = this.Database.SqlQuery<yourEntity>("EXEC [ent].[GetNextExportJob] {0}", ProcessorID);

I like it because I just drop in Guids and Datetimes and SqlQuery performs all the formatting for me.

How to find value using key in javascript dictionary

Arrays in JavaScript don't use strings as keys. You will probably find that the value is there, but the key is an integer.

If you make Dict into an object, this will work:

var dict = {};
var addPair = function (myKey, myValue) {
    dict[myKey] = myValue;
var giveValue = function (myKey) {
    return dict[myKey];

The myKey variable is already a string, so you don't need more quotes.

How to import a new font into a project - Angular 5

the answer is already exist above, but I would like to add some thing.. you can specify the following in your @font-face

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Name You Font';
  src: url('assets/font/xxyourfontxxx.eot');
  src: local('Cera Pro Medium'), local('CeraPro-Medium'),
  url('assets/font/xxyourfontxxx.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
  url('assets/font/xxyourfontxxx.woff') format('woff'),
  url('assets/font/xxyourfontxxx.ttf') format('truetype');
  font-weight: 500;
  font-style: normal;

So you can just indicate your fontfamily name that you already choosed

NOTE: the font-weight and font-style depend on your .woff .ttf ... files

Missing maven .m2 folder

Is there some command to create this folder?

If smb face this issue again, you should know the most simple way to create .m2 folder.
If you unzipped maven and set up maven path variable - just try mvn clean command from anywhere you like!
Dont be afraid of error messages when running - it works and creates needed directory.

Can you delete multiple branches in one command with Git?


git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' 'refs/heads/3.2.*' |
   xargs git branch -D

How to refer to relative paths of resources when working with a code repository

You can use the build in __file__ variable. It contains the path of the current file. I would implement getBaseOfProject in a module in the root of your project. There I would get the path part of __file__ and would return that. This method can then be used everywhere in your project.

SQL order string as number

Another and simple way

ORDER BY ABS(column_name)

Spring MVC UTF-8 Encoding

Make sure you register Spring's CharacterEncodingFilter in your web.xml (must be the first filter in that file).


If you are on Tomcat you might not have set the URIEncoding in your server.xml. If you don't set it to UTF-8 it won't work. Definitely keep the CharacterEncodingFilter. Nevertheless, here's a concise checklist to follow. It will definitely guide you to make this work.

Get current index from foreach loop

IEnumerable list = DataGridDetail.ItemsSource as IEnumerable;
List<string> lstFile = new List<string>();

int i = 0;
foreach (var row in list)
bool IsChecked = (bool)((CheckBox)DataGridDetail.Columns[0].GetCellContent(row)).IsChecked;
if (IsChecked)
--Here i want to get the index or current row from the list                   


Executing <script> injected by innerHTML after AJAX call

If you are injecting something that needs the script tag, you may get an uncaught syntax error and say illegal token. To avoid this, be sure to escape the forward slashes in your closing script tag(s). ie;

var output += '<\/script>';

Same goes for any closing tags, such as a form tag.

How to use moment.js library in angular 2 typescript app?

--- Update 11/01/2017

Typings is now deprecated and it was replaced by npm @types. From now on getting type declarations will require no tools apart from npm. To use Moment you won't need to install the type definitions through @types because Moment already provides its own type definitions.

So, it reduces to just 3 steps:

1 - Install moment which includes the type definitions:

npm install moment --save

2 - Add the script tag in your HTML file:

<script src="node_modules/moment/moment.js" />

3 - Now you can just use it. Period.

today: string = moment().format('D MMM YYYY');

--- Original answer

This can be done in just 3 steps:

1 - Install moment definition - *.d.ts file:

typings install --save --global dt~moment dt~moment-node

2 - Add the script tag in your HTML file:

<script src="node_modules/moment/moment.js" />

3 - Now you can just use it. Period.

today: string = moment().format('D MMM YYYY');

Total Number of Row Resultset getRow Method

BalusC's answer is right! but I have to mention according to the user instance variable such as:

total = rSet.getRow();

and then which you are missing


the remaining code is same you will get your desire result.

Injection of autowired dependencies failed;

public class Organization {

    private int id;

    private String name;

    private String address1;

    private String address2;

    private String city;

    private String state;

    private String country;

    private int pkgId;

    public int getPkgId() {
        return pkgId;

    public void setPkgId(int pkgId) {
        this.pkgId = pkgId;

    public String getCountry() {
        return country;

    public void setCountry(String country) { = country;

    private String pincode;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "organization", cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    private Set<OrganizationBranch> organizationBranch = new HashSet<OrganizationBranch>(0);

    private String status = "ACTIVE";

    private int redmineProjectId;

    public int getRedmineProjectId() {
        return redmineProjectId;

    public void setRedmineProjectId(int redmineProjectId) {
        this.redmineProjectId = redmineProjectId;

    public String getStatus() {
        return status;

    public void setStatus(String status) {
        this.status = status;

    public Set<OrganizationBranch> getOrganizationBranch() {
        return organizationBranch;

    public void setOrganizationBranch(Set<OrganizationBranch> organizationBranch) {
        this.organizationBranch = organizationBranch;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(int id) { = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String getAddress1() {
        return address1;

    public void setAddress1(String address1) {
        this.address1 = address1;

    public String getAddress2() {
        return address2;

    public void setAddress2(String address2) {
        this.address2 = address2;

    public String getCity() {
        return city;

    public void setCity(String city) { = city;

    public String getState() {
        return state;

    public void setState(String state) {
        this.state = state;

    public String getPincode() {
        return pincode;

    public void setPincode(String pincode) {
        this.pincode = pincode;

You change the private int pkgId line in change datatype int to primitive class name or add annotation @autowired

How do I prevent site scraping?

Note: Since the complete version of this answer exceeds Stack Overflow's length limit, you'll need to head to GitHub to read the extended version, with more tips and details.

In order to hinder scraping (also known as Webscraping, Screenscraping, Web data mining, Web harvesting, or Web data extraction), it helps to know how these scrapers work, and , by extension, what prevents them from working well.

There's various types of scraper, and each works differently:

  • Spiders, such as Google's bot or website copiers like HTtrack, which recursively follow links to other pages in order to get data. These are sometimes used for targeted scraping to get specific data, often in combination with a HTML parser to extract the desired data from each page.

  • Shell scripts: Sometimes, common Unix tools are used for scraping: Wget or Curl to download pages, and Grep (Regex) to extract the data.

  • HTML parsers, such as ones based on Jsoup, Scrapy, and others. Similar to shell-script regex based ones, these work by extracting data from pages based on patterns in HTML, usually ignoring everything else.

    For example: If your website has a search feature, such a scraper might submit a request for a search, and then get all the result links and their titles from the results page HTML, in order to specifically get only search result links and their titles. These are the most common.

  • Screenscrapers, based on eg. Selenium or PhantomJS, which open your website in a real browser, run JavaScript, AJAX, and so on, and then get the desired text from the webpage, usually by:

    • Getting the HTML from the browser after your page has been loaded and JavaScript has run, and then using a HTML parser to extract the desired data. These are the most common, and so many of the methods for breaking HTML parsers / scrapers also work here.

    • Taking a screenshot of the rendered pages, and then using OCR to extract the desired text from the screenshot. These are rare, and only dedicated scrapers who really want your data will set this up.

  • Webscraping services such as ScrapingHub or Kimono. In fact, there's people whose job is to figure out how to scrape your site and pull out the content for others to use.

    Unsurprisingly, professional scraping services are the hardest to deter, but if you make it hard and time-consuming to figure out how to scrape your site, these (and people who pay them to do so) may not be bothered to scrape your website.

  • Embedding your website in other site's pages with frames, and embedding your site in mobile apps.

    While not technically scraping, mobile apps (Android and iOS) can embed websites, and inject custom CSS and JavaScript, thus completely changing the appearance of your pages.

  • Human copy - paste: People will copy and paste your content in order to use it elsewhere.

There is a lot overlap between these different kinds of scraper, and many scrapers will behave similarly, even if they use different technologies and methods.

These tips mostly my own ideas, various difficulties that I've encountered while writing scrapers, as well as bits of information and ideas from around the interwebs.

How to stop scraping

You can't completely prevent it, since whatever you do, determined scrapers can still figure out how to scrape. However, you can stop a lot of scraping by doing a few things:

Monitor your logs & traffic patterns; limit access if you see unusual activity:

Check your logs regularly, and in case of unusual activity indicative of automated access (scrapers), such as many similar actions from the same IP address, you can block or limit access.

Specifically, some ideas:

  • Rate limiting:

    Only allow users (and scrapers) to perform a limited number of actions in a certain time - for example, only allow a few searches per second from any specific IP address or user. This will slow down scrapers, and make them ineffective. You could also show a captcha if actions are completed too fast or faster than a real user would.

  • Detect unusual activity:

    If you see unusual activity, such as many similar requests from a specific IP address, someone looking at an excessive number of pages or performing an unusual number of searches, you can prevent access, or show a captcha for subsequent requests.

  • Don't just monitor & rate limit by IP address - use other indicators too:

    If you do block or rate limit, don't just do it on a per-IP address basis; you can use other indicators and methods to identify specific users or scrapers. Some indicators which can help you identify specific users / scrapers include:

    • How fast users fill out forms, and where on a button they click;

    • You can gather a lot of information with JavaScript, such as screen size / resolution, timezone, installed fonts, etc; you can use this to identify users.

    • HTTP headers and their order, especially User-Agent.

    As an example, if you get many request from a single IP address, all using the same User Agent, screen size (determined with JavaScript), and the user (scraper in this case) always clicks on the button in the same way and at regular intervals, it's probably a screen scraper; and you can temporarily block similar requests (eg. block all requests with that user agent and screen size coming from that particular IP address), and this way you won't inconvenience real users on that IP address, eg. in case of a shared internet connection.

    You can also take this further, as you can identify similar requests, even if they come from different IP addresses, indicative of distributed scraping (a scraper using a botnet or a network of proxies). If you get a lot of otherwise identical requests, but they come from different IP addresses, you can block. Again, be aware of not inadvertently blocking real users.

    This can be effective against screenscrapers which run JavaScript, as you can get a lot of information from them.

    Related questions on Security Stack Exchange:

  • Instead of temporarily blocking access, use a Captcha:

    The simple way to implement rate-limiting would be to temporarily block access for a certain amount of time, however using a Captcha may be better, see the section on Captchas further down.

Require registration & login

Require account creation in order to view your content, if this is feasible for your site. This is a good deterrent for scrapers, but is also a good deterrent for real users.

  • If you require account creation and login, you can accurately track user and scraper actions. This way, you can easily detect when a specific account is being used for scraping, and ban it. Things like rate limiting or detecting abuse (such as a huge number of searches in a short time) become easier, as you can identify specific scrapers instead of just IP addresses.

In order to avoid scripts creating many accounts, you should:

  • Require an email address for registration, and verify that email address by sending a link that must be opened in order to activate the account. Allow only one account per email address.

  • Require a captcha to be solved during registration / account creation.

Requiring account creation to view content will drive users and search engines away; if you require account creation in order to view an article, users will go elsewhere.

Block access from cloud hosting and scraping service IP addresses

Sometimes, scrapers will be run from web hosting services, such as Amazon Web Services or GAE, or VPSes. Limit access to your website (or show a captcha) for requests originating from the IP addresses used by such cloud hosting services.

Similarly, you can also limit access from IP addresses used by proxy or VPN providers, as scrapers may use such proxy servers to avoid many requests being detected.

Beware that by blocking access from proxy servers and VPNs, you will negatively affect real users.

Make your error message nondescript if you do block

If you do block / limit access, you should ensure that you don't tell the scraper what caused the block, thereby giving them clues as to how to fix their scraper. So a bad idea would be to show error pages with text like:

  • Too many requests from your IP address, please try again later.

  • Error, User Agent header not present !

Instead, show a friendly error message that doesn't tell the scraper what caused it. Something like this is much better:

  • Sorry, something went wrong. You can contact support via [email protected], should the problem persist.

This is also a lot more user friendly for real users, should they ever see such an error page. You should also consider showing a captcha for subsequent requests instead of a hard block, in case a real user sees the error message, so that you don't block and thus cause legitimate users to contact you.

Use Captchas if you suspect that your website is being accessed by a scraper.

Captchas ("Completely Automated Test to Tell Computers and Humans apart") are very effective against stopping scrapers. Unfortunately, they are also very effective at irritating users.

As such, they are useful when you suspect a possible scraper, and want to stop the scraping, without also blocking access in case it isn't a scraper but a real user. You might want to consider showing a captcha before allowing access to the content if you suspect a scraper.

Things to be aware of when using Captchas:

  • Don't roll your own, use something like Google's reCaptcha : It's a lot easier than implementing a captcha yourself, it's more user-friendly than some blurry and warped text solution you might come up with yourself (users often only need to tick a box), and it's also a lot harder for a scripter to solve than a simple image served from your site

  • Don't include the solution to the captcha in the HTML markup: I've actually seen one website which had the solution for the captcha in the page itself, (although quite well hidden) thus making it pretty useless. Don't do something like this. Again, use a service like reCaptcha, and you won't have this kind of problem (if you use it properly).

  • Captchas can be solved in bulk: There are captcha-solving services where actual, low-paid, humans solve captchas in bulk. Again, using reCaptcha is a good idea here, as they have protections (such as the relatively short time the user has in order to solve the captcha). This kind of service is unlikely to be used unless your data is really valuable.

Serve your text content as an image

You can render text into an image server-side, and serve that to be displayed, which will hinder simple scrapers extracting text.

However, this is bad for screen readers, search engines, performance, and pretty much everything else. It's also illegal in some places (due to accessibility, eg. the Americans with Disabilities Act), and it's also easy to circumvent with some OCR, so don't do it.

You can do something similar with CSS sprites, but that suffers from the same problems.

Don't expose your complete dataset:

If feasible, don't provide a way for a script / bot to get all of your dataset. As an example: You have a news site, with lots of individual articles. You could make those articles be only accessible by searching for them via the on site search, and, if you don't have a list of all the articles on the site and their URLs anywhere, those articles will be only accessible by using the search feature. This means that a script wanting to get all the articles off your site will have to do searches for all possible phrases which may appear in your articles in order to find them all, which will be time-consuming, horribly inefficient, and will hopefully make the scraper give up.

This will be ineffective if:

  • The bot / script does not want / need the full dataset anyway.
  • Your articles are served from a URL which looks something like This (and similar things) which will allow scrapers to simply iterate over all the articleIds and request all the articles that way.
  • There are other ways to eventually find all the articles, such as by writing a script to follow links within articles which lead to other articles.
  • Searching for something like "and" or "the" can reveal almost everything, so that is something to be aware of. (You can avoid this by only returning the top 10 or 20 results).
  • You need search engines to find your content.

Don't expose your APIs, endpoints, and similar things:

Make sure you don't expose any APIs, even unintentionally. For example, if you are using AJAX or network requests from within Adobe Flash or Java Applets (God forbid!) to load your data it is trivial to look at the network requests from the page and figure out where those requests are going to, and then reverse engineer and use those endpoints in a scraper program. Make sure you obfuscate your endpoints and make them hard for others to use, as described.

To deter HTML parsers and scrapers:

Since HTML parsers work by extracting content from pages based on identifiable patterns in the HTML, we can intentionally change those patterns in oder to break these scrapers, or even screw with them. Most of these tips also apply to other scrapers like spiders and screenscrapers too.

Frequently change your HTML

Scrapers which process HTML directly do so by extracting contents from specific, identifiable parts of your HTML page. For example: If all pages on your website have a div with an id of article-content, which contains the text of the article, then it is trivial to write a script to visit all the article pages on your site, and extract the content text of the article-content div on each article page, and voilà, the scraper has all the articles from your site in a format that can be reused elsewhere.

If you change the HTML and the structure of your pages frequently, such scrapers will no longer work.

  • You can frequently change the id's and classes of elements in your HTML, perhaps even automatically. So, if your div.article-content becomes something like div.a4c36dda13eaf0, and changes every week, the scraper will work fine initially, but will break after a week. Make sure to change the length of your ids / classes too, otherwise the scraper will use div.[any-14-characters] to find the desired div instead. Beware of other similar holes too..

  • If there is no way to find the desired content from the markup, the scraper will do so from the way the HTML is structured. So, if all your article pages are similar in that every div inside a div which comes after a h1 is the article content, scrapers will get the article content based on that. Again, to break this, you can add / remove extra markup to your HTML, periodically and randomly, eg. adding extra divs or spans. With modern server side HTML processing, this should not be too hard.

Things to be aware of:

  • It will be tedious and difficult to implement, maintain, and debug.

  • You will hinder caching. Especially if you change ids or classes of your HTML elements, this will require corresponding changes in your CSS and JavaScript files, which means that every time you change them, they will have to be re-downloaded by the browser. This will result in longer page load times for repeat visitors, and increased server load. If you only change it once a week, it will not be a big problem.

  • Clever scrapers will still be able to get your content by inferring where the actual content is, eg. by knowing that a large single block of text on the page is likely to be the actual article. This makes it possible to still find & extract the desired data from the page. Boilerpipe does exactly this.

Essentially, make sure that it is not easy for a script to find the actual, desired content for every similar page.

See also How to prevent crawlers depending on XPath from getting page contents for details on how this can be implemented in PHP.

Change your HTML based on the user's location

This is sort of similar to the previous tip. If you serve different HTML based on your user's location / country (determined by IP address), this may break scrapers which are delivered to users. For example, if someone is writing a mobile app which scrapes data from your site, it will work fine initially, but break when it's actually distributed to users, as those users may be in a different country, and thus get different HTML, which the embedded scraper was not designed to consume.

Frequently change your HTML, actively screw with the scrapers by doing so !

An example: You have a search feature on your website, located at, which returns the following HTML:

<div class="search-result">
  <h3 class="search-result-title">Stack Overflow has become the world's most popular programming Q & A website</h3>
  <p class="search-result-excerpt">The website Stack Overflow has now become the most popular programming Q & A website, with 10 million questions and many users, which...</p>
  <a class"search-result-link" href="/stories/story-link">Read more</a>
(And so on, lots more identically structured divs with search results)

As you may have guessed this is easy to scrape: all a scraper needs to do is hit the search URL with a query, and extract the desired data from the returned HTML. In addition to periodically changing the HTML as described above, you could also leave the old markup with the old ids and classes in, hide it with CSS, and fill it with fake data, thereby poisoning the scraper. Here's how the search results page could be changed:

<div class="the-real-search-result">
  <h3 class="the-real-search-result-title">Stack Overflow has become the world's most popular programming Q & A website</h3>
  <p class="the-real-search-result-excerpt">The website Stack Overflow has now become the most popular programming Q & A website, with 10 million questions and many users, which...</p>
  <a class"the-real-search-result-link" href="/stories/story-link">Read more</a>

<div class="search-result" style="display:none">
  <h3 class="search-result-title">Visit now, for all the latest Stack Overflow related news !</h3>
  <p class="search-result-excerpt"> is so awesome, visit now !</p>
  <a class"search-result-link" href="">Visit Now !</a>
(More real search results follow)

This will mean that scrapers written to extract data from the HTML based on classes or IDs will continue to seemingly work, but they will get fake data or even ads, data which real users will never see, as they're hidden with CSS.

Screw with the scraper: Insert fake, invisible honeypot data into your page

Adding on to the previous example, you can add invisible honeypot items to your HTML to catch scrapers. An example which could be added to the previously described search results page:

<div class="search-result" style="display:none">
  <h3 class="search-result-title">This search result is here to prevent scraping</h3>
  <p class="search-result-excerpt">If you're a human and see this, please ignore it. If you're a scraper, please click the link below :-)
  Note that clicking the link below will block access to this site for 24 hours.</p>
  <a class"search-result-link" href="/scrapertrap/scrapertrap.php">I'm a scraper !</a>
(The actual, real, search results follow.)

A scraper written to get all the search results will pick this up, just like any of the other, real search results on the page, and visit the link, looking for the desired content. A real human will never even see it in the first place (due to it being hidden with CSS), and won't visit the link. A genuine and desirable spider such as Google's will not visit the link either because you disallowed /scrapertrap/ in your robots.txt.

You can make your scrapertrap.php do something like block access for the IP address that visited it or force a captcha for all subsequent requests from that IP.

  • Don't forget to disallow your honeypot (/scrapertrap/) in your robots.txt file so that search engine bots don't fall into it.

  • You can / should combine this with the previous tip of changing your HTML frequently.

  • Change this frequently too, as scrapers will eventually learn to avoid it. Change the honeypot URL and text. Also want to consider changing the inline CSS used for hiding, and use an ID attribute and external CSS instead, as scrapers will learn to avoid anything which has a style attribute with CSS used to hide the content. Also try only enabling it sometimes, so the scraper works initially, but breaks after a while. This also applies to the previous tip.

  • Malicious people can prevent access for real users by sharing a link to your honeypot, or even embedding that link somewhere as an image (eg. on a forum). Change the URL frequently, and make any ban times relatively short.

Serve fake and useless data if you detect a scraper

If you detect what is obviously a scraper, you can serve up fake and useless data; this will corrupt the data the scraper gets from your website. You should also make it impossible to distinguish such fake data from real data, so that scrapers don't know that they're being screwed with.

As an example: you have a news website; if you detect a scraper, instead of blocking access, serve up fake, randomly generated articles, and this will poison the data the scraper gets. If you make your fake data indistinguishable from the real thing, you'll make it hard for scrapers to get what they want, namely the actual, real data.

Don't accept requests if the User Agent is empty / missing

Often, lazily written scrapers will not send a User Agent header with their request, whereas all browsers as well as search engine spiders will.

If you get a request where the User Agent header is not present, you can show a captcha, or simply block or limit access. (Or serve fake data as described above, or something else..)

It's trivial to spoof, but as a measure against poorly written scrapers it is worth implementing.

Don't accept requests if the User Agent is a common scraper one; blacklist ones used by scrapers

In some cases, scrapers will use a User Agent which no real browser or search engine spider uses, such as:

  • "Mozilla" (Just that, nothing else. I've seen a few questions about scraping here, using that. A real browser will never use only that)
  • "Java 1.7.43_u43" (By default, Java's HttpUrlConnection uses something like this.)
  • "BIZCO EasyScraping Studio 2.0"
  • "wget", "curl", "libcurl",.. (Wget and cURL are sometimes used for basic scraping)

If you find that a specific User Agent string is used by scrapers on your site, and it is not used by real browsers or legitimate spiders, you can also add it to your blacklist.

If it doesn't request assets (CSS, images), it's not a real browser.

A real browser will (almost always) request and download assets such as images and CSS. HTML parsers and scrapers won't as they are only interested in the actual pages and their content.

You could log requests to your assets, and if you see lots of requests for only the HTML, it may be a scraper.

Beware that search engine bots, ancient mobile devices, screen readers and misconfigured devices may not request assets either.

Use and require cookies; use them to track user and scraper actions.

You can require cookies to be enabled in order to view your website. This will deter inexperienced and newbie scraper writers, however it is easy to for a scraper to send cookies. If you do use and require them, you can track user and scraper actions with them, and thus implement rate-limiting, blocking, or showing captchas on a per-user instead of a per-IP basis.

For example: when the user performs search, set a unique identifying cookie. When the results pages are viewed, verify that cookie. If the user opens all the search results (you can tell from the cookie), then it's probably a scraper.

Using cookies may be ineffective, as scrapers can send the cookies with their requests too, and discard them as needed. You will also prevent access for real users who have cookies disabled, if your site only works with cookies.

Note that if you use JavaScript to set and retrieve the cookie, you'll block scrapers which don't run JavaScript, since they can't retrieve and send the cookie with their request.

Use JavaScript + Ajax to load your content

You could use JavaScript + AJAX to load your content after the page itself loads. This will make the content inaccessible to HTML parsers which do not run JavaScript. This is often an effective deterrent to newbie and inexperienced programmers writing scrapers.

Be aware of:

  • Using JavaScript to load the actual content will degrade user experience and performance

  • Search engines may not run JavaScript either, thus preventing them from indexing your content. This may not be a problem for search results pages, but may be for other things, such as article pages.

Obfuscate your markup, network requests from scripts, and everything else.

If you use Ajax and JavaScript to load your data, obfuscate the data which is transferred. As an example, you could encode your data on the server (with something as simple as base64 or more complex), and then decode and display it on the client, after fetching via Ajax. This will mean that someone inspecting network traffic will not immediately see how your page works and loads data, and it will be tougher for someone to directly request request data from your endpoints, as they will have to reverse-engineer your descrambling algorithm.

  • If you do use Ajax for loading the data, you should make it hard to use the endpoints without loading the page first, eg by requiring some session key as a parameter, which you can embed in your JavaScript or your HTML.

  • You can also embed your obfuscated data directly in the initial HTML page and use JavaScript to deobfuscate and display it, which would avoid the extra network requests. Doing this will make it significantly harder to extract the data using a HTML-only parser which does not run JavaScript, as the one writing the scraper will have to reverse engineer your JavaScript (which you should obfuscate too).

  • You might want to change your obfuscation methods regularly, to break scrapers who have figured it out.

There are several disadvantages to doing something like this, though:

  • It will be tedious and difficult to implement, maintain, and debug.

  • It will be ineffective against scrapers and screenscrapers which actually run JavaScript and then extract the data. (Most simple HTML parsers don't run JavaScript though)

  • It will make your site nonfunctional for real users if they have JavaScript disabled.

  • Performance and page-load times will suffer.


  • Tell people not to scrape, and some will respect it

  • Find a lawyer

  • Make your data available, provide an API:

    You could make your data easily available and require attribution and a link back to your site. Perhaps charge $$$ for it.


  • There are also commercial scraping protection services, such as the anti-scraping by Cloudflare or Distill Networks (Details on how it works here), which do these things, and more for you.

  • Find a balance between usability for real users and scraper-proofness: Everything you do will impact user experience negatively in one way or another, find compromises.

  • Don't forget your mobile site and apps. If you have a mobile app, that can be screenscraped too, and network traffic can be inspected to determine the REST endpoints it uses.

  • Scrapers can scrape other scrapers: If there's one website which has content scraped from yours, other scrapers can scrape from that scraper's website.

Further reading:

How to test if list element exists?

Use purrr::has_element to check against the value of a list element:

> x <- list(c(1, 2), c(3, 4))
> purrr::has_element(x, c(3, 4))
[1] TRUE
> purrr::has_element(x, c(3, 5))

Maximum on http header values?

HTTP does not place a predefined limit on the length of each header field or on the length of the header section as a whole, as described in Section 2.5. Various ad hoc limitations on individual header field length are found in practice, often depending on the specific field semantics.

HTTP Header values are restricted by server implementations. Http specification doesn't restrict header size.

A server that receives a request header field, or set of fields, larger than it wishes to process MUST respond with an appropriate 4xx (Client Error) status code. Ignoring such header fields would increase the server's vulnerability to request smuggling attacks (Section 9.5).

Most servers will return 413 Entity Too Large or appropriate 4xx error when this happens.

A client MAY discard or truncate received header fields that are larger than the client wishes to process if the field semantics are such that the dropped value(s) can be safely ignored without changing the message framing or response semantics.

Uncapped HTTP header size keeps the server exposed to attacks and can bring down its capacity to serve organic traffic.


Node.js Web Application examples/tutorials

DailyJS has a good tutorial (long series of 24 posts) that walks you through all the aspects of building a notepad app (including all the possible extras).

Heres an overview of the tutorial:

And heres a link to all the posts:

Sending an Intent to browser to open specific URL

The shortest version.

startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("")));

Creating an iframe with given HTML dynamically

Do this

var el = document.getElementById('targetFrame');

var frame_win = getIframeWindow(el);


getIframeWindow is defined here

function getIframeWindow(iframe_object) {
  var doc;

  if (iframe_object.contentWindow) {
    return iframe_object.contentWindow;

  if (iframe_object.window) {
    return iframe_object.window;

  if (!doc && iframe_object.contentDocument) {
    doc = iframe_object.contentDocument;

  if (!doc && iframe_object.document) {
    doc = iframe_object.document;

  if (doc && doc.defaultView) {
   return doc.defaultView;

  if (doc && doc.parentWindow) {
    return doc.parentWindow;

  return undefined;

Curl and PHP - how can I pass a json through curl by PUT,POST,GET

You can use this small library:

Making a call is as simple as:

// GET
$result = RestCurl::get($URL, array('id' => 12345678));

$result = RestCurl::post($URL, array('name' => 'John'));

// PUT
$result = RestCurl::put($URL, array('$set' => array('lastName' => "Smith")));

$result = RestCurl::delete($URL); 

And for the $result variable:

  • $result['status'] is the HTTP response code
  • $result['data'] an array with the JSON response parsed
  • $result['header'] a string with the response headers

Hope it helps

Remove Project from Android Studio

Or if you don't want to build it just remove it from settings.gradle file

How to get back to most recent version in Git?

You can check out using branch names, for one thing.

I know there are several ways to move the HEAD around, but I'll leave it to a git expert to enumerate them.

I just wanted to suggest gitk --all -- I found it enormously helpful when starting with git.

How to do case insensitive string comparison?

Even this question have already answered. I have a different approach to use RegExp and match to ignore case sensitive. Please see my link


  function guessWord() {

   var letter = $("#guessLetter").val();
   var word = 'ABC';
   var pattern = RegExp(letter, 'gi'); // pattern: /a/gi

   var result = word.match(pattern);
   alert('Ignore case sensitive:' + result);


How to exit from the application and show the home screen?

I did it with observer mode.

Observer interface

public interface Observer {
public void update(Subject subject);

Base Subject

public class Subject {
private List<Observer> observers = new ArrayList<Observer>();

public void attach(Observer observer){

public void detach(Observer observer){

protected void notifyObservers(){
    for(Observer observer : observers){

Child Subject implements the exit method

public class ApplicationSubject extends Subject {
public void exit(){

MyApplication which your application should extends it

public class MyApplication extends Application {

private static ApplicationSubject applicationSubject;

public ApplicationSubject getApplicationSubject() {
            if(applicationSubject == null) applicationSubject = new ApplicationSubject();
    return applicationSubject;


Base Activity

public abstract class BaseActivity extends Activity implements Observer {

public MyApplication app;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    app = (MyApplication) this.getApplication();

public void finish() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

 * exit the app
public void close() {

public void update(Subject subject) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub


let's test it

public class ATestActivity extends BaseActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    close(); //invoke 'close'

Choosing the best concurrency list in Java

If the size of the list if fixed, then you can use an AtomicReferenceArray. This would allow you to perform indexed updates to a slot. You could write a List view if needed.

JIRA JQL searching by date - is there a way of getting Today() (Date) instead of Now() (DateTime)

Just for the sake of keeping the information up-to-date, with at least JIRA 7.3.0 (maybe older as well) you can explicitly specify the date in multiple formats:

  • 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm';
  • 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm';
  • 'yyyy/MM/dd';
  • 'yyyy-MM-dd';
  • period format, e.g. '-5d', '4w 2d'.


updatedDate > '2018/06/09 0:00' and updatedDate < '2018/06/10 15:00'

How do you redirect HTTPS to HTTP?

As far as I'm aware of a simple meta refresh also works without causing errors:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=''">

How to set editor theme in IntelliJ Idea

IntelliJ IDEA seems to have reorganized the configurations panel. Now one should go to Editor -> Color Scheme and click on the gears icon to import the theme they want from external .jar files.

Maven: add a dependency to a jar by relative path

This is another method in addition to my previous answer at Can I add jars to maven 2 build classpath without installing them?

This will get around the limit when using multi-module builds especially if the downloaded JAR is referenced in child projects outside of the parent. This also reduces the setup work by creating the POM and the SHA1 files as part of the build. It also allows the file to reside anywhere in the project without fixing the names or following the maven repository structure.

This uses the maven-install-plugin. For this to work, you need to set up a multi-module project and have a new project representing the build to install files into the local repository and ensure that one is first.

You multi-module project pom.xml would look like this:

<!-- The repository module must be first in order to ensure
     that the local repository is populated -->
    <module>... other modules ...</module>

The repository/pom.xml file will then contain the definitions to load up the JARs that are part of your project. The following are some snippets of the pom.xml file.


The pom packaging prevents this from doing any tests or compile or generating any jar file. The meat of the pom.xml is in the build section where the maven-install-plugin is used.


To install more than one file, just add more executions.

How do I set the version information for an existing .exe, .dll?

the above answer from @DannyBeckett helped me a lot,

I put the following in a batch file & I place it in the same folder where ResourceHacker.exe & the EXE I work on is located & it works excellent. [you may edit it to fit your needs]

    @echo off
    set /p newVersion=Enter version number [?.?.?.?]:
    if "%newVersion%" == "" goto start1
    set /p file=Enter EXE name [for 'program.exe' enter 'program']:
    if "%file%" == "" goto start2
    for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=." %%a in ('echo %newVersion%') do (set ResVersion=%%a,%%b,%%c,%%d)
    echo:    FILEVERSION    %ResVersion%
    echo:    PRODUCTVERSION %ResVersion%
    echo:    BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
    echo:    {
    echo:        BLOCK "040904b0"
    echo:        {
    echo:            VALUE "CompanyName",        "MyCompany\0"
    echo:            VALUE "FileDescription",    "TestFile\0"
    echo:            VALUE "FileVersion",        "%newVersion%\0"
    echo:            VALUE "LegalCopyright",     "COPYRIGHT © 2019 MyCompany\0"
    echo:            VALUE "OriginalFilename",   "%file%.exe\0"
    echo:            VALUE "ProductName",        "Test\0"
    echo:            VALUE "ProductVersion",     "%newVersion%\0"
    echo:        }
    echo:    }
    echo:    BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
    echo:    {
    echo:        VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200
    echo:    }
    ) >Resources.rc     &&      echo setting Resources.rc
    ResourceHacker.exe -open resources.rc -save resources.res -action compile -log CONSOLE
    ResourceHacker -open "%file%.exe" -save "%file%Res.exe" -action addoverwrite -resource "resources.res"  -log CONSOLE
    ResourceHacker.exe -open "%file%Res.exe" -save "%file%Ico.exe" -action addskip -res "%file%.ico" -mask ICONGROUP,MAINICON, -log CONSOLE
    xCopy /y /f "%file%Ico.exe" "%file%.exe"
    echo your compiled file %file%.exe is ready

[as a side note i used resource hacker also to compile the res file, not GoRC]

mongodb how to get max value from collections

Simple Explanation, if you have mongo query Response something like below - and you want only highest value from Array-> "Date"

  "_id": "57ee5a708e117c754915a2a2",
  "TotalWishs": 3,
  "Events": [
  "wish": [
    "Cosmic Eldorado  Mountain Bikes, 26-inch (Grey/White)",
    "Asics Men's Gel-Nimbus 18 Black, Snow and Fiery Red Running Shoes - 10 UK/India (45 EU) (11 US)",
    "Suunto Digital Black Dial Unisex Watch - SS018734000"
  "Date": [
  "UserDetails": [
      "createdAt": "2016-09-30T12:28:32.773Z",
      "jeenesFriends": [
      "userImage": "user_profile/Male.png",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "fullName": "Roopak Kapoor"


***Then you have add

Latest_Wish_CreatedDate: { $max: "$Date"},

somthing like below-

                $project : { _id: 1,
                             TotalWishs : 1 ,
                              wish:1 ,
                               Latest_Wish_CreatedDate: { $max: "$Date"},

And Final Query Response will be below

  "_id": "57ee5a708e117c754915a2a2",
  "TotalWishs": 3,
  "Events": [
  "wish": [
    "Cosmic Eldorado  Mountain Bikes, 26-inch (Grey/White)",
    "Asics Men's Gel-Nimbus 18 Black, Snow and Fiery Red Running Shoes - 10 UK/India (45 EU) (11 US)",
    "Suunto Digital Black Dial Unisex Watch - SS018734000"
  "Wish_CreatedDate": [
  "UserDetails": [
      "createdAt": "2016-09-30T12:28:32.773Z",
      "jeenesFriends": [
      "userImage": "user_profile/Male.png",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "fullName": "Roopak Kapoor"
  "Latest_Wish_CreatedDate": "2017-03-05T00:00:00.000Z"

Specify an SSH key for git push for a given domain

If using Git's version of ssh on windows, the identity file line in the ssh config looks like

IdentityFile /c/Users/Whoever/.ssh/id_rsa.alice

where /c is for c:

To check, in git's bash do

cd ~/.ssh

Which encoding opens CSV files correctly with Excel on both Mac and Windows?

Excel Encodings

I found the WINDOWS-1252 encoding to be the least frustrating when dealing with Excel. Since its basically Microsofts own proprietary character set, one can assume it will work on both the Mac and the Windows version of MS-Excel. Both versions at least include a corresponding "File origin" or "File encoding" selector which correctly reads the data.

Depending on your system and the tools you use, this encoding could also be named CP1252, ANSI, Windows (ANSI), MS-ANSI or just Windows, among other variations.

This encoding is a superset of ISO-8859-1 (aka LATIN1 and others), so you can fallback to ISO-8859-1 if you cannot use WINDOWS-1252 for some reason. Be advised that ISO-8859-1 is missing some characters from WINDOWS-1252 as shown here:

| Char | ANSI | Unicode | ANSI Hex | Unicode Hex | HTML entity | Unicode Name                               | Unicode Range            |
| €    | 128  | 8364    | 0x80     | U+20AC      | &euro;      | euro sign                                  | Currency Symbols         |
| ‚    | 130  | 8218    | 0x82     | U+201A      | &sbquo;     | single low-9 quotation mark                | General Punctuation      |
| ƒ    | 131  | 402     | 0x83     | U+0192      | &fnof;      | Latin small letter f with hook             | Latin Extended-B         |
| „    | 132  | 8222    | 0x84     | U+201E      | &bdquo;     | double low-9 quotation mark                | General Punctuation      |
| …    | 133  | 8230    | 0x85     | U+2026      | &hellip;    | horizontal ellipsis                        | General Punctuation      |
| †    | 134  | 8224    | 0x86     | U+2020      | &dagger;    | dagger                                     | General Punctuation      |
| ‡    | 135  | 8225    | 0x87     | U+2021      | &Dagger;    | double dagger                              | General Punctuation      |
| ˆ    | 136  | 710     | 0x88     | U+02C6      | &circ;      | modifier letter circumflex accent          | Spacing Modifier Letters |
| ‰    | 137  | 8240    | 0x89     | U+2030      | &permil;    | per mille sign                             | General Punctuation      |
| Š    | 138  | 352     | 0x8A     | U+0160      | &Scaron;    | Latin capital letter S with caron          | Latin Extended-A         |
| ‹    | 139  | 8249    | 0x8B     | U+2039      | &lsaquo;    | single left-pointing angle quotation mark  | General Punctuation      |
| Π   | 140  | 338     | 0x8C     | U+0152      | &OElig;     | Latin capital ligature OE                  | Latin Extended-A         |
| Ž    | 142  | 381     | 0x8E     | U+017D      |             | Latin capital letter Z with caron          | Latin Extended-A         |
| ‘    | 145  | 8216    | 0x91     | U+2018      | &lsquo;     | left single quotation mark                 | General Punctuation      |
| ’    | 146  | 8217    | 0x92     | U+2019      | &rsquo;     | right single quotation mark                | General Punctuation      |
| “    | 147  | 8220    | 0x93     | U+201C      | &ldquo;     | left double quotation mark                 | General Punctuation      |
| ”    | 148  | 8221    | 0x94     | U+201D      | &rdquo;     | right double quotation mark                | General Punctuation      |
| •    | 149  | 8226    | 0x95     | U+2022      | &bull;      | bullet                                     | General Punctuation      |
| –    | 150  | 8211    | 0x96     | U+2013      | &ndash;     | en dash                                    | General Punctuation      |
| —    | 151  | 8212    | 0x97     | U+2014      | &mdash;     | em dash                                    | General Punctuation      |
| ˜    | 152  | 732     | 0x98     | U+02DC      | &tilde;     | small tilde                                | Spacing Modifier Letters |
| ™    | 153  | 8482    | 0x99     | U+2122      | &trade;     | trade mark sign                            | Letterlike Symbols       |
| š    | 154  | 353     | 0x9A     | U+0161      | &scaron;    | Latin small letter s with caron            | Latin Extended-A         |
| ›    | 155  | 8250    | 0x9B     | U+203A      | &rsaquo;    | single right-pointing angle quotation mark | General Punctuation      |
| œ    | 156  | 339     | 0x9C     | U+0153      | &oelig;     | Latin small ligature oe                    | Latin Extended-A         |
| ž    | 158  | 382     | 0x9E     | U+017E      |             | Latin small letter z with caron            | Latin Extended-A         |
| Ÿ    | 159  | 376     | 0x9F     | U+0178      | &Yuml;      | Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis      | Latin Extended-A         |

Note that the euro sign is missing. This table can be found at Alan Wood.


Conversion is done differently in every tool and language. However, suppose you have a file query_result.csv which you know is UTF-8 encoded. Convert it to WINDOWS-1252 using iconv:

iconv -f UTF-8 -t WINDOWS-1252 query_result.csv > query_result-win.csv

Why is the GETDATE() an invalid identifier

I think you want SYSDATE, not GETDATE(). Try it:


How to refresh Gridview after pressed a button in

Before data bind change gridview databinding method, assign GridView.EditIndex to -1. It solved the same issue for me :

 gvTypes.EditIndex = -1;

gvTypes is my GridView ID.

In Oracle, is it possible to INSERT or UPDATE a record through a view?

YES, you can Update and Insert into view and that edit will be reflected on the original table....
1-the view should have all the NOT NULL values on the table
2-the update should have the same rules as table... "updating primary key related to other foreign key.. etc"...

How to setup Main class in manifest file in jar produced by NetBeans project

This is a problem still as of 7.2.1 . Create a library cause you do not know what it will do if you make it an application & you are screwed.

Did find how to fix this though. Edit nbproject/, change the following line to false as shown:


After this you can change the main class in properties and it will be reflected in manifest.

Adding 30 minutes to time formatted as H:i in PHP

Your current solution does not work because $time is a string - it needs to be a Unix timestamp. You can do this instead:

$unix_time = strtotime('January 1 2010 '.$time); // create a unix timestamp
$startTime date( "H:i", strtotime('-30 minutes', $unix_time) );
$endTime date( "H:i", strtotime('+30 minutes', $unix_time) );

Compiling with g++ using multiple cores

People have mentioned make but bjam also supports a similar concept. Using bjam -jx instructs bjam to build up to x concurrent commands.

We use the same build scripts on Windows and Linux and using this option halves our build times on both platforms. Nice.

Python Requests throwing SSLError

Too late to the party I guess but I wanted to paste the fix for fellow wanderers like myself! So the following worked out for me on Python 3.7.x

Type the following in your terminal

pip install --upgrade certifi      # hold your breath..

Try running your script/requests again and see if it works (I'm sure it won't be fixed yet!). If it didn't work then try running the following command in the terminal directly

open /Applications/Python\ 3.6/Install\ Certificates.command  # please replace 3.6 here with your suitable python version

Making HTML page zoom by default

A better solution is not to make your page dependable on zoom settings. If you set limits like the one you are proposing, you are limiting accessibility. If someone cannot read your text well, they just won't be able to change that. I would use proper CSS to make it look nice in any zoom.

If your really insist, take a look at this question on how to detect zoom level using JavaScript (nightmare!): How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers?

Convert Base64 string to an image file?

$image_no="5";//or Anything You Need
$image = $_POST['image'];
$path = "uploads/".$image_no.".png";

$status = file_put_contents($path,base64_decode($image));
 echo "Successfully Uploaded";
 echo "Upload failed";

Which MySQL data type to use for storing boolean values

Referring to this link Boolean datatype in Mysql, according to the application usage, if one wants only 0 or 1 to be stored, bit(1) is the better choice.

Angular 6: How to set response type as text while making http call

You should not use those headers, the headers determine what kind of type you are sending, and you are clearly sending an object, which means, JSON.

Instead you should set the option responseType to text:

addToCart(productId: number, quantity: number): Observable<any> {
  const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8');

    { dealerId: 13, createdBy: "-1", productId, quantity }, 
    { headers, responseType: 'text'}

How to create a custom string representation for a class object?

Just adding to all the fine answers, my version with decoration:

from __future__ import print_function
import six

def classrep(rep):
    def decorate(cls):
        class RepMetaclass(type):
            def __repr__(self):
                return rep

        class Decorated(six.with_metaclass(RepMetaclass, cls)):

        return Decorated
    return decorate

class C(object):




The down sides:

  1. You can't declare C without a super class (no class C:)
  2. C instances will be instances of some strange derivation, so it's probably a good idea to add a __repr__ for the instances as well.

iOS Simulator to test website on Mac

iPhoney is designed specifically for Mac users

you can read about it and download it here