[sql] How to select the first row of each group?

I have a DataFrame generated as follow:

df.groupBy($"Hour", $"Category")
  .agg(sum($"value") as "TotalValue")
  .sort($"Hour".asc, $"TotalValue".desc))

The results look like:

|   0|   cat26|      30.9|
|   0|   cat13|      22.1|
|   0|   cat95|      19.6|
|   0|  cat105|       1.3|
|   1|   cat67|      28.5|
|   1|    cat4|      26.8|
|   1|   cat13|      12.6|
|   1|   cat23|       5.3|
|   2|   cat56|      39.6|
|   2|   cat40|      29.7|
|   2|  cat187|      27.9|
|   2|   cat68|       9.8|
|   3|    cat8|      35.6|
| ...|    ....|      ....|

As you can see, the DataFrame is ordered by Hour in an increasing order, then by TotalValue in a descending order.

I would like to select the top row of each group, i.e.

  • from the group of Hour==0 select (0,cat26,30.9)
  • from the group of Hour==1 select (1,cat67,28.5)
  • from the group of Hour==2 select (2,cat56,39.6)
  • and so on

So the desired output would be:

|   0|   cat26|      30.9|
|   1|   cat67|      28.5|
|   2|   cat56|      39.6|
|   3|    cat8|      35.6|
| ...|     ...|       ...|

It might be handy to be able to select the top N rows of each group as well.

Any help is highly appreciated.

This question is related to sql scala apache-spark dataframe apache-spark-sql

The answer is

This is a exact same of zero323's answer but in SQL query way.

Assuming that dataframe is created and registered as

//|0   |cat26   |30.9      |
//|0   |cat13   |22.1      |
//|0   |cat95   |19.6      |
//|0   |cat105  |1.3       |
//|1   |cat67   |28.5      |
//|1   |cat4    |26.8      |
//|1   |cat13   |12.6      |
//|1   |cat23   |5.3       |
//|2   |cat56   |39.6      |
//|2   |cat40   |29.7      |
//|2   |cat187  |27.9      |
//|2   |cat68   |9.8       |
//|3   |cat8    |35.6      |

Window function :

sqlContext.sql("select Hour, Category, TotalValue from (select *, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY Hour ORDER BY TotalValue DESC) as rn  FROM table) tmp where rn = 1").show(false)
//|1   |cat67   |28.5      |
//|3   |cat8    |35.6      |
//|2   |cat56   |39.6      |
//|0   |cat26   |30.9      |

Plain SQL aggregation followed by join:

sqlContext.sql("select Hour, first(Category) as Category, first(TotalValue) as TotalValue from " +
  "(select Hour, Category, TotalValue from table tmp1 " +
  "join " +
  "(select Hour as max_hour, max(TotalValue) as max_value from table group by Hour) tmp2 " +
  "on " +
  "tmp1.Hour = tmp2.max_hour and tmp1.TotalValue = tmp2.max_value) tmp3 " +
  "group by tmp3.Hour")
//|1   |cat67   |28.5      |
//|3   |cat8    |35.6      |
//|2   |cat56   |39.6      |
//|0   |cat26   |30.9      |

Using ordering over structs:

sqlContext.sql("select Hour, vs.Category, vs.TotalValue from (select Hour, max(struct(TotalValue, Category)) as vs from table group by Hour)").show(false)
//|1   |cat67   |28.5      |
//|3   |cat8    |35.6      |
//|2   |cat56   |39.6      |
//|0   |cat26   |30.9      |

DataSets way and don't dos are same as in original answer

We can use the rank() window function (where you would choose the rank = 1) rank just adds a number for every row of a group (in this case it would be the hour)

here's an example. ( from https://github.com/jaceklaskowski/mastering-apache-spark-book/blob/master/spark-sql-functions.adoc#rank )

val dataset = spark.range(9).withColumn("bucket", 'id % 3)

import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val byBucket = Window.partitionBy('bucket).orderBy('id)

scala> dataset.withColumn("rank", rank over byBucket).show
| id|bucket|rank|
|  0|     0|   1|
|  3|     0|   2|
|  6|     0|   3|
|  1|     1|   1|
|  4|     1|   2|
|  7|     1|   3|
|  2|     2|   1|
|  5|     2|   2|
|  8|     2|   3|

The solution below does only one groupBy and extract the rows of your dataframe that contain the maxValue in one shot. No need for further Joins, or Windows.

import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.RowEncoder
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame

//df is the dataframe with Day, Category, TotalValue

implicit val dfEnc = RowEncoder(df.schema)

val res: DataFrame = df.groupByKey{(r) => r.getInt(0)}.mapGroups[Row]{(day: Int, rows: Iterator[Row]) => i.maxBy{(r) => r.getDouble(2)}}

A nice way of doing this with the dataframe api is using the argmax logic like so

  val df = Seq(
    (0,"cat26",30.9), (0,"cat13",22.1), (0,"cat95",19.6), (0,"cat105",1.3),
    (1,"cat67",28.5), (1,"cat4",26.8), (1,"cat13",12.6), (1,"cat23",5.3),
    (2,"cat56",39.6), (2,"cat40",29.7), (2,"cat187",27.9), (2,"cat68",9.8),
    (3,"cat8",35.6)).toDF("Hour", "Category", "TotalValue")

    .agg(max(struct($"TotalValue", $"Category")).as("argmax"))
    .select($"Hour", $"argmax.*").show

 |   1|      28.5|   cat67|
 |   3|      35.6|    cat8|
 |   2|      39.6|   cat56|
 |   0|      30.9|   cat26|

The pattern is group by keys => do something to each group e.g. reduce => return to dataframe

I thought the Dataframe abstraction is a bit cumbersome in this case so I used RDD functionality

 val rdd: RDD[Row] = originalDf
  .groupBy(row => row.getAs[String]("grouping_row"))
  .map(iterableTuple => {

val productDf = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, originalDf.schema)

Here you can do like this -

   val data = df.groupBy("Hour").agg(first("Hour").as("_1"),first("Category").as("Category"),first("TotalValue").as("TotalValue")).drop("Hour")


For Spark 2.0.2 with grouping by multiple columns:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.row_number
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window

val w = Window.partitionBy($"col1", $"col2", $"col3").orderBy($"timestamp".desc)

val refined_df = df.withColumn("rn", row_number.over(w)).where($"rn" === 1).drop("rn")

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