Many of these answers were too slow for my source files. My source files were SQL files between 10 MB and 800 MB that needed to split into files of roughly equal line counts.
I found some of the previous answers which use Add-Content to be quite slow. Waiting many hours for a split to finish wasn't uncommon.
I didn't try Typhlosaurus's answer, but it looks to only do splits by file size, not line count.
The following has suited my purposes.
$sw = new-object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
Write-Host "Reading source file..."
$lines = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines("C:\Temp\SplitTest\source.sql")
$totalLines = $lines.Length
Write-Host "Total Lines :" $totalLines
$skip = 0
$count = 100000; # Number of lines per file
# File counter, with sort friendly name
$fileNumber = 1
$fileNumberString = $filenumber.ToString("000")
while ($skip -le $totalLines) {
$upper = $skip + $count - 1
if ($upper -gt ($lines.Length - 1)) {
$upper = $lines.Length - 1
# Write the lines
# Increment counters
$skip += $count
$fileNumberString = $filenumber.ToString("000")
Write-Host "Split complete in " $sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds "seconds"
For a 54 MB file, I get the output...
Reading source file...
Total Lines : 910030
Split complete in 1.7056578 seconds
I hope others looking for a simple, line-based splitting script that matches my requirements will find this useful.