[themes] How to edit default dark theme for Visual Studio Code?


You can get the colors for any theme (including the builtin ones) by switching to the theme then choosing Developer > Generate Color Theme From Current Settings from the command palette.


  1. Switch to the builtin theme you wish to modify by selecting Preferences: Color Theme from the command palette then choosing the theme.

  2. Get the colors for that theme by choosing Developer > Generate Color Theme From Current Settings from the command palette. Save the file with the suffix -color-theme.jsonc.
    The color-theme part will enable color picker widgets when editing the file and jsonc sets the filetype to JSON with comments.

  3. From the command palette choose Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) to open your settings.json file. Then add your desired changes to either the workbench.colorCustomizations or tokenColorCustomizations section.

    • To restrict the settings to just this theme, use an associative arrays where the key is the theme name in brackets ([]) and the value is an associative array of settings.
    • The theme name can be found in settings.json at workbench.colorTheme.

For example, the following customizes the theme listed as Dark+ (default dark) from the Color Theme list. It sets the editor background to near black and the syntax highlighting for comments to a dim gray.

// settings.json
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "[Default Dark+]": {
        "editor.background": "#19191f"
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
    "[Default Dark+]": {
        "comments": "#5F6167"