Programs & Examples On #Procedure

A procedure is a subroutine that does not return a value. Do not use this tag for stored procedures. Use 'stored-procedures' tag instead.

How to call a mysql stored procedure, with arguments, from command line?

With quotes around the date:

mysql> CALL insertEvent('2012.01.01 12:12:12');

What is the difference between a "function" and a "procedure"?

In the context of db: Stored procedure is precompiled execution plan where as functions are not.

ORA-06550: line 1, column 7 (PL/SQL: Statement ignored) Error

If the value stored in PropertyLoader.RET_SECONDARY_V_ARRAY is not "V_ARRAY", then you are using different types; even if they are declared identically (e.g. both are table of number) this will not work.

You're hitting this data type compatibility restriction:

You can assign a collection to a collection variable only if they have the same data type. Having the same element type is not enough.

You're trying to call the procedure with a parameter that is a different type to the one it's expecting, which is what the error message is telling you.

set serveroutput on in oracle procedure

Procedure successful but any outpout

Error line1: Unexpected identifier

Here is the code:



    -- Curseurs 
    CURSOR c1 IS        

    -- Collections 


    -- Variables de type record
    rtc1                        tc1;    

    vCpt                        NUMBER:=0;


    OPEN c1;
        FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT INTO rtc1 LIMIT 5000;

        FORALL i IN 1..rtc1.COUNT 
          WHERE RWID = rtc1(i).RWID;

        -- Nombres lus : 5025651
        FOR i IN 1..rtc1.COUNT LOOP               
            vCpt := vCpt + SQL%BULK_RWCOUNT(i);
        END LOOP;            

        EXIT WHEN c1%NOTFOUND;   
    CLOSE c1;

    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Nombres supprimes : ' || TO_CHAR(vCpt)); 


Creating a procedure in mySql with parameters

(IN @brugernavn varchar(64)**)**,IN @password varchar(64))

The problem is the )

How do I tell Spring Boot which main class to use for the executable jar?

Add your start class in your pom:

    <!-- The main class to start by executing java -jar -->



JAX-WS and BASIC authentication, when user names and passwords are in a database

I think you are looking for JAX-WS authentication in application level, not HTTP basic in server level. See following complete example :

Application Authentication with JAX-WS

On the web service client site, just put your “username” and “password” into request header.

Map<String, Object> req_ctx = ((BindingProvider)port).getRequestContext();
req_ctx.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, WS_URL);

Map<String, List<String>> headers = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
headers.put("Username", Collections.singletonList("someUser"));
headers.put("Password", Collections.singletonList("somePass"));
req_ctx.put(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS, headers);

On the web service server site, get the request header parameters via WebServiceContext.

WebServiceContext wsctx;

public String method() {
    MessageContext mctx = wsctx.getMessageContext();

    Map http_headers = (Map) mctx.get(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS);
    List userList = (List) http_headers.get("Username");
    List passList = (List) http_headers.get("Password");

Tensorflow 2.0 - AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'Session'

Same problem occurred for me

import tensorflow as tf
hello = tf.constant('Hello World ') 
sess = tf.compat.v1.Session()    *//I got the error on this step when I used 

Try replacing it with tf.compact.v1.Session()

Double vs. BigDecimal?

If you are dealing with calculation, there are laws on how you should calculate and what precision you should use. If you fail that you will be doing something illegal. The only real reason is that the bit representation of decimal cases are not precise. As Basil simply put, an example is the best explanation. Just to complement his example, here's what happens:

static void theDoubleProblem1() {
    double d1 = 0.3;
    double d2 = 0.2;
    System.out.println("Double:\t 0,3 - 0,2 = " + (d1 - d2));

    float f1 = 0.3f;
    float f2 = 0.2f;
    System.out.println("Float:\t 0,3 - 0,2 = " + (f1 - f2));

    BigDecimal bd1 = new BigDecimal("0.3");
    BigDecimal bd2 = new BigDecimal("0.2");
    System.out.println("BigDec:\t 0,3 - 0,2 = " + (bd1.subtract(bd2)));


Double:  0,3 - 0,2 = 0.09999999999999998
Float:   0,3 - 0,2 = 0.10000001
BigDec:  0,3 - 0,2 = 0.1

Also we have that:

static void theDoubleProblem2() {
    double d1 = 10;
    double d2 = 3;
    System.out.println("Double:\t 10 / 3 = " + (d1 / d2));

    float f1 = 10f;
    float f2 = 3f;
    System.out.println("Float:\t 10 / 3 = " + (f1 / f2));

    // Exception! 
    BigDecimal bd3 = new BigDecimal("10");
    BigDecimal bd4 = new BigDecimal("3");
    System.out.println("BigDec:\t 10 / 3 = " + (bd3.divide(bd4)));

Gives us the output:

Double:  10 / 3 = 3.3333333333333335
Float:   10 / 3 = 3.3333333
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: Non-terminating decimal expansion


static void theDoubleProblem2() {
    BigDecimal bd3 = new BigDecimal("10");
    BigDecimal bd4 = new BigDecimal("3");
    System.out.println("BigDec:\t 10 / 3 = " + (bd3.divide(bd4, 4, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)));

Has the output:

BigDec:  10 / 3 = 3.3333 

This Activity already has an action bar supplied by the window decor

Or Simply change the @Style/AppTheme

<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar">

This works for me!

How to view the dependency tree of a given npm module?

You can use howfat which also displays dependency statistics:

npx howfat -r tree jasmine


Numpy where function multiple conditions

The best way in your particular case would just be to change your two criteria to one criterion:

dists[abs(dists - r - dr/2.) <= dr/2.]

It only creates one boolean array, and in my opinion is easier to read because it says, is dist within a dr or r? (Though I'd redefine r to be the center of your region of interest instead of the beginning, so r = r + dr/2.) But that doesn't answer your question.

The answer to your question:
You don't actually need where if you're just trying to filter out the elements of dists that don't fit your criteria:

dists[(dists >= r) & (dists <= r+dr)]

Because the & will give you an elementwise and (the parentheses are necessary).

Or, if you do want to use where for some reason, you can do:

 dists[(np.where((dists >= r) & (dists <= r + dr)))]

The reason it doesn't work is because np.where returns a list of indices, not a boolean array. You're trying to get and between two lists of numbers, which of course doesn't have the True/False values that you expect. If a and b are both True values, then a and b returns b. So saying something like [0,1,2] and [2,3,4] will just give you [2,3,4]. Here it is in action:

In [230]: dists = np.arange(0,10,.5)
In [231]: r = 5
In [232]: dr = 1

In [233]: np.where(dists >= r)
Out[233]: (array([10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]),)

In [234]: np.where(dists <= r+dr)
Out[234]: (array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12]),)

In [235]: np.where(dists >= r) and np.where(dists <= r+dr)
Out[235]: (array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12]),)

What you were expecting to compare was simply the boolean array, for example

In [236]: dists >= r
array([False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
        True,  True], dtype=bool)

In [237]: dists <= r + dr
array([ True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
        True,  True,  True,  True, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False], dtype=bool)

In [238]: (dists >= r) & (dists <= r + dr)
array([False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False,  True,  True,  True, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False], dtype=bool)

Now you can call np.where on the combined boolean array:

In [239]: np.where((dists >= r) & (dists <= r + dr))
Out[239]: (array([10, 11, 12]),)

In [240]: dists[np.where((dists >= r) & (dists <= r + dr))]
Out[240]: array([ 5. ,  5.5,  6. ])

Or simply index the original array with the boolean array using fancy indexing

In [241]: dists[(dists >= r) & (dists <= r + dr)]
Out[241]: array([ 5. ,  5.5,  6. ])

Convert command line argument to string

I'm not sure if this is 100% portable but the way the OS SHOULD parse the args is to scan through the console command string and insert a nil-term char at the end of each token, and int main(int,char**) doesn't use const char** so we can just iterate through the args starting from the third argument (@note the first arg is the working directory) and scan backward to the nil-term char and turn it into a space rather than start from beginning of the second argument and scanning forward to the nil-term char. Here is the function with test script, and if you do need to un-nil-ify more than one nil-term char then please comment so I can fix it; thanks.

#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

namespace _ {
/* Converts int main(int,char**) arguments back into a string.
@return false if there are no args to convert.
@param arg_count The number of arguments.
@param args      The arguments. */
bool ArgsToString(int args_count, char** args) {
  if (args_count <= 1) return false;
  if (args_count == 2) return true;
  for (int i = 2; i < args_count; ++i) {
    char* cursor = args[i];
    while (*cursor) --cursor;
    *cursor = ' ';
  return true;
}  // namespace _

int main(int args_count, char** args) {
  cout << "\n\nTesting ArgsToString...\n";

  if (args_count <= 1) return 1;
  cout << "\nArguments:\n";
  for (int i = 0; i < args_count; ++i) {
    char* arg = args[i];
    printf("\ni:%i\"%s\" 0x%p", i, arg, arg);
  cout << "\n\nContiguous Args:\n";
  char* end = args[args_count - 1];
  while (*end) ++end;
  cout << "\n\nContiguous Args:\n";
  char* cursor = args[0];
  while (cursor != end) {
    char c = *cursor++;
    if (c == 0)
      cout << '`';
    else if (c < ' ')
      cout << '~';
      cout << c;
  cout << "\n\nPrinting argument string...\n";
  _::ArgsToString(args_count, args);
  cout << "\n" << args[1];
  return 0;

Process all arguments except the first one (in a bash script)

Came across this looking for something else. While the post looks fairly old, the easiest solution in bash is illustrated below (at least bash 4) using set -- "${@:#}" where # is the starting number of the array element we want to preserve forward:


    set -- "${@:3}"

    [[ "${input[*],,}" == *"someword"* ]] && someNewVar="trigger"

    echo -e "${someVar}\n${someOtherVar}\n${someNewVar}\n\n${@}"

Basically, the set -- "${@:3}" just pops off the first two elements in the array like perl's shift and preserves all remaining elements including the third. I suspect there's a way to pop off the last elements as well.

What is the difference between Double.parseDouble(String) and Double.valueOf(String)?

parseDouble() method is used to initialise a STRING (which should contains some numerical value)....the value it returns is of primitive data type, like int, float, etc.

But valueOf() creates an object of Wrapper class. You have to unwrap it in order to get the double value. It can be compared with a chocolate. The manufacturer wraps the chocolate with some foil or paper to prevent from pollution. The user takes the chocolate, removes and throws the wrapper and eats it.

Observe the following conversion.

int k = 100; Integer it1 = new Integer(k);

The int data type k is converted into an object, it1 using Integer class. The it1 object can be used in Java programming wherever k is required an object.

The following code can be used to unwrap (getting back int from Integer object) the object it1.

int m = it1.intValue();

System.out.println(m*m); // prints 10000

//intValue() is a method of Integer class that returns an int data type.

Missing artifact

You can use another driver


and in xml

<bean id="idNameDb" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">
        <property name="driverClassName" value="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver" />
        <property name="url" value="jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://[ip]:1433;DatabaseName=[name]" />
        <property name="username" value="user" />
        <property name="password" value="password" />

Is it acceptable and safe to run pip install under sudo?

Is it acceptable & safe to run pip install under sudo?

It's not safe and it's being frowned upon – see What are the risks of running 'sudo pip'? To install Python package in your home directory you don't need root privileges. See description of --user option to pip.

Convert date to YYYYMM format

I know it is an old topic, but If your SQL server version is higher than 2012.

There is another simple option can choose, FORMAT function.

SELECT FORMAT(GetDate(),'yyyyMM')


Android DialogFragment vs Dialog

You can create generic DialogFragment subclasses like YesNoDialog and OkDialog, and pass in title and message if you use dialogs a lot in your app.

public class YesNoDialog extends DialogFragment
    public static final String ARG_TITLE = "YesNoDialog.Title";
    public static final String ARG_MESSAGE = "YesNoDialog.Message";

    public YesNoDialog()


    public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        Bundle args = getArguments();
        String title = args.getString(ARG_TITLE);
        String message = args.getString(ARG_MESSAGE);

        return new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity())
            .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.yes, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)
                    getTargetFragment().onActivityResult(getTargetRequestCode(), Activity.RESULT_OK, null);
            .setNegativeButton(, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)
                    getTargetFragment().onActivityResult(getTargetRequestCode(), Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, null);

Then call it using the following:

    DialogFragment dialog = new YesNoDialog();
    Bundle args = new Bundle();
    args.putString(YesNoDialog.ARG_TITLE, title);
    args.putString(YesNoDialog.ARG_MESSAGE, message);
    dialog.setTargetFragment(this, YES_NO_CALL);, "tag");

And handle the result in onActivityResult.

How to initialize a two-dimensional array in Python?

for i in range(0,3):
  for j in range(0,3):
    Matrix[i,j] = raw_input("Enter the matrix:")

Loop through all elements in XML using NodeList

Here is another way to loop through XML elements using JDOM.

        List<Element> nodeNodes = inputNode.getChildren();
        if (nodeNodes != null) {
            for (Element nodeNode : nodeNodes) {
                List<Element> elements = nodeNode.getChildren(elementName);
                if (elements != null) {

How do I change the default port (9000) that Play uses when I execute the "run" command?

Play 2.x

In Play 2, these are implemented with an sbt plugin, so the following instructions are really just sbt tasks. You can use any sbt runner (e In Play 2, these are implemented with an sbt plugin, so the following are really just sbt tasks. You can use any sbt runner (e.g. sbt, play, or activator). Below the sbt runner is used, but you can substitute it for your sbt runner of choice.

Play 2.x - Dev Mode

For browser-reload mode:

sbt "run 8080"

For continuous-reload mode:

sbt "~run 8080"

Play 2.x - Debug Mode

To run in debug mode with the http listener on port 8080, run:

sbt -jvm-debug 9999 "run 8080"

Play 2.x - Prod Mode

Start in Prod mode:

sbt "start -Dhttp.port=8080"

Play 2.x - Staged Distribution

Create a staged distribution:

sbt stage

For Play 2.0.x and 2.1.x use the target/start script (Unix Only):

target/start -Dhttp.port=8080

For Play 2.2.x & 2.3.x use the appropriate start script in the target/universal/stage/bin directory:

target/universal/stage/bin/[appname] -Dhttp.port=8080

With Play 2.2.x & 2.3.x on Windows:

target\universal\stage\bin\[appname].bat -Dhttp.port=8080

Play 2.x - Zip Distribution

To create a zip distribution:

sbt dist

For Play 2.0.x and 2.1.x use the start script (Unix Only) in the extracted zip:

start -Dhttp.port=8080

For Play 2.2.x use the appropriate script in the [appname]-[version]/bin directory:

[appname]-[version]/bin/[appname] -Dhttp.port=8080

With Play 2.2.x on Windows:

[appname]-[version]\bin\[appname].bat -Dhttp.port=8080

Play 1.x

Change the http.port value in the conf/application.conf file or pass it command line:

play run --http.port=8080

Create a new workspace in Eclipse

You can create multiple workspaces in Eclipse. You have to just specify the path of the workspace during Eclipse startup. You can even switch workspaces via File?Switch workspace.

You can then import project to your workspace, copy paste project to your new workspace folder, then

File?Import?Existing project in to workspace?select project.

Material Design not styling alert dialogs

AppCompat doesn't do that for dialogs (not yet at least)

EDIT: it does now. make sure to use

mysqldump exports only one table

try this. There are in general three ways to use mysqldump—

in order to dump a set of one or more tables,

shell> mysqldump [options] db_name [tbl_name ...]

a set of one or more complete databases

shell> mysqldump [options] --databases db_name ...

or an entire MySQL server—as shown here:

shell> mysqldump [options] --all-databases

Angular 4/5/6 Global Variables

You can access Globals entity from any point of your App via Angular dependency injection. If you want to output Globals.role value in some component's template, you should inject Globals through the component's constructor like any service:

// hello.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Globals } from './globals';

  selector: 'hello',
  template: 'The global role is {{globals.role}}',
  providers: [ Globals ] // this depends on situation, see below

export class HelloComponent {
  constructor(public globals: Globals) {}

I provided Globals in the HelloComponent, but instead it could be provided in some HelloComponent's parent component or even in AppModule. It will not matter until your Globals has only static data that could not be changed (say, constants only). But if it's not true and for example different components/services might want to change that data, then the Globals must be a singleton. In that case it should be provided in the topmost level of the hierarchy where it is going to be used. Let's say this is AppModule:

import { Globals } from './globals'

  // ... imports, declarations etc
  providers: [
    // ... other global providers
    Globals // so do not provide it into another components/services if you want it to be a singleton

Also, it's impossible to use var the way you did, it should be

// globals.ts
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export class Globals {
  role: string = 'test';


At last, I created a simple demo on stackblitz, where single Globals is being shared between 3 components and one of them can change the value of Globals.role.

How To Run PHP From Windows Command Line in WAMPServer

The problem you are describing sounds like your version of PHP might be missing the readline PHP module, causing the interactive shell to not work. I base this on this PHP bug submission.

Try running

php -m

And see if "readline" appears in the output.

There might be good reasons for omitting readline from the distribution. PHP is typically executed by a web server; so it is not really need for most use cases. I am sure you can execute PHP code in a file from the command prompt, using:

php file.php

There is also the phpsh project which provides a (better) interactive shell for PHP. However, some people have had trouble running it under Windows (I did not try this myself).

Edit: According to the documentation here, readline is not supported under Windows:

Note: This extension is not available on Windows platforms.

So, if that is correct, your options are:

  • Avoid the interactive shell, and just execute PHP code in files from the command line - this should work well
  • Try getting phpsh to work under Windows

Warning: #1265 Data truncated for column 'pdd' at row 1

You are most likely pushing a string 'NULL' to the table, rather then an actual NULL, but other things may be going on as well, an illustration:

mysql> CREATE TABLE date_test (pdd DATE NOT NULL);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO date_test VALUES (NULL);
ERROR 1048 (23000): Column 'pdd' cannot be null
mysql> INSERT INTO date_test VALUES ('NULL');
Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.05 sec)

mysql> show warnings;
| Level   | Code | Message                                  |
| Warning | 1265 | Data truncated for column 'pdd' at row 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM date_test;
| pdd        |
| 0000-00-00 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.15 sec)
Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> INSERT INTO date_test VALUES (NULL);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM date_test;
| pdd        |
| 0000-00-00 |
| NULL       |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Select option padding not working in chrome

Not padding but if your goal is to simply make it larger, you can increase the font-size. And using it with font-size-adjust reduces the font-size back to normal on select and not on options, so it ends up making the option larger.

Not sure if it works on all browsers, or will keep working in current.

Tested on Chrome 85 & Firefox 81.

screenshot (on Firefox)

select {
    font-size: 2em;
    font-size-adjust: 0.3;
  Select: <select>
            <option>Option 1</option>
            <option>Option 2</option>
            <option>Option 3</option>

How to get the class of the clicked element?

All the solutions provided force you to know the element you will click beforehand. If you want to get the class from any element clicked you can use:

$(document).on('click', function(e) {
    clicked_id =;
    clicked_class = $('#' +'class');
    // do stuff with ids and classes 

How to format time since xxx e.g. “4 minutes ago” similar to Stack Exchange sites

I haven't checked (although it wouldn't be hard to), but I think that Stack Exchange sites use the jquery.timeago plugin to create these time strings.

It's quite easy to use the plugin, and it's clean and updates automatically.

Here's a quick sample (from the plugin's home page):

First, load jQuery and the plugin:

<script src="jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="jquery.timeago.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Now, let's attach it to your timestamps on DOM ready:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery("abbr.timeago").timeago(); });

This will turn all abbr elements with a class of timeago and an ISO 8601 timestamp in the title: <abbr class="timeago" title="2008-07-17T09:24:17Z">July 17, 2008</abbr> into something like this: <abbr class="timeago" title="July 17, 2008">about a year ago</abbr> which yields: about a year ago. As time passes, the timestamps will automatically update.

How to compare arrays in JavaScript?

I came up with another way to do it. Use join('') to change them to string, and then compare 2 strings:

var a1_str = a1.join(''),
    a2_str = a2.join('');

if (a2_str === a1_str) {}

Iterate through DataSet

Just loop...

foreach(var table in DataSet1.Tables) {
    foreach(var col in table.Columns) {
    foreach(var row in table.Rows) {
        object[] values = row.ItemArray;

How do I run a batch file from my Java Application?

Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( 
  new String[]{"cmd", "/C", "orgreg.bat"},
  new File("D://TEST//home//libs//"));

tested with jdk1.5 and jdk1.6

This was working fine for me, hope it helps others too. to get this i have struggled more days. :(

Git - Pushing code to two remotes

To send to both remote with one command, you can create a alias for it:

git config alias.pushall '!git push origin devel && git push github devel'

With this, when you use the command git pushall, it will update both repositories.

Latex Multiple Linebreaks

While verbatim might be the best choice, you can also try the commands \smallskip , \medskip or guess what, \bigskip .

Quoting from this page:

These commands can only be used after a paragraph break (which is made by one completely blank line or by the command \par). These commands output flexible or rubber space, approximately 3pt, 6pt, and 12pt high respectively, but these commands will automatically compress or expand a bit, depending on the demands of the rest of the page

Join a list of items with different types as string in Python

Calling str(...) is the Pythonic way to convert something to a string.

You might want to consider why you want a list of strings. You could instead keep it as a list of integers and only convert the integers to strings when you need to display them. For example, if you have a list of integers then you can convert them one by one in a for-loop and join them with ,:

print(','.join(str(x) for x in list_of_ints))

Java Can't connect to X11 window server using 'localhost:10.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable

Remove the DISPLAY variable


This helps in most cases (e.g. starting application servers or other java based tools) and avoids to modify all that many command lines.

It can also be comfortable to add it to the .bash_profile for a dedicated app-server/tools user.

Installing the Android USB Driver in Windows 7

Just download and install "Samsung Kies" from this link. and everything would work as required.

Before installing, uninstall the drivers you have installed for your device.


Two possible solutions:

  1. Try with the Google USB driver which comes with the SDK.
  2. Download and install the Samsung USB driver from this link as suggested by Mauricio Gracia Gutierrez

How to remove files that are listed in the .gitignore but still on the repository?

I did a very straightforward solution by manipulating the output of the .gitignore statement with sed:

cat .gitignore | sed '/^#.*/ d' | sed '/^\s*$/ d' | sed 's/^/git rm -r /' | bash


  1. print the .gitignore file
  2. remove all comments from the print
  3. delete all empty lines
  4. add 'git rm -r ' to the start of the line
  5. execute every line.

CSS Box Shadow - Top and Bottom Only

As Kristian has pointed out, good control over z-values will often solve your problems.

If that does not work you can take a look at CSS Box Shadow Bottom Only on using overflow hidden to hide excess shadow.

I would also have in mind that the box-shadow property can accept a comma-separated list of shadows like this:

box-shadow: 0px 10px 5px #888, 0px -10px 5px #888;

This will give you some control over the "amount" of shadow in each direction.

Have a look at for more information about box-shadow.

Hope this was what you were looking for!

Remove Select arrow on IE

In case you want to use the class and pseudo-class:

.simple-control is your css class

:disabled is pseudo class

         /*For FireFox*/
        -webkit-appearance: none;
        /*For Chrome*/
        -moz-appearance: none;

/*For IE10+*/
select:disabled.simple-control::-ms-expand {
        display: none;

Is it possible to make input fields read-only through CSS?

Not really what you need, but it can help and answser the question here depending of what you want to achieve.

You can prevent all pointer events to be sent to the input by using the CSS property : pointer-events:none It will kind of add a layer on top of the element that will prevent you to click in it ... You can also add a cursor:text to the parent element to give back the text cursor style to the input ...

Usefull, for example, when you can't modify the JS/HTML of a module.. and you can just customize it by css.


TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

Encoding and decoding can solve this in Python 3:

Client Side:

>>> host=''
>>> port=1337
>>> import socket
>>> s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>>> s.connect((host,port))
>>> st='connection done'
>>> byt=st.encode()
>>> s.send(byt)

Server Side:

>>> host=''
>>> port=1337
>>> import socket
>>> s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>>> s.bind((host,port))
>>> s.listen(1)
>>> conn ,addr=s.accept()
>>> data=conn.recv(2000)
>>> data.decode()
'connection done'

Passing multiple variables in @RequestBody to a Spring MVC controller using Ajax

The easy solution is to create a payload class that has the str1 and the str2 as attributes:

public class ObjHolder{

String str1;
String str2;


And after you can pass

@RequestMapping(value = "/Test", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public boolean getTest(@RequestBody ObjHolder Str) {}

and the body of your request is:

    "str1": "test one",
    "str2": "two test"

call a static method inside a class?

Let's assume this is your class:

class Test
    private $baz = 1;

    public function foo() { ... }

    public function bar() 
        printf("baz = %d\n", $this->baz);

    public static function staticMethod() { echo "static method\n"; }

From within the foo() method, let's look at the different options:


So that calls staticMethod() as an instance method, right? It does not. This is because the method is declared as public static the interpreter will call it as a static method, so it will work as expected. It could be argued that doing so makes it less obvious from the code that a static method call is taking place.


Since PHP 5.3 you can use $var::method() to mean <class-of-$var>::; this is quite convenient, though the above use-case is still quite unconventional. So that brings us to the most common way of calling a static method:


Now, before you start thinking that the :: is the static call operator, let me give you another example:


This will print baz = 1, which means that $this->bar() and self::bar() do exactly the same thing; that's because :: is just a scope resolution operator. It's there to make parent::, self:: and static:: work and give you access to static variables; how a method is called depends on its signature and how the caller was called.

To see all of this in action, see this output.

How can I add numbers in a Bash script?

use a shell built-in let , it is similar to (( expr ))

let "C = $A + $B"
echo $C # C == 2


"Use of undeclared type" in Swift, even though type is internal, and exists in same module

I got this error message in Xcode 8 while refactoring code in to a framework, it comes out that I forgot to declare the class in the framework as public

PHP: cannot declare class because the name is already in use

You should use require_once and include_once. Inside parent.php use

include_once 'database.php';

And inside child1.php and child2.php use

include_once 'parent.php';

What's the bad magic number error?

Take the pyc file to a windows machine. Use any Hex editor to open this pyc file. I used freeware 'HexEdit'. Now read hex value of first two bytes. In my case, these were 03 f3.

Open calc and convert its display mode to Programmer (Scientific in XP) to see Hex and Decimal conversion. Select "Hex" from Radio button. Enter values as second byte first and then the first byte i.e f303 Now click on "Dec" (Decimal) radio button. The value displayed is one which is correspond to the magic number aka version of python.

So, considering the table provided in earlier reply

  • 1.5 => 20121 => 4E99 so files would have first byte as 99 and second as 4e
  • 1.6 => 50428 => C4FC so files would have first byte as fc and second as c4

No resource found - Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar

In my case, I took an android project from one computer to another and had this problem. What worked for me was a combination of some of the answers I've seen:

  • Remove the copy of the appcompat library that was in the libs folder of the workspace
  • Install sdk 21
  • Change the project properties to use that sdk build enter image description here
  • Set up and start an emulator compatible with sdks 21
  • Update the Run Configuration to prompt for device to run on & choose Run

Mine ran fine after these steps.

UIDevice uniqueIdentifier deprecated - What to do now?

This is code I'm using to get ID for both iOS 5 and iOS 6, 7:

- (NSString *) advertisingIdentifier
    if (!NSClassFromString(@"ASIdentifierManager")) {
        SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(@"uniqueIdentifier");
        if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] respondsToSelector:selector]) {
            return [[UIDevice currentDevice] performSelector:selector];
    return [[[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] advertisingIdentifier] UUIDString];

MD5 hashing in Android

this is working perfectly for me, I used this to get MD5 on LIST Array(then convert it to JSON object), but if you only need to apply it on your data. type format, replace JsonObject with yours.

Especially if you have a mismatch with python MD5 implementation use this!

private static String md5(List<AccelerationSensor> sensor) {

    Gson gson= new Gson();
    byte[] JsonObject = new byte[0];
    try {
        JsonObject = gson.toJson(sensor).getBytes("UTF-8");
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

    MessageDigest m = null;

    try {
        m = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {

    byte[] thedigest = m.digest(JsonObject);
    String hash = String.format("%032x", new BigInteger(1, thedigest));
    return hash;


Looping through rows in a DataView

//You can convert DataView to Table. using DataView.ToTable();

foreach (DataRow drGroup in dtGroups.Rows)
    dtForms.DefaultView.RowFilter = "ParentFormID='" + drGroup["FormId"].ToString() + "'";

    if (dtForms.DefaultView.Count > 0)
        foreach (DataRow drForm in dtForms.DefaultView.ToTable().Rows)
            drNew = dtNew.NewRow();

            drNew["FormId"] = drForm["FormId"];
            drNew["FormCaption"] = drForm["FormCaption"];
            drNew["GroupName"] = drGroup["GroupName"];

// Or You Can Use

// 2.

dtForms.DefaultView.RowFilter = "ParentFormID='" + drGroup["FormId"].ToString() + "'";

DataTable DTFormFilter = dtForms.DefaultView.ToTable();

foreach (DataRow drFormFilter in DTFormFilter.Rows)
                            //Your logic goes here

Cursor inside cursor

You have a variety of problems. First, why are you using your specific @@FETCH_STATUS values? It should just be @@FETCH_STATUS = 0.

Second, you are not selecting your inner Cursor into anything. And I cannot think of any circumstance where you would select all fields in this way - spell them out!

Here's a sample to go by. Folder has a primary key of "ClientID" that is also a foreign key for Attend. I'm just printing all of the Attend UIDs, broken down by Folder ClientID:

Declare @ClientID int;
Declare @UID int;

    SELECT ClientID From Folder;

    PRINT 'Processing ClientID: ' + Cast(@ClientID as Varchar);
        SELECT UID FROM Attend Where ClientID=@ClientID;
    OPEN Cur2;
        PRINT 'Found UID: ' + Cast(@UID as Varchar);
    CLOSE Cur2;

Finally, are you SURE you want to be doing something like this in a stored procedure? It is very easy to abuse stored procedures and often reflects problems in characterizing your problem. The sample I gave, for example, could be far more easily accomplished using standard select calls.

How to assign multiple classes to an HTML container?

you need to put a dot between the class like


Difference between "as $key => $value" and "as $value" in PHP foreach

A very important place where it is REQUIRED to use the key => value pair in foreach loop is to be mentioned. Suppose you would want to add a new/sub-element to an existing item (in another key) in the $features array. You should do the following:

foreach($features as $key => $feature) {
    $features[$key]['new_key'] = 'new value';  

Instead of this:

foreach($features as $feature) {
    $feature['new_key'] = 'new value';  

The big difference here is that, in the first case you are accessing the array's sub-value via the main array itself with a key to the element which is currently being pointed to by the array pointer.

While in the second (which doesn't work for this purpose) you are assigning the sub-value in the array to a temporary variable $feature which is unset after each loop iteration.

Inserting values into a SQL Server database using via C#

Following Code will work for "Inserting values into a SQL Server database using via C#"

// Your Connection string
string connectionString = "Data Source=DELL-PC;initial catalog=AdventureWorks2008R2 ; User ID=sa;Password=sqlpass;Integrated Security=SSPI;";

// Collecting Values
string firstName="Name",
int age=26; 

// Query to be executed
string query = "Insert Into dbo.regist (FirstName, Lastname, Username, Password, Age, Gender,Contact) " + 
                   "VALUES (@FN, @LN, @UN, @Pass, @Age, @Gender, @Contact) ";

    // instance connection and command
    using(SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, cn))
        // add parameters and their values
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@FN", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = firstName;
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@LN", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = lastName;
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@UN", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = userName;
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Pass", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = password;
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Age", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = age;
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Gender", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = gender;
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Contact", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = contact;

        // open connection, execute command and close connection

Visual Studio 2017: Display method references

In Visual Studio Professional or Enterprise you can enable CodeLens by doing this:

Tools ? Options ? Text Editor ? All Languages ? CodeLens

This is not available in the Community Edition

Disable and enable buttons in C#

You can use this for your purpose.

In parent form:

private void addCustomerToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    CustomerPage f = new CustomerPage();
    f.LoadType = 1;
    f.MdiParent = this;

In child form:

public int LoadType{get;set;}

private void CustomerPage_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (LoadType == 1)
        this.button1.Visible = false;

Removing input background colour for Chrome autocomplete?

I've got a solution if you want to prevent the autofill from google chrome but its a little bit "machete" , just remove the class that google chrome adds to those inputs fields and set the value to "" if you dont need to show store data after load.

$(document).ready(function () {
    setTimeout(function () {
            var data = $("input:-webkit-autofill");
            data.each(function (i,obj) {
                    obj.value = "";

How to delete selected text in the vi editor

If you want to remove all lines in a file from your current line number, use dG, it will delete all lines (shift g) mean end of file

pandas: find percentile stats of a given column

You can even give multiple columns with null values and get multiple quantile values (I use 95 percentile for outlier treatment)

my_df[['field_A','field_B']].dropna().quantile([0.0, .5, .90, .95])

What to do with "Unexpected indent" in python?

Run the following command to get it solved :

autopep8 -i <filename>.py

This will update your code and solve all indentation Errors :)

Hope this will solve

Java Currency Number format

I was crazy enough to write my own function:

This will convert integer to currency format (can be modified for decimals as well):

 String getCurrencyFormat(int v){
        String toReturn = "";
        String s =  String.valueOf(v);
        int length = s.length();
        for(int i = length; i >0 ; --i){
            toReturn += s.charAt(i - 1);
            if((i - length - 1) % 3 == 0 && i != 1) toReturn += ',';
        return "$" + new StringBuilder(toReturn).reverse().toString();

Iframe positioning

you should use position: relative; for one iframe and position:absolute; for the second;

Example: for first iframe use:

<div id="contentframe" style="position:relative; top: 100px; left: 50px;">

for second iframe use:

<div id="contentframe" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; left: 690px;">

<select> HTML element with height

You can also "center" the text with:

vertical-align: middle;

extract digits in a simple way from a python string

If you're doing some sort of math with the numbers you might also want to know the units. Given your input restrictions (that the input string contains unit and value only), this should correctly return both (you'll just need to figure out how to convert units into common units for your math).

def unit_value(str):
    m = re.match(r'([^\d]*)(\d*\.?\d+)([^\d]*)', str)
    if m:
        g = m.groups()
        return ' '.join((g[0], g[2])).strip(), float(g[1])
        return int(str)


VARCHAR means that it's a variable-length character, so it's only going to take as much space as is necessary. But if you knew something about the underlying structure, it may make sense to restrict VARCHAR to some maximum amount.

For instance, if you were storing comments from the user, you may limit the comment field to only 4000 characters; if so, it doesn't really make any sense to make the sql table have a field that's larger than VARCHAR(4000).

What is causing "Unable to allocate memory for pool" in PHP?

Probably is APC related.

For the people having this problem, please specify you .ini settings. Specifically your apc.mmap_file_mask setting.

For file-backed mmap, it should be set to something like:


To mmap directly from /dev/zero, use:


For POSIX-compliant shared-memory-backed mmap, use:


How can I increase the JVM memory?

Right click on project -> Run As -> Run Configurations..-> Select Arguments tab -> In VM Arguments you can increase your JVM memory allocation. Java HotSpot document will help you to setup your VM Argument HERE

I will not prefer to make any changes into eclipse.ini as minor mistake cause lot of issues. It's easier to play with VM Args

Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size of 134217728 Bytes Exhausted (CodeIgniter + XML-RPC)

Just add a ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); line at the top of your web page.

And you can set your memory as per your need in the place of -1, to 16M, etc..

FileSystemWatcher Changed event is raised twice

I wanted to react only on the last event, just in case, also on a linux file change it seemed that the file was empty on the first call and then filled again on the next and did not mind loosing some time just in case the OS decided to do some file/attribute change.

I am using .NET async here to help me do the threading.

    private static int _fileSystemWatcherCounts;
    private async void OnChanged(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
        // Filter several calls in short period of time
        Interlocked.Increment(ref _fileSystemWatcherCounts);
        await Task.Delay(100);
        if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref _fileSystemWatcherCounts) == 0)

Python - Extracting and Saving Video Frames

This is Function which will convert most of the video formats to number of frames there are in the video. It works on Python3 with OpenCV 3+

import cv2
import time
import os

def video_to_frames(input_loc, output_loc):
    """Function to extract frames from input video file
    and save them as separate frames in an output directory.
        input_loc: Input video file.
        output_loc: Output directory to save the frames.
    except OSError:
    # Log the time
    time_start = time.time()
    # Start capturing the feed
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(input_loc)
    # Find the number of frames
    video_length = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) - 1
    print ("Number of frames: ", video_length)
    count = 0
    print ("Converting video..\n")
    # Start converting the video
    while cap.isOpened():
        # Extract the frame
        ret, frame =
        # Write the results back to output location.
        cv2.imwrite(output_loc + "/%#05d.jpg" % (count+1), frame)
        count = count + 1
        # If there are no more frames left
        if (count > (video_length-1)):
            # Log the time again
            time_end = time.time()
            # Release the feed
            # Print stats
            print ("Done extracting frames.\n%d frames extracted" % count)
            print ("It took %d seconds forconversion." % (time_end-time_start))

if __name__=="__main__":

    input_loc = '/path/to/video/00009.MTS'
    output_loc = '/path/to/output/frames/'
    video_to_frames(input_loc, output_loc)

It supports .mts and normal files like .mp4 and .avi. Tried and Tested on .mts files. Works like a Charm.

Could not reserve enough space for object heap

I recently faced this issue. I have 3 java applications that start with 1024m or 1280m heap size. Java is looking at the available space in swap, and if there is not enough memory available, the jvm exits.

To resolve the issue, I had to end several programs that had a large amount of virtual memory allocated.

I was running on x86-64 linux with a 64-bit jvm.

How to validate IP address in Python?

I think this would do it...

def validIP(address):
    parts = address.split(".")
    if len(parts) != 4:
        return False
    for item in parts:
        if not 0 <= int(item) <= 255:
            return False
    return True

How can I check if a MySQL table exists with PHP?

$res = mysql_query("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '$databasename' AND table_name = '$tablename';");

If no records are returned then it doesn't exist.

PHP: how can I get file creation date?

This is the example code taken from the PHP documentation here:

// outputs e.g.  somefile.txt was last changed: December 29 2002 22:16:23.

$filename = 'somefile.txt';

if (file_exists($filename)) {

    echo "$filename was last modified: " . date ("F d Y H:i:s.", filemtime($filename));

The code specifies the filename, then checks if it exists and then displays the modification time using filemtime().

filemtime() takes 1 parameter which is the path to the file, this can be relative or absolute.

IntelliJ: Never use wildcard imports

The solution above was not working for me. I had to set 'class count to use import with '*'' to a high value, e.g. 999.

Parse JSON from JQuery.ajax success data

parse and convert it to js object that's it.

success: function(response) {
    var content = "";
    var jsondata = JSON.parse(response);
    for (var x = 0; x < jsonData.length; x++) {
        content += jsondata[x].Id;
        content += "<br>";
        content += jsondata[x].Name;
        content += "<br>";

Warning: The method assertEquals from the type Assert is deprecated

When I use Junit4, import junit.framework.Assert; import junit.framework.TestCase; the warning info is :The type of Assert is deprecated

when import like this: import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; the warning has disappeared

possible duplicate of differences between 2 JUnit Assert classes

How to rename JSON key

Try this:

let jsonArr = [
        "email":"[email protected]",
        "name":"Name 1"
        "email":"[email protected]",
        "name":"Name 2"

let idModified =
    obj => {
        return {
            "id" : obj._id,

Can Console.Clear be used to only clear a line instead of whole console?

I think I found why there are a few varying answers for this question. When the window has been resized such that it has a horizontal scroll bar (because the buffer is larger than the window) Console.CursorTop seems to return the wrong line. The following code works for me, regardless of window size or cursor position.

public static void ClearLine()
    Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop);
    Console.Write(new string(' ', Console.WindowWidth));
    Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop - (Console.WindowWidth >= Console.BufferWidth ? 1 : 0));

Without the (Console.WindowWidth >= Console.BufferWidth ? 1 : 0), the code may either move the cursor up or down, depending on which version you use from this page, and the state of the window.

Better/Faster to Loop through set or list?

For simplicity's sake: newList = list(set(oldList))

But there are better options out there if you'd like to get speed/ordering/optimization instead:

How to split a string at the first `/` (slash) and surround part of it in a `<span>`?

Using split()

Snippet :

var data =$('#date').text();_x000D_
var arr = data.split('/');_x000D_
$("#date").html("<span>"+arr[0] + "</span></br>" + arr[1]+"/"+arr[2]);   
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="date">23/05/2013</div>


When you split this string ---> 23/05/2013 on /

var myString = "23/05/2013";
var arr = myString.split('/');

you'll get an array of size 3

arr[0] --> 23
arr[1] --> 05
arr[2] --> 2013

Best Practices for securing a REST API / web service

As tweakt said, Amazon S3 is a good model to work with. Their request signatures do have some features (such as incorporating a timestamp) that help guard against both accidental and malicious request replaying.

The nice thing about HTTP Basic is that virtually all HTTP libraries support it. You will, of course, need to require SSL in this case because sending plaintext passwords over the net is almost universally a bad thing. Basic is preferable to Digest when using SSL because even if the caller already knows that credentials are required, Digest requires an extra roundtrip to exchange the nonce value. With Basic, the callers simply sends the credentials the first time.

Once the identity of the client is established, authorization is really just an implementation problem. However, you could delegate the authorization to some other component with an existing authorization model. Again the nice thing about Basic here is your server ends up with a plaintext copy of the client's password that you can simply pass on to another component within your infrastructure as needed.

Save Javascript objects in sessionStorage

Either you can use the accessors provided by the Web Storage API or you could write a wrapper/adapter. From your stated issue with defineGetter/defineSetter is sounds like writing a wrapper/adapter is too much work for you.

I honestly don't know what to tell you. Maybe you could reevaluate your opinion of what is a "ridiculous limitation". The Web Storage API is just what it's supposed to be, a key/value store.

What do numbers using 0x notation mean?


It's a prefix to indicate the number is in hexadecimal rather than in some other base. The C programming language uses it to tell compiler.

Example :

0x6400 translates to 6*16^3 + 4*16^2 + 0*16^1 +0*16^0 = 25600. When compiler reads 0x6400, It understands the number is hexadecimal with the help of 0x term. Usually we can understand by (6400)16 or (6400)8 or any base ..

Hope Helped in some way.

Good day,

Detect merged cells in VBA Excel with MergeArea

While working with selected cells as shown by @tbur can be useful, it's also not the only option available.

You can use Range() like so:

If Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").MergeCells Then
  Do something
  Do something else
End If


If Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:C1").MergeCells Then
  Do something
  Do something else
End If

Alternately, you can use Cells():

If Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 1).MergeCells Then
  Do something
  Do something else
End If

Calculate the center point of multiple latitude/longitude coordinate pairs

Dart/Flutter Calculate the center point of multiple latitude/longitude coordinate pairs

Map<String, double> getLatLngCenter(List<List<double>> coords) {
    const LATIDX = 0;
    const LNGIDX = 1;
    double sumX = 0;
    double sumY = 0;
    double sumZ = 0;

    for (var i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) {
      var lat = VectorMath.radians(coords[i][LATIDX]);
      var lng = VectorMath.radians(coords[i][LNGIDX]);
      // sum of cartesian coordinates
      sumX += Math.cos(lat) * Math.cos(lng);
      sumY += Math.cos(lat) * Math.sin(lng);
      sumZ += Math.sin(lat);

    var avgX = sumX / coords.length;
    var avgY = sumY / coords.length;
    var avgZ = sumZ / coords.length;

    // convert average x, y, z coordinate to latitude and longtitude
    var lng = Math.atan2(avgY, avgX);
    var hyp = Math.sqrt(avgX * avgX + avgY * avgY);
    var lat = Math.atan2(avgZ, hyp);

    return {
      "latitude": VectorMath.degrees(lat),
      "longitude": VectorMath.degrees(lng)

implements Closeable or implements AutoCloseable

Recently I have read a Java SE 8 Programmer Guide ii Book.

I found something about the difference between AutoCloseable vs Closeable.

The AutoCloseable interface was introduced in Java 7. Before that, another interface existed called Closeable. It was similar to what the language designers wanted, with the following exceptions:

  • Closeable restricts the type of exception thrown to IOException.
  • Closeable requires implementations to be idempotent.

The language designers emphasize backward compatibility. Since changing the existing interface was undesirable, they made a new one called AutoCloseable. This new interface is less strict than Closeable. Since Closeable meets the requirements for AutoCloseable, it started implementing AutoCloseable when the latter was introduced.

Can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes

I also faced the same problem. Then I found a solution after a lot of searching .

The problem was that when we get the datetime object from model or form it is offset aware and if we get the time by system it is offset naive.

So what I did is I got the current time using and import the timezone by from django.utils import timezone and put the USE_TZ = True in your project settings file.

How can I force a hard reload in Chrome for Android

Also an option:

  1. Menu
  2. Settings
  3. Privacy
  4. Clear Browsing Data
  5. Check "Cache" and press "CLEAR"

and then reload the page.

How to hide UINavigationBar 1px bottom line

pxpgraphics's answer for Swift 3.0.

import Foundation
import UIKit

extension UINavigationBar {

  func hideBottomHairline() {
    let navigationBarImageView = hairlineImageViewInNavigationBar(view: self)
    navigationBarImageView!.isHidden = true

  func showBottomHairline() {
    let navigationBarImageView = hairlineImageViewInNavigationBar(view: self)
    navigationBarImageView!.isHidden = false

  private func hairlineImageViewInNavigationBar(view: UIView) -> UIImageView? {
    if view is UIImageView && view.bounds.height <= 1.0 {
      return (view as! UIImageView)

    let subviews = (view.subviews as [UIView])
    for subview: UIView in subviews {
      if let imageView: UIImageView = hairlineImageViewInNavigationBar(view: subview) {
        return imageView
    return nil

extension UIToolbar {

  func hideHairline() {
    let navigationBarImageView = hairlineImageViewInToolbar(view: self)
    navigationBarImageView!.isHidden = true

  func showHairline() {
    let navigationBarImageView = hairlineImageViewInToolbar(view: self)
    navigationBarImageView!.isHidden = false

  private func hairlineImageViewInToolbar(view: UIView) -> UIImageView? {
    if view is UIImageView && view.bounds.height <= 1.0 {
      return (view as! UIImageView)

    let subviews = (view.subviews as [UIView])
    for subview: UIView in subviews {
      if let imageView: UIImageView = hairlineImageViewInToolbar(view: subview) {
        return imageView
    return nil

How to get current CPU and RAM usage in Python?

Taken feedback from first response and done small changes

            #!/usr/bin/env python
            #Execute commond on windows machine to install psutil>>>>python -m pip install psutil
            import psutil

            print ('                                                                   ')
            print ('----------------------CPU Information summary----------------------')
            print ('                                                                   ')

            # gives a single float value
            print ('Total number of CPUs :',vcc)

            print ('Total CPUs utilized percentage :',vcpu,'%')

            print ('                                                                   ')
            print ('----------------------RAM Information summary----------------------')
            print ('                                                                   ')
            # you can convert that object to a dictionary 
            # gives an object with many fields


            def forloop():
                for i in x:
                    print (i,"--",x[i]/1024/1024/1024)#Output will be printed in GBs

            print ('                                                                   ')
            print ('----------------------RAM Utilization summary----------------------')
            print ('                                                                   ')
            # you can have the percentage of used RAM
            print('Percentage of used RAM :',psutil.virtual_memory().percent,'%')
            # you can calculate percentage of available memory
            print('Percentage of available RAM :',psutil.virtual_memory().available * 100 / psutil.virtual_memory().total,'%')

dplyr change many data types

Or mayby even more simple with convert from hablar:


dat %>% 
  convert(fct(fac1, fac2, fac3),
          num(dbl1, dbl2, dbl3))

or combines with tidyselect:

dat %>% 

Stack, Static, and Heap in C++

A similar question was asked, but it didn't ask about statics.

Summary of what static, heap, and stack memory are:

  • A static variable is basically a global variable, even if you cannot access it globally. Usually there is an address for it that is in the executable itself. There is only one copy for the entire program. No matter how many times you go into a function call (or class) (and in how many threads!) the variable is referring to the same memory location.

  • The heap is a bunch of memory that can be used dynamically. If you want 4kb for an object then the dynamic allocator will look through its list of free space in the heap, pick out a 4kb chunk, and give it to you. Generally, the dynamic memory allocator (malloc, new, et c.) starts at the end of memory and works backwards.

  • Explaining how a stack grows and shrinks is a bit outside the scope of this answer, but suffice to say you always add and remove from the end only. Stacks usually start high and grow down to lower addresses. You run out of memory when the stack meets the dynamic allocator somewhere in the middle (but refer to physical versus virtual memory and fragmentation). Multiple threads will require multiple stacks (the process generally reserves a minimum size for the stack).

When you would want to use each one:

  • Statics/globals are useful for memory that you know you will always need and you know that you don't ever want to deallocate. (By the way, embedded environments may be thought of as having only static memory... the stack and heap are part of a known address space shared by a third memory type: the program code. Programs will often do dynamic allocation out of their static memory when they need things like linked lists. But regardless, the static memory itself (the buffer) is not itself "allocated", but rather other objects are allocated out of the memory held by the buffer for this purpose. You can do this in non-embedded as well, and console games will frequently eschew the built in dynamic memory mechanisms in favor of tightly controlling the allocation process by using buffers of preset sizes for all allocations.)

  • Stack variables are useful for when you know that as long as the function is in scope (on the stack somewhere), you will want the variables to remain. Stacks are nice for variables that you need for the code where they are located, but which isn't needed outside that code. They are also really nice for when you are accessing a resource, like a file, and want the resource to automatically go away when you leave that code.

  • Heap allocations (dynamically allocated memory) is useful when you want to be more flexible than the above. Frequently, a function gets called to respond to an event (the user clicks the "create box" button). The proper response may require allocating a new object (a new Box object) that should stick around long after the function is exited, so it can't be on the stack. But you don't know how many boxes you would want at the start of the program, so it can't be a static.

Garbage Collection

I've heard a lot lately about how great Garbage Collectors are, so maybe a bit of a dissenting voice would be helpful.

Garbage Collection is a wonderful mechanism for when performance is not a huge issue. I hear GCs are getting better and more sophisticated, but the fact is, you may be forced to accept a performance penalty (depending upon use case). And if you're lazy, it still may not work properly. At the best of times, Garbage Collectors realize that your memory goes away when it realizes that there are no more references to it (see reference counting). But, if you have an object that refers to itself (possibly by referring to another object which refers back), then reference counting alone will not indicate that the memory can be deleted. In this case, the GC needs to look at the entire reference soup and figure out if there are any islands that are only referred to by themselves. Offhand, I'd guess that to be an O(n^2) operation, but whatever it is, it can get bad if you are at all concerned with performance. (Edit: Martin B points out that it is O(n) for reasonably efficient algorithms. That is still O(n) too much if you are concerned with performance and can deallocate in constant time without garbage collection.)

Personally, when I hear people say that C++ doesn't have garbage collection, my mind tags that as a feature of C++, but I'm probably in the minority. Probably the hardest thing for people to learn about programming in C and C++ are pointers and how to correctly handle their dynamic memory allocations. Some other languages, like Python, would be horrible without GC, so I think it comes down to what you want out of a language. If you want dependable performance, then C++ without garbage collection is the only thing this side of Fortran that I can think of. If you want ease of use and training wheels (to save you from crashing without requiring that you learn "proper" memory management), pick something with a GC. Even if you know how to manage memory well, it will save you time which you can spend optimizing other code. There really isn't much of a performance penalty anymore, but if you really need dependable performance (and the ability to know exactly what is going on, when, under the covers) then I'd stick with C++. There is a reason that every major game engine that I've ever heard of is in C++ (if not C or assembly). Python, et al are fine for scripting, but not the main game engine.

Ruby/Rails: converting a Date to a UNIX timestamp

The code date.to_time.to_i should work fine. The Rails console session below shows an example:

=> Thu Nov 26 00:00:00 -0800 2009
=> 1259222400
=> Thu Nov 26 00:00:00 -0800 2009

Note that the intermediate DateTime object is in local time, so the timestamp might be a several hours off from what you expect. If you want to work in UTC time, you can use the DateTime's method "to_utc".

How to Find And Replace Text In A File With C#

This is how I did it with a large (50 GB) file:

I tried 2 different ways: the first, reading the file into memory and using Regex Replace or String Replace. Then I appended the entire string to a temporary file.

The first method works well for a few Regex replacements, but Regex.Replace or String.Replace could cause out of memory error if you do many replaces in a large file.

The second is by reading the temp file line by line and manually building each line using StringBuilder and appending each processed line to the result file. This method was pretty fast.

static void ProcessLargeFile()
        if (File.Exists(outFileName)) File.Delete(outFileName);

        string text = File.ReadAllText(inputFileName, Encoding.UTF8);

        // EX 1 This opens entire file in memory and uses Replace and Regex Replace --> might cause out of memory error

        text = text.Replace("</text>", "");

        text = Regex.Replace(text, @"\<ref.*?\</ref\>", "");

        File.WriteAllText(outFileName, text);

        // EX 2 This reads file line by line 

        if (File.Exists(outFileName)) File.Delete(outFileName);

        using (var sw = new StreamWriter(outFileName))      
        using (var fs = File.OpenRead(inFileName))
        using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, Encoding.UTF8)) //use UTF8 encoding or whatever encoding your file uses
            string line, newLine;

            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
              //note: call your own replace function or use String.Replace here 
              newLine = Util.ReplaceDoubleBrackets(line);


    public static string ReplaceDoubleBrackets(string str)
        //note: this replaces the first occurrence of a word delimited by [[ ]]

        //replace [[ with your own delimiter
        if (str.IndexOf("[[") < 0)
            return str;

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        //this part gets the string to replace, put this in a loop if more than one occurrence  per line.
        int posStart = str.IndexOf("[[");
        int posEnd = str.IndexOf("]]");
        int length = posEnd - posStart;

        // ... code to replace with newstr


        return sb.ToString();

Testing for empty or nil-value string

If you're in Rails, .blank? should be the method you are looking for:

a = nil
b = []
c = ""

a.blank? #=> true
b.blank? #=> true
c.blank? #=> true

d = "1"
e = ["1"]

d.blank? #=> false
e.blank? #=> false

So the answer would be:

variable = id if variable.blank?

How do I get the day of week given a date?

here is how to convert a listof dates to date

import datetime,time
dt=datetime.datetime.strptime(ls[1], "%m/%d/%Y")

Using ffmpeg to encode a high quality video

A couple of things:

  • You need to set the video bitrate. I have never used minrate and maxrate so I don't know how exactly they work, but by setting the bitrate using the -b switch, I am able to get high quality video. You need to come up with a bitrate that offers a good tradeoff between compression and video quality. You may have to experiment with this because it all depends on the frame size, frame rate and the amount of motion in the content of your video. Keep in mind that DVD tends to be around 4-5 Mbit/s on average for 720x480, so I usually start from there and decide whether I need more or less and then just experiment. For example, you could add -b 5000k to the command line to get more or less DVD video bitrate.

  • You need to specify a video codec. If you don't, ffmpeg will default to MPEG-1 which is quite old and does not provide near the amount of compression as MPEG-4 or H.264. If your ffmpeg version is built with libx264 support, you can specify -vcodec libx264 as part of the command line. Otherwise -vcodec mpeg4 will also do a better job than MPEG-1, but not as well as x264.

  • There are a lot of other advanced options that will help you squeeze out the best quality at the lowest bitrates. Take a look here for some examples.

angular.js ng-repeat li items with html content

use ng-bind-html-unsafe

it will apply html with text inside like below:

    <li ng-repeat=" opt in opts" ng-bind-html-unsafe="opt.text" >
        {{ opt.text }}

Run reg command in cmd (bat file)?

You could also just create a Group Policy Preference and have it create the reg key for you. (no scripting involved)

HowTo Generate List of SQL Server Jobs and their owners

If you don't have access to sysjobs table (someone elses server etc) you might be have or be allowed access to sysjobs_view

 from  msdb..sysjobs_view s 
 left join master.sys.syslogins l on s.owner_sid = l.sid


SELECT *, SUSER_SNAME(s.owner_sid) AS owner
 from  msdb..sysjobs_view s 

Get Return Value from Stored procedure in

Do it this way (make necessary changes in code)..

            SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString());
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("CheckUser", con);
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("username", username.Text);
            SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter("password", password.Text);
            SqlDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                //do the things
                lblinfo.Text = "abc";

How to create a custom-shaped bitmap marker with Android map API v2

In the Google Maps API v2 Demo there is a MarkerDemoActivity class in which you can see how a custom Image is set to a GoogleMap.

// Uses a custom icon.
mSydney = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
    .snippet("Population: 4,627,300")

As this just replaces the marker with an image you might want to use a Canvas to draw more complex and fancier stuff:

Bitmap.Config conf = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;
Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(80, 80, conf);
Canvas canvas1 = new Canvas(bmp);

// paint defines the text color, stroke width and size
Paint color = new Paint();

// modify canvas
    R.drawable.user_picture_image), 0,0, color);
canvas1.drawText("User Name!", 30, 40, color);

// add marker to Map
mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
    // Specifies the anchor to be at a particular point in the marker image.
    .anchor(0.5f, 1));

This draws the Canvas canvas1 onto the GoogleMap mMap. The code should (mostly) speak for itself, there are many tutorials out there how to draw a Canvas. You can start by looking at the Canvas and Drawables from the Android Developer page.

Now you also want to download a picture from an URL.

URL url = new URL(user_image_url);
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();   
InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
bmImg = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is); 

You must download the image from an background thread (you could use AsyncTask or Volley or RxJava for that).

After that you can replace the BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.user_picture_image) with your downloaded image bmImg.

How to convert DateTime to/from specific string format (both ways, e.g. given Format is "yyyyMMdd")?

Use DateTime.TryParseExact() if you want to match against a specific date format

   string format = "yyyyMMdd"; 
    DateTime dateTime;
    DateTime.TryParseExact(dateString, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                             DateTimeStyles.None, out dateTime);

Can I use a :before or :after pseudo-element on an input field?

A working solution in pure CSS:

The trick is to suppose there's a dom element after the text-field.

 * The trick is here:_x000D_
 * this selector says "take the first dom element after_x000D_
 * the input text (+) and set its before content to the_x000D_
 * value (:before)._x000D_
input#myTextField + *:before {_x000D_
  content: "";_x000D_
<input id="myTextField" class="mystyle" type="text" value="someValue" />_x000D_
  There's maybe something after a input-text_x000D_
  Does'nt matter what it is (*), I use it._x000D_

(*) Limited solution, though:

  • you have to hope that there's a following dom element,
  • you have to hope no other input field follows your input field.

But in most cases, we know our code so this solution seems efficient and 100% CSS and 0% jQuery.

how to bold words within a paragraph in HTML/CSS?

if you want to just "bold", Mike Hofer's answer is mostly correct.

but notice that the tag bolds its contents by default, but you can change this behavior using css, example:

p strong {
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: italic;

Now your "bold" is italic :)

So, try to use tags by its meaning, not by its default style.

How to remove default mouse-over effect on WPF buttons?

An extension on dodgy_coder's answer which adds support for..

  • Maintaining WPF button style
  • Adds support for IsSelected and hover, i.e. a toggled button

        <Style x:Key="Button.Hoverless" TargetType="{x:Type ButtonBase}">
            <Setter Property="Template">
                    <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type ButtonBase}">
                        <Border Name="border"
                                BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}"
                                Padding="{TemplateBinding Padding}"
                                BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}"
                                Background="{TemplateBinding Background}">
                            <ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
                                    <Condition Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True" />
                                    <Condition Property="Selector.IsSelected" Value="False" />
                                <Setter Property="Background" Value="#FFBEE6FD" />
                                    <Condition Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True" />
                                    <Condition Property="Selector.IsSelected" Value="True" />
                                <Setter Property="Background" Value="#BB90EE90" />
                                    <Condition Property="IsMouseOver" Value="False" />
                                    <Condition Property="Selector.IsSelected" Value="True" />
                                <Setter Property="Background" Value="LightGreen" />
                            <Trigger Property="IsPressed" Value="True">
                                <Setter TargetName="border" Property="Opacity" Value="0.95" />


<Button Content="Wipe On" Selector.IsSelected="True" /> <Button Content="Wipe Off" Selector.IsSelected="False" />

Check whether specific radio button is checked

Just found a proper working solution for other guys,

// Returns true or false based on the radio button checked_x000D_
$('body').on('change','input[type="radio"]',function () {_x000D_
alert('Test1 checked = ' + $('#test1').prop('checked') + '. Test2 checked = ' + $('#test2').prop('checked') + '. Test3 checked = ' + $('#test3').prop('checked'));_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="radio" runat="server" name="testGroup" id="test1" /><label for="<%=test1.ClientID %>" style="cursor:hand" runat="server">Test1</label>_x000D_
<input type="radio" runat="server" name="testGroup" id="test2" /><label for="<%=test2.ClientID %>" style="cursor:hand" runat="server">Test2</label>_x000D_
<input type="radio" runat="server" name="testGroup" id="test3" /> <label for="<%=test3.ClientID %>" style="cursor:hand">Test3</label>

and in your method you can use like

return $('#test2').prop('checked');

Defining private module functions in python

You can add an inner function:

def public(self, args):
   def private(self.root, data):
       if (self.root != None):
          pass #do something with data

Something like that if you really need that level of privacy.

Encode a FileStream to base64 with c#

A simple Stream extension method would do the job:

public static class StreamExtensions
    public static string ConvertToBase64(this Stream stream)
        var bytes = new Byte[(int)stream.Length];

        stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        stream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)stream.Length);

        return Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);

The methods for Read (and also Write) and optimized for the respective class (whether is file stream, memory stream, etc.) and will do the work for you. For simple task like this, there is no need of readers, and etc.

The only drawback is that the stream is copied into byte array, but that is how the conversion to base64 via Convert.ToBase64String works unfortunately.

What EXACTLY is meant by "de-referencing a NULL pointer"?

Quoting from wikipedia:

A pointer references a location in memory, and obtaining the value at the location a pointer refers to is known as dereferencing the pointer.

Dereferencing is done by applying the unary * operator on the pointer.

int x = 5;
int * p;      // pointer declaration
p = &x;       // pointer assignment
*p = 7;       // pointer dereferencing, example 1
int y = *p;   // pointer dereferencing, example 2

"Dereferencing a NULL pointer" means performing *p when the p is NULL

Delete all SYSTEM V shared memory and semaphores on UNIX-like systems

ipcs -s | grep $USERNAME | perl -e 'while (<STDIN>) { @a=split(/\s+/); print `ipcrm sem $a[1]`}'


ipcs -s | grep $USERNAME | awk ' { print $2 } ' | xargs ipcrm sem

Change $USERNAME to a real username.

TensorFlow, "'module' object has no attribute 'placeholder'"

It happened to me too. I had tensorflow and it was working pretty well, but when I install tensorflow-gpu along side the previous tensorflow this error arose then I did these 3 steps and it started working with no problem:

  1. I removed tensorflow-gpu, tensorflow, tensorflow-base packages from Anaconda. Using.

conda remove tensorflow-gpu tensorflow tensorflow-base

  1. re-installed tensorflow. Using

conda install tensorflow

How to import a SQL Server .bak file into MySQL?

In this problem, the answer is not updated in a timely. So it's happy to say that in 2020 Migrating to MsSQL into MySQL is that much easy. An online converter like RebaseData will do your job with one click. You can just upload your .bak file which is from MsSQL and convert it into .sql format which is readable to MySQL.

Additional note: This can not only convert your .bak files but also this site is for all types of Database migrations that you want.

Use formula in custom calculated field in Pivot Table

Some of it is possible, specifically accessing subtotals:

"In Excel 2010+, you can right-click on the values and select Show Values As –> % of Parent Row Total." (or % of Parent Column Total)

enter image description here

  • And make sure the field in question is a number field that can be summed, it does not work for text fields for which only count is normally informative.


Creating a button in Android Toolbar

You can actually put anything inside a toolbar. See the below code.



Between the above toolbar tag you can put almost anything. That is the benefit of using a Toolbar.

Source: Android Toolbar Example


The problem with all presented answers it complete lack of taking triggers (and probably other side effects) into account. Solution like


leads to both triggers executed (for insert and then for update) when row does not exist.

Proper solution is


in that case only one statement is executed (when row exists or not).

WPF Binding to parent DataContext

Because of things like this, as a general rule of thumb, I try to avoid as much XAML "trickery" as possible and keep the XAML as dumb and simple as possible and do the rest in the ViewModel (or attached properties or IValueConverters etc. if really necessary).

If possible I would give the ViewModel of the current DataContext a reference (i.e. property) to the relevant parent ViewModel

public class ThisViewModel : ViewModelBase
    TypeOfAncestorViewModel Parent { get; set; }

and bind against that directly instead.

<TextBox Text="{Binding Parent}" />

How to style the option of an html "select" element?

Leaving here a quick alternative, using class toggle on a table. The behavior is very similar than a select, but can be styled with transition, filters and colors, each children individually.

function toggleSelect(){ _x000D_
 if (store.classList[0] === "hidden"){_x000D_
    store.classList = "viewfull"_x000D_
  else {_x000D_
    store.classList = "hidden"_x000D_
#store {_x000D_
  overflow-y: scroll;_x000D_
  max-height: 110px;_x000D_
  max-width: 50%_x000D_
.hidden {_x000D_
  display: none_x000D_
.viewfull {_x000D_
  display: block_x000D_
#store :nth-child(4) {_x000D_
  background-color: lime;_x000D_
span {font-size:2rem;cursor:pointer}
<span onclick="toggleSelect()">?</span>_x000D_
 <div id="store" class="hidden">_x000D_
<ul><li><a href="#keylogger">keylogger</a></li><li><a href="#1526269343113">1526269343113</a></li><li><a href="#slow">slow</a></li><li><a href="#slow2">slow2</a></li><li><a href="#Benchmark">Benchmark</a></li><li><a href="#modal">modal</a></li><li><a href="#buma">buma</a></li><li><a href="#1526099371108">1526099371108</a></li><a href="#1526099371108o">1526099371108o</a></li><li><a href="#pwnClrB">pwnClrB</a></li><li><a href="#stars%20u">stars%20u</a></li><li><a href="#pwnClrC">pwnClrC</a></li><li><a href="#stars ">stars </a></li><li><a href="#wello">wello</a></li><li><a href="#equalizer">equalizer</a></li><li><a href="#pwnClrA">pwnClrA</a></li></ul>_x000D_

How to change environment's font size?

File --> Preferences --> Settings --> User --> Font --> Font Size Enter the Font size. You can sync these settings with your Git Hub or Microsoft TFS.

enter image description here

Formatting dates on X axis in ggplot2

Can you use date as a factor?

Yes, but you probably shouldn't.

...or should you use as.Date on a date column?


Which leads us to this:

df$Month <- as.Date(df$Month)
ggplot(df, aes(x = Month, y = AvgVisits)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Month", y = "Average Visits per User") +
  scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%m-%Y"))

enter image description here

in which I've added stat = "identity" to your geom_bar call.

In addition, the message about the binwidth wasn't an error. An error will actually say "Error" in it, and similarly a warning will always say "Warning" in it. Otherwise it's just a message.

jQuery DatePicker with today as maxDate

$(".datepicker").datepicker({maxDate: '0'});

This will set the maxDate to +0 days from the current date (i.e. today). See:

What's the difference between a POST and a PUT HTTP REQUEST?

As far as i know, PUT is mostly used for update the records.

  1. POST - To create document or any other resource

  2. PUT - To update the created document or any other resource.

But to be clear on that PUT usually 'Replaces' the existing record if it is there and creates if it not there..

Is an anchor tag without the href attribute safe?

In HTML5, using an a element without an href attribute is valid. It is considered to be a "placeholder hyperlink."



Look for "placeholder hyperlink" on the w3c anchor tag reference page:

And it is also mentioned on the wiki here:

A placeholder link is for cases where you want to use an anchor element, but not have it navigate anywhere. This comes in handy for marking up the current page in a navigation menu or breadcrumb trail. (The old approach would have been to either use a span tag or an anchor tag with a class named "active" or "current" to style it and JavaScript to cancel navigation.)

A placeholder link is also useful in cases where you want to dynamically set the destination of the link via JavaScript at runtime. You simply set the value of the href attribute, and the anchor tag becomes clickable.

See also:

How to use PDO to fetch results array in PHP?

There are three ways to fetch multiple rows returned by PDO statement.

The simplest one is just to iterate over PDOStatement itself:

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM auction WHERE name LIKE ?")
// iterating over a statement
foreach($stmt as $row) {
    echo $row['name'];

another one is to fetch rows using fetch() method inside a familiar while statement:

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM auction WHERE name LIKE ?")
// using while
while($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
    echo $row['name'];

but for the modern web application we should have our datbase iteractions separated from output and thus the most convenient method would be to fetch all rows at once using fetchAll() method:

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM auction WHERE name LIKE ?")
// fetching rows into array
$data = $stmt->fetchAll();

or, if you need to preprocess some data first, use the while loop and collect the data into array manually

$result = [];
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM auction WHERE name LIKE ?")
// using while
while($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
    $result[] = [
        'newname' => $row['oldname'],
        // etc

and then output them in a template:

<?php foreach($data as $row): ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

Note that PDO supports many sophisticated fetch modes, allowing fetchAll() to return data in many different formats.

Changing the CommandTimeout in SQL Management studio

Right click in the query pane, select Query Options... and in the Execution->General section (the default when you first open it) there is an Execution time-out setting.

Viewing unpushed Git commits

This worked better for me:

git log --oneline @{upstream}..


git log --oneline origin/(remotebranch)..

Split string in C every white space

Something going wrong is get_words() always returning one less than the actual word count, so eventually you attempt to:

char *newbuff[words]; /* Words is one less than the actual number,
so this is declared to be too small. */

newbuff[count2] = (char *)malloc(strlen(buffer))

count2, eventually, is always one more than the number of elements you've declared for newbuff[]. Why malloc() isn't returning a valid ptr, though, I don't know.

How to delete parent element using jQuery

Use parents() instead of parent():

$("a").click(function(event) {

Bootstrap 3 Flush footer to bottom. not fixed

use flexbox as you can use it at your disposal. The solution offered by bootstrap 4 still hunting overlap content in responsive layout, e.g: it will break in mobile view, i come across the most neat trick is to use flexbox solution demo shown at here:( this way we do not have to deal with fixed height issue which is an obsolete solution by now...this solution works for bootstrap 3 and 4 whichever you using.

<body class="Site">
  <main class="Site-content">…</main>

.Site {
  display: flex;
  min-height: 100vh;
  flex-direction: column;

.Site-content {
  flex: 1;

Get generic type of java.util.List

Use Reflection to get the Field for these then you can just do: field.genericType to get the type that contains the information about generic as well.

MySQL: update a field only if condition is met

Try this:

   field = 1
WHERE id = 123 and condition

How can I change the font-size of a select option?

Tell the option element to be 13pt

select option{
    font-size: 13pt;

and then the first option element to be 7pt

select option:first-child {
    font-size: 7pt;

Running demo:

How does lock work exactly?

lock is actually hidden Monitor class.

Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android

Louth's answer works fine. But I don't think always return POSITION_NONE is a good idea. Because POSITION_NONE means that fragment should be destroyed and a new fragment will be created. You can check that in dataSetChanged function in the source code of ViewPager.

        if (newPos == PagerAdapter.POSITION_NONE) {
            ... not related code
            mAdapter.destroyItem(this, ii.position, ii.object);

So I think you'd better use an arraylist of weakReference to save all the fragments you have created. And when you add or remove some page, you can get the right position from your own arraylist.

 public int getItemPosition(Object object) {
    for (int i = 0; i < mFragmentsReferences.size(); i ++) {
        WeakReference<Fragment> reference = mFragmentsReferences.get(i);
        if (reference != null && reference.get() != null) {
            Fragment fragment = reference.get();
            if (fragment == object) {
                return i;
    return POSITION_NONE;

According to the comments, getItemPosition is Called when the host view is attempting to determine if an item's position has changed. And the return value means its new position.

But this is not enought. We still have an important step to take. In the source code of FragmentStatePagerAdapter, there is an array named "mFragments" caches the fragments which are not destroyed. And in instantiateItem function.

if (mFragments.size() > position) {
        Fragment f = mFragments.get(position);
        if (f != null) {
            return f;

It returned the cached fragment directly when it find that cached fragment is not null. So there is a problem. From example, let's delete one page at position 2, Firstly, We remove that fragment from our own reference arraylist. so in getItemPosition it will return POSITION_NONE for that fragment, and then that fragment will be destroyed and removed from "mFragments".

 mFragments.set(position, null);

Now the fragment at position 3 will be at position 2. And instantiatedItem with param position 3 will be called. At this time, the third item in "mFramgents" is not null, so it will return directly. But actually what it returned is the fragment at position 2. So when we turn into page 3, we will find an empty page there.

To work around this problem. My advise is that you can copy the source code of FragmentStatePagerAdapter into your own project, and when you do add or remove operations, you should add and remove elements in the "mFragments" arraylist.

Things will be simpler if you just use PagerAdapter instead of FragmentStatePagerAdapter. Good Luck.

Can we pass parameters to a view in SQL?

No you can't, as Mladen Prajdic said. Think of a view as a "static filter" on a table or a combination of tables. For example: a view may combine tables Order and Customer so you get a new "table" of rows from Order along with new columns containing the customer's name and the customer number (combination of tables). Or you might create a view that selects only unprocessed orders from the Order table (static filter).

You'd then select from the view like you would select from any other "normal" table - all "non-static" filtering must be done outside the view (like "Get all the orders for customers called Miller" or "Get unprocessed orders that came in on Dec 24th").

req.query and req.param in ExpressJS

I would suggest using following


req.param("") works as following

Lookup is performed in the following order:


Direct access to req.body, req.params, and req.query should be favoured for clarity - unless you truly accept input from each object.


ASP.NET Core Web API exception handling

If you want set custom exception handling behavior for a specific controller, you can do so by overriding the controllers OnActionExecuted method.

Remember to set the ExceptionHandled property to true to disable default exception handling behavior.

Here is a sample from an api I'm writing, where I want to catch specific types of exceptions and return a json formatted result:

    private static readonly Type[] API_CATCH_EXCEPTIONS = new Type[]

    public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)

        if (context.Exception != null)
            var exType = context.Exception.GetType();
            if (API_CATCH_EXCEPTIONS.Any(type => exType == type || exType.IsSubclassOf(type)))
                context.Result = Problem(detail: context.Exception.Message);
                context.ExceptionHandled = true;

How do you find the current user in a Windows environment?

In most cases, the %USERNAME% variable will be what you want.


However, if you're running an elevated cmd shell, then %USERNAME% will report the administrator name instead of your own user name. If you want to know the latter, run:

for /f "tokens=2" %u in ('query session ^| findstr /R "^>"') do @echo %u

How should I tackle --secure-file-priv in MySQL?

I had this problem on windows 10. "--secure-file-priv in MySQL" To solve this I did the following.

  1. In windows search (bottom left) I typed "powershell".
  2. Right clicked on powershell and ran as admin.
  3. Navigated to the server bin file. (C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin);
  4. Typed ./mysqld
  5. Hit "enter"

The server started up as expected.

How to change plot background color?

One method is to manually set the default for the axis background color within your script (see Customizing matplotlib):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'black'

This is in contrast to Nick T's method which changes the background color for a specific axes object. Resetting the defaults is useful if you're making multiple different plots with similar styles and don't want to keep changing different axes objects.

Note: The equivalent for

fig = plt.figure()

from your question is:

plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'black'

How to test if parameters exist in rails

In addition to previous answers: has_key? and has_value? have shorter alternatives in form of key? and value?. Ruby team also suggests using shorter alternatives, but for readability some might still prefer longer versions of these methods.

Therefore in your case it would be something like

if params.key?(:one) && params.key?(:two)
  ... do something ...
elsif params.key?(:one)
  ... do something ...

NB! .key? will just check if the key exists and ignores the whatever possible value. For ex:

2.3.3 :016 > a = {first: 1, second: nil, third: ''}
  => {:first=>1, :second=>nil, :third=>""}
2.3.3 :017 > puts "#{a.key?(:first)}, #{a.key?(:second)}, #{a.key?(:third), #{a.key?(:fourth)}}"
true, true, true, false

Jquery Open in new Tab (_blank)

Replace this line:

$(this).target = "_blank";


$( this ).attr( 'target', '_blank' );

That will set its HREF to _blank.

Faking an RS232 Serial Port

i used eltima make virtual serial port for my modbus application debug work. it is really very good application at development stage to check serial port program without connecting hardware.

Load and execution sequence of a web page?

According to your sample,

  <script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script src="abc.js" type="text/javascript">
  <link rel="stylesheets" type="text/css" href="abc.css"></link>
     $("#img").attr("src", "kkk.png");
    <img id="img" src="abc.jpg" style="width:400px;height:300px;"/>
    <script src="kkk.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

roughly the execution flow is about as follows:

  1. The HTML document gets downloaded
  2. The parsing of the HTML document starts
  3. HTML Parsing reaches <script src="jquery.js" ...
  4. jquery.js is downloaded and parsed
  5. HTML parsing reaches <script src="abc.js" ...
  6. abc.js is downloaded, parsed and run
  7. HTML parsing reaches <link href="abc.css" ...
  8. abc.css is downloaded and parsed
  9. HTML parsing reaches <style>...</style>
  10. Internal CSS rules are parsed and defined
  11. HTML parsing reaches <script>...</script>
  12. Internal Javascript is parsed and run
  13. HTML Parsing reaches <img src="abc.jpg" ...
  14. abc.jpg is downloaded and displayed
  15. HTML Parsing reaches <script src="kkk.js" ...
  16. kkk.js is downloaded, parsed and run
  17. Parsing of HTML document ends

Note that the download may be asynchronous and non-blocking due to behaviours of the browser. For example, in Firefox there is this setting which limits the number of simultaneous requests per domain.

Also depending on whether the component has already been cached or not, the component may not be requested again in a near-future request. If the component has been cached, the component will be loaded from the cache instead of the actual URL.

When the parsing is ended and document is ready and loaded, the events onload is fired. Thus when onload is fired, the $("#img").attr("src","kkk.png"); is run. So:

  1. Document is ready, onload is fired.
  2. Javascript execution hits $("#img").attr("src", "kkk.png");
  3. kkk.png is downloaded and loads into #img

The $(document).ready() event is actually the event fired when all page components are loaded and ready. Read more about it:$(document).ready()

Edit - This portion elaborates more on the parallel or not part:

By default, and from my current understanding, browser usually runs each page on 3 ways: HTML parser, Javascript/DOM, and CSS.

The HTML parser is responsible for parsing and interpreting the markup language and thus must be able to make calls to the other 2 components.

For example when the parser comes across this line:

<a href="#" onclick="alert('test');return false;" style="font-weight:bold">a hypertext link</a>

The parser will make 3 calls, two to Javascript and one to CSS. Firstly, the parser will create this element and register it in the DOM namespace, together with all the attributes related to this element. Secondly, the parser will call to bind the onclick event to this particular element. Lastly, it will make another call to the CSS thread to apply the CSS style to this particular element.

The execution is top down and single threaded. Javascript may look multi-threaded, but the fact is that Javascript is single threaded. This is why when loading external javascript file, the parsing of the main HTML page is suspended.

However, the CSS files can be download simultaneously because CSS rules are always being applied - meaning to say elements are always repainted with the freshest CSS rules defined - thus making it unblocking.

An element will only be available in the DOM after it has been parsed. Thus when working with a specific element, the script is always placed after, or within the window onload event.

Script like this will cause error (on jQuery):

<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */
/* ]]> */</script>
<div id="mydiv">Hello World</div>

Because when the script is parsed, #mydiv element is still not defined. Instead this would work:

<div id="mydiv">Hello World</div>
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */
/* ]]> */</script>


<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */
/* ]]> */</script>
<div id="mydiv">Hello World</div>

Are there other whitespace codes like &nbsp for half-spaces, em-spaces, en-spaces etc useful in HTML?

There are codes for other space characters, and the codes as such work well, but the characters themselves are legacy character. They have been included into character sets only due to their presence in existing character data, rather than for use in new documents. For some combinations of font and browser version, they may cause a generic glyph of unrepresentable character to be shown. For details, check my page about Unicode spaces.

So using CSS is safer and lets you specify any desired amount of spacing, not just the specific widths of fixed-width spaces. If you just want to have added spacing around your h2 elements, as it seems to me, then setting padding on those elements (changing the value of the padding: 0 settings that you already have) should work fine.

How to sync with a remote Git repository?

You need to add the original repository (the one that you forked) as a remote.

git remote add github (clone url for the orignal repository)

Then you need to bring in the changes to your local repository

git fetch github

Now you will have all the branches of the original repository in your local one. For example, the master branch will be github/master. With these branches you can do what you will. Merge them into your branches etc

Read and parse a Json File in C#

string jsonFilePath = @"C:\MyFolder\myFile.json";
string json = File.ReadAllText(jsonFilePath);
Dictionary<string, object> json_Dictionary = (new JavaScriptSerializer()).Deserialize<Dictionary<string, object>>(json);

foreach (var item in json_Dictionary)
    // parse here

How to stop mysqld

To stop MariaDB and MySQL server instance:

sudo mysqladmin shutdown

To start MariaDB and MySQL server instance:

mysqld &

To change data ownership for MariaDB and MySQL server instance:

sudo chown -R 755 /usr/local/mariadb/data

Android read text raw resource file

Well with Kotlin u can do it just in one line of code:

resources.openRawResource(R.raw.rawtextsample).bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }

Or even declare extension function:

fun Resources.getRawTextFile(@RawRes id: Int) =
        openRawResource(id).bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }

And then just use it straightaway:

val txtFile = resources.getRawTextFile(R.raw.rawtextsample)

Check string for nil & empty

Swift 3 solution Use the optional unwrapped value and check against the boolean.

if (string?.isempty == true) {
    // Perform action

C# version of java's synchronized keyword?

Take note, with full paths the line: [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] should look like


Permission is only granted to system app

when your add permission in manifest then in eclipse go to project and clic

  1. click on project
  2. click on clean project that's all

k on clean project

How to get file size in Java

Did a quick google. Seems that to find the file size you do this,

long size = f.length();

The differences between the three methods you posted can be found here

getFreeSpace() and getTotalSpace() are pretty self explanatory, getUsableSpace() seems to be the space that the JVM can use, which in most cases will be the same as the amount of free space.

PreparedStatement with list of parameters in a IN clause

You can use :

for( int i = 0 ; i < listField.size(); i++ ) {
    i < listField.size() - 1 ? request.append("?,") : request.append("?");

Then :

int i = 1;
for (String field : listField) {
    statement.setString(i++, field);

Exemple :

List<String> listField = new ArrayList<String>();

StringBuilder request = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE FIELD IN (");

for( int i = 0 ; i < listField.size(); i++ ) {
    request = i < (listField.size() - 1) ? request.append("?,") : request.append("?");

DNAPreparedStatement statement = DNAPreparedStatement.newInstance(connection, request.toString);

int i = 1;
for (String field : listField) {
    statement.setString(i++, field);

ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();

Proper way to assert type of variable in Python

You might want to try this example for version 2.6 of Python.

def my_print(text, begin, end):
    "Print text in UPPER between 'begin' and 'end' in lower."
    for obj in (text, begin, end):
        assert isinstance(obj, str), 'Argument of wrong type!'
    print begin.lower() + text.upper() + end.lower()

However, have you considered letting the function fail naturally instead?

how to check if a datareader is null or empty

if (myReader["Additional"] != DBNull.Value)
    ltlAdditional.Text = "contains data";
     ltlAdditional.Text = "is null";

Deny all, allow only one IP through htaccess

If you want to use mod_rewrite for access control you can use condition like user agent, http referrer, remote addr etc.


RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !=*.*.*.* #you ip address
RewriteRule ^$ - [F]


Append values to query string

I've wrapped Darin's answer into a nicely reusable extension method.

public static class UriExtensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the specified parameter to the Query String.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="url"></param>
    /// <param name="paramName">Name of the parameter to add.</param>
    /// <param name="paramValue">Value for the parameter to add.</param>
    /// <returns>Url with added parameter.</returns>
    public static Uri AddParameter(this Uri url, string paramName, string paramValue)
        var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(url);
        var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uriBuilder.Query);
        query[paramName] = paramValue;
        uriBuilder.Query = query.ToString();

        return uriBuilder.Uri;

I hope this helps!

"python" not recognized as a command

Just another clarification for those starting out. When you add C:\PythonXX to your path, make sure there are NO SPACES between variables e.g.



Not this:

SomeOtherDirectory; C:\Python27

That took me a good 15 minutes of headache to figure out (I'm on windows 7, might be OS dependent). Happy coding.

Removing rounded corners from a <select> element in Chrome/Webkit

While the top answer removes the border, it also removes the arrow which makes it extremely difficult if not impossible for the user to identify the element as a select.

My solution was to just stick a white div (with border-radius:0px) behind the select. Set its position to absolute, its height to the height of the select, and you should be good to go!

How to tell PowerShell to wait for each command to end before starting the next?

Normally, for internal commands PowerShell does wait before starting the next command. One exception to this rule is external Windows subsystem based EXE. The first trick is to pipeline to Out-Null like so:

Notepad.exe | Out-Null

PowerShell will wait until the Notepad.exe process has been exited before continuing. That is nifty but kind of subtle to pick up from reading the code. You can also use Start-Process with the -Wait parameter:

Start-Process <path to exe> -NoNewWindow -Wait

If you are using the PowerShell Community Extensions version it is:

$proc = Start-Process <path to exe> -NoNewWindow -PassThru

Another option in PowerShell 2.0 is to use a background job:

$job = Start-Job { invoke command here }
Wait-Job $job
Receive-Job $job

How to pass a variable from Activity to Fragment, and pass it back?

Use the library EventBus to pass event that could contain your variable back and forth. It's a good solution because it keeps your activities and fragments loosely coupled

How to enable SOAP on CentOS

The yum install php-soap command will install the Soap module for php 5.x

For installing the correct version for your environment I recommend to create a file info.php and put this code: <?php echo phpinfo(); ?>

In the header you'll see the version you're using:

enter image description here

Now that you know the correct version you can run this command: yum search php-soap

This command will return the avaliable versions:

php-soap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
php54-php-soap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
php55-php-soap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
php56-php-soap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
php70-php-soap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
php71-php-soap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
php72-php-soap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
php73-php-soap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
php74-php-soap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
rh-php70-php-soap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
rh-php71-php-soap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
rh-php72-php-soap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol

Now you just need to choose the correct module to your php version.

For this example, you should run this command php72-php-soap.x86_64

What causes the error "undefined reference to (some function)"?

It's a linker error. ld is the linker, so if you get an error message ending with "ld returned 1 exit status", that tells you that it's a linker error.

The error message tells you that none of the object files you're linking against contains a definition for avergecolumns. The reason for that is that the function you've defined is called averagecolumns (in other words: you misspelled the function name when calling the function (and presumably in the header file as well - otherwise you'd have gotten a different error at compile time)).

TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index with 1D numpy indices array

Another case that could cause this error is

>>> np.ndindex(np.random.rand(60,60))
TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index

Using the actual shape will fix it.

>>> np.ndindex(np.random.rand(60,60).shape)
<numpy.ndindex object at 0x000001B887A98880>

$(this).serialize() -- How to add a value?

Don't forget you can always do:

<input type="hidden" name="NonFormName" value="NonFormValue" />

in your actual form, which may be better for your code depending on the case.

The server principal is not able to access the database under the current security context in SQL Server MS 2012

I encountered the same error while using Server Management Objects (SMO) in (I'm sure it's the same in C#)

Techie Joe's comment on the initial post was a useful warning that in shared hosting a lot of additional things are going on. It took a little time to figure out, but the code below shows how one has to be very specific in the way they access SQL databases. The 'server principal...' error seemed to show up whenever the SMO calls were not precisely specific in the shared hosting environment.

This first section of code was against a local SQL Express server and relied on simple Windows Authentication. All the code used in these samples are based on the SMO tutorial by Robert Kanasz in this Code Project website article:

  Dim conn2 = New ServerConnection()
  conn2.ServerInstance = "<local pc name>\SQLEXPRESS"
    Dim testConnection As New Server(conn2)
    Debug.WriteLine("Server: " + testConnection.Name)
    Debug.WriteLine("Edition: " + testConnection.Information.Edition)
    Debug.WriteLine(" ")

    For Each db2 As Database In testConnection.Databases
      Debug.Write(db2.Name & " - ")
      For Each fg As FileGroup In db2.FileGroups
        Debug.Write(fg.Name & " - ")
        For Each df As DataFile In fg.Files
          Debug.WriteLine(df.Name + " - " + df.FileName)

  Catch err As Exception
  End Try

The code above finds the .mdf files for every database on the local SQLEXPRESS server just fine because authentication is handled by Windows and it is broad across all the databases.

In the following code there are 2 sections iterating for the .mdf files. In this case only the first iteration looking for a filegroup works, and it only finds a single file because the connection is to only a single database in the shared hosting environment.

The second iteration, which is a copy of the iteration that worked above, chokes immediately because the way it is written it tries to access the 1st database in the shared environment, which is not the one to which the User ID/Password apply, so the SQL server returns an authorization error in the form of the 'server principal...' error.

Dim sqlConnection1 As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
sqlConnection1.ConnectionString = "connection string with User ID/Password to a specific database in a shared hosting system. This string will likely also include the Data Source and Initial Catalog parameters"
Dim conn1 As New ServerConnection(sqlConnection1)
  Dim testConnection As New Server(conn1)
  Debug.WriteLine("Server: " + testConnection.Name)
  Debug.WriteLine("Edition: " + testConnection.Information.Edition)
  Debug.WriteLine(" ")

  Dim db2 = testConnection.Databases("the name of the database to which the User ID/Password in the connection string applies")
  For Each fg As FileGroup In db2.FileGroups
    Debug.Write(fg.Name & " - ")
    For Each df As DataFile In fg.Files
      Debug.WriteLine(df.Name + " - " + df.FileName)

  For Each db3 As Database In testConnection.Databases
    Debug.Write(db3.Name & " - ")
    For Each fg As FileGroup In db3.FileGroups
      Debug.Write(fg.Name & " - ")
      For Each df As DataFile In fg.Files
        Debug.WriteLine(df.Name + " - " + df.FileName)


Catch err As Exception
End Try

In that second iteration loop, the code compiles fine, but because SMO wasn't setup to access precisely the correct database with the precise syntax, that attempt fails.

As I'm just learning SMO I thought other newbies might appreciate knowing there's also a more simple explanation for this error - we just coded it wrong.

Use xml.etree.ElementTree to print nicely formatted xml files

You could use the library lxml (Note top level link is now spam) , which is a superset of ElementTree. Its tostring() method includes a parameter pretty_print - for example:

>>> print(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True))

Convert `List<string>` to comma-separated string

Follow this:

       List<string> name = new List<string>();   



        string nameOfString = (string.Join(",", name.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()));

Applying styles to tables with Twitter Bootstrap

Just another good looking table. I added "table-hover" class because it gives a nice hovering effect.

   <h3>NATO Phonetic Alphabet</h3>    
   <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed table-hover">
        <th>Phonetic Letter</th>






Add CSS to iFrame

Based on solution You've already found How to apply CSS to iframe?:

var cssLink = document.createElement("link") 
cssLink.href = "file://path/to/style.css"; 
cssLink .rel = "stylesheet"; 
cssLink .type = "text/css"; 

or more jqueryish (from Append a stylesheet to an iframe with jQuery):

var $head = $("iframe").contents().find("head");                
    { rel: "stylesheet", href: "file://path/to/style.css", type: "text/css" }));

as for security issues: Disabling same-origin policy in Safari

How can I align text directly beneath an image?

In order to be able to justify the text, you need to know the width of the image. You can just use the normal width of the image, or use a different width, but IE 6 might get cranky at you and not scale.

Here's what you need:

<style type="text/css">
#container { width: 100px; //whatever width you want }

#image {width: 100%; //fill up whole div }

#text { text-align: justify; }    

 <div id="container"> 
     <img src="" id="image" /> 
     <p id="text">oooh look! text!</p> 

Run php script as daemon process

You can

  1. Use nohup as Henrik suggested.
  2. Use screen and run your PHP program as a regular process inside that. This gives you more control than using nohup.
  3. Use a daemoniser like (it's written in Python but can daemonise any command line program and give you a remote control to manage it).
  4. Write your own daemonise wrapper like Emil suggested but it's overkill IMO.

I'd recommend the simplest method (screen in my opinion) and then if you want more features or functionality, move to more complex methods.

How to fix "Your Ruby version is 2.3.0, but your Gemfile specified 2.2.5" while server starting

Your Gemfile has a line reading

ruby '2.2.5'

Change it to

ruby '2.3.0'

Then run

bundle install

How to make Apache serve index.php instead of index.html?

PHP will work only on the .php file extension.

If you are on Apache you can also set, in your httpd.conf file, the extensions for PHP. You'll have to find the line:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html

and add how many extensions, that should be read with the PHP interpreter, as you want.

Python subprocess/Popen with a modified environment

you might use my_env.get("PATH", '') instead of my_env["PATH"] in case PATH somehow not defined in the original environment, but other than that it looks fine.

Sorting arraylist in alphabetical order (case insensitive)

Based on the above mentioned answers, I managed to compare my custom Class Objects like this:

ArrayList<Item> itemList = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.sort(itemList, new Comparator<Item>() {
            public int compare(Item item, Item t1) {
                String s1 = item.getTitle();
                String s2 = t1.getTitle();
                return s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2);


How do I set an un-selectable default description in a select (drop-down) menu in HTML?

Building on Oded's answer, you could also set the default option but not make it a selectable option if it's just dummy text. For example you could do:

<option selected="selected" disabled="disabled">Select a language</option>

This would show "Select a language" before the user clicks the select box but the user wouldn't be able to select it because of the disabled attribute.

How to create a project from existing source in Eclipse and then find it?

Follow this instructions from standard eclipse docs.

  1. From the main menu bar, select command link File > Import.... The Import wizard opens.
  2. Select General > Existing Project into Workspace and click Next.
  3. Choose either Select root directory or Select archive file and click the associated Browse to locate the directory or file containing the projects.
  4. Under Projects select the project or projects which you would like to import.
  5. Click Finish to start the import.

Dead simple example of using Multiprocessing Queue, Pool and Locking

The best solution for your problem is to utilize a Pool. Using Queues and having a separate "queue feeding" functionality is probably overkill.

Here's a slightly rearranged version of your program, this time with only 2 processes coralled in a Pool. I believe it's the easiest way to go, with minimal changes to original code:

import multiprocessing
import time

data = (
    ['a', '2'], ['b', '4'], ['c', '6'], ['d', '8'],
    ['e', '1'], ['f', '3'], ['g', '5'], ['h', '7']

def mp_worker((inputs, the_time)):
    print " Processs %s\tWaiting %s seconds" % (inputs, the_time)
    print " Process %s\tDONE" % inputs

def mp_handler():
    p = multiprocessing.Pool(2), data)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Note that mp_worker() function now accepts a single argument (a tuple of the two previous arguments) because the map() function chunks up your input data into sublists, each sublist given as a single argument to your worker function.


Processs a  Waiting 2 seconds
Processs b  Waiting 4 seconds
Process a   DONE
Processs c  Waiting 6 seconds
Process b   DONE
Processs d  Waiting 8 seconds
Process c   DONE
Processs e  Waiting 1 seconds
Process e   DONE
Processs f  Waiting 3 seconds
Process d   DONE
Processs g  Waiting 5 seconds
Process f   DONE
Processs h  Waiting 7 seconds
Process g   DONE
Process h   DONE

Edit as per @Thales comment below:

If you want "a lock for each pool limit" so that your processes run in tandem pairs, ala:

A waiting B waiting | A done , B done | C waiting , D waiting | C done, D done | ...

then change the handler function to launch pools (of 2 processes) for each pair of data:

def mp_handler():
    subdata = zip(data[0::2], data[1::2])
    for task1, task2 in subdata:
        p = multiprocessing.Pool(2), (task1, task2))

Now your output is:

 Processs a Waiting 2 seconds
 Processs b Waiting 4 seconds
 Process a  DONE
 Process b  DONE
 Processs c Waiting 6 seconds
 Processs d Waiting 8 seconds
 Process c  DONE
 Process d  DONE
 Processs e Waiting 1 seconds
 Processs f Waiting 3 seconds
 Process e  DONE
 Process f  DONE
 Processs g Waiting 5 seconds
 Processs h Waiting 7 seconds
 Process g  DONE
 Process h  DONE

How to Clone Objects

What you are looking is for a Cloning. You will need to Implement IClonable and then do the Cloning.


class Person() : ICloneable
    public string head;
    public string feet; 

    #region ICloneable Members

    public object Clone()
        return this.MemberwiseClone();


Then You can simply call the Clone method to do a ShallowCopy (In this particular Case also a DeepCopy)

Person a = new Person() { head = "big", feet = "small" };
Person b = (Person) a.Clone();  

You can use the MemberwiseClone method of the Object class to do the cloning.

What is the @Html.DisplayFor syntax for?

Html.DisplayFor() will render the DisplayTemplate that matches the property's type.

If it can't find any, I suppose it invokes .ToString().

If you don't know about display templates, they're partial views that can be put in a DisplayTemplates folder inside the view folder associated to a controller.


If you create a view named String.cshtml inside the DisplayTemplates folder of your views folder (e.g Home, or Shared) with the following code:

@model string

@if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model)) {
   <strong>Null string</strong>
else {

Then @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Title) (assuming that Title is a string) will use the template and display <strong>Null string</strong> if the string is null, or empty.

assignment operator overloading in c++

There are no problems with the second version of the assignment operator. In fact, that is the standard way for an assignment operator.

Edit: Note that I am referring to the return type of the assignment operator, not to the implementation itself. As has been pointed out in comments, the implementation itself is another issue. See here.

What is the purpose of "pip install --user ..."?

Why not just put an executable somewhere in my $PATH

~/.local/bin directory is theoretically expected to be in your $PATH.

According to these people it's a bug not adding it in the $PATH when using systemd.

This answer explains it more extensively.

But even if your distro includes the ~/.local/bin directory to the $PATH, it might be in the following form (inside ~/.profile):

if [ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ] ; then

which would require you to logout and login again, if the directory was not there before.

Android: How to programmatically access the device serial number shown in the AVD manager (API Version 8)

This is the hardware serial number. To access it on

  • Android Q (>= SDK 29) android.Manifest.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE is required. Only system apps can require this permission. If the calling package is the device or profile owner then the READ_PHONE_STATE permission suffices.

  • Android 8 and later (>= SDK 26) use android.os.Build.getSerial() which requires the dangerous permission READ_PHONE_STATE. Using android.os.Build.SERIAL returns android.os.Build.UNKNOWN.

  • Android 7.1 and earlier (<= SDK 25) and earlier android.os.Build.SERIAL does return a valid serial.

It's unique for any device. If you are looking for possibilities on how to get/use a unique device id you should read here.

For a solution involving reflection without requiring a permission see this answer.

How do I check if an object has a specific property in JavaScript?

if (typeof x.key != "undefined") {



if (x.key)

fails if x.key resolves to false (for example, x.key = "").

How to replace NA values in a table for selected columns

We can solve it in data.table way with tidyr::repalce_na function and lapply

df[,c("a","b","c"):=lapply(.SD,function(x) replace_na(x,0)),.SDcols=c("a","b","c")]

In this way, we can also solve paste columns with NA string. First, we replace_na(x,""),then we can use stringr::str_c to combine columns!

how to compare the Java Byte[] array?

If you're trying to use the array as a generic HashMap key, that's not going to work. Consider creating a custom wrapper object that holds the array, and whose equals(...) and hashcode(...) method returns the results from the java.util.Arrays methods. For example...

import java.util.Arrays;

public class MyByteArray {
   private byte[] data;

   // ... constructors, getters methods, setter methods, etc...

   public int hashCode() {
      return Arrays.hashCode(data);

   public boolean equals(Object obj) {
      if (this == obj)
         return true;
      if (obj == null)
         return false;
      if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
         return false;
      MyByteArray other = (MyByteArray) obj;
      if (!Arrays.equals(data,
         return false;
      return true;


Objects of this wrapper class will work fine as a key for your HashMap<MyByteArray, OtherType> and will allow for clean use of equals(...) and hashCode(...) methods.

Difference between numpy.array shape (R, 1) and (R,)

There are a lot of good answers here already. But for me it was hard to find some example, where the shape or array can break all the program.

So here is the one:

import numpy as np
a = np.array([1,2,3,4])
b = np.array([10,20,30,40])

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
regr = LinearRegression(),b)

This will fail with error:

ValueError: Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead

but if we add reshape to a:

a = np.array([1,2,3,4]).reshape(-1,1)

this works correctly!

How can I change the color of a Google Maps marker?

With version 3 of the Google Maps API, the easiest way to do this may be by grabbing a custom icon set, like the one that Benjamin Keen has created here:

If you put all of those icons at the same place as your map page, you can colorize a Marker simply by using the appropriate icon option when creating it:

var beachMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
  position: myLatLng,
  map: map,
  icon: 'brown_markerA.png'

This is super-easy, and is the approach I'm using for the project I'm working on currently.

Saving images in Python at a very high quality

Just to add my results, also using Matplotlib.

.eps made all my text bold and removed transparency. .svg gave me high-resolution pictures that actually looked like my graph.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Do the plot code
fig.savefig('myimage.svg', format='svg', dpi=1200)

I used 1200 dpi because a lot of scientific journals require images in 1200 / 600 / 300 dpi, depending on what the image is of. Convert to desired dpi and format in GIMP or Inkscape.

Obviously the dpi doesn't matter since .svg are vector graphics and have "infinite resolution".

Date format in the json output using spring boot

If you want to change the format for all dates you can add a builder customizer. Here is an example of a bean that converts dates to ISO 8601:

public Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer jsonCustomizer() {
    return new Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer() {
        public void customize(Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder builder) {
            builder.dateFormat(new ISO8601DateFormat());        

Python 3: UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment

Why not simply return your calculated value and let the caller modify the global variable. It's not a good idea to manipulate a global variable within a function, as below:

Var1 = 1
Var2 = 0

def function(): 
    if Var2 == 0 and Var1 > 0:
        print("Result One")
    elif Var2 == 1 and Var1 > 0:
        print("Result Two")
    elif Var1 < 1:
        print("Result Three")
    return Var1 - 1

Var1 = function()

or even make local copies of the global variables and work with them and return the results which the caller can then assign appropriately

def function():
v1, v2 = Var1, Var2
# calculate using the local variables v1 & v2
return v1 - 1

Var1 = function()

How to execute a JavaScript function when I have its name as a string

This is working for me:

var command = "Add";
var tempFunction = new Function("Arg1","Arg2", "window." + command + "(Arg1,Arg2)");

I hope this works.

How do I do an initial push to a remote repository with Git?

You need to set up the remote repository on your client:

git remote add origin ssh://

How to edit/save a file through Ubuntu Terminal

Open the file using vi or nano. and then press " i " ,

For save and quit

  Enter Esc    

and write the following command


without save and quit


lambda expression join multiple tables with select and where clause

I was looking for something and I found this post. I post this code that managed many-to-many relationships in case someone needs it.

    var UserInRole = db.UsersInRoles.Include(u => u.UserProfile).Include(u => u.Roles)
    .Select (m => new 
        UserName = u.UserProfile.UserName,
        RoleName = u.Roles.RoleName