I object with something I keep seeing over and over in most of these answers, that what makes a function a function is that it returns a value.
A function is not just any old method that returns a value. Not so: In order for a method to be a real function it must return the same value always given a specific input. An example of a method that is not a function is the random
method in most languages, because although it does return a value the value is not always the same.
A function therefore is more akin to a map (e.g. where x -> x'
for a one dimensional function). This is a very important distinction between regular methods and functions because when dealing with real functions the timing and the order in which they are evaluated should never matter where as this is not always the case with non functions.
Here's another example of a method that is not a function but will otherwise still return a value.
// The following is pseudo code:
g(x) = {
if (morning()) {
g = 2 * x;
else {
g = x;
return g;
I further object to the notion that procedures do not return values. A procedure is just a specific way of talking about a function or method. So that means if the underlying method that your procedure defines or implements returns a value then, guess what that procedure returns a value. Take for example the following snippet from the SICP:
// We can immediately translate this definition into a recursive procedure
// for computing Fibonacci numbers:
(define (fib n)
(cond ((= n 0) 0)
((= n 1) 1)
(else (+ (fib (- n 1))
(fib (- n 2))))))
Have you heard of recursive procedures much lately? They are talking about a recursive function (a real function) and it's returning a value and they are using the word "procedure". So what's the difference, then?
Well another way of thinking of a function (besides the meaning mentioned above) is as an abstract representation of an ideal like the numeral 1. A procedure is that actual implementation of that thing. I personally think they are interchangeable.
(Note, if you read that chapter from the link I provide you may find that a harder concept to grasp is not the difference between a function and a procedure, but a process and a procedure. Did you know that a recursive procedure can have an iterative process?)
An analog for procedures are recipes. For example; suppose you have a machine called make-pies
this machine takes in ingredients of (fruit, milk, flower, eggs, sugar, heat)
and this machine returns a pie
A representation of this machine might look like
make-pies (fruit, milk, flower, eggs, sugar, heat) = {
return (heat (add fruit (mix eggs flower milk)))
Of course that's not the only way to make a pie.
In this case we can see that:
A function is to a machine
as a procedure is to a recipe
as attributes are to ingredients
as output is to product
That analogy is OK but it breaks down when you take into account that when you are dealing with a computer program everything is an abstraction. So unlike in the case of a recipe to a machine we are comparing two things that are themselves abstractions; two things that might as well be the same thing. And I hold that they are (for all intent and purposes) the same thing.