To understand the use of "SET SERVEROUTPUT ON" I will take an example
a number(10) :=10;
dbms_output.put_line(a) ;
dbms_output.put_line('Hello World ! ') ;
With an output : PL/SQl procedure successfully completed i.e without the expected output
And the main reason behind is that ,whatever we pass inside dbms_output.put_line(' ARGUMENT '/VALUES) i.e. ARGUMENT/VALUES , is internally stored inside a buffer in SGA(Shared Global Area ) memory area upto 2000 bytes .
*NOTE :***However one should note that this buffer is only created when we use **dbms_output package. And we need to set the environment variable only once for a session !!
And in order to fetch it from that buffer we need to set the environment variable for the session . It makes a lot of confusion to the beginners that we are setting the server output on ( because of its nomenclature ) , but unfortunately its nothing like that . Using SET SERVER OUTPUT ON are just telling the PL/SQL engine that
*Hey please print the ARGUMENT/VALUES that I will be passing inside dbms_output.put_line
and in turn PL/SQl run time engine prints the argument on the main console .
I think I am clear to you all . Wish you all the best . To know more about it with the architectural structure of Oracle Server Engine you can see my answer on Quora
And to answer your question "One should use SET SERVER OUTPUT in the beginning of the session. "