[html] Can I use a :before or :after pseudo-element on an input field?

As others explained, inputs are kinda-replaced void elements, so most browsers won't allow you to generate ::before nor ::after pseudo-elements in them.

However, the CSS Working Group is considering explicitly allowing ::before and ::after in case the input has appearance: none.

From https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2016Mar/0190.html,

Safari and Chrome both allow pseudo-elements on their form inputs. Other browsers don't. We looked into removing this, but the use-counter is recording ~.07% of pages using it, which is 20x our max removal threshold.

Actually specifying pseudo-elements on inputs would require specifying the internal structure of inputs at least somewhat, which we haven't managed to do yet (and I'm not confident we *can* do). But Boris suggested, in one of the bugthreads, allowing it on appearance:none inputs - basically just turning them into <div>s, rather than "kinda-replaced" elements.

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