Programs & Examples On #Pipelining

How to resolve javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException issue?

The problem is, you are creating a transport object and using it's connect method to authenticate yourself. But then you use a static method to send the message which ignores authentication done by the object.

So, you should either use the sendMessage(message, message.getAllRecipients()) method on the object or use an authenticator as suggested by others to get authorize through the session.

Here's the Java Mail FAQ, you need to read.

Problem with SMTP authentication in PHP using PHPMailer, with Pear Mail works

that the OpenSSL extension enabled and the directory languages with "br"? first checks the data.

Send email using the GMail SMTP server from a PHP page

SwiftMailer can send E-Mail using external servers.

here is an example that shows how to use a Gmail server:

require_once "lib/Swift.php";
require_once "lib/Swift/Connection/SMTP.php";

//Connect to localhost on port 25
$swift =& new Swift(new Swift_Connection_SMTP("localhost"));

//Connect to an IP address on a non-standard port
$swift =& new Swift(new Swift_Connection_SMTP("", 419));

//Connect to Gmail (PHP5)
$swift = new Swift(new Swift_Connection_SMTP(
    "", Swift_Connection_SMTP::PORT_SECURE, Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_TLS));

HTTP 1.0 vs 1.1

For trivial applications (e.g. sporadically retrieving a temperature value from a web-enabled thermometer) HTTP 1.0 is fine for both a client and a server. You can write a bare-bones socket-based HTTP 1.0 client or server in about 20 lines of code.

For more complicated scenarios HTTP 1.1 is the way to go. Expect a 3 to 5-fold increase in code size for dealing with the intricacies of the more complex HTTP 1.1 protocol. The complexity mainly comes, because in HTTP 1.1 you will need to create, parse, and respond to various headers. You can shield your application from this complexity by having a client use an HTTP library, or server use a web application server.

Group dataframe and get sum AND count?

try this:

In [110]: (df.groupby('Company Name')
   .....:    .agg({'Organisation Name':'count', 'Amount': 'sum'})
   .....:    .reset_index()
   .....:    .rename(columns={'Organisation Name':'Organisation Count'})
   .....: )
          Company Name   Amount  Organisation Count
0  Vifor Pharma UK Ltd  4207.93                   5

or if you don't want to reset index:

df.groupby('Company Name')['Amount'].agg(['sum','count'])


df.groupby('Company Name').agg({'Amount': ['sum','count']})


In [98]: df.groupby('Company Name')['Amount'].agg(['sum','count'])
                         sum  count
Company Name
Vifor Pharma UK Ltd  4207.93      5

In [99]: df.groupby('Company Name').agg({'Amount': ['sum','count']})
                         sum count
Company Name
Vifor Pharma UK Ltd  4207.93     5

What is the difference between conversion specifiers %i and %d in formatted IO functions (*printf / *scanf)

There is no difference between the %i and %d format specifiers for printf. We can see this by going to the draft C99 standard section The fprintf function which also covers printf with respect to format specifiers and it says in paragraph 8:

The conversion specifiers and their meanings are:

and includes the following bullet:

d,i     The int argument is converted to signed decimal in the style
        [-]dddd. The precision specifies the minimum number of digits to
        appear; if the value being converted can be represented in fewer
        digits, it is expanded with leading zeros. The default precision is
        1. The result of converting a zero value with a precision of zero is
        no characters.

On the other hand for scanf there is a difference, %d assume base 10 while %i auto detects the base. We can see this by going to section The fscanf function which covers scanf with respect to format specifier, in paragraph 12 it says:

The conversion specifiers and their meanings are:

and includes the following:

d     Matches an optionally signed decimal integer, whose format is the
      same as expected for the subject sequence of the strtol function with
      the value 10 for the base argument. The corresponding argument shall
      be a pointer to signed integer.

i     Matches an optionally signed integer, whose format is the same as
      expected for the subject sequence of the strtol function with the
      value 0 for the base argument. The corresponding argument shall be a
      pointer to signed integer.

How to set the default value of an attribute on a Laravel model

The other answers are not working for me - they may be outdated. This is what I used as my solution for auto setting an attribute:

 * The "booting" method of the model.
 * @return void
protected static function boot()

    // auto-sets values on creation
    static::creating(function ($query) {
        $query->is_voicemail = $query->is_voicemail ?? true;

Laravel 5 show ErrorException file_put_contents failed to open stream: No such file or directory

I deleted the file /public_html/bootstrap/cache/config.php

then I ran php artisan config:cache

This worked for me

How to detect if JavaScript is disabled?

You might, for instance, use something like document.location = 'java_page.html' to redirect the browser to a new, script-laden page. Failure to redirect implies that JavaScript is unavailable, in which case you can either resort to CGI ro utines or insert appropriate code between the tags. (NOTE: NOSCRIPT is only available in Netscape Navigator 3.0 and up.)


How to sort a HashSet?

We can not decide that the elements of a HashSet would be sorted automatically. But we can sort them by converting into TreeSet or any List like ArrayList or LinkedList etc.

// Create a TreeSet object of class E
TreeSet<E> ts = new TreeSet<E> ();

// Convert your HashSet into TreeSet

System.out.println(ts.toString() + "\t Sorted Automatically");

Spark: subtract two DataFrames

From spark 3.0

data_cl = reg_data.exceptAll(data_fr)

What is the difference between res.end() and res.send()?

res is an HttpResponse object which extends from OutgoingMessage. res.send calls res.end which is implemented by OutgoingMessage to send HTTP response and close connection. We see code here

Error while trying to run project: Unable to start program. Cannot find the file specified

Deleting and restoring the entire solution from the repository resolved the issue for me. I didn't find this solution listed in any of the other answers, so thought it might help someone.

Get drop down value

Use the value property of the <select> element. For example:

var value = document.getElementById('your_select_id').value;


The only time the second insert into @clases should fail to fire is if an error occurred in the first insert statement.

If that's the case, then you need to decide if the second statement should run prior to the first OR if you need a transaction in order to perform a rollback.

Dynamically allocating an array of objects

The constructor of your A object allocates another object dynamically and stores a pointer to that dynamically allocated object in a raw pointer.

For that scenario, you must define your own copy constructor , assignment operator and destructor. The compiler generated ones will not work correctly. (This is a corollary to the "Law of the Big Three": A class with any of destructor, assignment operator, copy constructor generally needs all 3).

You have defined your own destructor (and you mentioned creating a copy constructor), but you need to define both of the other 2 of the big three.

An alternative is to store the pointer to your dynamically allocated int[] in some other object that will take care of these things for you. Something like a vector<int> (as you mentioned) or a boost::shared_array<>.

To boil this down - to take advantage of RAII to the full extent, you should avoid dealing with raw pointers to the extent possible.

And since you asked for other style critiques, a minor one is that when you are deleting raw pointers you do not need to check for 0 before calling delete - delete handles that case by doing nothing so you don't have to clutter you code with the checks.

how to convert binary string to decimal?

Another implementation just for functional JS practicing could be

var bin2int = s =>, (p,c) => p*2 + +c)_x000D_
_x000D_ where +c coerces String type c to a Number type value for proper addition.

How to use Apple's new San Francisco font on a webpage

You can not use Apple System Font served directly from a database. It's against the License, but you can use this for Mac Systems higher than High Sierra

  font-family: -apple-system, "Helvetica Neue", "Lucida Grande";

Or you can use this:

font-family: 'BlinkMacSystemFont';

How to make a Bootstrap accordion collapse when clicking the header div?

All you need to do is to to use...

  • data-toggle="collapse"
  • data-target="#ElementToExpandOnClick"

...on the element you want to click to trigger the collapse/expand effect.

The element with data-toggle="collapse" will be the element to trigger the effect. The data-target attribute indicates the element that will expand when the effect is triggered.

Optionally you can set the data-parent if you want to create an accordion effect instead of independent collapsible, e.g.:

  • data-parent="#accordion"

I would also add the following CSS to the elements with data-toggle="collapse" if they aren't <a> tags, e.g.:

.panel-heading {
    cursor: pointer;

Here's a jsfiddle with the modified html from the Bootstrap 3 documentation.

How do I 'svn add' all unversioned files to SVN?

You can input the following command on Linux:

find ./ -name "*." | xargs svn add

How to rollback a specific migration?

To rollback the last migration you can do:

rake db:rollback

If you want to rollback a specific migration with a version you should do:


For e.g. if the version is 20141201122027, you will do:

rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20141201122027

to rollback that specific migration.

How to fire an event when v-model changes?

You should use @input:

<input @input="handleInput" />

@input fires when user changes input value.

@change fires when user changed value and unfocus input (for example clicked somewhere outside)

You can see the difference here:

Can CSS detect the number of children an element has?

Working off of Matt's solution, I used the following Compass/SCSS implementation.

@for $i from 1 through 20 {
    li:first-child:nth-last-child( #{$i} ),
    li:first-child:nth-last-child( #{$i} ) ~ li {
      width: calc(100% / #{$i} - 10px);

This allows you to quickly expand the number of items.

Add more than one parameter in Twig path

You can pass as many arguments as you want, separating them by commas:

{{ path('_files_manage', {project:, user:}) }}

Convert HTML Character Back to Text Using Java Standard Library

The URL decoder should only be used for decoding strings from the urls generated by html forms which are in the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" mime type. This does not support html characters.

After a search I found a Translate class within the HTML Parser library.

How to Get enum item name from its value

If you know the actual enum labels correlated to their values, you can use containers and C++17's std::string_view to quickly access values and their string representations with the [ ] operator while tracking it yourself. std::string_view will only allocate memory when created. They can also be designated with static constexpr if you want them available at run-time for more performance savings. This little console app should be fairly fast.

#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>    
int main() {
    enum class Weekdays { //default behavior starts at 0 and iterates by 1 per entry

    static constexpr std::string_view Monday    = "Monday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Tuesday   = "Tuesday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Wednesday = "Wednesday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Thursday  = "Thursday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Friday    = "Friday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Saturday  = "Saturday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Sunday    = "Sunday";
    static constexpr std::string_view opener    = "enum[";
    static constexpr std::string_view closer    = "] is ";
    static constexpr std::string_view semi      = ":";

    std::pair<Weekdays, std::string_view> Weekdays_List[] = {
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Monday,    Monday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Tuesday,   Tuesday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Wednesday, Wednesday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Thursday,  Thursday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Friday,    Friday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Saturday,  Saturday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Sunday,    Sunday)

    for (int i=0;i<sizeof(Weekdays_List)/sizeof(Weekdays_List[0]);i++) {
    return 0;


enum[0] is Monday:0
enum[1] is Tuesday:1
enum[2] is Wednesday:2
enum[3] is Thursday:3
enum[4] is Friday:4
enum[5] is Saturday:5
enum[6] is Sunday:6

Serializing an object as UTF-8 XML in .NET

Your code doesn't get the UTF-8 into memory as you read it back into a string again, so its no longer in UTF-8, but back in UTF-16 (though ideally its best to consider strings at a higher level than any encoding, except when forced to do so).

To get the actual UTF-8 octets you could use:

var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SomeSerializableObject));

var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(memoryStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

serializer.Serialize(streamWriter, entry);

byte[] utf8EncodedXml = memoryStream.ToArray();

I've left out the same disposal you've left. I slightly favour the following (with normal disposal left in):

var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SomeSerializableObject));
using(var memStm = new MemoryStream())
using(var  xw = XmlWriter.Create(memStm))
  serializer.Serialize(xw, entry);
  var utf8 = memStm.ToArray();

Which is much the same amount of complexity, but does show that at every stage there is a reasonable choice to do something else, the most pressing of which is to serialise to somewhere other than to memory, such as to a file, TCP/IP stream, database, etc. All in all, it's not really that verbose.

How to filter by IP address in Wireshark?

Filtering IP Address in Wireshark:

(1)single IP filtering:




(2)Multiple IP filtering based on logical conditions:

OR condition:


AND condition:

(ip.src== && (ip.dst==

What is the python keyword "with" used for?

Explanation from the Preshing on Programming blog:

It’s handy when you have two related operations which you’d like to execute as a pair, with a block of code in between. The classic example is opening a file, manipulating the file, then closing it:

 with open('output.txt', 'w') as f:
     f.write('Hi there!')

The above with statement will automatically close the file after the nested block of code. (Continue reading to see exactly how the close occurs.) The advantage of using a with statement is that it is guaranteed to close the file no matter how the nested block exits. If an exception occurs before the end of the block, it will close the file before the exception is caught by an outer exception handler. If the nested block were to contain a return statement, or a continue or break statement, the with statement would automatically close the file in those cases, too.

AccessDenied for ListObjects for S3 bucket when permissions are s3:*

I'm adding an answer with the same direction as the accepted answer but with small (important) differences and adding more details.

Consider the configuration below:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": ["s3:ListBucket"],
      "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::<Bucket-Name>"]
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::<Bucket-Name>/*"]

The policy grants programmatic write-delete access and is separated into two parts:
The ListBucket action provides permissions on the bucket level and the other PutObject/DeleteObject actions require permissions on the objects inside the bucket.

The first Resource element specifies arn:aws:s3:::<Bucket-Name> for the ListBucket action so that applications can list all objects in the bucket.

The second Resource element specifies arn:aws:s3:::<Bucket-Name>/* for the PutObject, and DeletObject actions so that applications can write or delete any objects in the bucket.

The separation into two different 'arns' is important from security reasons in order to specify bucket-level and object-level fine grained permissions.

Notice that if I would have specified just GetObject in the 2nd block what would happen is that in cases of programmatic access I would receive an error like:

Upload failed: <file-name> to <bucket-name>:<path-in-bucket> An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the PutObject operation: Access Denied.

TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object

try out this if you want to assign value to object and it is showing this error in angular..

crate object in construtor

this.modelObj = new Model(); //<---------- after declaring object above

Twitter Bootstrap Form File Element Upload Button

Based on the absolutely brilliant @claviska solution, to whom all the credit is owed.

Full featured Bootstrap 4 file input with validation and help text.

Based on the input group example we have a dummy input text field used for displaying the filename to the user, which gets populated from the onchange event on the actual input file field hidden behind the label button. Aside from including the bootstrap 4 validation support we've also made it possible to click anywhere on the input to open the file dialog.

Three states of the file input

The three possible states are un-validated, valid and invalid with the dummy html input tag attribute required set.

enter image description here

Html markup for the input

We introduce only 2 custom classes input-file-dummy and input-file-btn to properly style and wire the desired behaviour. Everything else is standard Bootstrap 4 markup.

<div class="input-group">
  <input type="text" class="form-control input-file-dummy" placeholder="Choose file" aria-describedby="fileHelp" required>
  <div class="valid-feedback order-last">File is valid</div>
  <div class="invalid-feedback order-last">File is required</div>
  <label class="input-group-append mb-0">
    <span class="btn btn-primary input-file-btn">
      Browse… <input type="file" hidden>
<small id="fileHelp" class="form-text text-muted">Choose any file you like</small>

JavaScript behavioural provisions

The dummy input needs to be read only, as per the original example, to prevent the user from changing the input which may only be changed via the open file dialog. Unfortunately validation does not occur on readonly fields so we toggle the editability of the input on focus and blur ( jquery events onfocusin and onfocusout) and ensure that it becomes validatable again once a file is selected.

Aside from also making the text field clickable, by triggering the button's click event, the rest of the functionality of populating the dummy field was envisioned by @claviska.

$(function () {
  $('.input-file-dummy').each(function () {
    $($(this).parent().find('.input-file-btn input')).on('change', {dummy: this}, function(ev) {
        .val($(this).val().replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/.*\//, ''))
    $(this).on('focusin', function () {
        $(this).attr('readonly', '');
      }).on('focusout', function () {
      }).on('click', function () {

Custom style tweaks

Most importantly we don't want the readonly field to jump between grey background and white so we ensure it stays white. The span button doesn't have a pointer cursor but we need to add one for the input anyway.

.input-file-dummy, .input-file-btn {
  cursor: pointer;
.input-file-dummy[readonly] {
  background-color: white;


Android – Listen For Incoming SMS Messages

broadcast implementation on Kotlin:

 private class SmsListener : BroadcastReceiver() {
    override fun onReceive(context: Context?, intent: Intent?) {
        Log.d(TAG, "SMS Received!")

        val txt = getTextFromSms(intent?.extras)
        Log.d(TAG, "message=" + txt)

    private fun getTextFromSms(extras: Bundle?): String {
        val pdus = extras?.get("pdus") as Array<*>
        val format = extras.getString("format")
        var txt = ""
        for (pdu in pdus) {
            val smsmsg = getSmsMsg(pdu as ByteArray?, format)
            val submsg = smsmsg?.displayMessageBody
            submsg?.let { txt = "$txt$it" }
        return txt

    private fun getSmsMsg(pdu: ByteArray?, format: String?): SmsMessage? {
        return when {
            SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M -> SmsMessage.createFromPdu(pdu, format)
            else -> SmsMessage.createFromPdu(pdu)

    companion object {
        private val TAG =

Note: In your manifest file add the BroadcastReceiver-

<receiver android:name=".listener.SmsListener">
        <action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED" />

Add this permission:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" />

Display HTML snippets in HTML

A combination of a couple answers that work together here:

function c(s) {_x000D_
    return s.split("&lt;").join("<").split("&gt;").join(">").split("&amp;").join("&")_x000D_
displayMe.innerHTML = ok.innerHTML;_x000D_
<textarea style="display:none" id="ok">_x000D_
console.log("hello", 5&9);_x000D_
<div id="displayMe">_x000D_

Forking vs. Branching in GitHub

It has to do with the general workflow of Git. You're unlikely to be able to push directly to the main project's repository. I'm not sure if GitHub project's repository support branch-based access control, as you wouldn't want to grant anyone the permission to push to the master branch for example.

The general pattern is as follows:

  • Fork the original project's repository to have your own GitHub copy, to which you'll then be allowed to push changes.
  • Clone your GitHub repository onto your local machine
  • Optionally, add the original repository as an additional remote repository on your local repository. You'll then be able to fetch changes published in that repository directly.
  • Make your modifications and your own commits locally.
  • Push your changes to your GitHub repository (as you generally won't have the write permissions on the project's repository directly).
  • Contact the project's maintainers and ask them to fetch your changes and review/merge, and let them push back to the project's repository (if you and them want to).

Without this, it's quite unusual for public projects to let anyone push their own commits directly.

How do I find the time difference between two datetime objects in python?

>>> import datetime
>>> first_time =
>>> later_time =
>>> difference = later_time - first_time
>>> seconds_in_day = 24 * 60 * 60
datetime.timedelta(0, 8, 562000)
>>> divmod(difference.days * seconds_in_day + difference.seconds, 60)
(0, 8)      # 0 minutes, 8 seconds

Subtracting the later time from the first time difference = later_time - first_time creates a datetime object that only holds the difference. In the example above it is 0 minutes, 8 seconds and 562000 microseconds.

How do you get the current page number of a ViewPager for Android?

For this problem Onpagechange listener is the best one But it will also have one small mistake that is it will not detect the starting time time of 0th position Once you will change the page it will starts to detect the Page selected position...For this problem I fount the easiest solution

1.You have to maintain the selected position value then use it....
2. Case 1: At the starting of the position is always Zero....
Case 2: Suppose if you set the current item means you will set that value into maintain position
3.Then do your action with the use of that maintain in your activity...

Public int maintain=0;
myViewPager.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() {
        public void onPageScrolled(int i, float v, int i2) {
             //Toast.makeText(MyActivity.this, i+"  Is Selected  "+data.size(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        public void onPageSelected( int i) {
          // here you will get the position of selected page
            maintain = i;


        public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int i) {


updateButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {

            Toast.makeText(MyActivity.this, i+"  Is Selected  "+data.size(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            data.set(maintain, "Replaced "+maintain);         

How can I auto-elevate my batch file, so that it requests from UAC administrator rights if required?

I pasted this in the beginning of the script:

:: BatchGotAdmin
REM  --> Check for permissions
>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\icacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"

REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin.
if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (
    echo Requesting administrative privileges...
    goto UACPrompt
) else ( goto gotAdmin )

    echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
    echo args = "" >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
    echo For Each strArg in WScript.Arguments >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
    echo args = args ^& strArg ^& " "  >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
    echo Next >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
    echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", args, "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"

    "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" %*
    exit /B

    if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" )
    pushd "%CD%"
    CD /D "%~dp0"

How to copy marked text in notepad++

It would be a great feature to have in Notepad++. I use the following technique to extract all the matches out of a file:

select-string -Path input.txt -Pattern "[0-9a-zA-Z ]*" -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | select-object Value > output.txt

And if you'd like only the distinct matches in a sorted list:

select-string -Path input.txt -Pattern "[0-9a-zA-Z ]" -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | select-object Value -unique | sort-object Value > output.txt

Read and write to binary files in C?

This is an example to read and write binary jjpg or wmv video file. FILE *fout; FILE *fin;

Int ch;
char *s;
     {  printf("\n Unable to open the file ");

 fout=fopen("D:\\ newpic.jpg","wb");
       while (ch!=EOF)
                  s=(char *)ch;
                 ch=fgetc (fin):

        printf("data read and copied");

How to get text of an input text box during onKeyPress?


In your keyPress event handler, write

void ValidateKeyPressHandler(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
    var tb = sender as TextBox;
    var startPos = tb.SelectionStart;
    var selLen= tb.SelectionLength;

    var afterEditValue = tb.Text.Remove(startPos, selLen)
                .Insert(startPos, e.KeyChar.ToString()); 
    //  ... more here

Generating random integer from a range

assume min and max are int values, [ and ] means include this value, ( and ) means not include this value, using above to get the right value using c++ rand()

reference: for ()[] define, visit:

for rand and srand function or RAND_MAX define, visit:

[min, max]

int randNum = rand() % (max - min + 1) + min

(min, max]

int randNum = rand() % (max - min) + min + 1

[min, max)

int randNum = rand() % (max - min) + min

(min, max)

int randNum = rand() % (max - min - 1) + min + 1

Bind class toggle to window scroll event

This is my solution, it's not that tricky and allow you to use it for several markup throught a simple ng-class directive. Like so you can choose the class and the scrollPos for each case.

Your App.js :

    .controller('mainCtrl',function($window, $scope){
        $scope.scrollPos = 0;

        $window.onscroll = function(){
            $scope.scrollPos = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop || 0;
            $scope.$apply(); //or simply $scope.$digest();

Your index.html :

<html ng-app="myApp">
        <section ng-controller="mainCtrl">
            <p class="red" ng-class="{fix:scrollPos >= 100}">fix me when scroll is equals to 100</p>
            <p class="blue" ng-class="{fix:scrollPos >= 150}">fix me when scroll is equals to 150</p>

working JSFiddle here


As $apply() is actually calling $rootScope.$digest() you can directly use $scope.$digest() instead of $scope.$apply() for better performance depending on context.
Long story short : $apply() will always work but force the $digest on all scopes that may cause perfomance issue.

What does the "no version information available" error from linux dynamic linker mean?

Have you seen this already? The cause seems to be a very old libpam on one of the sides, probably on that customer.

Or the links for the version might be missing :

Message Queue vs. Web Services?

Message queues are ideal for requests which may take a long time to process. Requests are queued and can be processed offline without blocking the client. If the client needs to be notified of completion, you can provide a way for the client to periodically check the status of the request.

Message queues also allow you to scale better across time. It improves your ability to handle bursts of heavy activity, because the actual processing can be distributed across time.

Note that message queues and web services are orthogonal concepts, i.e. they are not mutually exclusive. E.g. you can have a XML based web service which acts as an interface to a message queue. I think the distinction your looking for is Message Queues versus Request/Response, the latter is when the request is processed synchronously.

What properties does @Column columnDefinition make redundant?

My Answer: All of the following should be overridden (i.e. describe them all within columndefinition, if appropriate):

  • length
  • precision
  • scale
  • nullable
  • unique

i.e. the column DDL will consist of: name + columndefinition and nothing else.

Rationale follows.

  1. Annotation containing the word "Column" or "Table" is purely physical - properties only used to control DDL/DML against database.

  2. Other annotation purely logical - properties used in-memory in java to control JPA processing.

  3. That's why sometimes it appears the optionality/nullability is set twice - once via @Basic(...,optional=true) and once via @Column(...,nullable=true). Former says attribute/association can be null in the JPA object model (in-memory), at flush time; latter says DB column can be null. Usually you'd want them set the same - but not always, depending on how the DB tables are setup and reused.

In your example, length and nullable properties are overridden and redundant.

So, when specifying columnDefinition, what other properties of @Column are made redundant?

  1. In JPA Spec & javadoc:

    • columnDefinition definition: The SQL fragment that is used when generating the DDL for the column.

    • columnDefinition default: Generated SQL to create a column of the inferred type.

    • The following examples are provided:

      @Column(name="DESC", columnDefinition="CLOB NOT NULL", table="EMP_DETAIL")
      @Column(name="EMP_PIC", columnDefinition="BLOB NOT NULL")
    • And, err..., that's it really. :-$ ?!

    Does columnDefinition override other properties provided in the same annotation?

    The javadoc and JPA spec don't explicity address this - spec's not giving great protection. To be 100% sure, test with your chosen implementation.

  2. The following can be safely implied from examples provided in the JPA spec

    • name & table can be used in conjunction with columnDefinition, neither are overridden
    • nullable is overridden/made redundant by columnDefinition
  3. The following can be fairly safely implied from the "logic of the situation" (did I just say that?? :-P ):

    • length, precision, scale are overridden/made redundant by the columnDefinition - they are integral to the type
    • insertable and updateable are provided separately and never included in columnDefinition, because they control SQL generation in-memory, before it is emmitted to the database.
  4. That leaves just the "unique" property. It's similar to nullable - extends/qualifies the type definition, so should be treated integral to type definition. i.e. should be overridden.

Test My Answer For columns "A" & "B", respectively:

  @Column(name="...", table="...", insertable=true, updateable=false,
          columndefinition="NUMBER(5,2) NOT NULL UNIQUE"

  @Column(name="...", table="...", insertable=false, updateable=true,
          columndefinition="NVARCHAR2(100) NULL"
  • confirm generated table has correct type/nullability/uniqueness
  • optionally, do JPA insert & update: former should include column A, latter column B

Creating Dynamic button with click event in JavaScript


element.setAttribute("onclick", alert("blabla"));

should be:

element.onclick = function () {

Because you call alert instead push alert as string in attribute

Meaning of $? (dollar question mark) in shell scripts

This is the exit status of the last executed command.

For example the command true always returns a status of 0 and false always returns a status of 1:

echo $? # echoes 0
echo $? # echoes 1

From the manual: (acessible by calling man bash in your shell)

$?       Expands to the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline.

By convention an exit status of 0 means success, and non-zero return status means failure. Learn more about exit statuses on wikipedia.

There are other special variables like this, as you can see on this online manual:

How to get the current date/time in Java

 System.out.println( new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy:MM:dd - hh:mm:ss a").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()) );
    //2018:02:10 - 05:04:20 PM

date/time with AM/PM

What exactly is the meaning of an API?

1) What is an API?

API is a contract. A promise to perform described services when asked in specific ways.

2) How is it used?

According to the rules specified in the contract. The whole point of an API is to define how it's used.

3) When and where is it used?

It's used when 2 or more separate systems need to work together to achieve something they can't do alone.

How to push local changes to a remote git repository on bitbucket

This is a safety measure to avoid pushing branches that are not ready to be published. Loosely speaking, by executing "git push", only local branches that already exist on the server with the same name will be pushed, or branches that have been pushed using the localbranch:remotebranch syntax.

To push all local branches to the remote repository, use --all:

git push REMOTENAME --all
git push --all

or specify all branches you want to push:

git push REMOTENAME master exp-branch-a anotherbranch bugfix

In addition, it's useful to add -u to the "git push" command, as this will tell you if your local branch is ahead or behind the remote branch. This is shown when you run "git status" after a git fetch.

How to upload a file using Java HttpClient library working with PHP

I ran into the same problem and found out that the file name is required for httpclient 4.x to be working with PHP backend. It was not the case for httpclient 3.x.

So my solution is to add a name parameter in the FileBody constructor. ContentBody cbFile = new FileBody(file, "image/jpeg", "FILE_NAME");

Hope it helps.

How can I plot a histogram such that the heights of the bars sum to 1 in matplotlib?

If you want the sum of all bars to be equal unity, weight each bin by the total number of values:

weights = np.ones_like(myarray) / len(myarray)
plt.hist(myarray, weights=weights)

Hope that helps, although the thread is quite old...

Note for Python 2.x: add casting to float() for one of the operators of the division as otherwise you would end up with zeros due to integer division

C#: Looping through lines of multiline string

Sometimes I think we can overcomplicate the solution just to avoid repeating one line of code. This is the reason I landed on this question in the first place.

After thinking about it for a bit I came to the conclusion that the simplest solution is to repeat the ReadLine before and inside the loop.

using (var stringReader = new StringReader(input))
    var line = await stringReader.ReadLineAsync();

    while (line != null)
        // do something
        line = await stringReader.ReadLineAsync();

I realize this might be considered to not follow the DRY principle, but I think it's worth considering given the simplicity.

Calling a Variable from another Class

You need to specify an access modifier for your variable. In this case you want it public.

public class Variables
    public static string name = "";

After this you can use the variable like this.

sql: check if entry in table A exists in table B

This also works

FROM tableB

Laravel Request getting current path with query string

$request->fullUrl() will also work if you are injecting Illumitate\Http\Request.

Change Text Color of Selected Option in a Select Box

Try this:

.greenText{ background-color:green; }_x000D_
.blueText{ background-color:blue; }_x000D_
.redText{ background-color:red; }
     <option class="greenText" value="apple" >Apple</option>_x000D_
    <option class="redText"   value="banana" >Banana</option>_x000D_
    <option class="blueText" value="grape" >Grape</option>_x000D_

Check if a Python list item contains a string inside another string

If you just need to know if 'abc' is in one of the items, this is the shortest way:

if 'abc' in str(my_list):

Note: this assumes 'abc' is an alphanumeric text. Do not use it if 'abc' could be a just a special character (i.e. []', ).

JavaScript function to add X months to a date

d = new Date();


Months have a 0-based index, it should alert(4) which is 5 (may);

How can I get the current time in C#?

try this:

 string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss tt}", DateTime.Now);

for further details you can check it out : How do you get the current time of day?

Firebug like plugin for Safari browser

The Safari built in dev tool is great. I have to admit that Firebug on Firefox is my long time favorite, but I think that the Safari tool do a great job too!

Difference between == and ===

In short:

== operator checks if their instance values are equal, "equal to"

=== operator checks if the references point the same instance, "identical to"

Long Answer:

Classes are reference types, it is possible for multiple constants and variables to refer to the same single instance of a class behind the scenes. Class references stay in Run Time Stack (RTS) and their instances stay in Heap area of Memory. When you control equality with == it means if their instances are equal to each other. It doesn't need to be same instance to be equal. For this you need to provide a equality criteria to your custom class. By default, custom classes and structures do not receive a default implementation of the equivalence operators, known as the “equal to” operator == and “not equal to” operator != . To do this your custom class needs to conform Equatable protocol and it's static func == (lhs:, rhs:) -> Bool function

Let's look at example:

class Person : Equatable {
    let ssn: Int
    let name: String

    init(ssn: Int, name: String) {
        self.ssn = ssn = name

    static func == (lhs: Person, rhs: Person) -> Bool {
        return lhs.ssn == rhs.ssn

P.S.: Since ssn(social security number) is a unique number, you don't need to compare if their name are equal or not.

let person1 = Person(ssn: 5, name: "Bob")
let person2 = Person(ssn: 5, name: "Bob")

if person1 == person2 {
   print("the two instances are equal!")

Although person1 and person2 references point two different instances in Heap area, their instances are equal because their ssn numbers are equal. So the output will be the two instance are equal!

if person1 === person2 {
   //It does not enter here
} else {
   print("the two instances are not identical!")

=== operator checks if the references point the same instance, "identical to". Since person1 and person2 have two different instance in Heap area, they are not identical and the output the two instance are not identical!

let person3 = person1

P.S: Classes are reference types and person1's reference is copied to person3 with this assignment operation, thus both references point the same instance in Heap area.

if person3 === person1 {
   print("the two instances are identical!")

They are identical and the output will be the two instances are identical!

How to send a model in jQuery $.ajax() post request to MVC controller method

This can be done by building a javascript object to match your mvc model. The names of the javascript properties have to match exactly to the mvc model or else the autobind won't happen on the post. Once you have your model on the server side you can then manipulate it and store the data to the database.

I am achieving this either by a double click event on a grid row or click event on a button of some sort.

@model TestProject.Models.TestModel


function testButton_Click(){
  var javaModel ={
  ModelId: '@Model.TestId',
  CreatedDate: '@Model.CreatedDate.ToShortDateString()',
  TestDescription: '@Model.TestDescription',
  //Here I am using a Kendo editor and I want to bind the text value to my javascript
  //object. This may be different for you depending on what controls you use.
  TestStatus: ($('#StatusTextBox'))[0].value, 
  TestType: '@Model.TestType'

  //Now I did for some reason have some trouble passing the ENUM id of a Kendo ComboBox 
    //selected value. This puzzled me due to the conversion to Json object in the Ajax call. 
  //By parsing the Type to an int this worked.

  javaModel.TestType = parseInt(javaModel.TestType);

      //This is where you want to post to.
      contentType: 'application/json',
      data: JSON.stringify(javaModel)

//This is your controller action on the server, and it will autobind your values 
//to the newTestModel on post.

public ActionResult TestModelUpdate(TestModel newTestModel)
 return //do some return action;

Get selected value in dropdown list using JavaScript

I think you can attach an event listener to the select tag itself e.g:

  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (_) => {
    document.querySelector("select").addEventListener("change", (e) => {

In this scenario, you should make sure you have a value attribute for all of your options, and they are not null.

Joining two table entities in Spring Data JPA

@Query("SELECT rd FROM ReleaseDateType rd, CacheMedia cm WHERE ...")

how to modify the size of a column

Regardless of what error Oracle SQL Developer may indicate in the syntax highlighting, actually running your alter statement exactly the way you originally had it works perfectly:


You only need to add parenthesis if you need to alter more than one column at once, such as:

ALTER TABLE TEST_PROJECT2 MODIFY (proj_name VARCHAR2(400), proj_desc VARCHAR2(400));

How to set cornerRadius for only top-left and top-right corner of a UIView?

For SwiftUI

I found these solutions you can check from here

I highly recommend the first one

Option 1: Using Path + GeometryReader

(more info on GeometryReader:

struct ContentView : View {
    var body: some View {

        Text("Hello World!")
            .background(RoundedCorners(color: .blue, tl: 0, tr: 30, bl: 30, br: 0))

give corner radius to text view using background


struct RoundedCorners: View {

    var color: Color = .white

    var tl: CGFloat = 0.0
    var tr: CGFloat = 0.0
    var bl: CGFloat = 0.0
    var br: CGFloat = 0.0

    var body: some View {
        GeometryReader { geometry in
            Path { path in

                let w = geometry.size.width
                let h = geometry.size.height

                // Make sure we do not exceed the size of the rectangle
                let tr = min(min(, h/2), w/2)
                let tl = min(min(, h/2), w/2)
                let bl = min(min(, h/2), w/2)
                let br = min(min(, h/2), w/2)

                path.move(to: CGPoint(x: w / 2.0, y: 0))
                path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: w - tr, y: 0))
                path.addArc(center: CGPoint(x: w - tr, y: tr), radius: tr, startAngle: Angle(degrees: -90), endAngle: Angle(degrees: 0), clockwise: false)
                path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: w, y: h - be))
                path.addArc(center: CGPoint(x: w - br, y: h - br), radius: br, startAngle: Angle(degrees: 0), endAngle: Angle(degrees: 90), clockwise: false)
                path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: bl, y: h))
                path.addArc(center: CGPoint(x: bl, y: h - bl), radius: bl, startAngle: Angle(degrees: 90), endAngle: Angle(degrees: 180), clockwise: false)
                path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 0, y: tl))
                path.addArc(center: CGPoint(x: tl, y: tl), radius: tl, startAngle: Angle(degrees: 180), endAngle: Angle(degrees: 270), clockwise: false)


struct RoundedCorners_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        RoundedCorners(color: .pink, tl: 40, tr: 40, bl: 40, br: 40)

I give the corner radius to the top of view only

Replace Line Breaks in a String C#

Why not both?

string ReplacementString = "";

Regex.Replace(strin.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, ReplacementString), @"(\r\n?|\n)", ReplacementString);

Note: Replace strin with the name of your input string.

TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

Here is another gotcha, that took me awhile to see even after reading these posts. I was setting up a script to call my python bin scripts. I was getting the module not callable too.

My zig was that I was doing the following:

from mypackage.bin import myscript

when my zag needed to do the following:

from mypackage.bin.myscript import myscript

In summary, double check your package and module nesting.

What I am trying to do is have a scripts directory that does not have the *.py extension, and still have the 'bin' modules to be in mypackage/bin and these have my *.py extension. I am new to packaging, and trying to follow the standards as I am interpreting them. So, I have at the setup root:

If this is not compliant with standard, please let me know.

What's the fastest algorithm for sorting a linked list?

As stated many times, the lower bound on comparison based sorting for general data is going to be O(n log n). To briefly resummarize these arguments, there are n! different ways a list can be sorted. Any sort of comparison tree that has n! (which is in O(n^n)) possible final sorts is going to need at least log(n!) as its height: this gives you a O(log(n^n)) lower bound, which is O(n log n).

So, for general data on a linked list, the best possible sort that will work on any data that can compare two objects is going to be O(n log n). However, if you have a more limited domain of things to work in, you can improve the time it takes (at least proportional to n). For instance, if you are working with integers no larger than some value, you could use Counting Sort or Radix Sort, as these use the specific objects you're sorting to reduce the complexity with proportion to n. Be careful, though, these add some other things to the complexity that you may not consider (for instance, Counting Sort and Radix sort both add in factors that are based on the size of the numbers you're sorting, O(n+k) where k is the size of largest number for Counting Sort, for instance).

Also, if you happen to have objects that have a perfect hash (or at least a hash that maps all values differently), you could try using a counting or radix sort on their hash functions.

Set transparent background using ImageMagick and commandline prompt

I am using ImageMagick 6.6.9-7 on Ubuntu 12.04.
What worked for me was the following:

convert test.png -transparent white transparent.png

That changed all the white in the test.png to transparent.

Background color not showing in print preview

I double load my external css source file and change the media="screen" to media="print" and all the borders for my table were shown

Try this :

<link rel="stylesheet" media="print" href="bootstrap.css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="bootstrap.css" />

Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on boolean

Sometimes explicitly stating your table column names (especially in an insert query) may help. For example, the query:

INSERT INTO tableName(param1, param2, param3) VALUES(?, ?, ?)

may work better as opposed to:

INSERT INTO tableName VALUES(?, ?, ?)

How to fully clean bin and obj folders within Visual Studio?

Clean will remove all intermediate and final files created by the build process, such as .obj files and .exe or .dll files.

It does not, however, remove the directories where those files get built. I don't see a compelling reason why you need the directories to be removed. Can you explain further?

If you look inside these directories before and after a "Clean", you should see your compiled output get cleaned up.

FormsAuthentication.SignOut() does not log the user out

I've tried most answers in this thread, no luck. Ended up with this:

protected void btnLogout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var fat = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, "", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-30), false, string.Empty, FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath);
    Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(fat)));

Found it here:

ERROR 403 in loading resources like CSS and JS in my index.php

You need to change permissions on the folder bootstrap/css. Your super user may be able to access it but it doesn't mean apache or nginx have access to it, that's why you still need to change the permissions.

Tip: I usually make the apache/nginx's user group owner of that kind of folders and give 775 permission to it.

Python functions call by reference

class demoClass:
    x = 4
    y = 3
foo1 = demoClass()
foo1.x = 2
foo2 = demoClass()
foo2.y = 5
def mySquare(myObj):
    myObj.x = myObj.x**2
    myObj.y = myObj.y**2
print('foo1.x =', foo1.x)
print('foo1.y =', foo1.y)
print('foo2.x =', foo2.x)
print('foo2.y =', foo2.y)
print('After square:')
print('foo1.x =', foo1.x)
print('foo1.y =', foo1.y)
print('foo2.x =', foo2.x)
print('foo2.y =', foo2.y)

How do I use brew installed Python as the default Python?

Add the /usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin explicitly to your .bash_profile:

export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:$PATH"

After that, it should work correctly.

jQuery changing css class to div


If you'd like to add it on an event, you can do so easily as well. An example with the click event:

$(".first").click(function() {

How to split CSV files as per number of rows specified?

Made it into a function. You can now call splitCsv <Filename> [chunkSize]

splitCsv() {
    HEADER=$(head -1 $1)
    if [ -n "$2" ]; then
    tail -n +2 $1 | split -l $CHUNK - $1_split_
    for i in $1_split_*; do
        sed -i -e "1i$HEADER" "$i"

Found on:

Rotating a point about another point (2D)

The coordinate system on the screen is left-handed, i.e. the x coordinate increases from left to right and the y coordinate increases from top to bottom. The origin, O(0, 0) is at the upper left corner of the screen.

enter image description here

A clockwise rotation around the origin of a point with coordinates (x, y) is given by the following equations:

enter image description here

where (x', y') are the coordinates of the point after rotation and angle theta, the angle of rotation (needs to be in radians, i.e. multiplied by: PI / 180).

To perform rotation around a point different from the origin O(0,0), let's say point A(a, b) (pivot point). Firstly we translate the point to be rotated, i.e. (x, y) back to the origin, by subtracting the coordinates of the pivot point, (x - a, y - b). Then we perform the rotation and get the new coordinates (x', y') and finally we translate the point back, by adding the coordinates of the pivot point to the new coordinates (x' + a, y' + b).

Following the above description:

a 2D clockwise theta degrees rotation of point (x, y) around point (a, b) is:

Using your function prototype: (x, y) -> (p.x, p.y); (a, b) -> (cx, cy); theta -> angle:

POINT rotate_point(float cx, float cy, float angle, POINT p){

     return POINT(cos(angle) * (p.x - cx) - sin(angle) * (p.y - cy) + cx,
                  sin(angle) * (p.x - cx) + cos(angle) * (p.y - cy) + cy);

Most efficient way to remove special characters from string

I'm not convinced your algorithm is anything but efficient. It's O(n) and only looks at each character once. You're not gonna get any better than that unless you magically know values before checking them.

I would however initialize the capacity of your StringBuilder to the initial size of the string. I'm guessing your perceived performance problem comes from memory reallocation.

Side note: Checking A-z is not safe. You're including [, \, ], ^, _, and `...

Side note 2: For that extra bit of efficiency, put the comparisons in an order to minimize the number of comparisons. (At worst, you're talking 8 comparisons tho, so don't think too hard.) This changes with your expected input, but one example could be:

if (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= 'z' && 
    (str[i] >= 'a' || str[i] <= '9' ||  (str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z') || 
    str[i] == '_') || str[i] == '.')

Side note 3: If for whatever reason you REALLY need this to be fast, a switch statement may be faster. The compiler should create a jump table for you, resulting in only a single comparison:

switch (str[i])
    case '0':
    case '1':
    case '.':

Turn a simple socket into an SSL socket

For others like me:

There was once an example in the SSL source in the directory demos/ssl/ with example code in C++. Now it's available only via the history:

You probably will have to find a working version, I originally posted this answer at Nov 6 2015. And I had to edit the source -- not much.

Certificates: .pem in demos/certs/apps/:

Regex to split a CSV

Worked on this for a bit and came up with this solution:


Try it out here!

This solution handles "nice" CSV data like


0: "a"
1: "b"
2: c
3: "d"
4: e
5: f
7: "g"

and uglier things like

"""test"" one",test' two,"""test"" 'three'","""test 'four'"""

0: """test"" one"
1: test' two
2: """test"" 'three'"
3: """test 'four'"""

Here's an explanation of how it works:

(?:,|\n|^)      # all values must start at the beginning of the file,  
                #   the end of the previous line, or at a comma  
(               # single capture group for ease of use; CSV can be either...  
  "             # ...(A) a double quoted string, beginning with a double quote (")  
    (?:         #        character, containing any number (0+) of  
      (?:"")*   #          escaped double quotes (""), or  
      [^"]*     #          non-double quote characters  
    )*          #        in any order and any number of times  
  "             #        and ending with a double quote character  

  |             # ...or (B) a non-quoted value  

  [^",\n]*      # containing any number of characters which are not  
                # double quotes ("), commas (,), or newlines (\n)  

  |             # ...or (C) a single newline or end-of-file character,  
                #           used to capture empty values at the end of  
  (?:\n|$)      #           the file or at the ends of lines  

How do I replace a double-quote with an escape-char double-quote in a string using JavaScript?

Try this:

str.replace("\"", "\\\""); // (Escape backslashes and embedded double-quotes)

Or, use single-quotes to quote your search and replace strings:

str.replace('"', '\\"');   // (Still need to escape the backslash)

As pointed out by helmus, if the first parameter passed to .replace() is a string it will only replace the first occurrence. To replace globally, you have to pass a regex with the g (global) flag:

str.replace(/"/g, "\\\"");
// or
str.replace(/"/g, '\\"');

But why are you even doing this in JavaScript? It's OK to use these escape characters if you have a string literal like:

var str = "Dude, he totally said that \"You Rock!\"";

But this is necessary only in a string literal. That is, if your JavaScript variable is set to a value that a user typed in a form field you don't need to this escaping.

Regarding your question about storing such a string in an SQL database, again you only need to escape the characters if you're embedding a string literal in your SQL statement - and remember that the escape characters that apply in SQL aren't (usually) the same as for JavaScript. You'd do any SQL-related escaping server-side.

Setting up Gradle for api 26 (Android)

Have you added the google maven endpoint?

Important: The support libraries are now available through Google's Maven repository. You do not need to download the support repository from the SDK Manager. For more information, see Support Library Setup.

Add the endpoint to your build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''

Which can be replaced by the shortcut google() since Android Gradle v3:

allprojects {
    repositories {

If you already have any maven url inside repositories, you can add the reference after them, i.e.:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''
        maven {
            url ''

Max length UITextField

Since delegates are a 1-to-1 relationship and I might want to use it elsewhere for other reasons, I like to restrict textfield length adding this code within their setup:

    required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)!

    required override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)

    func setup() {

        // your setup...


    let maxLength = 10

    private func setMaxLength() {
            addTarget(self, action: #selector(textfieldChanged(_:)), for: UIControlEvents.editingChanged)

        @objc private func textfieldChanged(_ textField: UITextField) {
            guard let text = text else { return }
            let trimmed = text.characters.prefix(maxLength)
            self.text = String(trimmed)


What is perm space?

Simple (and oversimplified) answer: it's where the jvm stores its own bookkeeping data, as opposed to your data.

Using pip behind a proxy with CNTLM

I am also no expert in this but I made it work by setting the all_proxy variable in the ~/.bashrc file. To open ~/.bashrc file and edit it from a terminal run following commands,

gedit ~/.bashrc &

Add following at the end of file,

export all_proxy="http://x.y.z.w:port"

Then either open a new terminal or run following in the same terminal,

source ~/.bashrc

Just setting http_proxy and https_proxy variables aren't enough for simple usage pip install somepackage. Though somehow sudo -E pip install somepackage works, but this have given me some problem in case I am using a local installation of Anaconda in my users' folder.

P.S. - I am using Ubuntu 16.04.

PostgreSQL unnest() with element number

Postgres 9.4 or later

Use WITH ORDINALITY for set-returning functions:

When a function in the FROM clause is suffixed by WITH ORDINALITY, a bigint column is appended to the output which starts from 1 and increments by 1 for each row of the function's output. This is most useful in the case of set returning functions such as unnest().

In combination with the LATERAL feature in pg 9.3+, and according to this thread on pgsql-hackers, the above query can now be written as:

SELECT, a.elem,
FROM   tbl AS t
LEFT   JOIN LATERAL unnest(string_to_array(t.elements, ','))
                    WITH ORDINALITY AS a(elem, nr) ON TRUE;

LEFT JOIN ... ON TRUE preserves all rows in the left table, even if the table expression to the right returns no rows. If that's of no concern you can use this otherwise equivalent, less verbose form with an implicit CROSS JOIN LATERAL:

SELECT, a.elem,
FROM   tbl t, unnest(string_to_array(t.elements, ',')) WITH ORDINALITY a(elem, nr);

Or simpler if based off an actual array (arr being an array column):

SELECT, a.elem,
FROM   tbl t, unnest(t.arr) WITH ORDINALITY a(elem, nr);

Or even, with minimal syntax:

SELECT id, a, ordinality
FROM   tbl, unnest(arr) WITH ORDINALITY a;

a is automatically table and column alias. The default name of the added ordinality column is ordinality. But it's better (safer, cleaner) to add explicit column aliases and table-qualify columns.

Postgres 8.4 - 9.3

With row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY elem) you get numbers according to the sort order, not the ordinal number of the original ordinal position in the string.

You can simply omit ORDER BY:

SELECT *, row_number() OVER (PARTITION by id) AS nr
FROM  (SELECT id, regexp_split_to_table(elements, ',') AS elem FROM tbl) t;

While this normally works and I have never seen it fail in simple queries, PostgreSQL asserts nothing concerning the order of rows without ORDER BY. It happens to work due to an implementation detail.

To guarantee ordinal numbers of elements in the blank-separated string:

SELECT id, arr[nr] AS elem, nr
   SELECT *, generate_subscripts(arr, 1) AS nr
   FROM  (SELECT id, string_to_array(elements, ' ') AS arr FROM tbl) t
   ) sub;

Or simpler if based off an actual array:

SELECT id, arr[nr] AS elem, nr
FROM  (SELECT *, generate_subscripts(arr, 1) AS nr FROM tbl) t;

Related answer on dba.SE:

Postgres 8.1 - 8.4

None of these features are available, yet: RETURNS TABLE, generate_subscripts(), unnest(), array_length(). But this works:

CREATE FUNCTION f_unnest_ord(anyarray, OUT val anyelement, OUT ordinality integer)
'SELECT $1[i], i - array_lower($1,1) + 1
 FROM   generate_series(array_lower($1,1), array_upper($1,1)) i';

Note in particular, that the array index can differ from ordinal positions of elements. Consider this demo with an extended function:

CREATE FUNCTION f_unnest_ord_idx(anyarray, OUT val anyelement, OUT ordinality int, OUT idx int)
'SELECT $1[i], i - array_lower($1,1) + 1, i
 FROM   generate_series(array_lower($1,1), array_upper($1,1)) i';

SELECT id, arr, (rec).*
   SELECT *, f_unnest_ord_idx(arr) AS rec
   FROM  (VALUES (1, '{a,b,c}'::text[])  --  short for: '[1:3]={a,b,c}'
               , (2, '[5:7]={a,b,c}')
               , (3, '[-9:-7]={a,b,c}')
      ) t(id, arr)
   ) sub;

 id |       arr       | val | ordinality | idx
  1 | {a,b,c}         | a   |          1 |   1
  1 | {a,b,c}         | b   |          2 |   2
  1 | {a,b,c}         | c   |          3 |   3
  2 | [5:7]={a,b,c}   | a   |          1 |   5
  2 | [5:7]={a,b,c}   | b   |          2 |   6
  2 | [5:7]={a,b,c}   | c   |          3 |   7
  3 | [-9:-7]={a,b,c} | a   |          1 |  -9
  3 | [-9:-7]={a,b,c} | b   |          2 |  -8
  3 | [-9:-7]={a,b,c} | c   |          3 |  -7


java Compare two dates

You equals(Object o) comparison is correct.

Yet, you should use after(Date d) and before(Date d) for date comparison.

Global Events in Angular

I have created a pub-sub sample here:

The idea is to use RxJs Subjects to wire up an Observer and and Observables as a generic solution for emitting and subscribing to custom events. In my sample I use a customer object for demo purposes


this.pubSubService.Stream.subscribe(customer => this.processCustomer(customer));

Here is a live demo as well:

Difference between save and saveAndFlush in Spring data jpa

On saveAndFlush, changes will be flushed to DB immediately in this command. With save, this is not necessarily true, and might stay just in memory, until flush or commit commands are issued.

But be aware, that even if you flush the changes in transaction and do not commit them, the changes still won't be visible to the outside transactions until the commit in this transaction.

In your case, you probably use some sort of transactions mechanism, which issues commit command for you if everything works out fine.

how to query for a list<String> in jdbctemplate

Is there a way to have placeholders, like ? for column names? For example SELECT ? FROM TABLEA GROUP BY ?

Use dynamic query as below:

String queryString = "SELECT "+ colName+ " FROM TABLEA GROUP BY "+ colName;

If I want to simply run the above query and get a List what is the best way?

List<String> data = getJdbcTemplate().query(query, new RowMapper<String>(){
                            public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) 
                                                         throws SQLException {
                                    return rs.getString(1);

EDIT: To Stop SQL Injection, check for non word characters in the colName as :

          Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\W");
               //throw exception as invalid column name

Node.js - get raw request body using Express

BE CAREFUL with those other answers as they will not play properly with bodyParser if you're looking to also support json, urlencoded, etc. To get it to work with bodyParser you should condition your handler to only register on the Content-Type header(s) you care about, just like bodyParser itself does.

To get the raw body content of a request with Content-Type: "text/plain" into req.rawBody you can do:

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
  var contentType = req.headers['content-type'] || ''
    , mime = contentType.split(';')[0];

  if (mime != 'text/plain') {
    return next();

  var data = '';
  req.on('data', function(chunk) {
    data += chunk;
  req.on('end', function() {
    req.rawBody = data;

Using Apache httpclient for https

According to the documentation you need to specify the key store:

Protocol authhttps = new Protocol("https",  
      new AuthSSLProtocolSocketFactory(
          new URL("file:my.keystore"), "mypassword",
          new URL("file:my.truststore"), "mypassword"), 443); 

 HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
 client.getHostConfiguration().setHost("localhost", 443, authhttps);

Get the value in an input text box

You can only select a value with the following two ways:

// First way to get a value
value = $("#txt_name").val(); 

// Second way to get a value
value = $("#txt_name").attr('value');

If you want to use straight JavaScript to get the value, here is how:


What does "hashable" mean in Python?

In my understanding according to Python glossary, when you create a instance of objects that are hashable, an unchangeable value is also calculated according to the members or values of the instance. For example, that value could then be used as a key in a dict as below:

>>> tuple_a = (1,2,3)
>>> tuple_a.__hash__()
>>> tuple_b = (2,3,4)
>>> tuple_b.__hash__()
>>> tuple_c = (1,2,3)
>>> tuple_c.__hash__()
>>> id(a) == id(c)  # a and c same object?
>>> a.__hash__() == c.__hash__()  # a and c same value?
>>> dict_a = {}
>>> dict_a[tuple_a] = 'hiahia'
>>> dict_a[tuple_c]

we can find that the hash value of tuple_a and tuple_c are the same since they have the same members. When we use tuple_a as the key in dict_a, we can find that the value for dict_a[tuple_c] is the same, which means that, when they are used as the key in a dict, they return the same value because the hash values are the same. For those objects that are not hashable, the method hash is defined as None:

>>> type(dict.__hash__) 
<class 'NoneType'>

I guess this hash value is calculated upon the initialization of the instance, not in a dynamic way, that's why only immutable objects are hashable. Hope this helps.

AngularJs $ does not send data

I had the same problem using MVC and found the solution here

There is much confusion among newcomers to AngularJS as to why the $http service shorthand functions ($, etc.) don’t appear to be swappable with the jQuery equivalents (, etc.)

The difference is in how jQuery and AngularJS serialize and transmit the data. Fundamentally, the problem lies with your server language of choice being unable to understand AngularJS’s transmission natively ... By default, jQuery transmits data using

Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded

and the familiar foo=bar&baz=moe serialization.

AngularJS, however, transmits data using

Content-Type: application/json 

and { "foo": "bar", "baz": "moe" }

JSON serialization, which unfortunately some Web server languages—notably PHP—do not unserialize natively.

Works like a charm.


// Your app's root module...
angular.module('MyModule', [], function($httpProvider) {
  // Use x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Type
  $['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8';

   * The workhorse; converts an object to x-www-form-urlencoded serialization.
   * @param {Object} obj
   * @return {String}
  var param = function(obj) {
    var query = '', name, value, fullSubName, subName, subValue, innerObj, i;

    for(name in obj) {
      value = obj[name];

      if(value instanceof Array) {
        for(i=0; i<value.length; ++i) {
          subValue = value[i];
          fullSubName = name + '[' + i + ']';
          innerObj = {};
          innerObj[fullSubName] = subValue;
          query += param(innerObj) + '&';
      else if(value instanceof Object) {
        for(subName in value) {
          subValue = value[subName];
          fullSubName = name + '[' + subName + ']';
          innerObj = {};
          innerObj[fullSubName] = subValue;
          query += param(innerObj) + '&';
      else if(value !== undefined && value !== null)
        query += encodeURIComponent(name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value) + '&';

    return query.length ? query.substr(0, query.length - 1) : query;

  // Override $http service's default transformRequest
  $httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest = [function(data) {
    return angular.isObject(data) && String(data) !== '[object File]' ? param(data) : data;

"unexpected token import" in Nodejs5 and babel?

From the babel 6 Release notes:

Since Babel is focusing on being a platform for JavaScript tooling and not an ES2015 transpiler, we’ve decided to make all of the plugins opt-in. This means when you install Babel it will no longer transpile your ES2015 code by default.

In my setup I installed the es2015 preset

npm install --save-dev babel-preset-es2015

or with yarn

yarn add babel-preset-es2015 --dev

and enabled the preset in my .babelrc

  "presets": ["es2015"]

How to get screen width without (minus) scrollbar?

You can use vanilla javascript by simply writing:

var width = el.clientWidth;

You could also use this to get the width of the document as follows:

var docWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;

Source: MDN

You can also get the width of the full window, including the scrollbar, as follows:

var fullWidth = window.innerWidth;

However this is not supported by all browsers, so as a fallback, you may want to use docWidth as above, and add on the scrollbar width.

Source: MDN

Use HTML5 to resize an image before upload

Here is what I ended up doing and it worked great.

First I moved the file input outside of the form so that it is not submitted:

<input name="imagefile[]" type="file" id="takePictureField" accept="image/*" onchange="uploadPhotos(\'#{imageUploadUrl}\')" />
<form id="uploadImageForm" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input id="name" value="#{name}" />
    ... a few more inputs ... 

Then I changed the uploadPhotos function to handle only the resizing:

window.uploadPhotos = function(url){
    // Read in file
    var file =[0];

    // Ensure it's an image
    if(file.type.match(/image.*/)) {
        console.log('An image has been loaded');

        // Load the image
        var reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = function (readerEvent) {
            var image = new Image();
            image.onload = function (imageEvent) {

                // Resize the image
                var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
                    max_size = 544,// TODO : pull max size from a site config
                    width = image.width,
                    height = image.height;
                if (width > height) {
                    if (width > max_size) {
                        height *= max_size / width;
                        width = max_size;
                } else {
                    if (height > max_size) {
                        width *= max_size / height;
                        height = max_size;
                canvas.width = width;
                canvas.height = height;
                canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height);
                var dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg');
                var resizedImage = dataURLToBlob(dataUrl);
                    type: "imageResized",
                    blob: resizedImage,
                    url: dataUrl
            image.src =;

As you can see I'm using canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg'); to change the resized image into a dataUrl adn then I call the function dataURLToBlob(dataUrl); to turn the dataUrl into a blob that I can then append to the form. When the blob is created, I trigger a custom event. Here is the function to create the blob:

/* Utility function to convert a canvas to a BLOB */
var dataURLToBlob = function(dataURL) {
    var BASE64_MARKER = ';base64,';
    if (dataURL.indexOf(BASE64_MARKER) == -1) {
        var parts = dataURL.split(',');
        var contentType = parts[0].split(':')[1];
        var raw = parts[1];

        return new Blob([raw], {type: contentType});

    var parts = dataURL.split(BASE64_MARKER);
    var contentType = parts[0].split(':')[1];
    var raw = window.atob(parts[1]);
    var rawLength = raw.length;

    var uInt8Array = new Uint8Array(rawLength);

    for (var i = 0; i < rawLength; ++i) {
        uInt8Array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i);

    return new Blob([uInt8Array], {type: contentType});
/* End Utility function to convert a canvas to a BLOB      */

Finally, here is my event handler that takes the blob from the custom event, appends the form and then submits it.

/* Handle image resized events */
$(document).on("imageResized", function (event) {
    var data = new FormData($("form[id*='uploadImageForm']")[0]);
    if (event.blob && event.url) {
        data.append('image_data', event.blob);

            url: event.url,
            data: data,
            cache: false,
            contentType: false,
            processData: false,
            type: 'POST',
            success: function(data){
               //handle errors...

How to calculate number of days between two dates

Try this Using moment.js (Its quite easy to compute date operations in javascript)

firstDate.diff(secondDate, 'days', false);// true|false for fraction value

Result will give you number of days in integer.

how to create a Java Date object of midnight today and midnight tomorrow?


If you are using Java 8 and later, you can try the java.time package (Tutorial):

LocalDate tomorrow =;
Date endDate = Date.from(tomorrow.atStartOfDay(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant());

How to hide the soft keyboard from inside a fragment?

Just add this line in you code:


How to schedule a function to run every hour on Flask?

I've tried using flask instead of a simple apscheduler what you need to install is

pip3 install flask_apscheduler

Below is the sample of my code:

from flask import Flask
from flask_apscheduler import APScheduler

app = Flask(__name__)
scheduler = APScheduler()

def scheduleTask():
    print("This test runs every 3 seconds")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    scheduler.add_job(id = 'Scheduled Task', func=scheduleTask, trigger="interval", seconds=3)

A general tree implementation?

I've published a Python [3] tree implementation on my site:

Hope it is of use,

Ok, here's the code:

import uuid

def sanitize_id(id):
    return id.strip().replace(" ", "")

(_ADD, _DELETE, _INSERT) = range(3)
(_ROOT, _DEPTH, _WIDTH) = range(3)

class Node:

    def __init__(self, name, identifier=None, expanded=True):
        self.__identifier = (str(uuid.uuid1()) if identifier is None else
                sanitize_id(str(identifier))) = name
        self.expanded = expanded
        self.__bpointer = None
        self.__fpointer = []

    def identifier(self):
        return self.__identifier

    def bpointer(self):
        return self.__bpointer

    def bpointer(self, value):
        if value is not None:
            self.__bpointer = sanitize_id(value)

    def fpointer(self):
        return self.__fpointer

    def update_fpointer(self, identifier, mode=_ADD):
        if mode is _ADD:
        elif mode is _DELETE:
        elif mode is _INSERT:
            self.__fpointer = [sanitize_id(identifier)]

class Tree:

    def __init__(self):
        self.nodes = []

    def get_index(self, position):
        for index, node in enumerate(self.nodes):
            if node.identifier == position:
        return index

    def create_node(self, name, identifier=None, parent=None):

        node = Node(name, identifier)
        self.__update_fpointer(parent, node.identifier, _ADD)
        node.bpointer = parent
        return node

    def show(self, position, level=_ROOT):
        queue = self[position].fpointer
        if level == _ROOT:
            print("{0} [{1}]".format(self[position].name, self[position].identifier))
            print("\t"*level, "{0} [{1}]".format(self[position].name, self[position].identifier))
        if self[position].expanded:
            level += 1
            for element in queue:
      , level)  # recursive call

    def expand_tree(self, position, mode=_DEPTH):
        # Python generator. Loosly based on an algorithm from 'Essential LISP' by
        # John R. Anderson, Albert T. Corbett, and Brian J. Reiser, page 239-241
        yield position
        queue = self[position].fpointer
        while queue:
            yield queue[0]
            expansion = self[queue[0]].fpointer
            if mode is _DEPTH:
                queue = expansion + queue[1:]  # depth-first
            elif mode is _WIDTH:
                queue = queue[1:] + expansion  # width-first

    def is_branch(self, position):
        return self[position].fpointer

    def __update_fpointer(self, position, identifier, mode):
        if position is None:
            self[position].update_fpointer(identifier, mode)

    def __update_bpointer(self, position, identifier):
        self[position].bpointer = identifier

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.nodes[self.get_index(key)]

    def __setitem__(self, key, item):
        self.nodes[self.get_index(key)] = item

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.nodes)

    def __contains__(self, identifier):
        return [node.identifier for node in self.nodes if node.identifier is identifier]

if __name__ == "__main__":

    tree = Tree()
    tree.create_node("Harry", "harry")  # root node
    tree.create_node("Jane", "jane", parent = "harry")
    tree.create_node("Bill", "bill", parent = "harry")
    tree.create_node("Joe", "joe", parent = "jane")
    tree.create_node("Diane", "diane", parent = "jane")
    tree.create_node("George", "george", parent = "diane")
    tree.create_node("Mary", "mary", parent = "diane")
    tree.create_node("Jill", "jill", parent = "george")
    tree.create_node("Carol", "carol", parent = "jill")
    tree.create_node("Grace", "grace", parent = "bill")
    tree.create_node("Mark", "mark", parent = "jane")

    for node in tree.expand_tree("harry", mode=_WIDTH):

Counting Line Numbers in Eclipse

You could use a batch file with the following script:

@echo off
SET count=1
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir "%CD%\src\*.java" /b /s') DO (type "%%G") >> lines.txt
SET count=1
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('type lines.txt') DO (set /a lines+=1)
echo Your Project has currently totaled %lines% lines of code. 
del lines.txt

How do AX, AH, AL map onto EAX?

| 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 | ------> EAX

|                     0100 0101 0110 0111 | ------> AX

|                               0110 0111 | ------> AL

|                     0100 0101           | ------> AH

Accessing certain pixel RGB value in openCV

A piece of code is easier for people who have such problem. I share my code and you can use it directly. Please note that OpenCV store pixels as BGR.

cv::Mat vImage_; 

    cv::Vec3f vec_;

    for(int i = 0; i < vHeight_; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < vWidth_; j++)
            vec_ = cv::Vec3f((*src_)[0]/255.0, (*src_)[1]/255.0, (*src_)[2]/255.0);//Please note that OpenCV store pixels as BGR.

  <cv::Vec3f>(vHeight_-1-i, j) = vec_;


if(! ) // Check for invalid input
    printf("failed to read image by OpenCV.");
    cv::namedWindow( windowName_, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
    cv::imshow( windowName_, vImage_); // Show the image.

Does swift have a trim method on String?

You can also send characters that you want to be trimed

extension String {

    func trim() -> String {

        return self.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)


    func trim(characterSet:CharacterSet) -> String {

        return self.trimmingCharacters(in: characterSet)


validationMessage = validationMessage.trim(characterSet: CharacterSet(charactersIn: ","))

Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

  1. you missed the comma between two values or column name
  2. you put extra values or an extra column name

fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory

If you use a virtualenv with a 3.6 python (edge right now), be sure to install the matching python 3.6 dev sudo apt-get install python3.6-dev, otherwise executing sudo python3-dev will install the python dev 3.3.3-1, which won't solve the issue.

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.12:test (default-test) on project.

This happens when Maven tries to run your test cases while building the jar. You can simply skip running the test cases by adding -DskipTests at the end of your maven command.

Ex: mvn clean install -DskipTests or mvn clean package -DskipTests

How can I strip HTML tags from a string in ASP.NET?

string result = Regex.Replace(anytext, @"<(.|\n)*?>", string.Empty);

How to round the minute of a datetime object

Here is a simpler generalized solution without floating point precision issues and external library dependencies:

import datetime

def time_mod(time, delta, epoch=None):
    if epoch is None:
        epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=time.tzinfo)
    return (time - epoch) % delta

def time_round(time, delta, epoch=None):
    mod = time_mod(time, delta, epoch)
    if mod < (delta / 2):
       return time - mod
    return time + (delta - mod)

In your case:

>>> tm = datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 3, 56, 23)
>>> time_round(tm, datetime.timedelta(minutes=10))
datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 10, 4, 0)

Safest way to convert float to integer in python?

Another code sample to convert a real/float to an integer using variables. "vel" is a real/float number and converted to the next highest INTEGER, "newvel".

import arcpy.math, os, sys, arcpy.da
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(densifybkp,[floseg,vel,Length]) as cursor:
 for row in cursor:
    curvel = float(row[1])
    newvel = int(math.ceil(curvel))

Double decimal formatting in Java

You could always use the static method printf from System.out - you'd then implement the corresponding formatter; this saves heap space in which other examples required you to do.


System.out.format("%.4f %n", 4.0); 

System.out.printf("%.2f %n", 4.0); 

Saves heap space which is a pretty big bonus, nonetheless I hold the opinion that this example is much more manageable than any other answer, especially since most programmers know the printf function from C (Java changes the function/method slightly though).

How do I shut down a python simpleHTTPserver?

kill -9 `ps -ef |grep SimpleHTTPServer |grep $MYPORT |awk '{print $2}'`

That is it!

Explain command line :

  • ps -ef : list all process.

  • grep SimpleHTTPServer : filter process which belong to "SimpleHTTPServer"

  • grep $MYPORT : filter again process belong to "SimpleHTTPServer" where port is MYPORT (.i.e: MYPORT=8888)

  • awk '{print $2}' : print second column of result which is the PID (Process ID)

  • kill -9 <PID> : Force Kill process with the appropriate PID.

Multiplication on command line terminal

A simple shell function (no sed needed) should do the trick of interpreting '5X5'

$ function calc { bc -l <<< ${@//[xX]/*}; };
$ calc 5X5
$ calc 5x5
$ calc '5*5'

Extract date (yyyy/mm/dd) from a timestamp in PostgreSQL

In postgres simply : TO_CHAR(timestamp_column, 'DD/MM/YYYY') as submission_date

Android: Expand/collapse animation

I think the easiest solution is to set android:animateLayoutChanges="true" to your LinearLayout and then just show/hide view by seting its visibility. Works like a charm, but you have no controll on the animation duration

How do I sort a list of datetime or date objects?

You're getting None because list.sort() it operates in-place, meaning that it doesn't return anything, but modifies the list itself. You only need to call a.sort() without assigning it to a again.

There is a built in function sorted(), which returns a sorted version of the list - a = sorted(a) will do what you want as well.

Want to make Font Awesome icons clickable

             <a href="#"><i class="fab fa-facebook-square"></i></a> 
             <a href="#"><i class="fab fa-twitter-square"></i></a> 
             <a href="#"><i class="fas fa-basketball-ball"></i></a> 
             <a href="#"><i class="fab fa-google-plus-square"></i></a>

              All you have to do is wrap your font-awesome icon link in your HTML 
                               with an anchor tag.
        Following this format:
                   <a href="Link here"> <font-awesome icon code> </a>

The type or namespace cannot be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

This error comes because compile does not know where to find the it occurs mainly when u copy or import item solve this .. 1.change the namespace in the formname.cs and formname.designer.cs to the name of your project .

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

For the benefit of searchers looking to solve a similar problem, you can get a similar error if your input is an empty string.


var d = "";
var json = JSON.parse(d);

or if you are using AngularJS

var d = "";
var json = angular.fromJson(d);

In chrome it resulted in 'Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input', but Firebug showed it as 'JSON.parse: unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data'.

Sure most people won't be caught out by this, but I hadn't protected the method and it resulted in this error.

Display images in mvc

It is possible to use a handler to do this, even in MVC4. Here's an example from one i made earlier:

public class ImageHandler : IHttpHandler
    byte[] bytes;

    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
        int param;
        if (int.TryParse(context.Request.QueryString["id"], out param))
            using (var db = new MusicLibContext())
                if (param == -1)
                    bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Images/add.png"));

                    context.Response.ContentType = "image/png";
                    var data = (from x in db.Images
                                where x.ImageID == (short)param
                                select x).FirstOrDefault();

                    bytes = data.ImageData;

                    context.Response.ContentType = "image/" + data.ImageFileType;

            //image not found

    public bool IsReusable
            return false;

In the view, i added the ID of the photo to the query string of the handler.

Ring Buffer in Java

A very interesting project is disruptor. It has a ringbuffer and is used from what I know in financial applications.

See here: code of ringbuffer

I checked both Guava's EvictingQueue and ArrayDeque.

ArrayDeque does not limit growth if it's full it will double size and hence is not precisely acting like a ringbuffer.

EvictingQueue does what it promises but internally uses a Deque to store things and just bounds memory.

Hence, if you care about memory being bounded ArrayDeque is not fullfilling your promise. If you care about object count EvictingQueue uses internal composition (bigger object size).

A simple and memory efficient one can be stolen from jmonkeyengine. verbatim copy

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

public class RingBuffer<T> implements Iterable<T> {

  private T[] buffer;          // queue elements
  private int count = 0;          // number of elements on queue
  private int indexOut = 0;       // index of first element of queue
  private int indexIn = 0;       // index of next available slot

  // cast needed since no generic array creation in Java
  public RingBuffer(int capacity) {
    buffer = (T[]) new Object[capacity];

  public boolean isEmpty() {
    return count == 0;

  public int size() {
    return count;

  public void push(T item) {
    if (count == buffer.length) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Ring buffer overflow");
    buffer[indexIn] = item;
    indexIn = (indexIn + 1) % buffer.length;     // wrap-around

  public T pop() {
    if (isEmpty()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Ring buffer underflow");
    T item = buffer[indexOut];
    buffer[indexOut] = null;                  // to help with garbage collection
    indexOut = (indexOut + 1) % buffer.length; // wrap-around
    return item;

  public Iterator<T> iterator() {
    return new RingBufferIterator();

  // an iterator, doesn't implement remove() since it's optional
  private class RingBufferIterator implements Iterator<T> {

    private int i = 0;

    public boolean hasNext() {
        return i < count;

    public void remove() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public T next() {
        if (!hasNext()) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return buffer[i++];

$(document).ready(function(){ Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined

many other people answered your question above. This problen arises when your script don't find the jQuery script and if you are using other framework or cms then maybe there is a conflict between jQuery and other libraries. In my case i used as following- `

<script src="js_directory/jquery.1.7.min.js"></script>
    //your other code here


here might be some syntax error. Please forgive me because i'm writing from my cell phone. Thanks

Where can I find the Java SDK in Linux after installing it?

below command worked in my debain 10 box!

root@debian:/home/arun# readlink -f $(which java)

Creating folders inside a GitHub repository without using Git

After searching a lot I find out that it is possible to create a new folder from the web interface, but it would require you to have at least one file within the folder when creating it.

When using the normal way of creating new files through the web interface, you can type in the folder into the file name to create the file within that new directory.

For example, if I would like to create the file in a series of sub-folders, I can do this (taken from the GitHub blog):

Enter image description here

Calculating time difference in Milliseconds

You can use System.nanoTime();

To get the result in readable format, use TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS or NANOSECONDS

What is a C++ delegate?

An option for delegates in C++ that is not otherwise mentioned here is to do it C style using a function ptr and a context argument. This is probably the same pattern that many asking this question are trying to avoid. But, the pattern is portable, efficient, and is usable in embedded and kernel code.

class SomeClass
    in someMember;
    int SomeFunc( int);

    static void EventFunc( void* this__, int a, int b, int c)
        SomeClass* this_ = static_cast< SomeClass*>( this__);

        this_->SomeFunc( a );
        this_->someMember = b + c;

void ScheduleEvent( void (*delegateFunc)( void*, int, int, int), void* delegateContext);

    SomeClass* someObject = new SomeObject();
    ScheduleEvent( SomeClass::EventFunc, someObject);

Open file dialog and select a file using WPF controls and C#

Something like that should be what you need

private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // Create OpenFileDialog 
    Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog();

    // Set filter for file extension and default file extension 
    dlg.DefaultExt = ".png";
    dlg.Filter = "JPEG Files (*.jpeg)|*.jpeg|PNG Files (*.png)|*.png|JPG Files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|GIF Files (*.gif)|*.gif"; 

    // Display OpenFileDialog by calling ShowDialog method 
    Nullable<bool> result = dlg.ShowDialog();

    // Get the selected file name and display in a TextBox 
    if (result == true)
        // Open document 
        string filename = dlg.FileName;
        textBox1.Text = filename;

Splitting dataframe into multiple dataframes

Firstly your approach is inefficient because the appending to the list on a row by basis will be slow as it has to periodically grow the list when there is insufficient space for the new entry, list comprehensions are better in this respect as the size is determined up front and allocated once.

However, I think fundamentally your approach is a little wasteful as you have a dataframe already so why create a new one for each of these users?

I would sort the dataframe by column 'name', set the index to be this and if required not drop the column.

Then generate a list of all the unique entries and then you can perform a lookup using these entries and crucially if you only querying the data, use the selection criteria to return a view on the dataframe without incurring a costly data copy.

Use pandas.DataFrame.sort_values and pandas.DataFrame.set_index:

# sort the dataframe
df.sort_values(by='name', axis=1, inplace=True)

# set the index to be this and don't drop
df.set_index(keys=['name'], drop=False,inplace=True)

# get a list of names

# now we can perform a lookup on a 'view' of the dataframe
joe = df.loc['joe']

# now you can query all 'joes'

How to use BeanUtils.copyProperties?

There are two BeanUtils.copyProperties(parameter1, parameter2) in Java.

One is

org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.copyProperties(Object dest, Object orig)

Another is

org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils.copyProperties(Object source, Object target)

Pay attention to the opposite position of parameters.

jQuery UI 1.10: dialog and zIndex option

To sandwich an my element between the modal screen and a dialog, I need to lift my element above the modal-screen, and then lift the dialog above my element.

I had a small success by doing the following after creating the dialog on element $dlg.


Since each dialog has a different starting z-index (they incrementally get larger) I make adjustment a string with a boost value, like this:

const adjustment = "+=99";

However, jQuery just keeps increasing the zIndex value on the modal screen, so by the second dialog, the sandwich no longer worked. I gave up on ui-dialog "modal", made it "false", and just created my own modal. It imitates jQueryUI exactly. Here it is:

CoverAll = {};
CoverAll.modalDiv = null;

CoverAll.modalCloak = function(zIndex) {
  var div = CoverAll.modalDiv;
  if(!CoverAll.modalDiv) {
    div = CoverAll.modalDiv = document.createElement('div'); = '#aaaaaa';    = '0.3';   = 'fixed';        = '0';       = '0';      = '100%';     = '100%';
  if(!div.parentElement) {
  if(zIndex == null)
    zIndex = 100;  = zIndex;
  return div;

CoverAll.modalUncloak = function() {
  var div = CoverAll.modalDiv;
  if(div && div.parentElement) {
  return div;

How can I get my Twitter Bootstrap buttons to right align?

Adding to the accepted answer, when working within containers and columns that have built in padding from bootstrap, I sometimes have a full stretched column with a child div that does the pulling to be the way to go.

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-sm-12">
      <div class="pull-right">
            <p>I am right aligned, factoring in container column padding</p>

Alternately, have all your columns add up to your total number of grid columns (12 by default) along with having the first column be offset.

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-sm-4 col-sm-offset-4">
        This content and its sibling..
  <div class="col-sm-4">
        are right aligned as a whole thanks to the offset on the first column and the sum of the columns used is the total available (12).

'python3' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

You can also try this: Go to the path where Python is installed in your system. For me it was something like C:\Users\\Local Settings\Application Data\Programs\Python\Python37 In this folder, you'll find a python executable. Just create a duplicate and rename it to python3. Works every time.

enter image description here

Freeze screen in chrome debugger / DevTools panel for popover inspection?

To be able to inspect any element do the following. This should work even if it's hard to duplicate the hover state:

  • Run the following javascript in the console. This will break into the debugger in 5 seconds.

    setTimeout(function(){debugger;}, 5000)

  • Go show your element (by hovering or however) and wait until Chrome breaks into the Debugger.

  • Now click on the Elements tab in the Chrome Inspector, and you can look for your element there.
  • You may also be able to click on the Find Element icon (looks like a magnifying glass) and Chrome will let you go and inspect and find your element on the page by right clicking on it, then choosing Inspect Element

Note that this approach is a slight variation to this other great answer on this page.

Formatting a Date String in React Native

There is no need to include a bulky library such as Moment.js to fix such a simple issue.

The issue you are facing is not with formatting, but with parsing.

As John Shammas mentions in another answer, the Date constructor (and Date.parse) are picky about the input. Your 2016-01-04 10:34:23 may work in one JavaScript implementation, but not necessarily in the other.

According to the specification of ECMAScript 5.1, Date.parse supports (a simplification of) ISO 8601. That's good news, because your date is already very ISO 8601-like.

All you have to do is change the input format just a little. Swap the space for a T: 2016-01-04T10:34:23; and optionally add a time zone (2016-01-04T10:34:23+01:00), otherwise UTC is assumed.

How to avoid "ConcurrentModificationException" while removing elements from `ArrayList` while iterating it?

If you want to modify your List during traversal, then you need to use the Iterator. And then you can use iterator.remove() to remove the elements during traversal.

Is it possible to display inline images from html in an Android TextView?

I used Dave Webb's answer but simplified it a bit. As long as the resource IDs will stay the same during runtime in your use-case, there's not really a need to write your own class implementing Html.ImageGetter and mess around with source-strings.

What I did was using the resource ID as a source-string:

final String img = String.format("<img src=\"%s\"/>", R.drawable.your_image);
final String html = String.format("Image: %s", img);

and use it directly:

Html.fromHtml(html, new Html.ImageGetter() {
  public Drawable getDrawable(final String source) {
    Drawable d = null;
    try {
      d = getResources().getDrawable(Integer.parseInt(source));
      d.setBounds(0, 0, d.getIntrinsicWidth(), d.getIntrinsicHeight());
    } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
      Log.e("log_tag", "Image not found. Check the ID.", e);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      Log.e("log_tag", "Source string not a valid resource ID.", e);

    return d;
}, null);

Regular Expression to match valid dates

This regex validates dates between 01-01-2000 and 12-31-2099 with matching separators.

^(0[1-9]|1[012])([- /.])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\2(19|20)\d\d$

Position a CSS background image x pixels from the right?

Better for all background: url('../images/bg-menu-dropdown-top.png') left 20px top no-repeat !important;

How to split one string into multiple strings separated by at least one space in bash shell?

$ echo "This is   a sentence." | tr -s " " "\012"

For checking for spaces, use grep:

$ echo "This is   a sentence." | grep " " > /dev/null
$ echo $?
$ echo "Thisisasentence." | grep " " > /dev/null     
$ echo $?

Find files containing a given text

egrep -ir --include=*.{php,html,js} "(document.cookie|setcookie)" .

The r flag means to search recursively (search subdirectories). The i flag means case insensitive.

If you just want file names add the l (lowercase L) flag:

egrep -lir --include=*.{php,html,js} "(document.cookie|setcookie)" .

How can I install a CPAN module into a local directory?

local::lib will help you. It will convince "make install" (and "Build install") to install to a directory you can write to, and it will tell perl how to get at those modules.

In general, if you want to use a module that is in a blib/ directory, you want to say perl -Mblib ... where ... is how you would normally invoke your script.

Best way to update data with a RecyclerView adapter

Found following solution working for my similar problem:

private ExtendedHashMap mData = new ExtendedHashMap();
private  String[] mKeys;

public void setNewData(ExtendedHashMap data) {
    mKeys = data.keySet().toArray(new String[data.size()]);

Using the clear-command


is not nessescary

Convert String into a Class Object

You cannot store a class object into a string using toString(), toString() only returns a String representation of your object-in any way you'd like. You might want to do some reading about Serialization.

JSON: why are forward slashes escaped?

The JSON spec says you CAN escape forward slash, but you don't have to.

PHP strtotime +1 month adding an extra month

 $endOfCycle = date("Y-m", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", time())+1 , 15, date("m", time())));

Excel CSV. file with more than 1,048,576 rows of data

First you want to change the file format from csv to txt. That is simple to do, just edit the file name and change csv to txt. (Windows will give you warning about possibly corrupting the data, but it is fine, just click ok). Then make a copy of the txt file so that now you have two files both with 2 millions rows of data. Then open up the first txt file and delete the second million rows and save the file. Then open the second txt file and delete the first million rows and save the file. Now change the two files back to csv the same way you changed them to txt originally.

Is there an operator to calculate percentage in Python?

use of %

def percent(expression):
    if "%" in expression:
        expression = expression.replace("%","/100")
    return eval(expression)

>>> percent("1500*20%")

Somthing simple

>>> p = lambda x: x/100
>>> p(20)
>>> 100*p(20)

Cannot bulk load. Operating system error code 5 (Access is denied.)

I don't think reinstalling SQL Server is going to fix this, it's just going to kill some time.

  1. Confirm that your user account has read privileges to the folder in question.
  2. Use a tool like Process Monitor to see what user is actually trying to access the file.
  3. My guess is that it is not Michael-PC\Michael that is trying to access the file, but rather the SQL Server service account. If this is the case, then you have at least three options (but probably others):

    a. Set the SQL Server service to run as you.
    b. Grant the SQL Server service account explicit access to that folder.
    c. Put the files somewhere more logical where SQL Server has access, or can be made to have access (e.g. C:\bulk\).

I suggest these things assuming that this is a contained, local workstation. There are definitely more serious security concerns around local filesystem access from SQL Server when we're talking about a production machine, of course this can still be largely mitigated by using c. above - and only giving the service account access to the folders you want it to be able to touch.

Ruby optional parameters

1) You cannot overload the method (Why doesn't ruby support method overloading?) so why not write a new method altogether?

2) I solved a similar problem using the splat operator * for an array of zero or more length. Then, if I want to pass a parameter(s) I can, it is interpreted as an array, but if I want to call the method without any parameter then I don't have to pass anything. See Ruby Programming Language pages 186/187

Schema validation failed with the following errors: Data path ".builders['app-shell']" should have required property 'class'

I got the same error when upgraded angular from 6 to 8.

Simple update angular cli to latest version & node version to 10+.

1) Visit this link to get the latest node version. Angular 8 requires 10+.
2) Execute npm i @angular/cli@latest to update cli.

This is what I have currently

enter image description here

How to detect when keyboard is shown and hidden

In Swift 4.2 the notification names have moved to a different namespace. So now it's

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {

func addKeyboardListeners() {
    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardWillHide), name: UIResponder.keyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil)
    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardWillShow), name: UIResponder.keyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil)

@objc private extension WhateverTheClassNameIs {

    func keyboardWillShow(_ notification: Notification) {
        // Do something here.

    func keyboardWillHide(_ notification: Notification) {
        // Do something here.

jQuery check/uncheck radio button onclick

-- EDIT --

It sure looks like your code is forcing a radio input to behave like a checkbox input. You might think about just using a checkbox input without the need for jQuery. However, if you want to force, like @manji said, you need to store the value outside the click handler and then set it on each click to the opposite of what it is at that time. @manji's answer is correct, I would just add that you should cache jQuery objects instead of re-querying the DOM:

var $radio = $("#radioinstant"),
    isChecked = $radio.attr("checked");

$ {

    isChecked = !isChecked;
    $(this).attr("checked", isChecked);


php date validation

Try This


this regular expression valid for :

  • 2017-01-01T00:00:00+0000
  • 2017-01-01 00:00:00+00:00
  • 2017-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
  • 2017-01-01 00:00:00+0000
  • 2017-01-01

Remember that this will be cover all case of date and date time with (-) character

link_to image tag. how to add class to a tag

Best will be:

link_to image_tag("Search.png", :border => 0, :alt => '', :title => ''), pages_search_path, :class => 'dock-item'

What are the possible values of the Hibernate configuration and what do they do

First, the possible values for the hbm2ddl configuration property are the following ones:

  • none - No action is performed. The schema will not be generated.
  • create-only - The database schema will be generated.
  • drop - The database schema will be dropped.
  • create - The database schema will be dropped and created afterward.
  • create-drop - The database schema will be dropped and created afterward. Upon closing the SessionFactory, the database schema will be dropped.
  • validate - The database schema will be validated using the entity mappings.
  • update - The database schema will be updated by comparing the existing database schema with the entity mappings.

The"update" is convenient but less flexible if you plan on adding functions or executing some custom scripts.

So, The most flexible approach is to use Flyway.

However, even if you use Flyway, you can still generate the initial migration script using hbm2ddl.

How can I issue a single command from the command line through sql plus?


export ORACLE_HOME=/oracleClient/app/oracle/product/version
export DBUSER=fooUser
export DBPASSWD=fooPW
export DBNAME=fooSchema 

echo "select * from someTable;" | $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus $DBUSER/$DBPASSWD@$DBNAME

PHP - auto refreshing page

Try out this as well. Your page will refresh every 10sec


  <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10; url="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">


How do I import a Swift file from another Swift file?

As of Swift 2.0, best practice is:

Add the line @testable import MyApp to the top of your tests file, where "MyApp" is the Product Module Name of your app target (viewable in your app target's build settings). That's it.

(Note that the product module name will be the same as your app target's name unless your app target's name contains spaces, which will be replaced with underscores. For example, if my app target was called "Fun Game" I'd write @testable import Fun_Game at the top of my tests.)

How to retrieve the hash for the current commit in Git?

Commit hash

git show -s --format=%H

Abbreviated commit hash

git show -s --format=%h

Click here for more git show examples.

Plot mean and standard deviation

plt.errorbar can be used to plot x, y, error data (as opposed to the usual plt.plot)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
y = np.power(x, 2) # Effectively y = x**2
e = np.array([1.5, 2.6, 3.7, 4.6, 5.5])

plt.errorbar(x, y, e, linestyle='None', marker='^')

plt.errorbar accepts the same arguments as plt.plot with additional yerr and xerr which default to None (i.e. if you leave them blank it will act as plt.plot).

Example plot

Get input value from TextField in iOS alert in Swift

Updated for Swift 3 and above:

//1. Create the alert controller.
let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Some Title", message: "Enter a text", preferredStyle: .alert)

//2. Add the text field. You can configure it however you need.
alert.addTextField { (textField) in
    textField.text = "Some default text"

// 3. Grab the value from the text field, and print it when the user clicks OK.
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: { [weak alert] (_) in
    let textField = alert.textFields![0] // Force unwrapping because we know it exists.
    print("Text field: \(textField.text)")

// 4. Present the alert.
self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

Swift 2.x

Assuming you want an action alert on iOS:

//1. Create the alert controller.            
var alert = UIAlertController(title: "Some Title", message: "Enter a text", preferredStyle: .Alert)

//2. Add the text field. You can configure it however you need.
alert.addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler({ (textField) -> Void in
    textField.text = "Some default text."

//3. Grab the value from the text field, and print it when the user clicks OK. 
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .Default, handler: { [weak alert] (action) -> Void in
    let textField = alert.textFields![0] as UITextField
    println("Text field: \(textField.text)")

// 4. Present the alert.
self.presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

Sorting an array of objects by property values

Create a function and sort based on the input using below code

var homes = [{

    "h_id": "3",
    "city": "Dallas",
    "state": "TX",
    "zip": "75201",
    "price": "162500"

 }, {

    "h_id": "4",
    "city": "Bevery Hills",
    "state": "CA",
    "zip": "90210",
    "price": "319250"

 }, {

    "h_id": "5",
    "city": "New York",
    "state": "NY",
    "zip": "00010",
    "price": "962500"


 function sortList(list,order){
        return list.sort((a,b)=>{
            return parseFloat(a.price) - parseFloat(b.price);
        return list.sort((a,b)=>{
            return parseFloat(b.price) - parseFloat(a.price);


What is meant by Ems? (Android TextView)

android:ems or setEms(n) sets the width of a TextView to fit a text of n 'M' letters regardless of the actual text extension and text size. See wikipedia Em unit

but only when the layout_width is set to "wrap_content". Other layout_width values override the ems width setting.

Adding an android:textSize attribute determines the physical width of the view to the textSize * length of a text of n 'M's set above.

How to reset index in a pandas dataframe?

DataFrame.reset_index is what you're looking for. If you don't want it saved as a column, then do:

df = df.reset_index(drop=True)

If you don't want to reassign:

df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

MySQL Nested Select Query?

You just need to write the first query as a subquery (derived table), inside parentheses, pick an alias for it (t below) and alias the columns as well.

The DISTINCT can also be safely removed as the internal GROUP BY makes it redundant:

SELECT DATE(`date`) AS `date` , COUNT(`player_name`) AS `player_count`
    SELECT MIN(`date`) AS `date`, `player_name`
    FROM `player_playtime`
    GROUP BY `player_name`
) AS t

Since the COUNT is now obvious that is only counting rows of the derived table, you can replace it with COUNT(*) and further simplify the query:

SELECT , COUNT(*) AS player_count
    SELECT DATE(MIN(`date`)) AS date
    FROM player_playtime
    GROUP BY player_name
) AS t

Mongodb service won't start

I tried deleting the lock file, but the real reason that this happened to me was because I was using ~/data/db as the data directory. Mongo needs an absolute path to the database. Once I changed it to /home//data/db, I was in business.

How to change the date format from MM/DD/YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD in PL/SQL?

To convert a DATE column to another format, just use TO_CHAR() with the desired format, then convert it back to a DATE type:

SELECT TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(date_column, 'DD-MM-YYYY'), 'DD-MM-YYYY') from my_table

Add swipe to delete UITableViewCell

just add these assuming your data array is 'data'

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, canEditRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {
    return true

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, commit editingStyle: UITableViewCellEditingStyle, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
    if (editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyle.delete) {
        // handle delete (by removing the data from your array and updating the tableview)
        if let tv=table

            data.remove(at: indexPath.row)
            tv.deleteRows(at: [indexPath], with: .fade)


How to check if a String contains any letter from a to z?

For a minimal change:

for(int i=0; i<str.Length; i++ )
   if(str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'z' || str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z')

You could use regular expressions, at least if speed is not an issue and you do not really need the actual exact count.

Get table name by constraint name

SELECT constraint_name, constraint_type, column_name
from user_constraints natural join user_cons_columns
where table_name = "my_table_name";

will give you what you need

How do I convert number to string and pass it as argument to Execute Process Task?

Expression: "Total Count: " + (DT_WSTR, 5)@[User::Cnt]

How to automatically start a service when running a docker container?

First, there is a problem in your Dockerfile:

RUN service mysql restart && /tmp/

Docker images do not save running processes. Therefore, your RUN command executes only during docker build phase and stops after the build is completed. Instead, you need to specify the command when the container is started using the CMD or ENTRYPOINT commands like below:

CMD mysql start

Secondly, the docker container needs a process (last command) to keep running, otherwise the container will exit/stop. Therefore, the normal service mysql start command cannot be used directly in the Dockerfile.


There are three typical ways to keep the process running:

  • Using service command and append non-end command after that like tail -F

    CMD service mysql start && tail -F /var/log/mysql/error.log

This is often preferred when you have a single service running as it makes the outputted log accessible to docker.

  • Or use foreground command to do this

    CMD /usr/bin/mysqld_safe

This works only if there is a script like mysqld_safe.

  • Or wrap your scripts into and put this in end

    CMD /

This is best if the command must perform a series of steps, again, / should stay running.


For the beginner using supervisord is not recommended. Honestly, it is overkill. It is much better to use single service / single command for the container.

BTW: please check for existing mysql docker images for reference

How to force garbage collection in Java?

Really, I don't get you. But to be clear about "Infinite Object Creation" I meant that there is some piece of code at my big system do creation of objects whom handles and alive in memory, I could not get this piece of code actually, just gesture!!

This is correct, only gesture. You have pretty much the standard answers already given by several posters. Let's take this one by one:

  1. I could not get this piece of code actually

Correct, there is no actual jvm - such is only a specification, a bunch of computer science describing a desired behaviour ... I recently dug into initializing Java objects from native code. To get what you want, the only way is to do what is called aggressive nulling. The mistakes if done wrong are so bad doing that we have to limit ourselves to the original scope of the question:

  1. some piece of code at my big system do creation of objects

Most of the posters here will assume you are saying you are working to an interface, if such we would have to see if you are being handed the entire object or one item at a time.

If you no longer need an object, you can assign null to the object but if you get it wrong there is a null pointer exception generated. I bet you can achieve better work if you use NIO

Any time you or I or anyone else gets: "Please I need that horribly." it is almost universal precursor to near total destruction of what you are trying to work on .... write us a small sample code, sanitizing from it any actual code used and show us your question.

Do not get frustrated. Often what this resolves to is your dba is using a package bought somewhere and the original design is not tweaked for massive data structures.

That is very common.

Count the number of commits on a Git branch

To see total no of commits you can do as Peter suggested above

git rev-list --count HEAD

And if you want to see number of commits made by each person try this line

git shortlog -s -n

will generate output like this

135  Tom Preston-Werner
15  Jack Danger Canty
10  Chris Van Pelt
7  Mark Reid
6  remi

Why Is Subtracting These Two Times (in 1927) Giving A Strange Result?

Instead of converting each date, you can use the following code:

long difference = (sDt4.getTime() - sDt3.getTime()) / 1000;

And then see that the result is:


Reading a string with scanf

I think that this below is accurate and it may help. Feel free to correct it if you find any errors. I'm new at C.

char str[]  
  1. array of values of type char, with its own address in memory
  2. array of values of type char, with its own address in memory as many consecutive addresses as elements in the array
  3. including termination null character '\0' &str, &str[0] and str, all three represent the same location in memory which is address of the first element of the array str

    char *strPtr = &str[0]; //declaration and initialization

alternatively, you can split this in two:

char *strPtr; strPtr = &str[0];
  1. strPtr is a pointer to a char
  2. strPtr points at array str
  3. strPtr is a variable with its own address in memory
  4. strPtr is a variable that stores value of address &str[0]
  5. strPtr own address in memory is different from the memory address that it stores (address of array in memory a.k.a &str[0])
  6. &strPtr represents the address of strPtr itself

I think that you could declare a pointer to a pointer as:

char **vPtr = &strPtr;  

declares and initializes with address of strPtr pointer

Alternatively you could split in two:

char **vPtr;
*vPtr = &strPtr
  1. *vPtr points at strPtr pointer
  2. *vPtr is a variable with its own address in memory
  3. *vPtr is a variable that stores value of address &strPtr
  4. final comment: you can not do str++, str address is a const, but you can do strPtr++

Sorting a vector of custom objects

To sort a vector you can use the sort() algorithm in .


The third parameter used can be greater or less or any function or object can also be used. However the default operator is < if you leave third parameter empty.

// using function as comp
std::sort (myvector.begin()+4, myvector.end(), myfunction);
bool myfunction (int i,int j) { return (i<j); }

// using object as comp
std::sort (myvector.begin(), myvector.end(), myobject);

What is the difference between URL parameters and query strings?

Parameters are key-value pairs that can appear inside URL path, and start with a semicolon character (;).

Query string appears after the path (if any) and starts with a question mark character (?).

Both parameters and query string contain key-value pairs.

In a GET request, parameters appear in the URL itself:


In a POST request, parameters can appear in the URL itself, but also in the datastream (as known as content).

Query string is always a part of the URL.

Parameters can be buried in form-data datastream when using POST method so they may not appear in the URL. Yes a POST request can define parameters as form data and in the URL, and this is not inconsistent because parameters can have several values.

I've found no explaination for this behavior so far. I guess it might be useful sometimes to "unhide" parameters from a POST request, or even let the code handling a GET request share some parts with the code handling a POST. Of course this can work only with server code supporting parameters in a URL.

Until you get better insights, I suggest you to use parameters only in form-data datastream of POST requests.


What Every Developer Should Know About URLs

RFC 3986

Required attribute HTML5

Just put the following below your form. Make sure your input fields are required.

    var forms = document.getElementsByTagName('form');
    for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
        forms[i].noValidate = true;
        forms[i].addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
            if (! {
                alert("Please complete all fields and accept the terms.");
        }, false);

How to count number of unique values of a field in a tab-delimited text file?

Assuming the data file is actually Tab separated, not space aligned:

<test.tsv awk '{print $4}' | sort | uniq

Where $4 will be:

  • $1 - Red
  • $2 - Ball
  • $3 - 1
  • $4 - Sold

How to run vi on docker container?

Your container probably haven't installed it out of the box.

Run apt-get install vim in the terminal and you should be ready to go.

How to convert a Map to List in Java?

"Map<String , String > map = new HapshMap<String , String>;
 map.add("two" ,"spring");
 Set<Entry<String,String>> set =  map.entrySet();
 List<Entry<String , String>> list = new ArrayList<Entry<String , String>>    (set);
 for(Entry<String , String> entry : list ) {
 } "

startForeground fail after upgrade to Android 8.1

Alternative answer: if it's a Huawei device and you have implemented requirements needed for Oreo 8 Android and there are still issues only with Huawei devices than it's only device issue, you can read

Google Maps how to Show city or an Area outline

From what I searched, at this moment there is no option from Google in the Maps API v3 and there is an issue on the Google Maps API going back to 2008. There are some older questions - Add "Search Area" outline onto google maps result , Google has started highlighting search areas in Pink color. Is this feature available in Google Maps API 3? and you might find some newer answers here with updated information, but this is not a feature.

What you can do is draw shapes on your map - but for this you need to have the coordinates of the borders of your region.

Now, in order to get the administrative area boundaries, you will have to do a little work: (if you are lucky and there is enough level of detail available there).

On this website you can locally download a file (there are many formats available) with the .kmz extension. Unzip it and you will have a .kml file which contains most administrative areas (cities, villages).

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<kml xmlns="">
<Document id="root_doc">
<Schema name="x" id="x">
    <SimpleField name="ID_0" type="int"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="ISO" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="NAME_0" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="ID_1" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="NAME_1" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="ID_2" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="NAME_2" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="TYPE_2" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="ENGTYPE_2" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="NL_NAME_2" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="VARNAME_2" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="Shape_Length" type="float"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="Shape_Area" type="float"></SimpleField>
    <ExtendedData><SchemaData schemaUrl="#x">
        <SimpleData name="ID_0">186</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="ISO">ROU</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="NAME_0">Romania</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="ID_1">1</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="NAME_1">Alba</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="ID_2">1</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="NAME_2">Abrud</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="TYPE_2">Comune</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="ENGTYPE_2">Commune</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="VARNAME_2">Oras Abrud</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="Shape_Length">0.2792904164402</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="Shape_Area">0.00302673357146115</SimpleData>
      <MultiGeometry><Polygon><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates>23.117561340332031,46.269237518310547 23.108898162841797,46.265365600585937 23.107486724853629,46.264305114746207 23.104681015014762,46.260105133056641 23.101633071899471,46.250000000000114 23.100803375244254,46.249053955078239 23.097520828247184,46.246582031250114 23.0965576171875,46.245487213134822 23.095674514770508,46.244930267334098 23.092174530029354,46.243438720703182 23.088010787963924,46.240383148193473 23.083366394043082,46.238204956054801 23.075212478637809,46.234935760498047 23.071325302123967,46.239696502685547 23.070602416992131,46.241668701171875 23.069700241088924,46.242824554443416 23.068435668945369,46.243541717529354 23.066627502441406,46.244037628173771 23.064964294433651,46.246234893798885 23.062850952148437,46.247486114501953 23.0626220703125,46.248153686523438 23.062761306762752,46.250873565673942 23.061862945556697,46.255172729492301 23.061449050903434,46.256267547607422 23.05998420715332,46.258060455322322 23.057676315307674,46.259838104248161 23.055141448974666,46.262714385986442 23.053401947021484,46.264244079589901 23.049621582031193,46.266674041748161 23.043565750122013,46.268516540527457 23.041521072387695,46.269458770751953 23.034791946411076,46.270542144775334 23.027051925659293,46.27105712890625 23.025453567504826,46.271255493164063 23.022710800170898,46.272083282470703 23.020351409912053,46.271331787109432 23.018688201904297,46.270687103271598 23.015596389770508,46.270793914794922 23.014116287231502,46.271579742431697 23.009817123413143,46.275333404541016 23.006668090820426,46.277061462402401 23.004106521606445,46.279254913330135 23.001775741577205,46.282882690429688 23.005559921264648,46.283077239990348 23.009967803955135,46.28415679931652 23.014947891235465,46.286224365234489 23.019996643066463,46.28900146484375 23.024263381958121,46.292709350586051 23.027633666992301,46.295299530029411 23.028041839599609,46.295692443847656 23.032444000244197,46.294342041015625 23.03491401672369,46.293315887451229 23.044847488403434,46.290401458740234 23.047790527343807,46.28928375244152 23.053009033203239,46.288627624511719 23.057231903076229,46.288341522216797 23.064565658569393,46.287548065185547 23.070388793945426,46.286254882812614 23.075139999389592,46.284847259521428 23.075983047485465,46.284801483154411 23.085800170898494,46.28253173828125 23.098115921020451,46.280982971191406 23.099718093872127,46.280590057373104 23.105833053588981,46.278388977050838 23.112155914306641,46.274082183837947 23.116207122802791,46.270610809326172 23.117561340332031,46.269237518310547</coordinates></LinearRing></outerBoundaryIs></Polygon></MultiGeometry>

From this point on, when the user searches for a city/village, you simply retrieve the boundaries and draw around those coordinates on the map -

I hope this helps you! Good luck!

border on Google Map using the above coordinates UPDATE: I made the borders of this city using the coordinates above

                   var ctaLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer({
                       url: ''

(I put a small kml file on my Dropbox containing the borders of a single city)

Note that this uses the Google built in KML system, in which it their server gets the file, computes the view and spits it back to you - it has limited usage and I used it to show you how the borders look. In your application you should be able to parse the coordinates from the kml file, put them in an array (as the polygon documentation tells you - ) and display them.

Note that there will be differences between the borders that Google sets on and the borders that you will get with this data.

Good luck! enter image description here

UPDATE: , These are the javascript files (they were minified, so I used an online tool to make them readable) from the website. If you are not fully satisfied with this my solution, feel free to study them.

Best of luck!

getting the error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘{’ token

you need to place the opening brace after main , not before it

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(void)

SSIS Excel Connection Manager failed to Connect to the Source

I found that my excel file that was created in Excel 365 was incompatible with any of the versions available. I re-saved the excel file in 97-2003 version and of course chose that version in the dropdown list and it read the file OK.

Get url parameters from a string in .NET

Or if you don't know the URL (so as to avoid hardcoding, use the AbsoluteUri

Example ...

        //get the full URL
        Uri myUri = new Uri(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri);
        //get any parameters
        string strStatus = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(myUri.Query).Get("status");
        string strMsg = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(myUri.Query).Get("message");
        switch (strStatus.ToUpper())
            case "OK":
                webMessageBox.Show("EMAILS SENT!");
            case "ER":
                webMessageBox.Show("EMAILS SENT, BUT ... " + strMsg);

JavaScript math, round to two decimal places

I think the best way I've seen it done is multiplying by 10 to the power of the number of digits, then doing a Math.round, then finally dividing by 10 to the power of digits. Here is a simple function I use in typescript:

function roundToXDigits(value: number, digits: number) {
    value = value * Math.pow(10, digits);
    value = Math.round(value);
    value = value / Math.pow(10, digits);
    return value;

Or plain javascript:

function roundToXDigits(value, digits) {
        digits = 2;
    value = value * Math.pow(10, digits);
    value = Math.round(value);
    value = value / Math.pow(10, digits);
    return value;

Can someone provide an example of a $destroy event for scopes in AngularJS?

$destroy can refer to 2 things: method and event

1. method - $scope.$destroy

.directive("colorTag", function(){
  return {
    restrict: "A",
    scope: {
      value: "=colorTag"
    link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
      var colors = new App.Colors();
      element.css("background-color", stringToColor(scope.value));
      element.css("color", contrastColor(scope.value));

      // Destroy scope, because it's no longer needed.

2. event - $scope.$on("$destroy")

See @SunnyShah's answer.

How to remove "href" with Jquery?

If you want your anchor to still appear to be clickable:


And if you wanted to remove the href from only anchors with certain attributes (eg ones that just have a hash mark as the href - this can be useful in


Bootstrap close responsive menu "on click"

This worked for me. I have done like, when i click on the menu button, im adding or removing the class 'in' because by adding or removing that class the toggle is working by default. 'e.stopPropagation()' is to stop the default animation by bootstrap(i guess) you can also use the 'toggleClass' in place of add or remove class.

$('#ChangeToggle').on('click', function (e) {

        if ($('.navbar-collapse').hasClass('in')) {
        } else {


Add ripple effect to my button with button background color?

A simple approach is to set a view theme as outlined here.




<style name="SomeButtonTheme" >
   <item name="colorControlHighlight">@color/someColor</item>

Simple C example of doing an HTTP POST and consuming the response

Handle added.
Added Host header.
Added linux / windows support, tested (XP,WIN7).
WARNING: ERROR : "segmentation fault" if no host,path or port as argument.

#include <stdio.h> /* printf, sprintf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit, atoi, malloc, free */
#include <unistd.h> /* read, write, close */
#include <string.h> /* memcpy, memset */
#ifdef __linux__ 
    #include <sys/socket.h> /* socket, connect */
    #include <netdb.h> /* struct hostent, gethostbyname */
    #include <netinet/in.h> /* struct sockaddr_in, struct sockaddr */
#elif _WIN32
    #include <winsock2.h>
    #include <ws2tcpip.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    #pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib") //Winsock Library



void error(const char *msg) { perror(msg); exit(0); }

int main(int argc,char *argv[])

    int i;
    struct hostent *server;
    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
    int bytes, sent, received, total, message_size;
    char *message, response[4096];
    int portno = atoi(argv[2])>0?atoi(argv[2]):80;
    char *host = strlen(argv[1])>0?argv[1]:"localhost";
    char *path = strlen(argv[4])>0?argv[4]:"/";
    if (argc < 5) { puts("Parameters: <host> <port> <method> <path> [<data> [<headers>]]"); exit(0); }
    /* How big is the message? */
                printf("Process 1\n");
        message_size+=strlen("%s %s%s%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n");        /* method         */
        message_size+=strlen(argv[3]);                         /* path           */
        message_size+=strlen(path);                         /* headers        */
            message_size+=strlen(argv[5]);                     /* query string   */
        for(i=6;i<argc;i++)                                    /* headers        */
        message_size+=strlen("\r\n");                          /* blank line     */
                printf("Process 2\n");
        message_size+=strlen("%s %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n");
        message_size+=strlen(argv[3]);                         /* method         */
        message_size+=strlen(path);                            /* path           */
        for(i=6;i<argc;i++)                                    /* headers        */
            message_size+=strlen("Content-Length: %d\r\n")+10; /* content length */
        message_size+=strlen("\r\n");                          /* blank line     */
            message_size+=strlen(argv[5]);                     /* body           */
    /* allocate space for the message */

    /* fill in the parameters */
            sprintf(message,"%s %s%s%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n",
                strlen(argv[3])>0?argv[3]:"GET",               /* method         */
                path,                                          /* path           */
                strlen(argv[5])>0?"?":"",                      /* ?              */
                strlen(argv[5])>0?argv[5]:"",host);            /* query string   */
            sprintf(message,"%s %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n",
                strlen(argv[3])>0?argv[3]:"GET",               /* method         */
                path,host);                                    /* path           */
        for(i=6;i<argc;i++)                                    /* headers        */
        strcat(message,"\r\n");                                /* blank line     */
        sprintf(message,"%s %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n",
            strlen(argv[3])>0?argv[3]:"POST",                  /* method         */
            path,host);                                        /* path           */
        for(i=6;i<argc;i++)                                    /* headers        */
            sprintf(message+strlen(message),"Content-Length: %d\r\n",(int)strlen(argv[5]));
        strcat(message,"\r\n");                                /* blank line     */
            strcat(message,argv[5]);                           /* body           */
    /* What are we going to send? */
        /* lookup the ip address */

    total = strlen(message);
    /* create the socket */
    #ifdef _WIN32

printf("\nInitialising Winsock...");
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&wsa) != 0)
    printf("Failed. Error Code : %d",WSAGetLastError());
    return 1;


//Create a socket
if((s = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0 )) == INVALID_SOCKET)
    printf("Could not create socket : %d" , WSAGetLastError());

printf("Socket created.\n");

server = gethostbyname(host);
serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(server->h_addr);
serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);
serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);
//Connect to remote server
if (connect(s , (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr , sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0)
    printf("connect failed with error code : %d" , WSAGetLastError());
    return 1;

if( send(s , message , strlen(message) , 0) < 0)
    printf("Send failed with error code : %d" , WSAGetLastError());
    return 1;
puts("Data Send\n");

//Receive a reply from the server
if((received = recv(s , response , 2000 , 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
    printf("recv failed with error code : %d" , WSAGetLastError());

puts("Reply received\n");

//Add a NULL terminating character to make it a proper string before printing
response[received] = '\0';

    #ifdef __linux__ 
    int sockfd;
    server = gethostbyname(host);
    if (server == NULL) error("ERROR, no such host");
        sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
        if (sockfd < 0) error("ERROR opening socket");
        /* fill in the structure */
        serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
        serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);
                /* connect the socket */
        if (connect(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr,sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0)
            error("ERROR connecting");
                /* send the request */

    sent = 0;
    do {
        bytes = write(sockfd,message+sent,total-sent);
        if (bytes < 0)
            error("ERROR writing message to socket");
        if (bytes == 0)
    } while (sent < total);
    /* receive the response */
    memset(response, 0, sizeof(response));
    total = sizeof(response)-1;
    received = 0;
    printf("Response: \n");
    do {
       printf("%s", response);
       memset(response, 0, sizeof(response));
       bytes = recv(sockfd, response, 1024, 0);
        if (bytes < 0)
           printf("ERROR reading response from socket");
       if (bytes == 0)
    } while (1);

    if (received == total)
        error("ERROR storing complete response from socket");

    /* close the socket */


    return 0;