[jquery] How to remove "href" with Jquery?

<a id="a$id" onclick="check($id,1)" href="javascript:void(0)"  class="black">Qualify</a>

After "href" is removed, is "Qualify" still clickable?

This question is related to jquery href

The answer is

If you want your anchor to still appear to be clickable:


And if you wanted to remove the href from only anchors with certain attributes (eg ones that just have a hash mark as the href - this can be useful in asp.net)


If you wanted to remove the href, change the cursor and also prevent clicking on it, this should work:

$("a").attr('href', '').css({'cursor': 'pointer', 'pointer-events' : 'none'});

If you remove the href attribute the anchor will be not focusable and it will look like simple text, but it will still be clickable.