[sql] PostgreSQL unnest() with element number

When I have a column with separated values, I can use the unnest() function:

id | elements
1  |ab,cd,efg,hi
2  |jk,lm,no,pq
3  |rstuv,wxyz

select id, unnest(string_to_array(elements, ',')) AS elem
from myTable

id | elem
1  | ab
1  | cd
1  | efg
1  | hi
2  | jk

How can I include element numbers? I.e.:

id | elem | nr
1  | ab   | 1
1  | cd   | 2
1  | efg  | 3
1  | hi   | 4
2  | jk   | 1

I want the original position of each element in the source string. I've tried with window functions (row_number(), rank() etc.) but I always get 1. Maybe because they are in the same row of the source table?

I know it's a bad table design. It's not mine, I'm just trying to fix it.

The answer is


select v.*, row_number() over (partition by id order by elem) rn from
    unnest(string_to_array(elements, ',')) AS elem
 from myTable) v

If the order of element is not important, you can

  id, elem, row_number() over (partition by id) as nr
from (
      unnest(string_to_array(elements, ',')) AS elem
  from myTable
) a

unnest2() as exercise

Older versions before pg v8.4 need a user-defined unnest(). We can adapt this old function to return elements with an index:

CREATE FUNCTION unnest2(anyarray)
  RETURNS setof record  AS
  SELECT $1[i], i
  FROM   generate_series(array_lower($1,1),
                         array_upper($1,1)) i;

Use Subscript Generating Functions.

For example:

  , elements[i] AS elem
  , i AS nr
      , elements
      , generate_subscripts(elements, 1) AS i
      ( SELECT
          , string_to_array(elements, ',') AS elements
      ) AS foo
  ) bar

More simply:

  , unnest(elements) AS elem
  , generate_subscripts(elements, 1) AS nr
      , string_to_array(elements, ',') AS elements
  ) AS foo

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PostgreSQL unnest() with element number