Programs & Examples On #Omap

OMAP is a product line of "system on chips" developed by Texas Instruments.

Cannot find control with name: formControlName in angular reactive form

For me even with [formGroup] the error was popping up "Cannot find control with name:''".
It got fixed when I added ngModel Value to the input box along with formControlName="fileName"

  <form class="upload-form" [formGroup]="UploadForm">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="form-group col-sm-6">
      <label for="fileName">File Name</label>
      <!-- *** *** *** Adding [(ngModel)]="FileName" fixed the issue-->
      <input type="text" class="form-control" id="fileName" [(ngModel)]="FileName"
        placeholder="Enter file name" formControlName="fileName"> 
    <div class="form-group col-sm-6">
      <label for="selectedType">File Type</label>
      <select class="form-control" formControlName="selectedType" id="selectedType" 
        (change)="TypeChanged(selectedType)" name="selectedType" disabled="true">
        <option>Type 1</option>
        <option>Type 2</option>
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="fileUploader">Select {{selectedType}} file</label>
    <input type="file" class="form-control-file" id="fileUploader" (change)="onFileSelected($event)">
  <div class="w-80 text-right mt-3">
    <button class="btn btn-primary mb-2 search-button cancel-button" (click)="cancelUpload()">Cancel</button>
    <button class="btn btn-primary mb-2 search-button" (click)="uploadFrmwrFile()">Upload</button>

And in the controller

ngOnInit() {
this.UploadForm= new FormGroup({
  fileName: new FormControl({value: this.FileName}),
  selectedType: new FormControl({value: this.selectedType, disabled: true}, Validators.required),
  frmwareFile: new FormControl({value: ['']})

How to print a Groovy variable in Jenkins?

You shouldn't use ${varName} when you're outside of strings, you should just use varName. Inside strings you use it like this; echo "this is a string ${someVariable}";. Infact you can place an general java expression inside of ${...}; echo "this is a string ${func(arg1, arg2)}.

How to set up Automapper in ASP.NET Core

At the latest versions of core you should use the following initialization:


Install specific branch from github using Npm

you can give git pattern as version, yarn and npm are clever enough to resolve from a git repo.

yarn add any-package@user-name/repo-name#branch-name

or for npm

npm install --save any-package@user-name/repo-name#branch-name

Angular 2 - View not updating after model changes

It is originally an answer in the comments from @Mark Rajcok, But I want to place it here as a tested and worked as a solution using ChangeDetectorRef , I see a good point here:

Another alternative is to inject ChangeDetectorRef and call cdRef.detectChanges() instead of This could be more efficient, since it will not run change detection over the entire component tree like does. – Mark Rajcok

So code must be like:

import {Component, OnInit, ChangeDetectorRef} from 'angular2/core';

export class RecentDetectionComponent implements OnInit {

    recentDetections: Array<RecentDetection>;

    constructor(private cdRef: ChangeDetectorRef, // <== added
                private recentDetectionService: RecentDetectionService) {
        this.recentDetections = new Array<RecentDetection>();

    getRecentDetections(): void {
            .subscribe(recent => {
                this.recentDetections = recent;
                this.cdRef.detectChanges(); // <== added

    ngOnInit() {
        let timer = Observable.timer(2000, 5000);
        timer.subscribe(() => this.getRecentDetections());

Edit: Using .detectChanges() inside subscibe could lead to issue Attempt to use a destroyed view: detectChanges

To solve it you need to unsubscribe before you destroy the component, so the full code will be like:

import {Component, OnInit, ChangeDetectorRef, OnDestroy} from 'angular2/core';

export class RecentDetectionComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

    recentDetections: Array<RecentDetection>;
    private timerObserver: Subscription;

    constructor(private cdRef: ChangeDetectorRef, // <== added
                private recentDetectionService: RecentDetectionService) {
        this.recentDetections = new Array<RecentDetection>();

    getRecentDetections(): void {
            .subscribe(recent => {
                this.recentDetections = recent;
                this.cdRef.detectChanges(); // <== added

    ngOnInit() {
        let timer = Observable.timer(2000, 5000);
        this.timerObserver = timer.subscribe(() => this.getRecentDetections());

    ngOnDestroy() {


ActivityCompat.requestPermissions not showing dialog box

Maybe this solution could help anyone rather than:

ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}, 1);

use :

ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}, 1);

so we add android. to Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

Ignore duplicates when producing map using streams

For anyone else getting this issue but without duplicate keys in the map being streamed, make sure your keyMapper function isn't returning null values.

It's very annoying to track this down because the error will say "Duplicate key 1" when 1 is actually the value of the entry instead of the key.

In my case, my keyMapper function tried to look up values in a different map, but due to a typo in the strings was returning null values.

final Map<String, String> doop = new HashMap<>();
doop.put("a", "1");
doop.put("b", "2");

final Map<String, String> lookup = new HashMap<>();
doop.put("c", "e");
doop.put("d", "f");

doop.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> lookup.get(e.getKey()), e -> e.getValue()));

Java 8 lambdas, Function.identity() or t->t

As of the current JRE implementation, Function.identity() will always return the same instance while each occurrence of identifier -> identifier will not only create its own instance but even have a distinct implementation class. For more details, see here.

The reason is that the compiler generates a synthetic method holding the trivial body of that lambda expression (in the case of x->x, equivalent to return identifier;) and tell the runtime to create an implementation of the functional interface calling this method. So the runtime sees only different target methods and the current implementation does not analyze the methods to find out whether certain methods are equivalent.

So using Function.identity() instead of x -> x might save some memory but that shouldn’t drive your decision if you really think that x -> x is more readable than Function.identity().

You may also consider that when compiling with debug information enabled, the synthetic method will have a line debug attribute pointing to the source code line(s) holding the lambda expression, therefore you have a chance of finding the source of a particular Function instance while debugging. In contrast, when encountering the instance returned by Function.identity() during debugging an operation, you won’t know who has called that method and passed the instance to the operation.

Java 8 stream map on entry set

Here is a shorter solution by AbacusUtil

Stream.of(input).toMap(e -> e.getKey().substring(subLength), 
                       e -> AttributeType.GetByName(e.getValue()));

MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/json

In my experience this error is pretty common, for some reason jersey sometimes has problems parsing custom java types. Usually all you have to do is make sure that you respect the following 3 conditions:

  1. you have jersey-media-json-jackson in you pom.xml if using maven or added to your build path;
  2. you have an empty constructor in the data type you are trying to de-/serialize;
  3. you have the relevant annotation at the class and field level for your custom data type (xmlelement and/or jsonproperty);

However, I have ran into cases where this just was not enough. Then you can always wrap you custom data type in a GenericEntity and pass it as such to your ResponseBuilder:

GenericEntity<CustomDataType> entity = new GenericEntity<CustomDataType>(myObj) {};
return Response.status(httpCode).entity(entity).build();

This way you are trying to help jersey to find the proper/relevant serialization provider for you object. Well, sometimes this also is not enough. In my case I was trying to produce a text/plain from a custom data type. Theoretically jersey should have used the StringMessageProvider, but for some reason that I did not manage to discover it was giving me this error:

org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException: MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=text/plain

So what solved the problem for me was to do my own serialization with jackson's writeValueAsString(). I'm not proud of it but at the end of the day I can deliver an acceptable solution.

Save and retrieve image (binary) from SQL Server using Entity Framework 6

Convert the image to a byte[] and store that in the database.

Add this column to your model:

public byte[] Content { get; set; }

Then convert your image to a byte array and store that like you would any other data:

public byte[] ImageToByteArray(System.Drawing.Image imageIn)
    using(var ms = new MemoryStream())
        imageIn.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);

        return ms.ToArray();

public Image ByteArrayToImage(byte[] byteArrayIn)
     using(var ms = new MemoryStream(byteArrayIn))
         var returnImage = Image.FromStream(ms);

         return returnImage;

Source: Fastest way to convert Image to Byte array

var image = new ImageEntity()
   Content = ImageToByteArray(image)


When you want to get the image back, get the byte array from the database and use the ByteArrayToImage and do what you wish with the Image

This stops working when the byte[] gets to big. It will work for files under 100Mb

Java 8 NullPointerException in Collectors.toMap

It is not possible with the static methods of Collectors. The javadoc of toMap explains that toMap is based on Map.merge:

@param mergeFunction a merge function, used to resolve collisions between values associated with the same key, as supplied to Map#merge(Object, Object, BiFunction)}

and the javadoc of Map.merge says:

@throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null and this map does not support null keys or the value or remappingFunction is null

You can avoid the for loop by using the forEach method of your list.

Map<Integer,  Boolean> answerMap = new HashMap<>();
answerList.forEach((answer) -> answerMap.put(answer.getId(), answer.getAnswer()));

but it is not really simple than the old way:

Map<Integer, Boolean> answerMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Answer answer : answerList) {
    answerMap.put(answer.getId(), answer.getAnswer());

Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json' or one of its dependencies. Manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

Alright so I guess the thing to do is add my answer here to this long list versus creating a duplicate question...

If you are getting this in 2019, using .NET Core 3.0 (Preview at this time), the solution is to ensure all projects are targeting the same .NET Core version (in my case 3.0). I think I had one project in the solution targeting 2.1 and the rest were 2.2 so I probably could have stuck with 2.2...

I don't even have Newtonsoft.Json installed in any of the projects, and naturally adding it to them did not fix the issue.

If you have .NET Standard class libraries or w/e in your solution, they don't need to be on the same version, though they should probably be the latest you can go. For example, my .NET Standard class libraries are on 2.2 as there is not a .NET Standard 3.0 yet.

Collectors.toMap() keyMapper -- more succinct expression?

List<Person> roster = ...;

Map<String, Person> map = 
            Collectors.toMap(p -> p.getLast(), p -> p)

that would be the translation, but i havent run this or used the API. most likely you can substitute p -> p, for Function.identity(). and statically import toMap(...)

Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

This problem usually occurs when some process such as loading huge data to memory stream and your system memory is not capable of storing so much of data. Try clearing temp folder by giving the command

start -> run -> %temp%

Singleton in Android

It is simple, as a java, Android also supporting singleton. -

Singleton is a part of Gang of Four design pattern and it is categorized under creational design patterns.

-> Static member : This contains the instance of the singleton class.

-> Private constructor : This will prevent anybody else to instantiate the Singleton class.

-> Static public method : This provides the global point of access to the Singleton object and returns the instance to the client calling class.

  1. create private instance
  2. create private constructor
  3. use getInstance() of Singleton class

    public class Logger{
    private static Logger   objLogger;
    private Logger(){
            //ToDo here
    public static Logger getInstance()
        if (objLogger == null)
          objLogger = new Logger();
       return objLogger;

while use singleton -


Automapper missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping - Error

Check your Global.asax.cs file and be sure that this line be there


Exit from app when click button in android phonegap?

@Pradip Kharbuja

In Cordova-2.6.0.js (l. 4032) :

exitApp:function() {
  console.log("Device.exitApp() is deprecated. Use App.exitApp().");

Get the position of a spinner in Android

The way to get the selection of the spinner is:


Documentation reference:

However, in your code, the one place you are referencing it is within your setOnItemSelectedListener(). It is not necessary to poll the spinner, because the onItemSelected method gets passed the position as the "position" variable.

So you could change that line to:

TestProjectActivity.this.number = position + 1;

If that does not fix the problem, please post the error message generated when your app crashes.

Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed. - when following mvc3 tutorial

Add these lines to your web.config file:

               <add name="MySQL Data Provider" invariant="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" description=".Net Framework Data Provider for MySQL" type="MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlClientFactory,MySql.Data,  Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=C5687FC88969C44D"/>

Change your provider from MySQL to SQL Server or whatever database provider you are connecting to.

Serializing PHP object to JSON

I made a nice helper class which converts an object with get methods to an array. It doesn't rely on properties, just methods.

So i have a the following review object which contain two methods:


  • getAmountReviews : int
  • getReviews : array of comments


  • getSubject
  • getDescription

The script I wrote will transform it into an array with properties what looks like this:

      amount_reviews: 21,
      reviews: [
          subject: "In een woord top 1!",
          description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque laoreet lacus quis eros venenatis, sed tincidunt mi rhoncus. Aliquam ut pharetra diam, nec lobortis dolor."
          subject: "En een zwembad 2!",
          description: "Maecenas et aliquet mi, a interdum mauris. Donec in egestas sem. Sed feugiat commodo maximus. Pellentesque porta consectetur commodo. Duis at finibus urna."
          subject: "In een woord top 3!",
          description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque laoreet lacus quis eros venenatis, sed tincidunt mi rhoncus. Aliquam ut pharetra diam, nec lobortis dolor."
          subject: "En een zwembad 4!",
          description: "Maecenas et aliquet mi, a interdum mauris. Donec in egestas sem. Sed feugiat commodo maximus. Pellentesque porta consectetur commodo. Duis at finibus urna."
          subject: "In een woord top 5!",
          description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque laoreet lacus quis eros venenatis, sed tincidunt mi rhoncus. Aliquam ut pharetra diam, nec lobortis dolor."

Source: PHP Serializer which converts an object to an array that can be encoded to JSON.

All you have to do is wrap json_encode around the output.

Some information about the script:

  • Only methods which starts with get are added
  • Private methods are ignored
  • Constructor is ignored
  • Capital characters in the method name will be replaced with an underscore and lowercased character

Ignore mapping one property with Automapper

From Jimmy Bogard: CreateMap<Foo, Bar>().ForMember(x => x.Blarg, opt => opt.Ignore());

It's in one of the comments at his blog.

Namespace not recognized (even though it is there)

The question has already been awarded, but there are additional details not yet described that need to be checked.

I too was having this behavior, where project B was referenced in project A, but the namespace of project B was not recognized in project A. After some digging, I found my path was too long. By reducing the path of the projects (both A and B) the references became visible and available.

I tested this theory by creating project C at a much lesser path depth. I referenced project C in project A. The references worked correctly as expected. I then removed project C from the solution, merely moved project C to a deep path, the same as project B, and added project C back to the solution, and tried to compile. I then had no visibility to project C objects any longer.

INNER JOIN vs LEFT JOIN performance in SQL Server

There is one important scenario that can lead to an outer join being faster than an inner join that has not been discussed yet.

When using an outer join, the optimizer is always free to drop the outer joined table from the execution plan if the join columns are the PK of the outer table, and none of the outer table columns are referenced outside of the outer join itself. For example SELECT A.* FROM A LEFT OUTER JOIN B ON A.KEY=B.KEY and B.KEY is the PK for B. Both Oracle (I believe I was using release 10) and Sql Server (I used 2008 R2) prune table B from the execution plan.

The same is not necessarily true for an inner join: SELECT A.* FROM A INNER JOIN B ON A.KEY=B.KEY may or may not require B in the execution plan depending on what constraints exist.

If A.KEY is a nullable foreign key referencing B.KEY, then the optimizer cannot drop B from the plan because it must confirm that a B row exists for every A row.

If A.KEY is a mandatory foreign key referencing B.KEY, then the optimizer is free to drop B from the plan because the constraints guarantee the existence of the row. But just because the optimizer can drop the table from the plan, doesn't mean it will. SQL Server 2008 R2 does NOT drop B from the plan. Oracle 10 DOES drop B from the plan. It is easy to see how the outer join will out-perform the inner join on SQL Server in this case.

This is a trivial example, and not practical for a stand-alone query. Why join to a table if you don't need to?

But this could be a very important design consideration when designing views. Frequently a "do-everything" view is built that joins everything a user might need related to a central table. (Especially if there are naive users doing ad-hoc queries that do not understand the relational model) The view may include all the relevent columns from many tables. But the end users might only access columns from a subset of the tables within the view. If the tables are joined with outer joins, then the optimizer can (and does) drop the un-needed tables from the plan.

It is critical to make sure that the view using outer joins gives the correct results. As Aaronaught has said - you cannot blindly substitute OUTER JOIN for INNER JOIN and expect the same results. But there are times when it can be useful for performance reasons when using views.

One last note - I haven't tested the impact on performance in light of the above, but in theory it seems you should be able to safely replace an INNER JOIN with an OUTER JOIN if you also add the condition <FOREIGN_KEY> IS NOT NULL to the where clause.

Drawing a line/path on Google Maps

For those who really only want to draw a simple line - there is indeed also the short short version.

GoogleMap map;
// ... get a map.
// Add a thin red line from London to New York.
Polyline line = map.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions()
    .add(new LatLng(51.5, -0.1), new LatLng(40.7, -74.0))


Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SQLite'

Go to the IIS7 Application Pool -> advanced settings and set the 32-bit application to true.

Java synchronized block vs. Collections.synchronizedMap

The way you have synchronized is correct. But there is a catch

  1. Synchronized wrapper provided by Collection framework ensures that the method calls I.e add/get/contains will run mutually exclusive.

However in real world you would generally query the map before putting in the value. Hence you would need to do two operations and hence a synchronized block is needed. So the way you have used it is correct. However.

  1. You could have used a concurrent implementation of Map available in Collection framework. 'ConcurrentHashMap' benefit is

a. It has a API 'putIfAbsent' which would do the same stuff but in a more efficient manner.

b. Its Efficient: dThe CocurrentMap just locks keys hence its not blocking the whole map's world. Where as you have blocked keys as well as values.

c. You could have passed the reference of your map object somewhere else in your codebase where you/other dev in your tean may end up using it incorrectly. I.e he may just all add() or get() without locking on the map's object. Hence his call won't run mutually exclusive to your sync block. But using a concurrent implementation gives you a peace of mind that it can never be used/implemented incorrectly.

How can I consume a WSDL (SOAP) web service in Python?

I would recommend that you have a look at SUDS

"Suds is a lightweight SOAP python client for consuming Web Services."

Append a single character to a string or char array in java?

First of all you use here two strings: "" marks a string it may be ""-empty "s"- string of lenght 1 or "aaa" string of lenght 3, while '' marks chars . In order to be able to do String str = "a" + "aaa" + 'a' you must use method Character.toString(char c) as @Thomas Keene said so an example would be String str = "a" + "aaa" + Character.toString('a')

Database Diagram Support Objects cannot be Installed ... no valid owner

Enter "SA" instead of "sa" in the owner textbox. This worked for me.

PHP and MySQL Select a Single Value

It is quite evident that there is only a single id corresponding to a single username because username is unique.

But the actual problem lies in the query itself-

$sql = "SELECT 'id' FROM Users WHERE username='$name'";


| id |
| id |

i.e. 'id' actually is treated as a string not as the id attribute.

Correct synatx:

$sql = "SELECT `id` FROM Users WHERE username='$name'";

i.e. use grave accent(`) instead of single quote(').


$sql = "SELECT id FROM Users WHERE username='$name'";

Complete code

$name = $_GET["username"];
$sql = "SELECT `id` FROM Users WHERE username='$name'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$value = $row[0];
$_SESSION['myid'] = $value;

Cannot set some HTTP headers when using System.Net.WebRequest

I ran into same issue below piece of code worked for me

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);

request.Headers["UserAgent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; 

How do I change the data type for a column in MySQL?

To change column data type there are change method and modify method

ALTER TABLE student_info CHANGE roll_no roll_no VARCHAR(255);

ALTER TABLE student_info MODIFY roll_no VARCHAR(255);

To change the field name also use the change method

ALTER TABLE student_info CHANGE roll_no identity_no VARCHAR(255);

How to create a laravel hashed password

Hashing A Password Using Bcrypt in Laravel:

$password = Hash::make('yourpassword');

This will create a hashed password. You may use it in your controller or even in a model, for example, if a user submits a password using a form to your controller using POST method then you may hash it using something like this:

$password = Input::get('passwordformfield'); // password is form field
$hashed = Hash::make($password);

Here, $hashed will contain the hashed password. Basically, you'll do it when creating/registering a new user, so, for example, if a user submits details such as, name, email, username and password etc using a form, then before you insert the data into database, you'll hash the password after validating the data. For more information, read the documentation.


$password = 'JohnDoe';
$hashedPassword = Hash::make($password);
echo $hashedPassword; // $2y$10$jSAr/RwmjhwioDlJErOk9OQEO7huLz9O6Iuf/udyGbHPiTNuB3Iuy

So, you'll insert the $hashedPassword into database. Hope, it's clear now and if still you are confused then i suggest you to read some tutorials, watch some screen casts on and and also read a book on Laravel, this is a free ebook, you may download it.

Update: Since OP wants to manually encrypt password using Laravel Hash without any class or form so this is an alternative way using artisan tinker from command prompt:

  1. Go to your command prompt/terminal
  2. Navigate to the Laravel installation (your project's root directory)
  3. Use cd <directory name> and press enter from command prompt/terminal
  4. Then write php artisan tinker and press enter
  5. Then write echo Hash::make('somestring');
  6. You'll get a hashed password on the console, copy it and then do whatever you want to do.

Update (Laravel 5.x):

// Also one can use bcrypt
$password = bcrypt('JohnDoe');

Removing NA observations with dplyr::filter()

For example:

you can use:

df %>% filter(!

to remove the NA in column a.

How to determine if Javascript array contains an object with an attribute that equals a given value?

Here's the way I'd do it

const found = vendors.some(item => item.Name === 'Magenic');

array.some() method checks if there is at least one value in an array that matches criteria and returns a boolean. From here on you can go with:

if (found) {
// do something
} else {
// do something else

How to capture a JFrame's close button click event?

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

/*Some piece of code*/
frame.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent windowEvent) {
        if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(frame, 
            "Are you sure you want to close this window?", "Close Window?", 
            JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION){

If you also want to prevent the window from closing unless the user chooses 'Yes', you can add:

frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); error in opening zip file

Make sure your jar file is not corrupted. If it's corrupted or not able to unzip, this error will occur.

Print array elements on separate lines in Bash?

I've discovered that you can use eval to avoid using a subshell. Thus:

IFS=$'\n' eval 'echo "${my_array[*]}"'

Invalid date in safari

This will not work alert(new Date('2010-11-29')); safari have some weird/strict way of processing date format alert(new Date(String('2010-11-29'))); try like this.


Using Moment js will solve the issue though, After ios 14 the safari gets even weird

Try this alert(moment(String("2015-12-31 00:00:00")));

Moment JS

Posting array from form

When you post that data, it is stored as an array in $_POST.

You could optionally do something like:

<input name="arrayname[item1]">
<input name="arrayname[item2]">
<input name="arrayname[item3]">


$item1 = $_POST['arrayname']['item1'];
$item2 = $_POST['arrayname']['item2'];
$item3 = $_POST['arrayname']['item3'];

But I fail to see the point.

Disable button in angular with two conditions?

It sounds like you need an OR instead:

<button type="submit" [disabled]="!validate || !SAForm.valid">Add</button>

This will disable the button if not validate or if not SAForm.valid.

How to redirect to another page using AngularJS?

It might help you!!

The AngularJs code-sample

var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router']);

app.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

  // For any unmatched url, send to /index

    .state('login', {
      url: "/login",
      templateUrl: "login.html",
      controller: "LoginCheckController"
    .state('SuccessPage', {
      url: "/SuccessPage",
      templateUrl: "SuccessPage.html",
      //controller: "LoginCheckController"

app.controller('LoginCheckController', ['$scope', '$location', LoginCheckController]);

function LoginCheckController($scope, $location) {

  $scope.users = [{
    UserName: 'chandra',
    Password: 'hello'
  }, {
    UserName: 'Harish',
    Password: 'hi'
  }, {
    UserName: 'Chinthu',
    Password: 'hi'

  $scope.LoginCheck = function() {

  $scope.go = function(path) {

Update style of a component onScroll in React.js

Update for an answer with React Hooks

These are two hooks - one for direction(up/down/none) and one for the actual position

Use like this:

useScrollPosition(position => {

useScrollDirection(direction => {

Here are the hooks:

import { useState, useEffect } from "react"


export const useScrollDirection = callback => {
  const [lastYPosition, setLastYPosition] = useState(window.pageYOffset)
  const [timer, setTimer] = useState(null)

  const handleScroll = () => {
    if (timer !== null) {
      setTimeout(function () {
      }, 150)
    if (window.pageYOffset === lastYPosition) return SCROLL_DIRECTION_NONE

    const direction = (() => {
      return lastYPosition < window.pageYOffset


  useEffect(() => {
    window.addEventListener("scroll", handleScroll)
    return () => window.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll)

export const useScrollPosition = callback => {
  const handleScroll = () => {

  useEffect(() => {
    window.addEventListener("scroll", handleScroll)
    return () => window.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll)

Expected response code 220 but got code "", with message "" in Laravel

What helped me... changing sendmail parameters from -bs to -t.

'sendmail' => '/your/sendmail/path -t',

JOIN queries vs multiple queries

This is way too vague to give you an answer relevant to your specific case. It depends on a lot of things. Jeff Atwood (founder of this site) actually wrote about this. For the most part, though, if you have the right indexes and you properly do your JOINs it is usually going to be faster to do 1 trip than several.

jquery how to empty input field

To reset text, number, search, textarea inputs:


To reset select:


To reset radio input:


To reset file input:


"Cannot open include file: 'config-win.h': No such file or directory" while installing mysql-python

Steps for Window10:

  • Go to
  • Download the right version according to python version and hardware specs: for my case, mysqlclient-1.4.2-cp37-cp37m-win32.whl works for python3.7 and Intel CPU.
  • While your env is still activated, go to the download folder and run pip install mysqlclient-1.4.2-cp37-cp37m-win32.whl

How to delete an instantiated object Python?

object.__del__(self) is called when the instance is about to be destroyed.

>>> class Test:
...     def __del__(self):
...         print "deleted"
>>> test = Test()
>>> del test

Object is not deleted unless all of its references are removed(As quoted by ethan)

Also, From Python official doc reference:

del x doesn’t directly call x.del() — the former decrements the reference count for x by one, and the latter is only called when x‘s reference count reaches zero

Unable to find the wrapper "https" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?

If you are using wamp server then go to icon click on this wamp server icon click on this

Then go to PHP then click on PHP extension there would be php_openssl need to activate from there and restart wamp server active php_openssl from here

Laravel 5.4 ‘cross-env’ Is Not Recognized as an Internal or External Command

You are getting the error because you might not have run the command npm install first.

i.e. First, run npm install and then npm run dev

How to hide collapsible Bootstrap 4 navbar on click

this is the solution to close menu when click on anchor then apply this line in list item

     data-target="#sidenav-collapse-main" data-toggle="collapse"

the real example that work for me is below

      <li class="nav-item" data-target="#sidenav-collapse-main" data- 
      toggle="collapse" >
      <a class="nav-link" routerLinkActive="active" routerLink="/admin/users">
        <i class="ni ni-single-02  text-orange"></i> Users

How to read a text file from server using JavaScript?

I used Rafid's suggestion of using AJAX.

This worked for me:

var url = "";

var jsonFile = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET",url,true);

    jsonFile.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (jsonFile.readyState== 4 && jsonFile.status == 200) {
            document.getElementById("id-of-element").innerHTML = jsonFile.responseText;

I basically(almost literally) copied this code from so credit to them for everything.

I dont have much knowledge of how this works but you don't have to know how your brakes work to use them ;)

Hope this helps!

How do I find the length (or dimensions, size) of a numpy matrix in python?

shape is a property of both numpy ndarray's and matrices.


will return a tuple (m, n), where m is the number of rows, and n is the number of columns.

In fact, the numpy matrix object is built on top of the ndarray object, one of numpy's two fundamental objects (along with a universal function object), so it inherits from ndarray

How to set default value for column of new created table from select statement in 11g

You can specify the constraints and defaults in a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT, but the syntax is as follows

create table t1 (id number default 1 not null);
insert into t1 (id) values (2);

create table t2 (id default 1 not null)
as select * from t1;

That is, it won't inherit the constraints from the source table/select. Only the data type (length/precision/scale) is determined by the select.

How to explain callbacks in plain english? How are they different from calling one function from another function?

I'm stunned to see so many intelligent people failing to stress the reality that the word "callback" has come to be used in two inconsistent ways.

Both ways involve the customization of a function by passing additional functionality (a function definition, anonymous or named) to an existing function. ie.


If the custom functionality is simply plugged into the code block, you have customized the function, like so.

    customizableFucn(customFunctionality) {
      var data = doSomthing();

Though this kind of injected functionality is often called a "callback", there is nothing contingent about it. A very obvious example is the forEach method in which a custom function is supplied as an argument to be applied to each element in an array to modify the array.

But this is fundamentally distinct from the use of "callback" functions for asynchronous programming, as in AJAX or node.js or simply in assigning functionality to user interaction events (like mouse clicks). In this case, the whole idea is to wait for a contingent event to occur before executing the custom functionality. This is obvious in the case of user interaction, but is also important in i/o (input/output) processes that can take time, like reading files from disk. This is where the term "callback" makes the most obvious sense. Once an i/o process is started (like asking for a file to be read from disk or a server to return data from an http request) an asynchronous program doesn't wait around for it to finish. It can go ahead with whatever tasks are scheduled next, and only respond with the custom functionality after it has been notified that the read file or http request is completed (or that it failed) and that the data is available to the custom functionality. It's like calling a business on the phone and leaving your "callback" number, so they can call you when someone is available to get back to you. That's better than hanging on the line for who knows how long and not being able to attend to other affairs.

Asynchronous use inherently involves some means of listening for the desired event (e.g, the completion of the i/o process) so that, when it occurs (and only when it occurs) the custom "callback" functionality is executed. In the obvious AJAX example, when the data actually arrives from the server, the "callback" function is triggered to use that data to modify the DOM and therefore redraw the browser window to that extent.

To recap. Some people use the word "callback" to refer to any kind of custom functionality that can be injected into an existing function as an argument. But, at least to me, the most appropriate use of the word is where the injected "callback" function is used asynchronously -- to be executed only upon the occurrence of an event that it is waiting to be notified of.

Find text in string with C#

Simply add this code:

if (string.Contains("search_text")) { MessageBox.Show("Message."); }

X close button only using css

You can use svg.

<svg viewPort="0 0 12 12" version="1.1"_x000D_
    <line x1="1" y1="11" _x000D_
          x2="11" y2="1" _x000D_
          stroke="black" _x000D_
    <line x1="1" y1="1" _x000D_
          x2="11" y2="11" _x000D_
          stroke="black" _x000D_

Detailed 500 error message, ASP + IIS 7.5

Found it.

run cmd as administrator, go to your system32\inetsrv folder and execute:

appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/httpErrors -allowAbsolutePathsWhenDelegated:true

Now I can see detailed asp errors .

Android Studio how to run gradle sync manually?

Shortcut (Ubuntu, Windows):

Ctrl + F5

Will sync the project with Gradle files.

How to pass multiple values to single parameter in stored procedure

I spent time finding a proper way. This may be useful for others.

Create a UDF and refer in the query -

Creating a Menu in Python

There were just a couple of minor amendments required:

while ans:
    print ("""
    1.Add a Student
    2.Delete a Student
    3.Look Up Student Record
    ans=raw_input("What would you like to do? ") 
    if ans=="1": 
      print("\n Student Added") 
    elif ans=="2":
      print("\n Student Deleted") 
    elif ans=="3":
      print("\n Student Record Found") 
    elif ans=="4":
      print("\n Goodbye") 
    elif ans !="":
      print("\n Not Valid Choice Try again") 

I have changed the four quotes to three (this is the number required for multiline quotes), added a closing bracket after "What would you like to do? " and changed input to raw_input.

Unix - copy contents of one directory to another

Quite simple, with a * wildcard.

cp -r Folder1/* Folder2/

But according to your example recursion is not needed so the following will suffice:

cp Folder1/* Folder2/


Or skip the mkdir Folder2 part and just run:

cp -r Folder1 Folder2

Remove the string on the beginning of an URL

You can cut the url and use response.sendredirect(new url), this will bring you to the same page with the new url

How do I get the RootViewController from a pushed controller?

Here I came up with universal method to navigate from any place to root.

  1. You create a new Class file with this class, so that it's accessible from anywhere in your project:

    import UIKit
    class SharedControllers
        static func navigateToRoot(viewController: UIViewController)
            var nc = viewController.navigationController
            // If this is a normal view with NavigationController, then we just pop to root.
            if nc != nil
            // Most likely we are in Modal view, so we will need to search for a view with NavigationController.
            let vc = viewController.presentingViewController
            if nc == nil
                nc = viewController.presentingViewController?.navigationController
            if nc == nil
                nc = viewController.parentViewController?.navigationController
            if vc is UINavigationController && nc == nil
                nc = vc as? UINavigationController
            if nc != nil
                viewController.dismissViewControllerAnimated(false, completion:
  2. Usage from anywhere in your project:


MS-DOS Batch file pause with enter key

You can do it with the pause command, example:

echo Now about to end...

TortoiseGit save user authentication / credentials

I upgraded to my Git for Windows to latest (2.30.0) 64-bit and it works fine now. get the latest from the url and run the commands below to verify. $ git --version $ git version

Maximum call stack size exceeded error

Check the error details in the Chrome dev toolbar console, this will give you the functions in the call stack, and guide you towards the recursion that's causing the error.

php - push array into array - key issue

I think you have to go for

$arrayname[indexname] = $value;

Drawing rotated text on a HTML5 canvas

Here's an HTML5 alternative to homebrew: You might be able to reverse engineer their methods....

You might also consider something like Flot ( or GCharts: ( It's not quite as cool, but fully backwards compatible and scary easy to implement.

Hide horizontal scrollbar on an iframe?

If you are allowed to change the code of the document inside your iframe and that content is visible only using its parent window, simply add the following CSS in your iframe:

body {

Here a very simple example:

This solution allow you to:

  • Keep you HTML5 valid as it does not need scrolling="no" attribute on the iframe (this attribute in HTML5 has been deprecated).

  • Works on the majority of browsers using CSS overflow:hidden

  • No JS or jQuery necessary.


To disallow scroll-bars horizontally, use this CSS instead:

overflow-x: hidden;

How to extract text from the PDF document?

Download the class.pdf2text.php @ or (Registration required)


$a = new PDF2Text();
echo $a->output(); 

  • class.pdf2text.php Project Home

  • pdf2textclass doesn't work with all the PDF's I've tested, If it doesn't work for you, try PDF Parser

How to pass command line arguments to a shell alias?

I found that functions cannot be written in ~/.cshrc file. Here in alias which takes arguments

for example, arguments passed to 'find' command

alias fl "find . -name '\!:1'"     
Ex: >fl abc

where abc is the argument passed as !:1

Removing black dots from li and ul

There you go, this is what I used to fix your problem:


nav ul { list-style-type: none; }


<li><a href="#">Milk</a>
   <li><a href="#">Goat</a></li>
   <li><a href="#">Cow</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Eggs</a>
   <li><a href="#">Free-range</a></li>
   <li><a href="#">Other</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Cheese</a>
   <li><a href="#">Smelly</a></li>
   <li><a href="#">Extra smelly</a></li>

cURL equivalent in Node.js?

Since looks like node-curl is dead, I've forked it, renamed, and modified to be more curl like and to compile under Windows.


Usage example:

var Curl = require( 'node-libcurl' ).Curl;

var curl = new Curl();

curl.setOpt( Curl.option.URL, '' );
curl.setOpt( 'FOLLOWLOCATION', true );

curl.on( 'end', function( statusCode, body, headers ) { statusCode ); '---' ); body.length ); '---' ); headers ); '---' ); this.getInfo( ) );


curl.on( 'error', function( err, curlErrorCode ) {

    console.error( err.message );
    console.error( '---' );
    console.error( curlErrorCode );




Perform is async, and there is no way to use it synchronous currently (and probably will never have).

It's still in alpha, but this is going to change soon, and help is appreciated.

Now it's possible to use Easy handle directly for sync requests, example:

var Easy = require( 'node-libcurl' ).Easy,
    Curl = require( 'node-libcurl' ).Curl,
    url = process.argv[2] || '',
    ret, ch;

ch = new Easy();

ch.setOpt( Curl.option.URL, url );

ch.setOpt( Curl.option.HEADERFUNCTION, function( buf, size, nmemb ) {

    console.log( buf );

    return size * nmemb;

ch.setOpt( Curl.option.WRITEFUNCTION, function( buf, size, nmemb ) {

    console.log( arguments );

    return size * nmemb;

// this call is sync!
ret = ch.perform();


console.log( ret, ret == Curl.code.CURLE_OK, Easy.strError( ret ) );

Also, the project is stable now!

Making a drop down list using swift?

Unfortunately if you're looking to apply UIPopoverController in iOS9, you'll get a deprecated class warning. Instead you need to set your desired view's UIModalPresentationPopover property to achieve the same result.


In a horizontally regular environment, a presentation style where the content is displayed in a popover view. The background content is dimmed and taps outside the popover cause the popover to be dismissed. If you do not want taps to dismiss the popover, you can assign one or more views to the passthroughViews property of the associated UIPopoverPresentationController object, which you can get from the popoverPresentationController property.

In a horizontally compact environment, this option behaves the same as UIModalPresentationFullScreen.

Available in iOS 8.0 and later.


tmux status bar configuration

The man page has very detailed descriptions of all of the various options (the status bar is highly configurable). Your best bet is to read through man tmux and pay particular attention to those options that begin with status-.

So, for example, status-bg red would set the background colour of the bar.

The three components of the bar, the left and right sections and the window-list in the middle, can all be configured to suit your preferences. status-left and status-right, in addition to having their own variables (like #S to list the session name) can also call custom scripts to display, for example, system information like load average or battery time.

The option to rename windows or panes based on what is currently running in them is automatic-rename. You can set, or disable it globally with:

setw -g automatic-rename [on | off]

The most straightforward way to become comfortable with building your own status bar is to start with a vanilla one and then add changes incrementally, reloading the config as you go.1

You might also want to have a look around on github or bitbucket for other people's conf files to provide some inspiration. You can see mine here2.

1 You can automate this by including this line in your .tmux.conf:

bind R source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display-message "Config reloaded..."

You can then test your new functionality with Ctrlb,Shiftr. tmux will print a helpful error message—including a line number of the offending snippet—if you misconfigure an option.

2 Note: I call a different status bar depending on whether I am in X or the console - I find this quite useful.

C++ compiling on Windows and Linux: ifdef switch

This response isn't about macro war, but producing error if no matching platform is found.

#ifdef LINUX_KEY_WORD   
... // linux code goes here.  
... // windows code goes here.  
#error Platform not supported

If #error is not supported, you may use static_assert (C++0x) keyword. Or you may implement custom STATIC_ASSERT, or just declare an array of size 0, or have switch that has duplicate cases. In short, produce error at compile time and not at runtime

Can you target <br /> with css?

I placed a <br> tag into a <span> tag and was able to use display:none; on the <span> to control when not to use the <br> tag using Media Queries.

Java ArrayList how to add elements at the beginning

I think the implement should be easy, but considering about the efficiency, you should use LinkedList but not ArrayList as the container. You can refer to the following code:

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

public class DataContainer {

    private List<Integer> list;

    int length = 10;
    public void addDataToArrayList(int data){
        list.add(0, data);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DataContainer comp = new DataContainer();
        comp.list = new LinkedList<Integer>();

        int cycleCount = 100000000;

        for(int i = 0; i < cycleCount; i ++){

How to make Twitter bootstrap modal full screen

For bootstrap 4 I have to add media query with max-width: none

@media (min-width: 576px) {
  .modal-dialog { max-width: none; }

.modal-dialog {
  width: 98%;
  height: 92%;
  padding: 0;

.modal-content {
  height: 99%;

How to calculate the median of an array?

public int[] data={31, 29, 47, 48, 23, 30, 21
        , 40, 23, 39, 47, 47, 42, 44, 23, 26, 44, 32, 20, 40};

public double median()
        double result=0;

            System.out.println(" uneven size : "+result);
            int middle_pair_first_index =(size-1)/2;
            System.out.println(" Even size : "+result);

        return result;

m2eclipse not finding maven dependencies, artifacts not found

One of the reason I found was why it doesn't find a jar from repository might be because the .pom file for that particular jar might be missing or corrupt. Just correct it and try to load from local repository.

How to set default font family in React Native?

There was recently a node module that was made that solves this problem so you don't have to create another component.

The documentation states that in your highest order component, import the setCustomText function like so.

import { setCustomText } from 'react-native-global-props';

Then, create the custom styling/props you want for the react-native Text component. In your case, you'd like fontFamily to work on every Text component.

const customTextProps = { 
  style: { 
    fontFamily: yourFont

Call the setCustomText function and pass your props/styles into the function.


And then all react-native Text components will have your declared fontFamily along with any other props/styles you provide.

How to remove lines in a Matplotlib plot

(using the same example as the guy above)

from matplotlib import pyplot
import numpy
a = numpy.arange(int(1e3))
fig = pyplot.Figure()
ax  = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
lines = ax.plot(a)

for i, line in enumerate(ax.lines):

get UTC time in PHP

A simple gmdate() will suffice

print gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z");

Add a column to existing table and uniquely number them on MS SQL Server

If you don't want your new column to be of type IDENTITY (auto-increment), or you want to be specific about the order in which your rows are numbered, you can add a column of type INT NULL and then populate it like this. In my example, the new column is called MyNewColumn and the existing primary key column for the table is called MyPrimaryKey.

SET MyTable.MyNewColumn = AutoTable.AutoNum
    SELECT MyPrimaryKey, 
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SomeColumn, SomeOtherColumn) AS AutoNum
    FROM MyTable 
) AutoTable
WHERE MyTable.MyPrimaryKey = AutoTable.MyPrimaryKey  

This works in SQL Sever 2005 and later, i.e. versions that support ROW_NUMBER()

No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:keyboardNavigationCluster'. when updating to Support Library 26.0.0

when you try to change targetSDKVersion 26 to 25 that time occurred i was found solution of No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:keyboardNavigationCluster'. when updating to Support Library 26.0.0

Just Chage This code from Your Build.gradle

configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
        def requested = details.requested
        if ( == '') {
            if (!"multidex")) {
                details.useVersion '26.0.1'


configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
        def requested = details.requested
        if ( == '') {
            if (!"multidex")) {
                details.useVersion '25.2.0'

How to use QueryPerformanceCounter?

#include <windows.h>

double PCFreq = 0.0;
__int64 CounterStart = 0;

void StartCounter()
    cout << "QueryPerformanceFrequency failed!\n";

    PCFreq = double(li.QuadPart)/1000.0;

    CounterStart = li.QuadPart;
double GetCounter()
    return double(li.QuadPart-CounterStart)/PCFreq;

int main()
    cout << GetCounter() <<"\n";
    return 0;

This program should output a number close to 1000 (windows sleep isn't that accurate, but it should be like 999).

The StartCounter() function records the number of ticks the performance counter has in the CounterStart variable. The GetCounter() function returns the number of milliseconds since StartCounter() was last called as a double, so if GetCounter() returns 0.001 then it has been about 1 microsecond since StartCounter() was called.

If you want to have the timer use seconds instead then change

PCFreq = double(li.QuadPart)/1000.0;


PCFreq = double(li.QuadPart);

or if you want microseconds then use

PCFreq = double(li.QuadPart)/1000000.0;

But really it's about convenience since it returns a double.

Cursor inside cursor

I don't fully understand what was the problem with the "update current of cursor" but it is solved by using the fetch statement twice for the inner cursor:






How to add a border to a widget in Flutter?

Best way is using BoxDecoration()


  • You can set border of widget
  • You can set border Color or Width
  • You can set Rounded corner of border
  • You can add Shadow of widget


  • BoxDecoration only use with Container widget so you want to wrap your widget in Container()


      margin: EdgeInsets.all(10),
      padding: EdgeInsets.all(10),
      decoration: BoxDecoration(
        border: Border.all(
            color:[800],// set border color
            width: 3.0),   // set border width
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
            Radius.circular(10.0)), // set rounded corner radius
        boxShadow: [BoxShadow(blurRadius: 10,color:,offset: Offset(1,3))]// make rounded corner of border
      child: Text("My demo styling"),

enter image description here

"Large data" workflows using pandas

Why Pandas ? Have you tried Standard Python ?

The use of standard library python. Pandas is subject to frequent updates, even with the recent release of the stable version.

Using the standard python library your code will always run.

One way of doing it is to have an idea of the way you want your data to be stored , and which questions you want to solve regarding the data. Then draw a schema of how you can organise your data (think tables) that will help you query the data, not necessarily normalisation.

You can make good use of :

  • list of dictionaries to store the data in memory (Think Amazon EC2) or disk, one dict being one row,
  • generators to process the data row after row to not overflow your RAM,
  • list comprehension to query your data,
  • make use of Counter, DefaultDict, ...
  • store your data on your hard drive using whatever storing solution you have chosen, json could be one of them.

Ram and HDD is becoming cheaper and cheaper with time and standard python 3 is widely available and stable.

The fondamental question you are trying to solve is "how to query large sets of data ?". The hdfs architecture is more or less what I am describing here (data modelling with data being stored on disk).

Let's say you have 1000 petabytes of data, there no way you will be able to store it in Dask or Pandas, your best chances here is to store it on disk and process it with generators.

Querying DynamoDB by date

You could make the Hash key something along the lines of a 'product category' id, then the range key as a combination of a timestamp with a unique id appended on the end. That way you know the hash key and can still query the date with greater than.

How to view the dependency tree of a given npm module?

This site allows you to view a packages tree as a node graph in 2D or 3D.

enter image description here

Great work from @Avanka!

Compile c++14-code with g++

Follow the instructions at to set up the gcc version you need - gcc 5 or gcc 6 - on Ubuntu 14.04. The instructions include configuring update-alternatives to allow you to switch between versions as you need to.

Windows batch: echo without new line

As an addendum to @xmechanix's answer, I noticed through writing the contents to a file:

echo | set /p dummyName=Hello World > somefile.txt

That this will add an extra space at the end of the printed string, which can be inconvenient, specially since we're trying to avoid adding a new line (another whitespace character) to the end of the string.

Fortunately, quoting the string to be printed, i.e. using:

echo | set /p dummyName="Hello World" > somefile.txt

Will print the string without any newline or space character at the end.

How to stop process from .BAT file?

As TASKKILL might be unavailable on some Home/basic editions of windows here some alternatives:

TSKILL processName



Have on mind that processName should not have the .exe suffix and is limited to 18 characters.

Another option is WMIC :

wmic Path win32_process Where "Caption Like 'MyProcess.exe'" Call Terminate

wmic offer even more flexibility than taskkill .With wmic Path win32_process get you can see the available fileds you can filter.

Download File to server from URL

A PHP 4 & 5 Solution:

readfile() will not present any memory issues, even when sending large files, on its own. A URL can be used as a filename with this function if the fopen wrappers have been enabled.

How to check if the docker engine and a docker container are running?

How I check in SSH.Run:


If response: Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted

Its a docker or WSL container.

How can I use a JavaScript variable as a PHP variable?

You can take all values like this:

$abc = "<script>document.getElementByID('yourid').value</script>";

The R %in% operator

You can use all

> all(1:6 %in% 0:36)
[1] TRUE
> all(1:60 %in% 0:36)

On a similar note, if you want to check whether any of the elements is TRUE you can use any

> any(1:6 %in% 0:36)
[1] TRUE
> any(1:60 %in% 0:36)
[1] TRUE
> any(50:60 %in% 0:36)

Read file data without saving it in Flask

I share my solution (assuming everything is already configured to connect to google bucket in flask)

from import storage

@app.route('/upload/', methods=['POST'])
def upload():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # FileStorage object wrapper
        file = request.files["file"]                    
        if file:
            bucket_name = "bucket_name" 
            storage_client = storage.Client()
            bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name)
            # Upload file to Google Bucket
            blob = bucket.blob(file.filename) 

My post

Direct to Google Bucket in flask

Datatables warning(table id = 'example'): cannot reinitialise data table

I know its an old question. This problem can be easily reproduced if you try to reinitialize the Datatable again.

For example in your function somewhere you are calling $('#example').DataTable( { searching: false} ); again.

There is easy resolving this issue. Please follow the steps

  1. Initialize the Datatable to a variable rather than directly initializing DataTable method.
    1. For Example Instead of calling $('#example').DataTable( { searching: false} ); try to declare it globally (or in scope of javascription that you are using) like this var table = $('#example').DataTable( { searching: false } );.
  2. Now Whenever you are calling this method $('#example').DataTable( { searching: false} ); again then before calling it perform the following actions
    1. if (table != undefined && table != null) { table.destroy(); table = null; }
  3. Once you have followed the steps above then go ahead with re-initializing the table with same variable without using var keyword (as you have already defined it) i.e table = $('#example').DataTable( { searching: false } );

JSFiddle Code Also attached for any reference of same code

Correct way to read a text file into a buffer in C?

Why don't you just use the array of chars you have? This ought to do it:

   source[i] = getc(fp); 

Change the location of the ~ directory in a Windows install of Git Bash

In my case, all I had to do was add the following User variable on Windows:

Variable name: HOME
Variable value: %USERPROFILE%

How to set a Environment Variable (You can use the User variables for username section if you are not a system administrator)

What programming language does facebook use?

might be surprised to know.. its PHP. read all about it here

Easy way to pull latest of all git submodules

On init running the following command:

git submodule update --init --recursive

from within the git repo directory, works best for me.

This will pull all latest including submodules.


git - the base command to perform any git command
    submodule - Inspects, updates and manages submodules.
        update - Update the registered submodules to match what the superproject
        expects by cloning missing submodules and updating the working tree of the
        submodules. The "updating" can be done in several ways depending on command
        line options and the value of submodule.<name>.update configuration variable.
            --init without the explicit init step if you do not intend to customize
            any submodule locations.
            --recursive is specified, this command will recurse into the registered
            submodules, and update any nested submodules within.

After this you can just run:

git submodule update --recursive

from within the git repo directory, works best for me.

This will pull all latest including submodules.

Efficient Algorithm for Bit Reversal (from MSB->LSB to LSB->MSB) in C

Well, this is basically the same as the first "reverse()" but it is 64 bit and only needs one immediate mask to be loaded from the instruction stream. GCC creates code without jumps, so this should be pretty fast.

#include <stdio.h>

static unsigned long long swap64(unsigned long long val)
#define ZZZZ(x,s,m) (((x) >>(s)) & (m)) | (((x) & (m))<<(s));
/* val = (((val) >>16) & 0xFFFF0000FFFF) | (((val) & 0xFFFF0000FFFF)<<16); */

val = ZZZZ(val,32,  0x00000000FFFFFFFFull );
val = ZZZZ(val,16,  0x0000FFFF0000FFFFull );
val = ZZZZ(val,8,   0x00FF00FF00FF00FFull );
val = ZZZZ(val,4,   0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0Full );
val = ZZZZ(val,2,   0x3333333333333333ull );
val = ZZZZ(val,1,   0x5555555555555555ull );

return val;
#undef ZZZZ

int main(void)
unsigned long long val, aaaa[16] =
 { 0xfedcba9876543210,0xedcba9876543210f,0xdcba9876543210fe,0xcba9876543210fed
 , 0xba9876543210fedc,0xa9876543210fedcb,0x9876543210fedcba,0x876543210fedcba9
 , 0x76543210fedcba98,0x6543210fedcba987,0x543210fedcba9876,0x43210fedcba98765
 , 0x3210fedcba987654,0x210fedcba9876543,0x10fedcba98765432,0x0fedcba987654321
unsigned iii;

for (iii=0; iii < 16; iii++) {
    val = swap64 (aaaa[iii]);
    printf("A[]=%016llX Sw=%016llx\n", aaaa[iii], val);
return 0;

When is the @JsonProperty property used and what is it used for?

From JsonProperty javadoc,

Defines name of the logical property, i.e. JSON object field name to use for the property. If value is empty String (which is the default), will try to use name of the field that is annotated.

How do we determine the number of days for a given month in python

Alternative solution:

>>> from datetime import date
>>> (date(2012, 3, 1) - date(2012, 2, 1)).days

Pandas: Subtracting two date columns and the result being an integer

You can use datetime module to help here. Also, as a side note, a simple date subtraction should work as below:

import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

#Assume we have df_test:
In [222]: df_test
   first_date second_date
0  2016-01-31  2015-11-19
1  2016-02-29  2015-11-20
2  2016-03-31  2015-11-21
3  2016-04-30  2015-11-22
4  2016-05-31  2015-11-23
5  2016-06-30  2015-11-24
6         NaT  2015-11-25
7         NaT  2015-11-26
8  2016-01-31  2015-11-27
9         NaT  2015-11-28
10        NaT  2015-11-29
11        NaT  2015-11-30
12 2016-04-30  2015-12-01
13        NaT  2015-12-02
14        NaT  2015-12-03
15 2016-04-30  2015-12-04
16        NaT  2015-12-05
17        NaT  2015-12-06

In [223]: df_test['Difference'] = df_test['first_date'] - df_test['second_date'] 

In [224]: df_test
   first_date second_date  Difference
0  2016-01-31  2015-11-19     73 days
1  2016-02-29  2015-11-20    101 days
2  2016-03-31  2015-11-21    131 days
3  2016-04-30  2015-11-22    160 days
4  2016-05-31  2015-11-23    190 days
5  2016-06-30  2015-11-24    219 days
6         NaT  2015-11-25         NaT
7         NaT  2015-11-26         NaT
8  2016-01-31  2015-11-27     65 days
9         NaT  2015-11-28         NaT
10        NaT  2015-11-29         NaT
11        NaT  2015-11-30         NaT
12 2016-04-30  2015-12-01    151 days
13        NaT  2015-12-02         NaT
14        NaT  2015-12-03         NaT
15 2016-04-30  2015-12-04    148 days
16        NaT  2015-12-05         NaT
17        NaT  2015-12-06         NaT

Now, change type to datetime.timedelta, and then use the .days method on valid timedelta objects.

In [226]: df_test['Diffference'] = df_test['Difference'].astype(dt.timedelta).map(lambda x: np.nan if pd.isnull(x) else x.days)

In [227]: df_test
   first_date second_date  Difference  Diffference
0  2016-01-31  2015-11-19     73 days           73
1  2016-02-29  2015-11-20    101 days          101
2  2016-03-31  2015-11-21    131 days          131
3  2016-04-30  2015-11-22    160 days          160
4  2016-05-31  2015-11-23    190 days          190
5  2016-06-30  2015-11-24    219 days          219
6         NaT  2015-11-25         NaT          NaN
7         NaT  2015-11-26         NaT          NaN
8  2016-01-31  2015-11-27     65 days           65
9         NaT  2015-11-28         NaT          NaN
10        NaT  2015-11-29         NaT          NaN
11        NaT  2015-11-30         NaT          NaN
12 2016-04-30  2015-12-01    151 days          151
13        NaT  2015-12-02         NaT          NaN
14        NaT  2015-12-03         NaT          NaN
15 2016-04-30  2015-12-04    148 days          148
16        NaT  2015-12-05         NaT          NaN
17        NaT  2015-12-06         NaT          NaN

Hope that helps.

Reload the page after ajax success

use this Reload page

success: function(data){
   if(data.success == true){ // if true (1)
      setTimeout(function(){// wait for 5 secs(2)
           location.reload(); // then reload the page.(3)
      }, 5000); 

Efficiently convert rows to columns in sql server

This is rather a method than just a single script but gives you much more flexibility.

First of all There are 3 objects:

  1. User defined TABLE type [ColumnActionList] -> holds data as parameter
  2. SP [proc_PivotPrepare] -> prepares our data
  3. SP [proc_PivotExecute] -> execute the script

CREATE TYPE [dbo].[ColumnActionList] AS TABLE ( [ID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [ColumnName] nvarchar NOT NULL, [Action] nchar NOT NULL ); GO

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_PivotPrepare] 
    @DB_Name        nvarchar(128),
    @TableName      nvarchar(128)
            SELECT @DB_Name = ISNULL(@DB_Name,db_name())
    DECLARE @SQL_Code nvarchar(max)

    DECLARE @MyTab TABLE (ID smallint identity(1,1), [Column_Name] nvarchar(128), [Type] nchar(1), [Set Action SQL] nvarchar(max));

    SELECT @SQL_Code        =   'SELECT [<| SQL_Code |>] = '' '' '
                                        + 'UNION ALL '
                                        + 'SELECT ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'' '
                                        + 'UNION ALL '
                                        + 'SELECT ''-----| Declare user defined type [ID] / [ColumnName] / [PivotAction] '' '
                                        + 'UNION ALL '
                                        + 'SELECT ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'' '
                                        + 'UNION ALL '
                                        + 'SELECT ''DECLARE @ColumnListWithActions ColumnActionList;'''
                                        + 'UNION ALL '
                                        + 'SELECT ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'' '
                                        + 'UNION ALL '
                                        + 'SELECT ''-----| Set [PivotAction] (''''S'''' as default) to select dimentions and values '' '
                                        + 'UNION ALL '
                                        + 'SELECT ''-----|'''
                                        + 'UNION ALL '
                                        + 'SELECT ''-----| ''''S'''' = Stable column || ''''D'''' = Dimention column || ''''V'''' = Value column '' '
                                        + 'UNION ALL '
                                        + 'SELECT ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'' '
                                        + 'UNION ALL '
                                        + 'SELECT ''INSERT INTO  @ColumnListWithActions VALUES ('' + CAST( ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [NAME]) as nvarchar(10)) + '', '' + '''''''' + [NAME] + ''''''''+ '', ''''S'''');'''
                                        + 'FROM [' + @DB_Name + '].sys.columns  '
                                        + 'WHERE object_id = object_id(''[' + @DB_Name + ']..[' + @TableName + ']'') '
                                        + 'UNION ALL '
                                        + 'SELECT ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'' '
                                        + 'UNION ALL '
                                        + 'SELECT ''-----| Execute sp_PivotExecute with parameters: columns and dimentions and main table name'' '
                                        + 'UNION ALL '
                                        + 'SELECT ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'' '
                                        + 'UNION ALL '
                                        + 'SELECT ''EXEC [dbo].[sp_PivotExecute] @ColumnListWithActions, ' + '''''' + @TableName + '''''' + ';'''
                                        + 'UNION ALL '
                                        + 'SELECT ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'' '                            


CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_PivotExecute]
@ColumnListWithActions  ColumnActionList ReadOnly
,@TableName                     nvarchar(128)

--###| Step 1 - Select our user-defined-table-variable into temp table

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#ColumnListWithActions', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #ColumnListWithActions; 
SELECT * INTO #ColumnListWithActions FROM @ColumnListWithActions;

--###| Step 2 - Preparing lists of column groups as strings:

DECLARE @ColumnName                     nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @Destiny                        nchar(1)

DECLARE @ListOfColumns_Stable           nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @ListOfColumns_Dimension    nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @ListOfColumns_Variable     nvarchar(max)
--###| Cursor for List of Stable Columns

DECLARE ColumnListStringCreator_S CURSOR FOR
SELECT      [ColumnName]
FROM        #ColumnListWithActions
WHERE       [Action] = 'S'
OPEN ColumnListStringCreator_S;
FETCH NEXT FROM ColumnListStringCreator_S
INTO @ColumnName

        SELECT @ListOfColumns_Stable = ISNULL(@ListOfColumns_Stable, '') + ' [' + @ColumnName + '] ,';
        FETCH NEXT FROM ColumnListStringCreator_S INTO @ColumnName

CLOSE ColumnListStringCreator_S;
DEALLOCATE ColumnListStringCreator_S;

--###| Cursor for List of Dimension Columns

DECLARE ColumnListStringCreator_D CURSOR FOR
SELECT      [ColumnName]
FROM        #ColumnListWithActions
WHERE       [Action] = 'D'
OPEN ColumnListStringCreator_D;
FETCH NEXT FROM ColumnListStringCreator_D
INTO @ColumnName

        SELECT @ListOfColumns_Dimension = ISNULL(@ListOfColumns_Dimension, '') + ' [' + @ColumnName + '] ,';
        FETCH NEXT FROM ColumnListStringCreator_D INTO @ColumnName

CLOSE ColumnListStringCreator_D;
DEALLOCATE ColumnListStringCreator_D;

--###| Cursor for List of Variable Columns

DECLARE ColumnListStringCreator_V CURSOR FOR
SELECT      [ColumnName]
FROM        #ColumnListWithActions
WHERE       [Action] = 'V'
OPEN ColumnListStringCreator_V;
FETCH NEXT FROM ColumnListStringCreator_V
INTO @ColumnName

        SELECT @ListOfColumns_Variable = ISNULL(@ListOfColumns_Variable, '') + ' [' + @ColumnName + '] ,';
        FETCH NEXT FROM ColumnListStringCreator_V INTO @ColumnName

CLOSE ColumnListStringCreator_V;
DEALLOCATE ColumnListStringCreator_V;

SELECT @ListOfColumns_Variable      = LEFT(@ListOfColumns_Variable, LEN(@ListOfColumns_Variable) - 1);
SELECT @ListOfColumns_Dimension = LEFT(@ListOfColumns_Dimension, LEN(@ListOfColumns_Dimension) - 1);
SELECT @ListOfColumns_Stable            = LEFT(@ListOfColumns_Stable, LEN(@ListOfColumns_Stable) - 1);

--###| Step 3 - Preparing table with all possible connections between Dimension columns excluding NULLs
DECLARE @DIM_TAB TABLE ([DIM_ID] smallint, [ColumnName] nvarchar(128))
SELECT [DIM_ID] = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [ColumnName]), [ColumnName] FROM #ColumnListWithActions WHERE [Action] = 'D';

DECLARE @DIM_ID smallint;
SELECT      @DIM_ID = 1;

DECLARE @SQL_Dimentions nvarchar(max);

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.##ALL_Dimentions', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##ALL_Dimentions; 

SELECT @SQL_Dimentions      = 'SELECT [xxx_ID_xxx] = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ' + @ListOfColumns_Dimension + '), ' + @ListOfColumns_Dimension
                                            + ' INTO ##ALL_Dimentions '
                                            + ' FROM (SELECT DISTINCT' + @ListOfColumns_Dimension + ' FROM  ' + @TableName
                                            + ' WHERE ' + (SELECT [ColumnName] FROM @DIM_TAB WHERE [DIM_ID] = @DIM_ID) + ' IS NOT NULL ';
                                            SELECT @DIM_ID = @DIM_ID + 1;
            SELECT @SQL_Dimentions = @SQL_Dimentions + 'AND ' + (SELECT [ColumnName] FROM @DIM_TAB WHERE [DIM_ID] = @DIM_ID) +  ' IS NOT NULL ';
            SELECT @DIM_ID = @DIM_ID + 1;

SELECT @SQL_Dimentions   = @SQL_Dimentions + ' )x';


--###| Step 4 - Preparing table with all possible connections between Stable columns excluding NULLs
DECLARE @StabPos_TAB TABLE ([StabPos_ID] smallint, [ColumnName] nvarchar(128))
SELECT [StabPos_ID] = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [ColumnName]), [ColumnName] FROM #ColumnListWithActions WHERE [Action] = 'S';

DECLARE @StabPos_ID smallint;
SELECT      @StabPos_ID = 1;

DECLARE @SQL_MainStableColumnTable nvarchar(max);

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.##ALL_StableColumns', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##ALL_StableColumns; 

SELECT @SQL_MainStableColumnTable       = 'SELECT xxx_ID_xxx = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ' + @ListOfColumns_Stable + '), ' + @ListOfColumns_Stable
                                            + ' INTO ##ALL_StableColumns '
                                            + ' FROM (SELECT DISTINCT' + @ListOfColumns_Stable + ' FROM  ' + @TableName
                                            + ' WHERE ' + (SELECT [ColumnName] FROM @StabPos_TAB WHERE [StabPos_ID] = @StabPos_ID) + ' IS NOT NULL ';
                                            SELECT @StabPos_ID = @StabPos_ID + 1;
            WHILE @StabPos_ID <= (SELECT MAX([StabPos_ID]) FROM @StabPos_TAB)
            SELECT @SQL_MainStableColumnTable = @SQL_MainStableColumnTable + 'AND ' + (SELECT [ColumnName] FROM @StabPos_TAB WHERE [StabPos_ID] = @StabPos_ID) +  ' IS NOT NULL ';
            SELECT @StabPos_ID = @StabPos_ID + 1;

SELECT @SQL_MainStableColumnTable    = @SQL_MainStableColumnTable + ' )x';


--###| Step 5 - Preparing table with all options ID


DECLARE @i smallint

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.##FinalTab', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##FinalTab; 

SELECT @FULL_SQL_1 = 'SELECT t.*, dim.[xxx_ID_xxx] '
                                    + ' INTO ##FinalTab '
                                    +   'FROM ' + @TableName + ' t '
                                    +   'JOIN ##ALL_Dimentions dim '
                                    +   'ON t.' + (SELECT [ColumnName] FROM @DIM_TAB WHERE [DIM_ID] = 1) + ' = dim.' + (SELECT [ColumnName] FROM @DIM_TAB WHERE [DIM_ID] = 1);
                                SELECT @i = 2                               
                                WHILE @i <= (SELECT MAX([DIM_ID]) FROM @DIM_TAB)
                                    SELECT @FULL_SQL_1 = @FULL_SQL_1 + ' AND t.' + (SELECT [ColumnName] FROM @DIM_TAB WHERE [DIM_ID] = @i) + ' = dim.' + (SELECT [ColumnName] FROM @DIM_TAB WHERE [DIM_ID] = @i)
                                    SELECT @i = @i +1

--###| Step 6 - Selecting final data
DECLARE @STAB_TAB TABLE ([STAB_ID] smallint, [ColumnName] nvarchar(128))
SELECT [STAB_ID] = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [ColumnName]), [ColumnName]
FROM #ColumnListWithActions WHERE [Action] = 'S';

DECLARE @VAR_TAB TABLE ([VAR_ID] smallint, [ColumnName] nvarchar(128))
SELECT [VAR_ID] = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [ColumnName]), [ColumnName]
FROM #ColumnListWithActions WHERE [Action] = 'V';

DECLARE @y smallint;
DECLARE @x smallint;
DECLARE @z smallint;

DECLARE @FinalCode nvarchar(max)

SELECT @FinalCode = ' SELECT ID1.*'
                                        SELECT @y = 1
                                        WHILE @y <= (SELECT MAX([xxx_ID_xxx]) FROM ##FinalTab)
                                                SELECT @z = 1
                                                WHILE @z <= (SELECT MAX([VAR_ID]) FROM @VAR_TAB)
                                                        SELECT @FinalCode = @FinalCode +    ', [ID' + CAST((@y) as varchar(10)) + '.' + (SELECT [ColumnName] FROM @VAR_TAB WHERE [VAR_ID] = @z) + '] =  ID' + CAST((@y + 1) as varchar(10)) + '.' + (SELECT [ColumnName] FROM @VAR_TAB WHERE [VAR_ID] = @z)
                                                        SELECT @z = @z + 1
                                                    SELECT @y = @y + 1
        SELECT @FinalCode = @FinalCode + 
                                        ' FROM ( SELECT * FROM ##ALL_StableColumns)ID1';
                                        SELECT @y = 1
                                        WHILE @y <= (SELECT MAX([xxx_ID_xxx]) FROM ##FinalTab)
                                            SELECT @x = 1
                                            SELECT @FinalCode = @FinalCode 
                                                                                + ' LEFT JOIN (SELECT ' +  @ListOfColumns_Stable + ' , ' + @ListOfColumns_Variable 
                                                                                + ' FROM ##FinalTab WHERE [xxx_ID_xxx] = ' 
                                                                                + CAST(@y as varchar(10)) + ' )ID' + CAST((@y + 1) as varchar(10))  
                                                                                + ' ON 1 = 1' 
                                                                                WHILE @x <= (SELECT MAX([STAB_ID]) FROM @STAB_TAB)
                                                                                    SELECT @FinalCode = @FinalCode + ' AND ID1.' + (SELECT [ColumnName] FROM @STAB_TAB WHERE [STAB_ID] = @x) + ' = ID' + CAST((@y+1) as varchar(10)) + '.' + (SELECT [ColumnName] FROM @STAB_TAB WHERE [STAB_ID] = @x)
                                                                                    SELECT @x = @x +1
                                            SELECT @y = @y + 1

SELECT * FROM ##ALL_Dimentions;

From executing the first query (by passing source DB and table name) you will get a pre-created execution query for the second SP, all you have to do is define is the column from your source: + Stable + Value (will be used to concentrate values based on that) + Dim (column you want to use to pivot by)

Names and datatypes will be defined automatically!

I cant recommend it for any production environments but does the job for adhoc BI requests.

did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option

This is WRONG:

import {
  } from 'iview'

This is CORRECT:

import Iview from "iview";
const { Tabs, Tabpane} = Iview;

Java : Comparable vs Comparator

When your class implements Comparable, the compareTo method of the class is defining the "natural" ordering of that object. That method is contractually obligated (though not demanded) to be in line with other methods on that object, such as a 0 should always be returned for objects when the .equals() comparisons return true.

A Comparator is its own definition of how to compare two objects, and can be used to compare objects in a way that might not align with the natural ordering.

For example, Strings are generally compared alphabetically. Thus the "a".compareTo("b") would use alphabetical comparisons. If you wanted to compare Strings on length, you would need to write a custom comparator.

In short, there isn't much difference. They are both ends to similar means. In general implement comparable for natural order, (natural order definition is obviously open to interpretation), and write a comparator for other sorting or comparison needs.

Eclipse DDMS error "Can't bind to local 8600 for debugger"

On Windows 8 I was batteling with this for some time:
do you have AVG installed? uninstalling AVG did the trick for me

How to get browser width using JavaScript code?

An important addition to Travis' answer; you need to put the getWidth() up in your document body to make sure that the scrollbar width is counted, else scrollbar width of the browser subtracted from getWidth(). What i did ;

function getWidth(){
return Math.max(document.body.scrollWidth,
var aWidth=getWidth();

and call aWidth variable anywhere afterwards.

Jquery - How to get the style display attribute "none / block"

//animated show/hide

function showHide(id) {
      var hidden= ("none" == $( "#".concat(id) ).css("display"));
          $( "#".concat(id) ).show(1000);
          $("#".concat(id) ).hide(1000);

What is the difference between `let` and `var` in swift?

Everyone has pretty much answered this but here's a way you can remember what's what

Let will always say the same think of "let" as let this work for once and always as for "var" variable's can always change hence them being called variable's

How to rename uploaded file before saving it into a directory?

/* create new name file */
$filename   = uniqid() . "-" . time(); // 5dab1961e93a7-1571494241
$extension  = pathinfo( $_FILES["file"]["name"], PATHINFO_EXTENSION ); // jpg
$basename   = $filename . "." . $extension; // 5dab1961e93a7_1571494241.jpg

$source       = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"];
$destination  = "../img/imageDirectory/{$basename}";

/* move the file */
move_uploaded_file( $source, $destination );

echo "Stored in: {$destination}";

IntelliJ cannot find any declarations

I faced the same issue and spent almost 15-16 tiring hours to clean, rebuild, invalidate-cache, upgrade Idea from 16.3 to 17.2, all in vain. We have a Maven managed project and the build used to be successful but just couldn't navigate between declaration/implementations as Idea couldn't see the files.

After endlessly trying to fix this, it finally dawned to me that it's the IDEA settings causing all the headache. This is what I did (Windows system):

  1. Exit IDE
  2. Recursively delete all .iml files from project directory del /s /q "C:\Dev\trunk\*.iml"
  3. Find and delete all .idea folders
  4. Delete contents of the caches, index, and LocalHistory folders under <user_home>\.IntelliJIdea2017.2\system
  5. Open Idea and import project ....

VOILAAAAAAAAAAAA...!! I hope this helps a poor soul in pain

Sending "User-agent" using Requests library in Python

The user-agent should be specified as a field in the header.

Here is a list of HTTP header fields, and you'd probably be interested in request-specific fields, which includes User-Agent.

If you're using requests v2.13 and newer

The simplest way to do what you want is to create a dictionary and specify your headers directly, like so:

import requests

url = 'SOME URL'

headers = {
    'User-Agent': 'My User Agent 1.0',
    'From': '[email protected]'  # This is another valid field

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

If you're using requests v2.12.x and older

Older versions of requests clobbered default headers, so you'd want to do the following to preserve default headers and then add your own to them.

import requests

url = 'SOME URL'

# Get a copy of the default headers that requests would use
headers = requests.utils.default_headers()

# Update the headers with your custom ones
# You don't have to worry about case-sensitivity with
# the dictionary keys, because default_headers uses a custom
# CaseInsensitiveDict implementation within requests' source code.
        'User-Agent': 'My User Agent 1.0',

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

How can I get around MySQL Errcode 13 with SELECT INTO OUTFILE?

I know you said that you tried already setting permissions to 777, but as I have an evidence that for me it was a permission issue I'm posting what I exactly run hoping it can help. Here is my experience:

tmp $ pwd
tmp $ mkdir bkptest
tmp $ mysqldump -u root -T bkptest bkptest
mysqldump: Got error: 1: Can't create/write to file '/Users/username/tmp/bkptest/people.txt' (Errcode: 13) when executing 'SELECT INTO OUTFILE'
tmp $ chmod a+rwx bkptest/
tmp $ mysqldump -u root -T bkptest bkptest
tmp $ ls bkptest/
people.sql  people.txt
tmp $ 

Recover SVN password from local cache

In ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/ you should find a file with a long hexadecimal name. The password is in there in plaintext.

If there is more than one file you'll need to find that one that references the server you need the password for.

How do I start/stop IIS Express Server?

An excellent answer given by msigman. I just want to add that in windows 10 you can find IIS Express System Tray (32 bit) process under Visual Studio process:

enter image description here

Using Java to pull data from a webpage?

Since Java 11 the most convenient way it to use from the standard library.


HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(new URI(
  .timeout(Duration.of(10, SECONDS))

HttpResponse<String> response = HttpClient.newHttpClient()
  .send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString());

if (response.statusCode() != 200) {
  throw new RuntimeException(
    "Invalid response: " + response.statusCode() + ", request: " + response);


Java Compare Two List's object values?

Logic should be something like:

  1. First step: For class MyData implements Comparable interface, override the compareTo method as per the per object requirement.

  2. Second step: When it comes to list comparison (after checking for nulls), 2.1 Check the size of both lists, if equal returns true else return false, continue to object iteration 2.2 If step 2.1 returns true, iterate over elements from both lists and invoke something like,


This will be as per the code mentioned in step-1.

Func vs. Action vs. Predicate

Action is a delegate (pointer) to a method, that takes zero, one or more input parameters, but does not return anything.

Func is a delegate (pointer) to a method, that takes zero, one or more input parameters, and returns a value (or reference).

Predicate is a special kind of Func often used for comparisons.

Though widely used with Linq, Action and Func are concepts logically independent of Linq. C++ already contained the basic concept in form of typed function pointers.

Here is a small example for Action and Func without using Linq:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Action<int> myAction = new Action<int>(DoSomething);
        myAction(123);           // Prints out "123"
                                 // can be also called as myAction.Invoke(123);

        Func<int, double> myFunc = new Func<int, double>(CalculateSomething);
        Console.WriteLine(myFunc(5));   // Prints out "2.5"

    static void DoSomething(int i)

    static double CalculateSomething(int i)
        return (double)i/2;

dropping a global temporary table

The DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement defines a temporary table for the current connection.

These tables do not reside in the system catalogs and are not persistent.

Temporary tables exist only during the connection that declared them and cannot be referenced outside of that connection.

When the connection closes, the rows of the table are deleted, and the in-memory description of the temporary table is dropped.

For your reference

JSON Java 8 LocalDateTime format in Spring Boot

Writing this answer as a reminder for me as well.

I combined several answers here and in the end mine worked with something like these. (I am using SpringBoot 1.5.7 and Lombok 1.16.16)

public Class someClass {

   @DateTimeFormat(iso = DateTimeFormat.ISO.DATE_TIME)
   @JsonSerialize(using = LocalDateTimeSerializer.class)
   @JsonDeserialize(using = LocalDateTimeDeserializer.class)
   private LocalDateTime someDate;


How to send a JSON object using html form data

The accepted answer is out of date; nowadays you can simply add enctype="application/json" to your form tag and the browser will jsonify the data automatically.

The spec for this behavior is here:

VBScript: Using WScript.Shell to Execute a Command Line Program That Accesses Active Directory

This is not a reply (I cant post comments), just few random ideas might be helpful. Unfortunately I've never dealt with citrix, only with regular windows servers.

_0. Ensure you're not a victim of Windows Firewall, or any other personal firewall that selectively blocks processes.

Add 10 minutes Sleep() to the first line of your .NET app, then run both VBScript file and your stand-alone application, run sysinternals process explorer, and compare 2 processes.

_1. Same tab, "command line" and "current directory". Make sure they are the same.

_2. "Environment" tab. Make sure they are the same. Normally child processes inherit the environment, but this behaviour can be easily altered.

The following check is required if by "run my script" you mean anything else then double-clicking the .VBS file:

_3. Image tab, "User". If they differ - it may mean user has no access to the network (like localsystem), or user token restricted to delegation and thus can only access local resources (like in the case of IIS NTLM auth), or user has no access to some local files it wants.

How to execute a java .class from the command line


java -cp . Echo "hello"

Assuming that you compiled with:


Then there is a chance that the "current" directory is not in your classpath ( where java looks for .class definitions )

If that's the case and listing the contents of your dir displays:

Then any of this may work:

java -cp . Echo "hello"



java Echo "hello"

And later as Fredrik points out you'll get another error message like.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main

When that happens, go and read his answer :)

How to monitor network calls made from iOS Simulator

You can also use this open source library called Wormholy (and made by me).

You just need to integrate it in your project (no code needed), and that's it, you will be able to monitor all the API requests of your app, also on a real device.

And you don't need to manage certificates like with Charles. It all works by magic!

What is the difference between i = i + 1 and i += 1 in a 'for' loop?

The difference is that one modifies the data-structure itself (in-place operation) b += 1 while the other just reassigns the variable a = a + 1.

Just for completeness:

x += y is not always doing an in-place operation, there are (at least) three exceptions:

  • If x doesn't implement an __iadd__ method then the x += y statement is just a shorthand for x = x + y. This would be the case if x was something like an int.

  • If __iadd__ returns NotImplemented, Python falls back to x = x + y.

  • The __iadd__ method could theoretically be implemented to not work in place. It'd be really weird to do that, though.

As it happens your bs are numpy.ndarrays which implements __iadd__ and return itself so your second loop modifies the original array in-place.

You can read more on this in the Python documentation of "Emulating Numeric Types".

These [__i*__] methods are called to implement the augmented arithmetic assignments (+=, -=, *=, @=, /=, //=, %=, **=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=). These methods should attempt to do the operation in-place (modifying self) and return the result (which could be, but does not have to be, self). If a specific method is not defined, the augmented assignment falls back to the normal methods. For instance, if x is an instance of a class with an __iadd__() method, x += y is equivalent to x = x.__iadd__(y) . Otherwise, x.__add__(y) and y.__radd__(x) are considered, as with the evaluation of x + y. In certain situations, augmented assignment can result in unexpected errors (see Why does a_tuple[i] += ["item"] raise an exception when the addition works?), but this behavior is in fact part of the data model.

How to check whether a str(variable) is empty or not?

Some time we have more spaces in between quotes, then use this approach

a = "   "
>>> bool(a)
>>> bool(a.strip())

if not a.strip():
    print("String is empty")
    print("String is not empty")

Restart android machine

adb reboot should not reboot your linux box.

But in any case, you can redirect the command to a specific adb device using adb -s <device_id> command , where

Device ID can be obtained from the command adb devices
command in this case is reboot

access key and value of object using *ngFor

Here is the simple solution

You can use typescript iterators for this

import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
declare var Symbol;
    selector: 'my-app',
    <h4>Iterating an Object using Typescript Symbol</h4><br>
Object is : <p>{{obj | json}}</p>
Iterated object params are:
<div *ngFor="#o of obj">

export class AppComponent {
  public obj: any = {
    "type1": ["A1", "A2", "A3","A4"],
    "type2": ["B1"],
    "type3": ["C1"],
    "type4": ["D1","D2"]

  constructor() {
    this.obj[Symbol.iterator] =  () => {
          let i =0;

          return {
            next: () => {
              return {
                  done: i > 4?true:false,
                  value: this.obj['type'+i]

CodeIgniter query: How to move a column value to another column in the same row and save the current time in the original column?

if you want to upgrade only a single column of a table row then you can use as following:

$this->db->set('column_header', $value); //value that used to update column  
$this->db->where('column_id', $column_id_value); //which row want to upgrade  
$this->db->update('table_name');  //table name

Pandas split column of lists into multiple columns

This solution preserves the index of the df2 DataFrame, unlike any solution that uses tolist():

df3 = df2.teams.apply(pd.Series)
df3.columns = ['team1', 'team2']

Here's the result:

  team1 team2
0    SF   NYG
1    SF   NYG
2    SF   NYG
3    SF   NYG
4    SF   NYG
5    SF   NYG
6    SF   NYG

Write in body request with HttpClient

Extending your code (assuming that the XML you want to send is in xmlString) :

String xmlString = "</xml>";
DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost httpRequest = new HttpPost(this.url);
httpRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml");
StringEntity xmlEntity = new StringEntity(xmlString);
httpRequest.setEntity(xmlEntity );
HttpResponse httpresponse = httpclient.execute(httppost);

Limiting number of displayed results when using ngRepeat

This works better in my case if you have object or multi-dimensional array. It will shows only first items, other will be just ignored in loop.

.filter('limitItems', function () {
  return function (items) {
    var result = {}, i = 1;
    angular.forEach(items, function(value, key) {
      if (i < 5) {
        result[key] = value;
      i = i + 1;
    return result;

Change 5 on what you want.

java Compare two dates

You equals(Object o) comparison is correct.

Yet, you should use after(Date d) and before(Date d) for date comparison.

Append text to file from command line without using io redirection

If you don't mind using sed then,

$ cat test 
this is line 1
$ sed -i '$ a\this is line 2 without redirection' test 
$ cat test 
this is line 1
this is line 2 without redirection

As the documentation may be a bit long to go through, some explanations :

  • -i means an inplace transformation, so all changes will occur in the file you specify
  • $ is used to specify the last line
  • a means append a line after
  • \ is simply used as a delimiter

Illegal mix of collations error in MySql

I got this same error inside a stored procedure, in the where clause. i discovered that the problem ocurred with a local declared variable, previously loaded by the same table/column.

I resolved it casting the data to single char type.

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded

For Local AppServ

Go to C:\AppServ\www\phpMyAdmin\libraries\config.default.php

Find $cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] and set value to 0.

So it'll look like

$cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 0;

how to pass this element to javascript onclick function and add a class to that clicked element

You have two issues in your code.. First you need reference to capture the element on click. Try adding another parameter to your function to reference this. Also active class is for li element initially while you are tryin to add it to "a" element in the function. try this..

<div class="row" style="padding-left:21px;">
 <ul class="nav nav-tabs" style="padding-left:40px;">
      <li class="active filter"><a href="#month" onclick="Data('month',this)">This Month</a></li>
      <li class="filter"><a href="#year" onclick="Data('year',this)">Year</a></li>
      <li class="filter"><a href="#last60"  onclick="Data('last60',this)">60 Days</a></li>
      <li class="filter"><a href="#last90"  onclick="Data('last90',this)">90 Days</a></li>


  function Data(string,element)
      //1. get some data from server according to month year etc.,
      //2. unactive all the remaining li's and make the current clicked element active by adding "active" class to the element

      $(element).parent().addClass('active') ;


What is the easiest way to remove all packages installed by pip?

Method 1 (with pip freeze)

pip freeze | xargs pip uninstall -y

Method 2 (with pip list)

pip list | awk '{print $1}' | xargs pip uninstall -y

Method 3 (with virtualenv)

virtualenv --clear MYENV

C# version of java's synchronized keyword?

You can use the lock statement instead. I think this can only replace the second version. Also, remember that both synchronized and lock need to operate on an object.

How to overlay image with color in CSS?

You could use the hue-rotate function in the filter property. It's quite an obscure measurement though, you'd need to know how many degrees round the colour wheel you need to move in order to arrive at your desired hue, for example:

header {
    filter: hue-rotate(90deg);

Once you'd found the correct hue, you could combine the brightness and either grayscale or saturate functions to find the correct shade, for example:

header {
    filter: hue-rotate(90deg) brightness(10%) grayscale(10%);

The filter property has a vendor prefix in Webkit, so the final code would be:

header {
  -webkit-filter: hue-rotate(90deg) brightness(10%) grayscale(10%);
          filter: hue-rotate(90deg) brightness(10%) grayscale(10%);

What tools do you use to test your public REST API?

I am using Fiddler - this is a great tool and allows you to quickly hack on previous http request amending headers / content etc.

Apart from that I am using scipts written in Python (using httplib) , as this is one of the easiest way to create integration test.

How do I show my global Git configuration?

Git 2.6 (Sept/Oct 2015) will add the option --name-only to simplify the output of a git config -l:

See commit a92330d, commit f225987, commit 9f1429d (20 Aug 2015) by Jeff King (peff).
See commit ebca2d4 (20 Aug 2015), and commit 905f203, commit 578625f (10 Aug 2015) by SZEDER Gábor (szeder).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit fc9dfda, 31 Aug 2015)

config: add '--name-only' option to list only variable names

'git config' can only show values or name-value pairs, so if a shell script needs the names of set config variables it has to run 'git config --list' or '--get-regexp' and parse the output to separate config variable names from their values.
However, such a parsing can't cope with multi-line values.

Though 'git config' can produce null-terminated output for newline-safe parsing, that's of no use in such a case, because shells can't cope with null characters.

Even our own bash completion script suffers from these issues.

Help the completion script, and shell scripts in general, by introducing the '--name-only' option to modify the output of '--list' and '--get-regexp' to list only the names of config variables, so they don't have to perform error-prone post processing to separate variable names from their values anymore.

Facebook database design?

Have a look at the following database schema, reverse engineered by Anatoly Lubarsky:

Facebook Schema

What is tail call optimization?

Note first of all that not all languages support it.

TCO applys to a special case of recursion. The gist of it is, if the last thing you do in a function is call itself (e.g. it is calling itself from the "tail" position), this can be optimized by the compiler to act like iteration instead of standard recursion.

You see, normally during recursion, the runtime needs to keep track of all the recursive calls, so that when one returns it can resume at the previous call and so on. (Try manually writing out the result of a recursive call to get a visual idea of how this works.) Keeping track of all the calls takes up space, which gets significant when the function calls itself a lot. But with TCO, it can just say "go back to the beginning, only this time change the parameter values to these new ones." It can do that because nothing after the recursive call refers to those values.

How do I remedy "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document." warning?

I was able to fix the error by simply setting the option in the 'Attach to Process' to 'Automatically determine the type of code to debug' option as shown in the attached screenshot.

Simply follow the steps below:

  • Go to Debug from the menu bar
  • Click on Attach to Process
  • Near the Attach to option, click on the Select button
  • The Select Code Type window will appear
  • Now select the option Automatically determine the type of code to debug and click the OK button.

Fixed Debugging Error

Bootstrap 4 responsive tables won't take up 100% width

For some reason the responsive table in particular doesn't behave as it should. You can patch it by getting rid of display:block;

.table-responsive {
    display: table;

I may file a bug report.


It is an existing bug.

var self = this?

I haven't used jQuery, but in a library like Prototype you can bind functions to a specific scope. So with that in mind your code would look like this:

 $('#foobar').ready('click', this.doSomething.bind(this));

The bind method returns a new function that calls the original method with the scope you have specified.

Python: How to ignore an exception and proceed?

There's a new way to do this coming in Python 3.4:

from contextlib import suppress

with suppress(Exception):
  # your code

Here's the commit that added it:

And here's the author, Raymond Hettinger, talking about this and all sorts of other Python hotness (relevant bit at 43:30):

If you wanted to emulate the bare except keyword and also ignore things like KeyboardInterrupt—though you usually don't—you could use with suppress(BaseException).

Edit: Looks like ignored was renamed to suppress before the 3.4 release.

Live-stream video from one android phone to another over WiFi

You can check the android VLC it can stream and play video, if you want to indagate more, you can check their GIT to analyze what their do. Good luck!

What is the difference between Hibernate and Spring Data JPA

Spring Data is a convenience library on top of JPA that abstracts away many things and brings Spring magic (like it or not) to the persistence store access. It is primarily used for working with relational databases. In short, it allows you to declare interfaces that have methods like findByNameOrderByAge(String name); that will be parsed in runtime and converted into appropriate JPA queries.

Its placement atop of JPA makes its use tempting for:

  1. Rookie developers who don't know SQL or know it badly. This is a recipe for disaster but they can get away with it if the project is trivial.

  2. Experienced engineers who know what they do and want to spindle up things fast. This might be a viable strategy (but read further).

From my experience with Spring Data, its magic is too much (this is applicable to Spring in general). I started to use it heavily in one project and eventually hit several corner cases where I couldn't get the library out of my way and ended up with ugly workarounds. Later I read other users' complaints and realized that these issues are typical for Spring Data. For example, check this issue that led to hours of investigation/swearing:

 public TourAccommodationRate createTourAccommodationRate(
        @RequestBody TourAccommodationRate tourAccommodationRate
    ) {
        if (tourAccommodationRate.getId() != null) {
            throw new BadRequestException("id MUST NOT be specified in a body during entry creation");

        // This is an ugly hack required for the Room slim model to work. The problem stems from the fact that
        // when we send a child entity having the many-to-many (M:N) relation to the containing entity, its
        // information is not fetched. As a result, we get NPEs when trying to access all but its Id in the
        // code creating the corresponding slim model. By detaching the entity from the persistence context we
        // force the ORM to re-fetch it from the database instead of taking it from the cache;
        return tourAccommodationRateRepository.findOne(tourAccommodationRate.getId());

I ended up going lower level and started using JDBI - a nice library with just enough "magic" to save you from the boilerplate. With it, you have complete control over SQL queries and almost never have to fight the library.

Is there a way to represent a directory tree in a Github

You can also check this tree-extended package. It can be used as a command line app by using node >= 6.x.

It is very similar to tree but also has the option of configuring the max deep in the tree, that is one of the awful things of it. Also you can filter by using .gitignore file.

enter image description here

Python Web Crawlers and "getting" html source code

The first thing you need to do is read the HTTP spec which will explain what you can expect to receive over the wire. The data returned inside the content will be the "rendered" web page, not the source. The source could be a JSP, a servlet, a CGI script, in short, just about anything, and you have no access to that. You only get the HTML that the server sent you. In the case of a static HTML page, then yes, you will be seeing the "source". But for anything else you see the generated HTML, not the source.

When you say modify the page and return the modified page what do you mean?

How to switch activity without animation in Android?

You can also just do this in all the activities that you dont want to transition from:

public void onPause() {
    overridePendingTransition(0, 0);

I like this approach because you do not have to mess with the style of your activity.

Location of the mongodb database on mac

Env: macOS Mojave 10.14.4

Install: homebrew


Note :If update version by brew upgrade mongo,the folder 4.0.4_1 will be removed and replace with the new version folder

openCV program compile error " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" in ubuntu 12.04

You haven't put the shared library in a location where the loader can find it. look inside the /usr/local/opencv and /usr/local/opencv2 folders and see if either of them contains any shared libraries (files beginning in lib and usually ending in .so). when you find them, create a file called /etc/ and write to it the paths to the folders where the libraries are stored, one per line.

for example, if the libraries were stored under /usr/local/opencv/ then I would write this to my opencv.conf file:


Then run

sudo ldconfig -v

If you can't find the libraries, try running

sudo updatedb && locate

in a shell. You don't need to run updatedb if you've rebooted since compiling OpenCV.


About shared libraries on Linux:

About adding the OpenCV shared libraries:

How can I display two div in one line via css inline property

use inline-block instead of inline. Read more information here about the difference between inline and inline-block.

.inline { 
display: inline-block; 
border: 1px solid red; 


Is there a library function for Root mean square error (RMSE) in python?

  1. No, there is a library Scikit Learn for machine learning and it can be easily employed by using Python language. It has the a function for Mean Squared Error which i am sharing the link below:

  1. The function is named mean_squared_error as given below, where y_true would be real class values for the data tuples and y_pred would be the predicted values, predicted by the machine learning algorithm you are using:

mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)

  1. You have to modify it to get RMSE (by using sqrt function using Python).This process is described in this link:

So, final code would be something like:

from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from math import sqrt

RMSD = sqrt(mean_squared_error(testing_y, prediction))


UIImageView aspect fit and center

For people looking for UIImage resizing,

@implementation UIImage (Resize)

- (UIImage *)scaledToSize:(CGSize)size
    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, NO, 0.0f);
    [self drawInRect:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, size.width, size.height)];
    UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
    return image;

- (UIImage *)aspectFitToSize:(CGSize)size
    CGFloat aspect = self.size.width / self.size.height;
    if (size.width / aspect <= size.height)
        return [self scaledToSize:CGSizeMake(size.width, size.width / aspect)];
    } else {
        return [self scaledToSize:CGSizeMake(size.height * aspect, size.height)];

- (UIImage *)aspectFillToSize:(CGSize)size
    CGFloat imgAspect = self.size.width / self.size.height;
    CGFloat sizeAspect = size.width/size.height;

    CGSize scaledSize;

        if (sizeAspect > imgAspect) { // increase width, crop height
            scaledSize = CGSizeMake(size.width, size.width / imgAspect);
        } else { // increase height, crop width
            scaledSize = CGSizeMake(size.height * imgAspect, size.height);
    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, NO, 0.0f);
    CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
    CGContextClipToRect(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width, size.height));
    [self drawInRect:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, scaledSize.width, scaledSize.height)];
    UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
    return image;


How to find the UpgradeCode and ProductCode of an installed application in Windows 7

If you have msi installer open it with Orca (tool from Microsoft), table Property (rows UpgradeCode, ProductCode, Product version etc) or table Upgrade column Upgrade Code.

Try to find instller via registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall find required subkey and watch value InstallSource. Maybe along the way you'll be able to find the MSI file.

Removing multiple keys from a dictionary safely

I have tested the performance of three methods:

# Method 1: `del`
for key in remove_keys:
    if key in d:
        del d[key]

# Method 2: `pop()`
for key in remove_keys:
    d.pop(key, None)

# Method 3: comprehension
{key: v for key, v in d.items() if key not in remove_keys}

Here are the results of 1M iterations:

  1. del: 2.03s 2.0 ns/iter (100%)
  2. pop(): 2.38s 2.4 ns/iter (117%)
  3. comprehension: 4.11s 4.1 ns/iter (202%)

So both del and pop() are the fastest. Comprehensions are 2x slower. But anyway, we speak nanoseconds here :) Dicts in Python are ridiculously fast.

Transition of background-color

Another way of accomplishing this is using animation which provides more control.

#content #nav a {
    background-color: #FF0;
    /* only animation-duration here is required, rest are optional (also animation-name but it will be set on hover)*/
    animation-duration: 1s; /* same as transition duration */
    animation-timing-function: linear; /* kind of same as transition timing */
    animation-delay: 0ms; /* same as transition delay */
    animation-iteration-count: 1; /* set to 2 to make it run twice, or Infinite to run forever!*/
    animation-direction: normal; /* can be set to "alternate" to run animation, then run it backwards.*/
    animation-fill-mode: none; /* can be used to retain keyframe styling after animation, with "forwards" */
    animation-play-state: running; /* can be set dynamically to pause mid animation*/
    /* declaring the states of the animation to transition through */
    /* optionally add other properties that will change here, or new states (50% etc) */
    @keyframes onHoverAnimation {
    0% {
      background-color: #FF0;  
    100% {
      background-color: #AD310B;

#content #nav a:hover {
    /* animation wont run unless the element is given the name of the animation. This is set on hover */
    animation-name: onHoverAnimation;

error: use of deleted function

I encountered this error when inheriting from an abstract class and not implementing all of the pure virtual methods in my subclass.

Adding a column after another column within SQL

Assuming MySQL (EDIT: posted before the SQL variant was supplied):

ALTER TABLE myTable ADD myNewColumn VARCHAR(255) AFTER myOtherColumn

The AFTER keyword tells MySQL where to place the new column. You can also use FIRST to flag the new column as the first column in the table.

How to remove all whitespace from a string?

The function str_squish() from package stringr of tidyverse does the magic!


df <- data.frame(a = c("  aZe  aze s", "wxc  s     aze   "), 
                 b = c("  12    12 ", "34e e4  "), 
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df <- df %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate_all(funs(str_squish(.))) %>%

# A tibble: 2 x 2
  a         b     
  <chr>     <chr> 
1 aZe aze s 12 12 
2 wxc s aze 34e e4

What is the use of join() in Python threading?

A somewhat clumsy ascii-art to demonstrate the mechanism: The join() is presumably called by the main-thread. It could also be called by another thread, but would needlessly complicate the diagram.

join-calling should be placed in the track of the main-thread, but to express thread-relation and keep it as simple as possible, I choose to place it in the child-thread instead.

without join:
+---+---+------------------                     main-thread
    |   |
    |   +...........                            child-thread(short)
    +..................................         child-thread(long)

with join
+---+---+------------------***********+###      main-thread
    |   |                             |
    |   +...........join()            |         child-thread(short)
    +......................join()......         child-thread(long)

with join and daemon thread
+-+--+---+------------------***********+###     parent-thread
  |  |   |                             |
  |  |   +...........join()            |        child-thread(short)
  |  +......................join()......        child-thread(long)
  +,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,     child-thread(long + daemonized)

'-' main-thread/parent-thread/main-program execution
'.' child-thread execution
'#' optional parent-thread execution after join()-blocked parent-thread could 
'*' main-thread 'sleeping' in join-method, waiting for child-thread to finish
',' daemonized thread - 'ignores' lifetime of other threads;
    terminates when main-programs exits; is normally meant for 
    join-independent tasks

So the reason you don't see any changes is because your main-thread does nothing after your join. You could say join is (only) relevant for the execution-flow of the main-thread.

If, for example, you want to concurrently download a bunch of pages to concatenate them into a single large page, you may start concurrent downloads using threads, but need to wait until the last page/thread is finished before you start assembling a single page out of many. That's when you use join().

How do I launch the Android emulator from the command line?

open CMD

  1. Open Command Prompt
  2. type the path of emulator in my case

C:\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702\sdk\tools enter image description here

  1. write "emulator -avd emulatorname" in my case

emulator -avd AdilVD

enter image description here

How would you implement an LRU cache in Java?

Wanted to add comment to the answer given by Hank but some how I am not able to - please treat it as comment

LinkedHashMap maintains access order as well based on parameter passed in its constructor It keeps doubly lined list to maintain order (See LinkedHashMap.Entry)

@Pacerier it is correct that LinkedHashMap keeps same order while iteration if element is added again but that is only in case of insertion order mode.

this is what I found in java docs of LinkedHashMap.Entry object

     * This method is invoked by the superclass whenever the value
     * of a pre-existing entry is read by Map.get or modified by Map.set.
     * If the enclosing Map is access-ordered, it moves the entry
     * to the end of the list; otherwise, it does nothing.
    void recordAccess(HashMap<K,V> m) {
        LinkedHashMap<K,V> lm = (LinkedHashMap<K,V>)m;
        if (lm.accessOrder) {

this method takes care of moving recently accessed element to end of the list. So all in all LinkedHashMap is best data structure for implementing LRUCache.

How to Call VBA Function from Excel Cells?

A Function will not work, nor is it necessary:

Sub OpenWorkbook()
    Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range, o As Workbook
    Set r1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
    Set o = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="C:\TestFolder\ABC.xlsx")
    Set r2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2")
    [r1] = [r2]
End Sub

fatal: The current branch master has no upstream branch

Please try this scenario

git push -f --set-upstream origin master

How to list all files in a directory and its subdirectories in hadoop hdfs

Now, one can use Spark to do the same and its way faster than other approaches (such as Hadoop MR). Here is the code snippet.

def traverseDirectory(filePath:String,recursiveTraverse:Boolean,filePaths:ListBuffer[String]) {
    val files = FileSystem.get( sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration ).listStatus(new Path(filePath))
            files.foreach { fileStatus => {
                if(!fileStatus.isDirectory() && fileStatus.getPath().getName().endsWith(".xml")) {                
                else if(fileStatus.isDirectory()) {
                    traverseDirectory(fileStatus.getPath().toString(), recursiveTraverse, filePaths)

How do I include the string header?

Use this:

#include < string>

How to import jquery using ES6 syntax?

I did not see this exact syntax posted yet, and it worked for me in an ES6/Webpack environment:

import $ from "jquery";

Taken directly from jQuery's NPM page. Hope this helps someone.

When should I use a struct rather than a class in C#?

Following are the rules defined at Microsoft website:

?? CONSIDER defining a struct instead of a class if instances of the type are small and commonly short-lived or are commonly embedded in other objects.

? AVOID defining a struct unless the type has all of the following characteristics:

It logically represents a single value, similar to primitive types (int, double, etc.).

It has an instance size under 16 bytes.

It is immutable.

It will not have to be boxed frequently.

for further reading

How do I get a plist as a Dictionary in Swift?

This answer uses Swift native objects rather than NSDictionary.

Swift 3.0

//get the path of the plist file
guard let plistPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "level1", ofType: "plist") else { return }
//load the plist as data in memory
guard let plistData = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: plistPath) else { return }
//use the format of a property list (xml)
var format = PropertyListSerialization.PropertyListFormat.xml
//convert the plist data to a Swift Dictionary
guard let  plistDict = try! PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: plistData, options: .mutableContainersAndLeaves, format: &format) as? [String : AnyObject] else { return }
//access the values in the dictionary 
if let value = plistDict["aKey"] as? String {
  //do something with your value
//you can also use the coalesce operator to handle possible nil values
var myValue = plistDict["aKey"] ?? ""

Run php function on button click

You are trying to call a javascript function. If you want to call a PHP function, you have to use for example a form:

    <form action="action_page.php">
       First name:<br>
       <input type="text" name="firstname" value="Mickey">
       Last name:<br>
       <input type="text" name="lastname" value="Mouse">
       <input type="submit" value="Submit">

(Original Code from:

So if you want do do a asynchron call, you could use 'Ajax' - and yeah, that's the Javascript-Way. But I think, that my code example is enough for this time :)

PHP DOMDocument loadHTML not encoding UTF-8 correctly

The problem is that when you add a parameter to DOMDocument::saveHTML() function, you lose the encoding. In a few cases, you'll need to avoid the use of the parameter and use old string function to find what your are looking for.

I think the previous answer works for you, but since this workaround didn't work for me, I'm adding that answer to help people who may be in my case.

How can I find which tables reference a given table in Oracle SQL Developer?

You may be able to query this from the ALL_CONSTRAINTS view:

SELECT table_name
WHERE constraint_type = 'R' -- "Referential integrity"
  AND r_constraint_name IN
    ( SELECT constraint_name
      WHERE table_name = 'EMP'
        AND constraint_type IN ('U', 'P') -- "Unique" or "Primary key"

Properly escape a double quote in CSV

If a value contains a comma, a newline character or a double quote, then the string must be enclosed in double quotes. E.g: "Newline char in this field \n".

You can use below online tool to escape "" and , operators.

Inheriting constructors

If your compiler supports C++11 standard, there is a constructor inheritance using using (pun intended). For more see Wikipedia C++11 article. You write:

class A
        explicit A(int x) {}

class B: public A
     using A::A;

This is all or nothing - you cannot inherit only some constructors, if you write this, you inherit all of them. To inherit only selected ones you need to write the individual constructors manually and call the base constructor as needed from them.

Historically constructors could not be inherited in the C++03 standard. You needed to inherit them manually one by one by calling base implementation on your own.

What is the difference between Bower and npm?

My team moved away from Bower and migrated to npm because:

  • Programmatic usage was painful
  • Bower's interface kept changing
  • Some features, like the url shorthand, are entirely broken
  • Using both Bower and npm in the same project is painful
  • Keeping bower.json version field in sync with git tags is painful
  • Source control != package management
  • CommonJS support is not straightforward

For more details, see "Why my team uses npm instead of bower".

Bad Request, Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand

Make sure you url encode all of the query params in your url.

In my case there was a space ' ' in my url, and I was making an API call using curl, and my api server was giving this error.

Means the following url value with space

should be

Jump to function definition in vim


Modern way is to use COC for intellisense-like completion and one or more language servers (LS) for jump-to-definition (and way way more). For even more functionality (but it's not needed for jump-to-definition) you can install one or more debuggers and get a full blown IDE experience.


  1. install vim-plug to manage your VIM plug-ins
  2. add COC and (optionally) Vimspector at the top of ~/.vimrc:
    call plug#begin()
    Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}
    Plug 'puremourning/vimspector'
    call plug#end()
    " key mappings example
    nmap <silent> gd <Plug>(coc-definition)
    nmap <silent> gD <Plug>(coc-implementation)
    nmap <silent> gr <Plug>(coc-references)
    " there's way more, see `:help coc-key-mappings@en'
  3. call :source $MYVIMRC | PlugInstall to reload VIM config and download plug-ins
  4. restart vim and call :CocInstall coc-marketplace to get easy access to COC extensions
  5. call :CocList marketplace and search for language servers, e.g.:
  • type python to find coc-jedi,
  • type php to find coc-phpls, etc.
  1. (optionally) see --help for available debuggers, e.g.:
  • ./ --enable-python,
  • ./ --force-enable-php, etc.

You can jump to definition with gd, to interface implementation with gD, find all references with gr. More keybindings in :help coc-key-mappings@en.

Full answer:

Language server (LS) is a separate standalone application (one for each programming language) that runs in the background and analyses your whole project in real time exposing extra capabilities to your editor (any editor, not only vim). You get things like:

  • namespace aware tag completion
  • jump to definition
  • jump to next / previous error
  • find all references to an object
  • find all interface implementations
  • rename across a whole project
  • documentation on hover
  • snippets, code actions, formatting, linting and more...

Communication with language servers takes place via Language Server Protocol (LSP). Both nvim and vim8 (or higher) support LSP through plug-ins, the most popular being Conquer of Completion (COC).

List of actively developed language servers and their capabilities is available on Lang Server website. Not all of those are provided by COC extensions. If you want to use one of those you can either write a COC extension yourself or install LS manually and use the combo of following VIM plug-ins as alternative to COC:

Communication with debuggers takes place via Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP). The most popular DAP plug-in for VIM is Vimspector.

Language Server Protocol (LSP) was created by Microsoft for Visual Studio Code and released as an open source project with a permissive MIT license (standardized by collaboration with Red Hat and Codenvy). Later on Microsoft released Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP) as well. Any language supported by VSCode is supported in VIM.

I personally recommend using COC + language servers provided by COC extensions + ALE for extra linting (but with LSP support disabled to avoid conflicts with COC) + Vimspector + debuggers provided by Vimspector (called "gadgets") + following VIM plug-ins:

call plug#begin()
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim'
Plug 'dense-analysis/ale'
Plug 'puremourning/vimspector'
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'
Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot'
Plug 'yggdroot/indentline'
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
Plug 'kana/vim-textobj-user'
  \| Plug 'glts/vim-textobj-comment'
Plug 'janko/vim-test'
Plug 'vim-scripts/vcscommand.vim'
Plug 'mhinz/vim-signify'
call plug#end()

You can google each to see what they do.

Also, pipe character | separates VIM commands put in one line which makes it perfect to set up plug-in dependencies, i.e. vim-textobj-comment doesn't work without vim-textobj-user so if installation of vim-textobj-user fails the rest of the line isn't executed. Here pipe is escaped with backslash \ because it's in a new line but for VIM it's still a one-liner.

Bound method error

This problem happens as a result of calling a method without brackets. Take a look at the example below:

class SomeClass(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print 'I am starting'

    def some_meth(self):
        print 'I am a method()'

x = SomeClass()
''' Not adding the bracket after the method call would result in method bound error '''
print x.some_meth
''' However this is how it should be called and it does solve it '''

jQuery select box validation

Since you cannot set value="" within your first option, you'll need to create your own rule using the built-in addMethod() method.


$(document).ready(function () {

    $('#myform').validate({ // initialize the plugin
        rules: {
            year: {
                selectcheck: true

    jQuery.validator.addMethod('selectcheck', function (value) {
        return (value != '0');
    }, "year required");



<select name="year">
    <option value="0">Year</option>
    <option value="1">1955</option>
    <option value="2">1956</option>

Working Demo:

Original Answer: (Only if you can set value="" within the first option)

To properly validate a select element with the jQuery Validate plugin simply requires that the first option contains value="". So remove the 0 from value="0" and it's fixed.


$(document).ready(function () {

    $('#myform').validate({ // initialize the plugin
        rules: {
            year: {
                required: true,



<select name="year">
    <option value="">Year</option>
    <option value="1">1955</option>
    <option value="2">1956</option>


Regular expression for a string that does not start with a sequence

You could use a negative look-ahead assertion:


Or a negative look-behind assertion:


Or just plain old character sets and alternations:


Go / golang time.Now().UnixNano() convert to milliseconds?

Simple-read but precise solution would be:

func nowAsUnixMilliseconds(){
    return time.Now().Round(time.Millisecond).UnixNano() / 1e6

This function:

  1. Correctly rounds the value to the nearest millisecond (compare with integer division: it just discards decimal part of the resulting value);
  2. Does not dive into Go-specifics of time.Duration coercion — since it uses a numerical constant that represents absolute millisecond/nanosecond divider.

P.S. I've run benchmarks with constant and composite dividers, they showed almost no difference, so feel free to use more readable or more language-strict solution.

Executing Shell Scripts from the OS X Dock?

I think this thread may be helpful:

To paraphrase, you can rename it with the .command extension or create an AppleScript to run the shell.

Can I give a default value to parameters or optional parameters in C# functions?

Yes, but you'll need to be using .NET 3.5 and C# 4.0 to get this functionality.

This MSDN page has more information.

Is there any "font smoothing" in Google Chrome?

I had the same problem, and I found the solution in this post of Sam Goddard,

The solution if to defined the call to the font twice. First as it is recommended, to be used for all the browsers, and after a particular call only for Chrome with a special media query:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'chunk-webfont';
  src: url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.eot');
  src: url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('eot'),
  url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
  url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
  url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.svg') format('svg');
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
  @font-face {
    font-family: 'chunk-webfont';
    src: url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.svg') format('svg');

enter image description here

With this method the font will render good in all browsers. The only negative point that I found is that the font file is also downloaded twice.

You can find an spanish version of this article in my page

How to assign pointer address manually in C programming language?

Your code would be like this:

int *p = (int *)0x28ff44;

int needs to be the type of the object that you are referencing or it can be void.

But be careful so that you don't try to access something that doesn't belong to your program.

SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch

Im my case the problem was that I cretead sertificates without entering any data in cli interface. When I regenerated cretificates and enetered all fields: City, State, etc all became fine.

 sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/nginx-selfsigned.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/nginx-selfsigned.crt

Java Pass Method as Parameter

Edit: as of Java 8, lambda expressions are a nice solution as other answers have pointed out. The answer below was written for Java 7 and earlier...

Take a look at the command pattern.

// NOTE: code not tested, but I believe this is valid java...
public class CommandExample 
    public interface Command 
        public void execute(Object data);

    public class PrintCommand implements Command 
        public void execute(Object data) 

    public static void callCommand(Command command, Object data) 

    public static void main(String... args) 
        callCommand(new PrintCommand(), "hello world");

Edit: as Pete Kirkham points out, there's another way of doing this using a Visitor. The visitor approach is a little more involved - your nodes all need to be visitor-aware with an acceptVisitor() method - but if you need to traverse a more complex object graph then it's worth examining.

How to find elements with 'value=x'?

Use the following selector.

$('#attached_docs [value=123]').remove();

How do I open phone settings when a button is clicked?

App-Prefs:root=Privacy&path=LOCATION worked for me for getting to general location settings. Note: only works on a device.

mySQL Error 1040: Too Many Connection

I was getting this error even though I had all my Connections wrapped in using statements. The thing I was overlooking is how long those connections were staying open.

I was doing something like this:

using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString))
    foreach(var m in conn.Query<model>(sql))
        // do something that takes a while, accesses disk or even open up other connections

Remember that connection will not close until everything in the loop is done and if the loop creates more connections, they can really start adding up.

This is better:

List<model> models = null;
using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString))

    models = conn.Query<model>(sql).ToList(); // to list is needed here since once the connection is closed you can't step through an IEnumerable   

foreach(var m in models)
    // do something that takes a while, accesses disk or even open up other connections

That way your connection is allowed to close and is released back to the thread pool before you go to do other things

How to change resolution (DPI) of an image?

It's simply a matter of scaling the image width and height up by the correct ratio. Not all images formats support a DPI metatag, and when they do, all they're telling your graphics software to do is divide the image by the ratio supplied.

For example, if you export a 300dpi image from Photoshop to a JPEG, the image will appear to be very large when viewed in your picture viewing software. This is because the DPI information isn't supported in JPEG and is discarded when saved. This means your picture viewer doesn't know what ratio to divide the image by and instead displays the image at at 1:1 ratio.

To get the ratio you need to scale the image by, see the code below. Just remember, this will stretch the image, just like it would in Photoshop. You're essentially quadrupling the size of the image so it's going to stretch and may produce artifacts.

Pseudo code

ratio = 300.0 / 72.0   // 4.167
image.width * ratio
image.height * ratio

Select count(*) from result query

You can wrap your query in another SELECT:

select count(*)
  select count(SID) tot  -- add alias
  from Test 
  where Date = '2012-12-10' 
  group by SID
) src;  -- add alias

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

In order for it to work, the count(SID) need a column alias and you have to provide an alias to the subquery itself.

JavaScript Form Submit - Confirm or Cancel Submission Dialog Box

The issue pointed in the comment is valid, so here is a different revision that's immune to that:

function show_alert() {
  if(!confirm("Do you really want to do this?")) {
    return false;

Differences between hard real-time, soft real-time, and firm real-time?

To define "soft real-time," it is easiest to compare it with "hard real-time." Below we will see that the term "firm real-time" constitutes a misunderstanding about "soft real-time."

Speaking casually, most people implicitly have an informal mental model that considers information or an event as being "real-time"

• if, or to the extent that, it is manifest to them with a delay (latency) that can be related to its perceived currency

• i.e., in a time frame that the information or event has acceptably satisfactory value to them.

There are numerous different ad hoc definitions of "hard real-time," but in that mental model, hard real-time is represented by the "if" term. Specifically, assuming that real-time actions (such as tasks) have completion deadlines, acceptably satisfactory value of the event that all tasks complete is limited to the special case that all tasks meet their deadlines.

Hard real-time systems make the very strong assumptions that everything about the application and system and environment is static and known a' priori—e.g., which tasks, that they are periodic, their arrival times, their periods, their deadlines, that they won’t have resource conflicts, and overall the time evolution of the system. In an aircraft flight control system or automotive braking system and many other cases those assumptions can usually be satisfied so that all the deadlines will be met.

This mental model is deliberately and very usefully general enough to encompass both hard and soft real-time--soft is accommodated by the "to the extent that" phrase. For example, suppose that the task completions event has suboptimal but acceptable value if

  • no more than 10% of the tasks miss their deadlines
  • or no task is more than 20% tardy
  • or the average tardiness of all tasks is no more than 15%
  • or the maximum tardiness among all tasks is less than 10%

These are all common examples of soft real-time cases in a great many applications.

Consider the single-task application of picking your child up after school. That probably does not have an actual deadline, instead there is some value to you and your child based on when that event takes place. Too early wastes resources (such as your time) and too late has some negative value because your child might be left alone and potentially in harm's way (or at least inconvenienced).

Unlike the static hard real-time special case, soft real-time makes only the minimum necessary application-specific assumptions about the tasks and system, and uncertainties are expected. To pick up your child, you have to drive to the school, and the time to do that is dynamic depending on weather, traffic conditions, etc. You might be tempted to over-provision your system (i.e., allow what you hope is the worst case driving time) but again this is wasting resources (your time, and occupying the family vehicle, possibly denying use by other family members).

That example may not seem to be costly in terms of wasted resources, but consider other examples. All military combat systems are soft real-time. For example, consider performing an aircraft attack on a hostile ground vehicle using a missile guided with updates to it as the target maneuvers. The maximum satisfaction for completing the course update tasks is achieved by a direct destructive strike on the target. But an attempt to over-provision resources to make certain of this outcome is usually far too expensive and may even be impossible. In this case, you may be less but sufficiently satisfied if the missile strikes close enough to the target to disable it.

Obviously combat scenarios have a great many possible dynamic uncertainties that must be accommodated by the resource management. Soft real-time systems are also very common in many civilian systems, such as industrial automation, although obviously military ones are the most dangerous and urgent ones to achieve acceptably satisfactory value in.

The keystone of real-time systems is "predictability." The hard real-time case is interested in only one special case of predictability--i.e., that the tasks will all meet their deadlines and the maximum possible value will be achieved by that event. That special case is named "deterministic."

There is a spectrum of predictability. Deterministic (determinism) is one end-point (maximum predictability) on the predictability spectrum; the other end-point is minimum predictability (maximum non-determinism). The spectrum's metric and end-points have to be interpreted in terms of a chosen predictability model; everything between those two end-points is degrees of unpredictability (= degrees of non-determinism).

Most real-time systems (namely, soft ones) have non-deterministic predictability, for example, of the tasks' completions times and hence the values gained from those events.

In general (in theory), predictability, and hence acceptably satisfactory value, can be made as close to the deterministic end-point as necessary--but at a price which may be physically impossible or excessively expensive (as in combat or perhaps even in picking up your child from school).

Soft real-time requires an application-specific choice of a probability model (not the common frequentist model) and hence predictability model for reasoning about event latencies and resulting values.

Referring back to the above list of events that provide acceptable value, now we can add non-deterministic cases, such as

  • the probability that no task will miss its deadline by more than 5% is greater than 0.87. (Note the number of scheduling criteria expressed in there.)

In a missile defense application, given the fact that in combat the offense always has the advantage over the defense, which of these two real-time computing scenarios would you prefer:

  • because the perfect destruction of all the hostile missiles is very unlikely or impossible, assign your defensive resources to maximize the probability that as many of the most threatening (e.g., based on their targets) hostile missiles will be successfully intercepted (close interception counts because it can move the hostile missile off-course);

  • complain that this is not a real-time computing problem because it is dynamic instead of static, and traditional real-time concepts and techniques do not apply, and it sounds more difficult than static hard real-time, so you are not interested in it.

Despite the various misunderstandings about soft real-time in the real-time computing community, soft real-time is very general and powerful, albeit potentially complex compared with hard real-time. Soft real-time systems as summarized here have a lengthy successful history of use outside the real-time computing community.

To directly answer the OP question:

A hard real-time system can provide deterministic guarantees—most commonly that all tasks will meet their deadlines, interrupt or system call response time will always be less than x, etc.—IF AND ONLY IF very strong assumptions are made and are correct that everything that matters is static and known a' priori (in general, such guarantees for hard real-time systems are an open research problem except for rather simple cases)

A soft real-time system does not make deterministic guarantees, it is intended to provide the best possible analytically specified and accomplished probabilistic timeliness and predictability of timeliness that are feasible under the current dynamic circumstances, according to application-specific criteria.

Obviously hard real-time is a simple special case of soft real-time. Obviously soft real-time's analytical non-deterministic assurances can be very complex to provide, but are mandatory in the most common real-time cases (including the most dangerous safety-critical ones such as combat) since most real-time cases are dynamic not static.

"Firm real-time" is an ill-defined special case of "soft real-time." There is no need for this term if the term "soft real-time" is understood and used properly.

I have a more detailed much more precise discussion of real-time, hard real-time, soft real-time, predictability, determinism, and related topics on my web site

Clear back stack using fragments

I just wanted to add :--

Popping out from backstack using following


is just about removing the fragments from the transaction, no way it is going to remove the fragment from the screen. So ideally, it may not be visible to you but there may be two or three fragments stacked over each other, and on back key press the UI may look cluttered,stacked.

Just taking a simple example:-

Suppose you have a fragmentA which loads Fragmnet B using fragmentmanager.replace() and then we do addToBackStack, to save this transaction. So the flow is :--

STEP 1 -> FragmentA->FragmentB (we moved to FragmentB, but Fragment A is in background, not visible).

Now You do some work in fragmentB and press the Save button—which after saving should go back to fragmentA.

STEP 2-> On save of FragmentB, we go back to FragmentA.

STEP 3 ->So common mistake would be... in Fragment B,we will do fragment Manager.replace() fragmentB with fragmentA.

But what actually is happenening, we are loading Fragment A again, replacing FragmentB . So now there are two FragmentA (one from STEP-1, and one from this STEP-3).

Two instances of FragmentsA are stacked over each other, which may not be visible , but it is there.

So even if we do clear the backstack by above methods, the transaction is cleared but not the actual fragments. So ideally in such a particular case, on press of save button you simply need to go back to fragmentA by simply doing fm.popBackStack() or fm.popBackImmediate().

So correct Step3-> fm.popBackStack() go back to fragmentA, which is already in memory.

Iterator Loop vs index loop

It always depends on what you need.

You should use operator[] when you need direct access to elements in the vector (when you need to index a specific element in the vector). There is nothing wrong in using it over iterators. However, you must decide for yourself which (operator[] or iterators) suits best your needs.

Using iterators would enable you to switch to other container types without much change in your code. In other words, using iterators would make your code more generic, and does not depend on a particular type of container.

Given a filesystem path, is there a shorter way to extract the filename without its extension?

Try this:

string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(@"C:\Program Files\hello.txt");

This will return "hello" for fileName.

Is it possible to reference one CSS rule within another?

You can't unless you're using some kind of extended CSS such as SASS. However it is very reasonable to apply those two extra classes to .someDiv.

If .someDiv is unique I would also choose to give it an id and referencing it in css using the id.

Going from MM/DD/YYYY to DD-MMM-YYYY in java

Try this,

Date currDate = new Date();
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
String strCurrDate = dateFormat.format(currDate);

How can I use jQuery to make an input readonly?

In html

$('#raisepay_id').attr("readonly", true) 


in bootstrap

$('#raisepay_id').attr("disabled", true) 


JQuery is a changing library and sometimes they make regular improvements. .attr() is used to get attributes from the HTML tags, and while it is perfectly functional .prop() was added later to be more semantic and it works better with value-less attributes like 'checked' and 'selected'.

It is advised that if you are using a later version of JQuery you should use .prop() whenever possible.

ValidateAntiForgeryToken purpose, explanation and example

MVC's anti-forgery support writes a unique value to an HTTP-only cookie and then the same value is written to the form. When the page is submitted, an error is raised if the cookie value doesn't match the form value.

It's important to note that the feature prevents cross site request forgeries. That is, a form from another site that posts to your site in an attempt to submit hidden content using an authenticated user's credentials. The attack involves tricking the logged in user into submitting a form, or by simply programmatically triggering a form when the page loads.

The feature doesn't prevent any other type of data forgery or tampering based attacks.

To use it, decorate the action method or controller with the ValidateAntiForgeryToken attribute and place a call to @Html.AntiForgeryToken() in the forms posting to the method.

Using FolderBrowserDialog in WPF application

You need to add a reference to System.Windows.Forms.dll, then use the System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog class.

Adding using WinForms = System.Windows.Forms; will be helpful.

What properties can I use with returns the DOM element, so you can retrieve any property/ attribute that has a value; so, to answer your question more specifically, you will always be able to retrieve nodeName, and you can retrieve href and id, provided the element has a href and id defined; otherwise undefined will be returned.

However, inside an event handler, you can use this, which is set to the DOM element as well; much easier.

$('foo').bind('click', function () {
    // inside here, `this` will refer to the foo that was clicked

Difference between jQuery .hide() and .css("display", "none")

Yes there is a difference.

jQuery('#id').css("display","block") will always set the element you want to show as block.

jQuery('#id').show() will et is to what display type it initially was, display: inline for example.

See Jquery Doc

Set Colorbar Range in matplotlib

Using figure environment and .set_clim()

Could be easier and safer this alternative if you have multiple plots:

import matplotlib as m
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

cdict = {
  'red'  :  ( (0.0, 0.25, .25), (0.02, .59, .59), (1., 1., 1.)),
  'green':  ( (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.02, .45, .45), (1., .97, .97)),
  'blue' :  ( (0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (0.02, .75, .75), (1., 0.45, 0.45))

cm = m.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', cdict, 1024)

x = np.arange(0, 10, .1)
y = np.arange(0, 10, .1)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)

data = 2*( np.sin(X) + np.sin(3*Y) )
data1 = np.clip(data,0,6)
data2 = np.clip(data,-6,0)
vmin = np.min(np.array([data,data1,data2]))
vmax = np.max(np.array([data,data1,data2]))

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(131)
mesh = ax.pcolormesh(data, cmap = cm)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(132)
mesh1 = ax1.pcolormesh(data1, cmap = cm)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(133)
mesh2 = ax2.pcolormesh(data2, cmap = cm)
# Visualizing colorbar part -start
# Visualizing colorbar part -end

enter image description here

A single colorbar

The best alternative is then to use a single color bar for the entire plot. There are different ways to do that, this tutorial is very useful for understanding the best option. I prefer this solution that you can simply copy and paste instead of the previous visualizing colorbar part of the code.

fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, top=0.9, left=0.1, right=0.8,
                    wspace=0.4, hspace=0.1)
cb_ax = fig.add_axes([0.83, 0.1, 0.02, 0.8])
cbar = fig.colorbar(mesh, cax=cb_ax)

enter image description here


I would suggest using pcolormesh instead of pcolor because it is faster (more infos here ).

How to get ASCII value of string in C#

Or in LINQ:

string value = "9quali52ty3";
var ascii_values = value.Select(x => (int)x);
var as_hex = value.Select(x => ((int)x).ToString("X02"));

CKEditor, Image Upload (filebrowserUploadUrl)

That URL will points to your own server-side file upload action. The documentation doesn't go into much detail, but fortunately Don Jones fills in some of the blanks here:

How can you integrate a custom file browser/uploader with CKEditor?

See also:

How to change letter spacing in a Textview?

More space:


Less space:


Convert int to a bit array in .NET

I would achieve it in a one-liner as shown below:

using System;
using System.Collections;

namespace stackoverflowQuestions
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //get bit Array for number 20
            var myBitArray = new BitArray(BitConverter.GetBytes(20));

Please note that every element of a BitArray is stored as bool as shown in below snapshot:

enter image description here

So below code works:

if (myBitArray[0] == false)
    //this code block will execute

but below code doesn't compile at all:

if (myBitArray[0] == 0)
    //some code

Easiest way to open a download window without navigating away from the page

I know the question was asked 7 years and 9 months ago but many posted solutions doesn't seem to work, for example using an <iframe> works only with FireFox and doesn't work with Chrome.

Best solution:

The best working solution to open a file download pop-up in JavaScript is to use a HTML link element, with no need to append the link element to the document.body as stated in other answers.

You can use the following function:

function downloadFile(filePath){
    var link=document.createElement('a');
    link.href = filePath; = filePath.substr(filePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);;

In my application, I am using it this way:


Working Demo:

function downloadFile(filePath) {_x000D_
  var link = document.createElement('a');_x000D_
  link.href = filePath;_x000D_ = filePath.substr(filePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);_x000D_;_x000D_


  • You have to use the attribute so the browser doesn't open the file in a new tab and fires the download pop-up.
  • This was tested with several file types (docx, xlsx, png, pdf, ...).