[github] Install specific branch from github using Npm

I would like to install bootstrap-loader from github in my project using npm

Currently they are maintaining two version of this project which are comaptible with webpack version 1 and 2.

I would like to install version 1. What npm command I should use to install this?

I tried using below one but it is not working.

npm install git://github.com/shakacode/bootstrap-loader.git[#v1] --Save 

This question is related to github npm-install

The answer is

you can give git pattern as version, yarn and npm are clever enough to resolve from a git repo.

yarn add any-package@user-name/repo-name#branch-name

or for npm

npm install --save any-package@user-name/repo-name#branch-name

Tried suggested answers, but got it working only with this prefix approach:

npm i github:user/repo.git#version --save -D

The Doc of the npm defines that only tag/version can be specified after repo_url.

Here is the Doc: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/install

I'm using SSH to authenticate my GitHub account and have a couple dependencies in my project installed as follows:

"dependencies": {
  "<dependency name>": "git+ssh://[email protected]/<github username>/<repository name>.git#<release version | branch>"

Another approach would be to add the following line to package.json dependencies:

"package-name": "user/repo#branch"

For example:

"dependencies": {
    ... other dependencies ...

    "react-native": "facebook/react-native#master"

And then do npm install or yarn install

Just do:

npm install username/repo#branchName --save

e.g. (my username is betimer)

npm i betimer/rtc-attach#master --save

// this will appear in your package.json:
"rtc-attach": "github:betimer/rtc-attach#master"

One thing I also want to mention: it's not a good idea to check in the package.json for the build server auto pull the change. Instead, put the npm i (first command) into the build command, and let server just install and replace the package.

One more note, if the package.json private is set to true, may impact sometimes.

Had to put the url in quotes for it work

npm install "https://github.com/shakacode/bootstrap-loader.git#v1" --save