[node.js] NPM Install Error:Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...nt-webpack-plugin":"0'

This bug may be caused by many different things.Maybe your global packages are corrupted in some way, I suggest doing the following.

1 Install Node Version Manager (or NVM for Windows) and install Node version 10.16.1. This is enough for angular 9 and from my experience, it is the most stable version for development. This should also change your NPM version so that may also help.

2 Uninstall global angular package npm uninstall -g @angular/cli

3 Force clear cache npm cache clean --force

4 You can also try clearing your %temp% and %roaming% AppData/npm-cache

5 install latest angular package npm install -g @angular/cli@<your-version>

6 if this error still occurs, consider using another shell.

Source- https://www.codegrepper.com/code-examples/javascript/npm+ERR%21+Unexpected+end+of+JSON+input+while+parsing+near+%27...babel-plugin-istanbul%27+npm+ERR%21+A+complete+log+of+this+run+can+be+found+in%3A+npm+ERR%21+C%3A%5CUsers%5Csapho%5CAppData%5CRoaming%5Cnpm-cache%5C_logs%5C2020-08-26T20_37_45_303Z-debug.log+Aborting+installation.

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Examples related to npm

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