extension has been deprecated in 2013 and removed completely from PHP in 2018. You have two alternatives PDO or MySQLi.
The simpler option is PDO which has a neat helper function fetchColumn()
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM Users WHERE username=?");
$stmt->execute([ $_GET["username"] ]);
$value = $stmt->fetchColumn();
You can do the same with MySQLi, but it is more complicated:
$stmt = $mysqliConn->prepare('SELECT id FROM Users WHERE username=?');
$stmt->bind_param("s", $_GET["username"]);
$data = $stmt->get_result()->fetch_assoc();
$value = $data ? $data['id'] : null;
could return NULL if there are no rows returned from the DB, which is why I check with ternary if there was any data returned.