I created a new AutomapperProfile class. It extends Profile. We have over 100 projects in our solution. Many projects have an AutomapperProfile class, but this one was new to this existing project. However, I did find what I had to do to fix this issue for us. There is a Binding project. Within the Initialization there is this code:
var mappingConfig = new List<Action<IConfiguration>>();
// Initialize the Automapper Configuration for all Known Assemblies
mappingConfig.AddRange( new List<Action<IConfiguration>>
I had to add ConfigureProfilesInAssemblyOfType<MyNewNamespace.AutomapperProfile>
Note that ConfigureProfilesInAssemblyOfType looks like this:
private static void ConfigureProfilesInAssemblyOfType<T>( IConfiguration configuration )
var log = LogProvider.Get( typeof (AutomapperConfiguration) );
// The Automapper Profile Type
var automapperProfileType = typeof (Profile);
// The Assembly containing the type
var assembly = typeof (T).Assembly;
log.Debug( "Scanning " + assembly.FullName );
// Configure any Profile classes found in the assembly containing the type.
.Where( automapperProfileType.IsAssignableFrom ).ToList()
.ForEach( x =>
log.Debug( "Adding Profile '" + x.FullName + "'" );
configuration.AddProfile( Activator.CreateInstance( x ) as Profile );
} );
Best regards, -Jeff