Programs & Examples On #Relative addressing

Cookies on localhost with explicit domain

I was playing around a bit.

Set-Cookie: _xsrf=2|f1313120|17df429d33515874d3e571d1c5ee2677|1485812120; Domain=localhost; Path=/

works in Firefox and Chrome as of today. However, I did not find a way to make it work with curl. I tried Host-Header and --resolve, no luck, any help appreciated.

However, it works in curl, if I set it to

Set-Cookie: _xsrf=2|f1313120|17df429d33515874d3e571d1c5ee2677|1485812120; Domain=; Path=/

instead. (Which does not work with Firefox.)

Oracle "SQL Error: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1"

I got the same error and found the cause to be a wrong or missing foreign key. (Using JDBC)

C# Iterating through an enum? (Indexing a System.Array)

What about using a foreach loop, maybe you could work with that?

  int i = 0;
  foreach (var o in values)
    print(names[i], o);

something like that perhaps?

Effective way to find any file's Encoding

I'd try the following steps:

1) Check if there is a Byte Order Mark

2) Check if the file is valid UTF8

3) Use the local "ANSI" codepage (ANSI as Microsoft defines it)

Step 2 works because most non ASCII sequences in codepages other that UTF8 are not valid UTF8.

how to compare two string dates in javascript?

If your date is not in format standar yyyy-mm-dd (2017-02-06) for example 20/06/2016. You can use this code

var parts ='01/07/2016'.val().split('/');
var d1 = Number(parts[2] + parts[1] + parts[0]);
parts ='20/06/2016'.val().split('/');
var d2 = Number(parts[2] + parts[1] + parts[0]);
return d1 > d2

'do...while' vs. 'while'

do-while is better if the compiler isn't competent at optimization. do-while has only a single conditional jump, as opposed to for and while which have a conditional jump and an unconditional jump. For CPUs which are pipelined and don't do branch prediction, this can make a big difference in the performance of a tight loop.

Also, since most compilers are smart enough to perform this optimization, all loops found in decompiled code will usually be do-while (if the decompiler even bothers to reconstruct loops from backward local gotos at all).

NoClassDefFoundError in Java: com/google/common/base/Function

After you extract your "" file you need to configure your build path from your IDE. Import all the jar files under "lib" folder and both selenium standalone server & Selenium java version jar files.

Maven plugins can not be found in IntelliJ

Tried invalidating cache, reimporting the project, removing .m2 folder partially and as a whole, and switching to the Idea bundled Maven. Nothing worked, and I've finally broken Maven completely: when it would build the project in the console, now it stopped. Had to reinstall Maven, and it helped!

Is it better to use path() or url() in for django 2.0?

From v2.0 many users are using path, but we can use either path or url. For example in django 2.1.1 mapping to functions through url can be done as follows

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path

from django.contrib.auth import login
from posts.views import post_home
from django.conf.urls import url

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^posts/$', post_home, name='post_home'),


where posts is an application & post_home is a function in

Retrieve only the queried element in an object array in MongoDB collection

Use aggregation function and $project to get specific object field in document

db.getCollection('geolocations').aggregate([ { $project : { geolocation : 1} } ])


    "_id" : ObjectId("5e3ee15968879c0d5942464b"),
    "geolocation" : [ 
            "_id" : ObjectId("5e3ee3ee68879c0d5942465e"),
            "latitude" : 12.9718313,
            "longitude" : 77.593551,
            "country" : "India",
            "city" : "Chennai",
            "zipcode" : "560001",
            "streetName" : "Sidney Road",
            "countryCode" : "in",
            "ip" : "",
            "date" : ISODate("2020-02-08T16:38:06.584Z")

Python memory leaks

To detect and locate memory leaks for long running processes, e.g. in production environments, you can now use stackimpact. It uses tracemalloc underneath. More info in this post.

enter image description here

Batch file include external file for variables

:: savevars.bat
:: Use $ to prefix any important variable to save it for future runs.


REM Load variables
IF EXIST config.txt FOR /F "delims=" %%A IN (config.txt) DO SET "%%A"

REM Change variables
    SET $RunCount=1
) ELSE SET /A $RunCount+=1

REM Display variables

REM Save variables
SET $>config.txt






The technique outlined above can also be used to share variables among multiple batch files.


Python No JSON object could be decoded

It seems that you have invalid JSON. In that case, that's totally dependent on the data the server sends you which you have not shown. I would suggest running the response through a JSON validator.

How to change maven java home

The best way to force a specific JVM for MAVEN is to create a system wide file loaded by the mvn script.

This file is /etc/mavenrc and it must declare a JAVA_HOME environment variable pointing to your specific JVM.


export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64

If the file exists, it's loaded.

Here is an extract of the mvn script in order to understand :

  if [ -f /etc/mavenrc ] ; then
    . /etc/mavenrc

  if [ -f "$HOME/.mavenrc" ] ; then
    . "$HOME/.mavenrc"

Alternately, the same content can be written in ~/.mavenrc

How to undo a git merge with conflicts

Actually, it is worth noticing that git merge --abort is only equivalent to git reset --merge given that MERGE_HEAD is present. This can be read in the git help for merge command.

git merge --abort # is equivalent to git reset --merge when MERGE_HEAD is present.

After a failed merge, when there is no MERGE_HEAD, the failed merge can be undone with git reset --merge but not necessarily with git merge --abort, so they are not only old and new syntax for the same thing.

Personally I find git reset --merge much more useful in everyday work.

How to share data between different threads In C# using AOP?

You can't beat the simplicity of a locked message queue. I say don't waste your time with anything more complex.

Read up on the lock statement.



Here is an example of the Microsoft Queue object wrapped so all actions against it are thread safe.

public class Queue<T>
    /// <summary>Used as a lock target to ensure thread safety.</summary>
    private readonly Locker _Locker = new Locker();

    private readonly System.Collections.Generic.Queue<T> _Queue = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue<T>();

    /// <summary></summary>
    public void Enqueue(T item)
        lock (_Locker)

    /// <summary>Enqueues a collection of items into this queue.</summary>
    public virtual void EnqueueRange(IEnumerable<T> items)
        lock (_Locker)
            if (items == null)

            foreach (T item in items)

    /// <summary></summary>
    public T Dequeue()
        lock (_Locker)
            return _Queue.Dequeue();

    /// <summary></summary>
    public void Clear()
        lock (_Locker)

    /// <summary></summary>
    public Int32 Count
            lock (_Locker)
                return _Queue.Count;

    /// <summary></summary>
    public Boolean TryDequeue(out T item)
        lock (_Locker)
            if (_Queue.Count > 0)
                item = _Queue.Dequeue();
                return true;
                item = default(T);
                return false;


I hope this example helps. Remember this is bare bones. Using these basic ideas you can safely harness the power of threads.

public class WorkState
    private readonly Object _Lock = new Object();
    private Int32 _State;

    public Int32 GetState()
        lock (_Lock)
            return _State;

    public void UpdateState()
        lock (_Lock)

public class Worker
    private readonly WorkState _State;
    private readonly Thread _Thread;
    private volatile Boolean _KeepWorking;

    public Worker(WorkState state)
        _State = state;
        _Thread = new Thread(DoWork);
        _KeepWorking = true;                

    public void DoWork()
        while (_KeepWorking)

    public void StartWorking()

    public void StopWorking()
        _KeepWorking = false;

private void Execute()
    WorkState state = new WorkState();
    Worker worker = new Worker(state);


    while (true)
        if (state.GetState() > 100)

iOS: Modal ViewController with transparent background

Swift 4.2

guard let someVC = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "someVC") as? someVC else {
someVC.modalPresentationStyle = .overCurrentContext

present(someVC, animated: true, completion: nil)

Longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length?

Yes, this is something that you should worry about. Check the length of your objects with nrow(). R can auto-replicate objects so that they're the same length if they differ, which means you might be performing operations on mismatched data.

In this case you have an obvious flaw in that your subtracting aggregated data from raw data. These will definitely be of different lengths. I suggest that you merge them as time series (using the dates), then locf(), then do your subtraction. Otherwise merge them by truncating the original dates to the same interval as the aggregated series. Just be very careful that you don't drop observations.

Lastly, as some general advice as you get started: look at the result of your computations to see if they make sense. You might even pull them into a spreadsheet and replicate the results.

.NET console application as Windows service

I've had great success with TopShelf.

TopShelf is a Nuget package designed to make it easy to create .NET Windows apps that can run as console apps or as Windows Services. You can quickly hook up events such as your service Start and Stop events, configure using code e.g. to set the account it runs as, configure dependencies on other services, and configure how it recovers from errors.

From the Package Manager Console (Nuget):

Install-Package Topshelf

Refer to the code samples to get started.


HostFactory.Run(x =>                                 
    x.Service<TownCrier>(s =>                        
       s.ConstructUsing(name=> new TownCrier());     
       s.WhenStarted(tc => tc.Start());              
       s.WhenStopped(tc => tc.Stop());               

    x.SetDescription("Sample Topshelf Host");        

TopShelf also takes care of service installation, which can save a lot of time and removes boilerplate code from your solution. To install your .exe as a service you just execute the following from the command prompt:

myservice.exe install -servicename "MyService" -displayname "My Service" -description "This is my service."

You don't need to hook up a ServiceInstaller and all that - TopShelf does it all for you.

How to get Rails.logger printing to the console/stdout when running rspec?

For Rails 4.x the log level is configured a bit different than in Rails 3.x

Add this to config/environment/test.rb

# Enable stdout logger
config.logger =

# Set log level
config.log_level = :ERROR

The logger level is set on the logger instance from config.log_level at:

Environment variable

As a bonus, you can allow overwriting the log level using an environment variable with a default value like so:

# default :ERROR
config.log_level = ENV.fetch("LOG_LEVEL", "ERROR")

And then running tests from shell:

# Log level :INFO (the value is uppercased in bootstrap.rb)
$ LOG_LEVEL=info rake test

# Log level :ERROR
$ rake test

Finding the mode of a list

Why not just

def print_mode (thelist):
  counts = {}
  for item in thelist:
    counts [item] = counts.get (item, 0) + 1
  maxcount = 0
  maxitem = None
  for k, v in counts.items ():
    if v > maxcount:
      maxitem = k
      maxcount = v
  if maxcount == 1:
    print "All values only appear once"
  elif counts.values().count (maxcount) > 1:
    print "List has multiple modes"
    print "Mode of list:", maxitem

This doesn't have a few error checks that it should have, but it will find the mode without importing any functions and will print a message if all values appear only once. It will also detect multiple items sharing the same maximum count, although it wasn't clear if you wanted that.

Replace all occurrences of a String using StringBuilder?

Look at JavaDoc of replaceAll method of String class:

Replaces each substring of this string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement. An invocation of this method of the form str.replaceAll(regex, repl) yields exactly the same result as the expression


As you can see you can use Pattern and Matcher to do that.

MYSQL order by both Ascending and Descending sorting

I don't understand what the meaning of ordering with the same column ASC and DESC in the same ORDER BY, but this how you can do it: naam DESC, naam ASC like so:

ORDER BY `product_category_id` DESC,`naam` DESC, `naam` ASC

Update cordova plugins in one command

This is my Windows Batch version for update all plugins in one command

How to use:

From command line, in the same folder of project, run

c:\> batchNameFile


c:\> batchNameFile autoupdate

Where "batchNameFile" is the name of .BAT file, with the script below.

For only test ( first exmple ) or to force every update avaiable ( 2nd example )

@echo off


set pluginListFile=update.plugin.list

if exist %pluginListFile% del %pluginListFile%

Echo "Reading installed Plugins"
Call cordova plugins > %pluginListFile%

for /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%a in ( %pluginListFile% ) do (
   Echo "Checking online version for %%a"

   for /F "delims=" %%I in ( 'npm info %%a version' ) do (
     Echo "Local : %%b"
     Echo "Online: %%I"
     if %%b LSS %%I Call :toUpdate %%a %~1

if exist %pluginListFile% del %pluginListFile%

Exit /B

Echo "Need Update !"
if '%~2' == 'autoupdate' Call :DoUpdate %~1
goto cont

Echo "Removing Plugin"
Call cordova plugin rm %~1
Echo "Adding Plugin"
Call cordova plugin add %~1
goto cont

This batch was only tested in Windows 10

Printf long long int in C with GCC?

If you are on windows and using mingw, gcc uses the win32 runtime, where printf needs %I64d for a 64 bit integer. (and %I64u for an unsinged 64 bit integer)

For most other platforms you'd use %lld for printing a long long. (and %llu if it's unsigned). This is standarized in C99.

gcc doesn't come with a full C runtime, it defers to the platform it's running on - so the general case is that you need to consult the documentation for your particular platform - independent of gcc.

Angular 4 - Select default value in dropdown [Reactive Forms]

You have to create a new property (ex:selectedCountry) and should use it in [(ngModel)] and further in component file assign default value to it.

In your_component_file.ts

this.selectedCountry = default;

In your_component_template.html

<select id="country" formControlName="country" [(ngModel)]="selectedCountry">
 <option *ngFor="let c of countries" [value]="c" >{{ c }}</option>

Plunker link

Echo off but messages are displayed

As Mike Nakis said, echo off only prevents the printing of commands, not results. To hide the result of a command add >nul to the end of the line, and to hide errors add 2>nul. For example:

Del /Q *.tmp >nul 2>nul

Like Krister Andersson said, the reason you get an error is your variable is expanding with spaces:

set INSTALL_PATH=C:\My App\Installer
if exist %INSTALL_PATH% (


if exist C:\My App\Installer (

Which means:

If "C:\My" exists, run "App\Installer" with "(" as the command line argument.

You see the error because you have no folder named "App". Put quotes around the path to prevent this splitting.

Change default text in input type="file"?

You can use this approach, it works even if a lot of files inputs.

const fileBlocks = document.querySelectorAll('.file-block')_x000D_
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.btn-select-file')_x000D_
;[...buttons].forEach(function (btn) {_x000D_
  btn.onclick = function () {_x000D_
;[...fileBlocks].forEach(function (block) {_x000D_
  block.querySelector('input[type="file"]').onchange = function () {_x000D_
    const filename = this.files[0].name_x000D_
    block.querySelector('.btn-select-file').textContent = 'File selected: ' + filename_x000D_
.btn-select-file {_x000D_
  border-radius: 20px;_x000D_
input[type="file"] {_x000D_
  display: none;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="file-block">_x000D_
  <button class="btn-select-file">Select Image 1</button>_x000D_
  <input type="file">_x000D_
<div class="file-block">_x000D_
  <button class="btn-select-file">Select Image 2</button>_x000D_
  <input type="file">_x000D_

What is the strict aliasing rule?

Type punning via pointer casts (as opposed to using a union) is a major example of breaking strict aliasing.

How to increase the Java stack size?

If you want to play with the thread stack size, you'll want to look at the -Xss option on the Hotspot JVM. It may be something different on non Hotspot VM's since the -X parameters to the JVM are distribution specific, IIRC.

On Hotspot, this looks like java -Xss16M if you want to make the size 16 megs.

Type java -X -help if you want to see all of the distribution specific JVM parameters you can pass in. I am not sure if this works the same on other JVMs, but it prints all of Hotspot specific parameters.

For what it's worth - I would recommend limiting your use of recursive methods in Java. It's not too great at optimizing them - for one the JVM doesn't support tail recursion (see Does the JVM prevent tail call optimizations?). Try refactoring your factorial code above to use a while loop instead of recursive method calls.

Keeping ASP.NET Session Open / Alive

Whenever you make a request to the server the session timeout resets. So you can just make an ajax call to an empty HTTP handler on the server, but make sure the handler's cache is disabled, otherwise the browser will cache your handler and won't make a new request.


public class KeepSessionAlive : IHttpHandler, IRequiresSessionState

        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)


window.onload = function () {
        setInterval("KeepSessionAlive()", 60000)

 function KeepSessionAlive() {
 url = "/KeepSessionAlive.ashx?";
        var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);

@veggerby - There is no need for the overhead of storing variables in the session. Just preforming a request to the server is enough.

Merge Cell values with PHPExcel - PHP

$this->excel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->mergeCells("A".($p).":B".($p)); for dynamic merging of cells

BEGIN - END block atomic transactions in PL/SQL

Firstly, BEGIN..END are merely syntactic elements, and have nothing to do with transactions.

Secondly, in Oracle all individual DML statements are atomic (i.e. they either succeed in full, or rollback any intermediate changes on the first failure) (unless you use the EXCEPTIONS INTO option, which I won't go into here).

If you wish a group of statements to be treated as a single atomic transaction, you'd do something like this:

  SAVEPOINT start_tran;
  INSERT INTO .... ; -- first DML
  UPDATE .... ; -- second DML
  BEGIN ... END; -- some other work
  UPDATE .... ; -- final DML
    ROLLBACK TO start_tran;

That way, any exception will cause the statements in this block to be rolled back, but any statements that were run prior to this block will not be rolled back.

Note that I don't include a COMMIT - usually I prefer the calling process to issue the commit.

It is true that a BEGIN..END block with no exception handler will automatically handle this for you:

  INSERT INTO .... ; -- first DML
  UPDATE .... ; -- second DML
  BEGIN ... END; -- some other work
  UPDATE .... ; -- final DML

If an exception is raised, all the inserts and updates will be rolled back; but as soon as you want to add an exception handler, it won't rollback. So I prefer the explicit method using savepoints.

Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager

As of November 13th 2012, repacing fragments in a ViewPager seems to have become a lot easier. Google released Android 4.2 with support for nested fragments, and it's also supported in the new Android Support Library v11 so this will work all the way back to 1.6

It's very similiar to the normal way of replacing a fragment except you use getChildFragmentManager. It seems to work except the nested fragment backstack isn't popped when the user clicks the back button. As per the solution in that linked question, you need to manually call the popBackStackImmediate() on the child manager of the fragment. So you need to override onBackPressed() of the ViewPager activity where you'll get the current fragment of the ViewPager and call getChildFragmentManager().popBackStackImmediate() on it.

Getting the Fragment currently being displayed is a bit hacky as well, I used this dirty "android:switcher:VIEWPAGER_ID:INDEX" solution but you can also keep track of all fragments of the ViewPager yourself as explained in the second solution on this page.

So here's my code for a ViewPager with 4 ListViews with a detail view shown in the ViewPager when the user clicks a row, and with the back button working. I tried to include just the relevant code for the sake of brevity so leave a comment if you want the full app uploaded to GitHub.

 public class HomeActivity extends SherlockFragmentActivity {
FragmentAdapter mAdapter;
ViewPager mPager;
TabPageIndicator mIndicator;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    mAdapter = new FragmentAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager());
    mPager = (ViewPager)findViewById(;
    mIndicator = (TabPageIndicator)findViewById(;

// This the important bit to make sure the back button works when you're nesting fragments. Very hacky, all it takes is some Google engineer to change that ViewPager view tag to break this in a future Android update.
public void onBackPressed() {
    Fragment fragment = (Fragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("android:switcher:" + + ":"+mPager.getCurrentItem());
    if (fragment != null) // could be null if not instantiated yet
        if (fragment.getView() != null) {
            // Pop the backstack on the ChildManager if there is any. If not, close this activity as normal.
            if (!fragment.getChildFragmentManager().popBackStackImmediate()) {

class FragmentAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {        
    public FragmentAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {

    public Fragment getItem(int position) {
        switch (position) {
        case 0:
            return ListProductsFragment.newInstance();
        case 1:
            return ListActiveSubstancesFragment.newInstance();
        case 2:
            return ListProductFunctionsFragment.newInstance();
        case 3:
            return ListCropsFragment.newInstance();
            return null;

    public int getCount() {
        return 4;


public class ListProductsFragment extends SherlockFragment {
private ListView list;

public static ListProductsFragment newInstance() {
    ListProductsFragment f = new ListProductsFragment();
    return f;

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View V = inflater.inflate(R.layout.list, container, false);
    list = (ListView)V.findViewById(;
    list.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
            int position, long id) {
          // This is important bit
          Fragment productDetailFragment = FragmentProductDetail.newInstance();
          FragmentTransaction transaction = getChildFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
          transaction.replace(, productDetailFragment).commit();
    return V;

What is the LD_PRELOAD trick?

As many people mentioned, using LD_PRELOAD to preload library. BTW, you can CHECK if the setting is available by ldd command.

Example: suppose you need to preload your own

> ldd /bin/ls
    ... => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f3927b1d000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f3927914000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f392754f000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f3927311000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f392710c000)
    /lib64/ (0x00007f3927d65000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f3926f07000)

Thus, set your preload environment:

  export LD_PRELOAD=/home/patric/

Check your library again:

>ldd /bin/ls
    ... =>
    /home/patric/ (0x00007fb9245d8000)

Two div blocks on same line


#bloc1, #bloc2


<div id="block_container">

    <div id="bloc1"><?php echo " version ".$version." Copyright &copy; All Rights Reserved."; ?></div>  
    <div id="bloc2"><img src="..."></div>


Also, you shouldn't put raw content into <div>'s, use an appropriate tag such as <p> or <span>.

Edit: Here is a jsFiddle demo.

Putting -moz-available and -webkit-fill-available in one width (css property)

I needed my ASP.NET drop down list to take up all available space, and this is all I put in the CSS and it is working in Firefox and IE11:

width: 100%

I had to add the CSS class into the asp:DropDownList element

How can Bash execute a command in a different directory context?

(cd /path/to/your/special/place;/bin/your-special-command ARGS)

Removing all line breaks and adding them after certain text

I have achieved this with following
Edit > Blank Operations > Remove Unnecessary Blank and EOL

Does Java SE 8 have Pairs or Tuples?

Since you only care about the indexes, you don't need to map to tuples at all. Why not just write a filter that uses the looks up elements in your array?

     int[] value =  ...

IntStream.range(0, value.length)
            .filter(i -> value[i] > 30)  //or whatever filter you want
            .forEach(i -> System.out.println(i));

Instagram API - How can I retrieve the list of people a user is following on Instagram

I made my own way based on Caitlin Morris's answer for fetching all folowers and followings on Instagram. Just copy this code, paste in browser console and wait for a few seconds.

You need to use browser console from tab to make it works.

let username = 'USERNAME'
let followers = [], followings = []
try {
  let res = await fetch(`${username}/?__a=1`)

  res = await res.json()
  let userId =

  let after = null, has_next = true
  while (has_next) {
    await fetch(`` + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({
      id: userId,
      include_reel: true,
      fetch_mutual: true,
      first: 50,
      after: after
    }))).then(res => res.json()).then(res => {
      has_next =
      after =
      followers = followers.concat({node}) => {
        return {
          username: node.username,
          full_name: node.full_name
  console.log('Followers', followers)

  has_next = true
  after = null
  while (has_next) {
    await fetch(`` + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({
      id: userId,
      include_reel: true,
      fetch_mutual: true,
      first: 50,
      after: after
    }))).then(res => res.json()).then(res => {
      has_next =
      after =
      followings = followings.concat({node}) => {
        return {
          username: node.username,
          full_name: node.full_name
  console.log('Followings', followings)
} catch (err) {
  console.log('Invalid username')

Connect Bluestacks to Android Studio

In my case, none of the above approaches worked for me till I had to enable an Android DEBUG Bridge Option under the BlueStack emulator. Check the picture below.

An approach inspired from : Vlad Voytenko

enter image description here

I Hope It's Helps Someone!

Python Pandas Error tokenizing data

The parser is getting confused by the header of the file. It reads the first row and infers the number of columns from that row. But the first two rows aren't representative of the actual data in the file.

Try it with data = pd.read_csv(path, skiprows=2)

Room - Schema export directory is not provided to the annotation processor so we cannot export the schema

I use .kts Gradle files (Kotlin Gradle DSL) and the kotlin-kapt plugin but I still get a script compilation error when I use Ivanov Maksim's answer.

Unresolved reference: kapt

For me this was the only thing which worked:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        javaCompileOptions {
            annotationProcessorOptions {
                arguments = mapOf("room.schemaLocation" to "$projectDir/schemas")

ImportError: No module named Image

On a system with both Python 2 and 3 installed and with pip2-installed Pillow failing to provide Image, it is possible to install PIL for Python 2 in a way that will solve ImportError: No module named Image:

easy_install-2.7 --user PIL


sudo easy_install-2.7 PIL

How to convert list to string

>>> L = [1,2,3]       
>>> " ".join(str(x) for x in L)
'1 2 3'

Oracle Add 1 hour in SQL

select sysdate + 1/24 from dual;

sysdate is a function without arguments which returns DATE type
+ 1/24 adds 1 hour to a date

select to_char(to_date('2014-10-15 03:30:00 pm', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS pm') + 1/24, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS pm') from dual;

What does "hard coded" mean?

"Hard Coding" means something that you want to embeded with your program or any project that can not be changed directly. For example if you are using a database server, then you must hardcode to connect your database with your project and that can not be changed by user. Because you have hard coded.

How to append strings using sprintf?

int length = 0;
length += sprintf(Buffer+length, "Hello World");
length += sprintf(Buffer+length, "Good Morning");
length += sprintf(Buffer+length, "Good Afternoon");

Here is a version with some resistance to errors. It is useful if you do not care when errors happen so long as you can continue along your merry way when they do.

int bytes_added( int result_of_sprintf )
    return (result_of_sprintf > 0) ? result_of_sprintf : 0;

int length = 0;
length += bytes_added(sprintf(Buffer+length, "Hello World"));
length += bytes_added(sprintf(Buffer+length, "Good Morning"));
length += bytes_added(sprintf(Buffer+length, "Good Afternoon"));

2D character array initialization in C

char **options[2][100];

declares a size-2 array of size-100 arrays of pointers to pointers to char. You'll want to remove one *. You'll also want to put your string literals in double quotes.

Convert string date to timestamp in Python

You can refer this following link for using strptime function from datetime.datetime, to convert date from any format along with time zone.

Removing black dots from li and ul



You can take a look at W3School

JUnit: how to avoid "no runnable methods" in test utils classes

In your test class if wrote import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; delete it and write import org.junit.Test; In this case it worked me as well.

Android "gps requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" error, even though my manifest file contains this

CAUSE: "Beginning in Android 6.0 (API level 23), users grant permissions to apps while the app is running, not when they install the app." In this case, "ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" is a "dangerous permission and for that reason, you get this 'java.lang.SecurityException: "gps" location provider requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.' error (

SOLUTION: Implementing the code provided at under the "Request the permissions you need" and "Handle the permissions request response" headings.

Difference between abstract class and interface in Python

Python doesn't really have either concept.

It uses duck typing, which removed the need for interfaces (at least for the computer :-))

Python <= 2.5: Base classes obviously exist, but there is no explicit way to mark a method as 'pure virtual', so the class isn't really abstract.

Python >= 2.6: Abstract base classes do exist ( And allow you to specify methods that must be implemented in subclasses. I don't much like the syntax, but the feature is there. Most of the time it's probably better to use duck typing from the 'using' client side.

How to install Python packages from the tar.gz file without using pip install

Is it possible for you to use sudo apt-get install python-seaborn instead? Basically tar.gz is just a zip file containing a setup, so what you want to do is to unzip it, cd to the place where it is downloaded and use gunzip -c seaborn-0.7.0.tar.gz | tar xf - for linux. Change dictionary into the new seaborn unzipped file and execute python install

Is there a CSS selector for the first direct child only?

CSS is called Cascading Style Sheets because the rules are inherited. Using the following selector, will select just the direct child of the parent, but its rules will be inherited by that div's children divs:

div.section > div { color: red }

Now, both that div and its children will be red. You need to cancel out whatever you set on the parent if you don't want it to inherit:

div.section > div { color: red }
div.section > div div { color: black }

Now only that single div that is a direct child of div.section will be red, but its children divs will still be black.

Equivalent of jQuery .hide() to set visibility: hidden

Pure JS equivalent for jQuery hide()/show() :

function hide(el) { = 'hidden';    
    return el;

function show(el) { = 'visible';    
    return el;

// hide($('.test')[0])   // usage with jQuery

We use return el due to satisfy fluent interface "desing pattern".

Here is working example.

Below I also provide HIGHLY unrecommended alternative, which is however probably more "close to question" answer:

HTMLElement.prototype.hide = function() { = 'hidden';  
    return this;
} = function() { = 'visible';  
    return this;

// $('.test1')[0].hide();   // usage with jQuery

of course this not implement jQuery 'each' (given in @JamesAllardice answer) because we use pure js here.

Working example is here.

REST API 404: Bad URI, or Missing Resource?

That is an very old post but I faced to a similar problem and I would like to share my experience with you guys.

I am building microservice architecture with rest APIs. I have some rest GET services, they collect data from back-end system based on the request parameters.

I followed the rest API design documents and I sent back HTTP 404 with a perfect JSON error message to client when there was no data which align to the query conditions (for example zero record was selected).

When there was no data to sent back to the client I prepared an perfect JSON message with internal error code, etc. to inform the client about the reason of the "Not Found" and it was sent back to the client with HTTP 404. That works fine.

Later I have created a rest API client class which is an easy helper to hide the HTTP communication related code and I used this helper all the time when I called my rest APIs from my code.

BUT I needed to write confusing extra code just because HTTP 404 had two different functions:

  • the real HTTP 404 when the rest API is not available in the given url, it is thrown by the application server or web-server where the rest API application runs
  • client get back HTTP 404 as well when there is no data in database based on the where condition of the query.

Important: My rest API error handler catches all the exceptions appears in the back-end service which means in case of any error my rest API always returns with a perfect JSON message with the message details.

This is the 1st version of my client helper method which handles the two different HTTP 404 response:

public static String getSomething(final String uuid) {
    String serviceUrl = getServiceUrl();
    String path = "user/" + , uuid);
    String requestUrl = serviceUrl + path;
    String httpMethod = "GET";

    Response response = client

    if (response.getStatus() == Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
        // HTTP 200
        return response.readEntity(String.class);
    } else {
        // confusing code comes here just because
        // I need to decide the type of HTTP 404...

        // trying to parse response body
        try {
            String responseBody = response.readEntity(String.class);
            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            ErrorInfo errorInfo = mapper.readValue(responseBody, ErrorInfo.class);

            // re-throw the original exception
            throw new MyException(errorInfo);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            // this is a real HTTP 404
            throw new ServiceUnavailableError(response, requestUrl, httpMethod);

    // this exception will never be thrown

BUT, because my Java or JavaScript client can receive two kind of HTTP 404 somehow I need to check the body of the response in case of HTTP 404. If I can parse the response body then I am sure I got back a response where there was no data to send back to the client.

If I am not able to parse the response that means I got back a real HTTP 404 from the web server (not from the rest API application).

It is so confusing and the client application always needs to do extra parsing to check the real reason of HTTP 404.

Honestly I do not like this solution. It is confusing, needs to add extra bullshit code to clients all the time.

So instead of using HTTP 404 in this two different scenarios I decided that I will do the following:

  • I am not using HTTP 404 as a response HTTP code in my rest application anymore.
  • I am going to use HTTP 204 (No Content) instead of HTTP 404.

In that case client code can be more elegant:

public static String getString(final String processId, final String key) {
    String serviceUrl = getServiceUrl();
    String path = String.format("key/%s", key);
    String requestUrl = serviceUrl + path;
    String httpMethod = "GET";


    Response response = client
            .header(CustomHttpHeader.PROCESS_ID, processId)

    if (response.getStatus() == Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
        return response.readEntity(String.class);
    } else {
        String body = response.readEntity(String.class);
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        ErrorInfo errorInfo = mapper.readValue(body, ErrorInfo.class);
        throw new MyException(errorInfo);

    throw new AnyServerError(response, requestUrl, httpMethod);

I think this handles that issue better.

If you have any better solution please share it with us.

How to center links in HTML

The <p> will show up on a new line. Try wrapping all of your links in one single <p> tag:

<p style="text-align:center;"><a href="http//">Search</a><a href="Contact Us">Contact Us</a></p>

How do you perform a left outer join using linq extension methods

Whilst the accepted answer works and is good for Linq to Objects it bugged me that the SQL query isn't just a straight Left Outer Join.

The following code relies on the LinkKit Project that allows you to pass expressions and invoke them to your query.

static IQueryable<TResult> LeftOuterJoin<TSource,TInner, TKey, TResult>(
     this IQueryable<TSource> source, 
     IQueryable<TInner> inner, 
     Expression<Func<TSource,TKey>> sourceKey, 
     Expression<Func<TInner,TKey>> innerKey, 
     Expression<Func<TSource, TInner, TResult>> result
    ) {
    return from a in source.AsExpandable()
            join b in inner on sourceKey.Invoke(a) equals innerKey.Invoke(b) into c
            from d in c.DefaultIfEmpty()
            select result.Invoke(a,d);

It can be used as follows

Table1.LeftOuterJoin(Table2, x => x.Key1, x => x.Key2, (x,y) => new { x,y});

Java compile error: "reached end of file while parsing }"

It happens when you don't properly close the code block:

if (condition){
  // your code goes here*
  { // This doesn't close the code block

Correct way:

if (condition){
  // your code goes here
} // Close the code block

How can I use an array of function pointers?

Oh, there are tons of example. Just have a look at anything within glib or gtk. You can see the work of function pointers in work there all the way.

Here e.g the initialization of the gtk_button stuff.

static void
gtk_button_class_init (GtkButtonClass *klass)
  GObjectClass *gobject_class;
  GtkObjectClass *object_class;
  GtkWidgetClass *widget_class;
  GtkContainerClass *container_class;

  gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
  object_class = (GtkObjectClass*) klass;
  widget_class = (GtkWidgetClass*) klass;
  container_class = (GtkContainerClass*) klass;

  gobject_class->constructor = gtk_button_constructor;
  gobject_class->set_property = gtk_button_set_property;
  gobject_class->get_property = gtk_button_get_property;

And in gtkobject.h you find the following declarations:

struct _GtkObjectClass
  GInitiallyUnownedClass parent_class;

  /* Non overridable class methods to set and get per class arguments */
  void (*set_arg) (GtkObject *object,
           GtkArg    *arg,
           guint      arg_id);
  void (*get_arg) (GtkObject *object,
           GtkArg    *arg,
           guint      arg_id);

  /* Default signal handler for the ::destroy signal, which is
   *  invoked to request that references to the widget be dropped.
   *  If an object class overrides destroy() in order to perform class
   *  specific destruction then it must still invoke its superclass'
   *  implementation of the method after it is finished with its
   *  own cleanup. (See gtk_widget_real_destroy() for an example of
   *  how to do this).
  void (*destroy)  (GtkObject *object);

The (*set_arg) stuff is a pointer to function and this can e.g be assigned another implementation in some derived class.

Often you see something like this

struct function_table {
   char *name;
   void (*some_fun)(int arg1, double arg2);

void function1(int  arg1, double arg2)....

struct function_table my_table [] = {
    {"function1", function1},

So you can reach into the table by name and call the "associated" function.

Or maybe you use a hash table in which you put the function and call it "by name".


How to generate Javadoc HTML files in Eclipse?

  1. Project > Generate Javadoc....

  2. In the Javadoc command: field, browse to find javadoc.exe (usually at [path_to_jdk_directory]\bin\javadoc.exe).

  3. Check the box next to the project/package/file for which you are creating the Javadoc.

  4. In the Destination: field, browse to find the desired destination (for example, the root directory of the current project).

  5. Click Finish.

You should now be able to find the newly generated Javadoc in the destination folder. Open index.html.

Scroll to the top of the page after render in react.js

I added an Event listener on the index.html page since it is through which all page loading and reloading is done. Below is the snippet.

// Event listener
addEventListener("load", function () {
    setTimeout(hideURLbar, 0);
}, false);
function hideURLbar() {
    window.scrollTo(0, 1);

Button text toggle in jquery

With so many great answers, I thought I would toss one more into the mix. This one, unlike the others, would permit you to cycle through any number of messages with ease:

var index = 0,
    messg = [
        "PUSH ME", 
        "DON'T PUSH ME", 
        "I'M SO CONFUSED!"

$(".pushme").on("click", function() {
    $(this).text(function(index, text){
        index = $.inArray(text, messg);
        return messg[++index % messg.length];


How to remove stop words using nltk or python

I suppose you have a list of words (word_list) from which you want to remove stopwords. You could do something like this:

filtered_word_list = word_list[:] #make a copy of the word_list
for word in word_list: # iterate over word_list
  if word in stopwords.words('english'): 
    filtered_word_list.remove(word) # remove word from filtered_word_list if it is a stopword

Most efficient way to map function over numpy array

It seems no one has mentioned a built-in factory method of producing ufunc in numpy package: np.frompyfunc which I have tested again np.vectorize and have outperformed it by about 20~30%. Of course it will perform well as prescribed C code or even numba(which I have not tested), but it can a better alternative than np.vectorize

f = lambda x, y: x * y
f_arr = np.frompyfunc(f, 2, 1)
vf = np.vectorize(f)
arr = np.linspace(0, 1, 10000)

%timeit f_arr(arr, arr) # 307ms
%timeit vf(arr, arr) # 450ms

I have also tested larger samples, and the improvement is proportional. See the documentation also here

destination path already exists and is not an empty directory

If you got Destination path XXX already exists means the name of the project repository which you are trying to clone is already there in that current directory. So please cross-check and delete any existing one and try to clone it again

Java how to replace 2 or more spaces with single space in string and delete leading and trailing spaces

check this...

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String s = "A B  C   D    E F      G\tH I\rJ\nK\tL";
    System.out.println("Current      : "+s);
    System.out.println("Single Space : "+singleSpace(s));
    System.out.println("Space  count : "+spaceCount(s));
    System.out.format("Replace  all = %s", s.replaceAll("\\s+", ""));

    // Example where it uses the most.
    String s = "My name is yashwanth . M";
    String s2 = "My nameis yashwanth.M";

    System.out.println("Normal  : "+s.equals(s2));
    System.out.println("Replace : "+s.replaceAll("\\s+", "").equals(s2.replaceAll("\\s+", "")));


If String contains only single-space then replace() will not-replace,

If spaces are more than one, Then replace() action performs and removes spacess.

public static String singleSpace(String str){
    return str.replaceAll("  +|   +|\t|\r|\n","");

To count the number of spaces in a String.

public static String spaceCount(String str){
    int i = 0;
    while(str.indexOf(" ") > -1){
      //str = str.replaceFirst(" ", ""+(i++));
        str = str.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote(" "), ""+(i++)); 
    return str;

Pattern.quote("?") returns literal pattern String.

Show compose SMS view in Android

You can use this to send sms to any number:

 public void sendsms(View view) {
        String phoneNumber = "+880xxxxxxxxxx";
        String message = "Welcome to sms";
        Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("sms:" + phoneNumber));
        intent.putExtra("sms_body", message);

Does a "Find in project..." feature exist in Eclipse IDE?

Ctrl + H is the best way! Remember to copy the string before you start searching!

CSS transition fade on hover

I recommend you to use an unordered list for your image gallery.

You should use my code unless you want the image to gain instantly 50% opacity after you hover out. You will have a smoother transition.

#photos li {
    opacity: .5;
    transition: opacity .5s ease-out;
    -moz-transition: opacity .5s ease-out;
    -webkit-transition: opacity .5s ease-out;
    -o-transition: opacity .5s ease-out;

#photos li:hover {
    opacity: 1;

How do I schedule jobs in Jenkins?

Try this.

20 4 * * *

Check the below Screenshot

enter image description here

Referred URL -

Finding the position of the max element

You can use max_element() function to find the position of the max element.

int main()
    int num, arr[10];
    int x, y, a, b;

    cin >> num;

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
        cin >> arr[i];

    cout << "Max element Index: " << max_element(arr, arr + num) - arr;

    return 0;

Python constructor and default value

Mutable default arguments don't generally do what you want. Instead, try this:

class Node:
     def __init__(self, wordList=None, adjacencyList=None):
        if wordList is None:
            self.wordList = []
             self.wordList = wordList 
        if adjacencyList is None:
            self.adjacencyList = []
             self.adjacencyList = adjacencyList 

querySelector and querySelectorAll vs getElementsByClassName and getElementById in JavaScript

I would like to know what exactly is the difference between querySelector and querySelectorAll against getElementsByClassName and getElementById?

The syntax and the browser support.

querySelector is more useful when you want to use more complex selectors.

e.g. All list items descended from an element that is a member of the foo class: .foo li

document.querySelector("#view:_id1:inputText1") it doesn't work. But writing document.getElementById("view:_id1:inputText1") works. Any ideas why?

The : character has special meaning inside a selector. You have to escape it. (The selector escape character has special meaning in a JS string too, so you have to escape that too).


Convert ASCII TO UTF-8 Encoding

Using iconv looks like best solution but i my case I have Notice form this function: "Detected an illegal character in input string in" (without igonore). I use 2 functions to manipulate ASCII strings convert it to array of ASCII code and then serialize:

public static function ToAscii($string) {
    $strlen = strlen($string);
    $charCode = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen; $i++) {
        $charCode[] = ord(substr($string, $i, 1));
    $result = json_encode($charCode);
    return $result;

public static function fromAscii($string) {
    $charCode = json_decode($string);
    $result = '';
    foreach ($charCode as $code) {
        $result .= chr($code);
    return $result;

Iterate through every file in one directory

Dir has also shorter syntax to get an array of all files from directory:

Dir['dir/to/files/*'].each do |fname|
    # do something with fname

How to create a GUID/UUID using iOS

In Swift 3.0

var uuid = UUID().uuidString

How to add MVC5 to Visual Studio 2013?

MVC 5 is already built into Visual Studios 2013.

  1. Open a new project, on the left make sure you are under Templates > Visual C# > Web not Templates > Visual C# > Web > Visual Studios 2012.

  2. Important: Now look near the top of the new project dialog box and select .NET 4.5 or higher. Once under web and the proper framework is selected click ASP.NET Web Application in the middle pane. Click OK

  3. This will bring you to a page where you can select MVC as the project and start the wizard.

Android Device not recognized by adb

Check that the USB cable is indeed capable of transferring data. Some cheaper ones, especially those meant to charge non-phone/computer devices, might only support charging.

You can verify this by checking if the device shows up as mountable file system. In Linux, you can also use the command lsusb to check if it's being detected.

Error: Java: invalid target release: 11 - IntelliJ IDEA

I was recently facing the same problem. This Error was showing on my screen after running my project main file. Error:java: invalid source release: 11 Follow the steps to resolve this error

  1. File->Project Structure -> Project
  2. Click New button under Project SDK: Add the latest SDK and Click OK.

enter image description here

After running You will see error is resolved..

enter image description here

enter image description here

You can see it's work perfectly.. Please approach me If you find any problem

Allowing Java to use an untrusted certificate for SSL/HTTPS connection

Here is some relevant code:

// Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[]{
    new X509TrustManager() {
        public[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
            return null;
        public void checkClientTrusted(
  [] certs, String authType) {
        public void checkServerTrusted(
  [] certs, String authType) {

// Install the all-trusting trust manager
try {
    SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
    sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new;
} catch (Exception e) {

// Now you can access an https URL without having the certificate in the truststore
try {
    URL url = new URL("https://hostname/index.html");
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {

This will completely disable SSL checking—just don't learn exception handling from such code!

To do what you want, you would have to implement a check in your TrustManager that prompts the user.

how to get domain name from URL

I know the question is seeking a regex solution but in every attempt it won't work to cover everything

I decided to write this method in Python which only works with urls that have a subdomain (i.e. and not multiple level subdomains like

def urlextract(url):
  if len(url_split) <= 2:
      raise Exception("Full url required with subdomain:",url)
  return {'subdomain': url_split[0], 'domain': url_split[1], 'suffix': ".".join(url_split[2:])}

How to post data using HttpClient?

Try to use this:

using (var handler = new HttpClientHandler() { CookieContainer = new CookieContainer() })
    using (var client = new HttpClient(handler) { BaseAddress = new Uri("") })
        //add parameters on request
        var body = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
            new KeyValuePair<string, string>("test", "test"),
            new KeyValuePair<string, string>("test1", "test1")

        HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "");

        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"));
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests", "1");
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-MicrosoftAjax", "Delta=true");
        //client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "*/*");

        client.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10000);

        var res = await client.PostAsync("", new FormUrlEncodedContent(body));

        if (res.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            var exec = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

How to create a sticky left sidebar menu using bootstrap 3?

You can also try to use a Polyfill like Fixed-Sticky. Especially when you are using Bootstrap4 the affix component is no longer included:

Dropped the Affix jQuery plugin. We recommend using a position: sticky polyfill instead.

How to put text over images in html?

Using absolute as position is not responsive + mobile friendly. I would suggest using a div with a background-image and then placing text in the div will place text over the image. Depending on your html, you might need to use height with vh value

Exporting result of select statement to CSV format in DB2

According to the docs, you want to export of type del (the default delimiter looks like a comma, which is what you want). See the doc page for more information on the EXPORT command.

How to Get XML Node from XDocument


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Select a single node:

XDocument XMLDoc = XDocument.Load("test.xml");
string id = "123"; // id to be selected

XElement Contact = (from xml2 in XMLDoc.Descendants("Node")
                    where xml2.Element("ID").Value == id
                    select xml2).FirstOrDefault();


Delete a single node:

XDocument XMLDoc = XDocument.Load("test.xml");
string id = "123";

var Contact = (from xml2 in XMLDoc.Descendants("Node")
               where xml2.Element("ID").Value == id
               select xml2).FirstOrDefault();


Add new node:

XDocument XMLDoc = XDocument.Load("test.xml");

XElement newNode = new XElement("Node",
    new XElement("ID", "500"),
    new XElement("Name", "Whatever")


What does "subject" mean in certificate?

The Subject, in security, is the thing being secured. In this case it could be a persons email or a website or a machine.

If we take the example of an email, say my email, then the subject key container would be the protected location containing my private key.

The certificate store usually refers to Microsoft certificate store which contains certificates form trusted roots, machines on the network, people etc. In my case the subjects certificate store would be the place, within this store, holding my certificates.

If you are working within a microsoft domain then the subject name will invariably hold the Distinguished Name, of the subject, which is how the domain references the subject and holds it in its directory. e.g. CN=Mark Sutton, OU=Developers, O=Mycompany C=UK

To look at your certificates on a microsoft machine:-

Log in as you run>mmc Select File>add/remove snap-in and select certificates then select my user account click Finish then close then ok. Look in the personal area of the store.

In the other areas of the store you will see the other trusted certificates used to validate signatures etc.

How to resolve "Waiting for Debugger" message?

I end up going into "Debug" perspective.

Then in the "Debug" frame, there are debug list or running list.

You have to decide which one is your current one that has this problem (Waiting for debug...)

Then do right-click and choose "Terminate and Remove".

Then you try to run again. And that warning box will be gone.

How do you decompile a swf file

erlswf is an opensource project written in erlang for decompiling .swf files.

Here's the site:

Create the perfect JPA entity

My 2 cents addition to the answers here are:

  1. With reference to Field or Property access (away from performance considerations) both are legitimately accessed by means of getters and setters, thus, my model logic can set/get them in the same manner. The difference comes to play when the persistence runtime provider (Hibernate, EclipseLink or else) needs to persist/set some record in Table A which has a foreign key referring to some column in Table B. In case of a Property access type, the persistence runtime system uses my coded setter method to assign the cell in Table B column a new value. In case of a Field access type, the persistence runtime system sets the cell in Table B column directly. This difference is not of importance in the context of a uni-directional relationship, yet it is a MUST to use my own coded setter method (Property access type) for a bi-directional relationship provided the setter method is well designed to account for consistency. Consistency is a critical issue for bi-directional relationships refer to this link for a simple example for a well-designed setter.

  2. With reference to Equals/hashCode: It is impossible to use the Eclipse auto-generated Equals/hashCode methods for entities participating in a bi-directional relationship, otherwise they will have a circular reference resulting in a stackoverflow Exception. Once you try a bidirectional relationship (say OneToOne) and auto-generate Equals() or hashCode() or even toString() you will get caught in this stackoverflow exception.

Reading integers from binary file in Python

The read method returns a sequence of bytes as a string. To convert from a string byte-sequence to binary data, use the built-in struct module:

import struct


Note that unpack always returns a tuple, so struct.unpack('i',[0] gives the integer value that you are after.

You should probably use the format string '<i' (< is a modifier that indicates little-endian byte-order and standard size and alignment - the default is to use the platform's byte ordering, size and alignment). According to the BMP format spec, the bytes should be written in Intel/little-endian byte order.

Can I concatenate multiple MySQL rows into one field?

Have a look at GROUP_CONCAT if your MySQL version (4.1) supports it. See the documentation for more details.

It would look something like:

  FROM peoples_hobbies 
  WHERE person_id = 5 
  GROUP BY 'all';

C# generics syntax for multiple type parameter constraints

void foo<TOne, TTwo>() 
   where TOne : BaseOne
   where TTwo : BaseTwo

More info here:

matplotlib error - no module named tkinter

On CentOS 7 and Python 3.4, the command is sudo yum install python34-tkinter

On Redhat 7.4 with Python 3.6, the command is sudo yum install rh-python36-python-tkinter

How to check if an element exists in the xml using xpath?



Select by partial string from a pandas DataFrame

Here's what I ended up doing for partial string matches. If anyone has a more efficient way of doing this please let me know.

def stringSearchColumn_DataFrame(df, colName, regex):
    newdf = DataFrame()
    for idx, record in df[colName].iteritems():

        if, record):
            newdf = concat([df[df[colName] == record], newdf], ignore_index=True)

    return newdf

How do I disable the resizable property of a textarea?

This can be done in HTML easily:

<textarea name="textinput" draggable="false"></textarea>

This works for me. The default value is true for the draggable attribute.

"static const" vs "#define" vs "enum"

#define var 5 will cause you trouble if you have things like mystruct.var.

For example,

struct mystruct {
    int var;

#define var 5

int main() {
    struct mystruct foo;
    foo.var = 1;
    return 0;

The preprocessor will replace it and the code won't compile. For this reason, traditional coding style suggest all constant #defines uses capital letters to avoid conflict.

Switch with if, else if, else, and loops inside case

Your problem..... I think is that your for loop is encompassing all of the if, else if stuff - which acts like one statement, like hoang nguyen pointed out.

Change to this. Note the brackets that denote the code block on which the for loop operates and the change of the first else if to if.


    case 1:
        for(int i=0; i<something_in_the_array.length;i++) {
            if(whatever_value==(something_in_the_array[i])) {

        if(whatever_value==2) {
        else if(whatever_value==3) {

    case 2:

code continues....

Can I grep only the first n lines of a file?

grep "pattern" <(head -n 10 filename)

What is the difference between .py and .pyc files?

Python compiles the .py and saves files as .pyc so it can reference them in subsequent invocations.

There's no harm in deleting them, but they will save compilation time if you're doing lots of processing.

Using Jquery Datatable with AngularJs

Adding a new answer just as a reference for future researchers and as nobody mentioned that yet I think it's valid.

Another good option is ng-grid

And there's a beta version ( available already with some improvements:

  • Native AngularJS implementation, no jQuery
  • Performs well with large data sets; even 10,000+ rows
  • Plugin architecture allows you to use only the features you need


It seems UI GRID is not beta anymore.

With the 3.0 release, the repository has been renamed from "ng-grid" to "ui-grid".

Replace specific characters within strings


            group <- c('12357e', '12575e', '12575e', ' 197e18',  'e18947')

            pattern <- "e"  
            replacement <-  ""  
            group <- str_replace(group, pattern, replacement)      

[1] "12357"  "12575"  "12575"  " 19718" "18947" 

Can you force Vue.js to reload/re-render?

using v-if directive

<div v-if="trulyvalue">
    <component-here />

So simply by changing the value of trulyvalue from false to true will cause the component between the div to rerender again

Where are logs located?

In Laravel 6, by default the logs are in:


Passing on command line arguments to runnable JAR

You can also set a Java property, i.e. environment variable, on the command line and easily use it anywhere in your code.

The command line would be done this way:

c:/> java -jar -Dmyvar=enwiki-20111007-pages-articles.xml wiki2txt

and the java code accesses the value like this:

String context = System.getProperty("myvar"); 

See this question about argument passing in Java.

Warp \ bend effect on a UIView?

What you show looks like a mesh warp. That would be straightforward using OpenGL, but "straightforward OpenGL" is like straightforward rocket science.

I wrote an iOS app for my company called Face Dancerthat's able to do 60 fps mesh warp animations of video from the built-in camera using OpenGL, but it was a lot of work. (It does funhouse mirror type changes to faces - think "fat booth" live, plus lots of other effects.)

Difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap


  • It has pair values(keys,values)
  • NO duplication key values
  • unordered unsorted
  • it allows one null key and more than one null values


  • same as hash map
  • it does not allows null keys and null values


  • It is ordered version of map implementation
  • Based on linked list and hashing data structures


  • Ordered and sortered version
  • based on hashing data structures

Multiple arguments to function called by pthread_create()?


struct arg_struct *args = (struct arg_struct *)arguments;

in place of

struct arg_struct *args = (struct arg_struct *)args;

No restricted globals

For me I had issues with history and location... As the accepted answer using window before history and location (i.e) window.history and window.location solved mine

Is it possible to iterate through JSONArray?

You can use the opt(int) method and use a classical for loop.

DataGridView AutoFit and Fill

Not tested but you can give a try. Tested and working. I hope you can play with AutoSizeMode of DataGridViewColum to achieve what you need.

Try setting

dataGridView1.DataSource = yourdatasource;<--set datasource before you set AutoSizeMode

//Set the following properties after setting datasource
dataGridView1.Columns[0].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells;
dataGridView1.Columns[1].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells;
dataGridView1.Columns[2].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;

This should work

Get the cartesian product of a series of lists?


Available from Python 2.6.

import itertools

somelists = [
   [1, 2, 3],
   ['a', 'b'],
   [4, 5]
for element in itertools.product(*somelists):

Which is the same as,

for element in itertools.product([1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b'], [4, 5]):

Set a thin border using .css() in javascript

After a few futile hours battling with a 'SyntaxError: missing : after property id' message I can now expand on this topic:

border-width is a valid css property but it is not included in the jQuery css oject definition, so .css({border-width: '2px'}) will cause an error, but it's quite happy with .css({'border-width': '2px'}), presumably property names in quotes are just passed on as received.

How to calculate the IP range when the IP address and the netmask is given?

I would recommend the use of IPNetwork Library As of version 2, it supports IPv4 and IPv6 as well.


  IPNetwork ipnetwork = IPNetwork.Parse("");

  Console.WriteLine("Network : {0}", ipnetwork.Network);
  Console.WriteLine("Netmask : {0}", ipnetwork.Netmask);
  Console.WriteLine("Broadcast : {0}", ipnetwork.Broadcast);
  Console.WriteLine("FirstUsable : {0}", ipnetwork.FirstUsable);
  Console.WriteLine("LastUsable : {0}", ipnetwork.LastUsable);
  Console.WriteLine("Usable : {0}", ipnetwork.Usable);
  Console.WriteLine("Cidr : {0}", ipnetwork.Cidr);


  Network :
  Netmask :
  Broadcast :
  FirstUsable :
  LastUsable :
  Usable : 126
  Cidr : 25

Have fun !

Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1

For me, I just had to delete "Derived Data" in xcode

Open Xcode (12.3) -> Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations -> Click DerivedData location arrow -> Delete "DerivedData" folder -> Clean and build

Which port(s) does XMPP use?

The ports required will be different for your XMPP Server and any XMPP Clients. Most "modern" XMPP Servers follow the defined IANA Ports for Server-to-Server 5269 and for Client-to-Server 5222. Any additional ports depends on what features you enable on the Server, i.e. if you offer BOSH then you may need to open port 80.

File Transfer is highly dependent on both the Clients you use and the Server as to what port it will use, but most of them also negotiate the connect via your existing XMPP Client-to-Server link so the required port opening will be client side (or proxied via port 80.)

IE7 Z-Index Layering Issues

$(function() {
var zIndexNumber = 1000;
$('div').each(function() {
    $(this).css('zIndex', zIndexNumber);
    zIndexNumber -= 10;

Query to get all rows from previous month

Here's another alternative. Assuming you have an indexed DATE or DATETIME type field, this should use the index as the formatted dates will be type converted before the index is used. You should then see a range query rather than an index query when viewed with EXPLAIN.

    date_created >= DATE_FORMAT( CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL 1 MONTH, '%Y/%m/01' ) 
    date_created < DATE_FORMAT( CURRENT_DATE, '%Y/%m/01' )

Capture close event on Bootstrap Modal

This is very similar to another stackoverflow article, Bind a function to Twitter Bootstrap Modal Close. Assuming you are using some version of Bootstap v3 or v4, you can do something like the following:

$("#myModal").on("", function () {
    // put your default event here

How do I check in SQLite whether a table exists?

A variation would be to use SELECT COUNT(*) instead of SELECT NAME, i.e.

SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='table_name';

This will return 0, if the table doesn't exist, 1 if it does. This is probably useful in your programming since a numerical result is quicker / easier to process. The following illustrates how you would do this in Android using SQLiteDatabase, Cursor, rawQuery with parameters.

boolean tableExists(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableName)
    if (tableName == null || db == null || !db.isOpen())
        return false;
    Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(
       "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = ? AND name = ?",
       new String[] {"table", tableName}
    if (!cursor.moveToFirst())
        return false;
    int count = cursor.getInt(0);
    return count > 0;

Windows batch - concatenate multiple text files into one

cat "input files" > "output files"

This works in PowerShell, which is the Windows preferred shell in current Windows versions, therefore it works. It is also the only version of the answers above to work with large files, where 'type' or 'copy' fails.

bootstrap 3 tabs not working properly

Make sure your jquery is inserted BEFORE bootstrap js file:

<script src="jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<script src="bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Sending credentials with cross-domain posts?

You can use the beforeSend callback to set additional parameters (The XMLHTTPRequest object is passed to it as its only parameter).

Just so you know, this type of cross-domain request will not work in a normal site scenario and not with any other browser. I don't even know what security limitations FF 3.5 imposes as well, just so you don't beat your head against the wall for nothing:

    url: 'http://bar.other',
    data: { whatever:'cool' },
    type: 'GET',
    beforeSend: function(xhr){
       xhr.withCredentials = true;

One more thing to beware of, is that jQuery is setup to normalize browser differences. You may find that further limitations are imposed by the jQuery library that prohibit this type of functionality.

Underline text in UIlabel

NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName which takes an NSNumber (where 0 is no underline) can be added to an attribute dictionary. I don't know if this is any easier. But, it was easier for my purposes.

    NSDictionary *attributes; 
    attributes = @{NSFontAttributeName:font,   NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: style, NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:1]};

    [text drawInRect:CGRectMake(self.contentRect.origin.x, currentY, maximumSize.width, textRect.size.height) withAttributes:attributes];

Java get String CompareTo as a comparator object

This is a generic Comparator for any kind of Comparable object, not just String:

package util;

import java.util.Comparator;

 * The Default Comparator for classes implementing Comparable.
 * @param <E> the type of the comparable objects.
 * @author Michael Belivanakis (
public final class DefaultComparator<E extends Comparable<E>> implements Comparator<E>
    @SuppressWarnings( "rawtypes" )
    private static final DefaultComparator<?> INSTANCE = new DefaultComparator();

     * Get an instance of DefaultComparator for any type of Comparable.
     * @param <T> the type of Comparable of interest.
     * @return an instance of DefaultComparator for comparing instances of the requested type.
    public static <T extends Comparable<T>> Comparator<T> getInstance()
        Comparator<T> result = (Comparator<T>)INSTANCE;
        return result;

    private DefaultComparator()

    public int compare( E o1, E o2 )
        if( o1 == o2 )
            return 0;
        if( o1 == null )
            return 1;
        if( o2 == null )
            return -1;
        return o1.compareTo( o2 );

How to use with String:

Comparator<String> stringComparator = DefaultComparator.getInstance();

How to test REST API using Chrome's extension "Advanced Rest Client"

From the screenshot I can see that you want to pass "user" and "password" values to the service. You have send the parameter values in the request header part which is wrong. The values are sent in the request body and not in the request header. Also your syntax is wrong. Correct syntax is: {"user":"user_val","password":"password_val"}. Also check what is the the content type. It should match with the content type you have set to your service.

Using JQuery hover with HTML image map

This question is old but I wanted to add an alternative to the accepted answer which didn't exist at the time.

Image Mapster is a jQuery plugin that I wrote to solve some of the shortcomings of Map Hilight (and it was initially an extension of that plugin, though it's since been almost completely rewritten). Initially, this was just the ability to maintain selection state for areas, fix browser compatibility problems. Since its initial release a few months ago, though, I have added a lot of features including the ability to use an alternate image as the source for the highlights.

It also has the ability to identify areas as "masks," meaning you can create areas with "holes", and additionally create complex groupings of areas. For example, area A could cause another area B to be highlighted, but area B itself would not respond to mouse events.

There are a few examples on the web site that show most of the features. The github repository also has more examples and complete documentation.

Append text to file from command line without using io redirection

If you just want to tack something on by hand, then the sed answer will work for you. If instead the text is in file(s) (say file1.txt and file2.txt):

Using Perl:

perl -e 'open(OUT, ">>", "outfile.txt"); print OUT while (<>);' file*.txt

N.B. while the >> may look like an indication of redirection, it is just the file open mode, in this case "append".

What is the difference between Scope_Identity(), Identity(), @@Identity, and Ident_Current()?

If you understand the difference between scope and session then it will be very easy to understand these methods.

A very nice blog post by Adam Anderson describes this difference:

Session means the current connection that's executing the command.

Scope means the immediate context of a command. Every stored procedure call executes in its own scope, and nested calls execute in a nested scope within the calling procedure's scope. Likewise, a SQL command executed from an application or SSMS executes in its own scope, and if that command fires any triggers, each trigger executes within its own nested scope.

Thus the differences between the three identity retrieval methods are as follows:

@@identity returns the last identity value generated in this session but any scope.

scope_identity() returns the last identity value generated in this session and this scope.

ident_current() returns the last identity value generated for a particular table in any session and any scope.

shell-script headers (#!/bin/sh vs #!/bin/csh)

This defines what shell (command interpreter) you are using for interpreting/running your script. Each shell is slightly different in the way it interacts with the user and executes scripts (programs).

When you type in a command at the Unix prompt, you are interacting with the shell.

E.g., #!/bin/csh refers to the C-shell, /bin/tcsh the t-shell, /bin/bash the bash shell, etc.

You can tell which interactive shell you are using the

 echo $SHELL

command, or alternatively

 env | grep -i shell

You can change your command shell with the chsh command.

Each has a slightly different command set and way of assigning variables and its own set of programming constructs. For instance the if-else statement with bash looks different that the one in the C-shell.

This page might be of interest as it "translates" between bash and tcsh commands/syntax.

Using the directive in the shell script allows you to run programs using a different shell. For instance I use the tcsh shell interactively, but often run bash scripts using /bin/bash in the script file.


This concept extends to other scripts too. For instance if you program in Python you'd put


at the top of your Python program

Laravel - display a PDF file in storage without forcing download?

Ben Swinburne answer was so helpful.

The code below is for those who have their PDF file in database like me.

$pdf = DB::table('exportfiles')->select('pdf')->where('user_id', $user_id)->first();

return Response::make(base64_decode( $pdf->pdf), 200, [
    'Content-Type' => 'application/pdf',
    'Content-Disposition' => 'inline; filename="'.$filename.'"',

Where $pdf->pdf is the file column in database.

An URL to a Windows shared folder

File protocol URIs are like this


that's why you often see file URLs like this (3 slashes) file:///c:\path...

So if the host is server01, you want


This is according to the wikipedia page on file:// protocols and checks out with .NET's Uri.IsWellFormedUriString method.

Specifying row names when reading in a file

If you used read.table() (or one of it's ilk, e.g. read.csv()) then the easy fix is to change the call to:

read.table(file = "foo.txt", row.names = 1, ....)

where .... are the other arguments you needed/used. The row.names argument takes the column number of the data file from which to take the row names. It need not be the first column. See ?read.table for details/info.

If you already have the data in R and can't be bothered to re-read it, or it came from another route, just set the rownames attribute and remove the first variable from the object (assuming obj is your object)

rownames(obj) <- obj[, 1]  ## set rownames
obj <- obj[, -1]           ## remove the first variable

"Proxy server connection failed" in google chrome

I had the same problem with a freshly installed copy of Chrome. If nothing works, and your Use a proxy server your LAN setting is unchecked, check it and then uncheck it . Believe it or not it might work. I don't know if I should consider it a bug or not.

Converting Columns into rows with their respective data in sql server

i solved the query this way

    ca.ID, ca.[Name]
FROM [Emp2]
         ('ID' , cast(ID as varchar)),
         ('[Name]' , Name)

  ) as CA (ID, Name)

output look like

  ID     Name
------ --------------------------------------------------
ID     1
[Name] Joy
ID     2
[Name] jean
ID     4
[Name] paul

PyCharm shows unresolved references error for valid code

very easy

you just have to mark your root directory as: SOURCE ROOT (red), and your applications: EXCLUDED ROOT (blue),

then the unresolved reference will disappear.

  • enter image description hereif you use PyChram pro it do this for you automaticlly.

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: (...) executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

I had this due to a simple ordering mistake on my end. I called

[WRONG] docker run <image> <arguments> <command>

When I should have used

docker run <arguments> <image> <command>

Same resolution on similar question:

how to make a new line in a jupyter markdown cell

The double space generally works well. However, sometimes the lacking newline in the PDF still occurs to me when using four pound sign sub titles #### in Jupyter Notebook, as the next paragraph is put into the subtitle as a single paragraph. No amount of double spaces and returns fixed this, until I created a notebook copy 'v. PDF' and started using a single backslash '\' which also indents the next paragraph nicely:

#### 1.1 My Subtitle  \

1.1 My Subtitle
    Next paragraph text.

An alternative to this, is to upgrade the level of your four # titles to three # titles, etc. up the title chain, which will remove the next paragraph indent and format the indent of the title itself (#### My Subtitle ---> ### My Subtitle).

### My Subtitle

1.1 My Subtitle

Next paragraph text.

How do I detect if a user is already logged in Firebase?

You have to add an auth state change observer.

firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
  if (user) {
    // User is signed in.
  } else {
    // No user is signed in.

docker build with --build-arg with multiple arguments

The above answer by pl_rock is correct, the only thing I would add is to expect the ARG inside the Dockerfile if not you won't have access to it. So if you are doing

docker build -t essearch/ess-elasticsearch:1.7.6 --build-arg number_of_shards=5 --build-arg number_of_replicas=2 --no-cache .

Then inside the Dockerfile you should add

ARG number_of_replicas
ARG number_of_shards

I was running into this problem, so I hope I help someone (myself) in the future.

Chrome says my extension's manifest file is missing or unreadable

My problem was slightly different.

By default Eclipse saved my manifest.json as an ANSI encoded text file.


  • Open in Notepad
  • File -> Save As
  • select UTF-8 from the encoding drop-down in the bottom left.
  • Save

Passing an array to a query using a WHERE clause

Col. Shrapnel's SafeMySQL library for PHP provides type-hinted placeholders in its parametrised queries, and includes a couple of convenient placeholders for working with arrays. The ?a placeholder expands out an array to a comma-separated list of escaped strings*.

For example:

$someArray = [1, 2, 5];
$galleries = $db->getAll("SELECT * FROM galleries WHERE id IN (?a)", $someArray);

* Note that since MySQL performs automatic type coercion, it doesn't matter that SafeMySQL will convert the ids above to strings - you'll still get the correct result.

What is SuppressWarnings ("unchecked") in Java?

Simply: It's a warning by which the compiler indicates that it cannot ensure type safety.

JPA service method for example:

public List<User> findAllUsers(){
    Query query = entitymanager.createQuery("SELECT u FROM User u");
    return (List<User>)query.getResultList();

If I didn'n anotate the @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") here, it would have a problem with line, where I want to return my ResultList.

In shortcut type-safety means: A program is considered type-safe if it compiles without errors and warnings and does not raise any unexpected ClassCastException s at runtime.

I build on

Calling a java method from c++ in Android

If it's an object method, you need to pass the object to CallObjectMethod:

jobject result = env->CallObjectMethod(obj, messageMe, jstr);

What you were doing was the equivalent of jstr.messageMe().

Since your is a void method, you should call:

env->CallVoidMethod(obj, messageMe, jstr);

If you want to return a result, you need to change your JNI signature (the ()V means a method of void return type) and also the return type in your Java code.

Multiple queries executed in java in single statement

Based on my testing, the correct flag is "allowMultiQueries=true"

How to use target in location.href

try this one, which simulates a click on an anchor.

var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href=''; = '_blank';

Ways to eliminate switch in code

Function pointers are one way to replace a huge chunky switch statement, they are especially good in languages where you can capture functions by their names and make stuff with them.

Of course, you ought not force switch statements out of your code, and there always is a chance you are doing it all wrong, which results with stupid redundant pieces of code. (This is unavoidable sometimes, but a good language should allow you to remove redundancy while staying clean.)

This is a great divide&conquer example:

Say you have an interpreter of some sort.

switch(*IP) {
    case OPCODE_ADD:
    case OPCODE_JUMP:

Instead, you can use this:

opcode_table[*IP](*IP, vm);

... // in somewhere else:
void opcode_add(byte_opcode op, Vm* vm) { ... };
void opcode_not_zero(byte_opcode op, Vm* vm) { ... };
void opcode_jump(byte_opcode op, Vm* vm) { ... };
void opcode_default(byte_opcode op, Vm* vm) { /* fixme */ };

OpcodeFuncPtr opcode_table[256] = {
    ... // etc.

Note that I don't know how to remove the redundancy of the opcode_table in C. Perhaps I should make a question about it. :)

How do I set the timeout for a JAX-WS webservice client?

In case your appserver is WebLogic (for me it was 10.3.6) then properties responsible for timeouts are:

Python Serial: How to use the read or readline function to read more than 1 character at a time

I see a couple of issues.

First: is only going to return 1 byte at a time.

If you specify a count

it will read 5 bytes (less if timeout occurrs before 5 bytes arrive.)

If you know that your input is always properly terminated with EOL characters, better way is to use


That will continue to read characters until an EOL is received.


Even if you get or ser.readline() to return multiple bytes, since you are iterating over the return value, you will still be handling it one byte at a time.

Get rid of the

for line in

and just say:

line = ser.readline()

Why do people say that Ruby is slow?

First of all, slower with respect to what? C? Python? Let's get some numbers at the Computer Language Benchmarks Game:

Why is Ruby considered slow?

Depends on whom you ask. You could be told that:

  • Ruby is an interpreted language and interpreted languages will tend to be slower than compiled ones
  • Ruby uses garbage collection (though C#, which also uses garbage collection, comes out two orders of magnitude ahead of Ruby, Python, PHP etc. in the more algorithmic, less memory-allocation-intensive benchmarks above)
  • Ruby method calls are slow (although, because of duck typing, they are arguably faster than in strongly typed interpreted languages)
  • Ruby (with the exception of JRuby) does not support true multithreading
  • etc.

But, then again, slow with respect to what? Ruby 1.9 is about as fast as Python and PHP (within a 3x performance factor) when compared to C (which can be up to 300x faster), so the above (with the exception of threading considerations, should your application heavily depend on this aspect) are largely academic.

What are your options as a Ruby programmer if you want to deal with this "slowness"?

Write for scalability and throw more hardware at it (e.g. memory)

Which version of Ruby would best suit an application like Stack Overflow where speed is critical and traffic is intense?

Well, REE (combined with Passenger) would be a very good candidate.

Java HTTP Client Request with defined timeout

import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams;


    // set the connection timeout value to 30 seconds (30000 milliseconds)
    final HttpParams httpParams = new BasicHttpParams();
    HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(httpParams, 30000);
    client = new DefaultHttpClient(httpParams);

How to extract code of .apk file which is not working?

Click here this is a good tutorial for both window/ubuntu.

  1. apktool1.5.1.jar download from here.

  2. apktool-install-linux-r05-ibot download from here.

  3. download from here.

  4. jd-gui-0.3.3.linux.i686.tar.gz (java de-complier) download from here.

  5. framework-res.apk ( Located at your android device /system/framework/)


  1. Rename the .apk file and change the extension to .zip ,

it will become .zip.

  1. Then extract .zip.

  2. Unzip downloaded file , copy the contents and paste it to unzip folder.

  3. Open terminal and change directory to unzip “dex2jar- “

– cd – sh classes.dex (result of this command “classes.dex.dex2jar.jar” will be in your extracted folder itself).

  1. Now, create new folder and copy “classes.dex.dex2jar.jar” into it.

  2. Unzip ““ and open up the “Java Decompiler” in full screen mode.

  3. Click on open file and select “classes.dex.dex2jar.jar” into the window.

  4. “Java Decompiler” and go to file > save and save the source in a .zip file.

  5. Create “source_code” folder.

  6. Extract the saved .zip and copy the contents to “source_code” folder.

  7. This will be where we keep your source code.

  8. Extract apktool1.5.1.tar.bz2 , you get apktool.jar

  9. Now, unzip “”

  10. Copy “framework-res.apk” , “.apk” and apktool.jar

  11. Paste it to the unzip “apktool-install-linux-r05-ibot” folder (line no 13).

  12. Then open terminal and type:

    – cd

    – chown -R : ‘apktool.jar’

    – chown -R : ‘apktool’

    – chown -R : ‘aapt’

    – sudo chmod +x ‘apktool.jar’

    – sudo chmod +x ‘apktool’

    – sudo chmod +x ‘aapt’

    – sudo mv apktool.jar /usr/local/bin

    – sudo mv apktool /usr/local/bin

    – sudo mv aapt /usr/local/bin

    – apktool if framework-res.apk – apktool d .apk

Replacing a fragment with another fragment inside activity group

This will work if you're trying to change the fragment from another fragment.

.replace(,new NewFragment())

NOTE As stated in the above answers, You need to have dynamic fragments.

Check if list contains element that contains a string and get that element

Many good answers here, but I use a simple one using Exists, as below:

foreach (var setting in FullList)
    if(cleanList.Exists(x => x.ProcedureName == setting.ProcedureName)) 
       setting.IsActive = true; // do you business logic here 
       setting.IsActive = false;

Adding Jar files to IntellijIdea classpath

On the Mac version I was getting the error when trying to run JSON-Clojure.json.clj, which is the script to export a database table to JSON. To get it to work I had to download the latest Clojure JAR from and then right-click on PHPStorm app in the Finder and "Show Package Contents". Then go to Contents in there. Then open the lib folder, and see a bunch of .jar files. Copy the clojure-1.8.0.jar file from the unzipped archive I downloaded from into the aforementioned lib folder inside the Restart the app. Now it freaking works.

EDIT: You also have to put the JSR-223 script engine into It can be built from or downloaded from .

.datepicker('setdate') issues, in jQuery

Try changing it to:

queryDate = '2009-11-01';
$('#datePicker').datepicker({defaultDate: new Date (queryDate)});

Difference between MongoDB and Mongoose

mongo-db is likely not a great choice for new developers.
On the other hand mongoose as an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) can be a better choice for the new-bies.

How to convert a private key to an RSA private key?


ssh-keygen -p -m PEM -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Show/hide forms using buttons and JavaScript

Use the following code fragment to hide the form on button click.

document.getElementById("your form id").style.display="none";

And the following code to display it:

document.getElementById("your form id").style.display="block";

Or you can use the same function for both purposes:

function asd(a)

And the HTML:

<form id="asd">form </form>
<button onclick="asd(1)">Hide</button>
<button onclick="asd(2)">Show</button>

Java: export to an .jar file in eclipse

No need for external plugins. In the Export JAR dialog, make sure you select all the necessary resources you want to export. By default, there should be no problem exporting other resource files as well (pictures, configuration files, etc...), see screenshot below. JAR Export Dialog

How to get scrollbar position with Javascript?

You can use element.scrollTop and element.scrollLeft to get the vertical and horizontal offset, respectively, that has been scrolled. element can be document.body if you care about the whole page. You can compare it to element.offsetHeight and element.offsetWidth (again, element may be the body) if you need percentages.

OpenSSL Command to check if a server is presenting a certificate

15841:error:140790E5:SSL routines:SSL23_WRITE:ssl handshake failure:s23_lib.c:188:
SSL handshake has read 0 bytes and written 121 bytes

This is a handshake failure. The other side closes the connection without sending any data ("read 0 bytes"). It might be, that the other side does not speak SSL at all. But I've seen similar errors on broken SSL implementation, which do not understand newer SSL version. Try if you get a SSL connection by adding -ssl3 to the command line of s_client.

Where is adb.exe in windows 10 located?

You can find it here:


To save yourself the hassle in the future, add it to your path:

  1. Click 'Start'.
  2. Type 'Edit environment variables for your account', and click it.
  3. Double click PATH.
  4. Click 'New'.
  5. Paste that path in.
  6. Click 'OK', click 'OK', and restart any command prompts you have open.

JSON encode MySQL results

Sorry, this is extremely long after the question, but:

$sql = 'SELECT CONCAT("[", GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT("{username:'",username,"'"), CONCAT(",email:'",email),"'}")), "]") 
AS json 
FROM users;'
$msl = mysql_query($sql)

Just basically:

"SELECT" Select the rows    
"CONCAT" Returns the string that results from concatenating (joining) all the arguments
"GROUP_CONCAT" Returns a string with concatenated non-NULL value from a group

Add marker to Google Map on Click

This is actually a documented feature, and can be found here

// This event listener calls addMarker() when the map is clicked.
  google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(e) {
    placeMarker(e.latLng, map);

  function placeMarker(position, map) {
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: position,
      map: map

What is the Difference Between Mercurial and Git?

I'm currently in the process of migrating from SVN to a DVCS (while blogging about my findings, my first real blogging effort...), and I've done a bit of research (=googling). As far as I can see you can do most of the things with both packages. It seems like git has a few more or better implemented advanced features, I do feel that the integration with windows is a bit better for mercurial, with TortoiseHg. I know there's Git Cheetah as well (I tried both), but the mercurial solution just feels more robust.

Seeing how they're both open-source (right?) I don't think either will be lacking important features. If something is important, people will ask for it, people will code it.

I think that for common practices, Git and Mercurial are more than sufficient. They both have big projects that use them (Git -> linux kernel, Mercurial -> Mozilla foundation projects, both among others of course), so I don't think either are really lacking something.

That being said, I am interested in what other people say about this, as it would make a great source for my blogging efforts ;-)

Get current language in CultureInfo

This is what i used:

var culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;

and it's working :)

Difference between break and continue statement

Continue Statment stop the itration and start next ittration Ex:

System.out.println("continue when i is 2:");
    for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
        if (i == 2) {
        System.out.print("[i:" + i + "]");

and Break Statment stop the loop or Exit from the loop

pgadmin4 : postgresql application server could not be contacted.

If none of the methods help try checking your system and user environments PATH and PYTHONPATH variables.

I was getting this error due to my PATH variable was pointing to different Python installation (which comes from ArcGIS Desktop).

After removing path to my Python installation from PATH variable and completely removing PYTHONPATH variable, I got it working!

Keep in mind that python command will not be available from command line if you remove it from PATH.

Convert a String to a byte array and then back to the original String

You can do it like this.

String to byte array

String stringToConvert = "This String is 76 characters long and will be converted to an array of bytes";
byte[] theByteArray = stringToConvert.getBytes();

Byte array to String

byte[] byteArray = new byte[] {87, 79, 87, 46, 46, 46};
String value = new String(byteArray);

"cannot resolve symbol R" in Android Studio

Just clean your project and Sync Project with Gradle File.enter image description here

And the problem will be resolved.

print arraylist element?

If you want to print an arraylist with integer numbers, as an example you can use below code.

class Test{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        ArrayList<Integer> arraylist = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        for(int i=0; i<=10; i++){
            arraylist .add(i);
       for (Integer n : arraylist ){

The output is above code:


How do I set a background-color for the width of text, not the width of the entire element, using CSS?

Option 1

display: table;

  • no parent required

h1 {_x000D_
    display: table; /* keep the background color wrapped tight */_x000D_
    margin: 0px auto 0px auto; /* keep the table centered */_x000D_
<h1>The Last Will and Testament of Eric Jones</h1>



display: table tells the element to behave as a normal HTML table would.

More about it at w3schools, CSS Tricks and here

Option 2

display: inline-flex;

  • requires text-align: center; on parent

.container {_x000D_
    text-align: center; /* center the child */_x000D_
h1 {_x000D_
    display: inline-flex; /* keep the background color wrapped tight */_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <h1>The Last Will and Testament of Eric Jones</h1>_x000D_

Option 3

display: flex;

  • requires a flex parent container

.container {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  justify-content: center; /* center the child */_x000D_
h1 {_x000D_
    display: flex;_x000D_
    /* margin: 0 auto; or use auto left/right margin instead of justify-content center */_x000D_
    <div class="container">_x000D_
      <h1>The Last Will and Testament of Eric Jones</h1>_x000D_


Probably the most popular guide to Flexbox and one I reference constantly is at CSS Tricks

Option 4

display: block;

  • requires a flex parent container

.container {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  justify-content: center; /* centers child */_x000D_
h1 {_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <h1>The Last Will and Testament of Eric Jones</h1>_x000D_

Option 5


  • requires entering words in css file (not very practical)

h1 {_x000D_
    display: flex; /* set a flex box */_x000D_
    justify-content: center; /* so you can center the content like this */_x000D_
h1::before {_x000D_
    content:'The Last Will and Testament of Eric Jones'; /* the content */_x000D_
    padding: 5px;font-size: 20px;background-color: green;color: #ffffff;_x000D_



More about css pseudo elements ::before and ::after at CSS Tricks and pseudo elements in general at w3schools

Option 6

display: inline-block;

  • centering with position: absolute and translateX

  • requires a position: relative parent

.container {_x000D_
  position: relative; /* required for absolute positioned child */_x000D_
h1 {_x000D_
  display: inline-block; /* keeps container wrapped tight to content */_x000D_
  position: absolute; /* to absolutely position element */_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  left: 50%; /* part1 of centering with translateX/Y */_x000D_
  transform: translateX(-50%); /* part2 of centering with translateX/Y */_x000D_
  white-space: nowrap; /* text lines will collapse without this */_x000D_
  <h1>The Last Will and Testament of Eric Jones</h1>


More on centering with transform: translate(); (and centering in general) in this CSS tricks article

Option 7

text-shadow: and box-shadow:

  • not what the OP was looking for but maybe helpful to others finding their way here.

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 {display: table;margin: 10px auto;padding: 5px;font-size: 20px;color: #ffffff;overflow:hidden;}_x000D_
h1 {_x000D_
    text-shadow: 0 0 5px green,0 0 5px green,_x000D_
                 0 0 5px green,0 0 5px green,_x000D_
                 0 0 5px green,0 0 5px green,_x000D_
                 0 0 5px green,0 0 5px green;_x000D_
h2 {_x000D_
    text-shadow: -5px -5px 5px green,-5px 5px 5px green,_x000D_
                  5px -5px 5px green,5px 5px 5px green;_x000D_
h3 {_x000D_
    color: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.8);_x000D_
    text-shadow: 0 0 10px hsla(120, 100%, 25%, 0.5),_x000D_
                 0 0 10px hsla(120, 100%, 25%, 0.5),_x000D_
                 0 0 10px hsla(120, 100%, 25%, 0.5),_x000D_
                 0 0 5px hsla(120, 100%, 25%, 1),_x000D_
                 0 0 5px hsla(120, 100%, 25%, 1),_x000D_
                 0 0 5px hsla(120, 100%, 25%, 1);_x000D_
h4 { /* overflow:hidden is the key to this one */_x000D_
    text-shadow: 0px 0px 35px green,0px 0px 35px green,_x000D_
                 0px 0px 35px green,0px 0px 35px green;_x000D_
h5 { /* set the spread value to something larger than you'll need to use as I don't believe percentage values are accepted */_x000D_
  box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 1000px green;_x000D_
<h1>The First Will and Testament of Eric Jones</h1>_x000D_
<h2>The 2nd Will and Testament of Eric Jones</h2>_x000D_
<h3>The 3rd Will and Testament of Eric Jones</h3>_x000D_
<h4>The Last Will and Testament of Eric Jones</h4>_x000D_
<h5>The Last Box and Shadow of Eric Jones</h5>


More Options

There are a few other ways to go about this by combining the different display options and centering methods above.

NodeJS / Express: what is "app.use"?

Each app.use(middleware) is called every time a request is sent to the server.

Is Tomcat running?

Here are my two cents.

I have multiple tomcat instances running on different ports for my cluster setup. I use the following command to check each processes running on different ports.

/sbin/fuser 8080/tcp

Replace the port number as per your need.

And to kill the process use -k in the above command.

  • This is much faster than the ps -ef way or any other commands where you call a command and call another grep on top of it.
  • Works well with multiple installations of tomcat ,Or any other server that uses a port as a matter of fact running on the same server.

The equivalent command on BSD operating systems is fstat

How to backup a local Git repository?

The other offical way would be using git bundle

That will create a file that support git fetch and git pull in order to update your second repo.
Useful for incremental backup and restore.

But if you need to backup everything (because you do not have a second repo with some older content already in place), the backup is a bit more elaborate to do, as mentioned in my other answer, after Kent Fredric's comment:

$ git bundle create /tmp/foo master
$ git bundle create /tmp/foo-all --all
$ git bundle list-heads /tmp/foo
$ git bundle list-heads /tmp/foo-all

(It is an atomic operation, as opposed to making an archive from the .git folder, as commented by fantabolous)

Warning: I wouldn't recommend Pat Notz's solution, which is cloning the repo.
Backup many files is always more tricky than backing up or updating... just one.

If you look at the history of edits of the OP Yar answer, you would see that Yar used at first a clone --mirror, ... with the edit:

Using this with Dropbox is a total mess.
You will have sync errors, and you CANNOT ROLL A DIRECTORY BACK IN DROPBOX.
Use git bundle if you want to back up to your dropbox.

Yar's current solution uses git bundle.

I rest my case.

Why is there an unexplainable gap between these inline-block div elements?

The easiest fix is to just float the container. (eg. float: left;) On another note, each id should be unique, meaning you can't use the same id twice in the same HTML document. You should use classes instead, where you can use the same class for multiple elements.

.container {
    position: relative;
    background: rgb(255, 100, 0);
    margin: 0;
    width: 40%;
    height: 100px;
    float: left;

Jboss server error : Failed to start service jboss.deployment.unit."jbpm-console.war"

  1. delete your project folder under C:\....\wildfly-9.0.1.Final\standalone\deployments\YOUR-PROJEKT-FOLDER
  2. restart your wildfly-server

What can I use for good quality code coverage for C#/.NET?

See the C# Test Coverage tool from my company, Semantic Designs:

It has very low overhead, handles huge systems of files, intuitive GUI, howing coverage on specific files, and generated report with coverage breakdown at method, class and package levels.

How to get the process ID to kill a nohup process?

suppose i am running ruby script in the background with below command

nohup ruby script.rb &

then i can get the pid of above background process by specifying command name. In my case command is ruby.

ps -ef | grep ruby


ubuntu   25938 25742  0 05:16 pts/0    00:00:00 ruby test.rb

Now you can easily kill the process by using kill command

kill 25938

How to edit default.aspx on SharePoint site without SharePoint Designer

Easy quick solution which worked for me. 1. Go to the root folder. Copy the default.aspx file. 2. Delete the original file. 3. Rename the copied file to default.aspx.

Its all set to experiment again. Not sure how sharepoint referencing these webparts in that page. But works :)

month name to month number and vice versa in python

Here is a more comprehensive method that can also accept full month names

def month_string_to_number(string):
    m = {
        'jan': 1,
        'feb': 2,
        'mar': 3,
    s = string.strip()[:3].lower()

        out = m[s]
        return out
        raise ValueError('Not a month')


>>> month_string_to_number("October")
>>> month_string_to_number("oct")

Scala: write string to file in one statement

Use ammonite ops library. The syntax is very minimal, but the breadth of the library is almost as wide as what one would expect from attempting such a task in a shell scripting language like bash.

On the page I linked to, it shows numerous operations one can do with the library, but to answer this question, this is an example of writing to a file

import ammonite.ops._
write(pwd/'"file.txt", "file contents")

Format a message using MessageFormat.format() in Java

For everyone that has Android problems in the string.xml, use \'\' instead of single quote.

Calling javascript function in iframe

Instead of getting the frame from the document, try getting the frame from the window object.

in the above example change this:

if (typeof (document.all.resultFrame.Reset) == "function")
    alert("resultFrame.Reset NOT found");


if (typeof (window.frames[0].Reset) == "function")
    alert("resultFrame.Reset NOT found");

the problem is that the scope of the javascript inside the iframe is not exposed through the DOM element for the iframe. only window objects contain the javascript scoping information for the frames.

error "Could not get BatchedBridge, make sure your bundle is packaged properly" on start of app

"npm start"

I just closed the terminal and open a new one. Went to project location by cd command. And then just simply type - "npm start". and then 'r' for reload. Everything just vanished. I think everybody should try this at once.

How do you clone a Git repository into a specific folder?

Basic Git Repository Cloning

You clone a repository with

git clone [url]

For example, if you want to clone the Stanford University Drupal Open Framework Git library called open_framework, you can do so like this:

$ git clone git://

That creates a directory named open_framework (at your current local file system location), initializes a .git directory inside it, pulls down all the data for that repository, and checks out a working copy of the latest version. If you go into the newly created open_framework directory, you’ll see the project files in there, ready to be worked on or used.

Cloning a Repository Into a Specific Local Folder

If you want to clone the repository into a directory named something other than open_framework, you can specify that as the next command-line option:

$ git clone mynewtheme

That command does the same thing as the previous one, but the target directory is called mynewtheme.

Git has a number of different transfer protocols you can use. The previous example uses the git:// protocol, but you may also see http(s):// or user@server:/path.git, which uses the SSH transfer protocol.

Make div (height) occupy parent remaining height


I didn't find a fully satisfying answer so I had to find it out myself.

My requirements:

  • the element should take exactly the remaining space either when its content size is smaller or bigger than the remaining space size (in the second case scrollbar should be shown);
  • the solution should work when the parent height is computed, and not specified;
  • calc() should not be used as the remaining element shouldn't know anything about another element sizes;
  • modern and familar layout technique such as flexboxes should be used.

The solution

  • Turn into flexboxes all direct parents with computed height (if any) and the next parent whose height is specified;
  • Specify flex-grow: 1 to all direct parents with computed height (if any) and the element so they will take up all remaining space when the element content size is smaller;
  • Specify flex-shrink: 0 to all flex items with fixed height so they won't become smaller when the element content size is bigger than the remaining space size;
  • Specify overflow: hidden to all direct parents with computed height (if any) to disable scrolling and forbid displaying overflow content;
  • Specify overflow: auto to the element to enable scrolling inside it.

JSFiddle (element has direct parents with computed height)

JSFiddle (simple case: no direct parents with computed height)

What possibilities can cause "Service Unavailable 503" error?

If the server doesn't have enough memory also will cause this problem. This is my personal experience with Godaddy VPS.

Reactive forms - disabled attribute

This was my solution:

this.myForm ={
    socDate: [[{ value: '', disabled: true }], Validators.required],

<input fxFlex [matDatepicker]="picker" placeholder="Select Date" formControlName="socDate" [attr.disabled]="true" />

What is a void pointer in C++?

A void* does not mean anything. It is a pointer, but the type that it points to is not known.

It's not that it can return "anything". A function that returns a void* generally is doing one of the following:

  • It is dealing in unformatted memory. This is what operator new and malloc return: a pointer to a block of memory of a certain size. Since the memory does not have a type (because it does not have a properly constructed object in it yet), it is typeless. IE: void.
  • It is an opaque handle; it references a created object without naming a specific type. Code that does this is generally poorly formed, since this is better done by forward declaring a struct/class and simply not providing a public definition for it. Because then, at least it has a real type.
  • It returns a pointer to storage that contains an object of a known type. However, that API is used to deal with objects of a wide variety of types, so the exact type that a particular call returns cannot be known at compile time. Therefore, there will be some documentation explaining when it stores which kinds of objects, and therefore which type you can safely cast it to.

This construct is nothing like dynamic or object in C#. Those tools actually know what the original type is; void* does not. This makes it far more dangerous than any of those, because it is very easy to get it wrong, and there's no way to ask if a particular usage is the right one.

And on a personal note, if you see code that uses void*'s "often", you should rethink what code you're looking at. void* usage, especially in C++, should be rare, used primary for dealing in raw memory.

Can we overload the main method in Java?

Yes, you can.

The main method in Java is no extra-terrestrial method. Apart from the fact that main() is just like any other method & can be overloaded in a similar manner, JVM always looks for the method signature to launch the program.

  • The normal main method acts as an entry point for the JVM to start the execution of program.

  • We can overload the main method in Java. But the program doesn’t
    execute the overloaded main method when we run your program, we need to call the overloaded main method from the actual main method only.

    // A Java program with overloaded main()
    public class Test {         
      // Normal main()
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hi Geek (from main)");
      // Overloaded main methods
      public static void main(String arg1) {
        System.out.println("Hi, " + arg1);
        Test.main("Dear Geek","My Geek");
      public static void main(String arg1, String arg2) {
        System.out.println("Hi, " + arg1 + ", " + arg2);

    Valid variants of main() in Java

Query to select data between two dates with the format m/d/yyyy

$Date3 = date('y-m-d');
$Date2 = date('y-m-d', strtotime("-7 days"));
SELECT * FROM disaster WHERE date BETWEEN '".$Date2."' AND  '".$Date3."'