[html] Make div (height) occupy parent remaining height


I have a container div with two children. The first child has a given height. How can I make the second child to occupy the "free space" of the container div without giving a specific height?

In the example, the pink div should occupy also the white space.

Similar to this question: How to make div occupy remaining height?

But I don't want to give position absolute.

This question is related to html css height parent

The answer is

You can use floats for pushing content down:


You have a fixed size container:

#container {
    width: 300px; height: 300px;

Content is allowed to flow next to a float. Unless we set the float to full width:

#up {
    float: left;
    width: 100%;

While #up and #down share the top position, #down's content can only start after the bottom of the floated #up:

#down {

Unless I am misunderstanding, you can just add height: 100%; and overflow:hidden; to #down.

#down { 


Edit: Since you do not want to use overflow:hidden;, you can use display: table; for this scenario; however, it is not supported prior to IE 8. (display: table; support)

#container { 
    width: 300px; 
    height: 300px; 
    border:1px solid red;

#up { 
    background: green;

#down { 


Note: You have said that you want the #down height to be #container height minus #up height. The display:table; solution does exactly that and this jsfiddle will portray that pretty clearly.

My answer uses only CSS, and it does not use overflow:hidden or display:table-row. It requires that the first child really does have a given height, but in your question you state that only the second child need have its height not specified, so I believe you should find this acceptable.


<div id="container">
    <div id="up">Text<br />Text<br />Text<br /></div>
    <div id="down">Text<br />Text<br />Text<br /></div>


#container { width: 300px; height: 300px; border:1px solid red;}
#up { background: green; height: 63px; float:left; width: 100% }
#down { background:pink; padding-top: 63px; height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; }


I'm not sure it can be done purely with CSS, unless you're comfortable in sort of faking it with illusions. Maybe use Josh Mein's answer, and set #container to overflow:hidden.

For what it's worth, here's a jQuery solution:

var contH = $('#container').height(),
upH = $('#up').height();
$('#down').css('height' , contH - upH);

Its been almost two years since I asked this question. I just came up with css calc() that resolves this issue I had and thought it would be nice to add it in case someone has the same problem. (By the way I ended up using position absolute).


Here is the css

#up { height:80px;}
#down {
    height: calc(100% - 80px);//The upper div needs to have a fixed height, 80px in this case.

And more information about it here: http://css-tricks.com/a-couple-of-use-cases-for-calc/

Browser support: http://caniuse.com/#feat=calc

check the demo - http://jsfiddle.net/S8g4E/6/

use css -

#container { width: 300px; height: 300px; border:1px solid red; display: table;}
#up { background: green; display: table-row; }
#down { background:pink; display: table-row;}


I didn't find a fully satisfying answer so I had to find it out myself.

My requirements:

  • the element should take exactly the remaining space either when its content size is smaller or bigger than the remaining space size (in the second case scrollbar should be shown);
  • the solution should work when the parent height is computed, and not specified;
  • calc() should not be used as the remaining element shouldn't know anything about another element sizes;
  • modern and familar layout technique such as flexboxes should be used.

The solution

  • Turn into flexboxes all direct parents with computed height (if any) and the next parent whose height is specified;
  • Specify flex-grow: 1 to all direct parents with computed height (if any) and the element so they will take up all remaining space when the element content size is smaller;
  • Specify flex-shrink: 0 to all flex items with fixed height so they won't become smaller when the element content size is bigger than the remaining space size;
  • Specify overflow: hidden to all direct parents with computed height (if any) to disable scrolling and forbid displaying overflow content;
  • Specify overflow: auto to the element to enable scrolling inside it.

JSFiddle (element has direct parents with computed height)

JSFiddle (simple case: no direct parents with computed height)

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