If you like Groovy syntax, you can use the Pimp-My-Library design pattern to bring it to Scala:
import java.io._
import scala.io._
class RichFile( file: File ) {
def text = Source.fromFile( file )(Codec.UTF8).mkString
def text_=( s: String ) {
val out = new PrintWriter( file , "UTF-8")
try{ out.print( s ) }
finally{ out.close }
object RichFile {
implicit def enrichFile( file: File ) = new RichFile( file )
It will work as expected:
scala> import RichFile.enrichFile
import RichFile.enrichFile
scala> val f = new File("/tmp/example.txt")
f: java.io.File = /tmp/example.txt
scala> f.text = "hello world"
scala> f.text
res1: String =
"hello world