[cordova] Update cordova plugins in one command

I am wondering is there an easier way to update cordova plugin?

I googled, found a hook (@ year 2013), but this is not 100% what I want.

I know I can do this by two steps: rm, then add but I am looking for a better (official) way to help me which plugins have newer version? and I can update ALL of them in one command. (just like: npm update)

for example:

$ cordova plugin list
/* list all installed plugins, their dependencies, and newer versions */

$ cordova plugin update
/* update all of them for me */

if there is no official way, is there some other helper? yo?

This question is related to cordova cordova-plugins

The answer is

npm update -f its working form me

npm update -f

it will update all plugins and cli

The easiest way would be to delete the plugins folder. Run this command: cordova prepare But, before you run it, you can check each plugin's version that you think would work for your build on Cordova's plugin repository website, and then you should modify the config.xml file, manually. Use upper carrots, "^" in the version field of the universal modeling language file, "config," to indicate that you want the specified plugin to update to the latest version in the future (the next time you run the command.)

Here's a bash script I use, works on OSX 10.11.3.


PLUGINS=$(cordova plugin list | awk '{print $1}')

for PLUGIN in $PLUGINS; do
    cordova plugin rm $PLUGIN --save && cordova plugin add $PLUGIN --save

This may help if there are conflicts, per shan's comment. The difference is the addition of the --force flag when removing.


PLUGINS=$(cordova plugin list | awk '{print $1}')

for PLUGIN in $PLUGINS; do
    cordova plugin rm $PLUGIN --force --save && cordova plugin add $PLUGIN --save

ionic state is deprecated as on [email protected]

If you happen to be using ionic and the ionic cli you can run:

ionic state reset

As long as all your plugin information was saved in your package.json earlier, this will essentially perform an rm/add for all your plugins. Just note that this will also rm/add your platforms as well, but that shouldn't matter.

This is also nice for when you ignore your plugin folders from your repo, and want to setup the project on another machine.

Obviously this doesn't directly answer the question, but many people are currently using both, and will end up here.

cordova-check-plugins --update=auto --force

use the command line

Found another answer from the npmjs.org


Basically its installing the tool into your project:

npm install -g cordova-plugin-update

when done you then have to run the command


and it will prompt you to update if ever a newer version of a plugin is available

Go to your cordova project directory then write

npm outdated

npm will be display your outdated plugins, if any plugin outdated then write this command

npm update

Console Preview

you cannot update ,but i wrote a batch file that removes my plugins and install again so in this case my all plugins are updated automatically, hope this solves your problem

@echo off
for %%a in (

) do call cordova plugin rm %%a

for %%b in (

) do call cordova plugin add %%b

If you install the third party package:

npm i cordova-check-plugins

You can then run a simple command of

cordova-check-plugins --update=auto --force

Keep in mind forcing anything always comes with potential risks of breaking changes.

As other answers have stated, the connecting NPM packages that manage these plugins also require a consequent update when updating the plugins, so now you can check them with:

npm outdated

And then sweeping update them with

npm update

Now tentatively serve your app again and check all of the things that have potentially gone awry from breaking changes. The joy of software development! :)

You don't need remove, just add again.

cordova plugin add https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-camera

I too would LOVE something like this - plugin management with the PhoneGap/Cordova CLI is so annoying. This blog post here may be a start to something like this - but I'm not quite sure A) how to leverage it yet or B) how well it would work.


My initial attempt at running the entire script right in the terminal command line did create an output of text with add/remove plugin commands ... but they didn't actually execute they just echoed into the terminal. I've reached out to the author hoping they will explain a bit more.

You can't update it. What you can do is uninstall the cordova plugin and add it again.

cordova plugin rm https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-camera --save
cordova plugin add https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-camera --save

This is my Windows Batch version for update all plugins in one command

How to use:

From command line, in the same folder of project, run

c:\> batchNameFile


c:\> batchNameFile autoupdate

Where "batchNameFile" is the name of .BAT file, with the script below.

For only test ( first exmple ) or to force every update avaiable ( 2nd example )

@echo off


set pluginListFile=update.plugin.list

if exist %pluginListFile% del %pluginListFile%

Echo "Reading installed Plugins"
Call cordova plugins > %pluginListFile%

for /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%a in ( %pluginListFile% ) do (
   Echo "Checking online version for %%a"

   for /F "delims=" %%I in ( 'npm info %%a version' ) do (
     Echo "Local : %%b"
     Echo "Online: %%I"
     if %%b LSS %%I Call :toUpdate %%a %~1

if exist %pluginListFile% del %pluginListFile%

Exit /B

Echo "Need Update !"
if '%~2' == 'autoupdate' Call :DoUpdate %~1
goto cont

Echo "Removing Plugin"
Call cordova plugin rm %~1
Echo "Adding Plugin"
Call cordova plugin add %~1
goto cont

This batch was only tested in Windows 10

I got tired of manually checking for plugin updates so created a tool to do it for me: https://github.com/dpa99c/cordova-check-plugins

Install it globally:

$ npm install -g cordova-check-plugins

Then run from the root of your Cordova project. You can optionally update outdated plugins interactively or automatically, e.g.

$ cordova-check-plugins --update=auto

CLI screenshot