[c#] Get current language in CultureInfo

How to identify the operating system's language using CultureInfo? E.g. if the language in Windows is set to French, I need to identify French and load the fr resource files data.

This question is related to c# globalization cultureinfo currentculture

The answer is

To get the 2 chars ISO 639-1 language identifier use:


I tried {CultureInfo currentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;} but it didn`t work for me, since my UI culture was different from my number/currency culture. So I suggest you to use:

CultureInfo currentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;

This will give you the culture your UI is (texts on windows, message boxes, etc).

Current system language is retrieved using :


"Gets the CultureInfo that represents the culture installed with the operating system."


To set it as default language for thread use :



This is the correct way to obtain the currently set system language. System language setting is completely different than culture setting from which you all want to get the language.

For example: User may use "en-GB" language along with "en-US" culture at the same time. Using CurrentCulture and other cultures you will get "en-US", hope you get the difference (that may be innoticable with GB-US, but with other languages?)

This is what i used:

var culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;

and it's working :)

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Get current language in CultureInfo