[python] Finding the mode of a list

Why not just

def print_mode (thelist):
  counts = {}
  for item in thelist:
    counts [item] = counts.get (item, 0) + 1
  maxcount = 0
  maxitem = None
  for k, v in counts.items ():
    if v > maxcount:
      maxitem = k
      maxcount = v
  if maxcount == 1:
    print "All values only appear once"
  elif counts.values().count (maxcount) > 1:
    print "List has multiple modes"
    print "Mode of list:", maxitem

This doesn't have a few error checks that it should have, but it will find the mode without importing any functions and will print a message if all values appear only once. It will also detect multiple items sharing the same maximum count, although it wasn't clear if you wanted that.