Programs & Examples On #Jsp tags

JSP tags are a feature of Java Server Pages that allow the encapsulation of view-specific logic and separation of presentation and business concerns.

how to load CSS file into jsp

You can write like that. This is for whenever you change context path you don't need to modify your jsp file.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/css/styles.css" />

What's the difference between including files with JSP include directive, JSP include action and using JSP Tag Files?

Overview of JSP Syntax Elements

First, to make things more clear, here is a short overview of JSP syntax elements:

  • Directives: These convey information regarding the JSP page as a whole.
  • Scripting elements: These are Java coding elements such as declarations, expressions, scriptlets, and comments.
  • Objects and scopes: JSP objects can be created either explicitly or implicitly and are accessible within a given scope, such as from anywhere in the JSP page or the session.
  • Actions: These create objects or affect the output stream in the JSP response (or both).

How content is included in JSP

There are several mechanisms for reusing content in a JSP file.

The following 4 mechanisms to include content in JSP can be categorized as direct reuse:
(for the first 3 mechanisms quoting from "Head First Servlets and JSP")

1) The include directive:

<%@ include file="header.html" %>

Static: adds the content from the value of the file attribute to the current page at translation time. The directive was originally intended for static layout templates, like HTML headers.

2) The <jsp:include> standard action:

<jsp:include page="header.jsp" />

Dynamic: adds the content from the value of the page attribute to the current page at request time. Was intended more for dynamic content coming from JSPs.

3) The <c:import> JSTL tag:

<c:import url=”” />

Dynamic: adds the content from the value of the URL attribute to the current page, at request time. It works a lot like <jsp:include>, but it’s more powerful and flexible: unlike the other two includes, the <c:import> url can be from outside the web Container!

4) Preludes and codas:

Static: preludes and codas can be applied only to the beginnings and ends of pages.
You can implicitly include preludes (also called headers) and codas (also called footers) for a group of JSP pages by adding <include-prelude> and <include-coda> elements respectively within a <jsp-property-group> element in the Web application web.xml deployment descriptor. Read more here:
Configuring Implicit Includes at the Beginning and End of JSPs
Defining implicit includes

Tag File is an indirect method of content reuse, the way of encapsulating reusable content. A Tag File is a source file that contains a fragment of JSP code that is reusable as a custom tag.

The PURPOSE of includes and Tag Files is different.

Tag file (a concept introduced with JSP 2.0) is one of the options for creating custom tags. It's a faster and easier way to build custom tags. Custom tags, also known as tag extensions, are JSP elements that allow custom logic and output provided by other Java components to be inserted into JSP pages. The logic provided through a custom tag is implemented by a Java object known as a tag handler.

Some examples of tasks that can be performed by custom tags include operating on implicit objects, processing forms, accessing databases and other enterprise services such as email and directories, and implementing flow control.

Regarding your Edit

Maybe in your example (in your "Edit" paragraph), there is no difference between using direct include and a Tag File. But custom tags have a rich set of features. They can

  • Be customized by means of attributes passed from the calling page.

  • Pass variables back to the calling page.

  • Access all the objects available to JSP pages.

  • Communicate with each other. You can create and initialize a JavaBeans component, create a public EL variable that refers to that bean in one tag, and then use the bean in another tag.

  • Be nested within one another and communicate by means of private variables.

Also read this from "Pro JSP 2": Understanding JSP Custom Tags.

Useful reading.


Use the right tools for each task.

Use Tag Files as a quick and easy way of creating custom tags that can help you encapsulate reusable content.

As for the including content in JSP (quote from here):

  • Use the include directive if the file changes rarely. It’s the fastest mechanism. If your container doesn’t automatically detect changes, you can force the changes to take effect by deleting the main page class file.
  • Use the include action only for content that changes often, and if which page to include cannot be decided until the main page is requested.

JSTL if tag for equal strings

<c:if test="${ansokanInfo.pSystem eq 'NAT'}">

Can not find the tag library descriptor of springframework

  1. Download the Spring dependency jar
  2. Place it to the lib folder path is /WEB-INF/lib/spring.jar
  3. Then open the web.xml and the sample code is:

  4. Then the taglib is indicated where the jar file locates in ur system.

    <%@ taglib prefix="spring" uri="/WEB-INF/spring.tld" %>

The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path

Project Properties -> Java Build Path -> in the libraries Select "Classpath" -> Add Library -> Select "Server Runtime" from the list -> Next -> Select "Apache Tomcat" -> Finish

How to detect IE11?

Only for IE Browser:

var ie = 'NotIE'; //IE5-11, Edge+
    if( !!document.compatMode ) {
        if( !("ActiveXObject" in window) ) ) ie = 'EDGE';
        if( !!document.uniqueID){
            if('ActiveXObject' in window && !window.createPopup ){ ie = 11; }
            else if(!!document.all){
                    if(!!window.atob){ie = 10;}
                    else if(!!document.addEventListener) {ie = 9;}
                    else if(!!document.querySelector){ie = 8;}
                    else if(!!window.XMLHttpRequest){ie = 7;}
                    else if(!!document.compatMode){ie = 6;}
                    else ie = 5;

use alert(ie);


var browserVersionExplorer = (function() {_x000D_
    var ie = '<s>NotIE</s>',_x000D_
        me = '<s>NotIE</s>';_x000D_
    if (/msie\s|trident\/|edge\//i.test(window.navigator.userAgent) && !!(document.documentMode || document.uniqueID || window.ActiveXObject || window.MSInputMethodContext)) {_x000D_
            if (!!window.MSInputMethodContext) {_x000D_
                ie = !("ActiveXObject" in window) ? 'EDGE' : 11;_x000D_
            } else if (!!document.uniqueID) {_x000D_
                if (!!(window.ActiveXObject && document.all)) {_x000D_
                    if (document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" && !!window.DOMParser ) {_x000D_
                        ie = !!window.XMLHttpRequest ? 7 : 6;_x000D_
                    } else {_x000D_
                        ie = !!(window.createPopup && document.getElementById) ? parseFloat('5.5') : 5;_x000D_
                    if (!!document.documentMode && !!document.querySelector ) {_x000D_
                        ie = !!(window.atob && window.matchMedia) ? 10 : ( !!document.addEventListener ? 9 : 8);_x000D_
                } else ie = !!document.all ? 4 : (!!window.navigator ? 3 : 2);_x000D_
    return ie > 1 ? 'IE ' + ie : ie;_x000D_

Update 01 Jun 2017

Now we could use something easier and simpler:

var uA = window.navigator.userAgent,
    onlyIEorEdge = /msie\s|trident\/|edge\//i.test(uA) && !!( document.uniqueID || window.MSInputMethodContext),
    checkVersion = (onlyIEorEdge && +(/(edge\/|rv:|msie\s)([\d.]+)/i.exec(uA)[2])) || NaN;

Get the first element of each tuple in a list in Python

res_list = [x[0] for x in rows]


For a discussion on why to prefer comprehensions over higher-order functions such as map, go to

Multi-select dropdown list in ASP.NET

I've used the open source control at and been very happy with it. My addition was to allow a list of checked files to use just file names instead of full paths if the 'selected' caption gets too long. My addition is called instead of UpdateSelection in your postback handler:

// Update the caption assuming that the items are files<br/> 
// If the caption is too long, eliminate paths from file names<br/> 
public void UpdateSelectionFiles(int maxChars) {
  StringBuilder full = new StringBuilder(); 
  StringBuilder shorter = new StringBuilder();
  foreach (ListItem item in Items) { 
    if (item.Selected) { 
      full.AppendFormat("{0}; ", item.Text);
      shorter.AppendFormat("{0}; ", new FileInfo(item.Text).Name);
  if (full.Length == 0) Texts.SelectBoxCaption = "Select...";
  else if (full.Length <= maxChars) Texts.SelectBoxCaption = full.ToString(); 
  else Texts.SelectBoxCaption = shorter.ToString();

Disabling of EditText in Android


is now deprecated and use


Two arrays in foreach loop

Your code like this is incorrect as foreach only for single array:

        $codes = array('tn','us','fr');
        $names = array('Tunisia','United States','France');

        foreach( $codes as $code and $names as $name ) {
            echo '<option value="' . $code . '">' . $name . '</option>';

Alternative, Change to this:

        $codes = array('tn','us','fr');
        $names = array('Tunisia','United States','France');
        $count = 0;

        foreach($codes as $code) {
             echo '<option value="' . $code . '">' . $names[count] . '</option>';


How do I execute external program within C code in linux with arguments?

system() executes a shell which is then responsible for parsing the arguments and executing the desired program. To execute the program directly, use fork() and exec() (which is what system() uses to execute the shell as well as what the shell itself uses to execute commands).

#include <unistd.h>

int main() {
     if (fork() == 0) {
           * fork() returns 0 to the child process
           * and the child's PID to the parent.
          execl("/path/to/foo", "foo", "arg1", "arg2", "arg3", 0);
           * We woundn't still be here if execl() was successful,
           * so a non-zero exit value is appropriate.
          return 1;

     return 0;

how to end ng serve or firebase serve

----Ctrl + c then choose Y from the Y/N option provided.

Proxy with urllib2

One can also use requests if we would like to access a web page using proxies. Python 3 code:

>>> import requests
>>> url = ''
>>> proxy = ''
>>> requests.get(url, proxies={"http":proxy})
<Response [200]>

More than one proxies can also be added.

>>> proxy1 = ''
>>> proxy2 = ''
>>> requests.get(url, proxies={"http":proxy1,"http":proxy2})
<Response [200]>

Using margin / padding to space <span> from the rest of the <p>

Try in html:

style="display: inline-block; margin-top: 50px;"

or in css:

display: inline-block;
margin-top: 50px;

Construct a manual legend for a complicated plot

You need to map attributes to aesthetics (colours within the aes statement) to produce a legend.

cols <- c("LINE1"="#f04546","LINE2"="#3591d1","BAR"="#62c76b")
ggplot(data=data,aes(x=a)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(y=h, fill = "BAR"),colour="#333333")+ #green
  geom_line(aes(y=b,group=1, colour="LINE1"),size=1.0) +   #red
  geom_point(aes(y=b, colour="LINE1"),size=3) +           #red
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=d, ymax=e, colour="LINE1"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  geom_line(aes(y=c,group=1,colour="LINE2"),size=1.0) +   #blue 
  geom_point(aes(y=c,colour="LINE2"),size=3) +           #blue
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=f, ymax=g,colour="LINE2"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  scale_colour_manual(name="Error Bars",values=cols) + scale_fill_manual(name="Bar",values=cols) +
  ylab("Symptom severity") + xlab("PHQ-9 symptoms") +
  ylim(0,1.6) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15, vjust=-.2)) +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15, vjust=0.3))

enter image description here

I understand where Roland is coming from, but since this is only 3 attributes, and complications arise from superimposing bars and error bars this may be reasonable to leave the data in wide format like it is. It could be slightly reduced in complexity by using geom_pointrange.

To change the background color for the error bars legend in the original, add + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill = "white",colour = "white")) to the plot specification. To merge different legends, you typically need to have a consistent mapping for all elements, but it is currently producing an artifact of a black background for me. I thought guide = guide_legend(fill = NULL,colour = NULL) would set the background to null for the legend, but it did not. Perhaps worth another question.

ggplot(data=data,aes(x=a)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(y=h,fill = "BAR", colour="BAR"))+ #green
  geom_line(aes(y=b,group=1, colour="LINE1"),size=1.0) +   #red
  geom_point(aes(y=b, colour="LINE1", fill="LINE1"),size=3) +           #red
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=d, ymax=e, colour="LINE1"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  geom_line(aes(y=c,group=1,colour="LINE2"),size=1.0) +   #blue 
  geom_point(aes(y=c,colour="LINE2", fill="LINE2"),size=3) +           #blue
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=f, ymax=g,colour="LINE2"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  scale_colour_manual(name="Error Bars",values=cols, guide = guide_legend(fill = NULL,colour = NULL)) + 
  scale_fill_manual(name="Bar",values=cols, guide="none") +
  ylab("Symptom severity") + xlab("PHQ-9 symptoms") +
  ylim(0,1.6) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15, vjust=-.2)) +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15, vjust=0.3))

enter image description here

To get rid of the black background in the legend, you need to use the override.aes argument to the guide_legend. The purpose of this is to let you specify a particular aspect of the legend which may not be being assigned correctly.

ggplot(data=data,aes(x=a)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(y=h,fill = "BAR", colour="BAR"))+ #green
  geom_line(aes(y=b,group=1, colour="LINE1"),size=1.0) +   #red
  geom_point(aes(y=b, colour="LINE1", fill="LINE1"),size=3) +           #red
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=d, ymax=e, colour="LINE1"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  geom_line(aes(y=c,group=1,colour="LINE2"),size=1.0) +   #blue 
  geom_point(aes(y=c,colour="LINE2", fill="LINE2"),size=3) +           #blue
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=f, ymax=g,colour="LINE2"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  scale_colour_manual(name="Error Bars",values=cols, 
                      guide = guide_legend(override.aes=aes(fill=NA))) + 
  scale_fill_manual(name="Bar",values=cols, guide="none") +
  ylab("Symptom severity") + xlab("PHQ-9 symptoms") +
  ylim(0,1.6) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15, vjust=-.2)) +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15, vjust=0.3))

enter image description here

How to produce an csv output file from stored procedure in SQL Server

I think it is possible to use bcp command. I am also new to this command but I followed this link and it worked for me.

What exactly is the difference between Web API and REST API in MVC?

I have been there, like so many of us. There are so many confusing words like Web API, REST, RESTful, HTTP, SOAP, WCF, Web Services... and many more around this topic. But I am going to give brief explanation of only those which you have asked.


It is neither an API nor a framework. It is just an architectural concept. You can find more details here.


I have not come across any formal definition of RESTful anywhere. I believe it is just another buzzword for APIs to say if they comply with REST specifications.

EDIT: There is another trending open source initiative OpenAPI Specification (OAS) (formerly known as Swagger) to standardise REST APIs.


It in an open source framework for writing HTTP APIs. These APIs can be RESTful or not. Most HTTP APIs we write are not RESTful. This framework implements HTTP protocol specification and hence you hear terms like URIs, request/response headers, caching, versioning, various content types(formats).

Note: I have not used the term Web Services deliberately because it is a confusing term to use. Some people use this as a generic concept, I preferred to call them HTTP APIs. There is an actual framework named 'Web Services' by Microsoft like Web API. However it implements another protocol called SOAP.

How to finish current activity in Android

I found many answers but not one is simple... I hope this will help you...

    Intent intent = new Intent(CurrentActivity.this, NewActivity.class);
} finally {

so, Very simple logic is here, as we know that in java we write code that has some chances of exception in a try block and handle that exception in catch block but in finally block we write code that has to be executed in any cost (Either the exception comes or not).

How can I remove the gloss on a select element in Safari on Mac?

Using -webkit-appearance:none; will remove also the arrows indicating that this is a dropdown.

See this snippet that makes it work across different browsers an adds custom arrows without including any image files:

 background: url() no-repeat 95% 50%;_x000D_
 -moz-appearance: none; _x000D_
 -webkit-appearance: none; _x000D_
 appearance: none;_x000D_
    /* and then whatever styles you want*/_x000D_
 height: 30px; _x000D_
 width: 100px;_x000D_
 padding: 5px;_x000D_
  <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>_x000D_
  <option value="saab">Saab</option>_x000D_
  <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>_x000D_
  <option value="audi">Audi</option>_x000D_

How to unpackage and repackage a WAR file

no need to that, tomcat naturally extract the war file into a folder of the same name. you simply modify the desired file inside that folder (including .xml configuration files), that's all. technically no need to restart tomcat after applying the modifications

How can I detect if this dictionary key exists in C#?

I use a Dictionary and because of the repetetiveness and possible missing keys, I quickly patched together a small method:

 private static string GetKey(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> dictValues, string keyValue)
     return dictValues.ContainsKey(keyValue) ? dictValues[keyValue] : "";

Calling it:

var entry = GetKey(dictList,"KeyValue1");

Gets the job done.

How can I get a count of the total number of digits in a number?

Here's an implementation using a binary search. Looks to be the fastest so far on int32.

Int64 implementation is left as an exercise for the reader(!)

I tried using Array.BinarySearch rather than hard-coding the tree, but that was about half the speed.

EDIT: A lookup table is much faster than the binary search, at the expense of using more memory. Realistically I'd probably use the binary search one in production, the lookup table is a lot of complexity for a speed gain that's likely to be overshadowed by other parts of the software.

Lookup-Table: 439 ms
Binary-Search: 1069 ms
If-Chain: 1409 ms
Log10: 1145 ms
While: 1768 ms
String: 5153 ms

Lookup table version:

static byte[] _0000llll = new byte[0x10000];
static byte[] _FFFFllll = new byte[0x10001];
static sbyte[] _hhhhXXXXdigits = new sbyte[0x10000];

// Special cases where the high DWORD is not enough information to find out how
// many digits.
static ushort[] _lowordSplits = new ushort[12];
static sbyte[] _lowordSplitDigitsLT = new sbyte[12];
static sbyte[] _lowordSplitDigitsGE = new sbyte[12];

static Int32Extensions()
    // Simple lookup tables for number of digits where value is 
    //    0000xxxx (0 .. 65535)
    // or FFFFxxxx (-1 .. -65536)

    // Hiword is a little more complex

private static void precomputeHiwordDigits()
    int b = 0;

    for(int hhhh = 0; hhhh <= 0xFFFF; hhhh++)
        // For hiword hhhh, calculate integer value for loword of 0000 and FFFF.
        int hhhh0000 = (unchecked(hhhh * 0x10000));  // wrap around on negatives
        int hhhhFFFF = hhhh0000 + 0xFFFF;

        // How many decimal digits for each?
        int digits0000 = hhhh0000.Digits_IfChain();
        int digitsFFFF = hhhhFFFF.Digits_IfChain();

        // If same number of decimal digits, we know that when we see that hiword
        // we don't have to look at the loword to know the right answer.
        if(digits0000 == digitsFFFF)
            _hhhhXXXXdigits[hhhh] = (sbyte)digits0000;
            bool negative = hhhh >= 0x8000;

            // Calculate 10, 100, 1000, 10000 etc
            int tenToThePower = (int)Math.Pow(10, (negative ? digits0000 : digitsFFFF) - 1);

            // Calculate the loword of the 10^n value.
            ushort lowordSplit = unchecked((ushort)tenToThePower);
                lowordSplit = unchecked((ushort)(2 + (ushort)~lowordSplit));

            // Store the split point and digits into these arrays
            _lowordSplits[b] = lowordSplit;
            _lowordSplitDigitsLT[b] = (sbyte)digits0000;
            _lowordSplitDigitsGE[b] = (sbyte)digitsFFFF;

            // Store the minus of the array index into the digits lookup. We look for
            // minus values and use these to trigger using the split points logic.
            _hhhhXXXXdigits[hhhh] = (sbyte)(-b);

private static void precomputePositiveLo16()
    for(int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
        _0000llll[i] = 1;

    for(int i = 10; i <= 99; i++)
        _0000llll[i] = 2;

    for(int i = 100; i <= 999; i++)
        _0000llll[i] = 3;

    for(int i = 1000; i <= 9999; i++)
        _0000llll[i] = 4;

    for(int i = 10000; i <= 65535; i++)
        _0000llll[i] = 5;

private static void precomputeNegativeLo16()
    for(int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
        _FFFFllll[65536 - i] = 1;

    for(int i = 10; i <= 99; i++)
        _FFFFllll[65536 - i] = 2;

    for(int i = 100; i <= 999; i++)
        _FFFFllll[65536 - i] = 3;

    for(int i = 1000; i <= 9999; i++)
        _FFFFllll[65536 - i] = 4;

    for(int i = 10000; i <= 65535; i++)
        _FFFFllll[65536 - i] = 5;

public static int Digits_LookupTable(this int n)
    // Split input into low word and high word.
    ushort l = unchecked((ushort)n);
    ushort h = unchecked((ushort)(n >> 16));

    // If the hiword is 0000 or FFFF we have precomputed tables for these.
    if(h == 0x0000)
        return _0000llll[l];
    else if(h == 0xFFFF)
        return _FFFFllll[l];

    // In most cases the hiword will tell us the number of decimal digits.
    sbyte digits = _hhhhXXXXdigits[h];

    // We put a positive number in this lookup table when
    // hhhh0000 .. hhhhFFFF all have the same number of decimal digits.
    if(digits > 0)
        return digits;

    // Where the answer is different for hhhh0000 to hhhhFFFF, we need to
    // look up in a separate array to tell us at what loword the change occurs.
    var splitIndex = (sbyte)(-digits);

    ushort lowordSplit = _lowordSplits[splitIndex];

    // Pick the correct answer from the relevant array, depending whether
    // our loword is lower than the split point or greater/equal. Note that for
    // negative numbers, the loword is LOWER for MORE decimal digits.
    if(l < lowordSplit)
        return _lowordSplitDigitsLT[splitIndex];
        return _lowordSplitDigitsGE[splitIndex];

Binary search version

        public static int Digits_BinarySearch(this int n)
            if(n >= 0)
                if(n <= 9999) // 0 .. 9999
                    if(n <= 99) // 0 .. 99
                        return (n <= 9) ? 1 : 2;
                    else // 100 .. 9999
                        return (n <= 999) ? 3 : 4;
                else // 10000 .. int.MaxValue
                    if(n <= 9_999_999) // 10000 .. 9,999,999
                        if(n <= 99_999)
                            return 5;
                        else if(n <= 999_999)
                            return 6;
                            return 7;
                    else // 10,000,000 .. int.MaxValue
                        if(n <= 99_999_999)
                            return 8;
                        else if(n <= 999_999_999)
                            return 9;
                            return 10;
                if(n >= -9999) // -9999 .. -1
                    if(n >= -99) // -99 .. -1
                        return (n >= -9) ? 1 : 2;
                    else // -9999 .. -100
                        return (n >= -999) ? 3 : 4;
                else // int.MinValue .. -10000
                    if(n >= -9_999_999) // -9,999,999 .. -10000
                        if(n >= -99_999)
                            return 5;
                        else if(n >= -999_999)
                            return 6;
                            return 7;
                    else // int.MinValue .. -10,000,000 
                        if(n >= -99_999_999)
                            return 8;
                        else if(n >= -999_999_999)
                            return 9;
                            return 10;

        Stopwatch sw0 = new Stopwatch();
        for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i) samples[i].Digits_BinarySearch();
        Console.WriteLine($"Binary-Search: {sw0.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

Comparing date part only without comparing time in JavaScript

This is the way I do it:

var myDate  = new Date($('input[name=frequency_start]').val()).setHours(0,0,0,0);
var today   = new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0);
    jAlert('Please Enter a date in the future','Date Start Error', function(){

Create new XML file and write data to it?

DOMDocument is a great choice. It's a module specifically designed for creating and manipulating XML documents. You can create a document from scratch, or open existing documents (or strings) and navigate and modify their structures.

$xml = new DOMDocument();
$xml_album = $xml->createElement("Album");
$xml_track = $xml->createElement("Track");
$xml_album->appendChild( $xml_track );
$xml->appendChild( $xml_album );


To re-open and write:

$xml = new DOMDocument();
$nodes = $xml->getElementsByTagName('Album') ;
if ($nodes->length > 0) {
   //insert some stuff using appendChild()


What is the difference between MacVim and regular Vim?

It's all about the key bindings which one can simply achieve from .vimrc configurations. As far as clipboard is concerned you can use :set clipboard unnamed and the yank from vim will go to system clipboard. Anyways, whichever one you end up using I suggest using this vimrc config , it contains a whole lot of plugins and bindings which will make your experience smooth.

How to clear textarea on click?

<textarea onClick="javascript: this.value='';">Please describe why</textarea>

Add primary key to existing table

If you add primary key constraint


for example:


What does %>% mean in R

Use ?'%*%' to get the documentation.

%*% is matrix multiplication. For matrix multiplication, you need an m x n matrix times an n x p matrix. AAPT2 error: check logs for details

Delete the .idea folder, and then try again. Make sure that you are using an open network.

Hash Table/Associative Array in VBA

I've used Francesco Balena's HashTable class several times in the past when a Collection or Dictionary wasn't a perfect fit and i just needed a HashTable.

How to turn off word wrapping in HTML?

white-space: nowrap;: Will never break text, will keep other defaults

white-space: pre;: Will never break text, will keep multiple spaces after one another as multiple spaces, will break if explicitly written to break(pressing enter in html etc)

WebAPI to Return XML

If you don't want the controller to decide the return object type, you should set your method return type as System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage and use the below code to return the XML.

public HttpResponseMessage Authenticate()
  //process the request 

  string XML="<note><body>Message content</body></note>";
  return new HttpResponseMessage() 
    Content = new StringContent(XML, Encoding.UTF8, "application/xml") 

This is the quickest way to always return XML from Web API.

Input text dialog Android

Sounds like a good opportunity to use an AlertDialog.

As basic as it seems, Android does not have a built-in dialog to do this (as far as I know). Fortunately, it's just a little extra work on top of creating a standard AlertDialog. You simply need to create an EditText for the user to input data, and set it as the view of the AlertDialog. You can customize the type of input allowed using setInputType, if you need.

If you're able to use a member variable, you can simply set the variable to the value of the EditText, and it will persist after the dialog has dismissed. If you can't use a member variable, you may need to use a listener to send the string value to the right place. (I can edit and elaborate more if this is what you need).

Within your class:

private String m_Text = "";

Within the OnClickListener of your button (or in a function called from there):

AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);

// Set up the input
final EditText input = new EditText(this);
// Specify the type of input expected; this, for example, sets the input as a password, and will mask the text

// Set up the buttons
builder.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { 
    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
        m_Text = input.getText().toString();
builder.setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

How can I protect my .NET assemblies from decompilation?

How to preventing decompilation of any C# application

Pretty much describes the entire situation.

At some point the code will have to be translated to VM bytecode, and the user can get at it then.

Machine code isn't that much different either. A good interactive disassembler/debugger like IDA Pro makes just about any native application transparent. The debugger is smart enough to use AI to identify common APIs, compiler optimizations, etc. it allows the user to meticuloulsy rebuild higher level constructs from the assembly generated from machine code.

And IDA Pro supports .Net to some extent too.

Honestly, after working on an reverse engineering ( for compatibility ) project for a few years, the main thing I got out of my experience is that I probably shouldn't worry too much about people stealing my code. If anyone wants it, it will never be very hard to get it no matter what scheme I implement.

Manually type in a value in a "Select" / Drop-down HTML list?

I love the Shadow Wizard answer, which accually answers the question pretty nicelly. My jQuery twist on this which i use is here.

After typing new value, the form is ready to send, just need to handle new values on the back end.

jQuery is:

(function ($) 
 $.fn.otherize = function (option_text, texts_placeholder_text) {
    oSel = $(this);
    option_id = oSel.attr('id') + '_other';
    textbox_id = option_id + "_tb";

    this.append("<option value='' id='" + option_id + "' class='otherize' >" + option_text + "</option>");
    this.after("<input type='text' id='" + textbox_id + "' style='display: none; border-bottom: 1px solid black' placeholder='" + texts_placeholder_text + "'/>");

    function () {
        oTbox = oSel.parent().children('#' + textbox_id);
        oSel.children(':selected').hasClass('otherize') ? : oTbox.hide();

    $("#" + textbox_id).change(

    function () {
        $("#" + option_id).val($("#" + textbox_id).val());

So you apply this to the below html:

    <select id="otherize_me">
        <option value=1>option 1</option>
        <option value=2>option 2</option>
        <option value=3>option 3</option>

Just like this:

$(function () {

   $("#otherize_me").otherize("other..", "put new option vallue here");


How do I get my C# program to sleep for 50 msec?

There are basically 3 choices for waiting in (almost) any programming language:

  1. Loose waiting
    • Executing thread blocks for given time (= does not consume processing power)
    • No processing is possible on blocked/waiting thread
    • Not so precise
  2. Tight waiting (also called tight loop)
    • processor is VERY busy for the entire waiting interval (in fact, it usually consumes 100% of one core's processing time)
    • Some actions can be performed while waiting
    • Very precise
  3. Combination of previous 2
    • It usually combines processing efficiency of 1. and preciseness + ability to do something of 2.

for 1. - Loose waiting in C#:


However, windows thread scheduler causes acccuracy of Sleep() to be around 15ms (so Sleep can easily wait for 20ms, even if scheduled to wait just for 1ms).

for 2. - Tight waiting in C# is:

Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
while (true)
    //some other processing to do possible
    if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= millisecondsToWait)

We could also use DateTime.Now or other means of time measurement, but Stopwatch is much faster (and this would really become visible in tight loop).

for 3. - Combination:

Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
while (true)
    //some other processing to do STILL POSSIBLE
    if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= millisecondsToWait)
    Thread.Sleep(1); //so processor can rest for a while

This code regularly blocks thread for 1ms (or slightly more, depending on OS thread scheduling), so processor is not busy for that time of blocking and code does not consume 100% of processor's power. Other processing can still be performed in-between blocking (such as: updating of UI, handling of events or doing interaction/communication stuff).

Where can I view Tomcat log files in Eclipse?

Double click and open the server. Go to 'Arguments'. -Dcatalina.base= .. something. Go to that something. Your logs are there.

Connect multiple devices to one device via Bluetooth

Yes, that is possible. At its lowest level Bluetooth allows you to connect up to 7 devices to one master device. I have done this and it has worked well for me, but only on other platforms (linux) where I had lots of manual control - I've never tried that on Android and there are some possible complications so you will need to do some testing to be certain.

One of the issues is that you need the tablet to the master and Android doesn't give you any explicit control of this. It is likely that this won't be a problem because * the tablet will automatically become the master when you try to connect a second device to it, or * you will be able to control the master/slave roles by how you setup your socket connection

I will caution though that most apps using Bluetooth on mobile are not attempting many simultaneous connections and Bluetooth can be a bit fragile, e.g. what if two devices already have a Bluetooth connection for some other app - how might that affect the roles?

LaTex left arrow over letter in math mode

Use \overleftarrow to create a long arrow to the left.


LaTeX output

How to install Jdk in centos

There are JDK versions available from the base CentOS repositories. Depending on your version of CentOS, and the JDK you want to install, the following as root should give you what you want:

OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Java SE 6)

yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk

OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Java SE 7)

yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk

OpenJDK Development Environment (Java SE 7)

yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel

OpenJDK Development Environment (Java SE 6)

yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel

Update for Java 8

In CentOS 6.6 or later, Java 8 is available. Similar to 6 and 7 above, the packages are as follows:

OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Java SE 8)

yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk

OpenJDK Development Environment (Java SE 8)

yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

There's also a 'headless' JRE package that is the same as the above JRE, except it doesn't contain audio/video support. This can be used for a slightly more minimal installation:

OpenJDK Runtime Environment - Headless (Java SE 8)

yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless

How do I reset the setInterval timer?

If by "restart", you mean to start a new 4 second interval at this moment, then you must stop and restart the timer.

function myFn() {console.log('idle');}

var myTimer = setInterval(myFn, 4000);

// Then, later at some future time, 
// to restart a new 4 second interval starting at this exact moment in time
myTimer = setInterval(myFn, 4000);

You could also use a little timer object that offers a reset feature:

function Timer(fn, t) {
    var timerObj = setInterval(fn, t);

    this.stop = function() {
        if (timerObj) {
            timerObj = null;
        return this;

    // start timer using current settings (if it's not already running)
    this.start = function() {
        if (!timerObj) {
            timerObj = setInterval(fn, t);
        return this;

    // start with new or original interval, stop current interval
    this.reset = function(newT = t) {
        t = newT;
        return this.stop().start();


var timer = new Timer(function() {
    // your function here
}, 5000);

// switch interval to 10 seconds

// stop the timer

// start the timer

Working demo:

cannot redeclare block scoped variable (typescript)

In my case (using IntelliJ) File - Invalidate Caches / Restart... did the trick.

How to easily consume a web service from PHP

This article explains how you can use PHP SoapClient to call a api web service.

How to update the value stored in Dictionary in C#?

It's possible by accessing the key as index

for example:

Dictionary<string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, int>();
dictionary["test"] = 1;
dictionary["test"] += 1;
Console.WriteLine (dictionary["test"]); // will print 2

JavaScript "cannot read property "bar" of undefined

You can safeguard yourself either of these two ways:

function myFunc(thing) {
    if (thing && && {
        // safe to use here

function myFunc(thing) {
    try {
        var x =;
        // do something with x
    } catch(e) {
        // do whatever you want when didn't work

In the first example, you explicitly check all the possible elements of the variable you're referencing to make sure it's safe before using it so you don't get any unplanned reference exceptions.

In the second example, you just put an exception handler around it. You just access assuming it exists. If it does exist, then the code runs normally. If it doesn't exist, then it will throw an exception which you will catch and ignore. The end result is the same. If exists, your code using it executes. If it doesn't exist that code does not execute. In all cases, the function runs normally.

The if statement is faster to execute. The exception can be simpler to code and use in complex cases where there may be many possible things to protect against and your code is structured so that throwing an exception and handling it is a clean way to skip execution when some piece of data does not exist. Exceptions are a bit slower when the exception is thrown.

how to define ssh private key for servers fetched by dynamic inventory in files

TL;DR: Specify key file in group variable file, since 'tag_Name_server1' is a group.

Note: I'm assuming you're using the EC2 external inventory script. If you're using some other dynamic inventory approach, you might need to tweak this solution.

This is an issue I've been struggling with, on and off, for months, and I've finally found a solution, thanks to Brian Coca's suggestion here. The trick is to use Ansible's group variable mechanisms to automatically pass along the correct SSH key file for the machine you're working with.

The EC2 inventory script automatically sets up various groups that you can use to refer to hosts. You're using this in your playbook: in the first play, you're telling Ansible to apply 'role1' to the entire 'tag_Name_server1' group. We want to direct Ansible to use a specific SSH key for any host in the 'tag_Name_server1' group, which is where group variable files come in.

Assuming that your playbook is located in the 'my-playbooks' directory, create files for each group under the 'group_vars' directory:

|-- test.yml
+-- group_vars
     |-- tag_Name_server1.yml
     +-- tag_Name_server2.yml

Now, any time you refer to these groups in a playbook, Ansible will check the appropriate files, and load any variables you've defined there.

Within each group var file, we can specify the key file to use for connecting to hosts in the group:

# tag_Name_server1.yml
# --------------------
# Variables for EC2 instances named "server1"
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /path/to/ssh/key/server1.pem

Now, when you run your playbook, it should automatically pick up the right keys!

Using environment vars for portability

I often run playbooks on many different servers (local, remote build server, etc.), so I like to parameterize things. Rather than using a fixed path, I have an environment variable called SSH_KEYDIR that points to the directory where the SSH keys are stored.

In this case, my group vars files look like this, instead:

# tag_Name_server1.yml
# --------------------
# Variables for EC2 instances named "server1"
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "{{ lookup('env','SSH_KEYDIR') }}/server1.pem"

Further Improvements

There's probably a bunch of neat ways this could be improved. For one thing, you still need to manually specify which key to use for each group. Since the EC2 inventory script includes details about the keypair used for each server, there's probably a way to get the key name directly from the script itself. In that case, you could supply the directory the keys are located in (as above), and have it choose the correct keys based on the inventory data.

Get current time in hours and minutes

you can use command

date | awk '{print $4}'| cut -d ':' -f3

as you mentioned using only the date|awk '{print $4}' pipeline gives you something like this


so as we can see if we want to extract some part of this string then we need a delimiter , for our case it is :, so we decide to chop on the basis of :. Now this delimiter will chop the string into three parts i.e. 20 ,18 and 19 , as we want the second one we use -f2 in our command. to sum up ,

cut : chops some string based on delimeter.

-d : delimeter (here :)

-f2 : the chopped off token that we want.

Set TextView text from html-formatted string resource in XML

Just in case anybody finds this, there's a nicer alternative that's not documented (I tripped over it after searching for hours, and finally found it in the bug list for the Android SDK itself). You CAN include raw HTML in strings.xml, as long as you wrap it in

<![CDATA[ ...raw html... ]]>


<string name="nice_html">
<p>This is a html-formatted string with <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> text</p>
<p>This is another paragraph of the same string.</p>

Then, in your code:

TextView foo = (TextView)findViewById(;

IMHO, this is several orders of magnitude nicer to work with :-)

SimpleDateFormat parsing date with 'Z' literal

Since java 8 just use ZonedDateTime.parse("2010-04-05T17:16:00Z")

The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

To me the code coverage configuration in the "Local.testtesttings" file "caused" the problem. I forgot to update the files that were referenced there.

Launch Failed. Binary not found. CDT on Eclipse Helios

I faced the same problem while installing Eclipse for c/c++ applications .I downloaded Mingw GCC ,put its bin folder in your path ,used it in toolchains while making new C++ project in Eclipse and build which solved my problem. Referred to this video

How to find the first and second maximum number?

OK I found it.


=large(array, k)

Array Required. The array or range of data for which you want to determine the k-th largest value.

K Required. The position (from the largest) in the array or cell range of data to return.

How can I initialise a static Map?

One advantage to the second method is that you can wrap it with Collections.unmodifiableMap() to guarantee that nothing is going to update the collection later:

private static final Map<Integer, String> CONSTANT_MAP = 
    Collections.unmodifiableMap(new HashMap<Integer, String>() {{ 
        put(1, "one");
        put(2, "two");

 // later on...

 CONSTANT_MAP.put(3, "three"); // going to throw an exception!

How to download excel (.xls) file from API in postman?

Try selecting send and download instead of send when you make the request. (the blue button)

"For binary response types, you should select Send and download which will let you save the response to your hard disk. You can then view it using the appropriate viewer."

CSS scale height to match width - possibly with a formfactor

#map { 
    width: 100%; 
    height: 100vw * 1.72 

Pass in an array of Deferreds to $.when()

If you're using angularJS or some variant of the Q promise library, then you have a .all() method that solves this exact problem.

var savePromises = [];
angular.forEach(models, function(model){

  function success(results){...},
  function failed(results){...}

see the full API:$q

Fit Image into PictureBox

Have a look at the sizemode property of the picturebox.

pictureBox1.SizeMode =PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;

Get a timestamp in C in microseconds?

You need to add in the seconds, too:

unsigned long time_in_micros = 1000000 * tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec;

Note that this will only last for about 232/106 =~ 4295 seconds, or roughly 71 minutes though (on a typical 32-bit system).

How to display data from database into textbox, and update it

The answer is .IsPostBack as suggested by @Kundan Singh Chouhan. Just to add to it, move your code into a separate method from Page_Load

private void PopulateFields()
  using(SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection("Data Source=USER-PC;Initial Catalog=webservice_database;Integrated Security=True"))
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    SqlDataReader myReader = null;  
    SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("select * from customer_registration where username='" + Session["username"] + "'", con1);

    myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();

    while (myReader.Read())
        TextBoxPassword.Text = (myReader["password"].ToString());
        TextBoxRPassword.Text = (myReader["retypepassword"].ToString());
        DropDownListGender.SelectedItem.Text = (myReader["gender"].ToString());
        DropDownListMonth.Text = (myReader["birth"].ToString());
        DropDownListYear.Text = (myReader["birth"].ToString());
        TextBoxAddress.Text = (myReader["address"].ToString());
        TextBoxCity.Text = (myReader["city"].ToString());
        DropDownListCountry.SelectedItem.Text = (myReader["country"].ToString());
        TextBoxPostcode.Text = (myReader["postcode"].ToString());
        TextBoxEmail.Text = (myReader["email"].ToString());
        TextBoxCarno.Text = (myReader["carno"].ToString());
  }//end using

Then call it in your Page_Load

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


How to append multiple items in one line in Python

No. The method for appending an entire sequence is list.extend().

>>> L = [1, 2]
>>> L.extend((3, 4, 5))
>>> L
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Uncaught ReferenceError: React is not defined

If you are using Babel and React 17, you might need to add "runtime2: "automatic" to config.

     "presets": ["@babel/preset-env", ["@babel/preset-react", {
        "runtime": "automatic"

Create Log File in Powershell

function WriteLog
    Param ([string]$LogString)
    $LogFile = "C:\$(gc env:computername).log"
    $DateTime = "[{0:MM/dd/yy} {0:HH:mm:ss}]" -f (Get-Date)
    $LogMessage = "$Datetime $LogString"
    Add-content $LogFile -value $LogMessage

WriteLog "This is my log message"


A real problem often exists because any variables set inside will not be exported when that batch file finishes. So its not possible to export, which caused us issues. As a result, I just set the registry to ALWAYS used delayed expansion (I don't know why it's not the default, could be speed or legacy compatibility issue.)

Bash mkdir and subfolders

You can:

mkdir -p folder/subfolder

The -p flag causes any parent directories to be created if necessary.

Authenticate Jenkins CI for Github private repository

One thing that got this working for me is to make sure that is in ~jenkins/.ssh/known_hosts.

How to go up a level in the src path of a URL in HTML?

Use ../:

background-image: url('../images/bg.png');

You can use that as often as you want, e.g. ../../images/ or even at different positions, e.g. ../images/../images/../images/ (same as ../images/ of course)

How can I rename a conda environment?

conda create --name new_name --copy --clone old_name is better

I use conda create --name new_name --clone old_name which is without --copy but encountered pip breaks...

the following url may help Installing tensorflow in cloned conda environment breaks conda environment it was cloned from

How can I send JSON response in symfony2 controller

Since Symfony 3.1 you can use JSON Helper

public function indexAction()
// returns '{"username":"jane.doe"}' and sets the proper Content-Type header
return $this->json(array('username' => 'jane.doe'));

// the shortcut defines three optional arguments
// return $this->json($data, $status = 200, $headers = array(), $context = array());

how to "execute" make file

You don't tend to execute the make file itself, rather you execute make, giving it the make file as an argument:

make -f

If your make file is actually one of the standard names (like makefile or Makefile), you don't even need to specify it. It'll be picked up by default (if you have more than one of these standard names in your build directory, you better look up the make man page to see which takes precedence).

How to change package name of Android Project in Eclipse?

One extremely important notice:

NEVER use a direct package names as in something similar to passing a string value containing the package name. Use the method getPackageName(). This will make the renaming dynamic. Do whatever to reach the method getPackageName().

In Eclipse Juno, the correct way of renaming is:

  1. Go and edit the manifest.
  2. Remove every old package name in the manifest.
  3. Put instead of the old package name, the new package name in every location inside the manifest. You might have classes (Activities that is) that need direct package name references.
  4. Save the manifest.
  5. Then right click the package name inside the project.
  6. Select "Refactor".
  7. Select "Rename".
  8. Type the new package name.
  9. Select "update references".
  10. Press OK and you're done and watch out also what should be done to replace the new name.
  11. Don't forget to also update the layout XML files with the new package name. You might have a custom View. Look for them.

href="file://" doesn't work

%20 is the space between AmberCRO SOP.

Try -

href="http://file:///K:/AmberCRO SOP/2011-07-05/SOP-SOP-3.0.pdf"

Or rename the folder as AmberCRO-SOP and write it as -


WAMP shows error 'MSVCR100.dll' is missing when install

Just ran on this issue. Issue was at same OS (Win7 HB x64) as in this answer. I used gaurav's advice and successfully started WAMP.

I wanted to add that you don't need Visual C++ 2010 versions when using 2012 version (at least in this case).

Vertical alignment of text and icon in button

Alternativly if your using bootstrap then you can just add align-middle to vertical align the element.

<button id="whaever" class="btn btn-large btn-primary" style="padding: 20px;" name="Continue" type="submit">Continue
    <i class="icon-ok align-middle" style="font-size:40px;"></i>

C# Test if user has write access to a folder

Here is a modified version of CsabaS's answer, which accounts for explicit deny access rules. The function goes through all FileSystemAccessRules for a directory, and checks if the current user is in a role which has access to a directory. If no such roles are found or the user is in a role with denied access, the function returns false. To check read rights, pass FileSystemRights.Read to the function; for write rights, pass FileSystemRights.Write. If you want to check an arbitrary user's rights and not the current one's, substitute the currentUser WindowsIdentity for the desired WindowsIdentity. I would also advise against relying on functions like this to determine if the user can safely use the directory. This answer perfectly explains why.

    public static bool UserHasDirectoryAccessRights(string path, FileSystemRights accessRights)
        var isInRoleWithAccess = false;

            var di = new DirectoryInfo(path);
            var acl = di.GetAccessControl();
            var rules = acl.GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(NTAccount));

            var currentUser = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
            var principal = new WindowsPrincipal(currentUser);
            foreach (AuthorizationRule rule in rules)
                var fsAccessRule = rule as FileSystemAccessRule;
                if (fsAccessRule == null)

                if ((fsAccessRule.FileSystemRights & accessRights) > 0)
                    var ntAccount = rule.IdentityReference as NTAccount;
                    if (ntAccount == null)

                    if (principal.IsInRole(ntAccount.Value))
                        if (fsAccessRule.AccessControlType == AccessControlType.Deny)
                            return false;
                        isInRoleWithAccess = true;
        catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
            return false;
        return isInRoleWithAccess;

alternative to "!is.null()" in R

Ian put this in the comment, but I think it's a good answer:

if (exists("aVariable"))
  do whatever

note that the variable name is quoted.

SQL- Ignore case while searching for a string

See this similar question and answer to searching with case insensitivity - SQL server ignore case in a where expression

Try using something like:

FROM myTable 
WHERE COL_NAME COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS LIKE '%priceorder%'

Anaconda site-packages

I encountered this issue in my conda environment. The reason is that packages have been installed into two different folders, only one of which is recognised by the Python executable.

~/anaconda2/envs/[my_env]/site-packages ~/anaconda2/envs/[my_env]/lib/python2.7/site-packages

A proved solution is to add both folders to python path, using the following steps in command line (Please replace [my_env] with your own environment):

  1. conda activate [my_env].
  2. conda-develop ~/anaconda2/envs/[my_env]/site-packages
  3. conda-develop ~/anaconda2/envs/[my_env]/lib/python2.7/site-packages (conda-develop is to add a .pth file to the folder so that the Python executable knows of this folder when searching for packages.)

To ensure this works, try to activate Python in this environment, and import the package that was not found.

Retrieving Data from SQL Using pyodbc

Upvoted answer din't work for me, It was fixed by editing connection line as follows(replace semicolons with coma and also remove those quotes):

import pyodbc
cursor = cnxn.cursor()

for row in cursor.fetchall():
    print row

Can we have multiple "WITH AS" in single sql - Oracle SQL

Aditya or others, can you join or match up t2 with t1 in your example, i.e. translated to my code,

with t1 as (select * from AA where FIRSTNAME like 'Kermit'),
     t2 as (select * from BB B join t1 on t1.FIELD1 = B.FIELD1)

I am not clear whether only WHERE is supported for joining, or what joining approach is supported within the 2nd WITH entity. Some of the examples have the WHERE A=B down in the body of the select "below" the WITH clauses.

The error I'm getting following these WITH declarations is the identifiers (field names) in B are not recognized, down in the body of the rest of the SQL. So the WITH syntax seems to run OK, but cannot access the results from t2.

Why does fatal error "LNK1104: cannot open file 'C:\Program.obj'" occur when I compile a C++ project in Visual Studio?

My issue was caused by other application using the .dll file I was trying to debug.

Closing the application that was using the .dll solved it for me.

Error - SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM

I am seeing the same thing. The error does not happen on insert of a row but on an update. the table I am referencing has two DateTime columns neither of which are nullable.

I have gotten the scenario down to getting the row and immediately saving it (no data changes). The get works fine but the update fails.

We are using NHibernate

[Vue warn]: Property or method is not defined on the instance but referenced during render

If you use two times vue instance. Then it will give you this error. For example in app.js and your own script tag in view file. Just use one time

 const app = new Vue({
    el: '#app',

A TypeScript GUID class?

I found this

here is the Guid version they have in case the link does not work later.

module System {
    export class Guid {
        constructor (public guid: string) {
            this._guid = guid;

        private _guid: string;

        public ToString(): string {
            return this.guid;

        // Static member
        static MakeNew(): Guid {
            var result: string;
            var i: string;
            var j: number;

            result = "";
            for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
                if (j == 8 || j == 12 || j == 16 || j == 20)
                    result = result + '-';
                i = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16).toUpperCase();
                result = result + i;
            return new Guid(result);

invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char*'

First of all this code snippet

char *addr=NULL;

is invalid because you did not allocate memory where you are going to copy retstring().c_str().

As for the error message then it is clear enough. The type of expression data.str().c_str() is const char * but the third parameter of the function is declared as char *. You may not assign an object of type const char * to an object of type char *. Either the function should define the third parameter as const char * if it does not change the object pointed by the third parameter or you may not pass argument of type const char *.

How to remove all duplicate items from a list

No, it's simply a typo, the "list" at the end must be capitalized. You can nest loops over the same variable just fine (although there's rarely a good reason to).

However, there are other problems with the code. For starters, you're iterating through lists, so i and j will be items not indices. Furthermore, you can't change a collection while iterating over it (well, you "can" in that it runs, but madness lies that way - for instance, you'll propably skip over items). And then there's the complexity problem, your code is O(n^2). Either convert the list into a set and back into a list (simple, but shuffles the remaining list items) or do something like this:

seen = set()
new_x = []
for x in xs:
    if x in seen:

Both solutions require the items to be hashable. If that's not possible, you'll probably have to stick with your current approach sans the mentioned problems.

How do you extract IP addresses from files using a regex in a linux shell?

For those who want a ready solution for getting IP addresses from apache log and listing occurences of how many times IP address has visited website, use this line:

grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' error.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > occurences.txt

Nice method to ban hackers. Next you can:

  1. Delete lines with less than 20 visits
  2. Using regexp cut till single space so you will have only IP addresses
  3. Using regexp cut 1-3 last numbers of IP addresses so you will have only network addresses
  4. Add deny from and a space at the beginning of each line
  5. Put the result file as .htaccess

Sending emails with Javascript

What about having a live validation on the textbox, and once it goes over 2000 (or whatever the maximum threshold is) then display 'This email is too long to be completed in the browser, please <span class="launchEmailClientLink">launch what you have in your email client</span>'

To which I'd have

.launchEmailClientLink {
cursor: pointer;
color: #00F;

and jQuery this into your onDomReady


DateTime fields from SQL Server display incorrectly in Excel

Here's a simple macro that can be run after pasting data from SSMS. It's easiest if you copy it to your PERSONAL.XLSB file and add a button to the Quick Access Toolbar or a new custom group/tab in the ribbon. Run the macro immediately after pasting while the data is still selected. It can also be run if a single cell is selected within the data - it will automatically select the current area before running (same as ctrl-a). To run the macro on only a subset of data, select the desired subset before running. It can handle the data including or excluding headers, but assumes there at at least 2 rows in the current area.

It efficiently tests each column to see if the first non-NULL value looks to be a date/time value in the strange format. If it is, it sets the entire column to the default system date/time format, even if your date format is 'd/m/y'.

Sub FixSSMSDateFormats()

'Intended for copied data from SSMS and handles headers included
'For selection or current area, checks each column...
'   If the first non-NULL value is in strange time format, then change entire column to system date/time format

Dim values As Variant, r As Long, c As Long

If Selection.Count = 1 Then Selection.CurrentRegion.Select

values = Selection.Value

For c = 1 To UBound(values, 2)

    For r = 2 To UBound(values, 1)
        If TypeName(values(r, c)) = "Double" Then
            If values(r, c) > 1 And Selection(r, c).NumberFormat = "mm:ss.0" Then
                Selection.Columns(c).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy h:mm"
            End If
            Exit For
        ElseIf values(r, c) <> "NULL" Then
            Exit For
        End If


End Sub

How to do a num_rows() on COUNT query in codeigniter?


The number of rows returned by the query. Note: In this example, $query is the variable that the query result object is assigned to:

$query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM my_table');

echo $query->num_rows();

"unable to locate adb" using Android Studio

Else this will helps you

The ADB is now located in the Android SDK platform-tools.

Check your [sdk directory]/platform-tools directory and if it does not exist, then open the SDK manager in the Android Studio (a button somewhere in the top menu, android logo with a down arrow), switch to SDK tools tab and and select/install the Android SDK Platform-tools.

Alternatively, you can try the standalone SDK Manager: Open the SDK manager and you should see a "Launch Standalone SDK manager" link somewhere at the bottom of the settings window. Click and open the standalone SDK manager, then install/update the

"Tools > Android SDK platform tools". If the above does not solve the problem, try reinstalling the tools: open the "Standalone SDK manager" and uninstall the Android SDK platform-tools, delete the [your sdk directory]/platform-tools directory completely and install it again using the SDK manager.

Hope this helps!

Get free disk space

this works for me...

using System.IO;

private long GetTotalFreeSpace(string driveName)
    foreach (DriveInfo drive in DriveInfo.GetDrives())
        if (drive.IsReady && drive.Name == driveName)
            return drive.TotalFreeSpace;
    return -1;

good luck!

How many parameters are too many?

A function can only have too many parameters if some of the parameters are redundant. If all the parameters are used, the function must have the correct number of parameters. Take this often used function:

HWND CreateWindowEx
  DWORD dwExStyle,
  LPCTSTR lpClassName,
  LPCTSTR lpWindowName,
  DWORD dwStyle,
  int x,
  int y,
  int nWidth,
  int nHeight,
  HWND hWndParent,
  HMENU hMenu,
  HINSTANCE hInstance,
  LPVOID lpParam

That's 12 parameters (9 if you bundle the x,y,w and h as a rectangle) and there's also the parameters derived from the class name as well. How would you reduce this? Would you want to reduce the number more to the point?

Don't let the number of parameters bother you, just make sure it's logical and well documented and let intellisense* help you.

* Other coding assistants are available!

Open directory using C

Parameters passed to the C program executable is nothing but an array of string(or character pointer),so memory would have been already allocated for these input parameter before your program access these parameters,so no need to allocate buffer,and that way you can avoid error handling code in your program as well(Reduce chances of segfault :)).

Docker and securing passwords

The 12-Factor app methodology tells, that any configuration should be stored in environment variables.

Docker compose could do variable substitution in configuration, so that could be used to pass passwords from host to docker.

EnterKey to press button in VBA Userform

Use the TextBox's Exit event handler:

Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
End Sub

Send JavaScript variable to PHP variable

PHP runs on the server and Javascript runs on the client, so you can't set a PHP variable to equal a Javascript variable without sending the value to the server. You can, however, set a Javascript variable to equal a PHP variable:

<script type="text/javascript">
  var foo = '<?php echo $foo ?>';

To send a Javascript value to PHP you'd need to use AJAX. With jQuery, it would look something like this (most basic example possible):

var variableToSend = 'foo';
$.post('file.php', {variable: variableToSend});

On your server, you would need to receive the variable sent in the post:

$variable = $_POST['variable'];

How can I generate a list or array of sequential integers in Java?

You can use the Interval class from Eclipse Collections.

List<Integer> range = Interval.oneTo(10);
range.forEach(System.out::print);  // prints 12345678910

The Interval class is lazy, so doesn't store all of the values.

LazyIterable<Integer> range = Interval.oneTo(10);
System.out.println(range.makeString(",")); // prints 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Your method would be able to be implemented as follows:

public List<Integer> makeSequence(int begin, int end) {
    return Interval.fromTo(begin, end);

If you would like to avoid boxing ints as Integers, but would still like a list structure as a result, then you can use IntList with IntInterval from Eclipse Collections.

public IntList makeSequence(int begin, int end) {
    return IntInterval.fromTo(begin, end);

IntList has the methods sum(), min(), minIfEmpty(), max(), maxIfEmpty(), average() and median() available on the interface.

Update for clarity: 11/27/2017

An Interval is a List<Integer>, but it is lazy and immutable. It is extremely useful for generating test data, especially if you deal a lot with collections. If you want you can easily copy an interval to a List, Set or Bag as follows:

Interval integers = Interval.oneTo(10);
Set<Integer> set = integers.toSet();
List<Integer> list = integers.toList();
Bag<Integer> bag = integers.toBag();

An IntInterval is an ImmutableIntList which extends IntList. It also has converter methods.

IntInterval ints = IntInterval.oneTo(10);
IntSet set = ints.toSet();
IntList list = ints.toList();
IntBag bag = ints.toBag();

An Interval and an IntInterval do not have the same equals contract.

Update for Eclipse Collections 9.0

You can now create primitive collections from primitive streams. There are withAll and ofAll methods depending on your preference. If you are curious, I explain why we have both here. These methods exist for mutable and immutable Int/Long/Double Lists, Sets, Bags and Stacks.

        IntLists.mutable.withAll(IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 10)));

        IntLists.immutable.withAll(IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 10)));

Note: I am a committer for Eclipse Collections

clearInterval() not working

You're using clearInterval incorrectly.

This is the proper use:

Set the timer with

var_name = setInterval(fontChange, 500);

and then


Mongoose, Select a specific field with find

I found a really good option in mongoose that uses distinct returns array all of a specific field in document.

User.find({}).distinct('email').then((err, emails) => { // do something })

Parse String date in (yyyy-MM-dd) format

You may need to format the out put as follows.

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Date convertedCurrentDate = sdf.parse("2013-09-18");
String date=sdf.format(convertedCurrentDate );


String convertedCurrentDate =sdf.format(sdf.parse("2013-09-18"));



What's the reason I can't create generic array types in Java?

If we cannot instantiate generic arrays, why does the language have generic array types? What's the point of having a type without objects?

The only reason I can think of, is varargs - foo(T...). Otherwise they could have completely scrubbed generic array types. (Well, they didn't really have to use array for varargs, since varargs didn't exist before 1.5. That's probably another mistake.)

So it is a lie, you can instantiate generic arrays, through varargs!

Of course, the problems with generic arrays are still real, e.g.

static <T> T[] foo(T... args){
    return args;
static <T> T[] foo2(T a1, T a2){
    return foo(a1, a2);

public static void main(String[] args){
    String[] x2 = foo2("a", "b"); // heap pollution!

We can use this example to actually demonstrate the danger of generic array.

On the other hand, we've been using generic varargs for a decade, and the sky is not falling yet. So we can argue that the problems are being exaggerated; it is not a big deal. If explicit generic array creation is allowed, we'll have bugs here and there; but we've been used to the problems of erasure, and we can live with it.

And we can point to foo2 to refute the claim that the spec keeps us from the problems that they claim to keep us from. If Sun had more time and resources for 1.5, I believe they could have reached a more satisfying resolution.

Good Java graph algorithm library?


How to get ASCII value of string in C#

Why not the old fashioned easy way?

    public int[] ToASCII(string s)
        char c;
        int[] cByte = new int[s.Length];   / the ASCII string
        for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
            c = s[i];                        // get a character from the string s
            cByte[i] = Convert.ToInt16(c);   // and convert it to ASCII
        return cByte;

How to use Git?

git clone your-url local-dir

to checkout source code;

git pull

to update source code in local-dir;

A general tree implementation?


I recommend


from anytree import Node, RenderTree

udo = Node("Udo")
marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo)
lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc)
dan = Node("Dan", parent=udo)
jet = Node("Jet", parent=dan)
jan = Node("Jan", parent=dan)
joe = Node("Joe", parent=dan)


for pre, fill, node in RenderTree(udo):
    print("%s%s" % (pre,
+-- Marc
¦   +-- Lian
+-- Dan
    +-- Jet
    +-- Jan
    +-- Joe

(Node('/Udo/Dan/Jet'), Node('/Udo/Dan/Jan'), Node('/Udo/Dan/Joe'))


anytree has also a powerful API with:

  • simple tree creation
  • simple tree modification
  • pre-order tree iteration
  • post-order tree iteration
  • resolve relative and absolute node paths
  • walking from one node to an other.
  • tree rendering (see example above)
  • node attach/detach hookups

Is it possible to open a Windows Explorer window from PowerShell?

Just use the Invoke-Item cmdlet. For example, if you want to open a explorer window on the current directory you can do:

Invoke-Item .

How to prevent page scrolling when scrolling a DIV element?

Here is my solution I've used in applications.

I disabled the body overflow and placed the entire website html inside container div's. The website containers have overflow and therefore the user may scroll the page as expected.

I then created a sibling div (#Prevent) with a higher z-index that covers the entire website. Since #Prevent has a higher z-index, it overlaps the website container. When #Prevent is visible the mouse is no longer hovering the website containers, so scrolling isn't possible.

You may of course place another div, such as your modal, with a higher z-index than #Prevent in the markup. This allows you to create pop-up windows that don't suffer from scrolling issues.

This solution is better because it doesn't hide the scrollbars (jumping affect). It doesn't require event listeners and it's easy to implement. It works in all browsers, although with IE7 & 8 you have to play around (depends on your specific code).


  <div id="YourModal" style="display:none;"></div>
  <div id="Prevent" style="display:none;"></div>
  <div id="WebsiteContainer">
     <div id="Website">
     website goes here...


body { overflow: hidden; }

#YourModal {
 /* modal styles here */

#Prevent {

#WebsiteContainer {
  position: absolute;
#Website {


function PreventScroll(A) { 
  switch (A) {
    case 'on': $('#Prevent').show(); break;
    case 'off': $('#Prevent').hide(); break;

disable/enable the scroll

PreventScroll('on'); // prevent scrolling
PreventScroll('off'); // allow scrolling

C/C++ line number

Use __LINE__, but what is its type?

LINE The presumed line number (within the current source file) of the current source line (an integer constant).

As an integer constant, code can often assume the value is __LINE__ <= INT_MAX and so the type is int.

To print in C, printf() needs the matching specifier: "%d". This is a far lesser concern in C++ with cout.

Pedantic concern: If the line number exceeds INT_MAX1 (somewhat conceivable with 16-bit int), hopefully the compiler will produce a warning. Example:

format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 2 has type 'long int' [-Wformat=]

Alternatively, code could force wider types to forestall such warnings.

printf("Not logical value at line number %ld\n", (long) __LINE__);
#include <stdint.h>
printf("Not logical value at line number %jd\n", INTMAX_C(__LINE__));

Avoid printf()

To avoid all integer limitations: stringify. Code could directly print without a printf() call: a nice thing to avoid in error handling2 .

#define xstr(a) str(a)
#define str(a) #a

fprintf(stderr, "Not logical value at line number %s\n", xstr(__LINE__));
fputs("Not logical value at line number " xstr(__LINE__) "\n", stderr);

1 Certainly poor programming practice to have such a large file, yet perhaps machine generated code may go high.

2 In debugging, sometimes code simply is not working as hoped. Calling complex functions like *printf() can itself incur issues vs. a simple fputs().

Android Studio - How to Change Android SDK Path

Simple Answer Work For Sure...

Step 1: Right Click On The Project>> Select Open Module Setting --> Step 2: Select SDK Location From the Right Side below image

enter image description here

Step 3: Now browse the SDK location from your computer as show below... enter image description here

Step 4: Click on OK.

Java swing application, close one window and open another when button is clicked

Call below method just after calling the method for opening new window, this will close the current window.

private void close(){
    WindowEvent windowEventClosing = new WindowEvent(this, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING);

Also in properties of JFrame, make sure defaultCloseOperation is set as DISPOSE.

Checking if a field contains a string

Simplest way to accomplish this task

If you want the query to be case-sensitive


If you want the query to be case-insensitive


How to set DataGrid's row Background, based on a property value using data bindings

The same can be done without DataTrigger too:

     <Style TargetType="DataGridRow">
         <Setter Property="Background" >
                 <Binding Path="State" Converter="{StaticResource BooleanToBrushConverter}">
                         <x:Array Type="SolidColorBrush">
                             <SolidColorBrush Color="{StaticResource RedColor}"/>
                             <SolidColorBrush Color="{StaticResource TransparentColor}"/>

Where BooleanToBrushConverter is the following class:

public class BooleanToBrushConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        if (value == null)
            return Brushes.Transparent;

        Brush[] brushes = parameter as Brush[];
        if (brushes == null)
            return Brushes.Transparent;

        bool isTrue;
        bool.TryParse(value.ToString(), out isTrue);

        if (isTrue)
            var brush =  (SolidColorBrush)brushes[0];
            return brush ?? Brushes.Transparent;
            var brush = (SolidColorBrush)brushes[1];
            return brush ?? Brushes.Transparent;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

What is "loose coupling?" Please provide examples

Coupling refers to how tightly different classes are connected to one another. Tightly coupled classes contain a high number of interactions and dependencies.

Loosely coupled classes are the opposite in that their dependencies on one another are kept to a minimum and instead rely on the well-defined public interfaces of each other.

Legos, the toys that SNAP together would be considered loosely coupled because you can just snap the pieces together and build whatever system you want to. However, a jigsaw puzzle has pieces that are TIGHTLY coupled. You can’t take a piece from one jigsaw puzzle (system) and snap it into a different puzzle, because the system (puzzle) is very dependent on the very specific pieces that were built specific to that particular “design”. The legos are built in a more generic fashion so that they can be used in your Lego House, or in my Lego Alien Man.


No function matches the given name and argument types

Your function has a couple of smallint parameters.
But in the call, you are using numeric literals that are presumed to be type integer.

A string literal or string constant ('123') is not typed immediately. It remains type "unknown" until assigned or cast explicitly.

However, a numeric literal or numeric constant is typed immediately. Per documentation:

A numeric constant that contains neither a decimal point nor an exponent is initially presumed to be type integer if its value fits in type integer (32 bits); otherwise it is presumed to be type bigint if its value fits in type bigint (64 bits); otherwise it is taken to be type numeric. Constants that contain decimal points and/or exponents are always initially presumed to be type numeric.

More explanation and links in this related answer:


Add explicit casts for the smallint parameters or quote them.


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_typetest(smallint)

Incorrect call:

SELECT * FROM f_typetest(1);

Correct calls:

SELECT * FROM f_typetest('1');
SELECT * FROM f_typetest(smallint '1');
SELECT * FROM f_typetest(1::int2);
SELECT * FROM f_typetest('1'::int2);

db<>fiddle here
Old sqlfiddle.

Zoom to fit all markers in Mapbox or Leaflet

To fit to the visible markers only, I've this method.

fitMapBounds() {
    // Get all visible Markers
    const visibleMarkers = []; (layer) {
        if (layer instanceof L.Marker) {

    // Ensure there's at least one visible Marker
    if (visibleMarkers.length > 0) {

        // Create bounds from first Marker then extend it with the rest
        const markersBounds = L.latLngBounds([visibleMarkers[0].getLatLng()]);
        visibleMarkers.forEach((marker) => {

        // Fit the map with the visible markers bounds, {
            padding: L.point(36, 36), animate: true,

How do I use Join-Path to combine more than two strings into a file path?

You can use the .NET Path class:

[IO.Path]::Combine('C:\', 'Foo', 'Bar')

How do you programmatically update query params in react-router?

From DimitriDushkin on GitHub:

import { browserHistory } from 'react-router';

 * @param {Object} query
export const addQuery = (query) => {
  const location = Object.assign({}, browserHistory.getCurrentLocation());

  Object.assign(location.query, query);
  // or simple replace location.query if you want to completely change params


 * @param {...String} queryNames
export const removeQuery = (...queryNames) => {
  const location = Object.assign({}, browserHistory.getCurrentLocation());
  queryNames.forEach(q => delete location.query[q]);


import { withRouter } from 'react-router';
import { addQuery, removeQuery } from '../../utils/utils-router';

function SomeComponent({ location }) {
  return <div style={{ backgroundColor: location.query.paintRed ? '#f00' : '#fff' }}>
    <button onClick={ () => addQuery({ paintRed: 1 })}>Paint red</button>
    <button onClick={ () => removeQuery('paintRed')}>Paint white</button>

export default withRouter(SomeComponent);

What does $1 [QSA,L] mean in my .htaccess file?

Not the place to give a complete tutorial, but here it is in short;

RewriteCond basically means "execute the next RewriteRule only if this is true". The !-l path is the condition that the request is not for a link (! means not, -l means link)

The RewriteRule basically means that if the request is done that matches ^(.+)$ (matches any URL except the server root), it will be rewritten as index.php?url=$1 which means a request for ollewill be rewritten as index.php?url=olle).

QSA means that if there's a query string passed with the original URL, it will be appended to the rewrite (olle?p=1 will be rewritten as index.php?url=olle&p=1.

L means if the rule matches, don't process any more RewriteRules below this one.

For more complete info on this, follow the links above. The rewrite support can be a bit hard to grasp, but there are quite a few examples on stackoverflow to learn from.

Get all files modified in last 30 days in a directory

A couple of issues

  • You're not limiting it to files, so when it finds a matching directory it will list every file within it.
  • You can't use > in -exec without something like bash -c '... > ...'. Though the > will overwrite the file, so you want to redirect the entire find anyway rather than each -exec.
  • +30 is older than 30 days, -30 would be modified in last 30 days.
  • -exec really isn't needed, you could list everything with various -printf options.

Something like below should work

find . -type f -mtime -30 -exec ls -l {} \; > last30days.txt

Example with -printf

find . -type f -mtime -30 -printf "%M %u %g %TR %TD %p\n" > last30days.txt

This will list files in format "permissions owner group time date filename". -printf is generally preferable to -exec in cases where you don't have to do anything complicated. This is because it will run faster as a result of not having to execute subshells for each -exec. Depending on the version of find, you may also be able to use -ls, which has a similar format to above.

how to specify new environment location for conda create

You can create it like this

conda create --prefix C:/tensorflow2 python=3.7

and you don't have to move to that folder to activate it.

# To activate this environment, use:
# > activate C:\tensorflow2

As you see I do it like this.

D:\Development_Avector\PycharmProjects\TensorFlow>activate C:\tensorflow2

(C:\tensorflow2) D:\Development_Avector\PycharmProjects\TensorFlow>

(C:\tensorflow2) D:\Development_Avector\PycharmProjects\TensorFlow>conda --version
conda 4.5.13

Redirect all to index.php using htaccess

To redirect everything that doesnt exist to index.php , you can also use the FallBackResource directive

FallbackResource /index.php

It works same as the ErrorDocument , when you request a non-existent path or file on the server, the directive silently forwords the request to index.php .

If you want to redirect everything (including existant files or folders ) to index.php , you can use something like the following :

RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule ^((?!index\.php).+)$ /index.php [L]

Note the pattern ^((?!index\.php).+)$ matches any uri except index.php we have excluded the destination path to prevent infinite looping error.

How can I solve the error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol - function?

For me it works if I add this line below in .vcxproj in the itemGroup cpp file, which is connected to the header file.

<ClCompile Include="file.cpp" />

version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by ...)

GCC 4.9 introduces a newer C++ ABI version than your system libstdc++ has, so you need to tell the loader to use this newer version of the library by adding that path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you straight off where the libstdc++ so for your GCC 4.9 installation is located, as this depends on how you configured GCC. So you need something in the style of:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/lib/gcc-4.9.0/lib:/home/user/lib/boost_1_55_0/stage/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Note the actual path may be different (there might be some subdirectory hidden under there, like `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.9.0´ or similar).

How to convert Rows to Columns in Oracle?

You can do it with a pivot query, like this:

select * from (
   from my_table t
   for DOCUMENT_TYPE in ('Voters ID','Pan card','Drivers licence')

Here is a demo on

How can I get the assembly file version

See my comment above asking for clarification on what you really want. Hopefully this is it:

System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo fvi = System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assembly.Location);
string version = fvi.FileVersion;

When should the xlsm or xlsb formats be used?

.xlsx loads 4 times longer than .xlsb and saves 2 times longer and has 1.5 times a bigger file. I tested this on a generated worksheet with 10'000 rows * 1'000 columns = 10'000'000 (10^7) cells of simple chained =…+1 formulas:

¦              ¦ .xlsx  ¦ .xlsb  ¦
¦ loading time ¦ 165s   ¦  43s   ¦
¦ saving time  ¦ 115s   ¦  61s   ¦
¦ file size    ¦  91 MB ¦  65 MB ¦

(Hardware: Core2Duo 2.3 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 5.400 rpm SATA II HD; Windows 7, under somewhat heavy load from other processes.)

Beside this, there should be no differences. More precisely,

both formats support exactly the same feature set

cites this blog post from 2006-08-29. So maybe the info that .xlsb does not support Ribbon code is newer than the upper citation, but I figure that forum source of yours is just wrong. When cracking open the binary file, it seems to condensedly mimic the OOXML file structure 1-to-1: Blog article from 2006-08-07

Using Chrome's Element Inspector in Print Preview Mode?

Chrome v50:

Way 1:

  1. Menu > More Tools > Rendering settings (see image)
  2. Down: Rendering Tab > Emulate media "print"

Way 2:

  1. Open Console [esc]
  2. Console Menu > rendering

How to define constants in ReactJS

well, there are many ways to do this in javascript just like other says. I don't think there's a way to do it in react. here's what I would do:

in a js file:

module.exports = {
    small_square: 's',
    large_square: 'q'

in your react file:

'use strict';

var Constant = require('constants');
var something = Constant.small_square;

something for you to consider, hope this helps

In PHP, what is a closure and why does it use the "use" identifier?

closures are beautiful! they solve a lot of problems that come with anonymous functions, and make really elegant code possible (at least as long as we talk about php).

javascript programmers use closures all the time, sometimes even without knowing it, because bound variables aren't explicitly defined - that's what "use" is for in php.

there are better real-world examples than the above one. lets say you have to sort an multidimensional array by a sub-value, but the key changes.

    function generateComparisonFunctionForKey($key) {
        return function ($left, $right) use ($key) {
            if ($left[$key] == $right[$key])
                return 0;
                return ($left[$key] < $right[$key]) ? -1 : 1;

    $myArray = array(
        array('name' => 'Alex', 'age' => 70),
        array('name' => 'Enrico', 'age' => 25)

    $sortByName = generateComparisonFunctionForKey('name');
    $sortByAge  = generateComparisonFunctionForKey('age');

    usort($myArray, $sortByName);

    usort($myArray, $sortByAge);

warning: untested code (i don't have php5.3 installed atm), but it should look like something like that.

there's one downside: a lot of php developers may be a bit helpless if you confront them with closures.

to understand the nice-ty of closures more, i'll give you another example - this time in javascript. one of the problems is the scoping and the browser inherent asynchronity. especially, if it comes to window.setTimeout(); (or -interval). so, you pass a function to setTimeout, but you can't really give any parameters, because providing parameters executes the code!

function getFunctionTextInASecond(value) {
    return function () {
        document.getElementsByName('body')[0].innerHTML = value; // "value" is the bound variable!

var textToDisplay = prompt('text to show in a second', 'foo bar');

// this returns a function that sets the bodys innerHTML to the prompted value
var myFunction = getFunctionTextInASecond(textToDisplay);

window.setTimeout(myFunction, 1000);

myFunction returns a function with a kind-of predefined parameter!

to be honest, i like php a lot more since 5.3 and anonymous functions/closures. namespaces may be more important, but they're a lot less sexy.

Twitter bootstrap hide element on small devices

On small device : 4 columns x 3 (= 12) ==> col-sm-3

On extra small : 3 columns x 4 (= 12) ==> col-xs-4

 <footer class="row">
        <nav class="col-xs-4 col-sm-3">
            <ul class="list-unstyled">
            <li>Text 1</li>
            <li>Text 2</li>
            <li>Text 3</li>
        <nav class="col-xs-4 col-sm-3">
            <ul class="list-unstyled">
            <li>Text 4</li>
            <li>Text 5</li>
            <li>Text 6</li>
        <nav class="col-xs-4 col-sm-3">
            <ul class="list-unstyled">
            <li>Text 7</li>
            <li>Text 8</li>
            <li>Text 9</li>
        <nav class="hidden-xs col-sm-3">
            <ul class="list-unstyled">
            <li>Text 10</li>
            <li>Text 11</li>
            <li>Text 12</li>

As you say, hidden-xs is not enough, you have to combine xs and sm class.

Here is links to the official doc about available responsive classes and about the grid system.

Have in head :

  • 1 row = 12 cols
  • For XtraSmall device : col-xs-__
  • For SMall device : col-sm-__
  • For MeDium Device: col-md-__
  • For LarGe Device : col-lg-__
  • Make visible only (hidden on other) : visible-md (just visible in medium [not in lg xs or sm])
  • Make hidden only (visible on other) : hidden-xs (just hidden in XtraSmall)

Disabled form fields not submitting data

Use the CSS pointer-events:none on fields you want to "disable" (possibly together with a greyed background) which allows the POST action, like:

<input type="text" class="disable">



How does ifstream's eof() work?

eof() checks the eofbit in the stream state.

On each read operation, if the position is at the end of stream and more data has to be read, eofbit is set to true. Therefore you're going to get an extra character before you get eofbit=1.

The correct way is to check whether the eof was reached (or, whether the read operation succeeded) after the reading operation. This is what your second version does - you do a read operation, and then use the resulting stream object reference (which >> returns) as a boolean value, which results in check for fail().

Maven – Always download sources and javadocs

As @xecaps12 said, the simplest/efficient approach is to change your Maven settings file (~/.m2/settings.xml) but if it is a default settings for you, you can also set it like that


Lost connection to MySQL server during query?

In my case, I ran into this problem when sourcing an SQL dump which had placed the tables in the wrong order. The CREATE in question included a CONSTRAINT ... REFERENCES that referenced a table that had not been created yet.

I located the table in question, and moved its CREATE statement to above the offending one, and the error disappeared.

The other error I encountered relating to this faulty dump was ERROR 1005/ errno: 150 -- "Can't create table" , again a matter of tables being created out of order.

javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element. Expected elements are (none)

One of the reasons for this error is the use of the jaxb implementation from the jdk. I am not sure why such a problem can appear in pretty simple xml parsing situations. You may use the latest version of the jaxb library from a public maven repository:


How to force a view refresh without having it trigger automatically from an observable?

In some circumstances it might be useful to simply remove the bindings and then re-apply:

ko.applyBindings(viewModel, document.getElementById(element_id))

VHDL - How should I create a clock in a testbench?

Concurrent signal assignment:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity foo is
architecture behave of foo is
    signal clk: std_logic := '0';
clk <=  '1' after 0.5 ns when clk = '0' else
        '0' after 0.5 ns when clk = '1';

ghdl -a foo.vhdl
ghdl -r foo --stop-time=10ns --wave=foo.ghw
ghdl:info: simulation stopped by --stop-time
gtkwave foo.ghw

enter image description here

Simulators simulate processes and it would be transformed into the equivalent process to your process statement. Simulation time implies the use of wait for or after when driving events for sensitivity clauses or sensitivity lists.

How to check if an array element exists?

You want to use the array_key_exists function.

Replace all non-alphanumeric characters in a string

The pythonic way.

print "".join([ c if c.isalnum() else "*" for c in s ])

This doesn't deal with grouping multiple consecutive non-matching characters though, i.e.

"h^&i => "h**i not "h*i" as in the regex solutions.

What is the best way to test for an empty string in Go?

It would be cleaner and less error-prone to use a function like the one below:

func empty(s string) bool {
    return len(strings.TrimSpace(s)) == 0

How to get the row number from a datatable?

You have two options here.

  1. You can create your own index counter and increment it
  2. Rather than using a foreach loop, you can use a for loop

The individual row simply represents data, so it will not know what row it is located in.

start MySQL server from command line on Mac OS Lion

My MySQL is installed via homebrew on OS X ElCaptain. What fixed it was running

brew doctor

  • which suggested that I run

sudo chown -R $(whoami):admin /usr/local


brew update
mysql.server start

mysql is now running

JSON.NET Error Self referencing loop detected for type

For .NET Core 3.0, update the Startup.cs class as shown below.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

        options => options.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore



Get values from other sheet using VBA

That will be (for you very specific example)




So get a F1 click and read about Worksheets collection, which contains Worksheet objects, which in turn has a Cells collection, holding Cell objects...

Get the year from specified date php

list($year) = explode("-", "2068-06-15");
echo $year;

Provide an image for WhatsApp link sharing

I had the same issue and the problem was the size of the picture. Whatsapp doesn't support picture with a size greater than 300KB.

So the most important property to display image on Whatsapp is:

<meta property="og:image" content="url_image">

And the size of the image to display must be less than 300KB.

If the problem persists, read also the answer for this similar question

JFrame Exit on close Java

You need the line


Because the default behaviour for the JFrame when you press the X button is the equivalent to


So almost all the times you'll need to add that line manually when creating your JFrame

I am currently referring to constants in WindowConstants like WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE instead of the same constants declared directly in JFrame as the prior reflect better the intent.

Javascript/jQuery detect if input is focused

If you can use JQuery, then using the JQuery :focus selector will do the needful


Access PHP variable in JavaScript

I'm not sure how necessary this is, and it adds a call to getElementById, but if you're really keen on getting inline JavaScript out of your code, you can pass it as an HTML attribute, namely:

<span class="metadata" id="metadata-size-of-widget" title="<?php echo json_encode($size_of_widget) ?>"></span>

And then in your JavaScript:

var size_of_widget = document.getElementById("metadata-size-of-widget").title;

Extract only right most n letters from a string

Use this:

string mystr = "PER 343573"; int number = Convert.ToInt32(mystr.Replace("PER ",""));

Gridview row editing - dynamic binding to a DropDownList

I am using a ListView instead of a GridView in 3.5. When the user wants to edit I have set the selected item of the dropdown to the exising value of that column for the record. I am able to access the dropdown in the ItemDataBound event. Here's the code:

protected void listViewABC_ItemDataBound(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e)
    // This stmt is used to execute the code only in case of edit 
    if (((ListView)(sender)).EditIndex != -1 && ((ListViewDataItem)(e.Item)).DisplayIndex == ((ListView)(sender)).EditIndex)
        ((DropDownList)(e.Item.FindControl("ddlXType"))).SelectedValue = ((MyClass)((ListViewDataItem)e.Item).DataItem).XTypeId.ToString();
        ((DropDownList)(e.Item.FindControl("ddlIType"))).SelectedValue = ((MyClass)((ListViewDataItem)e.Item).DataItem).ITypeId.ToString();

Converting an int to std::string

If you cannot use std::to_string from C++11, you can write it as it is defined on

std::string to_string( int value ) Converts a signed decimal integer to a string with the same content as what std::sprintf(buf, "%d", value) would produce for sufficiently large buf.


#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>

std::string to_string( int x ) {
  int length = snprintf( NULL, 0, "%d", x );
  assert( length >= 0 );
  char* buf = new char[length + 1];
  snprintf( buf, length + 1, "%d", x );
  std::string str( buf );
  delete[] buf;
  return str;

You can do more with it. Just use "%g" to convert float or double to string, use "%x" to convert int to hex representation, and so on.

Simple way to encode a string according to a password?

As you explicitly state that you want obscurity not security, we'll avoid reprimanding you for the weakness of what you suggest :)

So, using PyCrypto:

import base64
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

msg_text = b'test some plain text here'.rjust(32)
secret_key = b'1234567890123456'

cipher =,AES.MODE_ECB) # never use ECB in strong systems obviously
encoded = base64.b64encode(cipher.encrypt(msg_text))
decoded = cipher.decrypt(base64.b64decode(encoded))

If someone gets a hold of your database and your code base, they will be able to decode the encrypted data. Keep your secret_key safe!

'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level

'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level

This means that webpack is bundling the non-transpiled ES6 code, which is why these import/export statements are being found. babel-loader must therefore not be transpiling what you expect.

If you simply remove the include and exclude rules from its loader config, the default behavior of transpiling everything besides what's in node_modules will kick in. For some reason or another, the current rules are causing some/all files to be skipped.

module.exports = {
  entry: './src/entry.js',
  output: {
    filename: './public/js/app.js'
  devtool: 'source-map',
  plugins: [
    new ExtractTextPlugin('./public/css/style.css')
  module: {
    preLoaders: [{
      test: /\.js$/, 
      exclude: /node_modules/,
      loader: 'jshint-loader'
    loaders: [{
      test: /\.scss$/,
      loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract(
      test: /\.vue$/,
      loader: 'vue'
      test: /\.js$/,
      loader: 'babel-loader',
      query: {
        presets: ['es2015']

Removing "http://" from a string

Use look behinds in preg_replace to remove anything before //.

preg_replace('(^[a-z]+:\/\/)', '', $url); 

This will only replace if found in the beginning of the string, and will ignore if found later

ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database

Very simple solution. Just rename your database and configure your new database name in your project.

The problem is the when you import your database, you got any errors and then the database will be corrupted. The log files will have the corrupted database name. You can rename your database easily using phpmyadmin for mysql.

phpmyadmin -> operations -> Rename database to

The name 'model' does not exist in current context in MVC3

Update: If you are using a newer version of MVC, the same process applies, just be sure to use the correct version number in the web.config's <host> line.

Well, I found myself experiencing the same thing you did, and after a bit further research, I found out what the problem is!

You need to include the default MVC3 web.config for the Views folder. MVC3 has two: one in the root for your application, and one for the views folder. This has a section for included namespaces. Be sure that yours looks something like this:

    <host factoryType="System.Web.Mvc.MvcWebRazorHostFactory, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
    <pages pageBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage">
        <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc" />
        <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Ajax" />
        <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Html" />
        <add namespace="System.Web.Routing" />

I suggest that you create a new MVC3 project, then just copy the web.config created for you into your views folder.

Important Once you've done that, you need to close the file and reopen it. Voila! Intellisense!

Multiple input in JOptionPane.showInputDialog

Yes. You know that you can put any Object into the Object parameter of most JOptionPane.showXXX methods, and often that Object happens to be a JPanel.

In your situation, perhaps you could use a JPanel that has several JTextFields in it:

import javax.swing.*;

public class JOptionPaneMultiInput {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      JTextField xField = new JTextField(5);
      JTextField yField = new JTextField(5);

      JPanel myPanel = new JPanel();
      myPanel.add(new JLabel("x:"));
      myPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(15)); // a spacer
      myPanel.add(new JLabel("y:"));

      int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, myPanel, 
               "Please Enter X and Y Values", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION);
      if (result == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
         System.out.println("x value: " + xField.getText());
         System.out.println("y value: " + yField.getText());

Trying Gradle build - "Task 'build' not found in root project"


gradle clean 

then try

gradle build 

it worked for me

Pass Multiple Parameters to jQuery ajax call

Its all about data which you pass; has to properly formatted string. If you are passing empty data then data: {} will work. However with multiple parameters it has to be properly formatted e.g.

var dataParam = '{' + '"data1Variable": "' + data1Value+ '", "data2Variable": "' + data2Value+ '"' +  '}';


data : dataParam


Best way to understand is have error handler with proper message parameter, so as to know the detailed errors.

Binding objects defined in code-behind

That's my way to bind to code behind (see property DataTemplateSelector)

public partial class MainWindow : Window
  public MainWindow()
    this.DataTemplateSelector = new MyDataTemplateSelector();


    // ... more initializations ...

  public DataTemplateSelector DataTemplateSelector { get; }

  // ... more code stuff ...

In XAML will referenced by RelativeSource via Ancestors up to containing Window, so I'm at my Window class and use the property via Path declaration:

<GridViewColumn Header="Value(s)"
                CellTemplateSelector="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Window}}, Path=DataTemplateSelector}"/>

Setting of property DataTemplateSelector before call InitializeComponent depends on missing implementation of IPropertyChanged or use of implementation with DependencyProperty so no communication run on change of property DataTemplateSelector.

Which concurrent Queue implementation should I use in Java?

Basically the difference between them are performance characteristics and blocking behavior.

Taking the easiest first, ArrayBlockingQueue is a queue of a fixed size. So if you set the size at 10, and attempt to insert an 11th element, the insert statement will block until another thread removes an element. The fairness issue is what happens if multiple threads try to insert and remove at the same time (in other words during the period when the Queue was blocked). A fairness algorithm ensures that the first thread that asks is the first thread that gets. Otherwise, a given thread may wait longer than other threads, causing unpredictable behavior (sometimes one thread will just take several seconds because other threads that started later got processed first). The trade-off is that it takes overhead to manage the fairness, slowing down the throughput.

The most important difference between LinkedBlockingQueue and ConcurrentLinkedQueue is that if you request an element from a LinkedBlockingQueue and the queue is empty, your thread will wait until there is something there. A ConcurrentLinkedQueue will return right away with the behavior of an empty queue.

Which one depends on if you need the blocking. Where you have many producers and one consumer, it sounds like it. On the other hand, where you have many consumers and only one producer, you may not need the blocking behavior, and may be happy to just have the consumers check if the queue is empty and move on if it is.

Build an iOS app without owning a mac?

On Windows, you can use Mac on a virtual machine (this probably also works on Linux but I haven't tested). A virtual machine is basically a program that you run on your computer that allows you to run one OS in a window inside another one. Make sure you have at least 60GB free space on your hard drive. The virtual hard drive that you will download takes up 10GB initially but when you've installed all the necessary programs for developing iOS apps its size can easily increase to 50GB (I recommend leaving a few GBs margin just in case).

Here are some detailed steps for how install a Mac virtual machine on Windows:

  1. Install VirtualBox.

  2. You have to enable virtualization in the BIOS. To open the BIOS on Windows 10, you need to start by holding down the Shift key while pressing the Restart button in the start menu. Then you will get a blue screen with some options. Choose "Troubleshoot", then "Advanced options", then "UEFI Firmware Settings", then "Restart". Then your computer will restart and open the BIOS directly. On older versions of Windows, shut down the computer normally, hold the F2 key down, start your computer again and don't release F2 until you're in the BIOS. On some computers you may have to hold down another key than F2.

  3. Now that you're in the BIOS, you need to enable virtualization. Which setting you're supposed to change depends on which computer you're using. This may vary even between two computers with the same version of Windows. On my computer, you need to set Intel Virtual Technology in the Configuration tab to Enabled. On other computers it may be in for example Security -> Virtualization or in Advanced -> CPU Setup. If you can't find any of these options, search Google for enable virtualization (the kind of computer you have). Don't change anything in the BIOS just like that at random because otherwise it could cause problems on your computer. When you've enabled virtualization, save the changes and exit the BIOS. This is usually done in the Exit tab.

  4. Download this file (I have no association with the person who uploaded it, but I've used it myself so I'm sure there are no viruses). If the link gets broken, post a comment to let me know and I will try to upload the file somewhere else. The password to open the 7Z file is This 7Z file contains a VMDK file which will act as the hard drive for the Mac virtual machine. Extract that VMDK file. If disk space is an issue for you, once you've extracted the VMDK file, you can delete the 7Z file and therefore save 7GB.

  5. Open VirtualBox that you installed in step 1. In the toolbar, press the New button. Then choose a name for your virtual machine (the name is unimportant, I called it "Mac"). In "Type", select "Mac OS X" and in "Version" select "macOS 10.13 High Sierra (64 bit)" (the Mac version you will install on the virtual machine is actually Catalina, but VirtualBox doesn't have that option yet and it works just fine if VirtualBox thinks it's High Sierra).

    It's also a good idea (though not required) to move the VMDK file you extracted in step 4 to the folder listed under "Machine Folder" (in the screenshot above that would be C:\Users\myname\VirtualBox VMs).

  6. Select the amount of memory that your virtual machine can use. Try to balance the amount because too little memory will result in the virtual machine having low performance and a too much memory will result making your host system (Windows) run out of memory which will cause the virtual machine and/or other programs that you're running on Windows to crash. On a computer with 4GB available memory, 2GB was a good amount. Don't worry if you select a bad amount, you will be able to change it whenever you want (except when the virtual machine is running).

  7. In the Hard disk step, choose "Use an existing virtual hard disk file" and click on the little folder icon to the right of the drop list. That will open a new window. In that new window, click on the "Add" button on the top left, which will open a browse window. Select the VMDK file that you downloaded and extracted in step 4, then click "Choose".

    When you're done with this, click "Create".

  8. Select the virtual machine in the list on the left of the window and click on the Settings button in the toolbar. In System -> Processor, select 2 CPUs; and in Network -> Attached to, select Bridged Adapter. If you realize later that you selected an amount of memory in step 6 that causes problems, you can change it in System -> Motherboard. When you're done changing the settings, click OK.

  9. Open the command prompt (C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe). Run the following commands in there, replacing "Your VM Name" with whatever you called your virtual machine in step 5 (for example "Mac") (keep the quotation marks):

    cd "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\"
    VBoxManage.exe modifyvm "Your VM Name" --cpuidset 00000001 000106e5 00100800 0098e3fd bfebfbff
    VBoxManage setextradata "Your VM Name" "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct" "iMac11,3"
    VBoxManage setextradata "Your VM Name" "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion" "1.0"
    VBoxManage setextradata "Your VM Name" "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct" "Iloveapple"
    VBoxManage setextradata "Your VM Name" "VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey" "ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc"
    VBoxManage setextradata "Your VM Name" "VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/GetKeyFromRealSMC" 1
    VBoxManage setextradata "Your VM Name" "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemSerial" C02L280HFMR7
  10. Now everything is ready for you to use the virtual machine. In VirtualBox, click on the Start button and follow the installation instructions for Mac. Once you've installed Mac on the virtual machine, you can develop your iOS app just like if you had a real Mac.

Remark: If you want to save space on your hard disk, you can compress the VMDK file that you extracted in step 4 and used in step 7. To do this, right click on it, select Properties, click on the Advanced... button on the bottom right, and check the checkbox "Compress contents to save disk space". This will make this very large file take less disk space without making anything work less well. I did it and it reduced the disk size of the VMDK file from 50GB to 40GB without losing any data.

Base64 Encoding Image

$encoded_data = base64_encode(file_get_contents('path-to-your-image.jpg'));    

VBA Excel - Insert row below with same format including borders and frames

well, using the Macro record, and doing it manually, I ended up with this code .. which seems to work .. (although it's not a one liner like yours ;)

lrow = Selection.Row()
Rows(lrow + 1).Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
Application.CutCopyMode = False

(I put the ClearContents in there because you indicated you wanted format, and I'm assuming you didn't want the data ;) )

Python: Converting string into decimal number

If you are converting price (in string) to decimal price then....

from decimal import Decimal

price = "14000,45"
price_in_decimal = Decimal(price.replace(',','.'))

No need for the replace if your strings already use dots as a decimal separator

IE throws JavaScript Error: The value of the property 'googleMapsQuery' is null or undefined, not a Function object (works in other browsers)

I found the answer, and in spite of what I reported, it was NOT browser specific. The bug was in my function code, and would have occurred in any browser. It boils down to this. I had two lines in my code that were FireFox/FireBug specific. They used console.log. In IE, they threw an error, so I commented them out (or so I thought). I did a crappy job commenting them out, and broke the bracketing in my function.

Original Code (with console.log in it):

if (sxti.length <= 50) console.log('sxti=' + sxti);
if (sxph.length <= 50) console.log('sxph=' + sxph);

Broken Code (misplaced brackets inside comments):

if (sxti.length <= 50) { //console.log('sxti=' + sxti); }
if (sxph.length <= 50) { //console.log('sxph=' + sxph); }

Fixed Code (fixed brackets outside comments):

if (sxti.length <= 50) { }//console.log('sxti=' + sxti);
if (sxph.length <= 50) { }//console.log('sxph=' + sxph);

So, it was my own sloppy coding. The function really wasn't defined, because a syntax error kept it from being closed.

Oh well, live and learn. ;)

Copy map values to vector in STL

Why not:

template<typename K, typename V>
std::vector<V> MapValuesAsVector(const std::map<K, V>& map)
   std::vector<V> vec;
   std::for_each(std::begin(map), std::end(map),
        [&vec] (const std::map<K, V>::value_type& entry) 
    return vec;


auto vec = MapValuesAsVector(anymap);

Console errors. Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE

For me the problem was the <base href="https://domain.ext/"> tag.

After removing, it was OK. Cannot really understand why it was a problem.

Turn ON/OFF Camera LED/flash light in Samsung Galaxy Ace 2.2.1 & Galaxy Tab

I will soon released a new version of my app to support to galaxy ace.

You can download here:

In order to solve your problem you should do this:

this._camera =;     
this._camera.autoFocus(new AutoFocusCallback() {
public void onAutoFocus(boolean success, Camera camera) {

Parameters params = this._camera.getParameters();

params = this._camera.getParameters();

don't worry about FLASH_MODE_OFF because this will keep the light on, strange but it's true

to turn off the led just release the camera

Swing vs JavaFx for desktop applications

What will be cleaner and easier to maintain?

All things being equal, probably JavaFX - the API is much more consistent across components. However, this depends much more on how the code is written rather than what library is used to write it.

And what will be faster to build from scratch?

Highly dependent on what you're building. Swing has more components around for it (3rd party as well as built in) and not all of them have made their way to the newer JavaFX platform yet, so there may be a certain amount of re-inventing the wheel if you need something a bit custom. On the other hand, if you want to do transitions / animations / video stuff then this is orders of magnitude easier in FX.

One other thing to bear in mind is (perhaps) look and feel. If you absolutely must have the default system look and feel, then JavaFX (at present) can't provide this. Not a big must have for me (I prefer the default FX look anyway) but I'm aware some policies mandate a restriction to system styles.

Personally, I see JavaFX as the "up and coming" UI library that's not quite there yet (but more than usable), and Swing as the borderline-legacy UI library that's fully featured and supported for the moment, but probably won't be so much in the years to come (and therefore chances are FX will overtake it at some point.)

Should I test private methods or only public ones?

It's obviously language dependent. In the past with c++, I've declared the testing class to be a friend class. Unfortunately, this does require your production code to know about the testing class.

How to prevent text in a table cell from wrapping

I came to this question needing to prevent text wrapping at the hyphen.

This is how I did it:

<td><nobr>Table Text</nobr></td>


How to prevent line break at hyphens on all browsers

How to change status bar color in Flutter?

First of all you are import this line:

import 'package:flutter/services.dart';

Then You can use bellow this some line of code in main.dart file

systemNavigationBarColor: Colors.amber, // navigation bar color
statusBarColor: Colors.white, // status bar color
statusBarIconBrightness: Brightness.dark, // status bar icon color
systemNavigationBarIconBrightness: Brightness.dark, // color of navigation controls

Note: If you follow above this steep. as a result you control all of screen. But if you control individual screen status bar color then you can try this ...

import 'package:flutter/services.dart';

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  statusBarColor: Colors.transparent,
  systemNavigationBarColor: Colors.transparent,

Downloading a file from spring controllers

I was able to stream line this by using the built in support in Spring with it's ResourceHttpMessageConverter. This will set the content-length and content-type if it can determine the mime-type

@RequestMapping(value = "/files/{file_name}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public FileSystemResource getFile(@PathVariable("file_name") String fileName) {
    return new FileSystemResource(myService.getFileFor(fileName)); 

How to add items into a numpy array

Appending data to an existing array is a natural thing to want to do for anyone with python experience. However, if you find yourself regularly appending to large arrays, you'll quickly discover that NumPy doesn't easily or efficiently do this the way a python list will. You'll find that every "append" action requires re-allocation of the array memory and short-term doubling of memory requirements. So, the more general solution to the problem is to try to allocate arrays to be as large as the final output of your algorithm. Then perform all your operations on sub-sets (slices) of that array. Array creation and destruction should ideally be minimized.

That said, It's often unavoidable and the functions that do this are:

for 2-D arrays:

for 3-D arrays (the above plus):

for N-D arrays:

How to run a C# console application with the console hidden

I've got a general solution to share:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace WhateverNamepaceYouAreUsing
    class Magician
        static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow();

        static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);

        const int HIDE = 0;
        const int SHOW = 5;

        public static void DisappearConsole()
            ShowWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), HIDE);

Just include this class in your project, and call Magician.DisappearConsole();.

A console will flash when you start the program by clicking on it. When executing from the command prompt, the command prompt disappears very shortly after execution.

I do this for a Discord Bot that runs forever in the background of my computer as an invisible process. It was easier than getting TopShelf to work for me. A couple TopShelf tutorials failed me before I wrote this with some help from code I found elsewhere. ;P

I also tried simply changing the settings in Visual Studio > Project > Properties > Application to launch as a Windows Application instead of a Console Application, and something about my project prevented this from hiding my console - perhaps because DSharpPlus demands to launch a console on startup. I don't know. Whatever the reason, this class allows me to easily kill the console after it pops up.

Hope this Magician helps somebody. ;)

Text Editor which shows \r\n?

If you have Mathematica, you can try with this command:

ReadList["filename.txt", Record, RecordSeparators -> {}] // InputForm

That will show all the /r and /n

Create a date time with month and day only, no year

Anyway you need 'Year'.

In some engineering fields, you have fixed day and month and year can be variable. But that day and month are important for beginning calculation without considering which year you are. Your user, for example, only should select a day and a month and providing year is up to you.

You can create a custom combobox using this: Customizable ComboBox Drop-Down.

1- In VS create a user control.

2- See the code in the link above for impelemnting that control.

3- Create another user control and place in it 31 button or label and above them place a label to show months.

4- Place the control in step 3 in your custom combobox.

5- Place the control in setp 4 in step 1.

You now have a control with only days and months. You can use any year that you have in your database or ....

How to escape double quotes in JSON

To escape backslashes that cause problems for JSON data I use this function.

//escape backslash to avoid errors
var escapeJSON = function(str) {
    return str.replace(/\\/g,'\\');

Error: cannot open display: localhost:0.0 - trying to open Firefox from CentOS 6.2 64bit and display on Win7

In my case the issue was caused due to mismatch in .Xauthority file. Which initially showed up with "Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1" error and then "Error: cannot open display: :0.0" afterwards

Regenerating the .Xauthorityfile from the user under which I am running the vncserver and resetting the password with a restart of the vnc service and dbus service fixed the issue for me.

How to simplify a null-safe compareTo() implementation?

In case anyone using Spring, there is a class org.springframework.util.comparator.NullSafeComparator that does this for you as well. Just decorate your own comparable with it like this

new NullSafeComparator<YourObject>(new YourComparable(), true)

C# find highest array value and index

Finds the biggest and the smallest number in the array:

int[] arr = new int[] {35,28,20,89,63,45,12};
int big = 0;
int little = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)

    if (arr[i] > arr[0])
        big = arr[i];
        little = arr[i];


Console.WriteLine("most big number inside of array is " + big);
Console.WriteLine("most little number inside of array is " + little);

Multi-dimensional associative arrays in JavaScript

Just use a regular JavaScript object, which would 'read' the same way as your associative arrays. You have to remember to initialize them first as well.

var obj = {};

obj['fred'] = {};
if('fred' in obj ){ } // can check for the presence of 'fred'
if(obj.fred) { } // also checks for presence of 'fred'
if(obj['fred']) { } // also checks for presence of 'fred'

// The following statements would all work
obj['fred']['apples'] = 1;
obj.fred.apples = 1;
obj['fred'].apples = 1;

// or build or initialize the structure outright
var obj = { fred: { apples: 1, oranges: 2 }, alice: { lemons: 1 } };

If you're looking over values, you might have something that looks like this:

var people = ['fred', 'alice'];
var fruit = ['apples', 'lemons'];

var grid = {};
for(var i = 0; i < people.length; i++){
    var name = people[i];
    if(name in grid == false){
        grid[name] = {}; // must initialize the sub-object, otherwise will get 'undefined' errors

    for(var j = 0; j < fruit.length; j++){
        var fruitName = fruit[j];
        grid[name][fruitName] = 0;

Select from multiple tables without a join?

Union will fetch data by row not column,So If your are like me who is looking for fetching column data from two different table with no relation and without join.
In my case I am fetching state name and country name by id. Instead of writing two query you can do this way.

   select s.state_name from state s where s.state_id=3
   ) statename,
   select c.description from country c where
   ) countryname
   from dual;   

where dual is a dummy table with single column--anything just require table to view

Regular Expression: Any character that is NOT a letter or number

You are looking for:

var yourVar = '1324567890abc§$)%';
yourVar = yourVar.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, ' ');

This replaces all non-alphanumeric characters with a space.

The "g" on the end replaces all occurrences.

Instead of specifying a-z (lowercase) and A-Z (uppercase) you can also use the in-case-sensitive option: /[^a-z0-9]/gi.

Show a child form in the centre of Parent form in C#

Make a Windows Form , then put option for it : CenterParent then use this Code :

yourChildFormName x = new yourChildFormName();

iCheck check if checkbox is checked

If any one have any interest on multiple icheck(). Then you can go for it with the below one:

$("#mother_checkbox").on("ifChanged", function(){
        if($(this).is(':checked')) {
            $('.child_checkbox').prop('checked', true);
            $('.child_checkbox').prop('checked', false);

It will Check/Uncheck all the child checkbox. Good Day !

How to parse SOAP XML?

This is also quite nice if you subsequently need to resolve any objects into arrays: $array = json_decode(json_encode($responseXmlObject), true);

T-SQL substring - separating first and last name

The easiest way I can find to do it is:

  SUBSTRING(FullName, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', FullName) - 1) AS FirstName,

Why do I get a SyntaxError for a Unicode escape in my file path?

f = open('C:\\Users\\Pooja\\Desktop\\trolldata.csv')

Use '\\' for python program in Python version 3 and above.. Error will be resolved..

Setting Different Bar color in matplotlib Python

Simple, just use .set_color

>>>[1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4])
>>> barlist[0].set_color('r')

enter image description here

For your new question, not much harder either, just need to find the bar from your axis, an example:

>>> f=plt.figure()
>>> ax=f.add_subplot(1,1,1)
>>>[1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4])
<Container object of 4 artists>
>>> ax.get_children()
[<matplotlib.axis.XAxis object at 0x6529850>, 
 <matplotlib.axis.YAxis object at 0x78460d0>,  
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x733cc50>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x733cdd0>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x777f290>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x777f710>, 
 <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x7836450>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x7836390>, 
 <matplotlib.spines.Spine object at 0x6529950>, 
 <matplotlib.spines.Spine object at 0x69aef50>,
 <matplotlib.spines.Spine object at 0x69ae310>, 
 <matplotlib.spines.Spine object at 0x69aea50>]
>>> ax.get_children()[2].set_color('r') 
 #You can also try to locate the first patches.Rectangle object 
 #instead of direct calling the index.

If you have a complex plot and want to identify the bars first, add those:

>>> import matplotlib
>>> childrenLS=ax.get_children()
>>> barlist=filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, matplotlib.patches.Rectangle), childrenLS)
[<matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x3103650>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x3103810>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x3129850>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x3129cd0>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x3112ad0>]

Swapping two variable value without using third variable

You may easy way...within one line Logic

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b;
    printf("Enter A :");
    printf("Enter B :");
    int a = 1,b = 2;
    printf("\nValue of A=%d B=%d ",a,b);

    return 1;


#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int a, b;
    printf("Enter A :");
    printf("Enter B :");
    int a = 1,b = 2;
    printf("\nValue of A=%d B=%d ",a,b);

    return 1;

Is it possible to make desktop GUI application in .NET Core?

One option would be using Electron with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS for UI and build a .NET Core console application that will self-host a web API for back-end logic. Electron will start the console application in the background that will expose a service on localhost:xxxx.

This way you can implement all back-end logic using .NET to be accessible through HTTP requests from JavaScript.

Take a look at this post, it explains how to build a cross-platform desktop application with Electron and .NET Core and check code on GitHub.

How to check if a symlink exists

Is the file really a symbolic link? If not, the usual test for existence is -r or -e.

See man test.

Is optimisation level -O3 dangerous in g++?

Recently I experienced a problem using optimization with g++. The problem was related to a PCI card, where the registers (for command and data) were repreented by a memory address. My driver mapped the physical address to a pointer within the application and gave it to the called process, which worked with it like this:

unsigned int * pciMemory;
askDriverForMapping( & pciMemory );
pciMemory[ 0 ] = someCommandIdx;
pciMemory[ 0 ] = someCommandLength;
for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof( someCommand ); i++ )
    pciMemory[ 0 ] = someCommand[ i ];

The card didn't act as expected. When I saw the assembly I understood that the compiler only wrote someCommand[ the last ] into pciMemory, omitting all preceding writes.

In conclusion: be accurate and attentive with optimization.

delete word after or around cursor in VIM

For deleting a certain amount of characters before the cursor, you can use X. For deleting a certain number of words after the cursor, you can use dw (multiple words can be deleted using 3dw for 3 words for example). For deleting around the cursor in general, you can use daw.

scp files from local to remote machine error: no such file or directory

In my case I had to specify the Port Number using

scp -P 2222 username@hostip:/directory/ /localdirectory/

What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it?

Here I am Considering multiple cases through which you can clearify the concept

1. ArrayList<String> arr = new ArrayList<String>();
2. ArrayList<String> arr = new ArrayList();
3. ArrayList arr = new ArrayList<String>();

Case 1

ArrayList<String> arr it is a ArrayList reference variable with type String which reference to a ArralyList Object of Type String. It means it can hold only String type Object.

It is a Strict to String not a Raw Type so, It will never raise an warning .

    arr.add("hello");// alone statement will compile successfully and no warning.

    arr.add(23);  //prone to compile time error.
     //error: no suitable method found for add(int)

Case 2

In this case ArrayList<String> arr is a strict type but your Object new ArrayList(); is a raw type.

    arr.add("hello"); //alone this compile but raise the warning.
    arr.add(23);  //again prone to compile time error.
    //error: no suitable method found for add(int)

here arr is a Strict type. So, It will raise compile time error when adding a integer.

Warning :- A Raw Type Object is referenced to a Strict type Referenced Variable of ArrayList.

Case 3

In this case ArrayList arr is a raw type but your Object new ArrayList<String>(); is a Strict type.

    arr.add(23);  //compiles fine but raise the warning.

It will add any type of Object into it because arr is a Raw Type.

Warning :- A Strict Type Object is referenced to a raw type referenced Variable.

CSS: how to get scrollbars for div inside container of fixed height

FWIW, here is my approach = a simple one that works for me:

<div id="outerDivWrapper">
   <div id="outerDiv">
      <div id="scrollableContent">
blah blah blah

html, body {
   height: 100%;
   margin: 0em;

#outerDivWrapper, #outerDiv {
   height: 100%;
   margin: 0em;

#scrollableContent {
   height: 100%;
   margin: 0em;
   overflow-y: auto;

Application Error - The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (file:///android_asset/www/index.html)

For my case, the problem was due to losing of the internet connection in my WiFi.

How to include *.so library in Android Studio?

I have solved a similar problem using external native lib dependencies that are packaged inside of jar files. Sometimes these architecture dependend libraries are packaged alltogether inside one jar, sometimes they are split up into several jar files. so i wrote some buildscript to scan the jar dependencies for native libs and sort them into the correct android lib folders. Additionally this also provides a way to download dependencies that not found in maven repos which is currently usefull to get JNA working on android because not all native jars are published in public maven repos.

android {
    compileSdkVersion 23
    buildToolsVersion '24.0.0'

    lintOptions {
        abortOnError false

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "myappid"
        minSdkVersion 17
        targetSdkVersion 23
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0.0"
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

    sourceSets {
        main {
            jniLibs.srcDirs = ["src/main/jniLibs", "$buildDir/native-libs"]

def urlFile = { url, name ->
    File file = new File("$buildDir/download/${name}.jar")
    if (!file.exists()) {
        new URL(url).withInputStream { downloadStream ->
            file.withOutputStream { fileOut ->
                fileOut << downloadStream
dependencies {
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile urlFile('', 'jna-android-arm')
    compile urlFile('', 'jna-android-armv7')
    compile urlFile('', 'jna-android-aarch64')
    compile urlFile('', 'jna-android-x86')
    compile urlFile('', 'jna-android-x86_64')
    compile urlFile('', 'jna-android-mips')
    compile urlFile('', 'jna-android-mips64')
def safeCopy = { src, dst ->
    File fdst = new File(dst)
    fdst.bytes = new File(src).bytes


def archFromName = { name ->
    switch (name) {
        case ~/.*android-(x86-64|x86_64|amd64).*/:
            return "x86_64"
        case ~/.*android-(i386|i686|x86).*/:
            return "x86"
        case ~/.*android-(arm64|aarch64).*/:
            return "arm64-v8a"
        case ~/.*android-(armhf|armv7|arm-v7|armeabi-v7).*/:
            return "armeabi-v7a"
        case ~/.*android-(arm).*/:
            return "armeabi"
        case ~/.*android-(mips).*/:
            return "mips"
        case ~/.*android-(mips64).*/:
            return "mips64"
            return null

task extractNatives << {
    project.configurations.compile.each { dep ->
        println "Scanning ${} for native libs"
        if (!".jar"))
        zipTree(dep).visit { zDetail ->
            if (!".so"))
            print "\tFound ${}"
            String arch = archFromName(zDetail.toString())
            if(arch != null){
                println " -> $arch"
            } else {
                println " -> No valid arch"


How do I set the time zone of MySQL?

To set the standard time zone at MariaDB you have to go to the 50-server.cnf file.

sudo nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf

Then you can enter the following entry in the mysqld section.



# These groups are read by MariaDB server.
# Use it for options that only the server (but not clients) should see
# See the examples of server my.cnf files in /usr/share/mysql/

# this is read by the standalone daemon and embedded servers

# this is only for the mysqld standalone daemon

# * Basic Settings
user            = mysql
pid-file        = /var/run/mysqld/
socket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
port            = 3306
basedir         = /usr
datadir         = /var/lib/mysql
tmpdir          = /tmp
lc-messages-dir = /usr/share/mysql

### Default timezone ###

# Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on
# localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.

The change must be made via the configuration file, otherwise the MariaDB server will reset the mysql tables after a restart!