[jquery] How to prevent page scrolling when scrolling a DIV element?

I have reviewed and tested the various functions for preventing the body ability to scroll whilst inside a div and have combined a function that should work.

$('.scrollable').mouseenter(function() {
    $('body').bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function() {
        return false;
    $(this).bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function() {
        return true;
$('.scrollable').mouseleave(function() {
    $('body').bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function() {
        return true;
  • This is stopping all scrolling where as I want scrolling to still be possible inside the container
  • This is also not deactivating on mouse leave

Any ideas, or better ways of doing this?

This question is related to jquery mousewheel

The answer is

You can do this without JavaScript. You can set the style on both divs to position: fixed and overflow-y: auto. You may need to make one of them higher than the other by setting its z-index (if they overlap).

Here's a basic example on CodePen.

All you need is


on child element.

just offering this up as a possible solution if you don't think the user will have a negative experience on the obvious change. I simply changed the body's class of overflow to hidden when the mouse was over the target div; then I changed the body's div to hidden overflow when the mouse leaves.

Personally I don't think it looks bad, my code could use toggle to make it cleaner, and there are obvious benefits for making this effect possible without the user being aware. So this is probably the hackish-last-resort answer.

//listen mouse on and mouse off for the button
pxMenu.addEventListener("mouseover", toggleA1);
pxOptContainer.addEventListener("mouseout", toggleA2);
//show / hide the pixel option menu
function toggleA1(){
  pxOptContainer.style.display = "flex";
  body.style.overflow = "hidden";
function toggleA2(){
  pxOptContainer.style.display = "none";
  body.style.overflow = "hidden scroll";

A less hacky solution, in my opinion is to set overflow hidden on the body when you mouse over the scrollable div. This will prevent the body from scrolling, but an unwanted "jumping" effect will occur. The following solution works around that:

    .mouseenter(function(e) {
        // get body width now
        var body_width = jQuery("body").width();
        // set overflow hidden on body. this will prevent it scrolling
        jQuery("body").css("overflow", "hidden"); 
        // get new body width. no scrollbar now, so it will be bigger
        var new_body_width = jQuery("body").width();
        // set the difference between new width and old width as padding to prevent jumps                                     
        jQuery("body").css("padding-right", (new_body_width - body_width)+"px");
    .mouseleave(function(e) {
            overflow: "auto",
            padding-right: "0px"

You could make your code smarter if needed. For example, you could test if the body already has a padding and if yes, add the new padding to that.

Use below CSS property overscroll-behavior: contain; to child element

I needed to add this event to multiple elements that might have a scrollbar. For the cases where no scrollbar was present, the main scrollbar didn't work as it should. So i made a small change to @Šime code as follows:

$( '.scrollable' ).on( 'mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function ( e ) {
    if($(this).prop('scrollHeight') > $(this).height())
        var e0 = e.originalEvent, delta = e0.wheelDelta || -e0.detail;

        this.scrollTop += ( delta < 0 ? 1 : -1 ) * 30;

Now, only elements with a scrollbar will prevent the main scroll from begin stopped.

In the solution above there is a little mistake regarding Firefox. In Firefox "DOMMouseScroll" event has no e.detail property,to get this property you should write the following 'e.originalEvent.detail'.

Here is a working solution for Firefox:

$.fn.isolatedScroll = function() {
    this.on('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function (e) {
        var delta = e.wheelDelta || (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.wheelDelta) || -e.originalEvent.detail,
            bottomOverflow = (this.scrollTop + $(this).outerHeight() - this.scrollHeight) >= 0,
            topOverflow = this.scrollTop <= 0;

        if ((delta < 0 && bottomOverflow) || (delta > 0 && topOverflow)) {
    return this;

Pure javascript version of Vidas's answer, el$ is the DOM node of the plane you are scrolling.

function onlyScrollElement(event, el$) {
    var delta = event.wheelDelta || -event.detail;
    el$.scrollTop += (delta < 0 ? 1 : -1) * 10;

Make sure you dont attach the even multiple times! Here is an example,

var ul$ = document.getElementById('yo-list');
// IE9, Chrome, Safari, Opera
ul$.removeEventListener('mousewheel', onlyScrollElement);
ul$.addEventListener('mousewheel', onlyScrollElement);
// Firefox
ul$.removeEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', onlyScrollElement);
ul$.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', onlyScrollElement);

Word of caution, the function there needs to be a constant, if you reinitialize the function each time before attaching it, ie. var func = function (...) the removeEventListener will not work.

see if this help you:

demo: jsfiddle

$('#notscroll').bind('mousewheel', function() {
     return false


try this:

    $("body").delegate("div.scrollable","mouseover mouseout", function(e){
       if(e.type === "mouseover"){
               return false;
       }else if(e.type === "mouseout"){
               return true;

I think it's possible to cancel the mousescroll event sometimes: http://jsfiddle.net/rudiedirkx/F8qSq/show/

$elem.on('wheel', function(e) {
    var d = e.originalEvent.deltaY,
        dir = d < 0 ? 'up' : 'down',
        stop = (dir == 'up' && this.scrollTop == 0) || 
               (dir == 'down' && this.scrollTop == this.scrollHeight-this.offsetHeight);
    stop && e.preventDefault();

Inside the event handler, you'll need to know:

  • scrolling direction
    d = e.originalEvent.deltaY, dir = d < 0 ? 'up' : 'down' because a positive number means scrolling down
  • scroll position
    scrollTop for top, scrollHeight - scrollTop - offsetHeight for bottom

If you're

  • scrolling up, and top = 0, or
  • scrolling down, and bottom = 0,

cancel the event: e.preventDefault() (and maybe even e.stopPropagation()).

I think it's better to not override the browser's scrolling behaviour. Only cancel it when applicable.

It's probablt not perfectly xbrowser, but it can't be very hard. Maybe Mac's dual scroll direction is tricky though...

Here is the plugin that is useful for preventing parent scroll while scrolling a specific div and has a bunch of options to play with.

Check it out here:



Trigger Scroll Lock via JavaScript:


Trigger Scroll Lock via Markup:

    <!-- HTML -->
<div data-scrollLock
     data-animation='{"top":"top locked","bottom":"bottom locked"}'

<!-- JavaScript -->
<script type="text/javascript">

View Demo

If you don't care about the compatibility with older IE versions (< 8), you could make a custom jQuery plugin and then call it on the overflowing element.

This solution has an advantage over the one Šime Vidas proposed, as it doesn't overwrite the scrolling behavior - it just blocks it when appropriate.

$.fn.isolatedScroll = function() {
    this.bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function (e) {
        var delta = e.wheelDelta || (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.wheelDelta) || -e.detail,
            bottomOverflow = this.scrollTop + $(this).outerHeight() - this.scrollHeight >= 0,
            topOverflow = this.scrollTop <= 0;

        if ((delta < 0 && bottomOverflow) || (delta > 0 && topOverflow)) {
    return this;


Here is my solution I've used in applications.

I disabled the body overflow and placed the entire website html inside container div's. The website containers have overflow and therefore the user may scroll the page as expected.

I then created a sibling div (#Prevent) with a higher z-index that covers the entire website. Since #Prevent has a higher z-index, it overlaps the website container. When #Prevent is visible the mouse is no longer hovering the website containers, so scrolling isn't possible.

You may of course place another div, such as your modal, with a higher z-index than #Prevent in the markup. This allows you to create pop-up windows that don't suffer from scrolling issues.

This solution is better because it doesn't hide the scrollbars (jumping affect). It doesn't require event listeners and it's easy to implement. It works in all browsers, although with IE7 & 8 you have to play around (depends on your specific code).


  <div id="YourModal" style="display:none;"></div>
  <div id="Prevent" style="display:none;"></div>
  <div id="WebsiteContainer">
     <div id="Website">
     website goes here...


body { overflow: hidden; }

#YourModal {
 /* modal styles here */

#Prevent {

#WebsiteContainer {
  position: absolute;
#Website {


function PreventScroll(A) { 
  switch (A) {
    case 'on': $('#Prevent').show(); break;
    case 'off': $('#Prevent').hide(); break;

disable/enable the scroll

PreventScroll('on'); // prevent scrolling
PreventScroll('off'); // allow scrolling

here a simple solution without jQuery which does not destroy the browser native scroll (this is: no artificial/ugly scrolling):

var scrollable = document.querySelector('.scrollable');

scrollable.addEventListener('wheel', function(event) {
    var deltaY = event.deltaY;
    var contentHeight = scrollable.scrollHeight;
    var visibleHeight = scrollable.offsetHeight;
    var scrollTop = scrollable.scrollTop;

    if (scrollTop === 0 && deltaY < 0)
    else if (visibleHeight + scrollTop === contentHeight && deltaY > 0)

Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ibcaliax/bwmzfmq7/4/