[asp.net] WebAPI to Return XML

In my project with netcore 2.2 I use this code:

[Route( "something" )]
public IActionResult GetSomething()
    string payload = "Something";

    OkObjectResult result = Ok( payload );

    // currently result.Formatters is empty but we'd like to ensure it will be so in the future

    // force response as xml
    result.Formatters.Add( new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters.XmlSerializerOutputFormatter() );

    return result;

It forces only one action within a controller to return a xml without effect to other actions. Also this code doesn't contain neither HttpResponseMessage or StringContent or ObjectContent which are disposable objects and hence should be handled appropriately (it is especially a problem if you use any of code analyzers that reminds you about it).

Going further you could use a handy extension like this:

public static class ObjectResultExtensions
    public static T ForceResultAsXml<T>( this T result )
        where T : ObjectResult
        result.Formatters.Add( new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters.XmlSerializerOutputFormatter() );

        return result;

And your code will become like this:

[Route( "something" )]
public IActionResult GetSomething()
    string payload = "Something";

    return Ok( payload ).ForceResultAsXml();

In addition, this solution looks like an explicit and clean way to force return as xml and it is easy to add to your existent code.

P.S. I used fully-qualified name Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters.XmlSerializerOutputFormatter just to avoid ambiguity.

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