Although some answers here maybe great, none helped my case (which is very similar to OP's error message).
This error needed fixing because even though my components rendered with their data (pulled from API), when deployed to firebase hosting, it did not render some of my components (the components that rely on data).
To fix it (and given you followed the suggestions in the accepted answer), in the Parent component (the ones pulling data and passing to child component), I did:
// pulled data in this life cycle hook, saving it to my store
created() {
.then(myProfile => {
const mp =;
this.$store.dispatch('dispatchMyProfile', mp)
this.propsToPass = mp;
.catch(error => {
console.log('There was an error:', error.response)
// called my store here
computed: {
menu() {
return this.$store.state['myProfile'].profile
// then in my template, I pass this "menu" method in child component
<LeftPanel :data="menu" />
This cleared that error away. I deployed it again to firebase hosting, and viola!
Hope this bit helps you.