Programs & Examples On #Headereditemscontrol

Good PHP ORM Library?

Agile Toolkit has its own unique implementation of ORM/ActiveRecord and dynamic SQL.


Syntax (Active Record):


Syntax (Dynamic SQL):

$result = $emp->count()->where('salary','>',400)->getOne();

While Dynamic SQL and Active Record/ORM is usable directly, Agile Toolkit further integrates them with User Interface and jQuery UI. This is similar to JSF but written in pure PHP.


This will display AJAXified CRUD with for Employee model.

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'append'

What you are trying to do is add additional information to each item in the list that you already created so

    alist[ 'from form', 'stuff 2', 'stuff 3']

    for j in range( 0,len[alist]):
        temp= []
        temp.append(alist[j]) # alist[0] is 'from form' 
        temp.append('t') # slot for first piece of data 't'
        temp.append('-') # slot for second piece of data

    blist.append(temp)      # will be alist with 2 additional fields for extra stuff assocated with each item in alist  

Choosing a file in Python with simple Dialog

In Python 2 use the tkFileDialog module.

import tkFileDialog


In Python 3 use the tkinter.filedialog module.

import tkinter.filedialog


Creating a directory in /sdcard fails

File f = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath()
        + "/FoderName");
if (!f.exists()) {

character count using jquery

For length including white-space:


For length without white-space:

$("#id").val().replace(/ /g,'').length

For removing only beginning and trailing white-space:


For example, the string " t e s t " would evaluate as:

//" t e s t "

//Example 1
$("#id").val().length; //Returns 9
//Example 2
$("#id").val().replace(/ /g,'').length; //Returns 4
//Example 3
$.trim($("#test").val()).length; //Returns 7

Here is a demo using all of them.

Change span text?

document.getElementById("serverTime").innerHTML = ...;

Babel command not found

When I found this question, I was looking for

$ npm install -g babel-cli

Access-Control-Allow-Origin error sending a jQuery Post to Google API's

I solved the Access-Control-Allow-Origin error modifying the dataType parameter to dataType:'jsonp' and adding a crossDomain:true


    url: ''+key,
    data: myData,
    type: 'GET',
    crossDomain: true,
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    success: function() { alert("Success"); },
    error: function() { alert('Failed!'); },
    beforeSend: setHeader

How to list all installed packages and their versions in Python?

from command line

python -c help('modules')

can be used to view all modules, and for specific modules

python -c help('os')

For Linux below will work

python -c "help('os')"

Is there an upside down caret character?

I did subscript capital & bolded V. It works perfectly (although it takes some effort, if it needs to be done repetitively)




Private vs Protected - Visibility Good-Practice Concern

Let me preface this by saying I'm talking primarily about method access here, and to a slightly lesser extent, marking classes final, not member access.

The old wisdom

"mark it private unless you have a good reason not to"

made sense in days when it was written, before open source dominated the developer library space and VCS/dependency mgmt. became hyper collaborative thanks to Github, Maven, etc. Back then there was also money to be made by constraining the way(s) in which a library could be utilized. I spent probably the first 8 or 9 years of my career strictly adhering to this "best practice".

Today, I believe it to be bad advice. Sometimes there's a reasonable argument to mark a method private, or a class final but it's exceedingly rare, and even then it's probably not improving anything.

Have you ever:

  • Been disappointed, surprised or hurt by a library etc. that had a bug that could have been fixed with inheritance and few lines of code, but due to private / final methods and classes were forced to wait for an official patch that might never come? I have.
  • Wanted to use a library for a slightly different use case than was imagined by the authors but were unable to do so because of private / final methods and classes? I have.
  • Been disappointed, surprised or hurt by a library etc. that was overly permissive in it's extensibility? I have not.

These are the three biggest rationalizations I've heard for marking methods private by default:

Rationalization #1: It's unsafe and there's no reason to override a specific method

I can't count the number of times I've been wrong about whether or not there will ever be a need to override a specific method I've written. Having worked on several popular open source libs, I learned the hard way the true cost of marking things private. It often eliminates the only practical solution to unforseen problems or use cases. Conversely, I've never in 16+ years of professional development regretted marking a method protected instead of private for reasons related to API safety. When a developer chooses to extend a class and override a method, they are consciously saying "I know what I'm doing." and for the sake of productivity that should be enough. period. If it's dangerous, note it in the class/method Javadocs, don't just blindly slam the door shut.

Marking methods protected by default is a mitigation for one of the major issues in modern SW development: failure of imagination.

Rationalization #2: It keeps the public API / Javadocs clean

This one is more reasonable, and depending on the target audience it might even be the right thing to do, but it's worth considering what the cost of keeping the API "clean" actually is: extensibility. For the reasons mentioned above, it probably makes more sense to mark things protected by default just in case.

Rationalization #3: My software is commercial and I need to restrict it's use.

This is reasonable too, but as a consumer I'd go with the less restrictive competitor (assuming no significant quality differences exist) every time.

Never say never

I'm not saying never mark methods private. I'm saying the better rule of thumb is to "make methods protected unless there's a good reason not to".

This advice is best suited for those working on libraries or larger scale projects that have been broken into modules. For smaller or more monolithic projects it doesn't tend to matter as much since you control all the code anyway and it's easy to change the access level of your code if/when you need it. Even then though, I'd still give the same advice :-)

List Highest Correlation Pairs from a Large Correlation Matrix in Pandas?

@HYRY's answer is perfect. Just building on that answer by adding a bit more logic to avoid duplicate and self correlations and proper sorting:

import pandas as pd
d = {'x1': [1, 4, 4, 5, 6], 
     'x2': [0, 0, 8, 2, 4], 
     'x3': [2, 8, 8, 10, 12], 
     'x4': [-1, -4, -4, -4, -5]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data = d)
print("Data Frame")

print("Correlation Matrix")

def get_redundant_pairs(df):
    '''Get diagonal and lower triangular pairs of correlation matrix'''
    pairs_to_drop = set()
    cols = df.columns
    for i in range(0, df.shape[1]):
        for j in range(0, i+1):
            pairs_to_drop.add((cols[i], cols[j]))
    return pairs_to_drop

def get_top_abs_correlations(df, n=5):
    au_corr = df.corr().abs().unstack()
    labels_to_drop = get_redundant_pairs(df)
    au_corr = au_corr.drop(labels=labels_to_drop).sort_values(ascending=False)
    return au_corr[0:n]

print("Top Absolute Correlations")
print(get_top_abs_correlations(df, 3))

That gives the following output:

Data Frame
   x1  x2  x3  x4
0   1   0   2  -1
1   4   0   8  -4
2   4   8   8  -4
3   5   2  10  -4
4   6   4  12  -5

Correlation Matrix
          x1        x2        x3        x4
x1  1.000000  0.399298  1.000000 -0.969248
x2  0.399298  1.000000  0.399298 -0.472866
x3  1.000000  0.399298  1.000000 -0.969248
x4 -0.969248 -0.472866 -0.969248  1.000000

Top Absolute Correlations
x1  x3    1.000000
x3  x4    0.969248
x1  x4    0.969248
dtype: float64

How to iterate through range of Dates in Java?

This will help you start 30 days back and loop through until today's date. you can easily change range of dates and direction.

private void iterateThroughDates() throws Exception {
    Calendar start = Calendar.getInstance();
    start.add(Calendar.DATE, -30);
    Calendar end = Calendar.getInstance();
    for (Calendar date = start; date.before(end); date.add(Calendar.DATE, 1))

Determine the size of an InputStream

If you know that your InputStream is a FileInputStream or a ByteArrayInputStream, you can use a little reflection to get at the stream size without reading the entire contents. Here's an example method:

static long getInputLength(InputStream inputStream) {
    try {
        if (inputStream instanceof FilterInputStream) {
            FilterInputStream filtered = (FilterInputStream)inputStream;
            Field field = FilterInputStream.class.getDeclaredField("in");
            InputStream internal = (InputStream) field.get(filtered);
            return getInputLength(internal);
        } else if (inputStream instanceof ByteArrayInputStream) {
            ByteArrayInputStream wrapper = (ByteArrayInputStream)inputStream;
            Field field = ByteArrayInputStream.class.getDeclaredField("buf");
            byte[] buffer = (byte[])field.get(wrapper);
            return buffer.length;
        } else if (inputStream instanceof FileInputStream) {
            FileInputStream fileStream = (FileInputStream)inputStream;
            return fileStream.getChannel().size();
    } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException | IOException exception) {
        // Ignore all errors and just return -1.
    return -1;

This could be extended to support additional input streams, I am sure.

How can I create a "Please Wait, Loading..." animation using jQuery?

You could do this various different ways. It could be a subtle as a small status on the page saying "Loading...", or as loud as an entire element graying out the page while the new data is loading. The approach I'm taking below will show you how to accomplish both methods.

The Setup

Let's start by getting us a nice "loading" animation from I'll be using enter image description here

Let's create an element that we can show/hide anytime we're making an ajax request:

<div class="modal"><!-- Place at bottom of page --></div>


Next let's give it some flair:

/* Start by setting display:none to make this hidden.
   Then we position it in relation to the viewport window
   with position:fixed. Width, height, top and left speak
   for themselves. Background we set to 80% white with
   our animation centered, and no-repeating */
.modal {
    display:    none;
    position:   fixed;
    z-index:    1000;
    top:        0;
    left:       0;
    height:     100%;
    width:      100%;
    background: rgba( 255, 255, 255, .8 ) 
                50% 50% 

/* When the body has the loading class, we turn
   the scrollbar off with overflow:hidden */
body.loading .modal {
    overflow: hidden;   

/* Anytime the body has the loading class, our
   modal element will be visible */
body.loading .modal {
    display: block;

And finally, the jQuery

Alright, on to the jQuery. This next part is actually really simple:

$body = $("body");

    ajaxStart: function() { $body.addClass("loading");    },
     ajaxStop: function() { $body.removeClass("loading"); }    

That's it! We're attaching some events to the body element anytime the ajaxStart or ajaxStop events are fired. When an ajax event starts, we add the "loading" class to the body. and when events are done, we remove the "loading" class from the body.

See it in action:

How to update SQLAlchemy row entry?

Examples to clarify the important issue in accepted answer's comments

I didn't understand it until I played around with it myself, so I figured there would be others who were confused as well. Say you are working on the user whose id == 6 and whose no_of_logins == 30 when you start.

# 1 (bad)
user.no_of_logins += 1
# result: UPDATE user SET no_of_logins = 31 WHERE = 6

# 2 (bad)
user.no_of_logins = user.no_of_logins + 1
# result: UPDATE user SET no_of_logins = 31 WHERE = 6

# 3 (bad)
setattr(user, 'no_of_logins', user.no_of_logins + 1)
# result: UPDATE user SET no_of_logins = 31 WHERE = 6

# 4 (ok)
user.no_of_logins = User.no_of_logins + 1
# result: UPDATE user SET no_of_logins = no_of_logins + 1 WHERE = 6

# 5 (ok)
setattr(user, 'no_of_logins', User.no_of_logins + 1)
# result: UPDATE user SET no_of_logins = no_of_logins + 1 WHERE = 6

The point

By referencing the class instead of the instance, you can get SQLAlchemy to be smarter about incrementing, getting it to happen on the database side instead of the Python side. Doing it within the database is better since it's less vulnerable to data corruption (e.g. two clients attempt to increment at the same time with a net result of only one increment instead of two). I assume it's possible to do the incrementing in Python if you set locks or bump up the isolation level, but why bother if you don't have to?

A caveat

If you are going to increment twice via code that produces SQL like SET no_of_logins = no_of_logins + 1, then you will need to commit or at least flush in between increments, or else you will only get one increment in total:

# 6 (bad)
user.no_of_logins = User.no_of_logins + 1
user.no_of_logins = User.no_of_logins + 1
# result: UPDATE user SET no_of_logins = no_of_logins + 1 WHERE = 6

# 7 (ok)
user.no_of_logins = User.no_of_logins + 1
# result: UPDATE user SET no_of_logins = no_of_logins + 1 WHERE = 6
user.no_of_logins = User.no_of_logins + 1
# result: UPDATE user SET no_of_logins = no_of_logins + 1 WHERE = 6

Kubernetes how to make Deployment to update image

UPDATE 2019-06-24

Based on the @Jodiug comment if you have a 1.15 version you can use the command:

kubectl rollout restart deployment/demo

Read more on the issue:

Well there is an interesting discussion about this subject on the kubernetes GitHub project. See the issue:

From the solutions described there, I would suggest one of two.


1.Prepare deployment

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: demo
  replicas: 1
        app: demo
      - name: demo
        imagePullPolicy: Always


sed -ie "s/THIS_STRING_IS_REPLACED_DURING_BUILD/$(date)/g" deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f deployment.yml

Second (one liner):

kubectl patch deployment web -p \
  "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"labels\":{\"date\":\"`date +'%s'`\"}}}}}"

Of course the imagePullPolicy: Always is required on both cases.

sys.path different in Jupyter and Python - how to import own modules in Jupyter?

Jupyter is base on ipython, a permanent solution could be changing the ipython config options.

Create a config file

$ ipython profile create
$ ipython locate

Edit the config file

$ cd /Users/username/.ipython
$ vi profile_default/

The following lines allow you to add your module path to sys.path

c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = [
    'import sys; sys.path.append("/path/to/your/module")'

At the jupyter startup the previous line will be executed

Here you can find more details about ipython config

Check if input is integer type in C

I found a way to check whether the input given is an integer or not using atoi() function .

Read the input as a string, and use atoi() function to convert the string in to an integer.

atoi() function returns the integer number if the input string contains integer, else it will return 0. You can check the return value of the atoi() function to know whether the input given is an integer or not.

There are lot more functions to convert a string into long, double etc., Check the standard library "stdlib.h" for more.

Note : It works only for non-zero numbers.


int main() {
    char *string;
    int number;

    printf("Enter a number :");
    string = scanf("%s", string);

    number = atoi(string);

    if(number != 0)
        printf("The number is %d\n", number);
        printf("Not a number !!!\n");
    return 0;

Linux: copy and create destination dir if it does not exist

Copy from source to an non existing path

mkdir –p /destination && cp –r /source/ $_

NOTE: this command copies all the files

cp –r for copying all folders and its content

$_ work as destination which is created in last command

How to delete multiple rows in SQL where id = (x to y)

You can use BETWEEN:

where id between 163 and 265

Adding script tag to React/JSX

You can use npm postscribe to load script in react component

postscribe('#mydiv', '<script src=""></script>')

How to export iTerm2 Profiles

If you have a look at Preferences -> General you will notice at the bottom of the panel, there is a setting Load preferences from a custom folder or URL:. There is a button next to it Save settings to Folder.

So all you need to do is save your settings first and load it after you reinstalled your OS.

If the Save settings to Folder is disabled, select a folder (e.g. empty) in the Load preferences from a custom folder or URL: text box.

In iTerm2 3.3 on OSX the sequence is: iTerm2 menu, Preferences, General tab, Preferences subtab

PHP: Get the key from an array in a foreach loop

you need nested foreach loops

foreach($samplearr as $key => $item){
   echo $key;
    foreach($item as $detail){
       echo $detail['value1'] . " " . $detail['value2']

Setting and getting localStorage with jQuery

Use setItem and getItem if you want to write simple strings to localStorage. Also you should be using text() if it's the text you're after as you say, else you will get the full HTML as a string.

Sample using .text()

// get the text
var text = $('#test').text();

// set the item in localStorage
localStorage.setItem('test', text);

// alert the value to check if we got it


Storing the HTML itself

// get html
var html = $('#test')[0].outerHTML;

// set localstorage
localStorage.setItem('htmltest', html);

// test if it works


Update on user comment

A user want to update the localStorage when the div's content changes. Since it's unclear how the div contents changes (ajax, other method?) contenteditable and blur() is used to change the contents of the div and overwrite the old localStorage entry.

// get the text
var text = $('#test').text();

// set the item in localStorage
localStorage.setItem('test', text);

// bind text to 'blur' event for div
$('#test').on('blur', function() {

    // check the new text
    var newText = $(this).text();

    // overwrite the old text
    localStorage.setItem('test', newText);

    // test if it works


If we were using ajax we would instead trigger the function it via the function responsible for updating the contents.


Batch Extract path and filename from a variable

Late answer, I know, but for me the following script is quite useful - and it answers the question too, hitting two flys with one flag ;-)

The following script expands SendTo in the file explorer's context menu:

@echo off
if "%~dp1"=="" goto Install

REM change drive, then cd to path given and run shell there
cd "%~dp1"
cmd /k
goto End

rem No arguments: Copies itself into SendTo folder
copy "%0" "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\A - Open in CMD shell.cmd"


If you run this script without any parameters by double-clicking on it, it will copy itself to the SendTo folder and renaming it to "A - Open in CMD shell.cmd". Afterwards it is available in the "SentTo" context menu.

Then, right-click on any file or folder in Windows explorer and select "SendTo > A - Open in CMD shell.cmd"

The script will change drive and path to the path containing the file or folder you have selected and open a command shell with that path - useful for Visual Studio Code, because then you can just type "code ." to run it in the context of your project.

How does it work?

%0 - full path of the batch script
%~d1 - the drive contained in the first argument (e.g. "C:")
%~dp1 - the path contained in the first argument
cmd /k - opens a command shell which stays open

Not used here, but %~n1 is the file name of the first argument.

I hope this is helpful for someone.

SQL Server default character encoding


In most cases, SQL Server stores Unicode data (i.e. that which is found in the XML and N-prefixed types) in UCS-2 / UTF-16 (storage is the same, UTF-16 merely handles Supplementary Characters correctly). This is not configurable: there is no option to use either UTF-8 or UTF-32 (see UPDATE section at the bottom re: UTF-8 starting in SQL Server 2019). Whether or not the built-in functions can properly handle Supplementary Characters, and whether or not those are sorted and compared properly, depends on the Collation being used. The older Collations — names starting with SQL_ (e.g. SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS) xor no version number in the name (e.g. Latin1_General_CI_AS) — equate all Supplementary Characters with each other (due to having no sort weight). Starting in SQL Server 2005 they introduced the 90 series Collations (those with _90_ in the name) that could at least do a binary comparison on Supplementary Characters so that you could differentiate between them, even if they didn't sort in the desired order. That also holds true for the 100 series Collations introduced in SQL Server 2008. SQL Server 2012 introduced Collations with names ending in _SC that not only sort Supplementary Characters properly, but also allow the built-in functions to interpret them as expected (i.e. treating the surrogate pair as a single entity). Starting in SQL Server 2017, all new Collations (the 140 series) implicitly support Supplementary Characters, hence there are no new Collations with names ending in _SC.

Starting in SQL Server 2019, UTF-8 became a supported encoding for CHAR and VARCHAR data (columns, variables, and literals), but not TEXT (see UPDATE section at the bottom re: UTF-8 starting in SQL Server 2019).

Non-Unicode data (i.e. that which is found in the CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT types — but don't use TEXT, use VARCHAR(MAX) instead) uses an 8-bit encoding (Extended ASCII, DBCS, or EBCDIC). The specific character set / encoding is based on the Code Page, which in turn is based on the Collation of a column, or the Collation of the current database for literals and variables, or the Collation of the Instance for variable / cursor names and GOTO labels, or what is specified in a COLLATE clause if one is being used.

To see how locales match up to collations, check out:

To see the Code Page associated with a particular Collation (this is the character set and only affects CHAR / VARCHAR / TEXT data), run the following:

SELECT COLLATIONPROPERTY( 'Latin1_General_100_CI_AS' , 'CodePage' ) AS [CodePage];

To see the LCID (i.e. locale) associated with a particular Collation (this affects the sorting & comparison rules), run the following:


To view the list of available Collations, along with their associated LCIDs and Code Pages, run:

SELECT [name],
       COLLATIONPROPERTY( [name], 'CodePage' ) AS [CodePage]
FROM sys.fn_helpcollations()
ORDER BY [name];


Before looking at the Server and Database default Collations, one should understand the relative importance of those defaults.

The Server (Instance, really) default Collation is used as the default for newly created Databases (including the system Databases: master, model, msdb, and tempdb). But this does not mean that any Database (other than the 4 system DBs) is using that Collation. The Database default Collation can be changed at any time (though there are dependencies that might prevent a Database from having it's Collation changed). The Server default Collation, however, is not so easy to change. For details on changing all collations, please see: Changing the Collation of the Instance, the Databases, and All Columns in All User Databases: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

The server/Instance Collation controls:

  • local variable names
  • CURSOR names
  • GOTO labels
  • Instance-level meta-data

The Database default Collation is used in three ways:

  • as the default for newly created string columns. But this does not mean that any string column is using that Collation. The Collation of a column can be changed at any time. Here knowing the Database default is important as an indication of what the string columns are most likely set to.
  • as the Collation for operations involving string literals, variables, and built-in functions that do not take string inputs but produces a string output (i.e. IF (@InputParam = 'something') ). Here knowing the Database default is definitely important as it governs how these operations will behave.
  • Database-level meta-data

The column Collation is either specified in the COLLATE clause at the time of the CREATE TABLE or an ALTER TABLE {table_name} ALTER COLUMN, or if not specified, taken from the Database default.

Since there are several layers here where a Collation can be specified (Database default / columns / literals & variables), the resulting Collation is determined by Collation Precedence.

All of that being said, the following query shows the default / current settings for the OS, SQL Server Instance, and specified Database:

SELECT os_language_version,
       SERVERPROPERTY('Collation') AS 'Instance-Collation',
       SERVERPROPERTY('ComparisonStyle') AS 'Instance-ComparisonStyle',
       SERVERPROPERTY('SqlSortOrder') AS 'Instance-SqlSortOrder',
       SERVERPROPERTY('SqlSortOrderName') AS 'Instance-SqlSortOrderName',
       SERVERPROPERTY('SqlCharSet') AS 'Instance-SqlCharSet',
       SERVERPROPERTY('SqlCharSetName') AS 'Instance-SqlCharSetName',
       DATABASEPROPERTYEX(N'{database_name}', 'LCID') AS 'Database-LCID',
       DATABASEPROPERTYEX(N'{database_name}', 'Collation') AS 'Database-Collation',
  DATABASEPROPERTYEX(N'{database_name}', 'ComparisonStyle') AS 'Database-ComparisonStyle',
       DATABASEPROPERTYEX(N'{database_name}', 'SQLSortOrder') AS 'Database-SQLSortOrder'
FROM   sys.dm_os_windows_info;

Installation Default

Another interpretation of "default" could mean what default Collation is selected for the Instance-level collation when installing. That varies based on the OS language, but the (horrible, horrible) default for systems using "US English" is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. In that case, the "default" encoding is Windows Code Page 1252 for VARCHAR data, and as always, UTF-16 for NVARCHAR data. You can find the list of OS language to default SQL Server collation here: Collation and Unicode support: Server-level collations. Keep in mind that these defaults can be overridden; this list is merely what the Instance will use if not overridden during install.

UPDATE 2018-10-02

SQL Server 2019 introduces native support for UTF-8 in VARCHAR / CHAR datatypes (not TEXT!). This is accomplished via a set of new collations, the names of which all end with _UTF8. This is an interesting capability that will definitely help some folks, but there are some "quirks" with it, especially when UTF-8 isn't being used for all columns and the Database's default Collation, so don't use it just because you have heard that UTF-8 is magically better. UTF-8 was designed solely for ASCII compatibility: to enable ASCII-only systems (i.e. UNIX back in the day) to support Unicode without changing any existing code or files. That it saves space for data using mostly (or only) US English characters (and some punctuation) is a side-effect. When not using mostly (or only) US English characters, data can be the same size as UTF-16, or even larger, depending on which characters are being used. And, in cases where space is being saved, performance might improve, but it might also get worse.

For a detailed analysis of this new feature, please see my post, "Native UTF-8 Support in SQL Server 2019: Savior or False Prophet?".

convert:not authorized `aaaa` @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/453

After reading several suggestions here and combining the ideas, for me following changes in /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml were necessary:

<policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="PDF" />

... rights="none" did not help. ...pattern="LABEL" was not neccessary. Although I do not work with big png files (only ~1 Mb) some changes in memory limits were also necessary:

<policy domain="resource" name="memory" value="2GiB"/>

(instead of 256Mib), and

<policy domain="resource" name="area" value="2GB"/>

(instead of 128 MB)

Have nginx access_log and error_log log to STDOUT and STDERR of master process

Syntax: error_log file | stderr | syslog:server=address[,parameter=value] | memory:size [debug | info | notice | warn | error | crit | alert | emerg];
error_log logs/error.log error;
Context:    main, http, stream, server, location

Don't use: /dev/stderr This will break your setup if you're going to use systemd-nspawn.

Making HTML page zoom by default

Solved it as follows,

in CSS

zoom: 100%;

Now, it loads in 100% zoom by default. Tested it by giving 290% zoom and it loaded by that zoom percentage on default, it's upto the user if he wants to change zoom.

Though this is not the best way to do it, there is another effective solution

Check the page code of stack over flow, even they have buttons and they use un ordered lists to solve this problem.

How to build an android library with Android Studio and gradle?

Note: This answer is a pure Gradle answer, I use this in IntelliJ on a regular basis but I don't know how the integration is with Android Studio. I am a believer in knowing what is going on for me, so this is how I use Gradle and Android.

TL;DR Full Example -

Disclaimer: This is a project I am/was working on.

Gradle has a defined structure ( that you can change, link at the bottom tells you how ) that is very similar to Maven if you have ever used it.

Project Root
+-- src
|   +-- main (your project)
|   |   +-- java (where your java code goes)
|   |   +-- res  (where your res go)
|   |   +-- assets (where your assets go)
|   |   \-- AndroidManifest.xml
|   \-- instrumentTest (test project)
|       \-- java (where your java code goes)
+-- build.gradle
\-- settings.gradle

If you only have the one project, the settings.gradle file isn't needed. However you want to add more projects, so we need it.

Now let's take a peek at that build.gradle file. You are going to need this in it (to add the android tools)


buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

Now we need to tell Gradle about some of the Android parts. It's pretty simple. A basic one (that works in most of my cases) looks like the following. I have a comment in this block, it will allow me to specify the version name and code when generating the APK.


apply plugin: "android"
android {
        compileSdkVersion 17
        defaultConfig {
            versionCode = 1
            versionName = "0.0.0"

Something we are going to want to add, to help out anyone that hasn't seen the light of Gradle yet, a way for them to use the project without installing it.


task wrapper(type: org.gradle.api.tasks.wrapper.Wrapper) {
    gradleVersion = '1.4'

So now we have one project to build. Now we are going to add the others. I put them in a directory, maybe call it deps, or subProjects. It doesn't really matter, but you will need to know where you put it. To tell Gradle where the projects are you are going to need to add them to the settings.gradle.

Directory Structure:

Project Root
+-- src (see above)
+-- subProjects (where projects are held)
|   +-- reallyCoolProject1 (your first included project)
|       \-- See project structure for a normal app
|   \-- reallyCoolProject2 (your second included project)
|       \-- See project structure for a normal app
+-- build.gradle
\-- settings.gradle


include ':subProjects:reallyCoolProject1'
include ':subProjects:reallyCoolProject2'

The last thing you should make sure of is the subProjects/reallyCoolProject1/build.gradle has apply plugin: "android-library" instead of apply plugin: "android".

Like every Gradle project (and Maven) we now need to tell the root project about it's dependency. This can also include any normal Java dependencies that you want.


    compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.1.4'
    compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.1.4'
    compile project(":subProjects:reallyCoolProject1")
    compile project(':subProjects:reallyCoolProject2')

I know this seems like a lot of steps, but they are pretty easy once you do it once or twice. This way will also allow you to build on a CI server assuming you have the Android SDK installed there.

NDK Side Note: If you are going to use the NDK you are going to need something like below. Example build.gradle file can be found here:


task copyNativeLibs(type: Copy) {
    from fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '**/*.so' )  into  'build/native-libs'
tasks.withType(Compile) { compileTask -> compileTask.dependsOn copyNativeLibs }

clean.dependsOn 'cleanCopyNativeLibs'

tasks.withType( { pkgTask ->
  pkgTask.jniDir new File('build/native-libs')



Generate war file from tomcat webapp folder

You can create .war file back from your existing folder.

Using this command

cd /to/your/folder/location
jar -cvf my_web_app.war *

How to remove a TFS Workspace Mapping?

The error is genuine. You might have created workspace with same name on different machine. Now you may have changed machine having different machine name.

So here is work-around that will definitely work.Following is work-around.

  1. Go to "Team-Explorer"
  2. Go to "Source-Control"
  3. Go to Workspace drop-down
  4. Click on "Workspaces..."
  5. A pop-up window will appear
  6. Click on "Show remote workspaces"
  7. Now delete the workspace which is conflicting and you can proceed your work.

JavaScript: Difference between .forEach() and .map()

The difference lies in what they return. After execution:

returns an array of elements resulting from the processed function; while:


returns undefined.

display Java.util.Date in a specific format

If you want to simply output a date, just use the following:

System.out.printf("Date: %1$te/%1$tm/%1$tY at %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS%n", new Date());

As seen here. Or if you want to get the value into a String (for SQL building, for example) you can use:

String formattedDate = String.format("%1$te/%1$tm/%1$tY", new Date());

You can also customize your output by following the Java API on Date/Time conversions.

Purpose of installing Twitter Bootstrap through npm?

Answer 1:

  • Downloading bootstrap through npm (or bower) permits you to gain some latency time. Instead of getting a remote resource, you get a local one, it's quicker, except if you use a cdn (check below answer)

  • "npm" was originally to get Node Module, but with the essort of the Javascript language (and the advent of browserify), it has a bit grown up. In fact, you can even download AngularJS on npm, that is not a server side framework. Browserify permits you to use AMD/RequireJS/CommonJS on client side so node modules can be used on client side.

Answer 2:

If you npm install bootstrap (if you dont use a particular grunt or gulp file to move to a dist folder), your bootstrap will be located in "./node_modules/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css" if I m not wrong.

Getting assembly name

You could try this code which uses the System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute.Title property:

((AssemblyTitleAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute), false)).Title;

Validate fields after user has left a field

Angular 1.3 now has ng-model-options, and you can set the option to { 'updateOn': 'blur'} for example, and you can even debounce, when the use is either typing too fast, or you want to save a few expensive DOM operations (like a model writing to multiple DOM places and you don't want a $digest cycle happening on every key down) and

By default, any change to the content will trigger a model update and form validation. You can override this behavior using the ngModelOptions directive to bind only to specified list of events. I.e. ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur' }" will update and validate only after the control loses focus. You can set several events using a space delimited list. I.e. ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'mousedown blur' }"

And debounce

You can delay the model update/validation by using the debounce key with the ngModelOptions directive. This delay will also apply to parsers, validators and model flags like $dirty or $pristine.

I.e. ng-model-options="{ debounce: 500 }" will wait for half a second since the last content change before triggering the model update and form validation.

How to word wrap text in HTML?

In HTML body try:

            <div style="word-wrap: break-word; width: 800px">
                Hello world, how are you? More text here to see if it wraps after a long while of writing and it does on Firefox but I have not tested it on Chrome yet. It also works wonders if you have a medium to long paragraph. Just avoid writing in the CSS file that the words have to break-all, that's a small tip.

In CSS body try:

background-size: auto;

table-layout: fixed;

Foreach loop in C++ equivalent of C#

Using boost is the best option as it helps you to provide a neat and concise code, but if you want to stick to STL

void listbox_add(const char* item, ListBox &lb)

int foo()
    const char* starr[] = {"ram", "mohan", "sita"};
    ListBox listBox;
                  starr + sizeof(starr)/sizeof(char*),
                  std::bind2nd(std::ptr_fun(&listbox_add), listBox));


How to do join on multiple criteria, returning all combinations of both criteria

It sounds like you want to list all the metrics?

SELECT Criteria1, Criteria2, Metric1 As Metric
FROM Table1
SELECT Criteria1, Criteria2, Metric2 As Metric
FROM Table2

If you only want one Criteria1+Criteria2 combination, group them:

SELECT Criteria1, Criteia2, SUM(Metric) AS Metric
    SELECT Criteria1, Criteria2, Metric1 As Metric
    FROM Table1
    SELECT Criteria1, Criteria2, Metric2 As Metric
    FROM Table2
ORDER BY Criteria1, Criteria2

key_load_public: invalid format

TL;DR: also ensure that your is in ascii / UTF-8.

I had the same problem, however the accepted answer alone did not work because of the text encoding, which was an additional, easy-to-miss issue.

When I run

ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -y > ~/.ssh/

in Windows PowerShell, it saves the output to in UTF-16 LE BOM encoding, not in UTF-8. This is a property of some installations of PowerShell, which was discussed in Using PowerShell to write a file in UTF-8 without the BOM. Apparently, OpenSSH does not recognise the former text encoding and produces an identical error:

key_load_public: invalid format

Copying and pasting the output of ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -y into a text editor is the simplest way to solve this.

P.S. This could be an addition to the accepted answer, but I don't have enough karma to comment here yet.

Find a file with a certain extension in folder

Look at the System.IO.Directory class and the static method GetFiles. It has an overload that accepts a path and a search pattern. Example:

 string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.txt");

How to embed HTML into IPython output?

Expanding on @Harmon above, looks like you can combine the display and print statements together ... if you need. Or, maybe it's easier to just format your entire HTML as one string and then use display. Either way, nice feature.

display(HTML('<h1>Hello, world!</h1>'))
print("Here's a link:")
display(HTML("<a href='' target='_blank'></a>"))
print("some more printed text ...")
display(HTML('<p>Paragraph text here ...</p>'))

Outputs something like this:

Hello, world!

Here's a link:

some more printed text ...

Paragraph text here ...

How do I add a user when I'm using Alpine as a base image?

Alpine uses the command adduser and addgroup for creating users and groups (rather than useradd and usergroup).

FROM alpine:latest

# Create a group and user
RUN addgroup -S appgroup && adduser -S appuser -G appgroup

# Tell docker that all future commands should run as the appuser user
USER appuser

The flags for adduser are:

Usage: adduser [OPTIONS] USER [GROUP]

Create new user, or add USER to GROUP

        -h DIR          Home directory
        -g GECOS        GECOS field
        -s SHELL        Login shell
        -G GRP          Group
        -S              Create a system user
        -D              Don't assign a password
        -H              Don't create home directory
        -u UID          User id
        -k SKEL         Skeleton directory (/etc/skel)

Add new user official docs

Split array into chunks of N length

It could be something like that:

var a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'];

var arrays = [], size = 3;
while (a.length > 0)
  arrays.push(a.splice(0, size));


See splice Array's method.

When should I use UNSIGNED and SIGNED INT in MySQL?

I don't not agree with vipin cp.

The true is that first bit is used for represent the sign. But 1 is for negative and 0 is for positive values. More over negative values are coded in different way (two's complement). Example with TINYINT:

The sign bit
1000 0000b = -128d  
1111 1101b = -3d  
1111 1110b = -2d  
1111 1111b = -1d  

0000 0000b = 0d  
0000 0001b = 1d  
0000 0010b = 2d  
0111 1111b = 127d  

How to replace multiple white spaces with one white space

Here is the Solution i work with. Without RegEx and String.Split.

public static string TrimWhiteSpace(this string Value)
    StringBuilder sbOut = new StringBuilder();
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
        bool IsWhiteSpace = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < Value.Length; i++)
            if (char.IsWhiteSpace(Value[i])) //Comparion with WhiteSpace
                if (!IsWhiteSpace) //Comparison with previous Char
                    IsWhiteSpace = true;
                IsWhiteSpace = false;
    return sbOut.ToString();

so you can:

string cleanedString = dirtyString.TrimWhiteSpace();

creating custom tableview cells in swift

This is for who are working custom cell with .xib

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell{

    let identifier = "Custom"

    var cell: CustomCell! = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(identifier) as? CustomCel  

      if cell == nil {
            tableView.registerNib(UINib(nibName: "CustomCell", bundle: nil), forCellReuseIdentifier: identifier)
           cell =tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(identifier) as? CustomCell
        }return cell}

PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 8978294 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in Unknown on line 0

  1. Find php.ini [\xampp\php]
  2. Just set these in php.ini:
upload_max_filesize = 1000M;
post_max_size = 1000M;
  1. Rebot server
    • Stop Apache and MySQL
    • Start again Apache and MySQL

Show Youtube video source into HTML5 video tag?

With the new iframe tag embedded in your website, the code will automatically detect whether you are using a browser that supports HTML5 or not.

The iframe code for embedding YouTube videos is as follows, simply copy the Video ID and replace in the code below:

<iframe type="text/html" 

hibernate - get id after save object

or in a better way we can have like this

Let's say your primary key is an Integer and object you save is "ticket", then you can get it like this. When you save the object, id is always returned

//unboxing will occur here so that id here will be value type not the reference type. Now you can check id for 0 in case of save failure. like below:

int id = (Integer); 
   your call was not success. 
else '
   your call to was successful.

How to return a struct from a function in C++?

You can now (C++14) return a locally-defined (i.e. defined inside the function) as follows:

auto f()
    struct S
      int a;
      double b;
    } s;
    s.a = 42;
    s.b = 42.0;
    return s;

auto x = f();
a = x.a;
b = x.b;

Convenient C++ struct initialisation

For me the laziest way to allow inline inizialization is use this macro.

CLASS &set_ ## NAME(const TYPE &_val) { NAME = _val; return *this; } \

struct foo {
    METHOD_MEMBER(string, attr1, foo)
    METHOD_MEMBER(int, attr2, foo)
    METHOD_MEMBER(double, attr3, foo)

// inline usage
foo test = foo().set_attr1("hi").set_attr2(22).set_attr3(3.14);

That macro create attribute and self reference method.

How to enable Google Play App Signing

Do the following :

"CREATE APPLICATION" having the same name which you want to upload before.
Click create.
After creation of the app now click on the "App releases"
Click on the "CREATE RELEASE"
Here you see "Google Play App Signing" dialog.
Just click on the "OPT-OUT" button.
It will ask you to confirm it. Just click on the "confirm" button

Linq filter List<string> where it contains a string value from another List<string>

you can do that

var filteredFileList = fileList.Where(fl => filterList.Contains(fl.ToString()));

How do you switch pages in Xamarin.Forms?

Push a new page onto the stack, then remove the current page. This results in a switch.

item.Tapped += async (sender, e) => {
    await Navigation.PushAsync (new SecondPage ());

You need to be in a Navigation Page first:

MainPage = NavigationPage(new FirstPage());

Switching content isn't ideal as you have just one big page and one set of page events like OnAppearing ect.

Ranges of floating point datatype in C?

Infinity, NaN and subnormals

These are important caveats that no other answer has mentioned so far.

First read this introduction to IEEE 754 and subnormal numbers: What is a subnormal floating point number?

Then, for single precision floats (32-bit):

  • IEEE 754 says that if the exponent is all ones (0xFF == 255), then it represents either NaN or Infinity.

    This is why the largest non-infinite number has exponent 0xFE == 254 and not 0xFF.

    Then with the bias, it becomes:

    254 - 127 == 127
  • FLT_MIN is the smallest normal number. But there are smaller subnormal ones! Those take up the -127 exponent slot.

All asserts of the following program pass on Ubuntu 18.04 amd64:

#include <assert.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

float float_from_bytes(
    uint32_t sign,
    uint32_t exponent,
    uint32_t fraction
) {
    uint32_t bytes;
    bytes = 0;
    bytes |= sign;
    bytes <<= 8;
    bytes |= exponent;
    bytes <<= 23;
    bytes |= fraction;
    return *(float*)&bytes;

int main(void) {
    /* All 1 exponent and non-0 fraction means NaN.
     * There are of course many possible representations,
     * and some have special semantics such as signalling vs not.
    assert(isnan(float_from_bytes(0, 0xFF, 1)));
    printf("nan                  = %e\n", NAN);

    /* All 1 exponent and 0 fraction means infinity. */
    assert(INFINITY == float_from_bytes(0, 0xFF, 0));
    printf("infinity             = %e\n", INFINITY);

    /* ANSI C defines FLT_MAX as the largest non-infinite number. */
    assert(FLT_MAX == 0x1.FFFFFEp127f);
    /* Not 0xFF because that is infinite. */
    assert(FLT_MAX == float_from_bytes(0, 0xFE, 0x7FFFFF));
    assert(FLT_MAX < INFINITY);
    printf("largest non infinite = %e\n", FLT_MAX);

    /* ANSI C defines FLT_MIN as the smallest non-subnormal number. */
    assert(FLT_MIN == 0x1.0p-126f);
    assert(FLT_MIN == float_from_bytes(0, 1, 0));
    printf("smallest normal      = %e\n", FLT_MIN);

    /* The smallest non-zero subnormal number. */
    float smallest_subnormal = float_from_bytes(0, 0, 1);
    assert(smallest_subnormal == 0x0.000002p-126f);
    assert(0.0f < smallest_subnormal);
    printf("smallest subnormal   = %e\n", smallest_subnormal);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

GitHub upstream.

Compile and run with:

gcc -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c11 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Werror -o subnormal.out subnormal.c


nan                  = nan
infinity             = inf
largest non infinite = 3.402823e+38
smallest normal      = 1.175494e-38
smallest subnormal   = 1.401298e-45

How to find list intersection?

Using list comprehensions is a pretty obvious one for me. Not sure about performance, but at least things stay lists.

[x for x in a if x in b]

Or "all the x values that are in A, if the X value is in B".

"id cannot be resolved or is not a field" error?

May be you created a new xml file in Layout Directory that file name containing a Capital Letter which is not allowed in xml file under Layout Directory.

Hope this help.

SSRS - Checking whether the data is null

try like this

= IIF( MAX( iif( IsNothing(Fields!.Reading.Value ), -1, Fields!.Reading.Value ) ) = -1, "",  FormatNumber(  MAX( iif( IsNothing(Fields!.Reading.Value ), -1, Fields!.Reading.Value ), "CellReading_Reading"),3)) )

Where does Git store files?

usually it goes to Documents folder in windows : C:\Users\<"name of user account">\Documents\GitHub

How can I print variable and string on same line in Python?

As of python 3.6 you can use Literal String Interpolation.

births = 5.25487
>>> print(f'If there was a birth every 7 seconds, there would be: {births:.2f} births')
If there was a birth every 7 seconds, there would be: 5.25 births

SVN Repository Search

There is

There is also a Windows application directly from the SVN home called SvnQuery available at

C error: Expected expression before int

{ } -->

defines scope, so if(a==1) { int b = 10; } says, you are defining int b, for {}- this scope. For

  int b =10;

there is no scope. And you will not be able to use b anywhere.

Get full path of a file with FileUpload Control

This will not problem if we use IE browser. This is for other browsers, save file on another location and use that path.

if (FileUpload1.HasFile)


string fileName = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName;

string TempfileLocation = @"D:\uploadfiles\";

string FullPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(TempfileLocation, fileName);




Thank you

In a Dockerfile, How to update PATH environment variable?

This is discouraged (if you want to create/distribute a clean Docker image), since the PATH variable is set by /etc/profile script, the value can be overridden.

head /etc/profile:

if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
export PATH

At the end of the Dockerfile, you could add:

RUN echo "export PATH=$PATH" > /etc/environment

So PATH is set for all users.

How do I download/extract font from chrome developers tools?

I found the Chrome option to be OK but there are quite a few steps to go through to get to the font files. Once you're there, the downloading is super easy. I usually use the dev tools in Safari as there are fewer steps. Just go to the page you want, click on "Show page source" or "show page resources" in the Developer menu (both work for this) and the page resources are listed in folders on the left hand side. Click the font folder and the fonts are listed. Right click and save file. If you are downloading a lot of font files from one site it may be quicker to work your way through Chrome's pathway as the "open in tab" does download the fonts quicker. If you're taking one or two fonts from a lot of different sites, Safari will be quicker overall.

ASP.NET MVC JsonResult Date Format

What worked for me was to create a viewmodel that contained the date property as a string. Assigning the DateTime property from the domain model and calling the .ToString() on the date property while assigning the value to the viewmodel.

A JSON result from an MVC action method will return the date in a format compatible with the view.

View Model

public class TransactionsViewModel
    public string DateInitiated { get; set; }
    public string DateCompleted { get; set; }

Domain Model

public class Transaction{
   public DateTime? DateInitiated {get; set;}
   public DateTime? DateCompleted {get; set;}

Controller Action Method

public JsonResult GetTransactions(){

var transactions = _transactionsRepository.All;
        var model = new List<TransactionsViewModel>();

        foreach (var transaction in transactions)
            var item = new TransactionsViewModel
                DateInitiated = transaction.DateInitiated.ToString(),
                DateCompleted = transaction.DateCompleted.ToString(),

        return Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Abort a git cherry-pick?

You can do the following

git cherry-pick --abort

From the git cherry-pick docs


Cancel the operation and return to the pre-sequence state.

How to style icon color, size, and shadow of Font Awesome Icons

text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);

TypeError: 'list' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

since it's a list it cannot be taken directly into range function as the singular integer value of the list is missing.

use this

for i in range(len(myList)):

with this, we get the singular integer value which can be used easily

Mockito match any class argument

the solution from millhouse is not working anymore with recent version of mockito

This solution work with java 8 and mockito 2.2.9

where ArgumentMatcher is an instanceof org.mockito.ArgumentMatcher

public class ClassOrSubclassMatcher<T> implements ArgumentMatcher<Class<T>> {

   private final Class<T> targetClass;

    public ClassOrSubclassMatcher(Class<T> targetClass) {
        this.targetClass = targetClass;

    public boolean matches(Class<T> obj) {
        if (obj != null) {
            if (obj instanceof Class) {
                return targetClass.isAssignableFrom( obj);
        return false;

And the use

when(a.method(ArgumentMatchers.argThat(new ClassOrSubclassMatcher<>(A.class)))).thenReturn(b);

How do I add a library (android-support-v7-appcompat) in IntelliJ IDEA

This is my solution, it is very similar to the previous one:


Where {android.home} is the root directory of the Android SDK and it uses systemPath instead of repository.

Zero an array in C code

int arr[20] = {0} would be easiest if it only needs to be done once.

What are the differences between .gitignore and .gitkeep?

.gitkeep is just a placeholder. A dummy file, so Git will not forget about the directory, since Git tracks only files.

If you want an empty directory and make sure it stays 'clean' for Git, create a .gitignore containing the following lines within:

# .gitignore sample

# Ignore all files in this dir...

# ... except for this one.

If you desire to have only one type of files being visible to Git, here is an example how to filter everything out, except .gitignore and all .txt files:

# .gitignore to keep just .txt files

# Filter everything...

# ... except the .gitignore...

# ... and all text files.

('#' indicates comments.)

SQLDataReader Row Count

 DataTable dt = new DataTable();
 int numRows= dt.Rows.Count;

Sometimes adding a WCF Service Reference generates an empty reference.cs

The technique that worked for me in my case, after reading these answers to no avail, was simply to comment out all of my contract, and uncomment bits until it doesn't work anymore, in a binary search fashion. That narrows down the offending bit of code.

Then you just have to guess what's wrong with that code.

Some error feedback in the tool would have helped, of course.

I am writing a web service contract. I had a placeholder enum with no members. That's OK. But if I use it in a property of another class, and re-use the contract dll on the client, the codegen explodes with no error message. Running svcutil.exe didn't help, it just failed to output a cs file without mentioning why.

What is middleware exactly?

it is a software layer between the operating system and applications on each side of a distributed computing system in a network. In fact it connects heterogeneous network and software systems.

Jquery to change form action

jQuery is just JavaScript, don't think very differently about it! Like you would do in 'normal' JS, you add an event listener to the buttons and change the action attribute of the form. In jQuery this looks something like:

   $('#your_form').attr('action', '');

This code is the same for the second button, you only need to change the id of your button and the URI where the form should be submitted to.

Apache Tomcat Connection refused

you can try to stop and start again with :

$ cd /path/apache-tomcat x.x.x/bin


$ sh

when succesfully done the last step you must turn on your tomcat and catalina with command

$ sh

I managed to resolve my problem with this way

How to add New Column with Value to the Existing DataTable?

Without For loop:

Dim newColumn As New Data.DataColumn("Foo", GetType(System.String))     
newColumn.DefaultValue = "Your DropDownList value" 


System.Data.DataColumn newColumn = new System.Data.DataColumn("Foo", typeof(System.String));
newColumn.DefaultValue = "Your DropDownList value";

Check if any ancestor has a class using jQuery

There are many ways to filter for element ancestors.

if ($elem.closest('.parentClass').length /* > 0*/) {/*...*/}
if ($elem.parents('.parentClass').length /* > 0*/) {/*...*/}
if ($elem.parents().hasClass('parentClass')) {/*...*/}
if ($('.parentClass').has($elem).length /* > 0*/) {/*...*/}
if ($'.parentClass *')) {/*...*/} 

Beware, closest() method includes element itself while checking for selector.

Alternatively, if you have a unique selector matching the $elem, e.g #myElem, you can use:

if ($('.parentClass:has(#myElem)').length /* > 0*/) {/*...*/}
if(document.querySelector('.parentClass #myElem')) {/*...*/}

If you want to match an element depending any of its ancestor class for styling purpose only, just use a CSS rule:

.parentClass #myElem { /* CSS property set */ }

How to convert An NSInteger to an int?

I'm not sure about the circumstances where you need to convert an NSInteger to an int.

NSInteger is just a typedef:

NSInteger Used to describe an integer independently of whether you are building for a 32-bit or a 64-bit system.

typedef long NSInteger;
typedef int NSInteger;

You can use NSInteger any place you use an int without converting it.

Best way to remove an event handler in jQuery?

This wasn't available when this question was answered, but you can also use the live() method to enable/disable events.

$('#myimage:not(.disabled)').live('click', myclickevent);

$('#mydisablebutton').click( function () { $('#myimage').addClass('disabled'); });

What will happen with this code is that when you click #mydisablebutton, it will add the class disabled to the #myimage element. This will make it so that the selector no longer matches the element and the event will not be fired until the 'disabled' class is removed making the .live() selector valid again.

This has other benefits by adding styling based on that class as well.

When can I use a forward declaration?

You will usually want to use forward declaration in a classes header file when you want to use the other type (class) as a member of the class. You can not use the forward-declared classes methods in the header file because C++ does not know the definition of that class at that point yet. That's logic you have to move into the .cpp-files, but if you are using template-functions you should reduce them to only the part that uses the template and move that function into the header.

How to create module-wide variables in Python?

Steveha's answer was helpful to me, but omits an important point (one that I think wisty was getting at). The global keyword is not necessary if you only access but do not assign the variable in the function.

If you assign the variable without the global keyword then Python creates a new local var -- the module variable's value will now be hidden inside the function. Use the global keyword to assign the module var inside a function.

Pylint 1.3.1 under Python 2.7 enforces NOT using global if you don't assign the var.

module_var = '/dev/hello'

def readonly_access():

def readwrite_access():
    global module_var
    module_var = '/dev/hello2'

Keras, How to get the output of each layer?

You can easily get the outputs of any layer by using: model.layers[index].output

For all layers use this:

from keras import backend as K

inp = model.input                                           # input placeholder
outputs = [layer.output for layer in model.layers]          # all layer outputs
functors = [K.function([inp, K.learning_phase()], [out]) for out in outputs]    # evaluation functions

# Testing
test = np.random.random(input_shape)[np.newaxis,...]
layer_outs = [func([test, 1.]) for func in functors]
print layer_outs

Note: To simulate Dropout use learning_phase as 1. in layer_outs otherwise use 0.

Edit: (based on comments)

K.function creates theano/tensorflow tensor functions which is later used to get the output from the symbolic graph given the input.

Now K.learning_phase() is required as an input as many Keras layers like Dropout/Batchnomalization depend on it to change behavior during training and test time.

So if you remove the dropout layer in your code you can simply use:

from keras import backend as K

inp = model.input                                           # input placeholder
outputs = [layer.output for layer in model.layers]          # all layer outputs
functors = [K.function([inp], [out]) for out in outputs]    # evaluation functions

# Testing
test = np.random.random(input_shape)[np.newaxis,...]
layer_outs = [func([test]) for func in functors]
print layer_outs

Edit 2: More optimized

I just realized that the previous answer is not that optimized as for each function evaluation the data will be transferred CPU->GPU memory and also the tensor calculations needs to be done for the lower layers over-n-over.

Instead this is a much better way as you don't need multiple functions but a single function giving you the list of all outputs:

from keras import backend as K

inp = model.input                                           # input placeholder
outputs = [layer.output for layer in model.layers]          # all layer outputs
functor = K.function([inp, K.learning_phase()], outputs )   # evaluation function

# Testing
test = np.random.random(input_shape)[np.newaxis,...]
layer_outs = functor([test, 1.])
print layer_outs

Application.WorksheetFunction.Match method

You are getting this error because the value cannot be found in the range. String or integer doesn't matter. Best thing to do in my experience is to do a check first to see if the value exists.

I used CountIf below, but there is lots of different ways to check existence of a value in a range.

Public Sub test()

Dim rng As Range
Dim aNumber As Long

aNumber = 666

Set rng = Sheet5.Range("B16:B615")

    If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, aNumber) > 0 Then

        rowNum = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(aNumber, rng, 0)

        MsgBox aNumber & " does not exist in range " & rng.Address
    End If

End Sub


Public Sub test()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim aNumber As Variant
    Dim rowNum As Long

    aNumber = "2gg"

    Set rng = Sheet5.Range("B1:B20")

    If Not IsError(Application.Match(aNumber, rng, 0)) Then
        rowNum = Application.Match(aNumber, rng, 0)
        MsgBox rowNum
        MsgBox "error"
    End If
End Sub


Public Sub test()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim aNumber As Variant
    Dim rowNum As Variant

    aNumber = "2gg"

    Set rng = Sheet5.Range("B1:B20")

    rowNum = Application.Match(aNumber, rng, 0)

    If Not IsError(rowNum) Then
        MsgBox rowNum
        MsgBox "error"
    End If
End Sub

How to post ASP.NET MVC Ajax form using JavaScript rather than submit button

Try the following way:

<input type="submit" value="Search" class="search-btn" />
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="$('.search-btn').click();">Go</a>

logout and redirecting session in php

Only this is necessary

unset($_SESSION["nome"]);  // where $_SESSION["nome"] is your own variable. if you do not have one use only this as follow **session_unset();**
header("Location: home.php");

Switch in Laravel 5 - Blade

When you start using switch statements within your views, that usually indicate that you can further re-factor your code. Business logic is not meant for views, I would rather suggest you to do the switch statement within your controller and then pass the switch statements outcome to the view.

How do I access command line arguments in Python?

Python code:

import sys

# main
param_1= sys.argv[1] 
param_2= sys.argv[2] 
param_3= sys.argv[3]  
print 'Params=', param_1, param_2, param_3


$python var1 var2 var3


Params= var1 var2 var3 

Using new line(\n) in string and rendering the same in HTML

I had the following problem where I was fetching data from a database and wanted to display a string containing \n. None of the solutions above worked for me and I finally came up with a solution:

Error message Strict standards: Non-static method should not be called statically in php

I think this may answer your question.

Non-static method ..... should not be called statically

If the method is not static you need to initialize it like so:

$var = new ClassName();

Or, in PHP 5.4+, you can use this syntax:

(new ClassName)->method();

How to make CSS3 rounded corners hide overflow in Chrome/Opera

Supported in latest chrome, opera and safari, you can do this:

-webkit-clip-path: inset(0 0 0 0 round 100px);
clip-path: inset(0 0 0 0 round 100px);

You should definitely check out the tool!

How to convert an OrderedDict into a regular dict in python3

Its simple way

>>import json 
>>from collection import OrderedDict

>>json.dumps(dict(OrderedDict([('method', 'constant'), ('data', '1.225')])))

HTML: How to create a DIV with only vertical scroll-bars for long paragraphs?

For any case set overflow-x to hidden and I prefer to set max-height in order to limit the expansion of the height of the div. Your code should looks like this:

overflow-y: scroll;
overflow-x: hidden;
max-height: 450px;

Setting href attribute at runtime

a:hover {

<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
        var href = $(this).attr("href").split("#");

<a class="link" href="#one">one</a><br />
<a class="link" href="#two">two</a><br />
<a class="link" href="#three">three</a><br />
<a class="link" href="#four">four</a><br />
<a class="link" href="#five">five</a>

<br /><br />
<div class="results"></div>

Get counts of all tables in a schema

Get counts of all tables in a schema and order by desc

select 'with tmp(table_name, row_number) as (' from dual 
union all 
select 'select '''||table_name||''',count(*) from '||table_name||' union  ' from USER_TABLES 
union all
select 'select '''',0 from dual) select table_name,row_number from tmp order by row_number desc ;' from dual;

Copy the entire result and execute

How do I enable/disable log levels in Android?

Stripping out the logging with proguard (see answer from @Christopher ) was easy and fast, but it caused stack traces from production to mismatch the source if there was any debug logging in the file.

Instead, here's a technique that uses different logging levels in development vs. production, assuming that proguard is used only in production. It recognizes production by seeing if proguard has renamed a given class name (in the example, I use ""--you would replace this with a fully-qualified class name that you know will be renamed by proguard).

This technique makes use of commons logging.

private void initLogging() {
    Level level = Level.WARNING;
    try {
        // in production, the shrinker/obfuscator proguard will change the
        // name of this class (and many others) so in development, this
        // class WILL exist as named, and we will have debug level
        level = Level.FINE;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        // no problem, we are in production mode
    Handler[] handlers = Logger.getLogger("").getHandlers();
    for (Handler handler : handlers) {
        Log.d("log init", "handler: " + handler.getClass().getName());

Check if string is upper, lower, or mixed case in Python

I want to give a shoutout for using re module for this. Specially in the case of case sensitivity.

We use the option re.IGNORECASE while compiling the regex for use of in production environments with large amounts of data.

>>> import re
>>> m = ['isalnum','isalpha', 'isdigit', 'islower', 'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'ISALNUM', 'ISALPHA', 'ISDIGIT', 'ISLOWER', 'ISSPACE', 'ISTITLE', 'ISUPPER']
>>> pattern = re.compile('is')
>>> [word for word in m if pattern.match(word)]
['isalnum', 'isalpha', 'isdigit', 'islower', 'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper']

However try to always use the in operator for string comparison as detailed in this post


Also detailed in the one of the best books to start learning python with


How to get/generate the create statement for an existing hive table?

Describe Formatted/Extended will show the data definition of the table in hive

hive> describe Formatted dbname.tablename;

Room - Schema export directory is not provided to the annotation processor so we cannot export the schema

If like me you recently moved certain classes to different packages ect. and you use android navigation. Make sure to change the argType to you match you new package address. from:




iOS detect if user is on an iPad

I found that some solution didn't work for me in the Simulator within Xcode. Instead, this works:


NSString *deviceModel = (NSString*)[UIDevice currentDevice].model;

if ([[deviceModel substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 4)] isEqualToString:@"iPad"]) {
} else {
    DebugLog(@"iPhone or iPod Touch");


if UIDevice.current.model.hasPrefix("iPad") {
} else {
    print("iPhone or iPod Touch")

Also in the 'Other Examples' in Xcode the device model comes back as 'iPad Simulator' so the above tweak should sort that out.

127 Return code from $?

Generally it means:

127 - command not found

but it can also mean that the command is found,
but a library that is required by the command is NOT found.

How to restart service using command prompt?

PowerShell features a Restart-Service cmdlet, which either starts or restarts the service as appropriate.

The Restart-Service cmdlet sends a stop message and then a start message to the Windows Service Controller for a specified service. If a service was already stopped, it is started without notifying you of an error.

You can specify the services by their service names or display names, or you can use the InputObject parameter to pass an object that represents each service that you want to restart.

It is a little more foolproof than running two separate commands.

The easiest way to use it just pass either the service name or the display name directly:

Restart-Service 'Service Name'

It can be used directly from the standard cmd prompt with a command like:

powershell -command "Restart-Service 'Service Name'"

Where can I find my Facebook application id and secret key?

Make a Facebook app with these simple steps I have written below:

  1. Go to Developer tab and click on it.
  2. Then go to Website Option.
  3. Enter the app name which you have want.
  4. Click on Create Facebook App.
  5. After this you have to choose category, you can choose App for Pages.
  6. Your AppId and Appkey is created automatically. The AppSecretKey is obfuscated. You can click on the show button to see your AppId and AppSecurityKey.

Pandas: create two new columns in a dataframe with values calculated from a pre-existing column

The top answer is flawed in my opinion. Hopefully, no one is mass importing all of pandas into their namespace with from pandas import *. Also, the map method should be reserved for those times when passing it a dictionary or Series. It can take a function but this is what apply is used for.

So, if you must use the above approach, I would write it like this

df["A1"], df["A2"] = zip(*df["a"].apply(calculate))

There's actually no reason to use zip here. You can simply do this:

df["A1"], df["A2"] = calculate(df['a'])

This second method is also much faster on larger DataFrames

df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1,2,3] * 100000, 'b': [2,3,4] * 100000})

DataFrame created with 300,000 rows

%timeit df["A1"], df["A2"] = calculate(df['a'])
2.65 ms ± 92.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

%timeit df["A1"], df["A2"] = zip(*df["a"].apply(calculate))
159 ms ± 5.24 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

60x faster than zip

In general, avoid using apply

Apply is generally not much faster than iterating over a Python list. Let's test the performance of a for-loop to do the same thing as above

A1, A2 = [], []
for val in df['a']:

df['A1'] = A1
df['A2'] = A2

298 ms ± 7.14 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

So this is twice as slow which isn't a terrible performance regression, but if we cythonize the above, we get much better performance. Assuming, you are using ipython:

%load_ext cython

cpdef power(vals):
    A1, A2 = [], []
    cdef double val
    for val in vals:

    return A1, A2

%timeit df['A1'], df['A2'] = power(df['a'])
72.7 ms ± 2.16 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

Directly assigning without apply

You can get even greater speed improvements if you use the direct vectorized operations.

%timeit df['A1'], df['A2'] = df['a'] ** 2, df['a'] ** 3
5.13 ms ± 320 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

This takes advantage of NumPy's extremely fast vectorized operations instead of our loops. We now have a 30x speedup over the original.

The simplest speed test with apply

The above example should clearly show how slow apply can be, but just so its extra clear let's look at the most basic example. Let's square a Series of 10 million numbers with and without apply

s = pd.Series(np.random.rand(10000000))

%timeit s.apply(calc)
3.3 s ± 57.4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Without apply is 50x faster

%timeit s ** 2
66 ms ± 2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

DataTables: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'defaults' of undefined

var datatable_jquery_script = document.createElement("script");
datatable_jquery_script.src = "vendor/datatables/jquery.dataTables.min.js";
    var datatable_bootstrap_script = document.createElement("script");
    datatable_bootstrap_script.src = "vendor/datatables/dataTables.bootstrap4.min.js";

I used setTimeOut to make sure datatables.min.js loads first. I inspected the waterfall loading of each, bootstrap4.min.js always loads first.

How to stop/terminate a python script from running?

Control+D works for me on Windows 10. Also, putting exit() at the end also works.

Issue with parsing the content from json file with Jackson & message- JsonMappingException -Cannot deserialize as out of START_ARRAY token

I sorted this problem as verifying the json from and then, correcting it. And this is code for the same.

String jsonStr = "[{\r\n" + "\"name\":\"New York\",\r\n" + "\"number\": \"732921\",\r\n"+ "\"center\": {\r\n" + "\"latitude\": 38.895111,\r\n"  + " \"longitude\": -77.036667\r\n" + "}\r\n" + "},\r\n" + " {\r\n"+ "\"name\": \"San Francisco\",\r\n" +\"number\":\"298732\",\r\n"+ "\"center\": {\r\n" + "    \"latitude\": 37.783333,\r\n"+ "\"longitude\": -122.416667\r\n" + "}\r\n" + "}\r\n" + "]";

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
MyPojo[] jsonObj = mapper.readValue(jsonStr, MyPojo[].class);

for (MyPojo itr : jsonObj) {
    System.out.println("Val of name is: " + itr.getName());
    System.out.println("Val of number is: " + itr.getNumber());
    System.out.println("Val of latitude is: " + 
    System.out.println("Val of longitude is: " + 
        itr.getCenter().getLongitude() + "\n");

Note: MyPojo[].class is the class having getter and setter of json properties.


Val of name is: New York
Val of number is: 732921
Val of latitude is: 38.895111
Val of longitude is: -77.036667
Val of name is: San Francisco
Val of number is: 298732
Val of latitude is: 37.783333
Val of longitude is: -122.416667

Loading cross-domain endpoint with AJAX

Just put this in the header of your PHP Page and it ill work without API:

header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); //allow everybody  


header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin:'); //allow just one domain 


$http_origin = $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'];  //allow multiple domains

$allowed_domains = array(

if (in_array($http_origin, $allowed_domains))
    header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $http_origin");

'dependencies.dependency.version' is missing error, but version is managed in parent

A couple things I think you could try:

  1. Put the literal value of the version in the child pom

  2. Clear your .m2 cache normally located C:\Users\user.m2\repository. I would say I do this pretty frequently when I'm working in maven. Especially before committing so that I can be more confident CI will run. You don't have to nuke the folder every time, sometimes just your project packages and the .cache folder are enough.

  3. Add a relativePath tag to your parent pom declaration


It looks like you have 8 total errors in your poms. I would try to get some basic compilation running before adding the parent pom and properties.

How do I set a VB.Net ComboBox default value

Just go to the combo box properties - DropDownStyle and change it to "DropDownList"

This will make visible the first item.

How to select Python version in PyCharm?

Go to:

Files -> Settings -> Project -> *"Your Project Name"* -> Project Interpreter

There you can see which external libraries you have installed for python2 and which for python3.

Select the required python version according to your requirements.


How many socket connections possible?

I achieved 1600k concurrent idle socket connections, and at the same time 57k req/s on a Linux desktop (16G RAM, I7 2600 CPU). It's a single thread http server written in C with epoll. Source code is on github, a blog here.


I did 600k concurrent HTTP connections (client & server) on both the same computer, with JAVA/Clojure . detail info post, HN discussion:

The cost of a connection(with epoll):

  • application need some RAM per connection
  • TCP buffer 2 * 4k ~ 10k, or more
  • epoll need some memory for a file descriptor, from epoll(7)

Each registered file descriptor costs roughly 90 bytes on a 32-bit kernel, and roughly 160 bytes on a 64-bit kernel.

Character reading from file in Python

Actually, U+2018 is the Unicode representation of the special character ‘ . If you want, you can convert instances of that character to U+0027 with this code:

text = text.replace (u"\u2018", "'")

In addition, what are you using to write the file? should return a string that looks like this:

'I don\xe2\x80\x98t like this'

If it's returning this string, the file is being written incorrectly:

'I don\u2018t like this', '_blank'); not working on iMac/Safari

window.location.assign(url) this fixs the issue in ios devices

Finding the layers and layer sizes for each Docker image

You can first find the image ID using:

$ docker images -a

Then find the image's layers and their sizes:

$ docker history --no-trunc <Image ID>

Note: I'm using Docker version 1.13.1

$ docker -v
Docker version 1.13.1, build 092cba3

How to check status of PostgreSQL server Mac OS X

It depends on where your postgresql server is installed. You use the pg_ctl to manually start the server like below.

pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start

How to specify more spaces for the delimiter using cut?

I like to use the tr -s command for this

 ps aux | tr -s [:blank:] | cut -d' ' -f3

This squeezes all white spaces down to 1 space. This way telling cut to use a space as a delimiter is honored as expected.

Java: method to get position of a match in a String?

for multiple occurrence and the character found in string??yes or no


public class SubStringtest {

    public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception {
    BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
     System.out.println("enter the string");
    String str=br.readLine();
    System.out.println("enter the character which you want");
    CharSequence ch=br.readLine();   
    boolean bool=str.contains(ch);
    System.out.println("the character found is " +bool);
    int position=str.indexOf(ch.toString());

        System.out.println("the index no of character is " +position); 



Detect changed input text box


$("#ContentPlaceHolder1_txtNombre").keyup(function () {
    var txt = $(this).val();
        $('.column').each(function () {
            if ($(this).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(txt.toUpperCase()) == -1) {

sql server Get the FULL month name from a date

Most answers are a bit more complicated than necessary, or don't provide the exact format requested.

select Format(getdate(), 'MMMM dd yyyy') --returns 'October 01 2020', note the leading zero
select Format(getdate(), 'MMMM d yyyy') --returns the desired format with out the leading zero: 'October 1 2020'

If you want a comma, as you normally would, use:

select Format(getdate(), 'MMMM d, yyyy') --returns 'October 1, 2020'

Note: even though there is only one 'd' for the day, it will become a 2 digit day when needed.

sys.argv[1], IndexError: list index out of range

I've done some research and it seems that the sys.argv might require an argument at the command line when running the script

Not might, but definitely requires. That's the whole point of sys.argv, it contains the command line arguments. Like any python array, accesing non-existent element raises IndexError.

Although the code uses try/except to trap some errors, the offending statement occurs in the first line.

So the script needs a directory name, and you can test if there is one by looking at len(sys.argv) and comparing to 1+number_of_requirements. The argv always contains the script name plus any user supplied parameters, usually space delimited but the user can override the space-split through quoting. If the user does not supply the argument, your choices are supplying a default, prompting the user, or printing an exit error message.

To print an error and exit when the argument is missing, add this line before the first use of sys.argv:

if len(sys.argv)<2:
    print "Fatal: You forgot to include the directory name on the command line."
    print "Usage:  python %s <directoryname>" % sys.argv[0]

sys.argv[0] always contains the script name, and user inputs are placed in subsequent slots 1, 2, ...

see also:

PHP 5.4 Call-time pass-by-reference - Easy fix available?

For anyone who, like me, reads this because they need to update a giant legacy project to 5.6: as the answers here point out, there is no quick fix: you really do need to find each occurrence of the problem manually, and fix it.

The most convenient way I found to find all problematic lines in a project (short of using a full-blown static code analyzer, which is very accurate but I don't know any that take you to the correct position in the editor right away) was using Visual Studio Code, which has a nice PHP linter built in, and its search feature which allows searching by Regex. (Of course, you can use any IDE/Code editor for this that does PHP linting and Regex searches.)

Using this regex:


it is possible to search project-wide for the occurrence of &$ only in lines that are not a function definition.

This still turns up a lot of false positives, but it does make the job easier.

VSCode's search results browser makes walking through and finding the offending lines super easy: you just click through each result, and look out for those that the linter underlines red. Those you need to fix.

How to perform an SQLite query within an Android application?

This will also work if the pattern you want to match is a variable.

dbh = new DbHelper(this);
SQLiteDatabase db = dbh.getWritableDatabase();

Cursor c = db.query(
    new String[]{"ColumnName"}, 
    "ColumnName LIKE ?", 
    new String[]{_data+"%"}, 

    // your calculation goes here

Using ExcelDataReader to read Excel data starting from a particular cell

To be more clear, I will begin at the beginning.

I will rely on the sample code found in, but with some modifications to avoid inconveniences.

The following code detects the file format, either xls or xlsx.

FileStream stream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
IExcelDataReader excelReader;

//1. Reading Excel file
if (Path.GetExtension(filePath).ToUpper() == ".XLS")
    //1.1 Reading from a binary Excel file ('97-2003 format; *.xls)
    excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateBinaryReader(stream);
    //1.2 Reading from a OpenXml Excel file (2007 format; *.xlsx)
    excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream);

//2. DataSet - The result of each spreadsheet will be created in the result.Tables
DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet();

//3. DataSet - Create column names from first row
excelReader.IsFirstRowAsColumnNames = false;

Now we can access the file contents in a more convenient way. I use DataTable for this. The following is an example to access a specific cell, and print its value in the console:

DataTable dt = result.Tables[0];

If you do not want to do a DataTable, you can do the same as follows:


It is important not try to read beyond the limits of the table, for this you can see the number of rows and columns as follows:


Finally, when you're done, you should close the reader and free resources:

//5. Free resources (IExcelDataReader is IDisposable)

I hope you find it useful.

(I understand that the question is old, but I make this contribution to enhance the knowledge base, because there is little material about particular implementations of this library).

Clear text field value in JQuery

you can clear it by using this line


Determine whether a key is present in a dictionary

In terms of bytecode, in saves a LOAD_ATTR and replaces a CALL_FUNCTION with a COMPARE_OP.

>>> dis.dis(indict)
  2           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (name)
              3 LOAD_GLOBAL              1 (d)
              6 COMPARE_OP               6 (in)
              9 POP_TOP             

>>> dis.dis(haskey)
  2           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (d)
              3 LOAD_ATTR                1 (haskey)
              6 LOAD_GLOBAL              2 (name)
              9 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             12 POP_TOP             

My feelings are that in is much more readable and is to be preferred in every case that I can think of.

In terms of performance, the timing reflects the opcode

$ python -mtimeit -s'd = dict((i, i) for i in range(10000))' "'foo' in d"
 10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.11 usec per loop

$ python -mtimeit -s'd = dict((i, i) for i in range(10000))' "d.has_key('foo')"
  1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.205 usec per loop

in is almost twice as fast.

How can I add spaces between two <input> lines using CSS?

You can format them as table !!

form {_x000D_
  display: table;_x000D_
label {_x000D_
  display: table-row;_x000D_
input {_x000D_
  display: table-cell;_x000D_
p1 {_x000D_
  display: table-cell;_x000D_
<div id="header_order_form" align="center">_x000D_
  <form id="order_header" method="post">_x000D_
        <input type="text">_x000D_
        <input type="text">_x000D_
        <input type="text">_x000D_
        <input type="text">_x000D_
        <input type="text">_x000D_
        <input type="text">_x000D_
        <input type="text">_x000D_

Determining the last row in a single column

I've used getDataRegion

sheet.getRange(1, 1).getDataRegion(SpreadsheetApp.Dimension.ROWS).getLastRow()

Note that this relies on the data being contiguous (as per the OP's request).

Get the current script file name

When you want your include to know what file it is in (ie. what script name was actually requested), use:

basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], '.php')

Because when you are writing to a file you usually know its name.

Edit: As noted by Alec Teal, if you use symlinks it will show the symlink name instead.

Adding null values to arraylist

You could create Util class:

public final class CollectionHelpers {
    public static <T> boolean addNullSafe(List<T> list, T element) {
        if (list == null || element == null) {
            return false;

        return list.add(element);

And then use it:

Element element = getElementFromSomeWhere(someParameter);
List<Element> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
CollectionHelpers.addNullSafe(list, element);

How to implement onBackPressed() in Fragments?

Do not implement ft.addToBackStack() method so that when you pressed back button your activity will be finished.

proAddAccount = new ProfileAddAccount();
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
fragmentTransaction.replace(, proAddAccount);

How to add action listener that listens to multiple buttons

I use "e.getActionCommand().contains(CharSecuence s)", since I´m coming from an MVC context, and the Button is declared in the View class, but the actionPerformed call occurs in the controller.

public View() {
    buttonPlus = new Button("+");
    buttonMinus = new Button("-");

public void addController(ActionListener controller) {

My controller class implements ActionListener, and so, when overriding actionPerformed:

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    if(e.getActionCommand().contains("+")) {
        //do some action on the model
    } else if (e.getActionCommand().contains("-")) {
       //do some other action on the model

I hope this other answer is also useful.

Exponentiation in Python - should I prefer ** operator instead of math.pow and math.sqrt?

Even in base Python you can do the computation in generic form

result = sum(x**2 for x in some_vector) ** 0.5

x ** 2 is surely not an hack and the computation performed is the same (I checked with cpython source code). I actually find it more readable (and readability counts).

Using instead x ** 0.5 to take the square root doesn't do the exact same computations as math.sqrt as the former (probably) is computed using logarithms and the latter (probably) using the specific numeric instruction of the math processor.

I often use x ** 0.5 simply because I don't want to add math just for that. I'd expect however a specific instruction for the square root to work better (more accurately) than a multi-step operation with logarithms.

How can I create a dynamic button click event on a dynamic button?

You can create button in a simple way, such as:

Button button = new Button();
button.Click += new EventHandler(button_Click);

protected void button_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
    Button button = sender as Button;
    // identify which button was clicked and perform necessary actions

But event probably will not fire, because the element/elements must be recreated at every postback or you will lose the event handler.

I tried this solution that verify that ViewState is already Generated and recreate elements at every postback,

for example, imagine you create your button on an event click:

    protected void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       if (Convert.ToString(ViewState["Generated"]) != "true")

on postback, for example on page load, you should do this:

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Convert.ToString(ViewState["Generated"]) == "true") {

In CreateDynamicElements() you can put all the elements you need, such as your button.

This worked very well for me.

public void CreateDynamicElements(){

    Button button = new Button();
    button.Click += new EventHandler(button_Click);


How to replace values at specific indexes of a python list?

You can solve it using dictionary

to_modify = [5,4,3,2,1,0]
indexes = [0,1,3,5]
replacements = [0,0,0,0]

dic = {}
for i in range(len(indexes)):

for index, item in enumerate(to_modify):
    for i in indexes:

The output will be

{0: 0, 1: 0, 3: 0, 5: 0}
[0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0]

Difference between Math.Floor() and Math.Truncate()

Follow these links for the MSDN descriptions of:

  • Math.Floor, which rounds down towards negative infinity.
  • Math.Ceiling, which rounds up towards positive infinity.
  • Math.Truncate, which rounds up or down towards zero.
  • Math.Round, which rounds to the nearest integer or specified number of decimal places. You can specify the behavior if it's exactly equidistant between two possibilities, such as rounding so that the final digit is even ("Round(2.5,MidpointRounding.ToEven)" becoming 2) or so that it's further away from zero ("Round(2.5,MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)" becoming 3).

The following diagram and table may help:

-3        -2        -1         0         1         2         3
    a                     b       c           d            e

                       a=-2.7  b=-0.5  c=0.3  d=1.5  e=2.8
                       ======  ======  =====  =====  =====
Floor                    -3      -1      0      1      2
Ceiling                  -2       0      1      2      3
Truncate                 -2       0      0      1      2
Round (ToEven)           -3       0      0      2      3
Round (AwayFromZero)     -3      -1      0      2      3

Note that Round is a lot more powerful than it seems, simply because it can round to a specific number of decimal places. All the others round to zero decimals always. For example:

n = 3.145;
a = System.Math.Round (n, 2, MidpointRounding.ToEven);       // 3.14
b = System.Math.Round (n, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); // 3.15

With the other functions, you have to use multiply/divide trickery to achieve the same effect:

c = System.Math.Truncate (n * 100) / 100;                    // 3.14
d = System.Math.Ceiling (n * 100) / 100;                     // 3.15

What is the format for the PostgreSQL connection string / URL?


Set UIButton title UILabel font size programmatically

button.titleLabel.font = <whatever font you want>

For the people wondering why their text isn't showing up, if you do

button.titleLabel.text = @"something";

It won't show up, you need to do:

[button setTitle:@"My title" forState:UIControlStateNormal]; //or whatever you want the control state to be

Check if an element is present in an array

You can use indexOf But not working well in the last version of internet explorer. Code:

function isInArray(value, array) {
  return array.indexOf(value) > -1;


isInArray(1, [1,2,3]); // true

I suggest you use the following code:

function inArray(needle, haystack) {
 var length = haystack.length;
 for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
 if (haystack[i] == needle)
  return true;
 return false;

What is the best java image processing library/approach?

There's ImageJ, which boasts to be the

world's fastest pure Java image processing program

It can be used as a library in another application. It's architecture is not brilliant, but it does basic image processing tasks.

Gradle: Could not determine java version from '11.0.2'

I had a similar problem: my default gradle wrapper was version 4.x, while the support for higher versions of Java has been added in Gradle 5.

I've updated my gradlew as described here:


./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 5.6.2

What does LINQ return when the results are empty

.ToList returns an empty list. (same as new List() );

Properly escape a double quote in CSV

Use 2 quotes:

"Samsung U600 24"""

How to prevent IFRAME from redirecting top-level window

With HTML5 the iframe sandbox attribute was added. At the time of writing this works on Chrome, Safari, Firefox and recent versions of IE and Opera but does pretty much what you want:

<iframe src="url" sandbox="allow-forms allow-scripts"></iframe>

If you want to allow top-level redirects specify sandbox="allow-top-navigation".

MySQL query String contains

In addition to the answer from @WoLpH.

When using the LIKE keyword you also have the ability to limit which direction the string matches. For example:

If you were looking for a string that starts with your $needle:

... WHERE column LIKE '{$needle}%'

If you were looking for a string that ends with the $needle:

... WHERE column LIKE '%{$needle}'

Collection that allows only unique items in .NET?

From the HashSet<T> page on MSDN:

The HashSet(Of T) class provides high-performance set operations. A set is a collection that contains no duplicate elements, and whose elements are in no particular order.

(emphasis mine)

getActionBar() returns null

I ran into this problem . I was checking for version number and enabling the action bar only if it is greater or equal to Honeycomb , but it was returning null. I found the reason and root cause was that I had disabled the Holo Theme style in style.xml under values-v11 folder.

How do I copy a version of a single file from one git branch to another?

Following madlep's answer you can also just copy one directory from another branch with the directory blob.

git checkout other-branch app/**

As to the op's question if you've only changed one file in there this will work fine ^_^

What does IFormatProvider do?

The DateTimeFormatInfo class implements this interface, so it allows you to control the formatting of your DateTime strings.

maven compilation failure

I had the same problem...

How to fix - add the following properties in to the pom.xml

    <!--  compiler settings -->

Add left/right horizontal padding to UILabel

If you want to add padding to UILabel but not want to subclass it you can put your label in a UIView and give paddings with autolayout like:

Padding with UIView and autolayout



www-data permissions?

As stated in an article by Slicehost:

User setup

So let's start by adding the main user to the Apache user group:

sudo usermod -a -G www-data demo

That adds the user 'demo' to the 'www-data' group. Do ensure you use both the -a and the -G options with the usermod command shown above.

You will need to log out and log back in again to enable the group change.

Check the groups now:

# demo www-data

So now I am a member of two groups: My own (demo) and the Apache group (www-data).

Folder setup

Now we need to ensure the public_html folder is owned by the main user (demo) and is part of the Apache group (www-data).

Let's set that up:

sudo chgrp -R www-data /home/demo/public_html

As we are talking about permissions I'll add a quick note regarding the sudo command: It's a good habit to use absolute paths (/home/demo/public_html) as shown above rather than relative paths (~/public_html). It ensures sudo is being used in the correct location.

If you have a public_html folder with symlinks in place then be careful with that command as it will follow the symlinks. In those cases of a working public_html folder, change each folder by hand.


Good so far, but remember the command we just gave only affects existing folders. What about anything new?

We can set the ownership so anything new is also in the 'www-data' group.

The first command will change the permissions for the public_html directory to include the "setgid" bit:

sudo chmod 2750 /home/demo/public_html

That will ensure that any new files are given the group 'www-data'. If you have subdirectories, you'll want to run that command for each subdirectory (this type of permission doesn't work with '-R'). Fortunately new subdirectories will be created with the 'setgid' bit set automatically.

If we need to allow write access to Apache, to an uploads directory for example, then set the permissions for that directory like so:

sudo chmod 2770 /home/demo/public_html/

The permissions only need to be set once as new files will automatically be assigned the correct ownership.

What is the regex pattern for datetime (2008-09-01 12:35:45 )?

@Espo: I just have to say that regex is incredible. I'd hate to have to write the code that did something useful with the matches, such as if you wanted to actually find out what date and time the user typed.

It seems like Tom's solution would be more tenable, as it is about a zillion times simpler and with the addition of some parentheses you can easily get at the values the user typed:

(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})

If you're using perl, then you can get the values out with something like this:

$year = $1;
$month = $2;
$day = $3;
$hour = $4;
$minute = $5;
$second = $6;

Other languages will have a similar capability. Note that you will need to make some minor mods to the regex if you want to accept values such as single-digit months.

How can you change Network settings (IP Address, DNS, WINS, Host Name) with code in C#

Just made this in a few minutes:

using System;
using System.Management;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication_CS
  class NetworkManagement
    public void setIP(string ip_address, string subnet_mask)
      ManagementClass objMC =
        new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");
      ManagementObjectCollection objMOC = objMC.GetInstances();

      foreach (ManagementObject objMO in objMOC)
        if ((bool)objMO["IPEnabled"])
          ManagementBaseObject setIP;
          ManagementBaseObject newIP =

          newIP["IPAddress"] = new string[] { ip_address };
          newIP["SubnetMask"] = new string[] { subnet_mask };

          setIP = objMO.InvokeMethod("EnableStatic", newIP, null);

    public void setGateway(string gateway)
      ManagementClass objMC = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");
      ManagementObjectCollection objMOC = objMC.GetInstances();

      foreach (ManagementObject objMO in objMOC)
        if ((bool)objMO["IPEnabled"])
          ManagementBaseObject setGateway;
          ManagementBaseObject newGateway =

          newGateway["DefaultIPGateway"] = new string[] { gateway };
          newGateway["GatewayCostMetric"] = new int[] { 1 };

          setGateway = objMO.InvokeMethod("SetGateways", newGateway, null);

    public void setDNS(string NIC, string DNS)
      ManagementClass objMC = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");
      ManagementObjectCollection objMOC = objMC.GetInstances();

      foreach (ManagementObject objMO in objMOC)
        if ((bool)objMO["IPEnabled"])
          // if you are using the System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface
          // you'll need to change this line to
          // if (objMO["Caption"].ToString().Contains(NIC))
          // and pass in the Description property instead of the name 
          if (objMO["Caption"].Equals(NIC))
            ManagementBaseObject newDNS =
            newDNS["DNSServerSearchOrder"] = DNS.Split(',');
            ManagementBaseObject setDNS =
              objMO.InvokeMethod("SetDNSServerSearchOrder", newDNS, null);

    public void setWINS(string NIC, string priWINS, string secWINS)
      ManagementClass objMC = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");
      ManagementObjectCollection objMOC = objMC.GetInstances();

      foreach (ManagementObject objMO in objMOC)
        if ((bool)objMO["IPEnabled"])
          if (objMO["Caption"].Equals(NIC))
            ManagementBaseObject setWINS;
            ManagementBaseObject wins =
            wins.SetPropertyValue("WINSPrimaryServer", priWINS);
            wins.SetPropertyValue("WINSSecondaryServer", secWINS);

            setWINS = objMO.InvokeMethod("SetWINSServer", wins, null);

How to create major and minor gridlines with different linestyles in Python

Actually, it is as simple as setting major and minor separately:

In [9]: plot([23, 456, 676, 89, 906, 34, 2345])
Out[9]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x6112f90>]

In [10]: yscale('log')

In [11]: grid(b=True, which='major', color='b', linestyle='-')

In [12]: grid(b=True, which='minor', color='r', linestyle='--')

The gotcha with minor grids is that you have to have minor tick marks turned on too. In the above code this is done by yscale('log'), but it can also be done with plt.minorticks_on().

enter image description here

Freeze screen in chrome debugger / DevTools panel for popover inspection?

To be able to inspect any element do the following. This should work even if it's hard to duplicate the hover state:

  • Run the following javascript in the console. This will break into the debugger in 5 seconds.

    setTimeout(function(){debugger;}, 5000)

  • Go show your element (by hovering or however) and wait until Chrome breaks into the Debugger.

  • Now click on the Elements tab in the Chrome Inspector, and you can look for your element there.
  • You may also be able to click on the Find Element icon (looks like a magnifying glass) and Chrome will let you go and inspect and find your element on the page by right clicking on it, then choosing Inspect Element

Note that this approach is a slight variation to this other great answer on this page.

Get the device width in javascript

Lumia phones give wrong screen.width (at least on emulator). So maybe Math.min(window.innerWidth || Infinity, screen.width) will work on all devices?

Or something crazier:

for (var i = 100; !window.matchMedia('(max-device-width: ' + i + 'px)').matches; i++) {}
var deviceWidth = i;


If no table with such name exists, DROP fails with error while DROP IF EXISTS just does nothing.

This is useful if you create/modifi your database with a script; this way you do not have to ensure manually that previous versions of the table are deleted. You just do a DROP IF EXISTS and forget about it.

Of course, your current DB engine may not support this option, it is hard to tell more about the error with the information you provide.

load Js file in HTML

If this is your detail.html I don't see where do you load detail.js? Maybe this

<script src="js/index.js"></script>

should be this

<script src="js/detail.js"></script>


How can I plot a confusion matrix?

@bninopaul 's answer is not completely for beginners

here is the code you can "copy and run"

import seaborn as sn
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

array = [[13,1,1,0,2,0],

df_cm = pd.DataFrame(array, range(6), range(6))
# plt.figure(figsize=(10,7))
sn.set(font_scale=1.4) # for label size
sn.heatmap(df_cm, annot=True, annot_kws={"size": 16}) # font size


How can I select all children of an element except the last child?

You can use the negation pseudo-class :not() against the :last-child pseudo-class. Being introduced CSS Selectors Level 3, it doesn't work in IE8 or below:

:not(:last-child) { /* styles */ }

Change link color of the current page with CSS

include this! on your page where you want to change the colors save as .php

<?php include("includes/navbar.php"); ?>

then add a new file in an includes folder.


<div <?php //Using REQUEST_URI

$currentpage = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

if(preg_match("/index/i", $currentpage)||($currentpage=="/"))
    echo " class=\"navbarorange/*the css class for your nav div*/\" ";
elseif(preg_match("/about/*or second page name*//i", $currentpage))
    echo " class=\"navbarpink\" ";
elseif(preg_match("/contact/* or edit 3rd page name*//i", $currentpage))
    echo " class=\"navbargreen\" ";?> >

SSRS expression to format two decimal places does not show zeros

You need to make sure that the first numeral to the right of the decimal point is always displayed. In custom format strings, # means display the number if it exists, and 0 means always display something, with 0 as the placeholder.

So in your case you will need something like:

=Format(Fields!CUL1.Value, "#,##0.##")

This saying: display 2 DP if they exist, for the non-zero part always display the lowest part, and use , as the grouping separator.

This is how it looks on your data (I've added a large value as well for reference):

enter image description here

If you're not interested in separating thousands, millions, etc, just use #0.## as Paul-Jan suggested.

The standard docs for Custom Numeric Format Strings are your best reference here.

Is there a 'foreach' function in Python 3?

Look at this article. The iterator object nditer from numpy package, introduced in NumPy 1.6, provides many flexible ways to visit all the elements of one or more arrays in a systematic fashion.


import random
import numpy as np

ptrs = np.int32([[0, 0], [400, 0], [0, 400], [400, 400]])

for ptr in np.nditer(ptrs, op_flags=['readwrite']):
    # apply random shift on 1 for each element of the matrix
    ptr += random.choice([-1, 1])


[[ -1   1]
 [399  -1]
 [  1 399]
 [399 401]]

Rails 3 check if attribute changed

Check out ActiveModel::Dirty (available on all models by default). The documentation is really good, but it lets you do things such as:

@user.street1_changed? # => true/false

PHP: How to generate a random, unique, alphanumeric string for use in a secret link?

after reading previous examples I came up with this:

protected static $nonce_length = 32;

public static function getNonce()
    $chars = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
        $chars = array_merge($chars, range(0, 9), range('A', 'Z'));
    $start = mt_rand(0, count($chars) - self::$nonce_length);
    return substr(join('', $chars), $start, self::$nonce_length);

I duplicate 10 times the array[0-9,A-Z] and shuffle the elements, after I get a random start point for substr() to be more 'creative' :) you can add [a-z] and other elements to array, duplicate more or less, be more creative than me

Set language for syntax highlighting in Visual Studio Code

Note that for "Untitled" editor ("Untitled-1", "Untitled-2"), you now can set the language in the settings.

The previous setting was:

"files.associations": {
        "untitled-*": "javascript"

This will not always work anymore, because with VSCode 1.42 (Q1 2020) will change the title of those untitled editors.
The title will now be the first line of the document for the editor title, along the generic name as part of the description.
It won't start anymore with "untitled-"

See "Untitled editor improvements"

Regarding the associated language for those "Untitled" editors:

By default, untitled files do not have a specific language mode configured.

VS Code has a setting, files.defaultLanguage, to configure a default language for untitled files.

With this release, the setting can take a new value {activeEditorLanguage} that will dynamically use the language mode of the currently active editor instead of a fixed default.

In addition, when you copy and paste text into an untitled editor, VS Code will now automatically change the language mode of the untitled editor if the text was copied from a VS Code editor:

And see workbench.editor.untitled.labelFormat in VSCode 1.43.

How is OAuth 2 different from OAuth 1?

OAuth 2 is apparently a waste of time (from the mouth of someone that was heavily involved in it):

He says (edited for brevity and bolded for emphasis):

...I can no longer be associated with the OAuth 2.0 standard. I resigned my role as lead author and editor, withdraw my name from the specification, and left the working group. Removing my name from a document I have painstakingly labored over for three years and over two dozen drafts was not easy. Deciding to move on from an effort I have led for over five years was agonizing.

...At the end, I reached the conclusion that OAuth 2.0 is a bad protocol. WS-* bad. It is bad enough that I no longer want to be associated with it. ...When compared with OAuth 1.0, the 2.0 specification is more complex, less interoperable, less useful, more incomplete, and most importantly, less secure.

To be clear, OAuth 2.0 at the hand of a developer with deep understanding of web security will likely result is a secure implementation. However, at the hands of most developers – as has been the experience from the past two years – 2.0 is likely to produce insecure implementations.

How to get values from selected row in DataGrid for Windows Form Application?

You could just use


"Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))"

I got the same error with vlc component when i changed the framework from 4.5 to 4. but it worked for me when I changed the platform from Any CPU to x86.

Generate ER Diagram from existing MySQL database, created for CakePHP

CakePHP was intended to be used as Ruby on Rails framework clone, done in PHP, so any reverse-engineering of underlying database is pointless. EER diagrams should be reverse-engineered from Model layer.

Such tools do exist for Ruby Here you can see Redmine database EER diagrams reverse-engineered from Models. Not from database.

With following tools:

How does the keyword "use" work in PHP and can I import classes with it?

Namespace is use to define the path to a specific file containing a class e.g.

namespace album/className; 

class className{
//enter class properties and methods here

You can then include this specific class into another php file by using the keyword "use" like this:

use album/className;

class album extends classname {
//enter class properties and methods

NOTE: Do not use the path to the file containing the class to be implements, extends of use to instantiate an object but only use the namespace.

How can I run MongoDB as a Windows service?

mongod --config "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\mongod_primary.cfg" --install --serviceName "MongoDB_Primary" --serviceDisplayName "MongoDB Primary"

How to merge multiple lists into one list in python?

Just add them:

['it'] + ['was'] + ['annoying']

You should read the Python tutorial to learn basic info like this.

Which sort algorithm works best on mostly sorted data?

Bubble-sort (or, safer yet, bi-directional bubble sort) is likely ideal for mostly sorted lists, though I bet a tweaked comb-sort (with a much lower initial gap size) would be a little faster when the list wasn't quite as perfectly sorted. Comb sort degrades to bubble-sort.

Check if inputs form are empty jQuery

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('input[type="text"]').blur(function () {
    if (!$(this).val()) {
    } else {

 .error {
   border: 1px solid #ff0000;

Is it possible to make an HTML anchor tag not clickable/linkable using CSS?

CSS was designed to affect presentation, not behaviour.

You could use some JavaScript.

document.links[0].onclick = function(event) {

This application has no explicit mapping for /error

I had a similar mistake, I use the spring boot and velocity, my solution is to check the file, spring.velocity.toolbox-config-location found that this property is wrong

Error Code: 1062. Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'

The problem is related with your file - you are trying to create a DB using a copy - at the top of your file you will find something like this:


and I'm sure that you already have a DB with this name - IN THE SAME SERVER - please check. Just change the name OR ERASE THIS LINE!

jQuery loop over JSON result from AJAX Success?

I use .map for foreach. For example

success: function(data) {
  let dataItems = JSON.parse(data)
  dataItems = => {
    return $(`<article>

Change Activity's theme programmatically

user1462299's response works great, but if you include fragments, they will use the original activities theme. To apply the theme to all fragments as well you can override the getTheme() method of the Context instead:

public Resources.Theme getTheme() {
    Resources.Theme theme = super.getTheme();
        theme.applyStyle(, true);
    // you could also use a switch if you have many themes that could apply
    return theme;

You do not need to call setTheme() in the onCreate() Method anymore. You are overriding every request to get the current theme within this context this way.

Linux c++ error: undefined reference to 'dlopen'

you can try to add this

LIBS=-ldl CFLAGS=-fno-strict-aliasing

to the configure options

Best/Most Comprehensive API for Stocks/Financial Data

Last I looked -- a couple of years ago -- there wasn't an easy option and the "solution" (which I did not agree with) was screen-scraping a number of websites. It may be easier now but I would still be surprised to see something, well, useful.

The problem here is that the data is immensely valuable (and very expensive), so while defining a method of retrieving it would be easy, getting the trading venues to part with their data would be next to impossible. Some of the MTFs (currently) provide their data for free but I'm not sure how you would get it without paying someone else, like Reuters, for it.

When use getOne and findOne methods Spring Data JPA

The getOne methods returns only the reference from DB (lazy loading). So basically you are outside the transaction (the Transactional you have been declare in service class is not considered), and the error occur.

Best Practice: Software Versioning

As Mahesh says: I would use x.y.z kind of versioning

x - major release y - minor release z - build number

you may want to add a datetime, maybe instead of z.

You increment the minor release when you have another release. The major release will probably stay 0 or 1, you change that when you really make major changes (often when your software is at a point where its not backwards compatible with previous releases, or you changed your entire framework)

how to read a long multiline string line by line in python

What about using .splitlines()?

for line in textData.splitlines():
    lineResult = libLAPFF.parseLine(line)

How to change btn color in Bootstrap

I think using !important is not a very wise option. It may cause for many other issues specially when making the site responsive. So, my understanding is that, the best way to do this to use custom button CSS class with .btn bootstrap class. .btn is the base style class for bootstrap button. So, keep that as the layout, we can change other styles using our custom css class. One more extra thing I want to mention here. Some people are trying to remove blue outline from the buttons. It's not a good idea because that accessibility issue when using keyboard. Change it's color using outline-color: instead.

fileReader.readAsBinaryString to upload files

(Following is a late but complete answer)

FileReader methods support

FileReader.readAsBinaryString() is deprecated. Don't use it! It's no longer in the W3C File API working draft:

void abort();
void readAsArrayBuffer(Blob blob);
void readAsText(Blob blob, optional DOMString encoding);
void readAsDataURL(Blob blob);

NB: Note that File is a kind of extended Blob structure.

Mozilla still implements readAsBinaryString() and describes it in MDN FileApi documentation:

void abort();
void readAsArrayBuffer(in Blob blob); Requires Gecko 7.0
void readAsBinaryString(in Blob blob);
void readAsDataURL(in Blob file);
void readAsText(in Blob blob, [optional] in DOMString encoding);

The reason behind readAsBinaryString() deprecation is in my opinion the following: the standard for JavaScript strings are DOMString which only accept UTF-8 characters, NOT random binary data. So don't use readAsBinaryString(), that's not safe and ECMAScript-compliant at all.

We know that JavaScript strings are not supposed to store binary data but Mozilla in some sort can. That's dangerous in my opinion. Blob and typed arrays (ArrayBuffer and the not-yet-implemented but not necessary StringView) were invented for one purpose: allow the use of pure binary data, without UTF-8 strings restrictions.

XMLHttpRequest upload support

XMLHttpRequest.send() has the following invocations options:

void send();
void send(ArrayBuffer data);
void send(Blob data);
void send(Document data);
void send(DOMString? data);
void send(FormData data);

XMLHttpRequest.sendAsBinary() has the following invocations options:

void sendAsBinary(   in DOMString body );

sendAsBinary() is NOT a standard and may not be supported in Chrome.


So you have several options:

  1. send() the FileReader.result of FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer ( fileObject ). It is more complicated to manipulate (you'll have to make a separate send() for it) but it's the RECOMMENDED APPROACH.
  2. send() the FileReader.result of FileReader.readAsDataURL( fileObject ). It generates useless overhead and compression latency, requires a decompression step on the server-side BUT it's easy to manipulate as a string in Javascript.
  3. Being non-standard and sendAsBinary() the FileReader.result of FileReader.readAsBinaryString( fileObject )

MDN states that:

The best way to send binary content (like in files upload) is using ArrayBuffers or Blobs in conjuncton with the send() method. However, if you want to send a stringifiable raw data, use the sendAsBinary() method instead, or the StringView (Non native) typed arrays superclass.

how to convert an RGB image to numpy array?

You can get numpy array of rgb image easily by using numpy and Image from PIL

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

im ='*image_name*') #These two lines
im_arr = np.array(im) #are all you need
plt.imshow(im_arr) #Just to verify that image array has been constructed properly

How can I kill all sessions connecting to my oracle database?

If you want to stop new users from connecting, but allow current sessions to continue until they are inactive, you can put the database in QUIESCE mode:


From the Oracle Database Administrator's Guide:

Non-DBA active sessions will continue until they become inactive. An active session is one that is currently inside of a transaction, a query, a fetch, or a PL/SQL statement; or a session that is currently holding any shared resources (for example, enqueues). No inactive sessions are allowed to become active...Once all non-DBA sessions become inactive, the ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED statement completes, and the database is in a quiesced state