* shows all the images in the entire Docker hub, it's not possible to get this via the search command as it doesnt accept wildcards.
As of v1.10 you can find all the layers in an image by pulling it and using these commands:
docker pull ubuntu
ID=$(sudo docker inspect -f {{.Id}} ubuntu)
jq .rootfs.diff_ids /var/lib/docker/image/aufs/imagedb/content/$(echo $ID|tr ':' '/')
3) The size can be found in /var/lib/docker/image/aufs/layerdb/sha256/{LAYERID}/size
although LAYERID != the diff_ids found with the previous command. For this you need to look at /var/lib/docker/image/aufs/layerdb/sha256/{LAYERID}/diff
and compare with the previous command output to properly match the correct diff_id and size.