[c#] How to replace multiple white spaces with one white space

Replacement groups provide impler approach resolving replacement of multiple white space characters with same single one:

    public static void WhiteSpaceReduce()
        string t1 = "a b   c d";
        string t2 = "a b\n\nc\nd";

        Regex whiteReduce = new Regex(@"(?<firstWS>\s)(?<repeatedWS>\k<firstWS>+)");
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", t1);
        //Console.WriteLine("{0}", whiteReduce.Replace(t1, x => x.Value.Substring(0, 1))); 
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", whiteReduce.Replace(t1, @"${firstWS}"));
        Console.WriteLine("\nNext example ---------");
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", t2);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", whiteReduce.Replace(t2, @"${firstWS}"));

Please notice the second example keeps single \n while accepted answer would replace end of line with space.

If you need to replace any combination of white space characters with the first one, just remove the back-reference \k from the pattern.