I've tried a few times to get the ajax form submit working nicely, but always met with either complete failure or too many compromises. Here's an example of page that uses the jQuery Form plug-in inside of a MVC page to update a list of projects (using a partially rendered control) as the user types in an input box:
<div class="searchBar">
<form action="<%= Url.Action ("SearchByName") %>" method="get" class="searchSubmitForm">
<label for="projectName">Search:</label>
<%= Html.TextBox ("projectName") %>
<input class="submit" type="submit" value="Search" />
<div id="projectList">
<% Html.RenderPartial ("ProjectList", Model); %>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery("#projectName").keyup(function() {
jQuery(".searchSubmitForm").submit(function() {
var options = {
target : '#projectList'
return false;
// We remove the submit button here - good Javascript depreciation technique
And on the controller side:
public ActionResult SearchByName (string projectName)
var service = Factory.GetService<IProjectService> ();
var result = service.GetProjects (projectName);
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest ())
return PartialView ("ProjectList", result);
TempData["Result"] = result;
TempData["SearchCriteria"] = projectName;
return RedirectToAction ("Index");
public ActionResult Index ()
IQueryable<Project> projects;
if (TempData["Result"] != null)
projects = (IQueryable<Project>)TempData["Result"];
var service = Factory.GetService<IProjectService> ();
projects = service.GetProjects ();
ViewData["projectName"] = TempData["SearchCriteria"];
return View (projects);