Programs & Examples On #Farseer

C#/XNA port of the Box2D physics engine.

Open link in new tab or window

It shouldn't be your call to decide whether the link should open in a new tab or a new window, since ultimately this choice should be done by the settings of the user's browser. Some people like tabs; some like new windows.

Using _blank will tell the browser to use a new tab/window, depending on the user's browser configuration and how they click on the link (e.g. middle click, Ctrl+click, or normal click).

Background Image for Select (dropdown) does not work in Chrome

What Arne said - you can't reliably style select boxes and have them look anything like consistent across browsers.

Uniform: is a javascript solution which gives you good graphic control over your form elements - it's still Javascript, but it's about as nice as javascript gets for solving this problem.

How to get old Value with onchange() event in text box

You'll need to store the old value manually. You could store it a lot of different ways. You could use a javascript object to store values for each textbox, or you could use a hidden field (I wouldn't recommend it - too html heavy), or you could use an expando property on the textbox itself, like this:

<input type="text" onfocus="this.oldvalue = this.value;" onchange="onChangeTest(this);this.oldvalue = this.value;" />

Then your javascript function to handle the change looks like this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function onChangeTest(textbox) {
        alert("Value is " + textbox.value + "\n" + "Old Value is " + textbox.oldvalue);

How to make python Requests work via socks proxy

I could do this on Linux.

$ pip3 install --user 'requests[socks]'
$ https_proxy=socks5://<hostname or ip>:<port> python3 -c \
> 'import requests;print(requests.get("").text)'

How to put labels over geom_bar in R with ggplot2

To plot text on a ggplot you use the geom_text. But I find it helpful to summarise the data first using ddply

dfl <- ddply(df, .(x), summarize, y=length(x))

Since the data is pre-summarized, you need to remember to change add the stat="identity" parameter to geom_bar:

ggplot(dfl, aes(x, y=y, fill=x)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") +
    geom_text(aes(label=y), vjust=0) +

enter image description here

Best way to concatenate List of String objects?

This is the most elegant and clean way I've found so far:; /storage/emulated/0/New file.txt: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)

For SDK 29 :

String str1 = "";
folder1 = new File(String.valueOf(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_MOVIES)));
if (folder1.exists()) {str1 = folder1.toString() + File.separator;}

public static void createTextFile(String sBody, String FileName, String Where) {
    try {
        File gpxfile = new File(Where, FileName);
        FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(gpxfile);
    } catch (IOException e) {

Then you can save your file like this :

createTextFile("This is Content","file.txt",str1);

What is the difference between screenX/Y, clientX/Y and pageX/Y?

The difference between those will depend largely on what browser you are currently referring to. Each one implements these properties differently, or not at all. Quirksmode has great documentation regarding browser differences in regards to W3C standards like the DOM and JavaScript Events.

best way to preserve numpy arrays on disk

I'm a big fan of hdf5 for storing large numpy arrays. There are two options for dealing with hdf5 in python:

Both are designed to work with numpy arrays efficiently.

How to call loading function with React useEffect only once

If you only want to run the function given to useEffect after the initial render, you can give it an empty array as second argument.

function MyComponent() {
  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  return <div> {/* ... */} </div>;

Can I try/catch a warning?

I would only recommend using @ to suppress warnings when it's a straight forward operation (e.g. $prop = @($high/($width - $depth)); to skip division by zero warnings). However in most cases it's better to handle.

Send email with PHP from html form on submit with the same script

You need to add an action into your form like:

<form name='form1' method='post' action='<?php echo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);'>
    <!-- All your input for the form here -->

Then put your snippet at the top of the document en send the mail. What echo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); does is that it sends your information to the top of your script so you could use it.

MS-DOS Batch file pause with enter key

Depending on which OS you're using, if you are flexible, then CHOICE can be used to wait on almost any key EXCEPT enter

If you are really referring to what Microsoft insists on calling "Command Prompt" which is simply an MS-DOS emulator, then perhaps TIMEOUT may suit your purpose (timeout /t -1 waits on any key, not just ENTER) and of course CHOICE is available again in recent WIN editions.

And a warning on SET /P - whereas set /p DUMMY=Hit ENTER to continue... will work,

set "dummy="
set /p DUMMY=Hit ENTER to continue...
if defined dummy (echo not just ENTER was pressed) else (echo just ENTER was pressed)

will detect whether just ENTER or something else, ending in ENTER was keyed in.

Integrating Dropzone.js into existing HTML form with other fields

Here's another way to do it: add a div in your form with a classname dropzone, and implement dropzone programmatically.


<div id="dZUpload" class="dropzone">
      <div class="dz-default dz-message"></div>


$(document).ready(function () {
    Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;
        url: "hn_SimpeFileUploader.ashx",
        addRemoveLinks: true,
        success: function (file, response) {
            var imgName = response;
            console.log("Successfully uploaded :" + imgName);
        error: function (file, response) {

Note : Disabling autoDiscover, otherwise Dropzone will try to attach twice

Blog Article : Dropzone js + Easy way to upload Bulk images

How do I change the hover over color for a hover over table in Bootstrap?

This is for bootstrap v4 compiled via grunt or some other task runner

You would need to change $table-hover-bg to set the highlight on hover

$table-cell-padding:            .75rem !default;
$table-sm-cell-padding:         .3rem !default;

$table-bg:                      transparent !default;
$table-accent-bg:               rgba(0,0,0,.05) !default;
$table-hover-bg:                rgba(0,0,0,.075) !default;
$table-active-bg:               $table-hover-bg !default;

$table-border-width:            $border-width !default;
$table-border-color:            $gray-lighter !default;

Use SELECT inside an UPDATE query

Does this work? Untested but should get the point across.

SET Func_TaxRef = 
  SELECT Min(TAX.Tax_Code) AS MinOfTax_Code
  WHERE F1.Func_Pure <= [Tax_ToPrice]
    AND F1.Func_Year=[Tax_Year]
    AND F1.Func_ID = FUNCTIONS.Func_ID
  GROUP BY F1.Func_ID;

Basically for each row in FUNCTIONS, the subquery determines the minimum current tax code and sets FUNCTIONS.Func_TaxRef to that value. This is assuming that FUNCTIONS.Func_ID is a Primary or Unique key.

How to change status bar color in Flutter?

What you want is Themes. They're important for a lot more than the AppBar color.

Show hidden div on ng-click within ng-repeat

Remove the display:none, and use ng-show instead:

<ul class="procedures">
    <li ng-repeat="procedure in procedures | filter:query | orderBy:orderProp">
        <h4><a href="#" ng-click="showDetails = ! showDetails">{{procedure.definition}}</a></h4>
         <div class="procedure-details" ng-show="showDetails">
            <p>Number of patient discharges: {{procedure.discharges}}</p>
            <p>Average amount covered by Medicare: {{procedure.covered}}</p>
            <p>Average total payments: {{procedure.payments}}</p>

Here's the fiddle:

You can also use ng-class to toggle a class:

<div class="procedure-details" ng-class="{ 'hidden': ! showDetails }">

I like this more, since it allows you to do some nice transitions:

Reading an image file in C/C++

corona is nice. From the tutorial:

corona::Image* image = corona::OpenImage("img.jpg", corona::PF_R8G8B8A8);
if (!image) {
  // error!

int width  = image->getWidth();
int height = image->getHeight();
void* pixels = image->getPixels();

// we're guaranteed that the first eight bits of every pixel is red,
// the next eight bits is green, and so on...
typedef unsigned char byte;
byte* p = (byte*)pixels;
for (int i = 0; i < width * height; ++i) {
  byte red   = *p++;
  byte green = *p++;
  byte blue  = *p++;
  byte alpha = *p++;

pixels would be a one dimensional array, but you could easily convert a given x and y position to a position in a 1D array. Something like pos = (y * width) + x

css with background image without repeating the image

Instead of

background-repeat-x: no-repeat;
background-repeat-y: no-repeat;

which is not correct, use

background-repeat: no-repeat;

No found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations:

In my case, I had the following structure of a project:

enter image description here

When I was running the test, I kept receiving problems with auro-wiring both facade and kafka attributes - error came back with information about missing instances, even though the test and the API classes reside in the very same package. Apparently those were not scanned.

What actually helped was adding @Import annotation bringing the missing classes to Spring classpath and making them being instantiated.

How to quickly and conveniently disable all console.log statements in my code?

I know you asked how to disable console.log, but this might be what you're really after. This way you don't have to explicitly enable or disable the console. It simply prevents those pesky console errors for people who don't have it open or installed.

if(typeof(console) === 'undefined') {
    var console = {};
    console.log = console.error = = console.debug = console.warn = console.trace = console.dir = console.dirxml = = console.groupEnd = console.time = console.timeEnd = console.assert = console.profile = function() {};

Automatically pass $event with ng-click?

Add a $event to the ng-click, for example:

<button type="button" ng-click="saveOffer($event)" accesskey="S"></button>

Then the jQuery.Event was passed to the callback:

enter image description here

How to inherit constructors?

Don't forget that you can also redirect constructors to other constructors at the same level of inheritance:

public Bar(int i, int j) : this(i) { ... }

Run batch file as a Windows service

While it is not free (but $39), FireDaemon has worked so well for me I have to recommend it. It will run your batch file but has loads of additional and very useful functionality such as scheduling, service up monitoring, GUI or XML based install of services, dependencies, environmental variables and log management.

I started out using FireDaemon to launch JBoss application servers (run.bat) but shortly after realized that the richness of the FireDaemon configuration abilities allowed me to ditch the batch file and recreate the intent of its commands in the FireDaemon service definition.

There's also a SUPER FireDaemon called Trinity which you might want to look at if you have a large number of Windows servers on which to manage this service (or technically, any service).

How can I check if a URL exists via PHP?

function url_exists($url) {
    $headers = @get_headers($url);
    return (strpos($headers[0],'200')===false)? false:true;

Can Powershell Run Commands in Parallel?

You can execute parallel jobs in Powershell 2 using Background Jobs. Check out Start-Job and the other job cmdlets.

# Loop through the server list
Get-Content "ServerList.txt" | %{

  # Define what each job does
  $ScriptBlock = {
    Test-Path "\\$pipelinePassIn\c`$\Something"
    Start-Sleep 60

  # Execute the jobs in parallel
  Start-Job $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $_


# Wait for it all to complete
While (Get-Job -State "Running")
  Start-Sleep 10

# Getting the information back from the jobs
Get-Job | Receive-Job

How to list files in a directory in a C program?

An example, available for POSIX compliant systems :

 * This program displays the names of all files in the current directory.

#include <dirent.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 

int main(void) {
  DIR *d;
  struct dirent *dir;
  d = opendir(".");
  if (d) {
    while ((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
      printf("%s\n", dir->d_name);

Beware that such an operation is platform dependant in C.

Source :

INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE when I try to install compiled .apk on device

  1. go to : your adb folder \sdk\platform-tools\
  2. type cmd
  3. type : adb remount on command window
  4. adb shell
  5. su
  6. rm /system/app/YourApp.apk
  7. Restart your device

Android Percentage Layout Height

With introduction of ContraintLayout, it's possible to implement with Guidelines:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
< xmlns:android=""

        app:layout_constraintBottom_toTopOf="@+id/guideline" />

        app:layout_constraintGuide_percent="0.5" />


Result View

You can read more in this article Building interfaces with ConstraintLayout.

How to select rows with no matching entry in another table?

You can do something like this

   SELECT IFNULL(`price`.`fPrice`,100) as fPrice,product.ProductId,ProductName 
          FROM `products` left join `price` ON 
          price.ProductId=product.ProductId AND (GeoFancingId=1 OR GeoFancingId 
          IS NULL) WHERE Status="Active" AND Delete="No"

Use "ENTER" key on softkeyboard instead of clicking button

We can also use Kotlin lambda

editText.setOnKeyListener { _, keyCode, keyEvent ->
        if (keyEvent.action == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER) {
            Log.d("Android view component", "Enter button was pressed")
            return@setOnKeyListener true
        return@setOnKeyListener false

Allow 2 decimal places in <input type="number">

If case anyone is looking for a regex that allows only numbers with an optional 2 decimal places


For an example, I have found solution below to be fairly reliable


<input name="my_field" pattern="^\d*(\.\d{0,2})?$" />

JS / JQuery:

$(document).on('keydown', 'input[pattern]', function(e){
  var input = $(this);
  var oldVal = input.val();
  var regex = new RegExp(input.attr('pattern'), 'g');

    var newVal = input.val();
  }, 0);


setTimeout is not working correctly anymore for this, maybe browsers have changed. Some other async solution will need to be devised.

How to create unique keys for React elements?

To add the latest solution for 2021...

I found that the project nanoid provides unique string ids that can be used as key while also being fast and very small.

After installing using npm install nanoid, use as follows:

import { nanoid } from 'nanoid';

// Have the id associated with the data.
const todos = [{id: nanoid(), text: 'first todo'}];

// Then later, it can be rendered using a stable id as the key.
const todoItems = =>
  <li key={}>

How to inflate one view with a layout

I had the hardest time with this error, because of my unique circumstances, but finally found a solution.

My situation: I am using a separate view (XML) which holds a WebView, then opens in an AlertDialog when I click a button in my main activity view. But somehow or another the WebView belonged to the main activity view (probably because I pull the resource from here), so right before I assigned it to my AlertDialog (as a view), I had to get the parent of my WebView, put it into a ViewGroup, then remove all the views on that ViewGroup. This worked, and my error went away.

// set up Alert Dialog box
AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
// inflate other xml where WebView is
LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater)this.getSystemService
View v = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.your_webview_layout, null);
final WebView webView = (WebView) v.findViewById(;

// more code...

.... later on after I loaded my WebView ....

// first, remove the parent of WebView from it's old parent so can be assigned a new one.
ViewGroup vg = (ViewGroup) webView.getParent();

// put WebView in Dialog box

Regular Expressions- Match Anything

Choose & memorize 1 of the following!!! :)



\s: whitespace \S: not whitespace

\w: word \W: not word

\d: digit \D: not digit

(You can exchange the * for + if you want 1 or MORE characters [instead of 0 or more]).


If you want to match everything on a single line, you can use this:



^: not

\n: linebreak

+: for 1 character or more

Datatables warning(table id = 'example'): cannot reinitialise data table

You are initializing datatables twice, why?

// Take this off
$(document).ready(function() {
    $( '#example' ).dataTable();
} );
$(document).ready( function() {
  $( '#example' ).dataTable( {
   "fnRowCallback": function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull ) {
     // Bold the grade for all 'A' grade browsers
     if ( aData[4] == "A" )
       $('td:eq(4)', nRow).html( '<b>A</b>' );
 } );
 } );

nodejs send html file to client

you can render the page in express more easily

 var app   = require('express')();    
    app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
    app.set('view engine', 'jade');

so if u request like that it will render signup.html page under views folder.

Assign a synthesizable initial value to a reg in Verilog

When a chip gets power all of it's registers contain random values. It's not possible to have an an initial value. It will always be random.

This is why we have reset signals, to reset registers to a known value. The reset is controlled by something off chip, and we write our code to use it.

always @(posedge clk) begin
    if (reset == 1) begin // For an active high reset
        data_reg = 8'b10101011;
    end else begin
        data_reg = next_data_reg;

Getting URL

You can use api to create facebook short urls find the documentation here

How to set text size of textview dynamically for different screens

float currentSize = textEdit.getTextSize(); // default size
float newSize = currentSize * 2.0F; // new size is twice bigger than default one

How to loop through all but the last item of a list?

If you want to get all the elements in the sequence pair wise, use this approach (the pairwise function is from the examples in the itertools module).

from itertools import tee, izip, chain

def pairwise(seq):
    a,b = tee(seq)
    return izip(a,b)

for current_item, next_item in pairwise(y):
    if compare(current_item, next_item):
        # do what you have to do

If you need to compare the last value to some special value, chain that value to the end

for current, next_item in pairwise(chain(y, [None])):

How to get error information when HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() fails

I faced a similar situation:

I was trying to read raw response in case of an HTTP error consuming a SOAP service, using BasicHTTPBinding.

However, when reading the response using GetResponseStream(), got the error:

Stream not readable

So, this code worked for me:

    response = basicHTTPBindingClient.CallOperation(request);
catch (ProtocolException exception)
    var webException = exception.InnerException as WebException;
    var rawResponse = string.Empty;

    var alreadyClosedStream = webException.Response.GetResponseStream() as MemoryStream;
    using (var brandNewStream = new MemoryStream(alreadyClosedStream.ToArray()))
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(brandNewStream))
        rawResponse = reader.ReadToEnd();

error TS2339: Property 'x' does not exist on type 'Y'

The correct fix is to add the property in the type definition as explained in @Nitzan Tomer's answer. If that's not an option though:

(Hacky) Workaround 1

You can assign the object to a constant of type any, then call the 'non-existing' property.

const newObj: any = oldObj;
return newObj.someProperty;

You can also cast it as any:

return (oldObj as any).someProperty;

This fails to provide any type safety though, which is the point of TypeScript.

(Hacky) Workaround 2

Another thing you may consider, if you're unable to modify the original type, is extending the type like so:

interface NewType extends OldType {
  someProperty: string;

Now you can cast your variable as this NewType instead of any. Still not ideal but less permissive than any, giving you more type safety.

return (oldObj as NewType).someProperty;

How to display table data more clearly in oracle sqlplus

You can set the line size as per the width of the window and set wrap off using the following command.

set linesize 160;
set wrap off;

I have used 160 as per my preference you can set it to somewhere between 100 - 200 and setting wrap will not your data and it will display the data properly.

Nodemailer with Gmail and NodeJS

It is resolved using nodemailer-smtp-transport module inside createTransport.

var smtpTransport = require('nodemailer-smtp-transport');

var transport = nodemailer.createTransport(smtpTransport({
    service: 'gmail',
    auth: {
        user: '*******',
        pass: '*****password'

How to show only next line after the matched one?

It looks like you're using the wrong tool there. Grep isn't that sophisticated, I think you want to step up to awk as the tool for the job:

awk '/blah/ { getline; print $0 }' logfile

If you get any problems let me know, I think its well worth learning a bit of awk, its a great tool :)

p.s. This example doesn't win a 'useless use of cat award' ;)

Content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' not supported for @RequestBody MultiValueMap

It seems that now you can just mark the method parameter with @RequestParam and it will do the job for you.

@PostMapping( "some/request/path" )
public void someControllerMethod( @RequestParam Map<String, String> body ) {
  //work with Map

How to suppress binary file matching results in grep

There are three options, that you can use. -I is to exclude binary files in grep. Other are for line numbers and file names.

grep -I -n -H 

-I -- process a binary file as if it did not contain matching data; 
-n -- prefix each line of output with the 1-based line number within its input file
-H -- print the file name for each match

So this might be a way to run grep:

grep -InH your-word *

Mocking HttpClient in unit tests

Inspired by PointZeroTwo's answer, here's a sample using NUnit and FakeItEasy.

SystemUnderTest in this example is the class that you want to test - no sample content given for it but I assume you have that already!

public class HttpClientTests
    private ISystemUnderTest _systemUnderTest;
    private HttpMessageHandler _mockMessageHandler;

    public void Setup()
        _mockMessageHandler = A.Fake<HttpMessageHandler>();
        var httpClient = new HttpClient(_mockMessageHandler);

        _systemUnderTest = new SystemUnderTest(httpClient);

    public void HttpError()
        // Arrange
            .Where(x => x.Method.Name == "SendAsync")
            .Returns(Task.FromResult(new HttpResponseMessage
                StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
                Content = new StringContent("abcd")

        // Act
        var result = _systemUnderTest.DoSomething();

        // Assert
        // Assert.AreEqual(...);

how to make twitter bootstrap submenu to open on the left side?

If you have only one level and you use bootstrap 3 add pull-right to the ul element

<ul class="dropdown-menu pull-right" role="menu">

Parse time of format hh:mm:ss

A bit verbose, but it's the standard way of parsing and formatting dates in Java:

DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
try {
  Date dt = formatter.parse("08:19:12");
  Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
  int hour = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR);
  int minute = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
  int second = cal.get(Calendar.SECOND);
} catch (ParseException e) {
  // This can happen if you are trying to parse an invalid date, e.g., 25:19:12.
  // Here, you should log the error and decide what to do next

How do I install Python libraries in wheel format?

If you want to be relax for installing libraries for python.

You should using pip, that is python installer package.

To install pip:

  1. Download and then run:

  2. Then download and run:

  3. upgrade installed setuptools by pip:

    pip install setuptools --upgrade

    If you got this error:

    Wheel installs require setuptools >= 0.8 for dist-info support.
    pip's wheel support requires setuptools >= 0.8 for dist-info support.

    Add --no-use-wheel to above cmd:

    pip install setuptools --no-use-wheel --upgrade

Now, you can install libraries for python, just by:

pip install library_name

For example:

pip install requests

Note that to install some library may they need to compile, so you need to have compiler.

On windows there is a site for Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages that have huge python packages and complied python packages for windows.

For example to install pip using this site, just download and install setuptools and pip installer from that.

How to emulate a BEFORE INSERT trigger in T-SQL / SQL Server for super/subtype (Inheritance) entities?

While Andriy's proposal will work well for INSERTs of a small number of records, full table scans will be done on the final join as both 'enumerated' and '@new_super' are not indexed, resulting in poor performance for large inserts.

This can be resolved by specifying a primary key on the @new_super table, as follows:

DECLARE @new_super TABLE (
  super_id   int

This will result in the SQL optimizer scanning through the 'enumerated' table but doing an indexed join on @new_super to get the new key.

Convert a bitmap into a byte array

A MemoryStream can be helpful for this. You could put it in an extension method:

public static class ImageExtensions
    public static byte[] ToByteArray(this Image image, ImageFormat format)
        using(MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
            image.Save(ms, format);
            return ms.ToArray();

You could just use it like:

var image = new Bitmap(10, 10);
// Draw your image
byte[] arr = image.ToByteArray(ImageFormat.Bmp);

I partially disagree with prestomanifto's answer in regards to the ImageConverter. Do not use ImageConverter. There's nothing technically wrong with it, but simply the fact that it uses boxing/unboxing from object tells me it's code from the old dark places of the .NET framework and its not ideal to use with image processing (it's overkill for converting to a byte[] at least), especially when you consider the following.

I took a look at the ImageConverter code used by the .Net framework, and internally it uses code almost identical to the one I provided above. It creates a new MemoryStream, saves the Bitmap in whatever format it was in when you provided it, and returns the array. Skip the extra overhead of creating an ImageConverter class by using MemoryStream

How do I import/include MATLAB functions?

You should be able to put them in your ~/matlab on unix.

I'm not sure which directory matlab looks in for windows, but you should be able to figure it out by executing userpath from the matlab command line.

Batch file to map a drive when the folder name contains spaces

I just created some directories, shared them and mapped using:

net use y: "\\mycomputername\folder with spaces"

So this solution gets "works on my machine" certificate. What error code do you get?

Quickest way to clear all sheet contents VBA

Technically, and from Comintern's accepted workaround, I believe you actually want to Delete all the Cells in the Sheet. Which removes Formatting (See footnote for exceptions), etc. as well as the Cells Contents. I.e. Sheets("Zeroes").Cells.Delete

Combined also with UsedRange, ScreenUpdating and Calculation skipping it should be nearly intantaneous:

Sub DeleteCells ()
    Application.Calculation = XlManual
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
End Sub

Or if you prefer to respect the Calculation State Excel is currently in:

Sub DeleteCells ()
    Dim SaveCalcState
    SaveCalcState = Application.Calculation
    Application.Calculation = XlManual
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Calculation = SaveCalcState
End Sub

Footnote: If formatting was applied for an Entire Column, then it is not deleted. This includes Font Colour, Fill Colour and Borders, the Format Category (like General, Date, Text, Etc.) and perhaps other properties too, but

Conditional formatting IS deleted, as is Entire Row formatting.

(Entire Column formatting is quite useful if you are importing raw data repeatedly to a sheet as it will conform to the Formats originally applied if a simple Paste-Values-Only type import is done.)

How to print bytes in hexadecimal using System.out.println?

byte test[] = new byte[3];
test[0] = 0x0A;
test[1] = 0xFF;
test[2] = 0x01;

for (byte theByte : test)

NOTE: test[1] = 0xFF; this wont compile, you cant put 255 (FF) into a byte, java will want to use an int.

you might be able to do...

test[1] = (byte) 0xFF;

I'd test if I was near my IDE (if I was near my IDE I wouln't be on Stackoverflow)

How do I compile a Visual Studio project from the command-line?

DEVENV works well in many cases, but on a WIXPROJ to build my WIX installer, all I got is "CATASTROPHIC" error in the Out log.

This works: MSBUILD /Path/PROJECT.WIXPROJ /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release

How to encode the plus (+) symbol in a URL

In order to encode + value using JavaScript, you can use encodeURIComponent function.


var url = "+11";
var encoded_url = encodeURIComponent(url);

Protect .NET code from reverse engineering?

Is it really worth it? Every protection mechanism can be broken with sufficient determination. Consider your market, price of the product, amount of customers, etc.

If you want something more reliable then go down the path of hardware keys, but that's rather troublesome (for the user) and more expensive. Software solutions would be probably a waste of time and resources, and the only thing they would give you is the false sense of 'security'.

Few more ideas (none is perfect, as there is no perfect one).

  • AntiDuplicate
  • Change the language, use the nice tricks that the authors of Skype used
  • License server

And don't waste too much time on it, because the crackers have a lot of experience with the typical techniques and are few steps ahead of you. Unless you want to use a lot of resources, probably change the programming language (do it the Skype way).

Jenkins could not run git

For Jenkins 2.121.3 version, Go to Manage jenkins -> Global tool configuration -> Git installations -> Path to Git executable: C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe It works!

In Jenkins, give the http URL. SSH URL shows similar error.

Why doesn't importing java.util.* include Arrays and Lists?

I have just compile it and it compiles fine without the implicit import, probably you're seeing a stale cache or something of your IDE.

Have you tried compiling from the command line?

I have the exact same version:

here it is

Probably you're thinking the warning is an error.


It looks like you have a Arrays.class file in the directory where you're trying to compile ( probably created before ). That's why the explicit import solves the problem. Try copying your source code to a clean new directory and try again. You'll see there is no error this time. Or, clean up your working directory and remove the Arrays.class

Write to file, but overwrite it if it exists

The >> redirection operator will append lines to the end of the specified file, where-as the single greater than > will empty and overwrite the file.

echo "text" > 'Users/Name/Desktop/TheAccount.txt'

Deleting records before a certain date

This is another example using defined column/table names.

DELETE FROM jos_jomres_gdpr_optins WHERE `date_time` < '2020-10-21 08:21:22';

How to get access to raw resources that I put in res folder?

This worked for for me: getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.certificate)

Invalid column name sql error

first create database name "School" than create table "students" with following columns 1. id 2. name 3. address

now open visual studio and create connection:

namespace school
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        SqlConnection scon;

        public Form1()


            scon = new SqlConnection("Data Source = ABC-PC; trusted_connection = yes; Database = school; connection timeout = 30");

//create command

SqlCommand scom = new SqlCommand("insert into students (id,name,address) values(@id,@name,@address)", scon);

//pass parameters

scom.Parameters.Add("id", SqlDbType.Int);
scom.Parameters["id"].Value = textBox1.Text;

           scom.Parameters.Add("name", SqlDbType.VarChar);
            scom.Parameters["name"].Value = this.textBox2.Text;

            scom.Parameters.Add("address", SqlDbType.VarChar);
            scom.Parameters["address"].Value = this.textBox6.Text;



also check solution here:

Centering a canvas

in order to center the canvas within the window +"px" should be added to and = (viewportHeight - canvasHeight) / 2 +"px"; = (viewportWidth - canvasWidth) / 2 +"px";

How to specify a min but no max decimal using the range data annotation attribute?

[Range(0.01,100000000,ErrorMessage = "Price must be greter than zero !")]

How do you resize a form to fit its content automatically?

Use the AutoSize and AutoSizeMode properties.

An example:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // no smaller than design time size
    this.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(this.Width, this.Height);

    // no larger than screen size
    this.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height, (int)System.Windows.SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight);

    this.AutoSize = true;
    this.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;

    // rest of your code here...

Style the first <td> column of a table differently

If you've to support IE7, a more compatible solution is:

/* only the cells with no cell before (aka the first one) */
td {
    padding-left: 20px;
/* only the cells with at least one cell before (aka all except the first one) */
td + td {
    padding-left: 0;

Also works fine with li; general sibling selector ~ may be more suitable with mixed elements like a heading h1 followed by paragraphs AND a subheading and then again other paragraphs.

How do I wait for an asynchronously dispatched block to finish?

I’ve recently come to this issue again and wrote the following category on NSObject:

@implementation NSObject (Testing)

- (void) performSelector: (SEL) selector
    withBlockingCallback: (dispatch_block_t) block
    dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
    [self performSelector:selector withObject:^{
        if (block) block();
    dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);


This way I can easily turn asynchronous call with a callback into a synchronous one in tests:

[testedObject performSelector:@selector(longAsyncOpWithCallback:)

How to convert a multipart file to File?

Although the accepted answer is correct but if you are just trying to upload your image to cloudinary, there's a better way:

Map upload = cloudinary.uploader().upload(multipartFile.getBytes(), ObjectUtils.emptyMap());

Where multipartFile is your org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile.

jQuery get the image src

In my case this format worked on latest version of jQuery:


VBA - Run Time Error 1004 'Application Defined or Object Defined Error'

Assgining a value that starts with a "=" will kick in formula evaluation and gave in my case the above mentioned error #1004. Prepending it with a space was the ticket for me.

Windows XP or later Windows: How can I run a batch file in the background with no window displayed?

You also can use

start /MIN notepad.exe

PS: Unfortunatly, minimized window status depends on command to run. V.G. doen't work

start /MIN calc.exe

Calling onclick on a radiobutton list using javascript

I agree with @annakata that this question needs some more clarification, but here is a very, very basic example of how to setup an onclick event handler for the radio buttons:

  <script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function() {

        var ex1 = document.getElementById('example1');
        var ex2 = document.getElementById('example2');
        var ex3 = document.getElementById('example3');

        ex1.onclick = handler;
        ex2.onclick = handler;
        ex3.onclick = handler;


    function handler() {
  <input type="radio" name="example1" id="example1" value="Example 1" />
  <label for="example1">Example 1</label>
  <input type="radio" name="example2" id="example2" value="Example 2" />
  <label for="example1">Example 2</label>
  <input type="radio" name="example3" id="example3" value="Example 3" />
  <label for="example1">Example 3</label>

Setting equal heights for div's with jQuery

Here is what worked for me. It applies the same height to each column despite their parent div.

$(document).ready(function () {    
    var $sameHeightDivs = $('.column');
    var maxHeight = 0;
    $sameHeightDivs.each(function() {
        maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, $(this).outerHeight());
    $sameHeightDivs.css({ height: maxHeight + 'px' });


C++, How to determine if a Windows Process is running?

You can never check and see if a process is running, you can only check to see if a process was running at some point in the recent past. A process is an entity that is not controlled by your application and can exit at any moment in time. There is no way to guaranteed that a process will not exit in between the check to see if it's running and the corresponding action.

The best approach is to just do the action required and catch the exception that would be thrown if the process was not running.

Find where java class is loaded from

Simple way:


Out Example:



String obj = "simple test"; System.out.println(obj.getClass().getResource(obj.getClass().getSimpleName()+".class"));

Out Example:


Javascript seconds to minutes and seconds

For adding zeros I really don't see the need to have a full other function where you can simply use for example

var mins=Math.floor(StrTime/60);
var secs=StrTime-mins * 60;
var hrs=Math.floor(StrTime / 3600);
RoundTime.innerHTML=(hrs>9?hrs:"0"+hrs) + ":" + (mins>9?mins:"0"+mins) + ":" + (secs>9?secs:"0"+secs);

Its why we have conditional statements in the first place.

(condition?if true:if false) so if example seconds is more than 9 than just show seconds else add a string 0 before it.

ModuleNotFoundError: What does it mean __main__ is not a package?

Just use the name of the main folder which the .py file is in.

from problem_set_02.p_02_paying_debt_off_in_a_year import compute_balance_after

Does GPS require Internet?

As others have said, you do not need internet for GPS.

GPS is basically a satellite based positioning system that is designed to calculate geographic coordinates based on timing information received from multiple satellites in the GPS constellation. GPS has a relatively slow time to first fix (TTFF), and from a cold start (meaning without a last known position), it can take up to 15 minutes to download the data it needs from the satellites to calculate a position. A-GPS used by cellular networks shortens this time by using the cellular network to deliver the satellite data to the phone.

But regardless of whether it is an A-GPS or GPS location, all that is derived is Geographic Coordinates (latitude/longitude). It is impossible to obtain more from GPS only.

To be able to return anything other than coordinates (such as an address), you need some mechanism to do Reverse Geocoding. Typically this is done by querying a server or a web service (like using Google Maps or Bing Maps, but there are others). Some of the services will allow you to cache data locally, but it would still require an internet connection for periods of time to download the map information in the surrounding area.

While it requires a significant amount of effort, you can write your own tool to do the reverse geocoding, but you still need to be able to house the data somewhere as the amount of data required to do this is far more you can store on a phone, which means you still need an internet connection to do it. If you think of tools like Garmin GPS Navigation units, they do store the data locally, so it is possible, but you will need to optimize it for maximum storage and would probably need more than is generally available in a phone.

Bottom line:

The short answer to your question is, no you do not need an active internet connection to get coordinates, but unless you are building a specialized device or have unlimited storage, you will need an internet connection to turn those coordinates into anything else.

Can't find System.Windows.Media namespace?

You should add reference to PresentationCore.dll.

Error in <my code> : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable

In case of this similar error Warning: Error in $: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable [No stack trace available]

Just add corresponding package name using :: e.g.

instead of tags(....)

write shiny::tags(....)

Plotting power spectrum in python

Numpy has a convenience function, np.fft.fftfreq to compute the frequencies associated with FFT components:

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = np.random.rand(301) - 0.5
ps = np.abs(np.fft.fft(data))**2

time_step = 1 / 30
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(data.size, time_step)
idx = np.argsort(freqs)

plt.plot(freqs[idx], ps[idx])

enter image description here

Note that the largest frequency you see in your case is not 30 Hz, but

In [7]: max(freqs)
Out[7]: 14.950166112956811

You never see the sampling frequency in a power spectrum. If you had had an even number of samples, then you would have reached the Nyquist frequency, 15 Hz in your case (although numpy would have calculated it as -15).

ReactJS: setTimeout() not working?

Anytime we create a timeout we should s clear it on componentWillUnmount, if it hasn't fired yet.

      let myVar;
         const Component = React.createClass({

            getInitialState: function () {
                return {position: 0};    

            componentDidMount: function () {
                 myVar = setTimeout(()=> this.setState({position: 1}), 3000)

            componentWillUnmount: () => {
            render: function () {
                 return (
                    <div className="component">


    <Component />,

What is Shelving in TFS?

Shelving is like your changes have been stored in the source control without affecting the existing changes. Means if you check in a file in source control it will modify the existing file but shelving is like storing your changes in source control but without modifying the actual changes.

java.util.regex - importance of Pattern.compile()?

Pattern.compile() allow to reuse a regex multiple times (it is threadsafe). The performance benefit can be quite significant.

I did a quick benchmark:

    public void recompile() {
        var before =;
        for (int i = 0; i < 1_000_000; i++) {
        System.out.println("recompile " + Duration.between(before,;

    public void compileOnce() {
        var pattern = Pattern.compile("ab");
        var before =;
        for (int i = 0; i < 1_000_000; i++) {
        System.out.println("compile once " + Duration.between(before,;

compileOnce was between 3x and 4x faster. I guess it highly depends on the regex itself but for a regex that is often used, I go for a static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(...)

Displaying a Table in Django from Database

If you want to table do following steps:-

def view_info(request):
    return render(request,'template_name',{'objs':obj})

.html page

 {% for item in objs %}
         <td>{{ item.field1 }}</td>
         <td>{{ item.field2 }}</td>
         <td>{{ item.field3 }}</td>
         <td>{{ item.field4 }}</td>
       {% endfor %}

react-native - Fit Image in containing View, not the whole screen size

I could not get the example working using the resizeMode properties of Image, but because the images will all be square there is a way to do it using the Dimensions of the window along with flexbox.

Set flexDirection: 'row', and flexWrap: 'wrap', then they will all line up as long as they are all the same dimensions.

I set it up here

"use strict";

var React = require("react-native");
var {
} = React;

var deviceWidth = Dimensions.get("window").width;
var temp = "";
var SampleApp = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    var images = [];

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        <TouchableOpacity key={i} activeOpacity={0.75} style={styles.item}>
          <Image style={styles.image} source={{ uri: temp }} />

    return (
      <ScrollView style={{ flex: 1 }}>
        <View style={styles.container}>

java.math.BigInteger cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer

The column in the database is probably a DECIMAL. You should process it as a BigInteger, not an Integer, otherwise you are losing digits. Or else change the column to int.

"error: assignment to expression with array type error" when I assign a struct field (C)

Please check this example here: Accessing Structure Members

There is explained that the right way to do it is like this:

strcpy( , "Egzona");
printf( "Name : %s\n",;

json parsing error syntax error unexpected end of input

Unexpected end of input means that the parser has ended prematurely. For example, it might be expecting "abcd...wxyz" but only sees "abcd...wxy.

This can be a typo error somewhere, or it could be a problem you get when encodings are mixed across different parts of the application.

One example: consider you are receiving data from a native app using chrome.runtime.sendNativeMessage:

chrome.runtime.sendNativeMessage('appname', {toJSON:()=>{return msg}}, (data)=>{

Now before your callback is called, the browser would attempt to parse the message using JSON.parse which can give you "unexpected end of input" errors if the supplied byte length does not match the data.

How to place a div on the right side with absolute position

   top  :<x>px;

positions it in the right corner. Note, that the position is dependent of the first ancestor-element which is not static positioned!


I updated your fiddle.

Remove property for all objects in array

You can follow this, more readable, not expectation raise due to key not found :>{
                    return {

How can I get the current class of a div with jQuery?

var classname=$('#div1').attr('class')

How to place div in top right hand corner of page

Try css:

    right: 10px;

you can play with the top and right properties.

If you want to float the div even when you scroll down, just change position:absolute; to position:fixed;.

Hope it helps.

How to take keyboard input in JavaScript?

Use JQuery keydown event.

    if(event.which == 70){  //f
        console.log("You have payed respect");

In JS; keyboard keys are identified by Javascript keycodes

How to get the list of all database users

EXEC sp_helpuser


SELECT * FROM sysusers

Both of these select all the users of the current database (not the server).

MySQL Data - Best way to implement paging?

From the MySQL documentation:

The LIMIT clause can be used to constrain the number of rows returned by the SELECT statement. LIMIT takes one or two numeric arguments, which must both be nonnegative integer constants (except when using prepared statements).

With two arguments, the first argument specifies the offset of the first row to return, and the second specifies the maximum number of rows to return. The offset of the initial row is 0 (not 1):

SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 5,10;  # Retrieve rows 6-15

To retrieve all rows from a certain offset up to the end of the result set, you can use some large number for the second parameter. This statement retrieves all rows from the 96th row to the last:

SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 95,18446744073709551615;

With one argument, the value specifies the number of rows to return from the beginning of the result set:

SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 5;     # Retrieve first 5 rows

In other words, LIMIT row_count is equivalent to LIMIT 0, row_count.

Get the _id of inserted document in Mongo database in NodeJS

I actually did a console.log() for the second parameter in the callback function for insert. There is actually a lot of information returned apart from the inserted object itself. So the code below explains how you can access it's id.

collection.insert(objToInsert, function (err, result){
    else {
        // The above statement will output the id of the 
        // inserted object

Scroll to a div using jquery

First get the position of the div element upto which u want to scroll by jQuery position() method.
Example : var pos = $("div").position();
Then get the y cordinates (height) of that element with ".top" method.
Example :;
Then get the x cordinates of the that div element with ".left" method.
These methods are originated from CSS positioning.
Once we get x & y cordinates, then we can use javascript's scrollTo(); method.
This method scrolls the document upto specific height & width.
It takes two parameters as x & y cordinates. Syntax : window.scrollTo(x,y);
Then just pass the x & y cordinates of the DIV element in the scrollTo() function.
Refer the example below ↓ ↓

            Scroll upto Div with jQuery.
        <script src=""></script>
            $(document).ready(function () {
                $("#button1").click(function () {
                    var x = $("#element").position(); //gets the position of the div element...
                    window.scrollTo(x.left,; //window.scrollTo() scrolls the page upto certain position....
                    //it takes 2 parameters : (x axis cordinate, y axis cordinate);
        <button id="button1">
            Click here to scroll

        <div id="element" style="position:absolute;top:200%;left:0%;background-color:orange;height:100px;width:200px;">
            The DIV element.

CSS selectors ul li a {...} vs ul > li > a {...}

ul > li > a selects only the direct children. In this case only the first level <a> of the first level <li> inside the <ul> will be selected.

ul li a on the other hand will select ALL <a>-s in ALL <li>-s in the unordered list

Example of ul > li

ul > {_x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
  <li class="bg">affected</li>_x000D_
  <li class="bg">affected</li>    _x000D_
      <li class="bg">NOT affected</li>_x000D_
      <li class="bg">NOT affected</li>_x000D_

if you'd be using ul li - ALL of the li-s would be affected

UPDATE The order of more to less efficient CSS selectors goes thus:

  • ID, e.g.#header
  • Class, e.g. .promo
  • Type, e.g. div
  • Adjacent sibling, e.g. h2 + p
  • Child, e.g. li > ul
  • Descendant, e.g. ul a
  • Universal, i.e. *
  • Attribute, e.g. [type="text"]
  • Pseudo-classes/-elements, e.g. a:hover

So your better bet is to use the children selector instead of just descendant. However the difference on a regular page (without tens of thousands elements to go through) might be absolutely negligible.

How do I import a Swift file from another Swift file?

Check target-membership of PrimeNumberModel.swift in your testing target.

Eliminate space before \begin{itemize}

The cleanest way for you to accomplish this is to use the enumitem package ( For example,

enter image description here

\noindent Here is some text and I want to make sure
there is no spacing the different items. 
  \item Item 1
  \item Item 2
  \item Item 3
\noindent Here is some text and I want to make sure
there is no spacing between this line and the item
list below it.
  \item Item 1
  \item Item 2
  \item Item 3

Furthermore, if you want to use this setting globally across lists, you can use

\setlist[itemize]{noitemsep, topsep=0pt}

However, note that this package does not work well with the beamer package which is used to make presentations in Latex.

Regular expression to match numbers with or without commas and decimals in text

Here is another construction which starts with the simplest number format and then, in a non-overlapping way, progressively adds more complex number formats:

Java regep:


As a Java String (note the extra \ needed to escape to \ and . since \ and . have special meaning in a regexp when on their own):

String myregexp="(\\d)|([1-9]\\d+)|(\\.\\d+)|(\\d\\.\\d*)|([1-9]\\d+\\.\\d*)|([1-9]\\d{0,2}(,\\d{3})+(\\.\\d*)?)";   


  1. This regexp has the form A|B|C|D|E|F where A,B,C,D,E,F are themselves regexps that do not overlap. Generally, I find it easier to start with the simplest possible matches, A. If A misses matches you want, then create a B that is a minor modification of A and includes a bit more of what you want. Then, based on B, create a C that catches more, etc. I also find it easier to create regexps that don't overlap; it is easier to understand a regexp with 20 simple non-overlapping regexps connected with ORs rather than a few regexps with more complex matching. But, each to their own!

  2. A is (\d) and matches exactly one of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 which can't be simpler!

  3. B is ([1-9]\d+) and only matches numbers with 2 or more digits, the first excluding 0 . B matches exactly one of 10,11,12,... B does not overlap A but is a small modification of A.

  4. C is (.\d+) and only matches a decimal followed by one or more digits. C matches exactly one of .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .00 .01 .02 ... . .23000 ... C allows trailing eros on the right which I prefer: if this is measurement data, the number of trailing zeros indicates the level of precision. If you don't want the trailing zeros on the right, change (.\d+) to (.\d*[1-9]) but this also excludes .0 which I think should be allowed. C is also a small modification of A.

  5. D is (\d.\d*) which is A plus decimals with trailing zeros on the right. D only matches a single digit, followed by a decimal, followed by zero or more digits. D matches 0. 0.0 0.1 0.2 ....0.01000...9. 9.0 9.1..0.0230000 .... 9.9999999999... If you want to exclude "0." then change D to (\d.\d+). If you want to exclude trailing zeros on the right, change D to (\d.\d*[1-9]) but this excludes 2.0 which I think should be included. D does not overlap A,B,or C.

  6. E is ([1-9]\d+.\d*) which is B plus decimals with trailing zeros on the right. If you want to exclude "13.", for example, then change E to ([1-9]\d+.\d+). E does not overlap A,B,C or D. E matches 10. 10.0 10.0100 .... 99.9999999999... Trailing zeros can be handled as in 4. and 5.

  7. F is ([1-9]\d{0,2}(,\d{3})+(.\d*)?) and only matches numbers with commas and possibly decimals allowing trailing zeros on the right. The first group ([1-9]\d{0,2}) matches a non-zero digit followed zero, one or two more digits. The second group (,\d{3})+ matches a 4 character group (a comma followed by exactly three digits) and this group can match one or more times (no matches means no commas!). Finally, (.\d*)? matches nothing, or matches . by itself, or matches a decimal . followed by any number of digits, possibly none. Again, to exclude things like "1,111.", change (.\d*) to (.\d+). Trailing zeros can be handled as in 4. or 5. F does not overlap A,B,C,D, or E. I couldn't think of an easier regexp for F.

Let me know if you are interested and I can edit above to handle the trailing zeros on the right as desired.

Here is what matches regexp and what does not:

02 <- invalid
003 <- invalid
030 <- invalid
033 <- invalid
0004 <- invalid
0040 <- invalid
0400 <- invalid
0044 <- invalid
0404 <- invalid
0440 <- invalid
0444 <- invalid
00005 <- invalid
00050 <- invalid
00500 <- invalid
05000 <- invalid
00055 <- invalid
00505 <- invalid
00550 <- invalid
05050 <- invalid
05500 <- invalid
00555 <- invalid
05055 <- invalid
05505 <- invalid
05550 <- invalid
. <- invalid
.. <- invalid
00. <- invalid
02. <- invalid
00.0 <- invalid
000. <- invalid
00.3 <- invalid
003. <- invalid
03.0 <- invalid
030. <- invalid
03.3 <- invalid
033. <- invalid
00.00 <- invalid
000.0 <- invalid
0000. <- invalid
00.04 <- invalid
000.4 <- invalid
0004. <- invalid
00.44 <- invalid
004.4 <- invalid
0044. <- invalid
04.04 <- invalid
040.4 <- invalid
0404. <- invalid
04.44 <- invalid
044.4 <- invalid
0444. <- invalid
00.000 <- invalid
000.00 <- invalid
0000.0 <- invalid
00000. <- invalid
00.005 <- invalid
000.05 <- invalid
0000.5 <- invalid
00005. <- invalid
00.055 <- invalid
000.55 <- invalid
0005.5 <- invalid
00055. <- invalid
00.505 <- invalid
005.05 <- invalid
0050.5 <- invalid
00505. <- invalid
00.550 <- invalid
005.50 <- invalid
0055.0 <- invalid
00550. <- invalid
05.050 <- invalid
050.50 <- invalid
0505.0 <- invalid
05050. <- invalid
05.500 <- invalid
055.00 <- invalid
0550.0 <- invalid
05500. <- invalid
00.555 <- invalid
005.55 <- invalid
0055.5 <- invalid
00555. <- invalid
05.055 <- invalid
050.55 <- invalid
0505.5 <- invalid
05055. <- invalid
05.505 <- invalid
055.05 <- invalid
0550.5 <- invalid
05505. <- invalid
05.550 <- invalid
055.50 <- invalid
0555.0 <- invalid
05550. <- invalid
05.555 <- invalid
055.55 <- invalid
0555.5 <- invalid
05555. <- invalid
, <- invalid
,, <- invalid
1, <- invalid
,1 <- invalid
22, <- invalid
2,2 <- invalid
,22 <- invalid
2,2, <- invalid
2,2, <- invalid
,22, <- invalid
333, <- invalid
33,3 <- invalid
3,33 <- invalid
,333 <- invalid
3,33, <- invalid
3,3,3 <- invalid
3,,33 <- invalid
,,333 <- invalid
4444, <- invalid
444,4 <- invalid
44,44 <- invalid
,4444 <- invalid
55555, <- invalid
5555,5 <- invalid
555,55 <- invalid
5,5555 <- invalid
,55555 <- invalid
666666, <- invalid
66666,6 <- invalid
6666,66 <- invalid
66,6666 <- invalid
6,66666 <- invalid
66,66,66 <- invalid
6,66,666 <- invalid
,666,666 <- invalid
01,111.110 <- invalid
0,111.100 <- invalid
11,11. <- invalid
1,111,.11 <- invalid
1111.1,10 <- invalid
01111.11,0 <- invalid
0111.100, <- invalid
01,111,111.110 <- invalid
0,111,111.100 <- invalid
1,1111,11.11 <- invalid
11,111,11.110 <- invalid
01,11,1111.110 <- invalid
0,111111.100 <- invalid
0002,22.2230 <- invalid
.,5.,., <- invalid
2.0,345,345 <- invalid
2.334.456 <- invalid

css to make bootstrap navbar transparent

in bootstrap 3.3.7 (and 4.0 presumably), this works:

instead of:

<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top">


<nav class="navbar bg-transparent navbar-fixed-top">

no CSS required!

How to generate and manually insert a uniqueidentifier in sql server?

Kindly check Column ApplicationId datatype in Table aspnet_Users , ApplicationId column datatype should be uniqueidentifier .

*Your parameter order is passed wrongly , Parameter @id should be passed as first argument, but in your script it is placed in second argument..*

So error is raised..

Please refere sample script:

DECLARE @id uniqueidentifier
SET @id = NEWID()
Create Table #temp1(AppId uniqueidentifier)

insert into #temp1 values(@id)

Select * from #temp1

Drop Table #temp1

Cannot find name 'require' after upgrading to Angular4

Will work in Angular 7+

I was facing the same issue, I was adding

"types": ["node"]

to tsconfig.json of root folder.

There was one more under src folder and I got solved this by adding

"types": ["node"]

to file under compilerOptions

  "extends": "../tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "../out-tsc/app",
    "types": ["node"]  ----------------------< added node to the array
  "exclude": [

Listen for key press in .NET console app

Addressing cases that some of the other answers don't handle well:

  • Responsive: direct execution of keypress handling code; avoids the vagaries of polling or blocking delays
  • Optionality: global keypress is opt-in; otherwise the app should exit normally
  • Separation of concerns: less invasive listening code; operates independently of normal console app code.

Many of the solutions on this page involve polling Console.KeyAvailable or blocking on Console.ReadKey. While it's true that the .NET Console is not very cooperative here, you can use Task.Run to move towards a more modern Async mode of listening.

The main issue to be aware of is that, by default, your console thread isn't set up for Async operation--meaning that, when you fall out of the bottom of your main function, instead of awaiting Async completions, your AppDoman and process will end. A proper way to address this would be to use Stephen Cleary's AsyncContext to establish full Async support in your single-threaded console program. But for simpler cases, like waiting for a keypress, installing a full trampoline may be overkill.

The example below would be for a console program used in some kind of iterative batch file. In this case, when the program is done with its work, normally it should exit without requiring a keypress, and then we allow an optional key press to prevent the app from exiting. We can pause the cycle to examine things, possibly resuming, or use the pause as a known 'control point' at which to cleanly break out of the batch file.

static void Main(String[] args)
    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to prevent exit...");
    var tHold = Task.Run(() => Console.ReadKey(true));

    // ... do your console app activity ...

    if (tHold.IsCompleted)
#if false   // For the 'hold' state, you can simply halt forever...
#else                            // ...or allow continuing to exit
        while (Console.KeyAvailable)
            Console.ReadKey(true);     // flush/consume any extras
        Console.WriteLine("Holding. Press 'Esc' to exit.");
        while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape)

How to create a Jar file in Netbeans

Now (2020) NetBeans 11 does it automatically with the "Build" command (right click on the project's name and choose "Build")

Check if a string contains a number

You can use any function, with the str.isdigit function, like this

>>> def hasNumbers(inputString):
...     return any(char.isdigit() for char in inputString)
>>> hasNumbers("I own 1 dog")
>>> hasNumbers("I own no dog")

Alternatively you can use a Regular Expression, like this

>>> import re
>>> def hasNumbers(inputString):
...     return bool('\d', inputString))
>>> hasNumbers("I own 1 dog")
>>> hasNumbers("I own no dog")

Characters allowed in a URL

The full list of the 66 unreserved characters is in RFC3986, here:

This is any character in the following regex set:


How to redirect DNS to different ports

You can use SRV records: TTL class SRV priority weight port target.

Service: the symbolic name of the desired service.

Proto: the transport protocol of the desired service; this is usually either TCP or UDP.

Name: the domain name for which this record is valid, ending in a dot.

TTL: standard DNS time to live field.

Class: standard DNS class field (this is always IN).

Priority: the priority of the target host, lower value means more preferred.

Weight: A relative weight for records with the same priority.

Port: the TCP or UDP port on which the service is to be found.

Target: the canonical hostname of the machine providing the service, ending in a dot.

Example: 86400 IN SRV 0 5 5060

So what I think you're looking for is to add something like this to your DNS hosts file: 86400 IN SRV 10 40 25565 86400 IN SRV 10 30 25566 86400 IN SRV 10 30 25567

On a side note, I highly recommend you go with a hosting company rather than hosting the servers yourself. It's just asking for trouble with your home connection (DDoS and Bandwidth/Connection Speed), but it's up to you.

Timer Interval 1000 != 1 second?

Instead of Tick event, use Elapsed event.

timer.Elapsed += new EventHandler(TimerEventProcessor);

and change the signiture of TimerEventProcessor method;

private void TimerEventProcessor(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
  label1.Text = _counter.ToString();
  _counter += 1;

What are the RGB codes for the Conditional Formatting 'Styles' in Excel?

For 'Bad' red:

  • The Font Is: (156,0,6)
  • The Background Is: (255,199,206)

For 'Good' green:

  • The Font Is: (0,97,0)
  • The Background Is: (198,239,206)

For 'Neutral' yellow:

  • The Font Is: (156,101,0)
  • The Background Is: (255,235,156)

Typescript Type 'string' is not assignable to type

I see this is a little old, but there might be a better solution here.

When you want a string, but you want the string to only match certain values, you can use enums.

For example:

enum Fruit {
    Orange = "Orange",
    Apple  = "Apple",
    Banana = "Banana"

let myFruit: Fruit = Fruit.Banana;

Now you'll know that no matter what, myFruit will always be the string "Banana" (Or whatever other enumerable value you choose). This is useful for many things, whether it be grouping similar values like this, or mapping user-friendly values to machine-friendly values, all while enforcing and restricting the values the compiler will allow.

How to embed a video into GitHub

For simple animations you can use an animated gif. I'm using one in this README file for instance.

Get size of a View in React Native

As of React Native 0.4.2, View components have an onLayout prop. Pass in a function that takes an event object. The event's nativeEvent contains the view's layout.

<View onLayout={(event) => {
  var {x, y, width, height} = event.nativeEvent.layout;
}} />

The onLayout handler will also be invoked whenever the view is resized.

The main caveat is that the onLayout handler is first invoked one frame after your component has mounted, so you may want to hide your UI until you have computed your layout.

Replace text in HTML page with jQuery

You could use the following to replace the first occurrence of a word within the body of the page:

var replaced = $("body").html().replace('-9o0-9909','The new string');

If you wanted to replace all occurrences of a word, you need to use regex and declare it global /g:

var replaced = $("body").html().replace(/-1o9-2202/g,'The ALL new string');

If you wanted a one liner:


You are basically taking all of the HTML within the <body> tags of the page into a string variable, using replace() to find and change the first occurrence of the found string with a new string. Or if you want to find and replace all occurrences of the string introduce a little regex to the mix.

See a demo here - look at the HTML top left to see the original text, the jQuery below, and the output to the bottom right.

How to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer?

You can do something like:

int countSetBits(int n)
    n=((n&0xAAAAAAAA)>>1) + (n&0x55555555);
    n=((n&0xCCCCCCCC)>>2) + (n&0x33333333);
    n=((n&0xF0F0F0F0)>>4) + (n&0x0F0F0F0F);
    n=((n&0xFF00FF00)>>8) + (n&0x00FF00FF);
    return n;

int main()
    int n=10;
    printf("Number of set bits: %d",countSetBits(n));
     return 0;

See heer:

The working can be explained as follows:

First, all the even bits are shifted towards right & added with the odd bits to count the number of bits in group of two. Then we work in group of two, then four & so on..

CSS display:inline property with list-style-image: property on <li> tags

I had similar problem, i solve using css ":before".. the code looks likes this:

.widgets li:before{
    content:"• ";

GCC -fPIC option

The link to a function in a dynamic library is resolved when the library is loaded or at run time. Therefore, both the executable file and dynamic library are loaded into memory when the program is run. The memory address at which a dynamic library is loaded cannot be determined in advance, because a fixed address might clash with another dynamic library requiring the same address.

There are two commonly used methods for dealing with this problem:

1.Relocation. All pointers and addresses in the code are modified, if necessary, to fit the actual load address. Relocation is done by the linker and the loader.

2.Position-independent code. All addresses in the code are relative to the current position. Shared objects in Unix-like systems use position-independent code by default. This is less efficient than relocation if program run for a long time, especially in 32-bit mode.

The name "position-independent code" actually implies following:

  • The code section contains no absolute addresses that need relocation, but only self relative addresses. Therefore, the code section can be loaded at an arbitrary memory address and shared between multiple processes.

  • The data section is not shared between multiple processes because it often contains writeable data. Therefore, the data section may contain pointers or addresses that need relocation.

  • All public functions and public data can be overridden in Linux. If a function in the main executable has the same name as a function in a shared object, then the version in main will take precedence, not only when called from main, but also when called from the shared object. Likewise, when a global variable in main has the same name as a global variable in the shared object, then the instance in main will be used, even when accessed from the shared object.

This so-called symbol interposition is intended to mimic the behavior of static libraries.

A shared object has a table of pointers to its functions, called procedure linkage table (PLT) and a table of pointers to its variables called global offset table (GOT) in order to implement this "override" feature. All accesses to functions and public variables go through this tables.

p.s. Where dynamic linking cannot be avoided, there are various ways to avoid the timeconsuming features of the position-independent code.

You can read more from this article:

Easy pretty printing of floats in python?

First, elements inside a collection print their repr. you should learn about __repr__ and __str__.

This is the difference between print repr(1.1) and print 1.1. Let's join all those strings instead of the representations:

numbers = [9.0, 0.053, 0.0325754, 0.0108928, 0.0557025, 0.07933]
print "repr:", " ".join(repr(n) for n in numbers)
print "str:", " ".join(str(n) for n in numbers)

How to randomize (shuffle) a JavaScript array?

   var len = this.length,temp,i
    i=Math.random()*len-- |0;
   return this;

How to use MySQLdb with Python and Django in OSX 10.6?

Running Ubuntu, I had to do:

sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb

How can I use LEFT & RIGHT Functions in SQL to get last 3 characters?

SELECT  RIGHT(RTRIM(column), 3),
        LEFT(column, LEN(column) - 3)
FROM    table

Use RIGHT w/ RTRIM (to avoid complications with a fixed-length column), and LEFT coupled with LEN (to only grab what you need, exempt of the last 3 characters).

if there's ever a situation where the length is <= 3, then you're probably going to have to use a CASE statement so the LEFT call doesn't get greedy.

How to select clear table contents without destroying the table?

I reworked Doug Glancy's solution to avoid rows deletion, which can lead to #Ref issue in formulae.

Sub ListReset(lst As ListObject)
'clears a listObject while leaving row 1 empty, with formulae
    With lst
        If .ShowAutoFilter Then .AutoFilter.ShowAllData
        On Error Resume Next
        With .DataBodyRange
        End With
        On Error GoTo 0
        .Resize .Range.Rows("1:2")
    End With
End Sub

What causes a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and how do I prevent it?

ArrayIndexOutOfBounds means you are trying to index a position within an array that is not allocated.

In this case:

String[] name = { "tom", "dick", "harry" };
for (int i = 0; i <= name.length; i++) {
  • name.length is 3 since the array has been defined with 3 String objects.
  • When accessing the contents of an array, position starts from 0. Since there are 3 items, it would mean name[0]="tom", name[1]="dick" and name[2]="harry
  • When you loop, since i can be less than or equal to name.length, you are trying to access name[3] which is not available.

To get around this...

  • In your for loop, you can do i < name.length. This would prevent looping to name[3] and would instead stop at name[2]

    for(int i = 0; i<name.length; i++)

  • Use a for each loop

    String[] name = { "tom", "dick", "harry" }; for(String n : name) { System.out.println(n); }

  • Use list.forEach(Consumer action) (requires Java8)

    String[] name = { "tom", "dick", "harry" }; Arrays.asList(name).forEach(System.out::println);

  • Convert array to stream - this is a good option if you want to perform additional 'operations' to your array e.g. filter, transform the text, convert to a map etc (requires Java8)

    String[] name = { "tom", "dick", "harry" }; --- Arrays.asList(name).stream().forEach(System.out::println); --- Stream.of(name).forEach(System.out::println);

How does Spring autowire by name when more than one matching bean is found?

You can use the @Qualifier annotation

From here

Fine-tuning annotation-based autowiring with qualifiers

Since autowiring by type may lead to multiple candidates, it is often necessary to have more control over the selection process. One way to accomplish this is with Spring's @Qualifier annotation. This allows for associating qualifier values with specific arguments, narrowing the set of type matches so that a specific bean is chosen for each argument. In the simplest case, this can be a plain descriptive value:

class Main {
    private Country country;
    public void setCountry(Country country) { = country;

This will use the UK add an id to USA bean and use that if you want the USA.

C# "internal" access modifier when doing unit testing

You can use private as well and you can call private methods with reflection. If you're using Visual Studio Team Suite it has some nice functionality that will generate a proxy to call your private methods for you. Here's a code project article that demonstrates how you can do the work yourself to unit test private and protected methods:

In terms of which access modifier you should use, my general rule of thumb is start with private and escalate as needed. That way you will expose as little of the internal details of your class as are truly needed and it helps keep the implementation details hidden, as they should be.

JSON date to Java date?

That DateTime format is actually ISO 8601 DateTime. JSON does not specify any particular format for dates/times. If you Google a bit, you will find plenty of implementations to parse it in Java.

Here's one

If you are open to using something other than Java's built-in Date/Time/Calendar classes, I would also suggest Joda Time. They offer (among many things) a ISODateTimeFormat to parse these kinds of strings.

How to handle the new window in Selenium WebDriver using Java?

I have an utility method to switch to the required window as shown below

public class Utility 
    public static WebDriver getHandleToWindow(String title){

        //parentWindowHandle = WebDriverInitialize.getDriver().getWindowHandle(); // save the current window handle.
        WebDriver popup = null;
        Set<String> windowIterator = WebDriverInitialize.getDriver().getWindowHandles();
        System.err.println("No of windows :  " + windowIterator.size());
        for (String s : windowIterator) {
          String windowHandle = s; 
          popup = WebDriverInitialize.getDriver().switchTo().window(windowHandle);
          System.out.println("Window Title : " + popup.getTitle());
          System.out.println("Window Url : " + popup.getCurrentUrl());
          if (popup.getTitle().equals(title) ){
              System.out.println("Selected Window Title : " + popup.getTitle());
              return popup;

                System.out.println("Window Title :" + popup.getTitle());
            return popup;

It will take you to desired window once title of the window is passed as parameter. In your case you can do.

Webdriver childDriver = Utility.getHandleToWindow("titleOfChildWindow");

and then again switch to parent window using the same method

Webdriver parentDriver = Utility.getHandleToWindow("titleOfParentWindow");

This method works effectively when dealing with multiple windows.

How to call code behind server method from a client side JavaScript function?

Yes, you can make a web method like..

public static String SetName(string name)
    return "Your String"

And then call it in JavaScript like,

PageMethods.SetName(parameterValueIfAny, onSuccessMethod,onFailMethod);

This is also required :

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptMgr" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true"></asp:ScriptManager>

Force "git push" to overwrite remote files

You want to force push

What you basically want to do is to force push your local branch, in order to overwrite the remote one.

If you want a more detailed explanation of each of the following commands, then see my details section below. You basically have 4 different options for force pushing with Git:

git push <remote> <branch> -f
git push origin master -f # Example

git push <remote> -f
git push origin -f # Example

git push -f

git push <remote> <branch> --force-with-lease

If you want a more detailed explanation of each command, then see my long answers section below.

Warning: force pushing will overwrite the remote branch with the state of the branch that you're pushing. Make sure that this is what you really want to do before you use it, otherwise you may overwrite commits that you actually want to keep.

Force pushing details

Specifying the remote and branch

You can completely specify specific branches and a remote. The -f flag is the short version of --force

git push <remote> <branch> --force
git push <remote> <branch> -f

Omitting the branch

When the branch to push branch is omitted, Git will figure it out based on your config settings. In Git versions after 2.0, a new repo will have default settings to push the currently checked-out branch:

git push <remote> --force

while prior to 2.0, new repos will have default settings to push multiple local branches. The settings in question are the remote.<remote>.push and push.default settings (see below).

Omitting the remote and the branch

When both the remote and the branch are omitted, the behavior of just git push --force is determined by your push.default Git config settings:

git push --force
  • As of Git 2.0, the default setting, simple, will basically just push your current branch to its upstream remote counter-part. The remote is determined by the branch's branch.<remote>.remote setting, and defaults to the origin repo otherwise.

  • Before Git version 2.0, the default setting, matching, basically just pushes all of your local branches to branches with the same name on the remote (which defaults to origin).

You can read more push.default settings by reading git help config or an online version of the git-config(1) Manual Page.

Force pushing more safely with --force-with-lease

Force pushing with a "lease" allows the force push to fail if there are new commits on the remote that you didn't expect (technically, if you haven't fetched them into your remote-tracking branch yet), which is useful if you don't want to accidentally overwrite someone else's commits that you didn't even know about yet, and you just want to overwrite your own:

git push <remote> <branch> --force-with-lease

You can learn more details about how to use --force-with-lease by reading any of the following:

How to solve "sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed: agent refused operation"?

quick note for those recently upgrading to "modern" ssh version [OpenSSH_8.1p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1d FIPS 10 Sep 2019] - supplied with fedora 31, seems not to be anymore accepting old DSA SHA256 keys (mine are dated 2006!) - created a new rsa key, public added to authorized, private on client, and everything works perfectly.

thanks for previous suggestions, especially the ssh -v has been very useful

What jsf component can render a div tag?

You can create a DIV component using the <h:panelGroup/>. By default, the <h:panelGroup/> will generate a SPAN in the HTML code.

However, if you specify layout="block", then the component will be a DIV in the generated HTML code.

<h:panelGroup layout="block"/>

How to remove rows with any zero value

Well, you could swap your 0's for NA and then use one of those solutions, but for sake of a difference, you could notice that a number will only have a finite logarithm if it is greater than 0, so that rowSums of the log will only be finite if there are no zeros in a row.


Linux: where are environment variables stored?

It's stored in the process (shell) and since you've exported it, any processes that process spawns.

Doing the above doesn't store it anywhere in the filesystem like /etc/profile. You have to put it there explicitly for that to happen.

What is mutex and semaphore in Java ? What is the main difference?

The object of synchronization Semaphore implements a classical traffic light. A traffic light controls access to a resource shared by a counter. If the counter is greater than zero, access is granted; If it is zero, access is denied. The counter counts the permissions that allow access to the shared resource. Then, to access the resource, a thread must receive permission from the traffic light. In general, to use a traffic light, the thread that wants to access the shared resource tries to acquire a permit. If the traffic light count is greater than zero, the thread acquires a permit, and the traffic light count is decremented. Otherwise the thread is locked until it can get a permission. When the thread no longer needs to access the shared resource, it releases the permission, so the traffic light count is increased. If there is another thread waiting for a permit, it acquires a permit at that time. The Semaphore class of Java implements this mechanism.

Semaphore has two builders:

Semaphore(int num)
Semaphore(int num, boolean come)

num specifies the initial count of the permit. Then num specifies the number of threads that can access a shared resource at a given time. If num is one, it can access the resource one thread at a time. By setting come as true, you can guarantee that the threads you are waiting for are granted permission in the order they requested.

CSS: Center block, but align contents to the left

I've found the easiest way to centre and left-align text inside a container is the following:


  <p>Some interesting text.</p>


P {
  width: 50%; //or whatever looks best
  margin: auto; //top and bottom margin can be added for aesthetic effect

Hope this is what you were looking for as it took me quite a bit of searching just to figure out this pretty basic solution.

How to add a string to a string[] array? There's no .Add function

This is how I add to a string when needed:

string[] myList;
myList = new string[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    myList[i] = string.Format("List string : {0}", i);

what does it mean "(include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php')"?

I had a similar problem. Just to help out someone with the same issue:

My error was the user file attribute for the files in /var/www. After changing them back to the user "www-data", the problem was gone.

A good Sorted List for Java

SortedList decorator from Java Happy Libraries can be used to decorate TreeList from Apache Collections. That would produce a new list which performance is compareable to TreeSet.

running php script (php function) in linux bash

php test.php

should do it, or

php -f test.php

to be explicit.

How can I get column names from a table in SQL Server?

WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'name_of_your_table'

Sending email in .NET through Gmail

I had the same issue, but it was resolved by going to gmail's security settings and Allowing Less Secure apps. The Code from Domenic & Donny works, but only if you enabled that setting

If you are signed in (to Google) you can follow this link and toggle "Turn on" for "Access for less secure apps"

How to change max_allowed_packet size

set global max_allowed_packet=10000000000;

How can I have same rule for two locations in NGINX config?

Another option is to repeat the rules in two prefix locations using an included file. Since prefix locations are position independent in the configuration, using them can save some confusion as you add other regex locations later on. Avoiding regex locations when you can will help your configuration scale smoothly.

server {
    location /first/location/ {
        include shared.conf;
    location /second/location/ {
        include shared.conf;

Here's a sample shared.conf:

default_type text/plain;
return 200 "http_user_agent:    $http_user_agent
remote_addr:    $remote_addr
remote_port:    $remote_port
scheme:     $scheme
nginx_version:  $nginx_version

Java Convert GMT/UTC to Local time doesn't work as expected

You have a date with a known timezone (Here Europe/Madrid), and a target timezone (UTC)

You just need two SimpleDateFormats:

        long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Date localTime = new Date(ts);

        SimpleDateFormat sdfLocal = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

        SimpleDateFormat sdfUTC = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

        // Convert Local Time to UTC
        Date utcTime = sdfLocal.parse(sdfUTC.format(localTime));
        System.out.println("Local:" + localTime.toString() + "," + localTime.getTime() + " --> UTC time:" + utcTime.toString() + "-" + utcTime.getTime());

        // Reverse Convert UTC Time to Locale time
        localTime = sdfUTC.parse(sdfLocal.format(utcTime));
        System.out.println("UTC:" + utcTime.toString() + "," + utcTime.getTime() + " --> Local time:" + localTime.toString() + "-" + localTime.getTime());

So after see it working you can add this method to your utils:

    public Date convertDate(Date dateFrom, String fromTimeZone, String toTimeZone) throws ParseException {
        String pattern = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss";
        SimpleDateFormat sdfFrom = new SimpleDateFormat (pattern);

        SimpleDateFormat sdfTo = new SimpleDateFormat (pattern);

        Date dateTo = sdfFrom.parse(sdfTo.format(dateFrom));
        return dateTo;

Get Value of Row in Datatable c#

for (int i=0; i<dt_pattern.Rows.Count; i++)
    DataRow dr = dt_pattern.Rows[i];

In the loop, you can now reference row i+1 (assuming there is an i+1)

document.getElementById("remember").visibility = "hidden"; not working on a checkbox

This is the job for style property:

document.getElementById("remember").style.visibility = "visible";

How do you rename a Git tag?

This answer solves the problem by creating a duplicate annotated tag — including all tag info such as tagger, message, and tag date — by using the tag info from the existing tag.

SOURCE_TAG=old NEW_TAG=new; deref() { git for-each-ref \
"refs/tags/$SOURCE_TAG" --format="%($1)" ; }; \
GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="$(deref taggername)" \
GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="$(deref taggeremail)" \
GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(deref taggerdate)" git tag "$NEW_TAG" \
"$(deref "*objectname")" -a -m "$(deref contents)"

git tag -d old

git push origin new :old

Update the SOURCE_TAG and NEW_TAG values to match your old and new tag names.


From what I can tell, all the other answers have subtle gotchas, or don't fully duplicate everything about the tag (e.g. they use a new tag date, or the current user's info as the tagger). Many of them call out the re-tagging warning, despite that not applying to this scenario (it's for moving a tag name to a different commit, not for renaming to a differently named tag). I've done some digging, and I believe I've pieced together a solution that addresses these concerns.


The git-tag documentation specifies the parts of an annotated tag. To truly be an indistinguishable rename, these elements should be the same in the new tag.

Tag objects (created with -a, -s, or -u) are called "annotated" tags; they contain a creation date, the tagger name and e-mail, a tagging message, and an optional GnuPG signature.

I'm only addressing unsigned tags in this answer, though it should be a simple matter to extend this solution to signed tags.


An annotated tag named old is used in the example, and will be renamed to new.

Step 1: Get existing tag information

First, we need to get the information for the existing tag. This can be achieved using for-each-ref:


git for-each-ref refs/tags --format="\
Tag name: %(refname:short)
Tag commit: %(objectname:short)
Tagger date: %(taggerdate)
Tagger name: %(taggername)
Tagger email: %(taggeremail)
Tagged commit: %(*objectname:short)
Tag message: %(contents)"


Tag commit: 88a6169
Tagger date: Mon Dec 14 12:44:52 2020 -0600
Tagger name: John Doe
Tagger email: <[email protected]>
Tagged commit: cda5b4d
Tag name: old
Tag message: Initial tag

Body line 1.
Body line 2.
Body line 3.

Step 2: Create a duplicate tag locally

A duplicate tag with the new name can be created using the info gathered in step 1 from the existing tag.

The commit ID & commit message can be passed directly to git tag.

The tagger information (name, email, and date) can be set using the git environment variables GIT_COMMITTER_NAME, GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL, GIT_COMMITTER_DATE. The date usage in this context is described in the On Backdating Tags documentation for git tag; the other two I figured out through experimentation.

GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="John Doe" GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="[email protected]" \
GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="Mon Dec 14 12:44:52 2020 -0600" git tag new cda5b4d -a -m "Initial tag

Body line 1.
Body line 2.
Body line 3."

A side-by-side comparison of the two tags shows they're identical in all the ways that matter. The only thing that's differing here is the commit reference of the tag itself, which is expected since they're two different tags.


git for-each-ref refs/tags --format="\
Tag commit: %(objectname:short)
Tagger date: %(taggerdate)
Tagger name: %(taggername)
Tagger email: %(taggeremail)
Tagged commit: %(*objectname:short)
Tag name: %(refname:short)
Tag message: %(contents)"


Tag commit: 580f817
Tagger date: Mon Dec 14 12:44:52 2020 -0600
Tagger name: John Doe
Tagger email: <[email protected]>
Tagged commit: cda5b4d
Tag name: new
Tag message: Initial tag

Body line 1.
Body line 2.
Body line 3.

Tag commit: 30ddd25
Tagger date: Mon Dec 14 12:44:52 2020 -0600
Tagger name: John Doe
Tagger email: <[email protected]>
Tagged commit: cda5b4d
Tag name: old
Tag message: Initial tag

Body line 1.
Body line 2.
Body line 3.

As a single command, including retrieving the current tag data:

SOURCE_TAG=old NEW_TAG=new; deref() { git for-each-ref "refs/tags/$SOURCE_TAG" --format="%($1)" ; }; GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="$(deref taggername)" GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="$(deref taggeremail)" GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(deref taggerdate)" git tag "$NEW_TAG" "$(deref "*objectname")" -a -m "$(deref contents)"

Step 3: Delete the existing tag locally

Next, the existing tag should be deleted locally. This step can be skipped if you wish to keep the old tag along with the new one (i.e. duplicate the tag rather than rename it).

git tag -d old

Step 4: Push changes to remote repository

Assuming you're working from a remote repository, the changes can now be pushed using git push:

git push origin new :old

This pushes the new tag, and deletes the old tag.

Java foreach loop: for (Integer i : list) { ... }

Sometimes it's just better to use an iterator.

(Allegedly, "85%" of the requests for an index in the posh for loop is for implementing a String join method (which you can easily do without).)

Possible heap pollution via varargs parameter

Heap pollution is a technical term. It refers to references which have a type that is not a supertype of the object they point to.

List<A> listOfAs = new ArrayList<>();
List<B> listOfBs = (List<B>)(Object)listOfAs; // points to a list of As

This can lead to "unexplainable" ClassCastExceptions.

// if the heap never gets polluted, this should never throw a CCE
B b = listOfBs.get(0); 

@SafeVarargs does not prevent this at all. However, there are methods which provably will not pollute the heap, the compiler just can't prove it. Previously, callers of such APIs would get annoying warnings that were completely pointless but had to be suppressed at every call site. Now the API author can suppress it once at the declaration site.

However, if the method actually is not safe, users will no longer be warned.

What's better at freeing memory with PHP: unset() or $var = null

I created a new performance test for unset and =null, because as mentioned in the comments the here written has an error (the recreating of the elements). I used arrays, as you see it didn't matter now.

$arr1 = array();
$arr2 = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000000; $i++) {
    $arr1[$i] = 'a';
    $arr2[$i] = 'a';

$start = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000000; $i++) {
    $arr1[$i] = null;
$elapsed = microtime(true) - $start;

echo 'took '. $elapsed .'seconds<br>';

$start = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000000; $i++) {
$elapsed = microtime(true) - $start;

echo 'took '. $elapsed .'seconds<br>';

But i can only test it on an PHP 5.5.9 server, here the results: - took 4.4571571350098 seconds - took 4.4425978660583 seconds

I prefer unset for readability reasons.

Convert StreamReader to byte[]

Just throw everything you read into a MemoryStream and get the byte array in the end. As noted, you should be reading from the underlying stream to get the raw bytes.

var bytes = default(byte[]);
using (var memstream = new MemoryStream())
    var buffer = new byte[512];
    var bytesRead = default(int);
    while ((bytesRead = reader.BaseStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
        memstream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
    bytes = memstream.ToArray();

Or if you don't want to manage the buffers:

var bytes = default(byte[]);
using (var memstream = new MemoryStream())
    bytes = memstream.ToArray();

How do I kill an Activity when the Back button is pressed?

Simple Override onBackPressed Method:

    public void onBackPressed() {

GCC: array type has incomplete element type

The compiler needs to know the size of the second dimension in your two dimensional array. For example:

void print_graph(g_node graph_node[], double weight[][5], int nodes);

New self vs. new static

will I get the same results?

Not really. I don't know of a workaround for PHP 5.2, though.

What is the difference between new self and new static?

self refers to the same class in which the new keyword is actually written.

static, in PHP 5.3's late static bindings, refers to whatever class in the hierarchy you called the method on.

In the following example, B inherits both methods from A. The self invocation is bound to A because it's defined in A's implementation of the first method, whereas static is bound to the called class (also see get_called_class()).

class A {
    public static function get_self() {
        return new self();

    public static function get_static() {
        return new static();

class B extends A {}

echo get_class(B::get_self());  // A
echo get_class(B::get_static()); // B
echo get_class(A::get_self()); // A
echo get_class(A::get_static()); // A

Where does forever store console.log output?

Forever takes command line options for output:

-l  LOGFILE      Logs the forever output to LOGFILE
-o  OUTFILE      Logs stdout from child script to OUTFILE
-e  ERRFILE      Logs stderr from child script to ERRFILE

For example:

forever start -o out.log -e err.log my-script.js

See here for more info

Make xargs handle filenames that contain spaces

xargs on MacOS doesn't have -d option, so this solution uses -0 instead.

Get ls to output one file per line, then translate newlines into nulls and tell xargs to use nulls as the delimiter:

ls -1 *mp3 | tr "\n" "\0" | xargs -0 mplayer

What I can do to resolve "1 commit behind master"?

If your branch is behind by master then do:

git checkout master (you are switching your branch to master)
git pull 
git checkout yourBranch (switch back to your branch)
git merge master

After merging it, check if there is a conflict or not.
If there is NO CONFLICT then:

git push

If there is a conflict then fix your file(s), then:

git add yourFile(s)
git commit -m 'updating my branch'
git push

How to use a FolderBrowserDialog from a WPF application

OK, figured it out now - thanks to Jobi whose answer was close, but not quite.

From a WPF application, here's my code that works:

First a helper class:

private class OldWindow : System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window
    IntPtr _handle;    
    public OldWindow(IntPtr handle)
        _handle = handle;

    #region IWin32Window Members    
    IntPtr System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window.Handle
        get { return _handle; }

Then, to use this:

    System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog dlg = new FolderBrowserDialog();
    HwndSource source = PresentationSource.FromVisual(this) as HwndSource;
    System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window win = new OldWindow(source.Handle);
    System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = dlg.ShowDialog(win);

I'm sure I can wrap this up better, but basically it works. Yay! :-)

Object array initialization without default constructor

You can use placement-new like this:

class Car
    int _no;
    Car(int no) : _no(no)

int main()
    void *raw_memory = operator new[](NUM_CARS * sizeof(Car));
    Car *ptr = static_cast<Car *>(raw_memory);
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CARS; ++i) {
        new(&ptr[i]) Car(i);

    // destruct in inverse order    
    for (int i = NUM_CARS - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    operator delete[](raw_memory);

    return 0;

Reference from More Effective C++ - Scott Meyers:
Item 4 - Avoid gratuitous default constructors

Timeout jQuery effects

Update: As of jQuery 1.4 you can use the .delay( n ) method.


Note: $.show() and $.hide() by default are not queued, so if you want to use $.delay() with them, you need to configure them that way:

    .show({duration: 0, queue: true})
    .hide({duration: 0, queue: true});

You could possibly use the Queue syntax, this might work:


var e = $('.notice'); 
  }, 2000 ); 


or you could be really ingenious and make a jQuery function to do it.


  jQuery.fn.idle = function(time)
      var o = $(this); 
         }, time);

which would ( in theory , working on memory here ) permit you do to this:


What is the @Html.DisplayFor syntax for?

Html.DisplayFor() will render the DisplayTemplate that matches the property's type.

If it can't find any, I suppose it invokes .ToString().

If you don't know about display templates, they're partial views that can be put in a DisplayTemplates folder inside the view folder associated to a controller.


If you create a view named String.cshtml inside the DisplayTemplates folder of your views folder (e.g Home, or Shared) with the following code:

@model string

@if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model)) {
   <strong>Null string</strong>
else {

Then @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Title) (assuming that Title is a string) will use the template and display <strong>Null string</strong> if the string is null, or empty.


Previously it used to say that an app with different signature is found on device. When installing from IDE it would also ask do you want to uninstall it?

But I think from Android 5.0 they have changed the reason for uninstallation. It does not happen if you are installing app with the same signature

How to schedule a task to run when shutting down windows

On Windows 10 Pro, the batch file can be registered; the workaround of registering cmd.exe and specifying the bat file as a param isn't needed. I just did this, registering both a shutdown script and a startup (boot) script, and it worked.

not:first-child selector

You can use any selector with not


How do I declare and assign a variable on a single line in SQL

on sql 2008 this is valid

DECLARE @myVariable nvarchar(Max) = 'John said to Emily "Hey there Emily"'
select @myVariable

on sql server 2005, you need to do this

DECLARE @myVariable nvarchar(Max) 
select @myVariable = 'John said to Emily "Hey there Emily"'
select @myVariable

JQuery Ajax POST in Codeigniter

    <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

    class UserController extends CI_Controller {

        public function verifyUser()    {
            $userName =  $_POST['userName'];
            $userPassword =  $_POST['userPassword'];
            $status = array("STATUS"=>"false");
            if($userName=='admin' && $userPassword=='admin'){
                $status = array("STATUS"=>"true");  
            echo json_encode ($status) ;    

function makeAjaxCall(){
        type: "post",
        url: "http://localhost/CodeIgnitorTutorial/index.php/usercontroller/verifyUser",
        cache: false,               
        data: $('#userForm').serialize(),
        success: function(json){                        
            var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(json);
            alert( obj['STATUS']);

        }catch(e) {     
            alert('Exception while request..');
        error: function(){                      
            alert('Error while request..');

Normal arguments vs. keyword arguments

There are two related concepts, both called "keyword arguments".

On the calling side, which is what other commenters have mentioned, you have the ability to specify some function arguments by name. You have to mention them after all of the arguments without names (positional arguments), and there must be default values for any parameters which were not mentioned at all.

The other concept is on the function definition side: you can define a function that takes parameters by name -- and you don't even have to specify what those names are. These are pure keyword arguments, and can't be passed positionally. The syntax is

def my_function(arg1, arg2, **kwargs)

Any keyword arguments you pass into this function will be placed into a dictionary named kwargs. You can examine the keys of this dictionary at run-time, like this:

def my_function(**kwargs):
    print str(kwargs)

my_function(a=12, b="abc")

{'a': 12, 'b': 'abc'}

How to modify existing XML file with XmlDocument and XmlNode in C#

You need to do something like this:

// instantiate XmlDocument and load XML from file
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

// get a list of nodes - in this case, I'm selecting all <AID> nodes under
// the <GroupAIDs> node - change to suit your needs
XmlNodeList aNodes = doc.SelectNodes("/Equipment/DataCollections/GroupAIDs/AID");

// loop through all AID nodes
foreach (XmlNode aNode in aNodes)
   // grab the "id" attribute
   XmlAttribute idAttribute = aNode.Attributes["id"];

   // check if that attribute even exists...
   if (idAttribute != null)
      // if yes - read its current value
      string currentValue = idAttribute.Value;

      // here, you can now decide what to do - for demo purposes,
      // I just set the ID value to a fixed value if it was empty before
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentValue))
         idAttribute.Value = "515";

// save the XmlDocument back to disk

Floating point vs integer calculations on modern hardware

I ran a test that just added 1 to the number instead of rand(). Results (on an x86-64) were:

  • short: 4.260s
  • int: 4.020s
  • long long: 3.350s
  • float: 7.330s
  • double: 7.210s

Python: instance has no attribute

Your class doesn't have a __init__(), so by the time it's instantiated, the attribute atoms is not present. You'd have to do C.setdata('something') so C.atoms becomes available.

>>> C = Residues()
>>> C.atoms.append('thing')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#84>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: Residues instance has no attribute 'atoms'

>>> C.setdata('something')
>>> C.atoms.append('thing')   # now it works

Unlike in languages like Java, where you know at compile time what attributes/member variables an object will have, in Python you can dynamically add attributes at runtime. This also implies instances of the same class can have different attributes.

To ensure you'll always have (unless you mess with it down the line, then it's your own fault) an atoms list you could add a constructor:

def __init__(self):
    self.atoms = []

Java recursive Fibonacci sequence

This is the best video I have found that fully explains recursion and the Fibonacci sequence in Java.

This is his code for the sequence and his explanation is better than I could ever do trying to type it out.

public static void main(String[] args)
    int index = 0;
    while (true)
    public static long fibonacci (int i)
        if (i == 0) return 0;
        if (i<= 2) return 1;

        long fibTerm = fibonacci(i - 1) + fibonacci(i - 2);
        return fibTerm;

C++ Compare char array with string

You're not working with strings. You're working with pointers. var1 is a char pointer (const char*). It is not a string. If it is null-terminated, then certain C functions will treat it as a string, but it is fundamentally just a pointer.

So when you compare it to a char array, the array decays to a pointer as well, and the compiler then tries to find an operator == (const char*, const char*).

Such an operator does exist. It takes two pointers and returns true if they point to the same address. So the compiler invokes that, and your code breaks.

IF you want to do string comparisons, you have to tell the compiler that you want to deal with strings, not pointers.

The C way of doing this is to use the strcmp function:

strcmp(var1, "dev");

This will return zero if the two strings are equal. (It will return a value greater than zero if the left-hand side is lexicographically greater than the right hand side, and a value less than zero otherwise.)

So to compare for equality you need to do one of these:

if (!strcmp(var1, "dev")){...}
if (strcmp(var1, "dev") == 0) {...}

However, C++ has a very useful string class. If we use that your code becomes a fair bit simpler. Of course we could create strings from both arguments, but we only need to do it with one of them:

std::string var1 = getenv("myEnvVar");

if(var1 == "dev")
   // do stuff

Now the compiler encounters a comparison between string and char pointer. It can handle that, because a char pointer can be implicitly converted to a string, yielding a string/string comparison. And those behave exactly as you'd expect.

Setting attribute disabled on a SPAN element does not prevent click events

Try this:

$("span").css("pointer-events", "none");

you can enabled those back by

$("span").css("pointer-events", "auto");

UL or DIV vertical scrollbar

You need to define height of ul or your div and set overflow equals to auto as below:

<ul style="width: 300px; height: 200px; overflow: auto">

Converting a char to ASCII?

You can use chars as is as single byte integers.

Return file in ASP.Net Core Web API

Here is a simplistic example of streaming a file:

using System.IO;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
public async Task<FileStreamResult> Download(int id)
    var path = "<Get the file path using the ID>";
    var stream = File.OpenRead(path);
    return new FileStreamResult(stream, "application/octet-stream");


Be sure to use FileStreamResult from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc and not from System.Web.Mvc.

store and retrieve a class object in shared preference

You could use GSON, using Gradle Build.gradle :

implementation ''

Then in your code, for example pairs of string/boolean with Kotlin :

        val nestedData = HashMap<String,Boolean>()
        for (i in 0..29) {
            nestedData.put(i.toString(), true)
        val gson = Gson()
        val jsonFromMap = gson.toJson(nestedData)

Adding to SharedPrefs :

        val sharedPrefEditor = context.getSharedPreferences(_prefName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit()
        sharedPrefEditor.putString("sig_types", jsonFromMap)

Now to retrieve data :

val gson = Gson()
val sharedPref: SharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(_prefName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
val json = sharedPref.getString("sig_types", "false")
val type = object : TypeToken<Map<String, Boolean>>() {}.type
val map = gson.fromJson(json, type) as LinkedTreeMap<String,Boolean>
for (key in map.keys) {
     Log.i("myvalues", key.toString() + map.get(key).toString())

How to make an "alias" for a long path?

Another option would be to use a symbolic link. ie:

ln -s ~/Files/Scripts/Main ~/myFold

After that you can perform operations to ~/myFold, such as:

cp some_file.txt ~/myFold

which will put the file in ~/Files/Scripts/Main. You can remove the symbolic link at any time with rm ~/myFold, which will keep the original directory.

VBA Check if variable is empty

How you test depends on the Property's DataType:

| Type                                 | Test                            | Test2
| Numeric (Long, Integer, Double etc.) | If obj.Property = 0 Then        | 
| Boolen (True/False)                  | If Not obj.Property Then        | If obj.Property = False Then
| Object                               | If obj.Property Is Nothing Then |
| String                               | If obj.Property = "" Then       | If LenB(obj.Property) = 0 Then
| Variant                              | If obj.Property = Empty Then    |

You can tell the DataType by pressing F2 to launch the Object Browser and looking up the Object. Another way would be to just use the TypeName function:MsgBox TypeName(obj.Property)

Slidedown and slideup layout with animation

This doesn't work for me, I want to to like jquery slideUp / slideDown function, I tried this code, but it only move the content wich stay at the same place after animation end, the view should have a 0dp height at start of slideDown and the view height (with wrap_content) after the end of the animation.

What is the difference between Serializable and Externalizable in Java?

Serialization provides default functionality to store and later recreate the object. It uses verbose format to define the whole graph of objects to be stored e.g. suppose you have a linkedList and you code like below, then the default serialization will discover all the objects which are linked and will serialize. In default serialization the object is constructed entirely from its stored bits, with no constructor calls.

  ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(
                new FileOutputStream("/Users/Desktop/files/temp.txt"));
        oos.writeObject(linkedListHead); //writing head of linked list

But if you want restricted serialization or don't want some portion of your object to be serialized then use Externalizable. The Externalizable interface extends the Serializable interface and adds two methods, writeExternal() and readExternal(). These are automatically called while serialization or deserialization. While working with Externalizable we should remember that the default constructer should be public else the code will throw exception. Please follow the below code:

public class MyExternalizable implements Externalizable

private String userName;
private String passWord;
private Integer roll;

public MyExternalizable()


public MyExternalizable(String userName, String passWord, Integer roll)
    this.userName = userName;
    this.passWord = passWord;
    this.roll = roll;

public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput oo) throws IOException 

public void readExternal(ObjectInput oi) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException 
    userName = (String)oi.readObject();
    roll = (Integer)oi.readObject();

public String toString()
    StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
    b.append("userName: ");
    b.append("  passWord: ");
    b.append("  roll: ");

    return b.toString();
public static void main(String[] args)
        MyExternalizable m  = new MyExternalizable("nikki", "student001", 20);
        ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("/Users/Desktop/files/temp1.txt"));

        ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("/Users/Desktop/files/temp1.txt"));
        MyExternalizable mm = (MyExternalizable)ois.readObject();
    catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) 
        Logger.getLogger(MyExternalizable.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    catch(IOException ex)
        Logger.getLogger(MyExternalizable.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

Here if you comment the default constructer then the code will throw below exception: javaserialization.MyExternalizable;     
 javaserialization.MyExternalizable; no valid constructor.

We can observe that as password is sensitive information, so i am not serializing it in writeExternal(ObjectOutput oo) method and not setting the value of same in readExternal(ObjectInput oi). That's the flexibility that is provided by Externalizable.

The output of the above code is as per below:

userName: nikki  passWord: student001  roll: 20
userName: nikki  passWord: null  roll: 20

We can observe as we are not setting the value of passWord so it's null.

The same can also be achieved by declaring the password field as transient.

private transient String passWord;

Hope it helps. I apologize if i made any mistakes. Thanks.

Return sql rows where field contains ONLY non-alphanumeric characters

SQL Server doesn't have regular expressions. It uses the LIKE pattern matching syntax which isn't the same.

As it happens, you are close. Just need leading+trailing wildcards and move the NOT

 WHERE whatever NOT LIKE '%[a-z0-9]%'

What is the difference between an annotated and unannotated tag?


The difference between the commands is that one provides you with a tag message while the other doesn't. An annotated tag has a message that can be displayed with git-show(1), while a tag without annotations is just a named pointer to a commit.

More About Lightweight Tags

According to the documentation: "To create a lightweight tag, don’t supply any of the -a, -s, or -m options, just provide a tag name". There are also some different options to write a message on annotated tags:

  • When you use git tag <tagname>, Git will create a tag at the current revision but will not prompt you for an annotation. It will be tagged without a message (this is a lightweight tag).
  • When you use git tag -a <tagname>, Git will prompt you for an annotation unless you have also used the -m flag to provide a message.
  • When you use git tag -a -m <msg> <tagname>, Git will tag the commit and annotate it with the provided message.
  • When you use git tag -m <msg> <tagname>, Git will behave as if you passed the -a flag for annotation and use the provided message.

Basically, it just amounts to whether you want the tag to have an annotation and some other information associated with it or not.

log4net vs. Nlog

For us, the key difference is in overall perf...

Have a look at Logger.IsDebugEnabled in NLog versus Log4Net, from our tests, NLog has less overhead and that's what we are after (low-latency stuff).

Cheers, Florian

How do you develop Java Servlets using Eclipse?

I use Eclipse Java EE edition

Create a "Dynamic Web Project"

Install a local server in the server view, for the version of Tomcat I'm using. Then debug, and run on that server for testing.

When I deploy I export the project to a war file.

Regex doesn't work in String.matches()

You can make your pattern case insensitive by doing:

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[a-z]+", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

Tomcat: LifecycleException when deploying

Check your WEB-INF/web.xml file for the servlet Mapping.

Official way to ask jQuery wait for all images to load before executing something

$(window).load() will work only the first time the page is loaded. If you are doing dynamic stuff (example: click button, wait for some new images to load), this won't work. To achieve that, you can use my plugin:



 *  Plugin which is applied on a list of img objects and calls
 *  the specified callback function, only when all of them are loaded (or errored).
 *  @author:  H. Yankov (hristo.yankov at gmail dot com)
 *  @version: 1.0.0 (Feb/22/2010)

(function($) {
$.fn.batchImageLoad = function(options) {
    var images = $(this);
    var originalTotalImagesCount = images.size();
    var totalImagesCount = originalTotalImagesCount;
    var elementsLoaded = 0;

    // Init
    $.fn.batchImageLoad.defaults = {
        loadingCompleteCallback: null, 
        imageLoadedCallback: null
    var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.batchImageLoad.defaults, options);

    // Start
    images.each(function() {
        // The image has already been loaded (cached)
        if ($(this)[0].complete) {
            if (opts.imageLoadedCallback) opts.imageLoadedCallback(elementsLoaded, originalTotalImagesCount);
        // The image is loading, so attach the listener
        } else {
            $(this).load(function() {

                if (opts.imageLoadedCallback) opts.imageLoadedCallback(elementsLoaded, originalTotalImagesCount);

                // An image has been loaded
                if (elementsLoaded >= totalImagesCount)
                    if (opts.loadingCompleteCallback) opts.loadingCompleteCallback();
            $(this).error(function() {

                if (opts.imageLoadedCallback) opts.imageLoadedCallback(elementsLoaded, originalTotalImagesCount);

                // The image has errored
                if (elementsLoaded >= totalImagesCount)
                    if (opts.loadingCompleteCallback) opts.loadingCompleteCallback();

    // There are no unloaded images
    if (totalImagesCount <= 0)
        if (opts.loadingCompleteCallback) opts.loadingCompleteCallback();

Preprocessing in scikit learn - single sample - Depreciation warning

Just listen to what the warning is telling you:

Reshape your data either X.reshape(-1, 1) if your data has a single feature/column and X.reshape(1, -1) if it contains a single sample.

For your example type(if you have more than one feature/column):

temp = temp.reshape(1,-1) 

For one feature/column:

temp = temp.reshape(-1,1)

ASP.Net MVC: Calling a method from a view

Building on Amine's answer, create a helper like:

public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
    public static MvcHtmlString CurrencyFormat(this HtmlHelper helper, string value)
        var result = string.Format("{0:C2}", value);
        return new MvcHtmlString(result);

in your view: use @Html.CurrencyFormat(model.value)

If you are doing simple formating like Standard Numeric Formats, then simple use string.Format() in your view like in the helper example above:

@string.Format("{0:C2}", model.value)