Don't know if this will help anyone, but I found it useful for my purposes:
private static IEnumerable<T> PagedIterator<T>(IEnumerable<T> objectList, int PageSize)
var page = 0;
var recordCount = objectList.Count();
var pageCount = (int)((recordCount + PageSize)/PageSize);
if (recordCount < 1)
yield break;
while (page < pageCount)
var pageData = objectList.Skip(PageSize*page).Take(PageSize).ToList();
foreach (var rd in pageData)
yield return rd;
To use this you would have some linq query, and pass the result along with the page size into a foreach loop:
var results = from a in dbContext.Authors
where a.PublishDate > someDate
orderby a.Publisher
select a;
foreach(var author in PagedIterator(results, 100))
// Do Stuff
So this will iterate over each author fetching 100 authors at a time.