[android] How to check if activity is in foreground or in visible background?

That's exactly the difference between onPause and onStop events of the activity as described in the Activity class documentation.

If I understand you correctly, what you want to do is call finish() from your activity onStop to terminate it. See the attached image of the Activity Lifecycle Demo App. This is how it looks like when Activity B is launched from Activity A. The order of events is from bottom to top so you can see that Activity A onStop is called after Activity B onResume was already called.

Activity lifecycle demo

In case a dialog is shown your activity is dimmed in the background and only onPause is called.

Examples related to android

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Examples related to android-activity

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Examples related to dialog

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Examples related to activity-finish

How to close the current fragment by using Button like the back button? How to check if activity is in foreground or in visible background? Finish all activities at a time How to press back button in android programmatically? How to finish current activity in Android How to show a dialog to confirm that the user wishes to exit an Android Activity?