Yes you can (this is how I understand the original question). Here is how I did it. Just tie it into outside context. For example:
my_function = null;
$(function() {
function my_fun(){
/.. some operations ../
my_function = my_fun;
//just js
function js_fun () {
my_function(); //== call jquery function - just Reference is globally defined not function itself
I encountered this same problem when trying to access methods of the object, that was instantiated on DOM object ready only. Works. My example:
MyControl.prototype = {
init: function {
// init something
update: function () {
// something useful, like updating the list items of control or etc.
MyCtrl = null;
// create jquery plug-in
$.fn.aControl = function () {
var control = new MyControl(this);
MyCtrl = control; // here is the trick
return control;
now you can use something simple like:
function() = {
MyCtrl.update(); // yes!