[javascript] calling Jquery function from javascript

How can i call a jQuery function from javascript?

 $(function() {

        function my_fun(){
               /.. some operations ../

 //just js
 function js_fun () {

       my_fun(); //== call jquery function 

This question is related to javascript jquery

The answer is

jQuery functions are called just like JavaScript functions.

For example, to dynamically add the class "red" to the document element with the id "orderedlist" using the jQuery addClass function:


As opposed to a regular line of JavaScript calling a regular function:

var x = document.getElementById("orderedlist");

addClass() is a jQuery function, getElementById() is a JavaScript function.

The dollar sign function makes the jQuery addClass function available.

The only difference is the jQuery example is calling the addclass function of the jQuery object $("#orderedlist") and the regular example is calling a function of the document object.

In your code

$(function() {
// code to execute when the DOM is ready

Is used to specify code to run when the DOM is ready.

It does not differentiate (as you may think) what is "jQuery code" from regular JavaScript code.

So, to answer your question, just call functions you defined as you normally would.

//create a function
function my_fun(){
  // call a jQuery function:

//call the function you defined:


        // Instantiate your javascript function
        niceJavascriptRoutine = null;

        // Begin jQuery
        $(document).ready(function() {

            // Your jQuery function
            function niceJqueryRoutine() {
                // some code
            // Point the javascript function to the jQuery function
            niceJavaScriptRoutine = niceJueryRoutine;



My problem was that I was looking at it from the long angle:

function new_line() {
    var html= '<div><br><input type="text" value="" id="dateP_'+ i +'"></div>';
    document.getElementById("container").innerHTML += html;

        showOn: 'button',
        buttonImage: 'calendar.gif',
        buttonImageOnly: true

//javascript function calling an jquery function

//In javascript part

function js_show_score()
     //we use so many javascript library, So please use 'jQuery' avoid '$'  
        //Call any jquery function
        show_score(); //jquery function

//In Jquery part

//Jq Score function     
    function show_score()

I made it...

I just write



 document.getElementById('container').innerHTML += html;

var jqueryFunction;

    //jQuery function
    jqueryFunction = function( _msg )
        alert( _msg );

//javascript function
function jsFunction()
    //Invoke jQuery Function
    jqueryFunction("Call from js to jQuery");


Yes you can (this is how I understand the original question). Here is how I did it. Just tie it into outside context. For example:


my_function = null;

 $(function() { 

        function my_fun(){ 
               /.. some operations ../ 
        my_function = my_fun;

 //just js 
 function js_fun () {  
       my_function(); //== call jquery function - just Reference is globally defined not function itself

I encountered this same problem when trying to access methods of the object, that was instantiated on DOM object ready only. Works. My example:

MyControl.prototype = {
   init:   function { 
        // init something
   update: function () {
           // something useful, like updating the list items of control or etc.         

MyCtrl = null;

// create jquery plug-in
$.fn.aControl = function () {
    var control = new MyControl(this);
    MyCtrl = control; // here is the trick
    return control;

now you can use something simple like:

function() = {
   MyCtrl.update(); // yes!