[wcf] Could not find default endpoint element

I've added a proxy to a webservice to a VS2008/.NET 3.5 solution. When constructing the client .NET throws this error:

Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'IMySOAPWebService' in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be because no configuaration file was found for your application or because no endpoint element matching this contract could be found in the client element.

Searching for this error tells me to use the full namespace in the contract. Here's my app.config with full namespace:

  <endpoint address=""
            binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="IMySOAPWebServicebinding"
            contract="Fusion.DataExchange.Workflows.IMySOAPWebService" name="IMySOAPWebServicePort" />

I'm running XP local (I mention this because a number of Google hits mention win2k3) The app.config is copied to app.exe.config, so that is also not the problem.

Any clues?

This question is related to wcf .net-3.5 wcf-binding endpoint

The answer is

I had a situation like this, where i had

  • WCF Service Hosted somewhere
  • Main Project
  • Consumer Project of type 'class Library' which has Service reference to a WCF Service
  • Main project calls methods from consumer project

Now the Consumer project had all the related configuration setting in <system.serviceModel> Tag of my app.config, its was still throwing the same error as the above.

All i did is added the same tag <system.serviceModel> to my main project's app.config file, and finally we were good to go.

The Real problem, as far as in my case was, it was reading the wrong configuration file. Instead of consumer's app.config, it was referring main proj's config. it took me two hours to figure that out.

I've had this same issue. It turns out that for a web REFERENCE, you have to supply the URL as the first parameter to the constructor:

new WebService.WebServiceSoapClient("http://myservice.com/moo.aspx");

For a new style web SERVICE REFERENCE, you have to supply a name that refers to an endpoint entry in the configuration:

new WebService.WebServiceSoapClient("WebServiceEndpoint");

With a corresponding entry in Web.config or App.config:

      <endpoint address="http://myservice.com/moo.aspx"
        name="WebServiceEndpoint" />

Pretty damn hard to remove the tunnel vision on "it worked in an older program"...

I solved this (I think as others may have suggested) by creating the binding and endpoint address instances myself - because I did not want to add new settings to the config files (this is a replacement for some existing library code which is used widely, and previously used an older Web Service Reference etc.), and so I wanted to be able to drop this in without having add new config settings everywhere.

var remoteAddress = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(_webServiceUrl);

using (var productService = new ProductClient(new System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding(), remoteAddress))
    //set timeout
    productService.Endpoint.Binding.SendTimeout = new TimeSpan(0,0,0,_webServiceTimeout);

    //call web service method
    productResponse = productService.GetProducts();


If you are using https then you need to use BasicHttpsBinding rather than BasicHttpBinding.

If you reference the web service in your class library then you have to copy app.config to your windows application or console application

solution: change Configuration of outer project same the class library's wcf configuration.

Worked for me

I had the same problem, but changing the contract namespace didn't work for me. So I tried a .Net 2 style web reference instead of a .Net 3.5 service reference. That worked.

To use a Web reference in Visual Studio 2008, click on 'Add Service Reference', then click 'Advanced' when the dialog box appears. In that you will find an option that will let you use a Web reference instead of a Service reference.

I found (as well as copying to the client UI's App.config as I was using a Class Library interface) I had to prefix the name of the binding with the name of the Service Reference (mine is ServiceReference in the below).


<endpoint address="http://localhost:4000/ServiceName" binding="basicHttpBinding"
      name="BasicHttpBinding_ISchedulerService" />

instead of the default generated:

<endpoint address="http://localhost:4000/ServiceName" binding="basicHttpBinding"
      name="BasicHttpBinding_ISchedulerService" />

Do not put service client declaration line as class field, instead of this, create instance at each method that used in. So problem will be fixed. If you create service client instance as class field, then design time error occurs !

I found (as well as copying to the client UI's App.config as I was using a Class Library interface) I had to prefix the name of the binding with the name of the Service Reference (mine is ServiceReference in the below).


<endpoint address="http://localhost:4000/ServiceName" binding="basicHttpBinding"
      name="BasicHttpBinding_ISchedulerService" />

instead of the default generated:

<endpoint address="http://localhost:4000/ServiceName" binding="basicHttpBinding"
      name="BasicHttpBinding_ISchedulerService" />

I was getting this error within an ASP.NET application where the WCF service had been added to a class library which is being added to the ASP.NET application as a referenced .dll file in the bin folder. To resolve the error, the config settings in the app.config file within the class library referencing the WCF service needed to be copied into the web.config settings for the ASP.NET site/app.

In my case I had renamed app.config to [appname].exe.config manually. This ended up adding an extra .config suffix to the file name. Solution was to rename it to [appname].exe to eliminate the extra .config extension.

I faced this problem once. It was because i was still developing the interface that uses WCF service. I configured test application and continued development. Then in development, i changed some of the services' namespaces. So i double checked "system.serviceModel -> client -> endpoint -> contract" in web.config to match WCF class. Then problem is solved.

There seem to be several ways to create/fix this issue. For me, the CRM product I am using was written in native code and is able to call my .NET dll, but I run into the configuration information needing to be at/above the main application. For me, the CRM application isn't .NET, so I ended up having to put it in my machine.config file (not where I want it). In addition, since my company uses Websense I had a hard time even adding the Service Reference due to a 407 Proxy Authentication Required issue, that to required a modification to the machine.cong.

Proxy solution:

To get the WCF Service Reference to work I had to copy the information from the app.config of my DLL to the main application config (but for me that was machine.config). And I also had to copy the endpoint information to that same file. Once I did that it starting working for me.

Do not put service client declaration line as class field, instead of this, create instance at each method that used in. So problem will be fixed. If you create service client instance as class field, then design time error occurs !

The namespace in your config should reflect the rest of the namespace path after your client's default namespace (as configured in the project properties). Based on your posted answer, my guess is that your client is configured to be in the "Fusion.DataExchange.Workflows" namespace. If you moved the client code to another namespace you would need to update the config to match the remaining namespace path.

Hi I've encountered the same problem but the best solution is to let the .NET to configure your client side configuration. What I discover is this when I add a service reference with a query string of http:/namespace/service.svc?wsdl=wsdl0 it does NOT create a configuration endpoints at the client side. But when I remove the ?wsdl-wsdl0 and only use the url http:/namespace/service.svc, it create the endpoint configuration at the client configuration file. for short remoe the " ?WSDL=WSDL0" .

"This error can arise if you are calling the service in a class library and calling the class library from another project."

In this case you will need to include the WS configuration settings into the main projects app.config if its a winapp or web.config if its a web app. This is the way to go even with PRISM and WPF/Silverlight.

Several responses here hit upon the correct solution when you're facing the mind-numbingly obscure error of referencing the service from a class file: copy service config info into your app.config web.config of your console or windows app. None of those answers seem to show you what to copy though. Let's try and correct that.

Here's what I copied out of my class library's config file, into my console app's config file, in order to get around this crazy error for a service I write called "TranslationServiceOutbound".

You basically want everything inside the system.serviceModel section:

    <binding name="BasicHttpBinding_ITranslationServiceOutbound" />
  <endpoint address="http://MyHostName/TranslationServiceOutbound/TranslationServiceOutbound.svc"
    binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_ITranslationServiceOutbound"
    contract="TranslationService.ITranslationServiceOutbound" name="BasicHttpBinding_ITranslationServiceOutbound" />

I had the same Issue
I was using desktop app and using Global Weather Web service

I deleted the service reference and added the web reference and problem solved Thanks

I've had this same issue. It turns out that for a web REFERENCE, you have to supply the URL as the first parameter to the constructor:

new WebService.WebServiceSoapClient("http://myservice.com/moo.aspx");

For a new style web SERVICE REFERENCE, you have to supply a name that refers to an endpoint entry in the configuration:

new WebService.WebServiceSoapClient("WebServiceEndpoint");

With a corresponding entry in Web.config or App.config:

      <endpoint address="http://myservice.com/moo.aspx"
        name="WebServiceEndpoint" />

Pretty damn hard to remove the tunnel vision on "it worked in an older program"...

I got same error and I have tried many things but didn't work, than I noticed that my "contract" was not same at all projects, I changed the contract as would be same for all projects inside solution and than it worked. This is project A

    <endpoint address="https://xxxxxxxx" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="basic" contract="ServiceReference.IIntegrationService" name="basic" />

Project B :

    <endpoint address="xxxxxxxxxxxxx" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="basic" contract="ServiceReference1.IIntegrationService" name="basic" />

Finally I changed for both as :

    <endpoint address="https://xxxxxxxxxxx" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="basic" contract="MyServiceReferrence.IIntegrationService" name="basic" />

This error can arise if you are calling the service in a class library and calling the class library from another project.

Allow me to add one more thing to look for. (Tom Haigh's answer already alludes to it, but I want to be explicit)

My web.config file had the following defined:

    <add binding="basicHttpsBinding" scheme="https" />

I was already using basicHttpsBinding for one reference, but then I added a new reference which required basicHttpBinding (no s). All I had to do was add that to my protocolMapping as follows:

    <add binding="basicHttpBinding" scheme="http" />
    <add binding="basicHttpsBinding" scheme="https" />

As L.R. correctly points out, this needs to be defined in the right places. For me, that meant one in my Unit Test project's app.config as well as one in the main service project's web.config.

I had this error when I was referencing the Contract in the configuration file element without the global scope operator.


<endpoint contract="global::MyNamepsace.IMyContract" .../>

works, but

<endpoint contract="MyNamepsace.IMyContract" .../>

gives the "Could not find default endpoint element that references contract" error.

The assembly containing MyNamepsace.IMyContract is in a different assembly to the main application, so this may explain the need to use the global scope resolution.

I solved this (I think as others may have suggested) by creating the binding and endpoint address instances myself - because I did not want to add new settings to the config files (this is a replacement for some existing library code which is used widely, and previously used an older Web Service Reference etc.), and so I wanted to be able to drop this in without having add new config settings everywhere.

var remoteAddress = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(_webServiceUrl);

using (var productService = new ProductClient(new System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding(), remoteAddress))
    //set timeout
    productService.Endpoint.Binding.SendTimeout = new TimeSpan(0,0,0,_webServiceTimeout);

    //call web service method
    productResponse = productService.GetProducts();


If you are using https then you need to use BasicHttpsBinding rather than BasicHttpBinding.

This error can arise if you are calling the service in a class library and calling the class library from another project.

I have a situation which in the Unit test. I copied the app.config file to the unit test project. So the unit test project also contains endpoint information.

I had the same problem, but changing the contract namespace didn't work for me. So I tried a .Net 2 style web reference instead of a .Net 3.5 service reference. That worked.

To use a Web reference in Visual Studio 2008, click on 'Add Service Reference', then click 'Advanced' when the dialog box appears. In that you will find an option that will let you use a Web reference instead of a Service reference.

There seem to be several ways to create/fix this issue. For me, the CRM product I am using was written in native code and is able to call my .NET dll, but I run into the configuration information needing to be at/above the main application. For me, the CRM application isn't .NET, so I ended up having to put it in my machine.config file (not where I want it). In addition, since my company uses Websense I had a hard time even adding the Service Reference due to a 407 Proxy Authentication Required issue, that to required a modification to the machine.cong.

Proxy solution:

To get the WCF Service Reference to work I had to copy the information from the app.config of my DLL to the main application config (but for me that was machine.config). And I also had to copy the endpoint information to that same file. Once I did that it starting working for me.

In my case, I Add service in both start up project and projects that use service with the same name. It worked...

When you are adding a service reference

enter image description here

beware of namespace you are typing in:

enter image description here

You should append it to the name of your interface:

  <endpoint address=""
            contract="MyNamespace.IMySOAPWebService" />

I had the same Issue
I was using desktop app and using Global Weather Web service

I deleted the service reference and added the web reference and problem solved Thanks

I had a situation like this, where i had

  • WCF Service Hosted somewhere
  • Main Project
  • Consumer Project of type 'class Library' which has Service reference to a WCF Service
  • Main project calls methods from consumer project

Now the Consumer project had all the related configuration setting in <system.serviceModel> Tag of my app.config, its was still throwing the same error as the above.

All i did is added the same tag <system.serviceModel> to my main project's app.config file, and finally we were good to go.

The Real problem, as far as in my case was, it was reading the wrong configuration file. Instead of consumer's app.config, it was referring main proj's config. it took me two hours to figure that out.

I had the same issue and it was solved only when the host application and the dll that used that endpoint had the same service reference name.

Ok. My case was a little diffrent but finally i have found the fix for it: I have a Console.EXE -> DLL -> Invoking WS1 -> DLL -> Invoking WS2

I have had both the configurations of the service model of WS1, and WS2 in the Console.EXE.config as recommended. - didnt solve the issue.

But it still didn't work, until i have added the WebReference of WS2 to WS1 also and not only to the DLL that actually creating and invoking the proxy of WS2.

Several responses here hit upon the correct solution when you're facing the mind-numbingly obscure error of referencing the service from a class file: copy service config info into your app.config web.config of your console or windows app. None of those answers seem to show you what to copy though. Let's try and correct that.

Here's what I copied out of my class library's config file, into my console app's config file, in order to get around this crazy error for a service I write called "TranslationServiceOutbound".

You basically want everything inside the system.serviceModel section:

    <binding name="BasicHttpBinding_ITranslationServiceOutbound" />
  <endpoint address="http://MyHostName/TranslationServiceOutbound/TranslationServiceOutbound.svc"
    binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_ITranslationServiceOutbound"
    contract="TranslationService.ITranslationServiceOutbound" name="BasicHttpBinding_ITranslationServiceOutbound" />

I had the same issue and it was solved only when the host application and the dll that used that endpoint had the same service reference name.

In case if you are using WPF application using PRISM framework then configuration should exist in your start up project (i.e. in the project where your bootstrapper resides.)

I Have a same Problem.I'm Used the WCF Service in class library and calling the class library from windows Application project.but I'm Forget Change <system.serviceModel> In Config File of windows application Project same the <system.serviceModel> of Class Library's app.Config file.
solution: change Configuration of outer project same the class library's wcf configuration.

This one drove me crazy.

I'm using Silverlight 3 Prism (CAB) with WCF

When I call a WCF service in a Prism module, I get the same error:

Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'IMyService' in the service model client configuaration section. This might be because no configuaration file was found for your application or because no end point element matching this contract could be found in the client element

It turns out that its looking in the Shell's .xap file for a ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file, not in the module's ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file. I added my endpoint and binding to the existing ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file in my Silverlight Shell application (it calls it's own WCF services).

Then I had to rebuild the Shell app to generate the new .xap file for my Web project's ClientBin folder.

Now this line of code finally works:

MyServiceClient myService = new MyServiceClient();

The namespace in your config should reflect the rest of the namespace path after your client's default namespace (as configured in the project properties). Based on your posted answer, my guess is that your client is configured to be in the "Fusion.DataExchange.Workflows" namespace. If you moved the client code to another namespace you would need to update the config to match the remaining namespace path.

I faced this problem once. It was because i was still developing the interface that uses WCF service. I configured test application and continued development. Then in development, i changed some of the services' namespaces. So i double checked "system.serviceModel -> client -> endpoint -> contract" in web.config to match WCF class. Then problem is solved.

"This error can arise if you are calling the service in a class library and calling the class library from another project."

"In this case you will need to include the WS configuration settings into the main projects app.config if its a winapp or web.config if its a web app. This is the way to go even with PRISM and WPF/Silverlight."

Yes, but if you can't change main project (Orchard CMS for example), you can keep WCF service config in your project.

You need to create a service helper with client generation method:

public static class ServiceClientHelper
    public static T GetClient<T>(string moduleName) where T : IClientChannel
        var channelType = typeof(T);
        var contractType = channelType.GetInterfaces().First(i => i.Namespace == channelType.Namespace);
        var contractAttribute = contractType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ServiceContractAttribute), false).First() as ServiceContractAttribute;

        if (contractAttribute == null)
            throw new Exception("contractAttribute not configured");

        //path to your lib app.config (mark as "Copy Always" in properties)
        var configPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(String.Format("~/Modules/{0}/bin/{0}.dll.config", moduleName)); 

        var configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(new ExeConfigurationFileMap { ExeConfigFilename = configPath }, ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
        var serviceModelSectionGroup = ServiceModelSectionGroup.GetSectionGroup(configuration);

        if (serviceModelSectionGroup == null)
            throw new Exception("serviceModelSectionGroup not configured");

        var endpoint = serviceModelSectionGroup.Client.Endpoints.OfType<ChannelEndpointElement>().First(e => e.Contract == contractAttribute.ConfigurationName);
        var channelFactory = new ConfigurationChannelFactory<T>(endpoint.Name, configuration, null);
        var client = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
        return client;

and use it:

using (var client = ServiceClientHelper.GetClient<IDefaultNameServiceChannel>(yourLibName)) {
                ... get data from service ...

See details in this article.

Unit testing a non-library application that consumes a service can cause this problem.

The information that others have entered addresses the root cause of this. If you are trying to write automated test cases and the unit you are testing will actually invoke the service interface, you need to add the service reference to the test project. This is a flavor of the application using library type of error. I did not immediately realize this though because my code that consumes the interface is not in a library. However, when the test actually runs it will be running from the test assembly, not the assembly under test.

Adding a service reference to the unit test project resolved my issue.

The namespace in your config should reflect the rest of the namespace path after your client's default namespace (as configured in the project properties). Based on your posted answer, my guess is that your client is configured to be in the "Fusion.DataExchange.Workflows" namespace. If you moved the client code to another namespace you would need to update the config to match the remaining namespace path.

Ok. My case was a little diffrent but finally i have found the fix for it: I have a Console.EXE -> DLL -> Invoking WS1 -> DLL -> Invoking WS2

I have had both the configurations of the service model of WS1, and WS2 in the Console.EXE.config as recommended. - didnt solve the issue.

But it still didn't work, until i have added the WebReference of WS2 to WS1 also and not only to the DLL that actually creating and invoking the proxy of WS2.

In case if you are using WPF application using PRISM framework then configuration should exist in your start up project (i.e. in the project where your bootstrapper resides.)

I Have a same Problem.I'm Used the WCF Service in class library and calling the class library from windows Application project.but I'm Forget Change <system.serviceModel> In Config File of windows application Project same the <system.serviceModel> of Class Library's app.Config file.
solution: change Configuration of outer project same the class library's wcf configuration.

The namespace in your config should reflect the rest of the namespace path after your client's default namespace (as configured in the project properties). Based on your posted answer, my guess is that your client is configured to be in the "Fusion.DataExchange.Workflows" namespace. If you moved the client code to another namespace you would need to update the config to match the remaining namespace path.

In my case, I was referring to this service from a library project, not a startup Project. Once I copied <system.serviceModel> section to the configuration of the main startup project, The issue got resolved.

During running stage of any application, the configuration will be read from the startup/parent project instead of reading its own configurations mentioned in separate subprojects.

Allow me to add one more thing to look for. (Tom Haigh's answer already alludes to it, but I want to be explicit)

My web.config file had the following defined:

    <add binding="basicHttpsBinding" scheme="https" />

I was already using basicHttpsBinding for one reference, but then I added a new reference which required basicHttpBinding (no s). All I had to do was add that to my protocolMapping as follows:

    <add binding="basicHttpBinding" scheme="http" />
    <add binding="basicHttpsBinding" scheme="https" />

As L.R. correctly points out, this needs to be defined in the right places. For me, that meant one in my Unit Test project's app.config as well as one in the main service project's web.config.

In my case, I was referring to this service from a library project, not a startup Project. Once I copied <system.serviceModel> section to the configuration of the main startup project, The issue got resolved.

During running stage of any application, the configuration will be read from the startup/parent project instead of reading its own configurations mentioned in separate subprojects.

In my case I had renamed app.config to [appname].exe.config manually. This ended up adding an extra .config suffix to the file name. Solution was to rename it to [appname].exe to eliminate the extra .config extension.

I was getting this error within an ASP.NET application where the WCF service had been added to a class library which is being added to the ASP.NET application as a referenced .dll file in the bin folder. To resolve the error, the config settings in the app.config file within the class library referencing the WCF service needed to be copied into the web.config settings for the ASP.NET site/app.

This one drove me crazy.

I'm using Silverlight 3 Prism (CAB) with WCF

When I call a WCF service in a Prism module, I get the same error:

Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'IMyService' in the service model client configuaration section. This might be because no configuaration file was found for your application or because no end point element matching this contract could be found in the client element

It turns out that its looking in the Shell's .xap file for a ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file, not in the module's ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file. I added my endpoint and binding to the existing ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file in my Silverlight Shell application (it calls it's own WCF services).

Then I had to rebuild the Shell app to generate the new .xap file for my Web project's ClientBin folder.

Now this line of code finally works:

MyServiceClient myService = new MyServiceClient();

Solution for me was to remove the endpoint name from the Endpoint Name attribute in client web.config this allowed the proxy to use

ChannelFactory<TService> _channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<TService>("");

only took all day to work out. Also the contract name was wrong once this fix was in place although it had been wrong when the initial error appear. Double then triple check for contract name strings people !! attrib: Ian

"This error can arise if you are calling the service in a class library and calling the class library from another project."

"In this case you will need to include the WS configuration settings into the main projects app.config if its a winapp or web.config if its a web app. This is the way to go even with PRISM and WPF/Silverlight."

Yes, but if you can't change main project (Orchard CMS for example), you can keep WCF service config in your project.

You need to create a service helper with client generation method:

public static class ServiceClientHelper
    public static T GetClient<T>(string moduleName) where T : IClientChannel
        var channelType = typeof(T);
        var contractType = channelType.GetInterfaces().First(i => i.Namespace == channelType.Namespace);
        var contractAttribute = contractType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ServiceContractAttribute), false).First() as ServiceContractAttribute;

        if (contractAttribute == null)
            throw new Exception("contractAttribute not configured");

        //path to your lib app.config (mark as "Copy Always" in properties)
        var configPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(String.Format("~/Modules/{0}/bin/{0}.dll.config", moduleName)); 

        var configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(new ExeConfigurationFileMap { ExeConfigFilename = configPath }, ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
        var serviceModelSectionGroup = ServiceModelSectionGroup.GetSectionGroup(configuration);

        if (serviceModelSectionGroup == null)
            throw new Exception("serviceModelSectionGroup not configured");

        var endpoint = serviceModelSectionGroup.Client.Endpoints.OfType<ChannelEndpointElement>().First(e => e.Contract == contractAttribute.ConfigurationName);
        var channelFactory = new ConfigurationChannelFactory<T>(endpoint.Name, configuration, null);
        var client = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
        return client;

and use it:

using (var client = ServiceClientHelper.GetClient<IDefaultNameServiceChannel>(yourLibName)) {
                ... get data from service ...

See details in this article.

I have a situation which in the Unit test. I copied the app.config file to the unit test project. So the unit test project also contains endpoint information.

I had this error when I was referencing the Contract in the configuration file element without the global scope operator.


<endpoint contract="global::MyNamepsace.IMyContract" .../>

works, but

<endpoint contract="MyNamepsace.IMyContract" .../>

gives the "Could not find default endpoint element that references contract" error.

The assembly containing MyNamepsace.IMyContract is in a different assembly to the main application, so this may explain the need to use the global scope resolution.

"This error can arise if you are calling the service in a class library and calling the class library from another project."

In this case you will need to include the WS configuration settings into the main projects app.config if its a winapp or web.config if its a web app. This is the way to go even with PRISM and WPF/Silverlight.

Hi I've encountered the same problem but the best solution is to let the .NET to configure your client side configuration. What I discover is this when I add a service reference with a query string of http:/namespace/service.svc?wsdl=wsdl0 it does NOT create a configuration endpoints at the client side. But when I remove the ?wsdl-wsdl0 and only use the url http:/namespace/service.svc, it create the endpoint configuration at the client configuration file. for short remoe the " ?WSDL=WSDL0" .

I got same error and I have tried many things but didn't work, than I noticed that my "contract" was not same at all projects, I changed the contract as would be same for all projects inside solution and than it worked. This is project A

    <endpoint address="https://xxxxxxxx" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="basic" contract="ServiceReference.IIntegrationService" name="basic" />

Project B :

    <endpoint address="xxxxxxxxxxxxx" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="basic" contract="ServiceReference1.IIntegrationService" name="basic" />

Finally I changed for both as :

    <endpoint address="https://xxxxxxxxxxx" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="basic" contract="MyServiceReferrence.IIntegrationService" name="basic" />

Solution for me was to remove the endpoint name from the Endpoint Name attribute in client web.config this allowed the proxy to use

ChannelFactory<TService> _channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<TService>("");

only took all day to work out. Also the contract name was wrong once this fix was in place although it had been wrong when the initial error appear. Double then triple check for contract name strings people !! attrib: Ian

When you are adding a service reference

enter image description here

beware of namespace you are typing in:

enter image description here

You should append it to the name of your interface:

  <endpoint address=""
            contract="MyNamespace.IMySOAPWebService" />

In my case, I Add service in both start up project and projects that use service with the same name. It worked...

If you reference the web service in your class library then you have to copy app.config to your windows application or console application

solution: change Configuration of outer project same the class library's wcf configuration.

Worked for me

Unit testing a non-library application that consumes a service can cause this problem.

The information that others have entered addresses the root cause of this. If you are trying to write automated test cases and the unit you are testing will actually invoke the service interface, you need to add the service reference to the test project. This is a flavor of the application using library type of error. I did not immediately realize this though because my code that consumes the interface is not in a library. However, when the test actually runs it will be running from the test assembly, not the assembly under test.

Adding a service reference to the unit test project resolved my issue.

Examples related to wcf

Create a asmx web service in C# using visual studio 2013 WCF Exception: Could not find a base address that matches scheme http for the endpoint WCF Service, the type provided as the service attribute values…could not be found WCF error - There was no endpoint listening at How can I pass a username/password in the header to a SOAP WCF Service The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Negotiate'. The authentication header received from the server was 'NTLM' Content Type application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 was not supported by service The content type application/xml;charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (text/xml; charset=utf-8) maxReceivedMessageSize and maxBufferSize in app.config how to generate a unique token which expires after 24 hours?

Examples related to .net-3.5

Get first element from a dictionary redistributable offline .NET Framework 3.5 installer for Windows 8 How to read an entire file to a string using C#? HTTP Error 500.22 - Internal Server Error (An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode.) Change the Textbox height? How to get current date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format in ASP.NET? C# Numeric Only TextBox Control Will the IE9 WebBrowser Control Support all of IE9's features, including SVG? Use LINQ to get items in one List<>, that are not in another List<> Get Absolute URL from Relative path (refactored method)

Examples related to wcf-binding

WCF Service, the type provided as the service attribute values…could not be found The content type application/xml;charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (text/xml; charset=utf-8) WCF service maxReceivedMessageSize basicHttpBinding issue This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP protocol WCF change endpoint address at runtime How to programmatically connect a client to a WCF service? BasicHttpBinding vs WsHttpBinding vs WebHttpBinding Could not find default endpoint element WCF error: The caller was not authenticated by the service

Examples related to endpoint

What is the difference between resource and endpoint? What is a web service endpoint? Content Type text/xml; charset=utf-8 was not supported by service What is an Endpoint? Could not find default endpoint element