[sql] How do I find duplicates across multiple columns?

So I want to do something like this sql code below:

select s.id, s.name,s.city 
from stuff s
group by s.name having count(where city and name are identical) > 1

To produce the following, (but ignore where only name or only city match, it has to be on both columns):

id      name  city   
904834  jim   London  
904835  jim   London  
90145   Fred  Paris   
90132   Fred  Paris
90133   Fred  Paris

This question is related to sql sql-server sql-server-2008 duplicates

The answer is

A little late to the game on this post, but I found this way to be pretty flexible / efficient

    stuff s1
    ,stuff s2
    s1.id <> s2.id
    and s1.name = s2.name
    and s1.city = s2.city

You have to self join stuff and match name and city. Then group by count.

   s.id, s.name, s.city 
from stuff s join stuff p ON (
   s.name = p.city OR s.city = p.name
group by s.name having count(s.name) > 1

 SELECT name, city, count(*) as qty 
 FROM stuff 
 GROUP BY name, city HAVING count(*)> 1

Something like this will do the trick. Don't know about performance, so do make some tests.

  id, name, city
  [stuff] s
1 < (select count(*) from [stuff] i where i.city = s.city and i.name = s.name)

Using count(*) over(partition by...) provides a simple and efficient means to locate unwanted repetition, whilst also list all affected rows and all wanted columns:

      , COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY s.name, s.city) AS qty
    FROM stuff s
    ) t
WHERE t.qty > 1
ORDER BY t.name, t.city

While most recent RDBMS versions support count(*) over(partition by...) MySQL V 8.0 introduced "window functions", as seen below (in MySQL 8.0)

  ,name VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL
  ,city VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO stuff(id,name,city) VALUES 
, (904835,'jim','London')
, (90145,'Fred','Paris')
, (90132,'Fred','Paris')
, (90133,'Fred','Paris')

, (923457,'Barney','New York') # not expected in result
      , COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY s.name, s.city) AS qty
    FROM stuff s
    ) t
WHERE t.qty > 1
ORDER BY t.name, t.city
    id | name | city   | qty
-----: | :--- | :----- | --:
 90145 | Fred | Paris  |   3
 90132 | Fred | Paris  |   3
 90133 | Fred | Paris  |   3
904834 | jim  | London |   2
904835 | jim  | London |   2

db<>fiddle here

Window functions. MySQL now supports window functions that, for each row from a query, perform a calculation using rows related to that row. These include functions such as RANK(), LAG(), and NTILE(). In addition, several existing aggregate functions now can be used as window functions; for example, SUM() and AVG(). For more information, see Section 12.21, “Window Functions”.

Given a staging table with 70 columns and only 4 representing duplicates, this code will return the offending columns:

FROM Staging.dbo.Stage S


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