[java] Return string Input with parse.string

I'm having an issue with a java program trying to get a string input from a joptionpane menu with a prompt box. With returning a string input. I don't know if im going about it all wrong by trying to use


Im very much a beginner with this so any help would have to be as simple as possible or a correction outright.

   private static String getStringInput (String prompt) {
         String input = EZJ.getUserInput(prompt);
         return String.parseString(input);

UseCalls.java:27: error: cannot find symbol
         return String.parseString(input);
 symbol:   method parseString(String)
 location: class String
 1 error

Here is a sample of the menu Im trying to use it with

    do {

        userInput = mainMenu();

        if (userInput.equals("1")) {
            String name = getStringInput("Name?");
            String address = getStringInput("Address?");
            call[numCalls++] = new Call();
        } while (!userInput.equals("0"));


Here is the EZJ mini method

public class EZJ {

public static String getUserInput (String prompt) {
    return JOptionPane.showInputDialog(prompt);
public static void dialog(String inputValue) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog ( null, inputValue );


This question is related to java string joptionpane

The answer is

If you're really bent upon converting Integer to String value, I suggest use String.valueOf(YourIntegerVariable). More details can be found at: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_string_valueof.htm

As you see in an error UseCalls.java:27: error: cannot find symbol return String.parseString(input); there is no method parseString in String class. There is no need to parse it as long as JOptionPane.showInputDialog(prompt); already returns a string.