[google-chrome] Chrome's remote debugging (USB debugging) not working for Samsung Galaxy S3 running android 4.3

My devices stopped working as Chrome de-activated the now depracated ADB plugin as it's built in dev-tools now.

I downloaded the SDK and followed the instructions at Chrome Developers. How ever I found the instructions served by Alphonso out not to be sufficient and I did it this way on Windows 8:

  1. Download Android SDK here ("SDK Tools Only" section) and unzip the content.
  2. Run SDK Manager.exe and install Android SDK platform tools
  3. Open up the Command prompt (simply by pressing the windows button and type in cmd.exe)
  4. Enter the path with ex: cd c:/downloads/sdk/platform-tools
  5. Open ADB by typing in adb.exe
  6. Run the following command by typing it and pressing enter: adb devices
  7. Check if you get the prompt on your device, if you still can't see your phone in Inspect Devices run the following commands one by one (excluding the ") "adb kill-server" "adb start-server" "adb devices"

I had major problems and managed to get it working with these steps. If you still have problems, google the guide Remote Debugging on Android with Chrome and check for the part about drivers. I had problems with my Samsung Galaxy Nexus that needed special drivers to be compatiable with ADB.


If you are using Windows 10 and couldn't find the link to download Android SDK; you may skip #1 and #2. All you need is activate "Android Debug Bridge". Go straight to #3 - #7 after download and execute "platform-tools"(https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools.html)

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